Yr Athro Sally Holland
Cyfarwyddwr Cydraddoldeb, Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiant
- Siarad Cymraeg
Athro Gwaith Cymdeithasol ydw i. Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil yn cynnwys gwaith cymdeithasol plant a theuluoedd, hawliau plant a chyfranogiad plant ac ieuenctid mewn ymchwil a llunio polisïau.
Fy nghanolfan ymchwil yw CASCADE Canolfan Ymchwil a Datblygu Gofal Cymdeithasol Plant lle rwy'n arwain ar gynnwys y cyhoedd a materion cyhoeddus.
Rwy'n Gyfarwyddwr Cydraddoldeb, Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiant yn Ysgol y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol.
Rwy'n aelod o Fwrdd Cenhadaeth Ddinesig y Brifysgol.
Rhwng 2015 a 2022 roeddwn i'n Gomisiynydd Plant Cymru.
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n arwain gwerthusiad Cynllun Peilot Incwm Sylfaenol ar gyfer Pobl Ifanc sy'n Gadael Gofal Llywodraeth Cymru, gyda David Westlake.
Rwy'n dysgu ar y rhaglen MA Gwaith Cymdeithasol ac yn goruchwylio traethodau hir Meistr a PhDs.
- Havlicek, J., Holland, S. and Taussig, H. 2025. Navigating relationships with birth family after aging out of foster care: experiences of young people. Families in Society (10.1177/10443894241303193)
- Westlake, D. et al. 2024. The basic income for care leavers in Wales pilot evaluation: Protocol of a quasi-experimental evaluation. PLoS ONE 19(10), article number: e0303837. (10.1371/journal.pone.0303837)
- Ablitt, J., Jimenez Lugo, P. and Holland, S. 2024. Eliminating profit from children’s residential and foster care: evidence review. Technical Report.
- Holland, S. et al. 2024. Basic income for care leavers in Wales pilot evaluation: annual report, 2023 to 2024. Welsh Government. Available at: https://www.gov.wales/basic-income-care-leavers-wales-pilot-evaluation-annual-report-2023-2024
- Holland, S. 2023. Removing the “Reasonable Punishment” defence in Wales. Canadian Journal of Children's Rights / Revue canadienne des droits des enfants 10(1), pp. 142-163. (10.22215/cjcr.v10i1.4277)
- Bailey, G. A., Lee, A., Bedford, H., Perry, M., Holland, S., Walton, S. and Griffiths, L. J. 2023. Immunisation status of children receiving care and support in Wales: a national data linkage study. Frontiers in Public Health 11, article number: 1231264. (10.3389/fpubh.2023.1231264)
- Holland, S. 2022. Social work: A relationship-based profession. In: Cree, V. E. ed. Becoming a Social Worker. 3rd ed.. Routledge, pp. 93-98.
- Barrance, R. and Holland, S. 2019. How well is Wales monitoring its fulfilment of the Convention on the Rights of the Child? A view from Dr Rhian Barrance and Sally Holland, Children’s Commissioner for Wales. [Online]. Cardiff: Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research, Data & Methods. Available at: https://wiserd.ac.uk/news/how-well-wales-monitoring-its-fulfilment-convention-rights-child-view-dr-rhian-barrance-and
- Karen, W., Viviene, C., Hallett, S., Hadfield, M., Gillian, R., Fiona, M. and Holland, S. 2017. Exploring communication between social workers, children and young people. British Journal of Social Work 47(5), pp. 1427-1444. (10.1093/bjsw/bcw083)
- Roberts, L., Maxwell, N., Rees, P., Holland, S. and Forbes, N. 2016. Improving well-being and outcomes for looked after children in Wales: A context sensitive review of interventions. Adoption and Fostering 40(4), pp. 309-324. (10.1177/0308575916675563)
- Anthony, R., Meakings, S., Doughty, J., Ottaway, H., Holland, S. and Shelton, K. H. 2016. Factors affecting adoption in Wales: Predictors of variation in time between entry to care and adoptive placement. Children and Youth Services Review 60, pp. 184-190. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2016.06.010)
- Forrester, D., Holland, S., Williams, A. and Copello, A. 2016. Helping families where parents misuse drugs or alcohol? A mixed methods comparative evaluation of an intensive family preservation service. Child and Family Social Work 21(1), pp. 65-75. (10.1111/cfs.12111)
- Holland, S. and Scourfield, J. B. 2015. Social work: a very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Holland, S., Williams, A. and Forrester, D. 2014. Navigating ethical moments when researching substance misuse with parents and their children. Qualitative Research 14(4), pp. 411-427. (10.1177/1468794112473495)
- Shaw, I. and Holland, S. 2014. Doing qualitative research in social work. SAGE Publications.
