Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Cathy Holt  BEng, PhD, PGDip, CEng, FIMechE

Yr Athro Cathy Holt

BEng, PhD, PGDip, CEng, FIMechE


Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig


Prof Cathy Holt is a Prof of Biomechanics and Orthopaedic Engineering, in the Health, Technology and the Digital World research theme, Cardiff School of Engineering, Cardiff University. She received her honours degree in Mechanical Engineering from University College Cardiff (1988), and her PhD from Cardiff University (1993), UK.

She is the Biomedical Engineering Research Group Leader and the Director of the Musculoskeletal Biomehcanics research Facility.

As a Co-PI for the Arthritis Research UK Biomechanics and Bioengineering Centre, she Directs the Biomechanics Research.

She Chairs the School of Engineering Equality and Diversity Committee and has been a prominent figure for ongoing Athena Swan initiatives in he School which has a Bronze Award,

She is a Chartered Engineering and FIMechE. She Chairs the IMechE Biomedical Engineering Association Board and Orthopardics TAC and sits on the REAng Biomedical Panel, is a member of the Biomedical Engineering Special Interest Group as a member of the Institiute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine, and also the IPEM/IET/IMechE Biomedical Engineering Working Group.

Prof Holts main research interests are in 3D motion analysis, biomechanics and orthopaedic engineering. She has an international reputation for her research in the area of analysis and classification of joint function and novel applications of motion capture.

Her ideas for developing motion capture, analysis and classification for orthopaedics and functional changes due to degenerative joint disease and surgical intervention have led to securing, with colleagues, external grant support of over £25 million. This is through interdisciplinary, collaborative research, infrastructure and equipment, across several Schools and includes >£5M in personal income from EPSRC/ARUK/WT ISSF/MRC CIC/HI/WG/Ser Cymru

Her cross-school vision led to the co-coordination of a successful bid for the cross-disciplinary Arthritis Research UK Biomechanics and Bioengineering Centre which has attracted £4.5M from Arthritis Research UK (since 2009) and over £10M from 6 Cardiff University Schools. She is the Biomechanics Research Directorfor the Centre.

She is the Director for the £5M Welsh Government and Cardiff University funded) Musculoskeletal Biomechancis Research Facility and was recenetly awarded an EPSRC OATech NetworkPlus, brigning together academics, clinicians and industry across to the UK.

Dr Holt collaborates with UK and international universities and industrial companies from several countries, has provided research leadership on projects funded by Research Councils, Charity and Industry, and contributed over 100 refereed research papers to International Journals and Conferences in countries including the UK, USA and Europe.

She referees for several international journals and was Guest Editor for the International Journal of Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. Dr Holt has been a project reviewer for the European Commission, proposal evaluator for international and UK Research Councils, member of the EPSRC Peer Review College and an assessor for several charities.





























