Crynodeb o'r Ymchwil
Mae fy niddordeb ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar ddysgu cysylltiol a niwrowyddoniaeth ymddygiadol yn gyffredinol, gyda phwyslais arbennig ar gyflogi modelau anifeiliaid i ddeall anhwylderau seiciatrig. Mae fy niddordebau yn cynnwys dealltwriaeth o brosesau gwobrwyo a sut mae hypo-ymatebolrwydd a gorymatebolrwydd yn effeithio ar ymddygiad caethiwus a chyflyrau seiciatrig. Fy niddordeb ymchwil yw archwilio sut mae'r ymennydd yn ymateb i giwiau sy'n gysylltiedig â chyffuriau a mathau eraill o wobrau. Fy nod yw deall a allai newidiadau yn y ffordd yr ydym yn prosesu gwobrau gyfrannu at fregusrwydd neu weithredu fel ffactor cynnal mewn unigolion sy'n delio ag anhwylderau seiciatrig.
Crynodeb o'r Addysgu
Rwy'n addysgu ystadegau rhagarweiniol ym Mlwyddyn 2. Rwyf hefyd yn cynnal sesiynau tiwtorial ar wybyddiaeth a seicoleg glinigol ac yn cefnogi seminarau MSc. Rwy'n darlithio ar ymyrraeth ymddygiadol yn y flwyddyn olaf.
- Gasalla, P., Figueroa, J., Waldmann, M. R. and Dwyer, D. M. 2024. Beyond the information (not) given: Associative mechanisms vs representations of uncertainty in 3 extinction in laboratory rats (Rattus norvegicus). Journal of Comparative Psychology (10.1037/com0000380)
- Lopez, M., Dwyer, D., Gasalla, P., Begega, A. and Jove, C. 2023. Odor-taste pairings lead to the acquisition of negative hedonic qualities by the odor in aversion learning. Physiology & Behavior 269, article number: 114269. (10.1016/j.physbeh.2023.114269)
- Gasalla Canto, P., Manahan-Vaughan, D., Dwyer, D. M., Hall, J. and Méndez-Couz, M. 2023. Characterisation of the neural basis underlying appetitive extinction & renewal in a Cacna1c rats. Neuropharmacology 227, article number: 109444. (10.1016/j.neuropharm.2023.109444)
- Figueroa, J., Gasalla, P., Müller, M. and Dwyer, D. 2020. Socially conditioned flavor preferences with fluids: transfer with solid foods, palatability, and testing constraints. Physiology and Behavior 223, article number: 112976. (10.1016/j.physbeh.2020.112976)
- Dwyer, D., Gasalla Canto, P. and Lopez, M. 2019. Partial reinforcement and conditioned taste aversion: No evidence for resistance to extinction. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 72(2), pp. 274-284. (10.1080/17470218.2017.1347191)
- Matias, L., Dwyer, D. and Gasalla Canto, P. 2019. Conditioned hedonic responses elicited by contextual cues paired with nausea or with internal pain. Behavioral Neuroscience 133(1), pp. 86-97. (10.1037/bne0000291)
- Dwyer, D., Gasalla Canto, P., Bura, S. and Lopez, M. 2017. Flavors paired with internal pain or with nausea elicit divergent types of hedonic responses. Behavioral Neuroscience 131(3), pp. 235-248. (10.1037/bne0000197)
- Soto, A., Gasalla, P., Begega, A. and Lopez, M. 2017. c-Fos activity in the insular cortex, nucleus accumbens and basolateral amygdala following the intraperitoneal injection of saccharin and lithium chloride. Neuroscience Letters 647, pp. 32-37. (10.1016/j.neulet.2017.03.025)
- Gasalla Canto, P., Begega, A., Soto, A., Dwyer, D. M. and López, M. 2016. Functional brain networks underlying latent inhibition of conditioned disgust in rats. Behavioural Brain Research 315, pp. 36-44. (10.1016/j.bbr.2016.07.051)
- Dwyer, D. M., Gasalla, P. and López, M. 2013. Nonreinforced flavor exposure attenuates the effects of conditioned taste aversion on both flavor consumption and cue palatability. Learning & Behavior 41(4), pp. 390-401. (10.3758/s13420-013-0114-x)
- López, M. et al. 2010. Latent inhibition of conditioned disgust reactions in rats. Learning and Behavior 38(2), pp. 177-186. (10.3758/LB.38.2.177)