- O'Connor, L., Forrester, D., Holland, S. and Williams, A. 2014. Perspectives on children's experiences in families with parental substance misuse and child protection interventions. Children and Youth Services Review 38, pp. 66-74. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2014.01.008)
- Williams, A., Mackintosh, J., Bateman, B., Holland, S., Rushworth, A., Brooks, A. and Geddes, J. 2014. The development of a designated dental pathway for looked after children. British Dental Journal 216(3), pp. E6. (10.1038/sj.bdj.2014.51)
- Holland, S. 2013. Trust in the community: understanding the relationship between formal, semi-formal and informal child safeguarding in a local neighbourhood. British Journal of Social Work n/a (10.1093/bjsw/bcs118)
- Holland, S., Forrester, D., Williams, A. and Copello, A. 2013. Parenting and substance misuse: understanding accounts and realities in child protection contexts. British Journal of Social Work n/a (10.1093/bjsw/bcs197)
- Holland, S. and Crowley, A. 2013. Looked-after children and their birth families: using sociology to explore changing relationships, hidden histories and nomadic childhoods. Child & Family Social Work 18(1), pp. 57-66. (10.1111/cfs.12032)
- Maxwell, N., Scourfield, J. B., Holland, S., Featherstone, B. and Lee, J. 2012. The benefits and challenges of training child protection social workers in father engagement. Child Abuse Review 21(4), pp. 299-310. (10.1002/car.2218)
- Evans, R. E. and Holland, S. 2012. Community parenting and the informal safeguarding of children at neighbourhood level. Families, Relationships and Societies 1(2), pp. 173-190. (10.1332/204674312X645501)
- Maxwell, N., Scourfield, J. B., Featherstone, B., Holland, S. and Tolman, R. 2012. Engaging fathers in child welfare services: A narrative review of recent research evidence. Child and Family Social Work 17(2), pp. 160-169. (10.1111/j.1365-2206.2012.00827.x)
- Rees, A., Holland, S. and Pithouse, A. J. 2012. Food in foster families: care, communication and conflict. Children & Society 26(2), pp. 100-111. (10.1111/j.1099-0860.2010.00332.x)
- Baynes, P. and Holland, S. 2012. Social work with violent men: a child protection file study in an English local authority. Child Abuse Review 21(1), pp. 53-65. (10.1002/car.1159)
- Ross, N., Renold, E., Holland, S. and Hillman, A. 2011. Meaningful meanderings: using mobile methods to research young people’s everyday lives. In: Heath, S. and Walker, C. eds. Innovations in youth research. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 37-57.
- Renold, E., Holland, S., Ross, N. J. and Hillman, A. 2011. 'Becoming participant': problematising 'informed consent' in participatory research with young people in care. In: Atkinson, P. A. and Delamont, K. S. eds. SAGE Qualitative Research Methods., Vol. 4. London: Sage, pp. 55-74.
- Holland, S., Tannock, S. and Collicott, H. E. 2011. Everybody's business? A research review of the informal safeguarding of other people's children in the UK. Children & Society 25(5), pp. 406-416. (10.1111/j.1099-0860.2011.00389.x)
- Holland, S. 2011. Child and family assessment in social work practice. London: Sage.
- Holland, S. and O'Neill, S. 2011. 'We had to be there to make sure it was what we wanted': Enabling children's participation in family decision-making through the family group conference. In: Coffey, A. J. and Hall, T. A. eds. Researching Young People., Vol. 2. Fundamentals of Applied Research London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd, pp. 219-240.
