Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Hartmut Grote

Yr Athro Hartmut Grote

(Translated he/him)

Sefydliad Archwilio Disgyrchiant

Ysgol Ffiseg a Seryddiaeth

Adeiladau'r Frenhines - Adeilad y Gogledd, Ystafell N/1.08, 5 The Parade, Heol Casnewydd, Caerdydd, CF24 3AA


Rwy'n Athro Ffiseg yn y Sefydliad Archwilio Disgyrchiant.

Fy mhrif arbenigedd a phrofiad yw ymchwil ffiseg disgyrchiant arbrofol, yn arbennig offeryniaeth ar gyfer synwyryddion tonnau disgyrchol. Mae gen i ddiddordeb hefyd mewn archwilio sut i gymhwyso interferometry manwl i ffiseg sylfaenol, er enghraifft wrth chwilio am fater tywyll. 

Rwy'n Ymchwilydd Prinipal i'r consortiwm "Interferometry Gwell Meintwm ar gyfer Ffiseg Newydd", lle rydym yn chwilio am ronynnau newydd y tu hwnt i'r model safonol ac am lofnodion arbrofol meintioli disgyrchiant gofod-amser neu led-glasurol. Gellir dod o hyd i fwy am ein consortiwm yma:

Consortiwm QI






Cyd-olygais y llyfr 2 gyfrol "Advanced Interferometric Gravitational-Wave Detectors" (World Scientific, 2019):

Llyfr Synhwyrydd Uwch

a chyhoeddi llyfr yn cyflwyno hanes byr o ymchwil tonnau disgyrchol, gwaith y synwyryddion, a'r canfyddiadau cyntaf ar gyfer cynulleidfa gyffredinol (Gwasg CRC, 2019)

Llyfr Tonnau Disgyrchol

mae'r fersiwn Almaeneg o'r llyfr ar gael yma (C.H. Beck, 2018):

Llyfr Tonnau Disgyrchol (fersiwn Almaeneg)















Adrannau llyfrau




My research interest is in instrumentation for gravitational wave detectors, and how these complex machines can be made more sensitive and reliable. Interferometric gravitational wave detectors embody phyiscs and engineering from many disciplines, like mechanics, optics, control systems, electronics, computing, solid state physics, and vacuum technology.

Examples of my particular interests are: Improving the readout methods with which gravitational wave information is obtained from the optical output of what we call the main interferometer, understanding and improving the complex alignment system of gravitational wave detectors that hold all optics at their correct angles at all times, and researching ways to reduce the quantum noise in interferometers.

I also have an interest in the application of precision interferometry techniques to other fundamental physics questions, like the measurement of birefringence of the vacuum, the search for new particles beyond the standard model, and more exotic questions.



PX4230/PXT128 Physics and Reality

PXT901 Experimental Gravitational-Wave Physics I


PX4133 / PXT127 Modern Quantum Optics

PXT902 Experimental Gravitational-Wave Physics II


  • since 2018: Faculty member in the School of Physics and Astronomy, Cardiff University. Chair of experimental gravitational-wave physics
  • 2009 – 2017: Scientific leader of the GEO600 gravitational wave detector
  • 2015 – 2016: Visiting research associate at Caltech / LIGO Livingston Observatory
  • 2004 – 2014: Various research visits to NAOJ (Japan) and LIGO Laboratory (Caltech and LIGO Livingston Observatory)
  • 2003 – 2008: Research fellow, Max-Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Hannover: Commissioning and noise analysis of GEO600
  • 2003: Phd (Doctorate) in physics from Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
  • 1999 – 2003: Scientific assistant, Max-Planck institute for gravitational physics. Locking and automatic alignment of GEO600
  • 1993 – 1997: Systems developer, Research laboratories of Medical University of Hannover. Development of special research equipment for medical research (Self-learning heart beat detection, leg length measurement machine, ergometer calorimeter)

Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau

  • Gwobr Arloesedd Leibinger, Gwobr 1af 2023, ynghyd â H. Vahlbruch a B. Willke. Dyfernir bob 2 flynedd am gyfraniadau rhagorol i wyddoniaeth laser a chymwysiadau.
  • Gwobr arloesol arbennig mewn ffiseg sylfaenol a ddyfarnwyd i R. W. P. Drever, K. S. Thorne, R. Weiss, a 1012 o gyfranwyr at ddarganfod tonnau disgyrchol, 2016
  • Gwobr Cosmoleg Gruber a ddyfarnwyd i R. W. P. Drever, K. S. Thorne, R. Weiss, ac aelodau cydweithrediadau LIGO a Virgo, 2016
  • JSPS (Cymdeithas Japan ar gyfer Hyrwyddo Gwyddoniaeth), 2008
  • Gwobr am y traethawd ymchwil cyn-diploma gorau (cyfwerth â baglor)