Dr Yulia Hicks
Uwch Ddarlithydd - Addysgu ac Ymchwil
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Dr Yulia Hicks joined the Cardiff School of Engineering as a lecturer in May 2004. Her main research interests are in the areas of Computer Vision and Image Processing. Dr Hicks’ other research interests lie in the areas of statistical modelling, modelling and tracking of human motion, joint modelling of facial articulation and speech and multi-modal signal processing. In the past several years, she was involved in EPSRC and industry funded research projects on video-assisted blind source separation, modeling and recognition of interactive human behaviour ans statistcial modeling. Dr Hicks is a co-director of the Human Factors Technology Centre, an interdisciplinary Research Centre which brings together the Schools of Engineering, Psychology and Computer Science. Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Health, Technology and the Digital World
Academic Prizes: * Best paper award for “Building shape and texture models of diatoms for analysis and synthesis of drawings” article by Y. Hicks, D. Marshall, P.L. Rosin, R.R. Martin, S. Droop and D. Mann, published in Proc. of Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, September 2004, Dublin, Ireland. * Best Demonstration Paper prize at BMVC’2000 for “Hierarchical Model of Dynamics for Tracking People with a Single Video Camera”, article by I.A.Karaulova, P.M.Hall, A.D.Marshall, A Proc. British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC’2000), Vol.1, Bristol, England, pp.352-361, ISBN 1-901725-13-8. Invited talks: * Grenoble Institute of Techology, March 2008: Multimodal BSS * Swansea University, December 2009: Statistical Models in Audio, Image and Video processing * Surrey University, February 2010: Incremental Gaussian Mixture Models * Kingston University, June 2010: Incremental Gaussian Mixture Models and Hidden Markov Models * Bath University, July 2010: Statistical Models in Audio, Image and Video Processing Organising conferences/workshops/meetings: * Publicity Chair for the International Digital Signal Processing Conference (DSP2007), hosted by Cardiff School of Engineering in July 2007. * Publicity Chair for the IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing hosted by Cardiff School of Engineering in August 2009. * Organising Chair for the 14th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES2010) to be hosted by Cardiff School of Engineering in September 2010.
- Tong, T., Setchi, R. and Hicks, Y. 2025. Human intention recognition using context relationships in complex scenes. Expert Systems with Applications 266, article number: 126147. (10.1016/j.eswa.2024.126147)
- Kang, S., Daniels, T., Setchi, R. and Hicks, Y. 2024. Simulation-based dataset acquisition for robotic cardiac ultrasound examinations. Presented at: 28th International Conference on Knowledge Based and Intelligent information and Engineering Systems (KES 2024), Seville, Spain, 11-13 September 2024, Vol. 246. Elsevier pp. 3967-3976., (10.1016/j.procs.2024.09.171)
- Liu, Z., Hicks, Y. and Sheeran, L. 2024. SpineSighter: an AI-driven approach for automatic classification of spinal function from video. Procedia Computer Science 246, pp. 3977-3989. (10.1016/j.procs.2024.09.172)
- Zhao, Z., Hicks, Y., Sun, X., McGuiness, B. and Lim, H. 2024. Lightweight and efficient attention-based CNN models for In-field strawberry instance segmentation. Presented at: 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Bari, Italy, 28 August - 1 September 20242024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. IEEE pp. 3294-3299., (10.1109/CASE59546.2024.10711802)
- Hartley, T., Hicks, Y., Davies, J. L., Cazzola, D. and Sheeran, L. 2024. BACK-to-MOVE: Machine learning and computer vision model automating clinical classification of non-specific low back pain for personalised management. PLoS ONE 19(5), article number: e0302899. (10.1371/journal.pone.0302899)
- Sheeran, L., Liu, Z. and Hicks, Y. 2024. Harnessing AI for classification of the level of spinal function from video and inertial measurement units in people with non-specific low back pain. Presented at: International Conference on Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Paris, France, 13-14 May 2024.
- Zhao, Z., Hicks, Y., Sun, X. and Luo, C. 2023. Peach ripeness classification based on a new one-stage instance segmentation model. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 214, article number: 108369. (10.1016/j.compag.2023.108369)
- Hartley, T., Hicks, Y., Davies, J., Cazzola, D. and Sheeran, L. 2023. Phenotyping low back pain from video capture using computer vision and machine learning. Presented at: 11th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain, Melbourne, Australia, 1-4 Nov 2023.
- Tong, Y., Liang, Y., Spasic, I., Hicks, Y., Hu, H. and Liu, Y. 2022. A data-driven approach for integrating hedonic quality and pragmatic quality in user experience modelling. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering 22(6), article number: 61002. (10.1115/1.4054155)
- Tong, Y., Liang, Y., Liu, Y., Spasic, I. and Hicks, Y. 2022. Understanding context of use from online customer reviews using BERT. Presented at: IEEE 18th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2022), Mexico City, Mexico, 20-24 August 20222022 IEEE 18th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE). IEEE, (10.1109/CASE49997.2022.9926649)
- Tong, T., Setchi, R. and Hicks, Y. 2022. Context change and triggers for human intention recognition. Procedia Computer Science 207, pp. 3826-3835. (10.1016/j.procs.2022.09.444)
- Grange, J. A., Princis, H., Kozlowski, T. R. W., Amadou-Dioffo, A., Wu, J., Hicks, Y. A. and Johansen, M. K. 2022. XAI & I: Self-explanatory AI facilitating mutual understanding between AI and human experts. Presented at: 26th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2022), 7-9 September 2022. Elsevier, (10.1016/j.procs.2022.09.419)
- Tong, Y., Liang, Y., Liu, Y., Hicks, Y. and Spasic, I. 2021. Integrating hedonic quality for user experience modelling. Presented at: ASME IDETC/CIE 2021, Virtual, 17-20 August 202141st Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE) Proceedings, Vol. 2. ASME, (10.1115/DETC2021-69781)
- Woodgate, S. et al. 2021. Objectively characterizing Huntington’s disease using a novel upper limb dexterity test. Journal of Neurology 268, pp. 2550-2559. (10.1007/s00415-020-10375-8)
- Latham, J., Hicks, Y. A., Yang, X., Setchi, R. and Rainer, T. 2021. Stable automatic envelope estimation for noisy doppler ultrasound. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 68(3), pp. 465-481. (10.1109/TUFFC.2020.3011823)
- Bacon, Z., Hicks, Y., Al-Amri, M. and Sheeran, L. 2020. Automatic low back pain classification using inertial measurement unit sensors: a preliminary analysis. Procedia Computer Science 176, pp. 2822-2831. (10.1016/j.procs.2020.09.272)
- Azzopardi, C., Camilleri, K. and Hicks, Y. A. 2020. Bimodal automated carotid ultrasound segmentation using geometrically constrained deep neural networks. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 24(4), pp. 1004-1015. (10.1109/JBHI.2020.2965088)
- Umemura, K., Kawanaka, H., Hicks, Y., Setchi, R., Takamatsu, D. and Tsuruoka, S. 2020. A study on classification using machine learning for dementia evaluation. Presented at: IEEE 2nd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech 2020), Kyoto, Japan, 10-12 March 20202020 IEEE 2nd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech). IEEE pp. 101-103., (10.1109/LifeTech48969.2020.1570619133)
- Umemura, K., Kawanaka, H. and Hicks, Y. 2020. A study on development of automatic dementia evaluation system by measurement of hand motor function. Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi. C, Denshi Joho Shisutemu Bumonshi / IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems 140(12), pp. 1365-1366. (10.1541/ieejeiss.140.1365)
- Abbas, H. H., Hicks, Y., Zhurov, A., Marshall, D., Claes, P., Wilson-Nagrani, C. and Richmond, S. 2019. An automatic approach for classification and categorisation of lip morphological traits. PLoS ONE 14(10), article number: e0221197. (10.1371/journal.pone.0221197)
- Hiley, L., Preece, A., Hicks, Y., Taylor, H. and Marshall, D. 2019. Discriminating spatial and temporal relevance in deep Taylor decompositions for explainable activity recognition. Presented at: 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-19), Macao, China, 10-16 August 2019.
- Vilamala, M. R., Hiley, L., Hicks, Y., Preece, A. and Cerutti, F. 2019. A pilot study on detecting violence in videos fusing proxy models. Presented at: 22nd International Conference on Information Fusion, Ottawa, Canada, 2-5 July 2019.