Book sections





10th Meeting: technical group on '3D analysis of human movement' International Society of Biomechanics.Holt CARoyal Society79028/10/2008 - 28/07/2009
Gait analysis of knee inplantsDr CA HoltDePuy UK 4489805/01/2002 - 04/01/2004
Development of a constitutive model for the peridontal ligament using a novel motion analysis techniqueEvans SL, Holt CAEngineering and Physical Sciences Research Council 15813301/09/2003 - 31/08/2006
Cardiff Institute of Biomechanics and BioEngineering Research (CIBER)Holt CA, Evans SL, with BIOSI, MEDIC, SOHCS, DENTL, PHRMY & PSYCHArthritis Research Campaign50998701/08/2009 - 01/08/2014
Clinical validation of a new mathematical tool to classify normal pathological knee functionHolt CA, (with CARBS & MEDIC)Medical Research Council 2760401/07/2004 - 30/06/2005
Kinematic analysis of normal and pathological shoulder function: A study of the measurement accuracy and validity for use in objective functional classifiersDr CA HoltPlus Orthopaedics (UK) Ltd5000001/10/2006 - 30/09/2009
Using motion analysis techniques and objective classifiers to characterise mechanisms of human movement and postural control: Applications to orthopaedics and neurologyDr CA HoltRoyal Academy of Engineering3456201/09/2007 - 01/09/2008
The clinical validation of a new mathematical tool to diagnose and classify normal, pathological and TKR knee functionDr CA Holt, (with CARBS & COMSC & MEDIC)Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council 8683601/05/2005 - 31/10/2007
Investigation of gait and functional activities using 3D motion analysis in patients with knee osteoarthritis and in normal healthy volunteersSparkes V, Holt C, Whatling GGlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Pte Ltd76383.509/06/2014 - 31/03/2015
Human motion analysis of new kneeDr LDM Nokes, Dr CA HoltDePuy UK 1500001/01/2001 - 01/01/2004
Automated assessment of timing and movement signatures in Huntingdon's diseaseBusse (HCARE) Holt C, Hicks YWellcome Trust1630101/01/2016 - 31/12/2016
Adaptive assistive rehabilitative technology: Beyond the Clinic (AART:BC)Holt CEPSRC via Warwick19247601/04/2015 - 31/03/2018
Implementation of the development of single protein fibre matrix composties for high performance cartilage repair deviceHolt CTechnology Strategy Board9083401/02/2013 - 31/01/2015
Predicting and evaluating the surgical outcome following high tibial osteotomy using musculatoskeletal modelling, objective classification, imaging and biological mtestingHolt CARTHREX Ltd4950001/03/2010 - 28/02/2014
OsteoArthritis Technologies Network Plus (OATech+): A multidisciplinary approach to the prevention and treatment of osteoarthritisHolt CEPSRC96848601/07/2016 - 30/06/2020
Functional and Biological Assessment of a New Implant Material to Treat Focal Cartilage DefectsHolt C, Mason D (BIOSI)Ser Cymru NRN AEM2850001/04/2014 - 31/03/2017
ARUK Biomechanics & Bioengineering CentreHolt C, Whatling G, Evans SArthritis Research UK42000001/01/2016 - 31/12/2020
Musculoskeletal Research CentreHolt C, Whatling G, Jones P, Mitchard DWelsh Government250000001/04/2015 - 31/03/2017
The relationship between alignment, function and loading in total knee replacement: In-vivo analysis of a unique patient populationHolt C, Whatling G, Roberts H (BIOSI)Furlong Research Charitable Foundation2956201/08/2011 - 31/07/2012
Clinical validation of a new mathematical tool to diagnose and classify normal pathological TKR knee functionHolt CADePuy UK 4500001/10/2005 - 30/09/2008
The clinical validation of a new mathematical tool to diagnose and classify normal, pathological TKR knee functionHolt CADePuy International Ltd5000001/04/2009 - 31/03/2012
Digital image correlation as a technique to validate finite element modelsHolt CARoyal Society160001/03/2008 - 02/05/2008
Clinical validation of a new mathematical tool to diagnose and classify normal pathological TKR knee functionHolt CADePuy UK2000001/10/2005 - 31/12/2008
Arthritis Research UK Biomechanics and Bioengineering CentreDuance V, Caterson B, Mason D, Blain E, Evans B, Williams A, Jones S, Birchall J, Van Deursen R, Sparkes V, Aeschlimann D, Wise R, Holt C, Evans S, Whatling GArthritis Research UK1997401/10/2014 - 31/03/2015

