Yr Athro Katherine Griffiths
- Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rwy'n arbenigwr mewn dau faes: addasu amlgyfrwng (radio, teledu, ffilm, llenyddiaeth a chyfryngau eraill) a llenyddiaeth y byd ar y BBC (teledu a radio).
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n cwblhau dau fonograff: Zola, Prydain, a Radio'r BBC: A History of Canonization (Rhydychen: Legenda 2026) ac Addasu Ffrainc: Llenyddiaeth Ffrangeg ar Deledu'r BBC (Rhydychen: Legenda 2026).
Er fy mod drwy hyfforddi arbenigwr llenyddol o'r bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg, mae fy ymchwil (ac o ganlyniad fy addysgu) bellach yn rhychwantu eras, y cyfryngau (ffilm, teledu, llenyddiaeth, paentio a radio) a chenhedloedd.
Roeddwn yn ymgynghorydd academaidd ar gyfer addasiad blwyddyn BBC Radio 4 o nofelau Emile Zola a chyd-oruchwyliais wobr ddoethurol gydweithredol lwyddiannus AHRC gyda BBC Radio Drama (2016-2020). Rwy'n parhau i weithio mewn swydd ymgynghorol gyda'r BBC.
Ymddangosodd fel panelydd ar raglen BBC Radio In Our Time ym mis Hydref 2023 i drafod Germinal Zola: BBC Radio 4 - In Our Time, Germinal
- Griffiths, K. and Watts, A. 2020. The history of French literature on film. The History of World Literatures on Film. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
- Griffiths, K. 2020. Zola and the art of television: adaptation, recreation, translation. Cambridge: Modern Humanities Research Association.
- Griffiths, K. 2020. Therese Raquin and the anxieties of adaptation. In: Lewis, A. and Arnold-de Simine, S. eds. Adapting the Canon: Mediation, Visualization, Interpretatio. Cambridge: Legenda
- Griffiths, K. 2014. Radio and the space of adaptation: Diana Griffiths's 'Madame Bovary' (Radio 4, 2006). Dix-Neuf 18(2), pp. 211-223. (10.1179/1478731814Z.00000000054)
- Griffiths, K. 2013. Visions and revisions: Pierre Cardinal's L'Oeuvre. In: Harrow, S. R. ed. The Art of Text. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 171-185.
- Griffiths, K. 2013. Spectral cinema: Le journal d’une femme de chambre. In: Stone, R. and Gutiérrez Albilla, J. D. eds. A Companion to Luis Buñuel. Wiley-Blackwell Companions to Film Directors Series Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 399-413.
- Griffiths, K. and Watts, A. 2013. Adapting nineteenth century France: literature in film, theatre, television, radio and print. French and Francophone Studies. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
- Griffiths, K. 2011. Memories in/of Thérèse Raquin: Émile Zola and Marcel Carné. French Studies 65(2), pp. 188-199. (10.1093/fs/knq250)
- Evans, D. and Griffiths, K. eds. 2011. Institutions and power in nineteenth-century French literature and culture. Amsterdam / New York: Rodopi.
- Griffiths, K. 2011. Mythical returns: televising Therese Raquin. Nineteenth-Century French Studies 39(3-4), pp. 285-295. (10.1353/ncf.2011.0016)
- Griffiths, K. and Evans, D. eds. 2009. Haunting presences: Ghosts in French literature and culture. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
- Griffiths, K. 2009. Emile Zola and the artistry of adaptation. London: Legenda.
- Evans, D. and Griffiths, K. eds. 2008. Pleasure and pain in nineteenth-century French literature and culture. Amsterdam / New York: Rodopi.
- Griffiths, K. 2007. Borrowed identities: Mathieu Kassovitz and Djamel Bensalah. New Cinemas 4(3), pp. 185-195. (10.1386/ncin.4.3.185_1)
- Doughty, R. and Griffiths, K. 2006. Racial reflection: La Haine and the art of borrowing. Studies in European Cinema 3(2), pp. 117-127. (10.1386/seci.3.2.117_1)
- Griffiths, K. 2006. The ghost of the author: Zola, Renoir and La Bête humaine. Excavatio 21(1-2), pp. 239-250.