- Bennasar, M., Hicks, Y. A., Clinch, S. P., Jones, P., Holt, C., Rosser, A. and Busse-Morris, M. 2018. Automated assessment of movement impairment in Huntington's disease. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 26(10), pp. 2062-2069. (10.1109/TNSRE.2018.2868170)
- Al-Saadi, A., Setchi, R. and Hicks, Y. 2018. Semantic reasoning in cognitive networks for heterogeneous wireless mesh systems. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking 3(3), pp. 374-389. (10.1109/TCCN.2017.2712136)
- Kittler, J., Zor, C., Kaloskampis, I., Hicks, Y. and Wang, W. 2018. Error sensitivity analysis of Delta divergence - a novel measure for classifier incongruence detection. Pattern Recognition 77, pp. 30-44. (10.1016/j.patcog.2017.11.031)
- Abbas, H., Hicks, Y., Marshall, A., Zhurov, A. and Richmond, S. 2018. A 3D morphometric perspective for facial gender analysis and classification using geodesic path curvature features. Computational Visual Media 4(1), pp. 17-32. (10.1007/s41095-017-0097-1)
- Alzamil, Y., Hicks, Y., Yang, X. and Marshall, C. 2018. Optimising graphical techniques applied to irreversible tracers. Presented at: 5th International Conference on Bioimaging, Optimising Graphical Techniques Applied to Irreversible Tracers, 19 - 21 January 2018.
- Harbi, Z., Hicks, Y. and Setchi, R. 2017. Clock drawing test interpretation system. Procedia Computer Science 112, pp. 1641-1650. (10.1016/j.procs.2017.08.259)
- Azzopardi, C., Hicks, Y. A. and Camilleri, K. P. 2017. Automatic carotid ultrasound segmentation using deep convolutional neural networks and phase congruency maps. Presented at: 14th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Melbourne, Australia, 18-21 Apr 201714th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2017). IEEE pp. 624-628., (10.1109/ISBI.2017.7950598)
- Al-Saadi, A., Setchi, R. M., Hicks, Y. A. and Allen, S. M. 2016. Routing protocol for heterogeneous wireless mesh networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65(12), pp. 9773-9786. (10.1109/TVT.2016.2518931)
- Dawood, S., Hicks, Y. and Marshall, D. 2016. Speech-driven facial animation using manifold relevance determination. In: Hua, G. and Jégou, H. eds. Computer Vision – ECCV 2016 Workshops., Vol. 9914. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Cham: Springer, pp. 869-882., (10.1007/978-3-319-48881-3_57)
- Shigemori, T., Kawanaka, H., Hicks, Y., Setchi, R., Takase, H. and Tsuruoka, S. 2016. Dementia detection using weighted direction index histograms and SVM for clock drawing test. Procedia Computer Science 96, pp. 1240-1248. (10.1016/j.procs.2016.08.168)
- Elmasri, K., Hicks, Y. A., Yang, X., Sun, X., Pettit, R. J. and Evans, W. 2016. Automatic detection and quantification of abdominal aortic calcification in dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. Procedia Computer Science 96, pp. 1011-1021. (10.1016/j.procs.2016.08.116)
- Harbi, Z., Hicks, Y. A. and Setchi, R. M. 2016. Clock drawing test digit recognition using static and dynamic features. Procedia Computer Science 96, pp. 1221-1230. (10.1016/j.procs.2016.08.166)
- Bennasar, M., Hicks, Y. A., Clinch, S., Jones, P., Rosser, A. E., Busse, M. and Holt, C. A. 2016. Huntington's Disease assessment using tri axis accelerometers. Procedia Computer Science 96, pp. 1193-1201. (10.1016/j.procs.2016.08.163)
- Bennasar, M., Hicks, Y. and Setchi, R. 2015. Feature selection using Joint Mutual Information Maximisation. Expert Systems with Applications 42(22), pp. 8520-8532. (10.1016/j.eswa.2015.07.007)
- Azzopardi, C., Camilleri, K. P. and Hicks, Y. A. 2015. Carotid ultrasound segmentation using radio-frequency derived phase information and gabor filters. Presented at: 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), Milan, Italy, 25-29 August 20152015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2015). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) pp. 6338-6341., (10.1109/EMBC.2015.7319842)
- Al-Saadi, A., Setchi, R. and Hicks, Y. A. 2015. Cognitive network framework for heterogeneous wireless networks. Procedia Computer Science 60, pp. 216-225. (10.1016/j.procs.2015.08.121)
- Harbi, Z., Hicks, Y. A., Setchi, R. and Bayer, A. J. 2015. Segmentation of clock drawings based on spatial and temporal features. Procedia Computer Science 60, pp. 1640-1648. (10.1016/j.procs.2015.08.274)
- Shigemori, T., Harbi, Z., Kawanaka, H., Hicks, Y. A., Setchi, R., Takase, H. and Tsuruoka, S. 2015. Feature extraction method for clock drawing test. Procedia Computer Science 60, pp. 1707-1714., article number: htto://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2015.08.280. (10.1016/j.procs.2015.08.280)
- Mohammad, M. A., Kaloskampis, I., Hicks, Y. A. and Setchi, R. 2015. Ontology-based framework for risk assessment in road scenes using videos. Presented at: 19th Annual Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES-2015), Singapore, 7-9 September 2015Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 60. Elsevier pp. 1532-1541., (10.1016/j.procs.2015.08.300)
- Asikhia, O. K., Setchi, R., Hicks, Y. A. and Walters, A. 2015. Conceptual framework for evaluating intuitive interaction based on image schemas. Interacting with Computers 27(3), pp. 287-310. (10.1093/iwc/iwu050)
- Mohammad, M. A., Kaloskampis, I. and Hicks, Y. 2015. Evolving GMMs for road-type classification. Presented at: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Seville, Spain, 17-19 March 2015Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2015 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE pp. 1670-1673., (10.1109/ICIT.2015.7125337)
- Mohammad, M. A., Kaloskampis, I. and Hicks, Y. A. 2015. New method for evaluation of video segmentation quality. Presented at: International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP 2015), Berlin, Germany, 11-14 March 2015. pp. -., (10.5220/0005306205230530)
- Marshall, A. D., Hicks, Y. A. and Abbas, H. 2015. Automatic classification of facial morphology for medical applications. Procedia Computer Science 60, pp. 1649-1658. (10.1016/j.procs.2015.08.275)
- Owen, A., Marshall, A. D., Sidorov, K., Hicks, Y. A. and Brown, R. 2015. Assistive sports video annotation: modelling and detecting complex events in sports video. Presented at: MathSport International 2015, Loughborough, UK, 29 June -- 1 July 2015Proc. MathSport International 2015. pp. 144-148.
- Setchi, R. and Hicks, Y. A. 2014. Multi-rate medium access protocol based on enforcement learning. Presented at: IEEE international Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, San Diego, CA, USA, 5-8 October 2014.
- Bennasar, M., Setchi, R., Hicks, Y. and Bayer, A. J. 2014. Cascade classification for diagnosing dementia. Presented at: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), San Diego, CA, USA, 5-8 October 20142014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC). pp. 2535-2540., (10.1109/SMC.2014.6974308)
- Peng, S., Hicks, Y. and Setchi, R. 2014. Joint EEG-fMRI model for EEG source separation. Presented at: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), San Diego, CA, 5-8 October 20142014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC). IEEE pp. 2234-2239., (10.1109/SMC.2014.6974257)
- Kaloskampis, I. and Hicks, Y. A. 2014. Estimating adaptive coefficients of evolving GMMs for online video segmentation. Presented at: 6th International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing, Athens, Greece, 21-23 May 20142014 6th International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing (ISCCSP). Picastaway, NY: IEEE pp. 513-516., (10.1109/ISCCSP.2014.6877925)
- Asikhia, O. K., Setchi, R., Hicks, Y. A. and Walters, A. 2014. Exploring sustainable design using image schemas. Presented at: International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing SDM'14,, Cardiff, UK, 28-30 April 2014Sustainable Design and Manufacturing Conference (SDM-14). pp. 67-78.