- Ross, N. J., Renold, E., Holland, S. and Hillman, A. 2011. Moving stories: using mobile methods to explore the everyday lives of young people in public care. In: Coffey, A. J. and Hall, T. A. eds. Researching Young People., Vol. 1. Fundamentals of Applied Research London: Sage, pp. 123-140.
- Holland, S., Renold, E., Ross, N. and Hillman, A. 2010. Power, agency and participatory agendas: A critical exploration of young people's engagement in participative qualitative research. Childhood 17(3), pp. 360-375. (10.1177/0907568210369310)
- Holland, S., Burgess, S. J., Grogan-Kaylor, A. and Delva, J. 2010. Understanding neighbourhoods, communities and environments: new approaches for social work research. British Journal of Social Work 41(4), pp. 689-707. (10.1093/bjsw/bcq123)
- Thomas, J. R. and Holland, S. 2010. Representing children's identities in core assessments. British Journal of Social Work 40(8), pp. 2617-2633. (10.1093/bjsw/bcp154)
- Byrne, E., Holland, S. and Jerzembek, G. S. 2010. A pilot study on the impact of a home-based parenting intervention: Parents Plus. Childcare in Practice 16(2), pp. 111-127. (10.1080/13575270903563325)
- Ross, N. J., Renold, E., Holland, S. and Hillman, A. 2009. Moving stories: using mobile methods to explore the everyday lives of young people in public care. Qualitative Research 9(5), pp. 605-623. (10.1177/1468794109343629)
- Holland, S. 2009. Assessment in Social Work, 3rd edn, Judith Milner and Patrick O'Byrne [Book Review]. British Journal of Social Work 39(7), pp. 1412-1413. (10.1093/bjsw/bcp111)
- Holland, S. 2009. Engaging children and their parents in the assessment process. In: Horwath, J. ed. The child's World: the Comprehensive Guide to Assessing Children in Need, 2nd ed.. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, pp. 110-123.
- Drakeford, M., Scourfield, J., Holland, S. and Davies, A. 2009. Welsh children’s views on government and participation. Childhood 16(2), pp. 247-264. (10.1177/0907568209104404)
- Holland, S. 2009. Listening to children in care: A review of methodological and theoretical approaches to understanding looked after children's perspectives. Children & Society 23(3), pp. 226-235. (10.1111/j.1099-0860.2008.00213.x)
- Holland, S. A. L. 2009. Diverse childhoods, participation and democracy: some reasons to be cheerful. In: Osmond, J. and Morris, N. eds. What Are We Doing To Our Kids?. Cardiff, UK: Institute of Welsh Affairs/ BBC Cymru Wales, pp. 64-66.
- Holland, S. 2009. Looked after children and the ethic of care. British Journal of Social Work 40(6), pp. 1664-1680. (10.1093/bjsw/bcp086)
- Holland, S. 2009. Kids today. Agenda: The Journal of the Institute of Welsh Affairs(Spring), pp. 54-55.
- Willis, R. and Holland, S. A. L. 2009. Life story work: Reflections on the experience by looked after young people. Adoption and Fostering 33(4), pp. 44-52.
- Renold, E., Holland, S., Ross, N. and Hillman, A. 2008. 'Becoming participant': problematizing 'informed consent' in participatory research with young people in care. Qualitative Social Work 7(4), pp. 427-447. (10.1177/1473325008097139)
- Wiles, R., Prosser, J., Bagnoli, A., Clark, A., Davies, K., Holland, S. and Renold, E. 2008. Visual ethics: ethical issues in visual research. Working paper. National Centre for Research Methods,. Available at: http://eprints.ncrm.ac.uk/421/1/MethodsReviewPaperNCRM-011.pdf
- Holland, S., Renold, E., Ross, N. and Hillman, A. 2008. Rights, ‘right on’ or the right thing to do? A critical exploration of young people's engagement in participative social work research. Working paper. ERSC National Centre for Reseacrh Methods. Available at: http://eprints.ncrm.ac.uk/460/1/0708%2520critical%2520exploration.pdf
- Ross, N., Holland, S., Renold, E. and Hillman, A. 2008. The multi-sensory experiences of mobile research encounters. Presented at: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2008, St Catherine's College, Oxford, 30 June - 3 July 2008.
