Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Lauren Hatcher  BSc, PhD

Dr Lauren Hatcher


BSc, PhD

Cymrawd Ymchwil Prifysgol y Gymdeithas Frenhinol

Ysgol Cemeg

+44 29225 11783
Y Prif Adeilad, Ystafell Room 2.82, Plas y Parc, Caerdydd, CF10 3AT
Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig


Mae ymchwil Dr Hatcher yn canolbwyntio ar astudio deunyddiau crisialog ffoto-weithredol ar y raddfa atomig. Trwy ddeall y berthynas rhwng strwythur crisial a'i eiddo swmp defnyddiol, gallwn ddylunio deunyddiau newydd yn rhesymegol gyda strwythurau wedi'u optimeiddio i dargedu cymhwysiad neu ymarferoldeb penodol .

Ochr yn ochr â diddordeb mewn ystod o ddeunyddiau moleciwlaidd y gellir eu newid, mae Dr Hatcher yn canolbwyntio ar ddatblygu deunyddiau ferroelectric sy'n ymateb i olau ar gyfer cymwysiadau ynni solar. Mae'r gwaith hwn yn cael ei gyflwyno mewn dwy ffrwd gyfochrog, gyda ffrwd un yn canolbwyntio ar ddylunio deunyddiau ac yn llifo dau ar ddatblygiad dull diffreithiant pelydr-X deinamig. Mae ffrwd un yn ymgorffori agweddau ar gemeg synthetig organig/organometalig, synthesis fframwaith, dulliau cemeg dadansoddol a thechnegau crisialu. Mae ffrwd dau yn cyfuno ystod o ddulliau diffreithiant pelydr-X yn y fan a'r lle (yn enwedig ffotocrystallography) gydag arbrofi wedi'i ddatrys gan amser, gan ddarparu gwybodaeth strwythur 3D gyflawn ar amserlenni sy'n amrywio o funudau i lawr i picoseconds.

Cyhoeddiadau dethol:

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (2024), Archwilio newid pyroelectric, thermol a ffotocemegol mewn grisial organig-anorganig hybrid trwy diffreithiant pelydr-X yn y fan a'r lle, https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202401552.

Faraday yn trafod. (2023), Datgelu rôl rhyngweithiadau nad ydynt yn cofalent mewn ffotoswitshis cyflwr solid trwy buriadau strwythur an-sfferig gyda NoSpherA2, 244, 370-390.

Commun. Chem. (2022), crisialograffeg aml-aml-chwiliedydd LED-pwmp-X ar gyfer graddfeydd amser is-eiliad, 5, 102.

CrystEngComm (2022), Archwilio dylanwad cyd-ligands polymorffiaeth a chromophore ar newid llun isomer cysylltu yn [Pd(bpy4dca)(RHIF2)2]. 24, 3701-3714.

Acc. Chem. Res, (2019), Astudiaethau Ffotocrystallograffig ar Nitrito Metasefydlog Metel Pontio Isomers Linkage: Trin y Wladwriaeth Metastable, 52(4), 1079-1088.

Phys. Chem. Ffys., (2018), Monitro dynameg poblogaeth a achosir gan ffoto mewn crisialau isomer cysylltiad metastable: astudiaeth cinetig grisialograffig o [Pd(Bu4dien)RHIF2]BPh4, 20(8), 5874-5886.


Gwefan y Grŵp Ymchwil: https://hatcherresearch.wixsite.com/lehatcherresearch 















Adrannau llyfrau



Research Interests:

I am a solid-state organometallic chemist with particular expertise in time-resolved single crystal X-ray diffraction, photocrystallography and crystal engineering of switchable molecular and framework materials.

The structure of a material holds the key to understanding its useful properties and this is why I am fascinated by solid-state chemistry. Single crystal X-ray diffraction provides highly accurate information on the structure of crystalline materials and is used to re-create a 3D image of the individual atoms and molecules. By combining these techniques with in-situ excitation (e.g. light, temperature, pressure and electric fields) and time-resolved methodologies, I aim to create “molecular movies” that show how switchable materials respond to excitation in 3D and in real time.

