Dr Neil Harris
Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Cynllunio Statudol
- Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Neil is a Senior Lecturer in Statutory Planning whose research focuses on using conceptual frameworks to better understand the instruments and operation of the statutory planning system.
- Harris, N. 2025. Back to the land: evaluating One Planet Development as a planning mechanism for promoting alternative forms of rural living.. In: Gallent, N. et al. eds. Postcapitalist Countrysides: From commoning to community wealth building.. London: UCL Press, pp. 167-190., (10.14324/111.9781800087675)
- Smith, T., Khan, M., Harris, N. and Yaratgan, D. 2025. Llanishen to grow up in. A children and young people’s plan for Llanishen, Cardiff.. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- McVicar, M., Turnbull, N., Harris, N., Heslop, I. and Soleman, M. 2024. Community engagement in local development plans. Project Report. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University.
- Khan, M., Harris, N. and Smith, T. 2024. Planning for children’s play in Wales. Scottish Planner(198), pp. 14-14.
- Harris, N. 2023. RTPI Research Report - Building capacity through collaboration and change: Making the most efficient and effective use of existing planning resources in Wales.. RPTI Cymru.
- Harris, N. 2023. The spatial, material and temporal dimensions of planning regulations: a legal geography perspective.. Planning Theory and Practice 24(1), pp. 80-96. (10.1080/14649357.2022.2154824)
- Khan, M., Smith, T., Harris, N. and Nekeb, S. 2023. Co-creating a neighbourhood plan with children and young people: A toolkit for planners, designers, teachers and youth workers.. Manual. Cardiff University.
- Khan, M., Nekeb, S., Smith, T., Harris, N. and McVicar, M. 2023. A Grangetown to grow up in: A children and young people's plan for Grangetown, Cardiff.. Project Report. Cardiff University.
- Khan, M., Smith, T. and Harris, N. 2022. Co-designing a greener, fairer and stronger community for children’s wellbeing,. [Online]. SALUS - Global Knowledge Exchange website: SALUS. Available at: https://salus.global/article-show/co-designing-a-greener-fairer-and-stronger-community-for-children-s-wellbeing
- Harris, N. 2021. 'The exception to the rule’: exploring the exception and the exceptional in planning policy. Town Planning Review 92(5), pp. 517-536. (10.3828/tpr.2021.17)
- MacPherson, I. et al. 2020. RTPI measuring what matters: planning outcomes research handbook.
- MacPherson, I. et al. 2020. Report 1: Measuring what matters: planning outcomes toolkit for Wales. London, England: Royal Town Planning Institute. Available at: https://www.rtpi.org.uk/research/2020/november/measuring-what-matters-planning-outcomes-research/
- Harris, N. 2019. Exceptional spaces for sustainable living: the regulation of One Planet Developments in the open countryside.. Planning Theory and Practice 20(1), pp. 11-36. (10.1080/14649357.2018.1562562)
- Webb, B., Harris, N. and Smith, R. 2019. Rural housing delivery in Wales: How effective is rural exception site policy?. Technical Report.
- Sartorio, F. S., Harris, N. and Thomas, H. 2018. Interpreting planners' talk about change: An exploratory study.. Planning Theory 17(4), pp. 605-627. (10.1177/1473095217742183)
- Harris, N., Webb, B. and Smith, R. 2018. The changing role of household projections: exploring policy conflict and ambiguity in planning for housing. Town Planning Review 89(4), pp. 403-424. (10.3828/tpr.2018.24)
- Harris, N. 2017. Enforcing planning regulations in areas of high immigration: a case study of London. Town Planning Review 88(5), pp. 499-529. (10.3828/tpr.2017.32)
- Webb, B., Harris, N., Cooper, C. and Healy, A. 2017. Identification of regional areas for the National Development Framework. Project Report. Welsh Government.