- Holland, S. and Scourfield, J. B. 2008. Managing marginalised masculinities: men and probation. In: Tomsen, S. ed. Crime, criminal justice and masculinities. International Library of Criminology, Criminal Justice and Penology - Second series Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 427-440.
- Holland, S. and Rivett, M. 2008. 'Everyone started shouting': making connections between the process of family group conferences and family therapy practice. British Journal of Social Work 38(1), pp. 21-38. (10.1093/bjsw/bcl064)
- Scourfield, J. B., Holland, S. and Young, C. 2008. Social work in Wales since democratic devolution. Australian Social Work 61(1), pp. 42-56. (10.1080/03124070701818724)
- Holland, S., Renold, E., Ross, N. J. and Hillman, A. 2008. The everyday lives of children in care: using a sociological perspective to inform social work practice. In: Luckock, B. and Lefevre, M. eds. Direct work: social work with children and young people in care. London: British Association for Adoption & Fostering, pp. 77-94.
- Scourfield, J. B., Dicks, B., Holland, S., Drakeford, M. and Davies, A. 2006. The significance of place in middle childhood: qualitative research from Wales. British Journal of Sociology 57(4), pp. 577-595. (10.1111/j.1468-4446.2006.00126.x)
- Holland, S. and O'Neill, S. 2006. ‘We had to be there to make sure it was what we wanted’: enabling children’s participation in family decision-making through the family group conference. Childhood: A Journal of Global Child Research 13(1), pp. 91-111. (10.1177/0907568206059975)
- Holland, S., Faulkner, A. and Perez-del-Aguila, V. R. 2005. Promoting stability and continuity of care for looked after children: a survey and critical review. Child & Family Social Work 10(1), pp. 29-41. (10.1111/j.1365-2206.2004.00339.x)
- Holland, S., Scourfield, J. B., O'Neill, S. S. and Pithouse, A. J. 2005. Democratising the family and the state? The case of family group conferences in child welfare. Journal of Social Policy 34(1), pp. 59-78. (10.1017/S0047279404008268)
- Holland, S. and Scourfield, J. B. 2004. Liberty and respect in child protection. British Journal of Social Work 34(1), pp. 21-36. (10.1093/bjsw/bch003)
- Holland, S. 2004. Child and family assessment in social work practice. London: Sage.
- Holland, S. 2001. Representing children in child protection assessments. Childhood: A Journal of Global Child Research 8(3), pp. 322-339. (10.1177/0907568201008003002)
- Holland, S. 2000. The assessment relationship: interactions between social workers and parents in child protection assessments. The British Journal of Social Work 30(2), pp. 149–163. (10.1093/bjsw/30.2.149)
- Holland, S. and Scourfield, J. B. 2000. Managing marginalised masculinities: men and probation. Journal of Gender Studies 9(2), pp. 199-211. (10.1080/713677981)
- Pithouse, A. and Holland, S. 1999. Family support and the early years centre: a case study of parent views. Child Care in Practice 5(2), pp. 140-150. (10.1080/13575279908413166)
- Havlicek, J., Holland, S. and Taussig, H. 2025. Navigating relationships with birth family after aging out of foster care: experiences of young people. Families in Society (10.1177/10443894241303193)
- Westlake, D. et al. 2024. The basic income for care leavers in Wales pilot evaluation: Protocol of a quasi-experimental evaluation. PLoS ONE 19(10), article number: e0303837. (10.1371/journal.pone.0303837)
- Holland, S. 2023. Removing the “Reasonable Punishment” defence in Wales. Canadian Journal of Children's Rights / Revue canadienne des droits des enfants 10(1), pp. 142-163. (10.22215/cjcr.v10i1.4277)
- Bailey, G. A., Lee, A., Bedford, H., Perry, M., Holland, S., Walton, S. and Griffiths, L. J. 2023. Immunisation status of children receiving care and support in Wales: a national data linkage study. Frontiers in Public Health 11, article number: 1231264. (10.3389/fpubh.2023.1231264)
- Karen, W., Viviene, C., Hallett, S., Hadfield, M., Gillian, R., Fiona, M. and Holland, S. 2017. Exploring communication between social workers, children and young people. British Journal of Social Work 47(5), pp. 1427-1444. (10.1093/bjsw/bcw083)
