Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Dominic Guitard

Dr Dominic Guitard


Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig


Research Summary

When shopping for ingredients for a recipe, it is essential to pick up each ingredient without being too distracted by thinking about the order in which the ingredients will be assembled; whereas when all ingredients are laid out on the kitchen counter, there are strong cues indicating the ingredients and attention should be shifted primarily to the order in which these ingredients are to be used. This simple example highlights the two fundamental traits of memory, item information (ingredients in the example) and order information (order of the ingredient in the example).

Item and order information are omnipresent in our life and essential for performing our daily activities (e.g., taking our medications). Beyond the important practical implications, how we can remember items in presented order, is one of the oldest unanswered questions of experimental psychology.

In my research, I am conducting experimental and computational examinations to better understand that question. More exactly, I investigate how people can learn, maintain, and remember information in order and which factors affect item and order information (e.g., attention, semantic, emotion, lexical, sub-lexical, recall direction, irrelevant information, dual-task).

I am particularly interested in the problem of attention allocation, memory, language, prior knowledge, and knowledge representations. My theoretical goal is to develop a coherent account of memory, attention, learning, and language. My applied goal is to apply the theoretical knowledge to inform the development of educational practices and cognitive technologies.













Crynodeb o'r Addysgu

Ar lefel UG, rwy'n addysgu ar y modiwl ar gyfer Meddwl, Emosiwn ac Ymwybyddiaeth Blwyddyn 2 (PS2023) ac rwyf hefyd yn rhoi tiwtorialau academaidd Blwyddyn 2.

Ar lefel PG, rwy'n cyfrannu at oruchwylio'r modiwl prosiect ymchwil (PST723), ac yn gweithredu fel tiwtor personol.


2018-2021: PhD mewn Seicoleg, Université de Moncton

2016-2018: Meistr yn y Celfyddydau mewn Seicoleg, Université de Moncton

2013-2016: Baglor y Celfyddydau mewn Seicoleg, Université de Moncton

Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol

2022 - presennol: Darlithydd, Ysgol Seicoleg, Prifysgol Caerdydd

2021 - 2022: Cymrodoriaeth Ymchwil Ôl-ddoethurol (NSERC), Adran Gwyddorau Seicolegol, Prifysgol Missouri

Pwyllgorau ac adolygu

Ad-hoc adolygydd:

Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, Journal of Cognition, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Memory & Gwybyddiaeth, Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, Prosesu Gwybyddol, Gwyddoniaeth Gwybyddol, Acta Psychologica, Cof, The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology, Iaith a Gwybyddiaeth, Gwybyddiaeth.

Contact Details

Email GuitardD@caerdydd.ac.uk

Campuses Adeilad y Tŵr, Ystafell 8.09, Plas y Parc, Caerdydd, CF10 3AT