- Griffiths, K. 2006. Descartes and Lacan: Print and the subject of citation. New Zealand Journal of French Studies 27, pp. 16-28.
- Griffiths, K. and Rorato, L. 2006. Voicing difference: An interview with Silvia Ricci Lempen. In: Charnley, J. and Pender, M. eds. Exercises in Translation: Swiss-British Cultural Interchange. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 89-106.
- Griffiths, K. 2005. Hunt the author: Vadim, Zola and La Curée. Studies in European Cinema 2(1), pp. 7-17. (10.1386/seci.2.1.7/1)
- Griffiths, K. 2003. Mimesis and mimeticism: Mimicking gods in the work of Emile Zola. In: Thompson, H. ed. New Approaches to Zola: Selected Papers from the 2002 Cambridge Centenary Colloquium. London: Emile Zola Society, pp. 21-41.
- Griffiths, K. 2003. Scribbling ghosts: The textual spectres and spectral texts of Émile Zola. In: Horn, J. and Russell-Watts, L. eds. Possessions: Essays in French Literature, Cinema and Theory. Modern French Identities Vol. 24. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 51-65.
- Griffiths, K. 2002. The haunted mirrors of Emile Zola and Guy de Maupassant. Bulletin of the Emile Zola Society 26, pp. 3-13.
Adrannau llyfrau
- Griffiths, K. 2020. Therese Raquin and the anxieties of adaptation. In: Lewis, A. and Arnold-de Simine, S. eds. Adapting the Canon: Mediation, Visualization, Interpretatio. Cambridge: Legenda
- Griffiths, K. 2013. Visions and revisions: Pierre Cardinal's L'Oeuvre. In: Harrow, S. R. ed. The Art of Text. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 171-185.
- Griffiths, K. 2013. Spectral cinema: Le journal d’une femme de chambre. In: Stone, R. and Gutiérrez Albilla, J. D. eds. A Companion to Luis Buñuel. Wiley-Blackwell Companions to Film Directors Series Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 399-413.
- Griffiths, K. and Rorato, L. 2006. Voicing difference: An interview with Silvia Ricci Lempen. In: Charnley, J. and Pender, M. eds. Exercises in Translation: Swiss-British Cultural Interchange. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 89-106.
- Griffiths, K. 2003. Mimesis and mimeticism: Mimicking gods in the work of Emile Zola. In: Thompson, H. ed. New Approaches to Zola: Selected Papers from the 2002 Cambridge Centenary Colloquium. London: Emile Zola Society, pp. 21-41.
- Griffiths, K. 2003. Scribbling ghosts: The textual spectres and spectral texts of Émile Zola. In: Horn, J. and Russell-Watts, L. eds. Possessions: Essays in French Literature, Cinema and Theory. Modern French Identities Vol. 24. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 51-65.
- Griffiths, K. 2014. Radio and the space of adaptation: Diana Griffiths's 'Madame Bovary' (Radio 4, 2006). Dix-Neuf 18(2), pp. 211-223. (10.1179/1478731814Z.00000000054)
- Griffiths, K. 2011. Memories in/of Thérèse Raquin: Émile Zola and Marcel Carné. French Studies 65(2), pp. 188-199. (10.1093/fs/knq250)
- Griffiths, K. 2011. Mythical returns: televising Therese Raquin. Nineteenth-Century French Studies 39(3-4), pp. 285-295. (10.1353/ncf.2011.0016)
- Griffiths, K. 2007. Borrowed identities: Mathieu Kassovitz and Djamel Bensalah. New Cinemas 4(3), pp. 185-195. (10.1386/ncin.4.3.185_1)
- Doughty, R. and Griffiths, K. 2006. Racial reflection: La Haine and the art of borrowing. Studies in European Cinema 3(2), pp. 117-127. (10.1386/seci.3.2.117_1)
- Griffiths, K. 2006. The ghost of the author: Zola, Renoir and La Bête humaine. Excavatio 21(1-2), pp. 239-250.