- Harris, N. 2017. Reinventing a small, worldly city - the cultural and social transformation of Cardiff [Book Review]. Planning Perspectives 32(4), pp. 655-656. (10.1080/02665433.2017.1345068)
- Harris, N. R., Webb, B. and Smith, R. S. G. 2016. The process for developing robust housing evidence for local development plans. Project Report. [Online]. Royal Town Planning Institute. Available at: http://www.rtpi.org.uk/media/1653691/rtpi_research_briefing_household_projections_in_wales_15_january_2016.pdf
- Harris, N. 2015. The use of surveillance technologies in planning enforcement. Planning Practice and Research 30(5), pp. 528-547. (10.1080/02697459.2015.1076133)
- Harris, N. R., Biddulph, M. J., Thomas, A. H., Sartorio, F. and Frank, A. I. 2015. Horizon scanning: future trends and the skills needed to deliver the planning system in Wales. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Biddulph, M. J., Harris, N. R. and Thomas, A. H. 2014. DAS ist not always so good. Town & Country Planning 2014(2), pp. 84-84.
- Biddulph, M. J., Harris, N. R. and Thomas, A. H. 2014. Review of design and access statements in Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Welsh Government. Available at: http://wales.gov.uk/docs/desh/research/131129das-research-final-report-en.pdf
- , . Silva, E. A. et al. eds. 2014. The Routledge handbook of planning research methods. New York, NY: Routledge.
- Harris, N. R. 2014. Shifting between academia and practice: reflections on doing planning research in a university environment. In: de Silva, d. S. E. et al. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Planning Research. Routledge, pp. 12-17.
- Harris, N. R. 2014. 'Make no little plans': planning in Wales 1945-1996. Cynllunio 2014(Summer), pp. 8-10.
- Silva, E. A., Healey, P., Harris, N. R. and Van den Broek, P. 2014. The craft of 'doing research' in spatial and regional planning. In: The Routledge Handbook of Planning Reserch Methods. New York, NY: Routledge, pp. xxiv-xlii.
- Harris, N. R. 2013. Surveillance, social control and planning: citizen engagement in the detection and investigation of breaches of planning control. Town Planning Review 84(2), pp. 171-196. (10.3828/tpr.2013.11)
- Harris, N. R., Thomas, A. H. and Sartorio, F. 2012. A new approach to managing development: towards a Welsh Planning Act. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Crown Copyright. Available at: http://gov.wales/topics/planning/planningresearch/publishedresearch/anewapproach/?lang=en
- Harris, N. R. and Thomas, A. H. 2011. Clients, customers and consumers: a framework for exploring the user-experience of the planning service. Planning Theory & Practice 12(2), pp. 249-268. (10.1080/14649357.2011.580157)
- Harris, N. R. 2011. Discipline, surveillance, control: a foucaultian perspective on the enforcement of planning regulations. Planning Theory & Practice 12(1), pp. 57-76. (10.1080/14649357.2011.545631)
- Harris, N. R. 2010. Discretion and expediency in the enforcement of planning controls. Town Planning Review 81(6), pp. 675-700. (10.3828/tpr.2010.26)
- Harris, N. R. 2010. European spatial research and planning [Book Review]. International Planning Studies 15(1), pp. 73-75. (10.1080/13563471003736985)
- Harris, N. R. and Thomas, A. H. 2009. Making Wales: spatial strategy making in a devolved context. In: Davoudi, S. and Strange, I. eds. Conceptions of Space and Place in Strategic Spatial Planning. RTPI Library Series Vol. 17. London: Routledge, pp. 43-69.
- Harris, N. R., Thomas, A. H. and Scarfi, A. 2009. Small businesses and the planning system in Wales. Report to the Federation of Small Businesses. Stage 2: Review of national and local planning policies. Project Report. Cardiff: Federation of Small Businesses.
- Harris, N. R., Thomas, A. H. and Scarfi, A. 2008. Small businesses and.the planning system in Wales. Report to the Federation of Small Businesses. Stage 1: small businesses’ costs and experiences of applying forplanning permissionand related consents.. Cardiff: Federation of Small Businesses. Available at: http://www.fsb.org.uk/policy/rpu/wales/images/fsb%20planning%20english.pdf
- Adams, N., Alden, J. D. and Harris, N. R. 2006. Regional development and spatial planning in an enlarged European Union. Urban and Regional Planning and Development Series. Aldershot: Ashgate.
