Mr Scott Hill
Arweinydd ffrwd waith
Rwy'n gweithio yn y tîm Partneriaeth Busnes TG, gan arwain yn benodol ar Strategaeth Ddigidol y Brifysgol. Rwy'n gweithio gydag uwch dimau rheoli ar draws y Colegau, Ysgolion a Gwasanaethau Proffesiynol i gyfieithu a dod â'r Strategaeth Ddigidol yn fyw gan gynnwys map ffordd sylfaenol o ddatblygiadau technoleg a buddsoddiad.
- Harrington, L. E. and Hill, S. C. 2011. The I-WIRE Project final report. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Andrews, T. M., Colhoun, J., Harrington, L. E. and Hill, S. C. 2010. The I-WIRE Project: Integrating the Institutional Repository with a Portal Enviromnent.. Presented at: 5th International Conference on Open Repositories, Madrid, Spain, 6-9 July 2010.
- Andrews, T. M., Colhoun, J., Harrington, L. E. and Hill, S. C. 2010. The I-WIRE Project: Integrating the Institutional Repository with a Portal Enviromnent.. Presented at: 5th International Conference on Open Repositories, Madrid, Spain, 6-9 July 2010.
- Harrington, L. E. and Hill, S. C. 2011. The I-WIRE Project final report. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Harrington, L. E. and Hill, S. C. 2011. The I-WIRE Project final report. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Andrews, T. M., Colhoun, J., Harrington, L. E. and Hill, S. C. 2010. The I-WIRE Project: Integrating the Institutional Repository with a Portal Enviromnent.. Presented at: 5th International Conference on Open Repositories, Madrid, Spain, 6-9 July 2010.
Rwy'n weithiwr proffesiynol TG sydd â phrofiad ymarferol ym mhob cam o brosiectau systemau gwybodaeth a hanes o gyflawni mentrau newid mawr, gan gynnwys y canlynol ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd:
- Rhaglen Trawsnewid TG 2014-2017
- Rhaglen Trawsnewid y We 2011-2014
- Prosiect I-WIRE a ariannwyd gan Jisc 2009-2011
Fy sgiliau:
- Rheoli Cysylltiadau Busnes - BRMP wedi'i achredu gan APMG
- Rheoli Rhaglen, Prosiect a Newid - MSP a PRINCE2 wedi'i achredu gan APMG
- Dadansoddiad Busnes - Tystysgrif Sylfaen
- Rheoli Gofynion
- Dylunio Ateb
- Achrediad Sefydliad Rheoli Gwasanaeth TG (ITIL)