- Al-Saadi, A., Setchi, R., Hicks, Y. A. and Allen, S. M. 2014. Multi-rate medium access protocol based on reinforcement learning. Presented at: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), San Diego, CA, 5-8 October 2014Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), 2014 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE pp. 2875-2880., (10.1109/SMC.2014.6974366)
- Bennasar, M., Setchi, R., Bayer, A. J. and Hicks, Y. A. 2013. Feature selection based on information theory in the clock drawing test. Presented at: 17th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Kitakyushu, Japan, 9 -12 September 2013Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 22. pp. 902-911., (10.1016/j.procs.2013.09.173)
- Bennasar, M., Setchi, R. and Hicks, Y. A. 2013. Feature interaction maximisation. Pattern Recognition Letters 34(14), pp. 1630-1635. (10.1016/j.patrec.2013.04.002)
- Azzopardi, C., Hicks, Y. A. and Camilleri, K. P. 2013. Exploiting gastrointestinal anatomy for organ classification in capsule endoscopy using locality preserving projections. Presented at: 2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Osaka, Japan, 3-7 July 2013 Presented at Sunagawa, K. and Roux, C. eds.Proceedings of the 2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE pp. 3654-3657., (10.1109/EMBC.2013.6610335)
- Havell, B., Rosin, P. L., Sanei, S., Aubrey, A., Marshall, A. D. and Hicks, Y. A. 2012. A hybrid phoneme based clustering approach for audio driven facial animation. Presented at: 2012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Kyoto, Japan, 25-30 March 20122012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing: Proceedings. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE pp. 2261-2264., (10.1109/ICASSP.2012.6288364)
- Bennasar, M., Setchi, R. and Hicks, Y. A. 2012. Unsupervised discretization method based on adjustable intervals. Presented at: KES 2012 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, San Sebastian, Spain, 10-12 September 2012 Presented at Graña, M. et al. eds.Advances in knowledge-based and intelligent information and engineering systems. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications Vol. 243. Amsterdam: IOS Press pp. 79-87., (10.3233/978-1-61499-105-2-79)
- Kaloskampis, I., Hicks, Y. A. and Marshall, A. D. 2011. Automatic analysis of composite activities in video sequences using Key Action Discovery and hierarchical graphical models. Presented at: 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCV Workshops), Barcelona, Spain, 6-13 November 2011Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCV Workshops). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE pp. 890-897., (10.1109/ICCVW.2011.6130346)
- Kaloskampis, I., Hicks, Y. A. and Marshall, A. D. 2011. Analysing engineering tasks using a hybrid machine vision and knowledge based system application. Presented at: 12th IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA 2011), Nara, Japan, 13-15 June 2011Proceedings of the 12th IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications MVA 2011. Tokyo, Japan: MVA Organisation pp. 495-498.
- Kaloskampis, I., Hicks, Y. A. and Marshall, D. 2011. Reinforcing conceptual engineering design with a hybrid computer vision, machine learning and knowledge based system framework. Presented at: IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 9-12 October 2011IEEE SMC 2011 International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics October 9-12, 2011 : Anchorage Alaska USA : Conference proceedings. Piscataway, N.J.: IEEE pp. 3242-3249., (10.1109/ICSMC.2011.6084169)
- Aubrey, A., Hicks, Y. A. and Chambers, J. 2010. Visual voice activity detection with optical flow. IET Image Processing 4(6), pp. 463-472. (10.1049/iet-ipr.2009.0042)
- Havell, B., Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, D., Rosin, P. and S., S. 2010. Comparison of techniques for Audio Driven Facial Animation. Presented at: Proceedings of ACM/SSP Net Symposium on Facial Analysis and Animation, Edinburgh, UK.
- Charron, C. and Hicks, Y. A. 2010. An evolving MOG for online image sequence segmentation. Presented at: IEEE International Conference on Image processing (ICIP 2010), Hong Kong, China.
- Ghodsi, M., Hassani, H., Sanei, S. and Hicks, Y. A. 2009. The use of noise information for detection of temporomandibular disorder. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 4(2), pp. 79-85. (10.1016/j.bspc.2008.10.001)
- Charron, C., Hicks, Y. A., Hall, P. and Cosker, D. 2009. Incremental learning of Dynamical Models of Faces. Presented at: Proceedings of (BMVC 2009) British Machine Vision Conference, London, UK.
- Charron, C., Hicks, Y. A. and Hall, P. 2009. Applying incremental learning to parallel image segmentation. Presented at: IEEE International Workshop on Emergent Issues in Large Amounts of Visual Data, Kyoto, Japan. pp. 2064-2071.
- Zheng, Y., Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, D. and Cosker, D. P. 2009. Real-time generation of interactive virtual human behaviours. Presented at: Computer vision and computer graphics : theory and applications, Funchal-Madeira, Portugal, 22-25 January 2008 Presented at Ranchordas, A. et al. eds.Computer vision and Computer Graphics : Theory and Applications International Conference (VISIGRAPP 2008), Funchal-Madeira, Portugal, 22-25 January 2008, Vol. 24. Communications in computer and information science Springer pp. 70-82., (10.1007/978-3-642-10226-4_6)
- Zheng, Y., Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D. and Cosker, D. P. 2008. Generating human interactive behaviours using the windowed Viterbi algorithm. Presented at: 3rd International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP' 2008), Funchal, Portugal. pp. 353-358.
- Rivet, B., Aubrey, A., Girin, L., Hicks, Y. A., Jutten, C. and Chambers, J. 2007. Development and comparison of two approaches for visual speech analysis with application to voice activity detection.. Presented at: International Conference on Auditory Visual Speech Processing (AVSP), Hilvarenbeek, The Netherlands.
- Aubrey, A., Rivet, B., Hicks, Y. A., Girin, L., Chambers, J. and Jutten, C. 2007. Two novel visual voice activity detectors based on appearance models and retinal filtering. Presented at: 15th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO).
- Ghodsi, M., Sanei, S., Hicks, Y. A., Lee, T. and S., D. 2007. A facial pattern recognition approach for detection of temporomandibular disorders. Presented at: 15th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2007), Poznan, Poland.
- Ghodsi, M., Sanei, S. and Hicks, Y. A. 2007. Detection of temporomandibular disorder from facial pattern. Presented at: Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 2007), Cardiff, Uk.
- Ghodsi, M., Hassani, H., Sanei, S. and Hicks, Y. A. 2007. A new approach in detection of temporomandibular disorder using singular spectrum analysis. Presented at: Proceedings IEEE (ICSPC07), Dubai, UAE.
- Mann, D. G., Bayer, M. M., Droop, S. J. M., Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D., Martin, R. R. and Rosin, P. L. 2007. New methods for preparing, imaging and typifying desmids (Chlorophyta, Zygnematophyceae), including extended depth of focus and 3-D reconstruction. Phycologia 46(1), pp. 29-45. (10.2216/04-60.1)
- Zheng, Y., Hicks, Y. A., Cosker, D. P., Marshall, A. D., Mostaza, J. and Chambers, J. 2006. Virtual Friend: Tracking and Generating Natural Interactive Behaviours in Real Video. Presented at: ICSP '06: 2006 8th International Conference on Signal Processing, Guilin, China, 16-20 November 2006 Presented at Baozong, Y., Qiuqi, R. and Xiaofang, T. eds.Proceedings: ICSP '06: 2006 8th International Conference on Signal Processing, Vol. 2. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, (10.1109/ICOSP.2006.345649)
- Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L., Martin, R. R., Mann, D. G. and Droop, S. J. M. 2006. A model of diatom shape and texture for analysis, synthesis and identification. Machine Vision and Applications 17(5), pp. 297-307. (10.1007/s00138-006-0035-1)
- Mann, D. G., Droop, S. J. M., Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D., Martin, R. R. and Rosin, P. L. 2006. Alleviating the Taxonomic Impediment in Diatoms: Prospects for Automatic and Web-based Identification Systems. Presented at: 18th International Diatom Symposium, Międzyzdroje, Poland, 2-7 September 2004 Presented at Withowski, A. ed.Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Diatom Symposium. Bristol: Biopress pp. 265-285.
- Marshall, A. D., Cosker, D. P., Rosin, P. L. and Hicks, Y. A. 2006. Speech and expression driven animation of a video-realistic appearance based hierarchical facial model. Presented at: IEEE CVPR Workshop on Learning, Representation and Context for Human Sensing in Video, New York, NY, USA, 22 June 2006.