- Adams, N., Alden, J. D. and Harris, N. R. 2006. Reviewing experience of regional development and spatial planning in Europe. In: Adams, N., Alden, J. D. and Harris, N. R. eds. Regional Development and Spatial Planning in an Enlarged European Union. Urban and Regional Planning and Development Series Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 265-275.
- Adams, N., Alden, J. D. and Harris, N. R. 2006. Introduction: regional development and spatial planning in an enlarged European Union. In: Adams, N., Alden, J. D. and Harris, N. R. eds. Regional Development and Spatial Planning in an Enlarged European Union. Urban and Regional Planning and Development Series Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 3-15.
- Harris, N. R. 2006. Increasing and spreading prosperity: regional development, spatial planning and the enduring 'prosperity gap' in Wales. In: Adams, N., Alden, J. D. and Harris, N. R. eds. Regional Development and Spatial Planning in an Enlarged European Union. Urban and Regional Planning and Development Series Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 87-106.
- Harris, N. R. and Hooper, A. J. 2006. Redefining 'the space that is Wales': place, planning and the Wales spatial plan. In: Tewdwr-Jones, M. and Allmendinger, P. eds. Territory, Identity and Spatial Planning: Spatial governance in a Fragmented Nation. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 139-152.
- Adams, N. and Harris, N. R. 2005. Best Practice Guidelines for Regional Development Strategies. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.espon-interstrat.eu/library_details.php?idnews=46&powrot=library_new.php
- Harris, N. R. and Hooper, A. J. 2004. Rediscovering the "Spatial" in public policy and planning; an examination of the spatial content of sectoral policy documents. Planning Theory & Practice 5(2), pp. 147-169. (10.1080/14649350410001691736)
- Booth, C., Batty, E., Gilroy, R., Dargan, L., Thomas, H., Harris, N. R. and Imrie, R. 2004. Planning and Diversity: Research into Policies and Procedures. Project Report. [Online]. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. Available at: http://www.communities.gov.uk/documents/planningandbuilding/pdf/148175.pdf
- Harris, N. R. and Thomas, A. H. 2004. Planning for a diverse society? A review of the UK Governments Planning Policy Guidance. Town Planning Review 75(4), pp. 473-500.
- Harris, N. R. 2004. Experiential learning in built environment education [Editorial]. Cebe Transactions 1(1), pp. 3-7.
- Harris, N. R., Bishop, K. D. and Hooper, A. J. 2002. Constructing the practice of "Spatial Planning": a national spatial planning framework for Wales. Environment and Planning C Government and Policy 20(4), pp. 555-572. (10.1068/c17m)
- Harris, N. R. 2001. Planning Policy, Policy Guidance, and Technical Advice: a review and analysis of the Technical Advice Notes (Wales) Series. Town Planning Review 72(4), pp. 393-422.
- Harris, N. R. 2001. Collaborative planning: from theoretical foundations to practice forms. In: Allmendinger, P. and Tewdwr-Jones, M. eds. Planning Futures: New Directions in Planning Theory. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 21-43.
- Harris, N. R. 2000. Practice through a lens: a metaphor for planning theory. Journal of Planning Education and Research 19(3), pp. 309-315. (10.1177/0739456X0001900310)
- Crow, S. and Harris, N. R. 2000. Outline planning applications and permissions: the refurbishment of time-worn practice?. Journal of Planning and Environment Law(3), pp. 246-259.
- Crow, S., Harris, N. R., Thomas, H. and Yewlett, C. 2000. Fitness for Purpose: The Quality in Development Plans: A Guide to Good Practice. Project Report. [Online]. London: Royal Town Planning Institute. Available at: https://secure.rtpi.org.uk/download/647/Fitness-for-Purpose.pdf
- Harris, N. R. 1999. 'Working Away From Home': Philosophical Understanding in the Development of Planning Theory. Journal of Planning Education and Research 19(1), pp. 93-97. (10.1177/0739456X9901900109)
- Khan, M., Harris, N. and Smith, T. 2024. Planning for children’s play in Wales. Scottish Planner(198), pp. 14-14.