- Roberts, L., Maxwell, N., Rees, P., Holland, S. and Forbes, N. 2016. Improving well-being and outcomes for looked after children in Wales: A context sensitive review of interventions. Adoption and Fostering 40(4), pp. 309-324. (10.1177/0308575916675563)
- Anthony, R., Meakings, S., Doughty, J., Ottaway, H., Holland, S. and Shelton, K. H. 2016. Factors affecting adoption in Wales: Predictors of variation in time between entry to care and adoptive placement. Children and Youth Services Review 60, pp. 184-190. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2016.06.010)
- Forrester, D., Holland, S., Williams, A. and Copello, A. 2016. Helping families where parents misuse drugs or alcohol? A mixed methods comparative evaluation of an intensive family preservation service. Child and Family Social Work 21(1), pp. 65-75. (10.1111/cfs.12111)
- Holland, S., Williams, A. and Forrester, D. 2014. Navigating ethical moments when researching substance misuse with parents and their children. Qualitative Research 14(4), pp. 411-427. (10.1177/1468794112473495)
- O'Connor, L., Forrester, D., Holland, S. and Williams, A. 2014. Perspectives on children's experiences in families with parental substance misuse and child protection interventions. Children and Youth Services Review 38, pp. 66-74. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2014.01.008)
- Williams, A., Mackintosh, J., Bateman, B., Holland, S., Rushworth, A., Brooks, A. and Geddes, J. 2014. The development of a designated dental pathway for looked after children. British Dental Journal 216(3), pp. E6. (10.1038/sj.bdj.2014.51)
- Holland, S. 2013. Trust in the community: understanding the relationship between formal, semi-formal and informal child safeguarding in a local neighbourhood. British Journal of Social Work n/a (10.1093/bjsw/bcs118)
- Holland, S., Forrester, D., Williams, A. and Copello, A. 2013. Parenting and substance misuse: understanding accounts and realities in child protection contexts. British Journal of Social Work n/a (10.1093/bjsw/bcs197)
- Holland, S. and Crowley, A. 2013. Looked-after children and their birth families: using sociology to explore changing relationships, hidden histories and nomadic childhoods. Child & Family Social Work 18(1), pp. 57-66. (10.1111/cfs.12032)
- Maxwell, N., Scourfield, J. B., Holland, S., Featherstone, B. and Lee, J. 2012. The benefits and challenges of training child protection social workers in father engagement. Child Abuse Review 21(4), pp. 299-310. (10.1002/car.2218)
- Evans, R. E. and Holland, S. 2012. Community parenting and the informal safeguarding of children at neighbourhood level. Families, Relationships and Societies 1(2), pp. 173-190. (10.1332/204674312X645501)
- Maxwell, N., Scourfield, J. B., Featherstone, B., Holland, S. and Tolman, R. 2012. Engaging fathers in child welfare services: A narrative review of recent research evidence. Child and Family Social Work 17(2), pp. 160-169. (10.1111/j.1365-2206.2012.00827.x)
- Rees, A., Holland, S. and Pithouse, A. J. 2012. Food in foster families: care, communication and conflict. Children & Society 26(2), pp. 100-111. (10.1111/j.1099-0860.2010.00332.x)
- Baynes, P. and Holland, S. 2012. Social work with violent men: a child protection file study in an English local authority. Child Abuse Review 21(1), pp. 53-65. (10.1002/car.1159)
- Holland, S., Tannock, S. and Collicott, H. E. 2011. Everybody's business? A research review of the informal safeguarding of other people's children in the UK. Children & Society 25(5), pp. 406-416. (10.1111/j.1099-0860.2011.00389.x)
- Holland, S., Renold, E., Ross, N. and Hillman, A. 2010. Power, agency and participatory agendas: A critical exploration of young people's engagement in participative qualitative research. Childhood 17(3), pp. 360-375. (10.1177/0907568210369310)
- Holland, S., Burgess, S. J., Grogan-Kaylor, A. and Delva, J. 2010. Understanding neighbourhoods, communities and environments: new approaches for social work research. British Journal of Social Work 41(4), pp. 689-707. (10.1093/bjsw/bcq123)
- Thomas, J. R. and Holland, S. 2010. Representing children's identities in core assessments. British Journal of Social Work 40(8), pp. 2617-2633. (10.1093/bjsw/bcp154)
