Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Kirsty Harding

Kirsty Harding

Dylunydd Graffig a Darlunydd Archaeolegol Digidol


I am an archaeologist specialising in digital illustration & graphic design. My skills were developed working in commercial archaeology producing desk based assessments, maps, plans, sections and excavation reports for publication. I currently support all sections within the School of History, Archaeology and Religion using Adobe Creative Cloud applications to produce a range of illustrations and infographics for books and journals, as well as typesetting, designing booklets, logos and other print and digital media. I am part of the teaching team for the undergraduate and postgraduate archaeological illustration & photography modules. I am also an active member of Guerilla Archaeology (https://guerillaarchaeology.com/), helping to create content and deliver workshops and activities to engage diverse audiences with archaeology.

Contact Details

Email HardingK8@caerdydd.ac.uk

Campuses Adeilad John Percival , Ystafell 2.26, Rhodfa Colum, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU
Datgelu’r Aifft

Datgelu’r Aifft

01 April 2024