- Harris, N. 2023. The spatial, material and temporal dimensions of planning regulations: a legal geography perspective.. Planning Theory and Practice 24(1), pp. 80-96. (10.1080/14649357.2022.2154824)
- Harris, N. 2021. 'The exception to the rule’: exploring the exception and the exceptional in planning policy. Town Planning Review 92(5), pp. 517-536. (10.3828/tpr.2021.17)
- Harris, N. 2019. Exceptional spaces for sustainable living: the regulation of One Planet Developments in the open countryside.. Planning Theory and Practice 20(1), pp. 11-36. (10.1080/14649357.2018.1562562)
- Sartorio, F. S., Harris, N. and Thomas, H. 2018. Interpreting planners' talk about change: An exploratory study.. Planning Theory 17(4), pp. 605-627. (10.1177/1473095217742183)
- Harris, N., Webb, B. and Smith, R. 2018. The changing role of household projections: exploring policy conflict and ambiguity in planning for housing. Town Planning Review 89(4), pp. 403-424. (10.3828/tpr.2018.24)
- Harris, N. 2017. Enforcing planning regulations in areas of high immigration: a case study of London. Town Planning Review 88(5), pp. 499-529. (10.3828/tpr.2017.32)
- Harris, N. 2017. Reinventing a small, worldly city - the cultural and social transformation of Cardiff [Book Review]. Planning Perspectives 32(4), pp. 655-656. (10.1080/02665433.2017.1345068)
- Harris, N. 2015. The use of surveillance technologies in planning enforcement. Planning Practice and Research 30(5), pp. 528-547. (10.1080/02697459.2015.1076133)
- Biddulph, M. J., Harris, N. R. and Thomas, A. H. 2014. DAS ist not always so good. Town & Country Planning 2014(2), pp. 84-84.
- Harris, N. R. 2014. 'Make no little plans': planning in Wales 1945-1996. Cynllunio 2014(Summer), pp. 8-10.
- Harris, N. R. 2013. Surveillance, social control and planning: citizen engagement in the detection and investigation of breaches of planning control. Town Planning Review 84(2), pp. 171-196. (10.3828/tpr.2013.11)
- Harris, N. R. and Thomas, A. H. 2011. Clients, customers and consumers: a framework for exploring the user-experience of the planning service. Planning Theory & Practice 12(2), pp. 249-268. (10.1080/14649357.2011.580157)
- Harris, N. R. 2011. Discipline, surveillance, control: a foucaultian perspective on the enforcement of planning regulations. Planning Theory & Practice 12(1), pp. 57-76. (10.1080/14649357.2011.545631)
- Harris, N. R. 2010. Discretion and expediency in the enforcement of planning controls. Town Planning Review 81(6), pp. 675-700. (10.3828/tpr.2010.26)
- Harris, N. R. 2010. European spatial research and planning [Book Review]. International Planning Studies 15(1), pp. 73-75. (10.1080/13563471003736985)
- Harris, N. R. and Hooper, A. J. 2004. Rediscovering the "Spatial" in public policy and planning; an examination of the spatial content of sectoral policy documents. Planning Theory & Practice 5(2), pp. 147-169. (10.1080/14649350410001691736)
- Harris, N. R. and Thomas, A. H. 2004. Planning for a diverse society? A review of the UK Governments Planning Policy Guidance. Town Planning Review 75(4), pp. 473-500.
- Harris, N. R. 2004. Experiential learning in built environment education [Editorial]. Cebe Transactions 1(1), pp. 3-7.
- Harris, N. R., Bishop, K. D. and Hooper, A. J. 2002. Constructing the practice of "Spatial Planning": a national spatial planning framework for Wales. Environment and Planning C Government and Policy 20(4), pp. 555-572. (10.1068/c17m)
- Harris, N. R. 2001. Planning Policy, Policy Guidance, and Technical Advice: a review and analysis of the Technical Advice Notes (Wales) Series. Town Planning Review 72(4), pp. 393-422.
- Harris, N. R. 2000. Practice through a lens: a metaphor for planning theory. Journal of Planning Education and Research 19(3), pp. 309-315. (10.1177/0739456X0001900310)
- Crow, S. and Harris, N. R. 2000. Outline planning applications and permissions: the refurbishment of time-worn practice?. Journal of Planning and Environment Law(3), pp. 246-259.