- Griffiths, K. 2006. Descartes and Lacan: Print and the subject of citation. New Zealand Journal of French Studies 27, pp. 16-28.
- Griffiths, K. 2005. Hunt the author: Vadim, Zola and La Curée. Studies in European Cinema 2(1), pp. 7-17. (10.1386/seci.2.1.7/1)
- Griffiths, K. 2002. The haunted mirrors of Emile Zola and Guy de Maupassant. Bulletin of the Emile Zola Society 26, pp. 3-13.
- Griffiths, K. and Watts, A. 2020. The history of French literature on film. The History of World Literatures on Film. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
- Griffiths, K. 2020. Zola and the art of television: adaptation, recreation, translation. Cambridge: Modern Humanities Research Association.
- Griffiths, K. and Watts, A. 2013. Adapting nineteenth century France: literature in film, theatre, television, radio and print. French and Francophone Studies. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
- Evans, D. and Griffiths, K. eds. 2011. Institutions and power in nineteenth-century French literature and culture. Amsterdam / New York: Rodopi.
- Griffiths, K. and Evans, D. eds. 2009. Haunting presences: Ghosts in French literature and culture. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
- Griffiths, K. 2009. Emile Zola and the artistry of adaptation. London: Legenda.
- Evans, D. and Griffiths, K. eds. 2008. Pleasure and pain in nineteenth-century French literature and culture. Amsterdam / New York: Rodopi.
- Griffiths, K. 2014. Radio and the space of adaptation: Diana Griffiths's 'Madame Bovary' (Radio 4, 2006). Dix-Neuf 18(2), pp. 211-223. (10.1179/1478731814Z.00000000054)
- Griffiths, K. 2013. Visions and revisions: Pierre Cardinal's L'Oeuvre. In: Harrow, S. R. ed. The Art of Text. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 171-185.
- Griffiths, K. 2013. Spectral cinema: Le journal d’une femme de chambre. In: Stone, R. and Gutiérrez Albilla, J. D. eds. A Companion to Luis Buñuel. Wiley-Blackwell Companions to Film Directors Series Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 399-413.
- Griffiths, K. and Watts, A. 2013. Adapting nineteenth century France: literature in film, theatre, television, radio and print. French and Francophone Studies. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
- Griffiths, K. 2011. Memories in/of Thérèse Raquin: Émile Zola and Marcel Carné. French Studies 65(2), pp. 188-199. (10.1093/fs/knq250)
- Evans, D. and Griffiths, K. eds. 2011. Institutions and power in nineteenth-century French literature and culture. Amsterdam / New York: Rodopi.
- Griffiths, K. 2011. Mythical returns: televising Therese Raquin. Nineteenth-Century French Studies 39(3-4), pp. 285-295. (10.1353/ncf.2011.0016)
- Griffiths, K. and Evans, D. eds. 2009. Haunting presences: Ghosts in French literature and culture. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
- Griffiths, K. 2009. Emile Zola and the artistry of adaptation. London: Legenda.
- Evans, D. and Griffiths, K. eds. 2008. Pleasure and pain in nineteenth-century French literature and culture. Amsterdam / New York: Rodopi.
- Griffiths, K. 2007. Borrowed identities: Mathieu Kassovitz and Djamel Bensalah. New Cinemas 4(3), pp. 185-195. (10.1386/ncin.4.3.185_1)
- Doughty, R. and Griffiths, K. 2006. Racial reflection: La Haine and the art of borrowing. Studies in European Cinema 3(2), pp. 117-127. (10.1386/seci.3.2.117_1)
- Griffiths, K. 2006. The ghost of the author: Zola, Renoir and La Bête humaine. Excavatio 21(1-2), pp. 239-250.
- Griffiths, K. 2006. Descartes and Lacan: Print and the subject of citation. New Zealand Journal of French Studies 27, pp. 16-28.