- Byrne, E., Holland, S. and Jerzembek, G. S. 2010. A pilot study on the impact of a home-based parenting intervention: Parents Plus. Childcare in Practice 16(2), pp. 111-127. (10.1080/13575270903563325)
- Ross, N. J., Renold, E., Holland, S. and Hillman, A. 2009. Moving stories: using mobile methods to explore the everyday lives of young people in public care. Qualitative Research 9(5), pp. 605-623. (10.1177/1468794109343629)
- Holland, S. 2009. Assessment in Social Work, 3rd edn, Judith Milner and Patrick O'Byrne [Book Review]. British Journal of Social Work 39(7), pp. 1412-1413. (10.1093/bjsw/bcp111)
- Drakeford, M., Scourfield, J., Holland, S. and Davies, A. 2009. Welsh children’s views on government and participation. Childhood 16(2), pp. 247-264. (10.1177/0907568209104404)
- Holland, S. 2009. Listening to children in care: A review of methodological and theoretical approaches to understanding looked after children's perspectives. Children & Society 23(3), pp. 226-235. (10.1111/j.1099-0860.2008.00213.x)
- Holland, S. 2009. Looked after children and the ethic of care. British Journal of Social Work 40(6), pp. 1664-1680. (10.1093/bjsw/bcp086)
- Holland, S. 2009. Kids today. Agenda: The Journal of the Institute of Welsh Affairs(Spring), pp. 54-55.
- Willis, R. and Holland, S. A. L. 2009. Life story work: Reflections on the experience by looked after young people. Adoption and Fostering 33(4), pp. 44-52.
- Renold, E., Holland, S., Ross, N. and Hillman, A. 2008. 'Becoming participant': problematizing 'informed consent' in participatory research with young people in care. Qualitative Social Work 7(4), pp. 427-447. (10.1177/1473325008097139)
- Holland, S. and Rivett, M. 2008. 'Everyone started shouting': making connections between the process of family group conferences and family therapy practice. British Journal of Social Work 38(1), pp. 21-38. (10.1093/bjsw/bcl064)
- Scourfield, J. B., Holland, S. and Young, C. 2008. Social work in Wales since democratic devolution. Australian Social Work 61(1), pp. 42-56. (10.1080/03124070701818724)
- Scourfield, J. B., Dicks, B., Holland, S., Drakeford, M. and Davies, A. 2006. The significance of place in middle childhood: qualitative research from Wales. British Journal of Sociology 57(4), pp. 577-595. (10.1111/j.1468-4446.2006.00126.x)
- Holland, S. and O'Neill, S. 2006. ‘We had to be there to make sure it was what we wanted’: enabling children’s participation in family decision-making through the family group conference. Childhood: A Journal of Global Child Research 13(1), pp. 91-111. (10.1177/0907568206059975)
- Holland, S., Faulkner, A. and Perez-del-Aguila, V. R. 2005. Promoting stability and continuity of care for looked after children: a survey and critical review. Child & Family Social Work 10(1), pp. 29-41. (10.1111/j.1365-2206.2004.00339.x)
- Holland, S., Scourfield, J. B., O'Neill, S. S. and Pithouse, A. J. 2005. Democratising the family and the state? The case of family group conferences in child welfare. Journal of Social Policy 34(1), pp. 59-78. (10.1017/S0047279404008268)
- Holland, S. and Scourfield, J. B. 2004. Liberty and respect in child protection. British Journal of Social Work 34(1), pp. 21-36. (10.1093/bjsw/bch003)
- Holland, S. 2001. Representing children in child protection assessments. Childhood: A Journal of Global Child Research 8(3), pp. 322-339. (10.1177/0907568201008003002)
- Holland, S. 2000. The assessment relationship: interactions between social workers and parents in child protection assessments. The British Journal of Social Work 30(2), pp. 149–163. (10.1093/bjsw/30.2.149)
- Holland, S. and Scourfield, J. B. 2000. Managing marginalised masculinities: men and probation. Journal of Gender Studies 9(2), pp. 199-211. (10.1080/713677981)
- Pithouse, A. and Holland, S. 1999. Family support and the early years centre: a case study of parent views. Child Care in Practice 5(2), pp. 140-150. (10.1080/13575279908413166)
Book sections
- Holland, S. 2022. Social work: A relationship-based profession. In: Cree, V. E. ed. Becoming a Social Worker. 3rd ed.. Routledge, pp. 93-98.