- Harris, N. R. 1999. 'Working Away From Home': Philosophical Understanding in the Development of Planning Theory. Journal of Planning Education and Research 19(1), pp. 93-97. (10.1177/0739456X9901900109)
Book sections
- Harris, N. 2025. Back to the land: evaluating One Planet Development as a planning mechanism for promoting alternative forms of rural living.. In: Gallent, N. et al. eds. Postcapitalist Countrysides: From commoning to community wealth building.. London: UCL Press, pp. 167-190., (10.14324/111.9781800087675)
- Harris, N. R. 2014. Shifting between academia and practice: reflections on doing planning research in a university environment. In: de Silva, d. S. E. et al. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Planning Research. Routledge, pp. 12-17.
- Silva, E. A., Healey, P., Harris, N. R. and Van den Broek, P. 2014. The craft of 'doing research' in spatial and regional planning. In: The Routledge Handbook of Planning Reserch Methods. New York, NY: Routledge, pp. xxiv-xlii.
- Harris, N. R. and Thomas, A. H. 2009. Making Wales: spatial strategy making in a devolved context. In: Davoudi, S. and Strange, I. eds. Conceptions of Space and Place in Strategic Spatial Planning. RTPI Library Series Vol. 17. London: Routledge, pp. 43-69.
- Adams, N., Alden, J. D. and Harris, N. R. 2006. Reviewing experience of regional development and spatial planning in Europe. In: Adams, N., Alden, J. D. and Harris, N. R. eds. Regional Development and Spatial Planning in an Enlarged European Union. Urban and Regional Planning and Development Series Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 265-275.
- Adams, N., Alden, J. D. and Harris, N. R. 2006. Introduction: regional development and spatial planning in an enlarged European Union. In: Adams, N., Alden, J. D. and Harris, N. R. eds. Regional Development and Spatial Planning in an Enlarged European Union. Urban and Regional Planning and Development Series Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 3-15.
- Harris, N. R. 2006. Increasing and spreading prosperity: regional development, spatial planning and the enduring 'prosperity gap' in Wales. In: Adams, N., Alden, J. D. and Harris, N. R. eds. Regional Development and Spatial Planning in an Enlarged European Union. Urban and Regional Planning and Development Series Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 87-106.
- Harris, N. R. and Hooper, A. J. 2006. Redefining 'the space that is Wales': place, planning and the Wales spatial plan. In: Tewdwr-Jones, M. and Allmendinger, P. eds. Territory, Identity and Spatial Planning: Spatial governance in a Fragmented Nation. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 139-152.
- Harris, N. R. 2001. Collaborative planning: from theoretical foundations to practice forms. In: Allmendinger, P. and Tewdwr-Jones, M. eds. Planning Futures: New Directions in Planning Theory. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 21-43.
- , . Silva, E. A. et al. eds. 2014. The Routledge handbook of planning research methods. New York, NY: Routledge.
- Adams, N., Alden, J. D. and Harris, N. R. 2006. Regional development and spatial planning in an enlarged European Union. Urban and Regional Planning and Development Series. Aldershot: Ashgate.
- Smith, T., Khan, M., Harris, N. and Yaratgan, D. 2025. Llanishen to grow up in. A children and young people’s plan for Llanishen, Cardiff.. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- McVicar, M., Turnbull, N., Harris, N., Heslop, I. and Soleman, M. 2024. Community engagement in local development plans. Project Report. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University.
- Harris, N. 2023. RTPI Research Report - Building capacity through collaboration and change: Making the most efficient and effective use of existing planning resources in Wales.. RPTI Cymru.
- Khan, M., Smith, T., Harris, N. and Nekeb, S. 2023. Co-creating a neighbourhood plan with children and young people: A toolkit for planners, designers, teachers and youth workers.. Manual. Cardiff University.
- Khan, M., Nekeb, S., Smith, T., Harris, N. and McVicar, M. 2023. A Grangetown to grow up in: A children and young people's plan for Grangetown, Cardiff.. Project Report. Cardiff University.
- MacPherson, I. et al. 2020. RTPI measuring what matters: planning outcomes research handbook.
