Mae fy mhrif ddiddordebau ymchwil yn cynnwys:
- cyfieithu ac ôl-wladychiaeth;
- cyfieithiad a'r Holocost;
- amgueddfeydd cyfieithu a chofeb;
- cyfieithiad, actifiaeth ac undod;
- cyfieithu llenyddol a derbyniad.
Mae fy ngwaith wedi troi o gwmpas materion cynrychioli, cyfieithu a derbyn arallfydrwydd mewn perthynas â chanfyddiadau cyfunol o'r hunan. Canolbwyntiais ar gyfieithu Pwyleg a derbyn ysgrifennu ôl-drefedigaethol, gan ddatgelu cydadwaith o drafodaethau sy'n bodoli eisoes o wahaniaeth gyda thrafodaethau newydd o debygrwydd ôl-drefedigaethol Pwylaidd, a oedd yn flaenllaw yn rhannu profiadau hanesyddol.
Mae gen i ddiddordeb hefyd mewn cynrychiolaethau'r gorffennol drwy gyfieithu: mae fy mhrosiect presennol yn archwilio'r cysylltiadau rhwng arferion trosiadol ac adeiladu cof cenedlaethol a thrawswladol yr Holocost mewn amgueddfeydd coffa. Gan weithio ar y cyd â Dr Agnieszka Podpora (Prifysgol Jagiellonian), rwyf hyd yma wedi canolbwyntio ar rôl cyfieithu a'r defnydd o ieithoedd lluosog yn Amgueddfa Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Roedd meddwl am y berthynas rhwng yr hunan ac eraill hefyd yn fy arwain i archwilio gwahanol gysyniadoli o undod; Mae fy ymgais fy hun i ddamcaniaethu undod o fewn astudiaethau cyfieithu yn canolbwyntio ar y syniad o gyffredinedd ac yn gofyn sut y gall cyfieithu helpu i ehangu undod yn y byd sydd ohoni.
Ar ben hynny, rwyf wedi cyd-ysgrifennu cwrs byr ar-lein Gweithio gyda Chyfieithu, sydd wedi'i fwriadu ar gyfer y cyhoedd yn gyffredinol, gan gynnwys cyfieithu a dehongli defnyddwyr ac ymarferwyr. Mae'r cwrs wedi rhedeg yn rheolaidd ers 2016, gan ddenu miloedd lawer o ddysgwyr o tua 150 o wledydd.
- Gołuch, D. 2024. Thinking solidarity and translation together: Towards a new definition of solidarity. Translation & Interpreting 16(2), pp. 7-23. (10.12807/ti.116202.2024.a02)
- Goluch, D. 2021. Polish reception of translated postcolonial literature 1970–89. A metametonymic study. In: Heydel, M. and Ziemann, Z. eds. Retracing the History of Literary Translation in Poland. People, Politics, Poetics. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 144-162.
- Goluch, D. 2018. Polish-postcolonial similarities. Reception of translated postcolonial literature in Poland (1970–2010). Przekładaniec 2018 S, pp. 37-63. (10.4467/16891864ePC.18.002.9824)
- Gołuch, D. 2017. Polsko-postkolonialne podobieństwa? Recepcja tłumaczonej literatury postkolonialnej w Polsce (1970–2010) [Polish-Postcolonial similarities? Polish reception of translated Postcolonial literature (1970-2010)]. Przekładaniec. Special issue: (Post)kolonializm w przekładzie [(Post)colonialism in Translation] 33, pp. 46-70. (10.4467/16891864PC.16.023.7346)
- Radin Sabados, M., Goluch, D. and Harding, S. 2017. Fanon in the 'Second World': Yugoslavia, Poland and the Soviet Union. In: Batchelor, K. and Harding, S. eds. Translating Frantz Fanon Across Continents and Languages. Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies Abingdon and New York: Routledge
- Goluch, D. 2014. Estetyka, etyka i arytmetyka (a short article on translating postcolonial literature). Tygodnik Powszechny 2014(10 Dec), article number: 25203.
- Goluch, D., Rohatgi, R. and Smalley, N. 2014. Comparing centres, comparing peripheries: introduction. Comparative Critical Studies 11(Suppl.), pp. 1-8. (10.3366/ccs.2014.0140)
- Goluch, D. 2014. What does literary translation bring to an understanding of postcolonial cultural perceptions? On the Polish translation of Amos Tutuola’s 'The Palm-Wine Drinkard’. In: Boase-Beier, J., Fawcett, A. and Wilson, P. eds. Literary Translation: Re-Drawing the Boundaries. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 149-167.
- Goluch, D. 2013. ‘O recepcji przekładów literatury iberoamerykańskiej w Polsce z trochę innej perspektywy’ [On the reception of translations of Latin American Literature in Poland: a slightly different perspective; review of Małgorzata Gaszyńska-Magiera’s 2011 book Recepcja przekładów literatury iberoamerykańskiej w Polsce w latach 1945–2005 z perspektywy komunikacji międzykulturowej] [Book Review]. Przekładaniec(26), pp. 337-349.