Supervised Students

Modelling of Metal on Metal Hip ProsthesesAL SAFFAR Ali Abd Al-Ameer HussienGraduatePhD
Knee Osteoarthritis is a Bilateral DiseaseMETCALFE Andrew JohnGraduateMD
Functional Analysis of the Shoulder Complex in Healthy and Pathological Subjects using Three-Dimensional Motion Analysis TechniquesLOVERN BarryGraduatePhD
Development Of Novel Methodologieas To Quantify, Analyse And Classifiy In-Vitro Knee Function Affected By Aging, Osteoarthritis And Total Knee ReplacementWATLING DanielGraduatePhD
A Contribution To The Clinical Validation Of A generic Method For The Classification Of Osteoarthritic And Non-Pathological Knee FunctionWHATLING Gemma MarieGraduatePhD
Development of Novel System to Measure and Calculate Tooth Movements for Studying the Properties of Periodontal LigamentLIU HelenGraduatePhD
The Development Of A Novel Technique In Measuring Human Skin Deformation In Vivo To Determine Its Mechanical PropertiesMAHMUD JamaluddinGraduatePhD
Development Of A Finite Element Model Of The Knee Using Patient Specific Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data And Biomechanical Testing Of Soft TissuesLI Joanna Yuen SaiGraduatePhD
A Novel Protocol For The Quantification Of Temproal And Postural Gait Parameters Of Rats And HumansMADETE June KaziraGraduatePhD
The Development of a Novel Method for the Classification of Osteoarthritic and Normal Knee FunctionJONES LianneGraduatePhD
In Vivo Measurment And Objective Classification Of Healthy, Injured And Pathological Shoulder InjurySTROUD LindsayGraduatePhD
Functional and Biological Assessment of a New Implant Material to Treat Focal Cartilage DefectsKHATIB NidalCurrentPhD
An Investigation to Establish How The Evolution of Rugby Influences The Risk of Spinal Injury During ScrummagingSWAMINATHAN RameshThesis SubmittedPhD
Novel Approaches To The Development Of PMMA Bone CementsAYRE WayneGraduatePhD


Biomecaneg 1 Blwyddyn 2) - Biomecaneg Sylfaenol y System Cyhyrysgerbydol

Biomecaneg 2 (blwyddyn 3) - Atodiadau mewn Biomecaneg y System Cyhyrysgerbydol

Dylunio (Blwyddyn 2) - Gwneud Dylunio Peiriannau a'u Prawf gyda phartneriaid yn y diwydiant

Egonomeg (Blwyddyn 4)

Prosiectau Unigol Blwyddyn 3

Addysgu Clinigol ar gyfer Canolfan Orthopedig Caerdydd a'r Fro - Hyfforddiant ac Addysgu Regsitry

Holt, C. and Williams, D. 2018. Pennod 6: Biomecaneg y cymalau ymylol.  Yn: Hochberg, M. C. et al. eds. Rheumatoleg, Set 2-gyfrol - 7e., Cyf. 7e.  Elsevier


School of Engineering, Cardiff University, Wales, UK

  • - Biomechanics Research Group Leader, Health Technology and Digital World Theme
  • - Co-PI, Manager & Director of Biomechanics Research, Arthritis Research UK Biomechanics and Bioengineering Centre of Excellence
  • - PI, Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Research Centre
  • - Chair, School E and D Committee

Present and previous appointments

2015 -            Chair, Biomechanics & Orth Eng, School of Engineering, Cardiff

2011 -            Reader, Biomechanics & Orth Eng, School of Engineering, Cardiff

2007-08        Royal Academy of Engineering - Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellow

2007-             Honorary Research Fellow, Orthopaedics, Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust

2006 -            Senior Lecturer, Biomechanics & Orth Eng, School of Engineering, Cardiff

2002-05        Lecturer, Biomechanics and Materials, School of Engineering, Cardiff

1996-01        Senior RA, Motion Analysis Lab Manager, School of Engineering, Cardiff

1993-96        RA, EPSRC/MOD, Tribology, School of Engineering, Cardiff

1990-93        RA, EPSRC, Tribology, School of Engineering, Cardiff

1988-90        PGR Student, SERC, Tribology, School of Engineering, Cardiff

1987              Summer Placement, Joint European Torus, UKAEA, Abingdon, Oxford


1998              P.G.Dip. Clinical Gait Analysis, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow

1993              Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, University of Wales, Cardiff