- MacPherson, I. et al. 2020. Report 1: Measuring what matters: planning outcomes toolkit for Wales. London, England: Royal Town Planning Institute. Available at: https://www.rtpi.org.uk/research/2020/november/measuring-what-matters-planning-outcomes-research/
- Webb, B., Harris, N. and Smith, R. 2019. Rural housing delivery in Wales: How effective is rural exception site policy?. Technical Report.
- Webb, B., Harris, N., Cooper, C. and Healy, A. 2017. Identification of regional areas for the National Development Framework. Project Report. Welsh Government.
- Harris, N. R., Webb, B. and Smith, R. S. G. 2016. The process for developing robust housing evidence for local development plans. Project Report. [Online]. Royal Town Planning Institute. Available at: http://www.rtpi.org.uk/media/1653691/rtpi_research_briefing_household_projections_in_wales_15_january_2016.pdf
- Harris, N. R., Biddulph, M. J., Thomas, A. H., Sartorio, F. and Frank, A. I. 2015. Horizon scanning: future trends and the skills needed to deliver the planning system in Wales. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Biddulph, M. J., Harris, N. R. and Thomas, A. H. 2014. Review of design and access statements in Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Welsh Government. Available at: http://wales.gov.uk/docs/desh/research/131129das-research-final-report-en.pdf
- Harris, N. R., Thomas, A. H. and Sartorio, F. 2012. A new approach to managing development: towards a Welsh Planning Act. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Crown Copyright. Available at: http://gov.wales/topics/planning/planningresearch/publishedresearch/anewapproach/?lang=en
- Harris, N. R., Thomas, A. H. and Scarfi, A. 2009. Small businesses and the planning system in Wales. Report to the Federation of Small Businesses. Stage 2: Review of national and local planning policies. Project Report. Cardiff: Federation of Small Businesses.
- Harris, N. R., Thomas, A. H. and Scarfi, A. 2008. Small businesses and.the planning system in Wales. Report to the Federation of Small Businesses. Stage 1: small businesses’ costs and experiences of applying forplanning permissionand related consents.. Cardiff: Federation of Small Businesses. Available at: http://www.fsb.org.uk/policy/rpu/wales/images/fsb%20planning%20english.pdf
- Adams, N. and Harris, N. R. 2005. Best Practice Guidelines for Regional Development Strategies. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.espon-interstrat.eu/library_details.php?idnews=46&powrot=library_new.php
- Booth, C., Batty, E., Gilroy, R., Dargan, L., Thomas, H., Harris, N. R. and Imrie, R. 2004. Planning and Diversity: Research into Policies and Procedures. Project Report. [Online]. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. Available at: http://www.communities.gov.uk/documents/planningandbuilding/pdf/148175.pdf
- Crow, S., Harris, N. R., Thomas, H. and Yewlett, C. 2000. Fitness for Purpose: The Quality in Development Plans: A Guide to Good Practice. Project Report. [Online]. London: Royal Town Planning Institute. Available at: https://secure.rtpi.org.uk/download/647/Fitness-for-Purpose.pdf
- Khan, M., Smith, T. and Harris, N. 2022. Co-designing a greener, fairer and stronger community for children’s wellbeing,. [Online]. SALUS - Global Knowledge Exchange website: SALUS. Available at: https://salus.global/article-show/co-designing-a-greener-fairer-and-stronger-community-for-children-s-wellbeing
My research focuses on using conceptual frameworks to better understand the instruments and operation of the statutory planning system. My research focuses primarily on the planning systems of the United Kingdom. Specific aspects of the planning system that I have worked on recently include strategic spatial planning and planning enforcement.
Neil has completed research for government, professional bodies, charities and campaigning organisations and has advised government on the planning system in Wales.
'A New Approach to Managing Development in Wales'.
This Welsh Government funded project explores the potential for change to the system of development management in Wales and will inform legislative change and the crafting of Wales's first planning act in 2015. The project is being completed with Arup and Liz Mills Associates and draws on comparative study of other planning systems.
'The detection and investigation of breaches of planning control'.
This pilot project is funded by Cardiff University and explores the role that members of the public play in supporting the planning enforcement functions of local planning authorities. The project draws on surveillance studies literature to explore citizen-engagement in the enforcement of planning controls.