- Ross, N., Renold, E., Holland, S. and Hillman, A. 2011. Meaningful meanderings: using mobile methods to research young people’s everyday lives. In: Heath, S. and Walker, C. eds. Innovations in youth research. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 37-57.
- Renold, E., Holland, S., Ross, N. J. and Hillman, A. 2011. 'Becoming participant': problematising 'informed consent' in participatory research with young people in care. In: Atkinson, P. A. and Delamont, K. S. eds. SAGE Qualitative Research Methods., Vol. 4. London: Sage, pp. 55-74.
- Holland, S. and O'Neill, S. 2011. 'We had to be there to make sure it was what we wanted': Enabling children's participation in family decision-making through the family group conference. In: Coffey, A. J. and Hall, T. A. eds. Researching Young People., Vol. 2. Fundamentals of Applied Research London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd, pp. 219-240.
- Ross, N. J., Renold, E., Holland, S. and Hillman, A. 2011. Moving stories: using mobile methods to explore the everyday lives of young people in public care. In: Coffey, A. J. and Hall, T. A. eds. Researching Young People., Vol. 1. Fundamentals of Applied Research London: Sage, pp. 123-140.
- Holland, S. 2009. Engaging children and their parents in the assessment process. In: Horwath, J. ed. The child's World: the Comprehensive Guide to Assessing Children in Need, 2nd ed.. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, pp. 110-123.
- Holland, S. A. L. 2009. Diverse childhoods, participation and democracy: some reasons to be cheerful. In: Osmond, J. and Morris, N. eds. What Are We Doing To Our Kids?. Cardiff, UK: Institute of Welsh Affairs/ BBC Cymru Wales, pp. 64-66.
- Holland, S. and Scourfield, J. B. 2008. Managing marginalised masculinities: men and probation. In: Tomsen, S. ed. Crime, criminal justice and masculinities. International Library of Criminology, Criminal Justice and Penology - Second series Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 427-440.
- Holland, S., Renold, E., Ross, N. J. and Hillman, A. 2008. The everyday lives of children in care: using a sociological perspective to inform social work practice. In: Luckock, B. and Lefevre, M. eds. Direct work: social work with children and young people in care. London: British Association for Adoption & Fostering, pp. 77-94.
- Holland, S. and Scourfield, J. B. 2015. Social work: a very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Shaw, I. and Holland, S. 2014. Doing qualitative research in social work. SAGE Publications.
- Holland, S. 2011. Child and family assessment in social work practice. London: Sage.
- Holland, S. 2004. Child and family assessment in social work practice. London: Sage.
- Ross, N., Holland, S., Renold, E. and Hillman, A. 2008. The multi-sensory experiences of mobile research encounters. Presented at: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2008, St Catherine's College, Oxford, 30 June - 3 July 2008.
- Ablitt, J., Jimenez Lugo, P. and Holland, S. 2024. Eliminating profit from children’s residential and foster care: evidence review. Technical Report.