- Griffiths, K. and Rorato, L. 2006. Voicing difference: An interview with Silvia Ricci Lempen. In: Charnley, J. and Pender, M. eds. Exercises in Translation: Swiss-British Cultural Interchange. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 89-106.
- Griffiths, K. 2005. Hunt the author: Vadim, Zola and La Curée. Studies in European Cinema 2(1), pp. 7-17. (10.1386/seci.2.1.7/1)
- Griffiths, K. 2003. Mimesis and mimeticism: Mimicking gods in the work of Emile Zola. In: Thompson, H. ed. New Approaches to Zola: Selected Papers from the 2002 Cambridge Centenary Colloquium. London: Emile Zola Society, pp. 21-41.
- Griffiths, K. 2003. Scribbling ghosts: The textual spectres and spectral texts of Émile Zola. In: Horn, J. and Russell-Watts, L. eds. Possessions: Essays in French Literature, Cinema and Theory. Modern French Identities Vol. 24. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 51-65.
- Griffiths, K. 2002. The haunted mirrors of Emile Zola and Guy de Maupassant. Bulletin of the Emile Zola Society 26, pp. 3-13.
Cipio Grant
Rwyf wedi derbyn Gwobr Absenoldeb Ymchwil AHRC, Cymrodoriaeth AHRC a Gwobr Ddoethurol Gydweithredol AHRC gyda BBC Radio Drama.
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n paratoi cais grant mawr ar Brydain, y BBC a'r Gymanwlad.
Cyhoeddiadau monograff mewn print
Rwy'n awdur pedwar monograff:
Emile Zola and the Artistry of Adaptation (Rhydychen: Legenda, 2009)
Addasu Ffrainc y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg: Llenyddiaeth mewn Ffilm, Theatr, Teledu, Radio a Phrint (ysgrifennwyd ar y cyd â Dr Andrew Watts, Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 2013)
Emile Zola and the Art of Television: Addasu, Hamdden, Cyfieithu (Rhydychen: Legenda, 2020)
A History of French Literature on Film (cyd-ysgrifennwyd gyda Dr Andrew Watts, Efrog Newydd: Bloomsbury, 2020)
Cyhoeddiadau monograff wedi'u contractio/sydd ar ddod
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n cwblhau dau brosiect monograff contract:
Zola, Prydain a Radio'r BBC: A History of Canonization (Rhydychen: Legenda, 2026)
Addasu Ffrainc: Llenyddiaeth Ffrangeg ar Deledu'r BBC (Rhydychen: Legenda, 2026)
Ffocws ymchwil
Mae gan fy ymchwil ddau brif fantais:
Addasiad amlgyfrwng wrth i destunau deithio ar draws amser, y cyfryngau ac iaith, gan ail-lunio eu hunain ar gyfer gwahanol gyd-destunau/ffurfiau/tafodau cenedlaethol a marchnadoedd diwylliannol
Hanes creadigol, masnachol, diwylliannol a gwleidyddol BBC Radio a Theledu.
Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil yn bwydo i mewn i'r grŵp ymchwil rhyngsefydliadol, rhyng-sefydliadol yr wyf yn ei redeg gyda Dr Bradley Stephens (Bryste) a Dr Andrew Watts (Birmingham): CELF (Addasu, Hamdden, Cyfieithu). Wedi'i sefydlu yn 2011, mae ART yn archwilio maes addasu yn y cyfnod modern. Ei nod yw sefydlu damcaniaeth addasu sy'n datblygu dealltwriaeth academaidd a diwylliannol o'r broses hon sy'n aml yn falamu ond yn hanesyddol eang. Bwriad dealltwriaeth o'r fath yw hwyluso deialog gynhyrchiol rhwng beirniaid, defnyddwyr ac ymarferwyr, ac wrth wneud hynny bydd yn gwneud cyfraniad uniongyrchol i'r economi greadigol.