- Goluch, D. 2011. Chinua Achebe translating, translating Chinua Achebe: on the Polish translation of "Things Fall Apart". In: Whittaker, D. ed. Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, pp. 197-218.
- Goluch, D. 2011. I Rather Dead: A Spivakian reading of Indo-Caribbean women’s narratives. Howrah: Roman Books.
Adrannau llyfrau
- Goluch, D. 2021. Polish reception of translated postcolonial literature 1970–89. A metametonymic study. In: Heydel, M. and Ziemann, Z. eds. Retracing the History of Literary Translation in Poland. People, Politics, Poetics. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 144-162.
- Radin Sabados, M., Goluch, D. and Harding, S. 2017. Fanon in the 'Second World': Yugoslavia, Poland and the Soviet Union. In: Batchelor, K. and Harding, S. eds. Translating Frantz Fanon Across Continents and Languages. Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies Abingdon and New York: Routledge
- Goluch, D. 2014. What does literary translation bring to an understanding of postcolonial cultural perceptions? On the Polish translation of Amos Tutuola’s 'The Palm-Wine Drinkard’. In: Boase-Beier, J., Fawcett, A. and Wilson, P. eds. Literary Translation: Re-Drawing the Boundaries. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 149-167.
- Goluch, D. 2011. Chinua Achebe translating, translating Chinua Achebe: on the Polish translation of "Things Fall Apart". In: Whittaker, D. ed. Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, pp. 197-218.
- Gołuch, D. 2024. Thinking solidarity and translation together: Towards a new definition of solidarity. Translation & Interpreting 16(2), pp. 7-23. (10.12807/ti.116202.2024.a02)
- Goluch, D. 2018. Polish-postcolonial similarities. Reception of translated postcolonial literature in Poland (1970–2010). Przekładaniec 2018 S, pp. 37-63. (10.4467/16891864ePC.18.002.9824)
- Gołuch, D. 2017. Polsko-postkolonialne podobieństwa? Recepcja tłumaczonej literatury postkolonialnej w Polsce (1970–2010) [Polish-Postcolonial similarities? Polish reception of translated Postcolonial literature (1970-2010)]. Przekładaniec. Special issue: (Post)kolonializm w przekładzie [(Post)colonialism in Translation] 33, pp. 46-70. (10.4467/16891864PC.16.023.7346)
- Goluch, D. 2014. Estetyka, etyka i arytmetyka (a short article on translating postcolonial literature). Tygodnik Powszechny 2014(10 Dec), article number: 25203.
- Goluch, D., Rohatgi, R. and Smalley, N. 2014. Comparing centres, comparing peripheries: introduction. Comparative Critical Studies 11(Suppl.), pp. 1-8. (10.3366/ccs.2014.0140)
- Goluch, D. 2013. ‘O recepcji przekładów literatury iberoamerykańskiej w Polsce z trochę innej perspektywy’ [On the reception of translations of Latin American Literature in Poland: a slightly different perspective; review of Małgorzata Gaszyńska-Magiera’s 2011 book Recepcja przekładów literatury iberoamerykańskiej w Polsce w latach 1945–2005 z perspektywy komunikacji międzykulturowej] [Book Review]. Przekładaniec(26), pp. 337-349.
- Goluch, D. 2011. I Rather Dead: A Spivakian reading of Indo-Caribbean women’s narratives. Howrah: Roman Books.
Anchored in translation studies, postcolonial studies, Polish studies and comparative literature, my work has revolved around the issues of representing, translating and receiving otherness. My main research interests include:
- translation from a postcolonial perspective
- postcolonial literatures, their translation and reception
- questions of similarity and solidarity between ‘marginal’ regions, in particular between Eastern Europe and postcolonial countries.
My current project explores sixPolish translations of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darknessand their numerous editions, asking how Conrad’s image of Africa has been received and revised in Poland in the pre-war period, during Communism and after 1989. I am also working on another project, which deals with the Polish reception of Frantz Fanon, focusing on two constructions of the Fanon figure: as a Marxist fighter and, later, as a postcolonial intellectual.
Prior to that, I completed an AHRC-funded doctoral project, entitled Postcolonial Literature in Polish Translation (1970–2010): Difference, Similarity and Solidarity. The thesis examines Polish reception of translated postcolonial prose to discuss Polish perceptions of postcolonial peoples and the corresponding Polish self-perceptions in the context of timely debates about East European postcoloniality and, generally, contemporary global synergies and solidarities. The examination is based on a discursive analysis of circa one thousand Polish reviews of translated African, Indian, Middle Eastern and Caribbean prose, which were published in Poland between 1970 and 2010.