Research Projects:

Royal Society University Research Fellowship: March 2020 - current.

My current project, Dynamic X-ray Diffraction in Solar Energy Materials Design, develops new photo-active ferroelectric materials and determines the structural basis for their light-induced functionality using in-situ photocrystallographic techniques. Photo-active ferroelectric materials can directly convert sunlight into electricity and are highly desirable for solar energy applications. By developing cutting-edge dynamic X-ray diffraction methods, both at Cardiff and in collaboration with Diamond Light Source, we will watch how these materials interact with light in real-time. This improved understanding will then be taken back into the synthetic lab and used to design new crystals with improved photo-induced ferroelectric capabilities. This research has the exciting potential to deliver real global impact by revolutionising our understanding of solar energy conversion at the atomic scale, which can in-turn lead to the design of new and more efficient solar cells.


Dr Lauren E. Hatcher is a Royal Society University Research Fellow (Mar 2020 – present) in the School of Chemistry at Cardiff University. Prior to this she worked as a Research Associate in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Bath (RA in Crystallisation Science for Manufacturing (CMAC), Jan 2018 – Jan 2020; RA in the Metastable Materials Research Group, Jan 2014 – Jan 2018). Lauren completed her PhD in Chemistry at the University of Bath in May 2014, under the supervision of Prof. Paul Raithby (Thesis title: Molecular Photocrystallography). She also completed her undergraduate studies at Bath in 2010 (1:1 BSc(Hons) in Natural Sciences with Industrial Placement) and as part of this course spent one year as an Industrial Placement Student in the Small Molecule Crystallography Group at GlaxoSmithKline Services, Harlow.

Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau

  • Royal Society University Research Fellowship (2019)
  • CCDC Chemical Crystallography Prize for Younger Scientists, British Crystallographic Association (2017)
  • American Crystallographic Association travel grant, American Crystallographic Association meeting, Denver (2016)
  • Rigaku travel grant, British Crystallographic Association Spring Meeting, Lancaster (2015)
  • Journal of Chemical Crystallography poster prize, 63rd American Crystallographic Association meeting, Hawaii (2013)
  • Final Year Postgraduate Symposium Prize (Bolland Symposium), University of Bath Department of Chemistry (2013)
  • Oxford Cryosystems Low Temperature poster prize, 22nd International Union of Crystallography Congress, Madrid (2011)
  • Magaret Etter Student Lecturer Award, 61st American Crystallography Meeting, New Orleans (2011)
  • The Leadership Forum Award for Best Chemistry Student, European SET Student of the Year Awards (2010)
  • Faculty of Science Prize for Best Natural Sciences Student, University of Bath (2007, 2008, 2010)

Aelodaethau proffesiynol

  • Member of the British Crystallographic Association
  • Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry

Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol

  • Jan 2018 - Jan 2020: Research Associate in Crystallisation Science for Manufacturing (CMAC), EPSRC grant EP/I033459/1, Department of Chemistry, University of Bath
  • Jan 2014 - Jan 2018: Research Associate, Metastable Materials Group, EPSRC grant EP/K004956/1 Department of Chemistry, University of Bath
  • Feb 2016 - Oct 2016: Impact Acceleration Fellow (secondment), EPSRC grant EP/I01974X/1, Research Complex at Harwell, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot

Pwyllgorau ac adolygu

  • BCA Chemical Crystallography Group, Vice-Chair (2018 - 2019)
  • BCA Chemical Crystallography Group, Ordinary member (2016 - 2018)
  • BCA Young Crystallographers Group, Secretary/Treasurer (2012 - 2014)

Meysydd goruchwyliaeth

As our research group specialises in the design of useful switchable materials and understanding the structure-property correlations that are responsible for their functionality, I am highly interested in supervising students with interests in several areas of chemistry, including:

  • structural chemistry and crystallography
  • analytical chemistry
  • synthetic organometallic and inorganic chemistry
  • advanced crystallisation techniques.

Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol

Sam Lewis

Sam Lewis

Myfyriwr ymchwil