Mae gen i brofiad helaeth o addysgu mewn:
Llenyddiaeth y Byd
Ffilm Byd
Theori Beirniadol a Diwylliannol
Theori ac Ymarfer Cyfieithu
Theori ac Ymarfer Addasu
Ar ôl graddio gyda BA mewn Ieithoedd Modern a Chanoloesol ac MPhil mewn Llenyddiaeth Ewropeaidd o Brifysgol Caergrawnt, treuliais flwyddyn yn astudio ym Mhrifysgol Harvard ar raglen ysgoloriaeth. Wedi hynny dychwelais i Gaergrawnt i ysgrifennu Ph.D ar Seicoddadansoddiad a Naturyddiaeth. Ym mlwyddyn olaf fy astudiaethau, gweithiais fel Darlithydd dros dro ym Mhrifysgol Warwick cyn dechrau swyddi ym Mhrifysgol Bangor (2002) a Phrifysgol Abertawe (2007). Symudais i ddechrau yn y swydd yng Nghaerdydd ym mis Medi 2011
Papurau diweddar a ddewiswyd
Papurau Llawn/Gwahoddiad
Ebrill 2022 'Pryd ddaeth diwedd y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg?' 20fed cynhadledd flynyddol Cymdeithas Dix-Neuviemistes. Papur bwrdd crwn gyda Susan Harrow.
Hydref 2021 'Hanes Llenyddiaeth Ffrangeg ar Ffilm', NCFS Unbound (Kate Griffiths ac Andrew Watts mewn sgwrs â Susan Harrow): NCFS (Astudiaethau Ffrengig y Bedwaredd Ganrif ar Bymtheg) Heb ei rwymo, rhan 3 (youtube.com)
Ebrill 2020 'Dechrau/Terfyniadau', 18fed Cynhadledd Flynyddol Cymdeithas Dix-Neuviemistes, Prifysgol y Frenhines, Belfast.
Medi 2012 'Sŵlas Aml-Gyfrwng', Ailgyfluniadau: O Papyrus i Ôl-strwythuraeth, Cynhadledd i Raddedigion Ieithoedd Modern Bryste a Chaerwysg.
Mawrth 2012 'Emile Zola et l'art de l'adaptation', RIRRA 21 Journée d'études, Montpellier III.
Papurau Cynhadledd
Mehefin 2023 'Y Blynyddoedd Canol Gyrfa', 64ain Cynhadledd Flynyddol y Gymdeithas Astudiaethau Ffrangeg, Prifysgol Newcastle. Cyfraniad Ford Gron.
Awst 2016 'Translating Zola for 21st Century Television: Audience, Consumption, Context and The Paradise (BBC, 2012), Suming the Victorians, British Association for Victorian Studies, Cardiff University.
Gorffennaf 2015, 'Radio and the Nineteenth-Century Novel', Cymdeithas Astudiaethau Ffrengig, Prifysgol Caerdydd.
Hydref 2014, 'Multimedia Zolas', IMLR Llundain.
Hydref 2014, 'Zola across media', IMLR Llundain.
Hydref 2014, 'Flaubert and BBC Radio', Seminar Ymchwil Prifysgol Stirling .
Medi 2014, 'Addasu Amlgyfrwng ', Seminar Ymchwil ENCAP Prifysgol Caerdydd.
Ebrill 2011 'Translating Maupassant for Television: The Anxieties of Influence', Cynhadledd 'Dylanwad', Neuadd Reid, Paris.
Ebrill 2011 'Zola and Radio', Prifysgol Birmingham, cynhadledd flynyddol Cymdeithas Dix-Neuviémistes. J
Gorffennaf 2010 'Televising Thérèse Raquin', 51ain cynhadledd flynyddol y Gymdeithas Astudiaethau Ffrangeg.
Mawrth 2009 'Zola and the Art of Inheritance', The Emile Zola Society, Llundain.
Hydref 2008 'Zola and the Artistry of Adaptation', Seminar Ymchwil Ffrangeg Prifysgol Birmingham.
Tachwedd 2008 'Cyfieithu'r bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg i'r sgrin fawr', Seminar Ymchwil Cyfryngau Prifysgol Abertawe.