'Small businesses and the planning system'.
This two-stage research project was funded by the Federation of Small Businesses. The Federation was concerned that the planning system in Wales was not meeting the needs of small businesses. The project reviewed national planning policies and explored small business applicants' experiences of the planning system. The project made recommendations for ensuring that the planning system was more suited to the needs of small businesses.
Rwy'n addysgu ar gyfres o fodiwlau israddedig ar bob cam o'n cyrsiau cynllunio achrededig.
Rwy'n arweinydd modiwl ar gyfer modiwlau ar ddatblygu ac adfywio eiddo, cyfraith ac ymarfer cynllunio, a theori gynllunio. Rwyf hefyd yn cyfrannu at fodiwlau rhagarweiniol ar gynllunio trefol.
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n gweithredu neu wedi gweithredu fel arholwr allanol ar gyrsiau cynllunio ym Mhrifysgol Queen's Belfast, Prifysgol Glasgow, Prifysgol Gorllewin Lloegr, Prifysgol Lerpwl, a Phrifysgol South Bank Llundain.
- Doctor of Philosophy, University of Wales (2002)
- Diploma in Social Science Research Methods, Cardiff University (1997)
- Diploma in Town Planning awarded with Distinction, Cardiff University (1996)
- BSc City and Regional Planning awarded with First Class Honours, Cardiff University (1994)
- Senior Lecturer, School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University, (2007-present)
- Lecturer, School of City and Regional Planning, Cardiff University, (1999 - 2007)
Memberships / External Activities
- Neil is a Chartered Town Planner and is an active member of the Royal Town Planning Institute. He is a member of the Management Board of RTPI Cymru and is also an active member of its Policy and Research Forum
- Neil has also supported Planning Aid Wales by acting as a director for over 10 years, including a year as Chairman of Planning Aid Wales
- Neil has advised the Welsh Assembly in its Inquiry into the Planning System in Wales (2011) and also previously chaired the Welsh Assembly Government's stakeholder group on the introduction of Local Development Plans in Wales
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
Dyfarnwyd Gwobr Gwasanaeth Rhagorol y Sefydliad Cynllunio Trefol Brenhinol yn 2018.
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
Rwy'n Gynllunydd Tref Siartredig ac yn aelod gweithgar o'r Sefydliad Cynllunio Trefol Brenhinol.
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- Deon Cyswllt - Asesu ac Adborth, Coleg y Celfyddydau, y Dyniaethau a'r Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol, Prifysgol Caerdydd (2015-2020)
- Uwch Ddarlithydd, Ysgol Daearyddiaeth a Chynllunio, Prifysgol Caerdydd, (2007-presennol)
- Darlithydd, Ysgol Cynllunio Dinas a Rhanbarthol, Prifysgol Caerdydd, (1999 - 2007)
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
Rwy'n gweithredu'n rheolaidd fel adolygydd ar gyfer cyfres o gylchgronau academaidd ym maes cynllunio, gan gynnwys Adolygiad Cynllunio Tref a Theori ac Ymarfer Cynllunio.
Rwyf wedi bod yn aelod o'r panel beirniadu yng Ngwobrau Rhagoriaeth Ymchwil y Sefydliad Cynllunio Trefol Brenhinol (2019 a 2020).
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Mae gen i ddiddordeb arbennig mewn goruchwylio ymchwil PhD yn y meysydd canlynol:
- Cynllunio a rheoli
- Gorfodi cynllunio
- Theori cynllunio
- strategaethau cynllunio gofodol
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n goruchwylio ymchwil PhD ar ddatblygiad 'tir gwyn' yn Saudi Arabia (Mohammed Alsulaiman), ac esblygiad deddfwriaeth ar gydsynio seilwaith o bwys cenedlaethol (Richard Rees).
Rwyf wedi astudio traethodau ymchwil PhD ym Mhrifysgol Sheffield, Prifysgol Ulster, a KU Leuven.
Contact Details
+44 29208 76222
Adeilad Morgannwg, Ystafell Ystafell 2.90, Rhodfa’r Brenin Edward VII, Caerdydd, CF10 3WA