1988              B.Eng. (Hons.) 2:1 Mechanical Engineering, University College Cardiff

Significant achievements

  • PI, EPSRC NetworkPlus, OATech+ track record for leading large research networks, recognition in field of osteoarthritis technology research, 4 CIs & >100 partners across engineering, science, medicine, NHS and Industry, (>£1M), 2016-19
  • Founder, Co-PI, Manager & Director, Biomechanics Research, ARUK Biomechanics & Bioengineering Centre (ARUKBBC), non-competitive resubmission, translation, clinically important studies & sustained research income with > 50 academic/research staff & 20. MD/PhD students, (£4.5M ARUK/£7.5M CU), 2009 -19
  • Chair, IMechE Biomedical Engineering Association Board, RAEng Biomedical Engineering Panel member; Biomedical Engineering Special Interest Group or IPEM/BES, 2016-
  • Project Lead, Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Research Facility (HEFCW/Welsh Government, £2.5M/ Cardiff University £2.5M), 2014
  • EPSRC Assistive, Adaptive & Rehab Technology Sandpit, AARTBC funding (>£2M), 2014
  • Speaker/Mentor, RAEng, Biomedical Engineering Futures, 2006 & 2014 
  • Chair, IMechE Biomed. Eng. Assoc. Board and Osthopaedic TAC
  • IMechE/IET/IPEM Working Committee on Biomedical Engineering, 2012-14
  • Co-Chair, IMechE, International Conf. Knee/Hip, London, 2013 - 2015
  • BBC Academy, Women Experts media training, 2013
  • International Shoulder Group Council, International Society of Biomechanics, 2011 -13
  • IMechE Academic Assessment Committee; Academic and Industrial Assessor, 2011 -13
  • Non-clinical member, British Elbow & Shoulder Society, 2011–13 and American ORS, 2014
  • Royal Academy of Engineering/Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship, 2007- 08
  • CEng, IMechE, with a direct recommendation to FIMechE, 2007
  • Guest Editor, Special Editions: Intl. J. CMBBE, 2008; Proc. IMechE. Part H, 2009
  • EPSRC College: Peer Review and Panel member (ongoing)

School, University and external management, administrative, leadership

  • School of Engineering Administration: School Board; Staff Executive Committee; Chair, School E&D Committee; Lead School Athena Swan Application- 2007 – 2014 (Bronze), now AS Exec and Self Assessment Committees.
  • University Administration: E&D Contacts liaison for School, CPSE Equality Forum member, The Way Forward Research Initiative.
  • School of Engineering Research: Biomedical Engineering Research Group Leader, Health Security & the Digital World Research Theme, Line Manager: 3 academics/3 PDRAs.

Cross-University Research:

  • Cardiff Institute of Tissue Engineering and Repair (CITER): Research, Management and Learning & Teaching Committee leading to Tissue Engineering & Repair MSc (2000-12).
  • Founder, PI, Manager, Team Leader and now Biomechanics Research Director for the Arthritis Research UK Biomechanics and Bioengineering Centre of Excellence (£10M plus £2.5M, 6 University Schools, 2009 onwards)

External Commitments:

  • Co-Chair, Intl. Conf. Knee and Hip Surgery and Rehab, IMechE, London, Nov 2013, 2015
  • Chair, Orthop. Tech. Adv. Com., Biomedical Engineering Assoc. Board, IMechE, 2012-
  • Chair, Biomedical Engineering Association Board, IMechE, 2016 -
  • Biomedical Engineering SIG, IPEM/BES, 2016 -
  • Chair, Annual Biomedical Engineering Student Competition, 2013- 16
  • Elected, Intl. Shoulder Group Committee (ISB), 2011- 16
  • FIMechE, CEng: Academic Assessment Committee and Assessor, 2011-
  • Nominated/Elected - non-clinical member of British Elbow and Shoulder Society, 2011-
  • Arthritis Research UK, OA & Crystal Diseases CSG, Ad-hoc Panel Advisor, 2011-
  • Meditech Steering & Technical Committee: Medical technology network – academic /industrial partners including: ARUP, S&N, Simpleware, National Physical Laboratory