- Holland, S. et al. 2024. Basic income for care leavers in Wales pilot evaluation: annual report, 2023 to 2024. Welsh Government. Available at: https://www.gov.wales/basic-income-care-leavers-wales-pilot-evaluation-annual-report-2023-2024
- Wiles, R., Prosser, J., Bagnoli, A., Clark, A., Davies, K., Holland, S. and Renold, E. 2008. Visual ethics: ethical issues in visual research. Working paper. National Centre for Research Methods,. Available at: http://eprints.ncrm.ac.uk/421/1/MethodsReviewPaperNCRM-011.pdf
- Holland, S., Renold, E., Ross, N. and Hillman, A. 2008. Rights, ‘right on’ or the right thing to do? A critical exploration of young people's engagement in participative social work research. Working paper. ERSC National Centre for Reseacrh Methods. Available at: http://eprints.ncrm.ac.uk/460/1/0708%2520critical%2520exploration.pdf
- Barrance, R. and Holland, S. 2019. How well is Wales monitoring its fulfilment of the Convention on the Rights of the Child? A view from Dr Rhian Barrance and Sally Holland, Children’s Commissioner for Wales. [Online]. Cardiff: Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research, Data & Methods. Available at: https://wiserd.ac.uk/news/how-well-wales-monitoring-its-fulfilment-convention-rights-child-view-dr-rhian-barrance-and
Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar blant a theuluoedd, yn enwedig ym maes gofal cymdeithasol plant.
Mae fy mhrosiectau ymchwil wedi archwilio sawl agwedd ar fywydau plant a theuluoedd. Roedd hyn yn cynnwys:
- Adolygiad o ymyriadau effeithiol i wella canlyniadau i blant sy'n derbyn gofal ar gyfer y Loteri Fawr. Yna buddsoddodd yr elusen £5 miliwn mewn treial o'r ymyriad a argymhellodd yr astudiaeth;
- prosiect cyfranogol gyda phlant sy'n derbyn gofal gan ddefnyddio dulliau creadigol;
- astudiaeth arsylwadol o ymgysylltiad gweithwyr cymdeithasol â phlant;
- astudiaeth gymunedol o ddiogelu plant ar ystâd dai;
- cyfweliadau hanes bywyd gydag oedolion ifanc â phrofiad o ofal;
- astudiaeth carfan fabwysiadu;
- astudiaeth o brofiadau plant o gynadleddau grwpiau teulu.
Grantiau ymchwil a ddewiswyd:
2013-2015 Holland, Ruch, Winter, Cree, Hadfield, ‘Communicating with Vulnerable Children: Understanding the Everyday Practices of Child and Family Social Workers’, ESRC, £415,000. ES/K006134/1
2013 (March-September) Holland. ‘Scoping and analysis of neglect tools, procedures and services responses in wales’, NSPCC/A4C/Welsh overnment, £20,000.
2013-16 Co-applicant (PI Robling, co-applicants Hood, Kemp, Butler, Sanders (Medicine), Holland, Segrott (SOCSI)) ‘Evaluating the long-term effectiveness, and the cost and consequences of the Family Nurse Partnership parenting support programme in reducing maltreatment in young children’ NIHR, £680,015.
September 2010-January 2011 Byrne and Holland, ‘Children at Risk: evaluating Early Years interventions with homeless families through photography’, Cymorth, £6,500.
Oct 2010-Oct 2011 Bateman, MacIntosh, Rushworth, Holland and Williams, ‘Dental Health and Looked After Children’, Northumbria Health Board, £15,000.
April 2010-April 2011 Scourfield, Bullock, Featherstone, Holland, Tolman, A feasibility study for a randomised controlled trial of a training intervention to improve the engagement of fathers in the child protection system, Wales Office of Research and Development in Health and Social Care (WORD), £124,000.
Oct 2009-Oct 2010 Forrester, Copello and Holland ‘An Evaluation of the “Option 2” Intensive Family Preservation Service’ AERC £60,000.
Rwy'n addysgu ar y rhaglen MA Gwaith Cymdeithasol
Rwy'n goruchwylio myfyrwyr traethawd hir israddedig a Meistr a Doethuriaeth
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