- Zhen, Y., Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D. and Chambers, J. 2006. Generating 3D Interactive Behaviours. Presented at: 3rd European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP 2006), London, UK, 29-30 November 2006Proceedings: The 3rd European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP 2006): part of the 2nd Multimedia Conference 2006. London: Institution of Electrical Engineers pp. 178., (10.1049/cp:20061944)
- Aubrey, A. J., Hicks, Y. A., Lees, J. and Chambers, J. A. 2006. Using the bi-modality of speech for convolutive frequency domain blind source separation. Presented at: Proceedings of IMA 7th International Conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing, Cirencester, UK.
- Sidorov, K. A., Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, D., Sanei, S. and Chambers, J. A. 2006. Real time multi camera 3D tracking system. Presented at: Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP 2006), London, UK.
- Zheng, Y., Hicks, Y. A., Cosker, D. P., Marshall, D. and Chambers, J. A. 2006. Generating 3D interactive behaviours.. Presented at: Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP 2006), London, UK.
- Zheng, Y., Hicks, Y. A., Cosker, D. P., Marshall, D., Mostaza, J. C. and Chambers, J. A. 2006. Virtual Friend: Tracking and Generating Natural Interactive Behaviours in Real Video. Presented at: Proceedings of International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP'2006), Guilin, China.
- Aubrey, A., Chambers, J. A., Hicks, Y. A., Sanei, S. and Marshall, D. 2005. Video assisted speech source separation. Presented at: Proceedings of the International Conference of Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2005), Philadelphia, USA.
- Wang, W., Cosker, D. P., Hicks, Y. A., Sanei, S. and Chambers, J. A. 2005. Video assisted speech source separation. Presented at: ICASSP 2005. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 18-23 March 2005.
- Hicks, Y. A., Holt, C. A. and Marshall, D. 2005. Markerless motion capture with a single video camera. Presented at: 3rd International Conference on Biomechanics of the Lower Limb in Health, Disease and Rehabilitation, Salford, UK.
- Cosker, D. P., Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L. and Hicks, Y. A. 2004. Speech-driven facial animation using a hierarchical model. IEE Proceedings - Vision Image and Signal Processing 151(4), pp. 314-321. (10.1049/ip-vis:20040752)
- Mann, D. G., Droop, S. J. M., Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D., Martin, R. R. and Rosin, P. L. 2004. Heroic failure or new dawn? Image-based identification of microalgae. The Phycologist 66, pp. 24-25.
- Cosker, D. P., Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L. and Hicks, Y. A. 2004. Speech driven facial animation using a hidden Markov coarticulation model. Presented at: 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Cambridge, UK, 23-26 August.
- Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D., Martin, R. R., Rosin, P. L., Droop, S. J. M. and Mann, D. G. 2004. Building shape and texture models of diatoms for analysis and synthesis of drawings and identification. Presented at: Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, Dublin, 1-3 Sept 2004.
- Cosker, D. P., Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L. and Hicks, Y. A. 2003. Speaker-independent speech-driven facial animation using a hierarchical model. Presented at: International Conference on Visual Information Engineering 2003, University of Surrey, UK, 7-9 July 2003.
- Cosker, D. P., Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L. and Hicks, Y. A. 2003. Video realistic talking heads using hierarchical non-linear speech-appearance models. Presented at: Mirage 2003, Rocquencourt, France, 10-11 March 2003.
- Hicks, Y. A., Hall, P. M. and Marshall, A. D. 2003. A method to add Hidden Markov Models with application to learning articulated motion. Presented at: British Machine Vision Conference, Norwich, England, 8-11 Sept 2003.
- Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D., Martin, R. R., Rosin, P. L., Bayer, M. M. and Mann, D. G. 2002. Automatic landmarking for building biological shape models. Presented at: 2002 International Conference on Image Processing, Rochester, New York, 22-25 Sept 2002.
- Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L., Martin, R. R., Bayer, M. M. and Mann, D. G. 2002. Modelling life cycle related and individual shape variation in biological specimens. Presented at: 13th British Machine Vision Conference, Cardiff, Wales, 2-5 Sept 2002.
- Tong, T., Setchi, R. and Hicks, Y. 2025. Human intention recognition using context relationships in complex scenes. Expert Systems with Applications 266, article number: 126147. (10.1016/j.eswa.2024.126147)
- Liu, Z., Hicks, Y. and Sheeran, L. 2024. SpineSighter: an AI-driven approach for automatic classification of spinal function from video. Procedia Computer Science 246, pp. 3977-3989. (10.1016/j.procs.2024.09.172)
- Hartley, T., Hicks, Y., Davies, J. L., Cazzola, D. and Sheeran, L. 2024. BACK-to-MOVE: Machine learning and computer vision model automating clinical classification of non-specific low back pain for personalised management. PLoS ONE 19(5), article number: e0302899. (10.1371/journal.pone.0302899)
- Zhao, Z., Hicks, Y., Sun, X. and Luo, C. 2023. Peach ripeness classification based on a new one-stage instance segmentation model. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 214, article number: 108369. (10.1016/j.compag.2023.108369)
- Tong, Y., Liang, Y., Spasic, I., Hicks, Y., Hu, H. and Liu, Y. 2022. A data-driven approach for integrating hedonic quality and pragmatic quality in user experience modelling. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering 22(6), article number: 61002. (10.1115/1.4054155)
- Tong, T., Setchi, R. and Hicks, Y. 2022. Context change and triggers for human intention recognition. Procedia Computer Science 207, pp. 3826-3835. (10.1016/j.procs.2022.09.444)
- Woodgate, S. et al. 2021. Objectively characterizing Huntington’s disease using a novel upper limb dexterity test. Journal of Neurology 268, pp. 2550-2559. (10.1007/s00415-020-10375-8)
- Latham, J., Hicks, Y. A., Yang, X., Setchi, R. and Rainer, T. 2021. Stable automatic envelope estimation for noisy doppler ultrasound. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 68(3), pp. 465-481. (10.1109/TUFFC.2020.3011823)
- Bacon, Z., Hicks, Y., Al-Amri, M. and Sheeran, L. 2020. Automatic low back pain classification using inertial measurement unit sensors: a preliminary analysis. Procedia Computer Science 176, pp. 2822-2831. (10.1016/j.procs.2020.09.272)
- Azzopardi, C., Camilleri, K. and Hicks, Y. A. 2020. Bimodal automated carotid ultrasound segmentation using geometrically constrained deep neural networks. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 24(4), pp. 1004-1015. (10.1109/JBHI.2020.2965088)
- Umemura, K., Kawanaka, H. and Hicks, Y. 2020. A study on development of automatic dementia evaluation system by measurement of hand motor function. Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi. C, Denshi Joho Shisutemu Bumonshi / IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems 140(12), pp. 1365-1366. (10.1541/ieejeiss.140.1365)
- Abbas, H. H., Hicks, Y., Zhurov, A., Marshall, D., Claes, P., Wilson-Nagrani, C. and Richmond, S. 2019. An automatic approach for classification and categorisation of lip morphological traits. PLoS ONE 14(10), article number: e0221197. (10.1371/journal.pone.0221197)
- Bennasar, M., Hicks, Y. A., Clinch, S. P., Jones, P., Holt, C., Rosser, A. and Busse-Morris, M. 2018. Automated assessment of movement impairment in Huntington's disease. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 26(10), pp. 2062-2069. (10.1109/TNSRE.2018.2868170)
- Al-Saadi, A., Setchi, R. and Hicks, Y. 2018. Semantic reasoning in cognitive networks for heterogeneous wireless mesh systems. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking 3(3), pp. 374-389. (10.1109/TCCN.2017.2712136)