- Gasalla, P., Figueroa, J., Waldmann, M. R. and Dwyer, D. M. 2024. Beyond the information (not) given: Associative mechanisms vs representations of uncertainty in 3 extinction in laboratory rats (Rattus norvegicus). Journal of Comparative Psychology (10.1037/com0000380)
- Lopez, M., Dwyer, D., Gasalla, P., Begega, A. and Jove, C. 2023. Odor-taste pairings lead to the acquisition of negative hedonic qualities by the odor in aversion learning. Physiology & Behavior 269, article number: 114269. (10.1016/j.physbeh.2023.114269)
- Gasalla Canto, P., Manahan-Vaughan, D., Dwyer, D. M., Hall, J. and Méndez-Couz, M. 2023. Characterisation of the neural basis underlying appetitive extinction & renewal in a Cacna1c rats. Neuropharmacology 227, article number: 109444. (10.1016/j.neuropharm.2023.109444)
- Figueroa, J., Gasalla, P., Müller, M. and Dwyer, D. 2020. Socially conditioned flavor preferences with fluids: transfer with solid foods, palatability, and testing constraints. Physiology and Behavior 223, article number: 112976. (10.1016/j.physbeh.2020.112976)
- Dwyer, D., Gasalla Canto, P. and Lopez, M. 2019. Partial reinforcement and conditioned taste aversion: No evidence for resistance to extinction. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 72(2), pp. 274-284. (10.1080/17470218.2017.1347191)
- Matias, L., Dwyer, D. and Gasalla Canto, P. 2019. Conditioned hedonic responses elicited by contextual cues paired with nausea or with internal pain. Behavioral Neuroscience 133(1), pp. 86-97. (10.1037/bne0000291)
- Dwyer, D., Gasalla Canto, P., Bura, S. and Lopez, M. 2017. Flavors paired with internal pain or with nausea elicit divergent types of hedonic responses. Behavioral Neuroscience 131(3), pp. 235-248. (10.1037/bne0000197)
- Soto, A., Gasalla, P., Begega, A. and Lopez, M. 2017. c-Fos activity in the insular cortex, nucleus accumbens and basolateral amygdala following the intraperitoneal injection of saccharin and lithium chloride. Neuroscience Letters 647, pp. 32-37. (10.1016/j.neulet.2017.03.025)
- Gasalla Canto, P., Begega, A., Soto, A., Dwyer, D. M. and López, M. 2016. Functional brain networks underlying latent inhibition of conditioned disgust in rats. Behavioural Brain Research 315, pp. 36-44. (10.1016/j.bbr.2016.07.051)
- Dwyer, D. M., Gasalla, P. and López, M. 2013. Nonreinforced flavor exposure attenuates the effects of conditioned taste aversion on both flavor consumption and cue palatability. Learning & Behavior 41(4), pp. 390-401. (10.3758/s13420-013-0114-x)
- López, M. et al. 2010. Latent inhibition of conditioned disgust reactions in rats. Learning and Behavior 38(2), pp. 177-186. (10.3758/LB.38.2.177)
- Figueroa, J., Gasalla, P., Müller, M. and Dwyer, D. 2020. Socially conditioned flavor preferences with fluids: transfer with solid foods, palatability, and testing constraints. Physiology and Behavior 223, article number: 112976. (10.1016/j.physbeh.2020.112976)
- Dwyer, D., Gasalla Canto, P. and Lopez, M. 2019. Partial reinforcement and conditioned taste aversion: No evidence for resistance to extinction. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 72(2), pp. 274-284. (10.1080/17470218.2017.1347191)
- Matias, L., Dwyer, D. and Gasalla Canto, P. 2019. Conditioned hedonic responses elicited by contextual cues paired with nausea or with internal pain. Behavioral Neuroscience 133(1), pp. 86-97. (10.1037/bne0000291)
- Dwyer, D., Gasalla Canto, P., Bura, S. and Lopez, M. 2017. Flavors paired with internal pain or with nausea elicit divergent types of hedonic responses. Behavioral Neuroscience 131(3), pp. 235-248. (10.1037/bne0000197)
- Gasalla Canto, P., Begega, A., Soto, A., Dwyer, D. M. and López, M. 2016. Functional brain networks underlying latent inhibition of conditioned disgust in rats. Behavioural Brain Research 315, pp. 36-44. (10.1016/j.bbr.2016.07.051)