Referee, reviewer, higher degree examiner and academic recruitment

  • Invited External Advisor and Examiner: Southampton University Biomed Eng Degree, 2016; Biomedical Engineering UG, Dublin City University (2010-15)
  • PhD, MPhil and MSc Examiner/Reviewer: Imperial College (3), Bath (2), Leeds (2), Newcastle (2), Salford (1), Strathclyde (1), East Anglia (1), Birmingham (1), Northumbria (1), Cardiff (5), W. Australia (1), Sydney (1), Uni Tech MARA Malaysia (1), University of Brussels, KU Leuven (1)
  • Academic Recruitment/Referee: Trinity College Dublin; Oxford; Newcastle (2009-14).
  • Reviewer: RC -Sweden/Leuven Uni; BUPA; Roy. Coll. Surgeons; British Council, Furlong
  • Journal Reviewer – many journals including Arth and Rheum, Bone Research Journal, J. Biomechanics; CORR, Gait & Posture; IMechE Proc, RS Interface, Plos One,
  • Conference Abstract reviews: IMechE Inl. Knee/Hip Meetings, 2013/15, ICAME2010, Malaysia, 2010; ESB, Edinburgh, 2010; BORS 2010; CMBBE 2008-12, ORS (2015)
  • Prize judge: IMechE Knee (2013), CMBBE (2008-12); BORS (2009-10); CITER
  • Conference organiser/Technical Committee reviewer/Chair/Session Chair: ORS (2015), IMechE Knee/Hip/Upper limb (2013/15); ICCM2013, CMBBE (2008 - 12); ESB; UKSBG3 (2009 -12); Medical Devices Faraday Partnership-Orthopaedics (2006)
  • Guest Editor: Journal Special Issues/Sections: Intl. J CMBBE, Motion Analysis and Musculoskeletal Modelling, Taylor & Francis, 2008; IMechE:H, Engineering the Upper Limb, 2009; J Strain. Analysis for Engineering Design, 2014 (In progress).

Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau

Awarded a Royal Academy of Engineering/Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship, 2007

Aelodaethau proffesiynol

  • IMechE: CEng FIMechE
  • Chair BmEA Board, Chair Orthopaedics TAC, IMechE
    • Chair, Annual Medical Engineering Student Competition,2013
    • Co-Chair IET/IMechE Annual Student Healthcare Technology Competitions 2014-15
    • Co-Chair, IMechE Knee and Hip conferences, 2013- 2015
    • RAEng Biomeical Engineering Panel member
    • IPEM, Biomedical Engineering Special Interest Group
    • IPEM/IET/IMechE Biomeical Engineering Working Group
  • EPSRC College (2006-): Peer Reviewer/Panel member
  • Reviewer, BBSRC/MRC/Royal Society/Welcome Trust, ARUK, ORUK, Dunhill Trust (2012-).
  • EU (2007) Intl Peer and Panel Review, Brussels, FP6 (2007) & FP7 (2013), H2020 (2017)
  • ISB, ISG, ESB, ESMAC, BORS, ORS, OARSI membership- ongoing:
  • Journal Special Issue, Guest Editor:
  • International Journal of Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (CMBBE): Motion Analysis and Musculoskeletal Modelling.
  • Proceedings of the IMechE, Journal of Engineering in Medicine: Engineering the Upper Limb.

Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol

  • Guest Lecturer
    • Leeds University, Biomechanics Course
    • Bath University, Advanced Biomechanics
    • UiTM Shah Alam Malaysia
    • medical Devices Lecture module at the Katholik University of Leuven, Belgium
  • External examiner of MSc and MPhil at Leeds and Newcastle Universities.
  • External examiner of PhD students at many UK universities including Bath, Imperial College London, Salford, Newcastle, Liverpool John Moores, Leeds, Strathclyde, Swansea, University of Western Australia
  • External examiner for UG Degrees:
    • DCU, Dublin (2013 -2016)
    • QMUL, London (2017 -)

Meysydd goruchwyliaeth

Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol

Polly Blaikie

Polly Blaikie

Marina De Vecchis

Marina De Vecchis

Contact Details

Email Holt@caerdydd.ac.uk
Telephone +44 29208 74533
Campuses Adeiladau'r Frenhines, Ystafell T/0.08, 5 The Parade, Heol Casnewydd, Caerdydd, CF24 3AA