Overall, the thesis demonstrates that postcolonial literature in translation was consistently – post-1989 discursive shifts notwithstanding – viewed by Polish reviewers as vital to developing knowledge of postcolonial peoples and that this goal determined the preferred translation effects (i.e. intelligibility and informativeness). Notably, the reviewers’ interest in translation may suggest that in the case of translating across a conspicuous cultural divide, translation need not be as ‘invisible’ as it tends to be otherwise. Moreover, the thesis reveals that while the long-standing perceptions of civilizational difference between Poland and non-European, postcolonial countries remained salient, statements of Polish-postcolonial similarity were gaining currency. Finally, I ventured a view that, enabled by the perceptions of similarity, solidarity could be forged between nationally, socially, politically and culturally delineated Polish and postcolonial constituencies.
Alongside studying reviews, I have analysed Polish translations of African literature, including Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe (1958) and The Palm-Wine Drinkard (1952) by Amos Tutuola. I initially assumed that because postcolonial authors purposefully intervened into the European languages they used, translations should convey defamiliarizing effects to capture the postcolonial (self-)representations. The novels I studied underwent partly normalizing translations instead. Yet, after learning the translators’ viewpoints from prefaces and an interview, I appreciated potential merits of linguistic normalization, such as granting African texts a measure of prestige associated with fluent language. I also commented on the universalist discursive framing of Tutuola’s translation: I associated it with Cold War propaganda about brotherhood with Africa, without ruling out its significance for intercultural understanding.
In my early work I applied critical tools derived from the writings of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak to literary works by the Indo-Caribbean female authors Shani Mootoo, Ramabai Espinet, Lakshmi Persaud and others. I showed how their subaltern, or disenfranchised, female characters subverted regulative psychobiographies (i.e. model narratives imposed by society) through paid work, sexual emancipation, or, in extreme cases, murder and suicide.
I teach on the following modules: Introduction to Translation Theory (Year 1), Introduction to Translation Methods (Year 1), Advanced Translation Practice (Year 3), Theory of Translation (MA), Translation Methods and Skills (MA), Translation and Adaptation in the Arts (MA), Specialized Translation: Politics and Law (MA), Nationalism in Europe (MA).
I am currently co-supervising two doctoral projects in the field of translation studies (on the 'natural' translator and on fan translation). I welcome inquiries from potential PhD candidates, particularly those who are interested in translation and such problematics as power, representation, narrative, identity, culture, history or marginality. I am also interested in supervising theses on translation from or into Polish.
I studied English philology and translation studies at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow (magister in 2008), postcolonial literature at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich (exchange year) and postcolonial studies at the University of Kent (MA in 2009). After that, I completed an AHRC-funded project on the Polish reception of translated postcolonial literature at University College London, where I worked under the guidance of Professor Theo Hermans and Dr Katarzyna Zechenter (PhD, 2013).
During my PhD study I worked as a postgraduate research assistant at UCL, a tutor at the University of Leicester and an administrator of the Translation Research Summer School. I have also been involved in the work of academic associations: I acted as a postgraduate representative of the British Comparative Literature Association (2010–2013) and a web officer of the Postcolonial Studies Association (2011–2014). In 2014 I joined the publications committee of Legenda as a secretary.
Alongside my academic work I gained experience in translating popular literature, localization and teaching English as a foreign language.
I joined Cardiff as a lecturer in translation studies in 2013.
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
Gwobr Cyfoethogi Bywydau Myfyrwyr ar gyfer Cydlynydd Cynrychiolwyr Myfyrwyr y Flwyddyn (2016)
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Rwy'n croesawu ymholiadau gan ymgeiswyr PhD posibl, yn enwedig ym meysydd:
- cyfieithu ac ôl-wladychiaeth;
- cyfieithiad, actifiaeth ac undod;
- cyfieithu llenyddol a derbyn;
- cyfieithiad, astudiaethau cof a'r Holocost;
- cyfieithu mewn amgueddfeydd coffa;
- cyfieithu o ac i mewn i Bwyleg.
Rwyf wedi cyd-oruchwylio wyth prosiect doethurol ar ystod o bynciau, gan gynnwys cyfieithu ffan, ffanssubbing, hyfforddiant cyfieithu, dwyieithrwydd a chyfieithu 'naturiol', cyfieithu ieithoedd lleiafrifol, cymdeithaseg cyfieithu, cyfieithu a seicdreiddio, yn ogystal â chyfieithu a'r Holocost.
Myfyrwyr PhD cyfredol:
- Jacob Lloyd: 'Ymchwilio i gyfieithwyr clyweledol mewn lleoliadau amhroffesiynol drwy lens cymdeithaseg cyfieithu'
- Alexander Morgan: 'Gadewch i'r iaith barhau: cyfieithu Tsieinëeg i'r Gymraeg'
- Abdullah Alqarni: 'Cyfieithu Llenyddiaeth Hunangymorth Saesneg i Arabeg o Safbwynt Cymdeithasol-ddiwylliannol'
- Lea Klein: 'Y Strwythurau Disgwrs Anymwybodol mewn ac o Gyfieithu'