Medi 2008 'Zola and the Art of Obfuscation', 12fed Cynhadledd BIRTHA, Canolfan Astudio Diwylliannau Gweledol a Llenyddol, Prifysgol Bryste.
Awst 2008 'Uchel/Isel: Televising Zola', Prifysgol Cymru, Llanbedr Pont Steffan, yn addasu'r bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg.
Gorffennaf 2008 'Cofio ac Anghofio: Zola, Carné a Thérèse Raquin', Sefydliad Technoleg Dulyn, Fforwm Ymchwil Sinema Ewropeaidd Blynyddol.
Mawrth 2008 'Cof ac Addasu', Prifysgol Manceinion, Cynhadledd flynyddol Cymdeithas Dix-Neuviémistes.
Hydref 2007 'Tarddiad Shifting: Zola and the Art of Adaptation', Prifysgol St Andrews Seminar Ymchwil Ffrangeg.
La Terre and the Art of Inheritance, 33ain Coloquium Astudiaethau Ffrangeg Blynyddol y 19eg Ganrif, Prifysgol Alabama.
Gorff 2007 'Nana: Copïau a Gwreiddiol', 48ain Cynhadledd Flynyddol y Gymdeithas Astudiaethau Ffrangeg, Prifysgol Birmingham.
Rolau Ysgol
Rwyf wedi gwasanaethu fel Cyfarwyddwr Ymchwil, Cyfarwyddwr Recriwtio a Derbyn, Cadeirydd y pwyllgor Moeseg Ymchwil, Arweinydd Ymweld ag Ysgolheigion ac Arweinydd Rhaglen ar gyfer MA Cyfieithu.
Roeddwn i'n Bennaeth yr Ysgol rhwng 2019 a 2021.
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
- Aelod Panel Adolygu Cyfoed yr AHRC
- Golygydd Cyswllt H-France Salon
- Aelod o'r Bwrdd Golygyddol Ffrangeg a Ffrangeg Cyfres yn UWP Press
- Jan. 2015 Gwobr Ddoethurol Gydweithredol AHRC gyda BBC Radio Drama
- Ionawr 2012-Medi 2012 Grant Cymrodoriaeth AHRC
- Medi 2006-Ionawr 2007 Grant Absenoldeb Ymchwil AHRC
- Mai 2006 Grant Cynhadledd Dramor yr Academi Brydeinig
- Ionawr 2006 Grant Sefydliad Cynhadledd Cymdeithas Astudiaethau Ffrangeg
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
2008-2015 Swyddog Cyhoeddusrwydd ar gyfer y Gymdeithas Astudiaethau Ffrangeg
2004-2012 Swyddog Ymchwil ac Adnoddau Cymdeithas Dix-Neuviémistes
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
2002-2007 Lecturer in Romance Studies, University of Wales Bangor
2007-2011 Lecturer in French, Swansea University
2011-2012 Lecturer in French and Translation Studies, Cardiff University
2012-2016 Senior Lecturer in French and Translation Studies, Cardiff University
2016- Reader in French and Translation Studies, Cardiff University
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Rwyf wedi goruchwylio amrywiaeth o bynciau PhD gan gynnwys lleoleiddio cynnyrch ar gyfer marchnadoedd Arabeg, ôl-fywydau addasol Game of Thrones, ysgrifennu cenhadol Ffrangeg, hiwmor isdeitlo, cyflwyno ffaniau, hanes Drama Sain y BBC, isdeitlo ffilmiau Tsieineaidd ar gyfer cynulleidfa Anglophone.
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n goruchwylio traethodau ymchwil ar:
Isdeitlo Ffilm Ffantasi i mewn Arabeg
Cyfieithiad diwylliannol o Japan i ddiwylliant pop Ffrangeg
Rwy'n croesawu ceisiadau gan ymgeiswyr sy'n gweithio ar:
Llenyddiaeth y Byd
Ffilm Byd
Theori ac Ymarfer Addasu
Damcaniaeth Feirniadol
Theori ac Ymarfer Cyfieithu
Contact Details
+44 29208 76927
66a Plas y Parc, Ystafell 2.32, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3AS