Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Julie Gwilliam   MA(Cantab), BArch, MSc, PhD

Dr Julie Gwilliam

MA(Cantab), BArch, MSc, PhD

Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig

Timau a rolau for Julie Gwilliam

  • Deon Astudiaethau Ôl-raddedig Coleg y Gwyddorau Ffisegol a Pheirianneg

    Gwyddorau Ffisegol a Pheirianneg



  • Dean for PG Studies for the College of Physical Sciences and Engineering
  • Associate Dean for Environmental Sustainability for the University
  • UG and PGT  – Holistic Sustainability
  • March and MSc Dissertation supervisor
  • Higher degree (PhD / MPhil) supervision: currently I am lead super for 4 PhD student (second supervising 1 PhD student)

External activities




















Book sections






Research interests

Julie’s interests in recent years have focused on the role of education and continuing professional development in the delivery of a transition towards sustainable development; the study and teaching of environmental design and sustainability as applied to the built environment. She is also interested in the social production of buildings, collaborative practices, the investigation of professional working practices in the delivery of built environment sustainability. She is currently focussing on an emerging piece of research to understand what is required in terms of leadership from built environment professions in order to enable transition towards holistic sustainable practices and a more economically, environmentally and socially sustainable future.

As a first phase of this work she is undertaking a piece of work to “Evaluate Sustainable Design in Stirling Prize Winning Buildings and their Architects” which intends to explore and evaluate aspects of holistic sustainability as manifest in the winners of the Stirling Prize over the past 21 years, considering both building and architect. As such this project will provide an excellent opportunity to develop an intimate familiarity with some of the most iconic buildings of the past two decades.

Main expertise

Sustainability in the Built Environment.


Teaching profile

Dissertation supervisor:

  • PhD, MPhil, MArch, MSc & MAUD schemes

Past teaching responsibilities included:

Leader for 10 years of the MSc in Theory and Practice of Sustainable Design.

  • Including delivery of 3 Specialist modules for the MSc TPSD
    • Sustainable Building Module
    • Building Procurement and Performance Module
    • Sustainable Design Practice Module


Following studying for a BA in Architecture from Clare College, Cambridge, my studies continued at Cardiff University for BArch, MSc and PhD at the Welsh School of Architecture. I joined the academic staff at the school in 2003, where my PhD and early research work focused on the impact of Climate Change on the Built Environment. Latterly I have developed and delivered professional development strategies and courses promoting sustainability in the built environment including an MSc in Sustainable Design.

Currently my research focuses on the interdisciplinary social production of both sustainable and unsustainable built environments; further, in the role that critical engagement with architectural precedent can play in promoting positive transition in these complex systems.

Aelodaethau proffesiynol

  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
  • Member of NCEUB Network for Comfort and Energy Use in Buildings (2006 – 2012)
  • Member of RIBA Commission on Ethics and Sustainable Development (2017 ongoing)
  • Member of RIBA Research Practice (Wales) Group (2018 ongoing)

Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol


2020 (Ongoing)             Associate Dean for Environmental Sustainability, Cardiff University

2020 (Ongoing)             Reader, Welsh School of Architecture

2018 (Ongoing)             Dean for Post Graduate Studies, College of Physical Sciences


2013                             Senior Lecturer, Welsh School of Architecture

2008                             Lecturer, Welsh School of Architecture

2003                             Research Associate, Welsh School of Architecture

Pwyllgorau ac adolygu

  • Reviewing research papers for high impact factor journals such as Energy and Buildings, Building & Environment.
  • Reviewing books for RIBA (Royal Institute for British Architects) Routledge as expert in Environmental design and sustainability.
  • Assistant Editor for ARQ – 2010 - 2012

Meysydd goruchwyliaeth

Supervision experience

14 PhD and 2 MPhil to completion; currently supervising 3 PhDs.

Additional supervision interests

Happy to consider all architectural sustainability and environmental design topics, especially those in the context of furthering the understanding of what is required in terms of leadership from built environment professions in order to enable transition towards holistic sustainable practices and a more economically, environmentally and socially sustainable future.

Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol

Sarah O'Dwyer

Sarah O'Dwyer

MSc Darlithydd

Contact Details

Email GwilliamJA@caerdydd.ac.uk
Telephone +44 29208 75977
Campuses Adeilad Bute, Ystafell 2.34B, Rhodfa'r Brenin Edward VII, Caerdydd, CF10 3NB