- Kittler, J., Zor, C., Kaloskampis, I., Hicks, Y. and Wang, W. 2018. Error sensitivity analysis of Delta divergence - a novel measure for classifier incongruence detection. Pattern Recognition 77, pp. 30-44. (10.1016/j.patcog.2017.11.031)
- Abbas, H., Hicks, Y., Marshall, A., Zhurov, A. and Richmond, S. 2018. A 3D morphometric perspective for facial gender analysis and classification using geodesic path curvature features. Computational Visual Media 4(1), pp. 17-32. (10.1007/s41095-017-0097-1)
- Harbi, Z., Hicks, Y. and Setchi, R. 2017. Clock drawing test interpretation system. Procedia Computer Science 112, pp. 1641-1650. (10.1016/j.procs.2017.08.259)
- Al-Saadi, A., Setchi, R. M., Hicks, Y. A. and Allen, S. M. 2016. Routing protocol for heterogeneous wireless mesh networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65(12), pp. 9773-9786. (10.1109/TVT.2016.2518931)
- Shigemori, T., Kawanaka, H., Hicks, Y., Setchi, R., Takase, H. and Tsuruoka, S. 2016. Dementia detection using weighted direction index histograms and SVM for clock drawing test. Procedia Computer Science 96, pp. 1240-1248. (10.1016/j.procs.2016.08.168)
- Elmasri, K., Hicks, Y. A., Yang, X., Sun, X., Pettit, R. J. and Evans, W. 2016. Automatic detection and quantification of abdominal aortic calcification in dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. Procedia Computer Science 96, pp. 1011-1021. (10.1016/j.procs.2016.08.116)
- Harbi, Z., Hicks, Y. A. and Setchi, R. M. 2016. Clock drawing test digit recognition using static and dynamic features. Procedia Computer Science 96, pp. 1221-1230. (10.1016/j.procs.2016.08.166)
- Bennasar, M., Hicks, Y. A., Clinch, S., Jones, P., Rosser, A. E., Busse, M. and Holt, C. A. 2016. Huntington's Disease assessment using tri axis accelerometers. Procedia Computer Science 96, pp. 1193-1201. (10.1016/j.procs.2016.08.163)
- Bennasar, M., Hicks, Y. and Setchi, R. 2015. Feature selection using Joint Mutual Information Maximisation. Expert Systems with Applications 42(22), pp. 8520-8532. (10.1016/j.eswa.2015.07.007)
- Al-Saadi, A., Setchi, R. and Hicks, Y. A. 2015. Cognitive network framework for heterogeneous wireless networks. Procedia Computer Science 60, pp. 216-225. (10.1016/j.procs.2015.08.121)
- Harbi, Z., Hicks, Y. A., Setchi, R. and Bayer, A. J. 2015. Segmentation of clock drawings based on spatial and temporal features. Procedia Computer Science 60, pp. 1640-1648. (10.1016/j.procs.2015.08.274)
- Shigemori, T., Harbi, Z., Kawanaka, H., Hicks, Y. A., Setchi, R., Takase, H. and Tsuruoka, S. 2015. Feature extraction method for clock drawing test. Procedia Computer Science 60, pp. 1707-1714., article number: htto://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2015.08.280. (10.1016/j.procs.2015.08.280)
- Asikhia, O. K., Setchi, R., Hicks, Y. A. and Walters, A. 2015. Conceptual framework for evaluating intuitive interaction based on image schemas. Interacting with Computers 27(3), pp. 287-310. (10.1093/iwc/iwu050)
- Marshall, A. D., Hicks, Y. A. and Abbas, H. 2015. Automatic classification of facial morphology for medical applications. Procedia Computer Science 60, pp. 1649-1658. (10.1016/j.procs.2015.08.275)
- Bennasar, M., Setchi, R. and Hicks, Y. A. 2013. Feature interaction maximisation. Pattern Recognition Letters 34(14), pp. 1630-1635. (10.1016/j.patrec.2013.04.002)
- Aubrey, A., Hicks, Y. A. and Chambers, J. 2010. Visual voice activity detection with optical flow. IET Image Processing 4(6), pp. 463-472. (10.1049/iet-ipr.2009.0042)
- Ghodsi, M., Hassani, H., Sanei, S. and Hicks, Y. A. 2009. The use of noise information for detection of temporomandibular disorder. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 4(2), pp. 79-85. (10.1016/j.bspc.2008.10.001)
- Mann, D. G., Bayer, M. M., Droop, S. J. M., Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D., Martin, R. R. and Rosin, P. L. 2007. New methods for preparing, imaging and typifying desmids (Chlorophyta, Zygnematophyceae), including extended depth of focus and 3-D reconstruction. Phycologia 46(1), pp. 29-45. (10.2216/04-60.1)
- Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L., Martin, R. R., Mann, D. G. and Droop, S. J. M. 2006. A model of diatom shape and texture for analysis, synthesis and identification. Machine Vision and Applications 17(5), pp. 297-307. (10.1007/s00138-006-0035-1)
- Cosker, D. P., Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L. and Hicks, Y. A. 2004. Speech-driven facial animation using a hierarchical model. IEE Proceedings - Vision Image and Signal Processing 151(4), pp. 314-321. (10.1049/ip-vis:20040752)
- Mann, D. G., Droop, S. J. M., Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D., Martin, R. R. and Rosin, P. L. 2004. Heroic failure or new dawn? Image-based identification of microalgae. The Phycologist 66, pp. 24-25.
Book sections
- Dawood, S., Hicks, Y. and Marshall, D. 2016. Speech-driven facial animation using manifold relevance determination. In: Hua, G. and Jégou, H. eds. Computer Vision – ECCV 2016 Workshops., Vol. 9914. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Cham: Springer, pp. 869-882., (10.1007/978-3-319-48881-3_57)
- Kang, S., Daniels, T., Setchi, R. and Hicks, Y. 2024. Simulation-based dataset acquisition for robotic cardiac ultrasound examinations. Presented at: 28th International Conference on Knowledge Based and Intelligent information and Engineering Systems (KES 2024), Seville, Spain, 11-13 September 2024, Vol. 246. Elsevier pp. 3967-3976., (10.1016/j.procs.2024.09.171)
- Zhao, Z., Hicks, Y., Sun, X., McGuiness, B. and Lim, H. 2024. Lightweight and efficient attention-based CNN models for In-field strawberry instance segmentation. Presented at: 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Bari, Italy, 28 August - 1 September 20242024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. IEEE pp. 3294-3299., (10.1109/CASE59546.2024.10711802)
- Sheeran, L., Liu, Z. and Hicks, Y. 2024. Harnessing AI for classification of the level of spinal function from video and inertial measurement units in people with non-specific low back pain. Presented at: International Conference on Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Paris, France, 13-14 May 2024.
- Hartley, T., Hicks, Y., Davies, J., Cazzola, D. and Sheeran, L. 2023. Phenotyping low back pain from video capture using computer vision and machine learning. Presented at: 11th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain, Melbourne, Australia, 1-4 Nov 2023.
- Tong, Y., Liang, Y., Liu, Y., Spasic, I. and Hicks, Y. 2022. Understanding context of use from online customer reviews using BERT. Presented at: IEEE 18th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2022), Mexico City, Mexico, 20-24 August 20222022 IEEE 18th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE). IEEE, (10.1109/CASE49997.2022.9926649)
- Grange, J. A., Princis, H., Kozlowski, T. R. W., Amadou-Dioffo, A., Wu, J., Hicks, Y. A. and Johansen, M. K. 2022. XAI & I: Self-explanatory AI facilitating mutual understanding between AI and human experts. Presented at: 26th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2022), 7-9 September 2022. Elsevier, (10.1016/j.procs.2022.09.419)
- Tong, Y., Liang, Y., Liu, Y., Hicks, Y. and Spasic, I. 2021. Integrating hedonic quality for user experience modelling. Presented at: ASME IDETC/CIE 2021, Virtual, 17-20 August 202141st Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE) Proceedings, Vol. 2. ASME, (10.1115/DETC2021-69781)
- Umemura, K., Kawanaka, H., Hicks, Y., Setchi, R., Takamatsu, D. and Tsuruoka, S. 2020. A study on classification using machine learning for dementia evaluation. Presented at: IEEE 2nd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech 2020), Kyoto, Japan, 10-12 March 20202020 IEEE 2nd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech). IEEE pp. 101-103., (10.1109/LifeTech48969.2020.1570619133)
- Hiley, L., Preece, A., Hicks, Y., Taylor, H. and Marshall, D. 2019. Discriminating spatial and temporal relevance in deep Taylor decompositions for explainable activity recognition. Presented at: 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-19), Macao, China, 10-16 August 2019.
- Vilamala, M. R., Hiley, L., Hicks, Y., Preece, A. and Cerutti, F. 2019. A pilot study on detecting violence in videos fusing proxy models. Presented at: 22nd International Conference on Information Fusion, Ottawa, Canada, 2-5 July 2019.
- Alzamil, Y., Hicks, Y., Yang, X. and Marshall, C. 2018. Optimising graphical techniques applied to irreversible tracers. Presented at: 5th International Conference on Bioimaging, Optimising Graphical Techniques Applied to Irreversible Tracers, 19 - 21 January 2018.
- Azzopardi, C., Hicks, Y. A. and Camilleri, K. P. 2017. Automatic carotid ultrasound segmentation using deep convolutional neural networks and phase congruency maps. Presented at: 14th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Melbourne, Australia, 18-21 Apr 201714th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2017). IEEE pp. 624-628., (10.1109/ISBI.2017.7950598)
- Azzopardi, C., Camilleri, K. P. and Hicks, Y. A. 2015. Carotid ultrasound segmentation using radio-frequency derived phase information and gabor filters. Presented at: 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), Milan, Italy, 25-29 August 20152015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2015). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) pp. 6338-6341., (10.1109/EMBC.2015.7319842)
- Mohammad, M. A., Kaloskampis, I., Hicks, Y. A. and Setchi, R. 2015. Ontology-based framework for risk assessment in road scenes using videos. Presented at: 19th Annual Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES-2015), Singapore, 7-9 September 2015Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 60. Elsevier pp. 1532-1541., (10.1016/j.procs.2015.08.300)
- Mohammad, M. A., Kaloskampis, I. and Hicks, Y. 2015. Evolving GMMs for road-type classification. Presented at: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Seville, Spain, 17-19 March 2015Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2015 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE pp. 1670-1673., (10.1109/ICIT.2015.7125337)
- Mohammad, M. A., Kaloskampis, I. and Hicks, Y. A. 2015. New method for evaluation of video segmentation quality. Presented at: International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP 2015), Berlin, Germany, 11-14 March 2015. pp. -., (10.5220/0005306205230530)
- Owen, A., Marshall, A. D., Sidorov, K., Hicks, Y. A. and Brown, R. 2015. Assistive sports video annotation: modelling and detecting complex events in sports video. Presented at: MathSport International 2015, Loughborough, UK, 29 June -- 1 July 2015Proc. MathSport International 2015. pp. 144-148.
- Setchi, R. and Hicks, Y. A. 2014. Multi-rate medium access protocol based on enforcement learning. Presented at: IEEE international Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, San Diego, CA, USA, 5-8 October 2014.
- Bennasar, M., Setchi, R., Hicks, Y. and Bayer, A. J. 2014. Cascade classification for diagnosing dementia. Presented at: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), San Diego, CA, USA, 5-8 October 20142014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC). pp. 2535-2540., (10.1109/SMC.2014.6974308)
- Peng, S., Hicks, Y. and Setchi, R. 2014. Joint EEG-fMRI model for EEG source separation. Presented at: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), San Diego, CA, 5-8 October 20142014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC). IEEE pp. 2234-2239., (10.1109/SMC.2014.6974257)
- Kaloskampis, I. and Hicks, Y. A. 2014. Estimating adaptive coefficients of evolving GMMs for online video segmentation. Presented at: 6th International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing, Athens, Greece, 21-23 May 20142014 6th International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing (ISCCSP). Picastaway, NY: IEEE pp. 513-516., (10.1109/ISCCSP.2014.6877925)
- Asikhia, O. K., Setchi, R., Hicks, Y. A. and Walters, A. 2014. Exploring sustainable design using image schemas. Presented at: International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing SDM'14,, Cardiff, UK, 28-30 April 2014Sustainable Design and Manufacturing Conference (SDM-14). pp. 67-78.
- Al-Saadi, A., Setchi, R., Hicks, Y. A. and Allen, S. M. 2014. Multi-rate medium access protocol based on reinforcement learning. Presented at: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), San Diego, CA, 5-8 October 2014Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), 2014 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE pp. 2875-2880., (10.1109/SMC.2014.6974366)
- Bennasar, M., Setchi, R., Bayer, A. J. and Hicks, Y. A. 2013. Feature selection based on information theory in the clock drawing test. Presented at: 17th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Kitakyushu, Japan, 9 -12 September 2013Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 22. pp. 902-911., (10.1016/j.procs.2013.09.173)
- Azzopardi, C., Hicks, Y. A. and Camilleri, K. P. 2013. Exploiting gastrointestinal anatomy for organ classification in capsule endoscopy using locality preserving projections. Presented at: 2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Osaka, Japan, 3-7 July 2013 Presented at Sunagawa, K. and Roux, C. eds.Proceedings of the 2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE pp. 3654-3657., (10.1109/EMBC.2013.6610335)
- Havell, B., Rosin, P. L., Sanei, S., Aubrey, A., Marshall, A. D. and Hicks, Y. A. 2012. A hybrid phoneme based clustering approach for audio driven facial animation. Presented at: 2012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Kyoto, Japan, 25-30 March 20122012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing: Proceedings. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE pp. 2261-2264., (10.1109/ICASSP.2012.6288364)
- Bennasar, M., Setchi, R. and Hicks, Y. A. 2012. Unsupervised discretization method based on adjustable intervals. Presented at: KES 2012 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, San Sebastian, Spain, 10-12 September 2012 Presented at Graña, M. et al. eds.Advances in knowledge-based and intelligent information and engineering systems. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications Vol. 243. Amsterdam: IOS Press pp. 79-87., (10.3233/978-1-61499-105-2-79)
- Kaloskampis, I., Hicks, Y. A. and Marshall, A. D. 2011. Automatic analysis of composite activities in video sequences using Key Action Discovery and hierarchical graphical models. Presented at: 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCV Workshops), Barcelona, Spain, 6-13 November 2011Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCV Workshops). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE pp. 890-897., (10.1109/ICCVW.2011.6130346)
- Kaloskampis, I., Hicks, Y. A. and Marshall, A. D. 2011. Analysing engineering tasks using a hybrid machine vision and knowledge based system application. Presented at: 12th IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA 2011), Nara, Japan, 13-15 June 2011Proceedings of the 12th IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications MVA 2011. Tokyo, Japan: MVA Organisation pp. 495-498.
- Kaloskampis, I., Hicks, Y. A. and Marshall, D. 2011. Reinforcing conceptual engineering design with a hybrid computer vision, machine learning and knowledge based system framework. Presented at: IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 9-12 October 2011IEEE SMC 2011 International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics October 9-12, 2011 : Anchorage Alaska USA : Conference proceedings. Piscataway, N.J.: IEEE pp. 3242-3249., (10.1109/ICSMC.2011.6084169)
- Havell, B., Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, D., Rosin, P. and S., S. 2010. Comparison of techniques for Audio Driven Facial Animation. Presented at: Proceedings of ACM/SSP Net Symposium on Facial Analysis and Animation, Edinburgh, UK.
- Charron, C. and Hicks, Y. A. 2010. An evolving MOG for online image sequence segmentation. Presented at: IEEE International Conference on Image processing (ICIP 2010), Hong Kong, China.
- Charron, C., Hicks, Y. A., Hall, P. and Cosker, D. 2009. Incremental learning of Dynamical Models of Faces. Presented at: Proceedings of (BMVC 2009) British Machine Vision Conference, London, UK.
- Charron, C., Hicks, Y. A. and Hall, P. 2009. Applying incremental learning to parallel image segmentation. Presented at: IEEE International Workshop on Emergent Issues in Large Amounts of Visual Data, Kyoto, Japan. pp. 2064-2071.
- Zheng, Y., Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, D. and Cosker, D. P. 2009. Real-time generation of interactive virtual human behaviours. Presented at: Computer vision and computer graphics : theory and applications, Funchal-Madeira, Portugal, 22-25 January 2008 Presented at Ranchordas, A. et al. eds.Computer vision and Computer Graphics : Theory and Applications International Conference (VISIGRAPP 2008), Funchal-Madeira, Portugal, 22-25 January 2008, Vol. 24. Communications in computer and information science Springer pp. 70-82., (10.1007/978-3-642-10226-4_6)
- Zheng, Y., Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D. and Cosker, D. P. 2008. Generating human interactive behaviours using the windowed Viterbi algorithm. Presented at: 3rd International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP' 2008), Funchal, Portugal. pp. 353-358.
- Rivet, B., Aubrey, A., Girin, L., Hicks, Y. A., Jutten, C. and Chambers, J. 2007. Development and comparison of two approaches for visual speech analysis with application to voice activity detection.. Presented at: International Conference on Auditory Visual Speech Processing (AVSP), Hilvarenbeek, The Netherlands.
- Aubrey, A., Rivet, B., Hicks, Y. A., Girin, L., Chambers, J. and Jutten, C. 2007. Two novel visual voice activity detectors based on appearance models and retinal filtering. Presented at: 15th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO).
- Ghodsi, M., Sanei, S., Hicks, Y. A., Lee, T. and S., D. 2007. A facial pattern recognition approach for detection of temporomandibular disorders. Presented at: 15th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2007), Poznan, Poland.
- Ghodsi, M., Sanei, S. and Hicks, Y. A. 2007. Detection of temporomandibular disorder from facial pattern. Presented at: Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 2007), Cardiff, Uk.
- Ghodsi, M., Hassani, H., Sanei, S. and Hicks, Y. A. 2007. A new approach in detection of temporomandibular disorder using singular spectrum analysis. Presented at: Proceedings IEEE (ICSPC07), Dubai, UAE.
- Zheng, Y., Hicks, Y. A., Cosker, D. P., Marshall, A. D., Mostaza, J. and Chambers, J. 2006. Virtual Friend: Tracking and Generating Natural Interactive Behaviours in Real Video. Presented at: ICSP '06: 2006 8th International Conference on Signal Processing, Guilin, China, 16-20 November 2006 Presented at Baozong, Y., Qiuqi, R. and Xiaofang, T. eds.Proceedings: ICSP '06: 2006 8th International Conference on Signal Processing, Vol. 2. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, (10.1109/ICOSP.2006.345649)
- Mann, D. G., Droop, S. J. M., Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D., Martin, R. R. and Rosin, P. L. 2006. Alleviating the Taxonomic Impediment in Diatoms: Prospects for Automatic and Web-based Identification Systems. Presented at: 18th International Diatom Symposium, Międzyzdroje, Poland, 2-7 September 2004 Presented at Withowski, A. ed.Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Diatom Symposium. Bristol: Biopress pp. 265-285.
- Marshall, A. D., Cosker, D. P., Rosin, P. L. and Hicks, Y. A. 2006. Speech and expression driven animation of a video-realistic appearance based hierarchical facial model. Presented at: IEEE CVPR Workshop on Learning, Representation and Context for Human Sensing in Video, New York, NY, USA, 22 June 2006.
- Zhen, Y., Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D. and Chambers, J. 2006. Generating 3D Interactive Behaviours. Presented at: 3rd European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP 2006), London, UK, 29-30 November 2006Proceedings: The 3rd European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP 2006): part of the 2nd Multimedia Conference 2006. London: Institution of Electrical Engineers pp. 178., (10.1049/cp:20061944)
- Aubrey, A. J., Hicks, Y. A., Lees, J. and Chambers, J. A. 2006. Using the bi-modality of speech for convolutive frequency domain blind source separation. Presented at: Proceedings of IMA 7th International Conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing, Cirencester, UK.
- Sidorov, K. A., Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, D., Sanei, S. and Chambers, J. A. 2006. Real time multi camera 3D tracking system. Presented at: Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP 2006), London, UK.
- Zheng, Y., Hicks, Y. A., Cosker, D. P., Marshall, D. and Chambers, J. A. 2006. Generating 3D interactive behaviours.. Presented at: Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP 2006), London, UK.
- Zheng, Y., Hicks, Y. A., Cosker, D. P., Marshall, D., Mostaza, J. C. and Chambers, J. A. 2006. Virtual Friend: Tracking and Generating Natural Interactive Behaviours in Real Video. Presented at: Proceedings of International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP'2006), Guilin, China.
- Aubrey, A., Chambers, J. A., Hicks, Y. A., Sanei, S. and Marshall, D. 2005. Video assisted speech source separation. Presented at: Proceedings of the International Conference of Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2005), Philadelphia, USA.
- Wang, W., Cosker, D. P., Hicks, Y. A., Sanei, S. and Chambers, J. A. 2005. Video assisted speech source separation. Presented at: ICASSP 2005. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 18-23 March 2005.
- Hicks, Y. A., Holt, C. A. and Marshall, D. 2005. Markerless motion capture with a single video camera. Presented at: 3rd International Conference on Biomechanics of the Lower Limb in Health, Disease and Rehabilitation, Salford, UK.
- Cosker, D. P., Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L. and Hicks, Y. A. 2004. Speech driven facial animation using a hidden Markov coarticulation model. Presented at: 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Cambridge, UK, 23-26 August.
- Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D., Martin, R. R., Rosin, P. L., Droop, S. J. M. and Mann, D. G. 2004. Building shape and texture models of diatoms for analysis and synthesis of drawings and identification. Presented at: Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, Dublin, 1-3 Sept 2004.
- Cosker, D. P., Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L. and Hicks, Y. A. 2003. Speaker-independent speech-driven facial animation using a hierarchical model. Presented at: International Conference on Visual Information Engineering 2003, University of Surrey, UK, 7-9 July 2003.
- Cosker, D. P., Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L. and Hicks, Y. A. 2003. Video realistic talking heads using hierarchical non-linear speech-appearance models. Presented at: Mirage 2003, Rocquencourt, France, 10-11 March 2003.
- Hicks, Y. A., Hall, P. M. and Marshall, A. D. 2003. A method to add Hidden Markov Models with application to learning articulated motion. Presented at: British Machine Vision Conference, Norwich, England, 8-11 Sept 2003.
- Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D., Martin, R. R., Rosin, P. L., Bayer, M. M. and Mann, D. G. 2002. Automatic landmarking for building biological shape models. Presented at: 2002 International Conference on Image Processing, Rochester, New York, 22-25 Sept 2002.
- Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L., Martin, R. R., Bayer, M. M. and Mann, D. G. 2002. Modelling life cycle related and individual shape variation in biological specimens. Presented at: 13th British Machine Vision Conference, Cardiff, Wales, 2-5 Sept 2002.
- Bennasar, M., Hicks, Y. A., Clinch, S., Jones, P., Rosser, A. E., Busse, M. and Holt, C. A. 2016. Huntington's Disease assessment using tri axis accelerometers. Procedia Computer Science 96, pp. 1193-1201. (10.1016/j.procs.2016.08.163)
Title | People | Sponsor | Value | Duration |
Bridging the gaps | Featherston C, Hicks Y, Davies C, Preece A, Patrick J, Elias S, Found P | EPSRC | 47152 | 01/04/2012 - 31/03/2013 |
Improving EEG reading of brain states for clinical applications using a data-driven joint model of FMRI and EEG. | Wise R (PSYCH), Hicks YA, Charron CS | EPSRC | 26595 | 01/05/2011 - 30/04/2012 |
Signal processing solutions for the networked battlespace | McWhirter J, Hicks Y | EPSRC via Loughborough | 515519 | 01/04/2013 - 31/03/2018 |
Automated assessment of timing and movement signatures in Huntingdon's disease | Busse (HCARE) Holt C, Hicks Y | Wellcome Trust | 16301 | 01/01/2016 - 31/12/2016 |
Multi-modal blind source separation algorithms | Chambers JA, Hicks YA, Sanei S, (with COMSC) | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (transferred to Loughborough) | 223190 | 01/05/2005 - 01/05/2008 |
Modelling, analysing and exploiting dependencies between the parts of a moving human figure in the context of computer graphics applications | Hicks YA | The Nuffield Foundation | 1200 | 01/08/2005 - 30/09/2005 |
Multi-Camera Real Time 3D Reconstruction of Urban Environments | Hicks Y | General Dynamics | 19060 | 01/10/2007 - 30/09/2010 |
Adaptive models of human motion | Dr YA Hicks | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council | 206291 | 01/01/2007 - 30/06/2009 |
Video-assisted audio source separation | Dr YA Hicks | QinetiQ Ltd | 13200 | 01/10/2004 - 30/09/2007 |
Supervised Students
Title | Student | Status | Degree |
Distributed Smart Systems | AL SAADI Ahmed Saad Kareem | Current | PhD |
A SHADOW ROBOT SYSTEM | NOYVIRT Alexandre | Graduate | PhD |
Exploiting The Bimodality of Speech in The Cocktail Party Problem | AUBREY Andrew James | Graduate | PhD |
Enhanced Interpretation of the Mini-Mental State Examination | TODOROV Diman | Graduate | PhD |
Modelling Conversational 3-Dimensional Faces - Computer Engineering | ABBAS Hawraa Hassan | Current | PhD |
Analysing Complex Human Behaviours In Multmedia Streams | KALOSKAMPIS Ioannis | Graduate | PhD |
Semantically Enhanced Document Clustering | STANKOV Ivan Dimitrov | Graduate | PhD |
A Robust Technique for Detecting Abdominal Aortic Calcification using Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry | ELMASRI Karima Mohamed Ali | Current | PhD |
Video-based Situation Assessment for Road Safety | MOHAMMAD Mahmud Abdulla | Thesis Submitted | PhD |
Clinical Decision Support System for Early Detection and Diagnosis of Dementia | BENNASAR Mohamed | Graduate | PhD |
Evaluating Intuitive Interactions Using Image Schemas | ASIKHIA Obokhai Kess | Thesis Submitted | PhD |
Joint EEG/fMRI Signal Model For EEG Separation and Localization | SUN Peng | Graduate | MPhil |
Auotmated Mood Boards: Ontology-Based Semantic Image Retrieval | ENGKU FADZLI HASSAN Syed Abdullah | Graduate | PhD |
Modelling, Tracking and Generating Human Interaction Behaviours in Video | ZHENG Yue | Graduate | PhD |
COMPUTER ENGINEERING | HARBI Zainab Abbas | Current | PhD |
Rwy'n addysgu'r modiwlau canlynol yn yr Ysgol Peirianneg:
- Blwyddyn 1af Cyfrifiadura Peirianneg
- Rhaglennu 2il flwyddyn ar gyfer Peirianneg
- 3ydd flwyddyn Cyfrifiadura Peirianneg sy'n Canolbwyntio ar Wrthrychau
- Deallusrwydd artiffisial 4edd flwyddyn
Yn ogystal ag addysgu ar y modiwlau uchod, rwy'n goruchwylio prosiectau israddedig mewn Golwg Gyfrifiadurol, Dysgu Peiriant, Dysgu Dwfn ac AI.
- 2003: PhD (Golwg Cyfrifiadurol), Prifysgol Caerdydd, Caerdydd, UK
- 1997: BSc (Cyfrifiadureg), Prifysgol Caerdydd, Caerdydd, UK
- 1996: MSc (Mathemateg Gymhwysol), Moscow State University, Moscow, Rwsia
Trosolwg gyrfa
- 2011 - presennol Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Golwg Cyfrifiadurol a Dysgu Peiriant, Ysgol Peirianneg, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2004 - 2011 Darlithydd mewn Golwg Cyfrifiadurol a Dysgu Peiriant, Ysgol Peirianneg, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2001 - 2003 Cydymaith Ymchwil, Ysgol Cyfrifiadureg a Gwybodeg, Prifysgol Caerdydd
Aelodaeth broffesiynol
Uwch Aelod IEEE, aelod BMVA.
Pwyllgorau Technegol
- O 2017 ymlaen ExCo aelod o IET Vision and Imaging proffesiynol rhwydwaith.
- O 2017 ymlaen Mae ExCo yn aelod cyfetholedig o Gymdeithas Gweledigaeth Peiriant Prydain (BMVA).
Swyddi academaidd
PhD Arholwr allanol ar gyfer Prifysgol Nottingham Trent, y DU (2019); Prifysgol Loughborough, y DU (2014, 2017, 2018); Prifysgol Strathclyde, y DU (2016); Prifysgol Kingston, y DU (2011, 2013); Prifysgol Newcastle, y DU (2016); Prifysgol Ulster, y DU (2015); Prifysgol Deakin, Awstralia (2015, 2018); Prifysgol Strasbourg, Ffrainc (2019).
Arholwr allanol gradd MSc ar gyfer yr Ysgol Cyfrifiadureg, Prifysgol Kingston, y DU (2014-2017).
Gwobrau Academaidd
- Gwobr Papur Gorau yn IEEE LifeTech 2020, Kyoto, Japan.
- Gwobr papur gorau yng Nghynhadledd Gweledigaeth a Phrosesu Delweddau Peiriant Iwerddon, Medi 2004, Dulyn, Iwerddon.
- Gwobr Papur Arddangos Gorau yng Nghynhadledd British Machine Vision 2000.
Sgyrsiau gwahoddedig
- Prifysgol Aberystwyth, Chwefror 2020: Tuag at asesiadau clinigol mwy sensitif, gwrthrychol a chyson ar gyfer anhwylderau niwroddirywiol.
- Prifysgol Newcastle, Gorffennaf 2017: Tuag at asesiadau clinigol mwy sensitif, gwrthrychol a chyson ar gyfer anhwylderau niwroddirywiol.
- Prifysgol Caerfaddon, Gorffennaf 2010: Modelau Ystadegol mewn Prosesu Sain, Delwedd a Fideo.
- Prifysgol Kingston, Mehefin 2010: Modelau Cymysgedd Gaussian Incremental a Modelau Markov Cudd
- Prifysgol Surrey, Chwefror 2010: Modelau Cymysgedd Gaussian Cynwysol
- Prifysgol Abertawe, Rhagfyr 2009: Modelau Ystadegol mewn Prosesu Sain, Delwedd a Fideo
- Sefydliad Technoleg Grenoble, Mawrth 2008: Gwahaniad ffynhonnell ddall amlfoddol.
Trefnu cynadleddau
- Cadeirydd Cyffredinol ar gyfer 30ain Cynhadledd Gweledigaeth Peiriant Prydain, Caerdydd, Medi 2019.
- Cadeirydd Sesiwn Gwahoddedig ar gyfer Cynhadledd Ryngwladol 19th, 20fed, 21ain, 22ain a 24ain ar Systemau Gwybodaeth a Systemau Gwybodaeth a Pheirianneg (KES2015, KES2016, KES2017, KES2018, KES2020).
- Trefnu Cadeirydd ar gyfer y 14eg Gynhadledd Ryngwladol ar Systemau Gwybodaeth a Pheirianneg Ddeallus (KES2010) a gynhelir gan Ysgol Peirianneg Caerdydd ym mis Medi 2010.
- Cadeirydd cyhoeddusrwydd ar gyfer Gweithdy IEEE ar Brosesu Arwyddion Ystadegol a gynhaliwyd gan Ysgol Peirianneg Caerdydd ym mis Awst 2009.
- Cadeirydd cyhoeddusrwydd ar gyfer y Gynhadledd Prosesu Arwyddion Digidol Ryngwladol (DSP2007), a gynhaliwyd gan Ysgol Peirianneg Caerdydd ym mis Gorffennaf 2007.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Mae Dr Hicks yn gyd-gyfarwyddwr y Human Factors Technology Lab, Canolfan Ymchwil ryngddisgyblaethol sy'n dwyn ynghyd yr Ysgolion Peirianneg, Seicoleg a Chyfrifiadureg. Mae'n gartref i amrywiaeth o offer dal cynnig, camera fideo 3D a swyddfa ymchwil bwrpasol gyda desgiau a chyfrifiaduron. Goruchwyliodd Dr Hicks 18 o fyfyrwyr PhD yn llwyddiannus (deg fel y prif oruchwyliwr ac wyth fel cyd-oruchwyliwr) a dau MPhil (un prif oruchwyliwr ac un cyd-oruchwyliwr). Ar hyn o bryd mae'n goruchwylio pum myfyriwr PhD.
Ar hyn o bryd, mae'n mynd ar drywydd ymchwil ac yn chwilio am gydweithrediadau newydd yn y meysydd hyn:
- AI egluradwy
- Gweithredu dynol a chydnabod gweithgarwch mewn fideo
- Modelu a nodweddu symudiad dynol ar gyfer clefydau niwro-ddirywiol a phoen cefn
- Delwedd fiofeddygol a phrosesu signal
- Ceisiadau AI mewn Peirianneg