Dr Shan Hou
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Mae Shan Shan yn Ddarlithydd ac Ymchwilydd deniadol, ymroddedig a chreadigol gydag arbenigedd mewn Technoleg Carbon Isel, Ôl-ffitio Seiliedig ar Systemau Tŷ Cyfan a Dadansoddi Cylch Bywyd, angerdd am addysgu, sgiliau cyfathrebu cryf, a hanes profedig o ddatblygu a chyflwyno rhaglenni addysgol, deunyddiau ac asesiadau hynod effeithiol ar gyfer israddedigion, ôl-raddedigion, ymgeiswyr PhD, gweithwyr proffesiynol a disgyblion CA2-CA4.
Mae gan Shan brofiad helaeth mewn arferion dylunio carbon isel fel ymgynghorydd ynni adeiladu ar ystod eang o brosiectau ers 2007. Mae enghreifftiau penodol yn cynnwys Parkview Green yn Beijing (Integrated Design Associates), Brickell Citicentre ym Miami (ARQUITECTONICA), gwesty IC yn Davos (Baulink AG ac OIKIOS GmbH), Kunsthaus yn Zurich (David Chipperfield Architects), i enwi ond ychydig.
· PhD mewn Dylunio Carbon Isel, Ysgol Pensaernïaeth Cymru, Prifysgol Caerdydd, UK
- Thesis: Ymchwiliad i ddatblygu rhaglenni hyfforddi dylunio carbon isel
· MSc mewn Dylunio Amgylcheddol Adeiladau (rhagoriaeth), Ysgol Pensaernïaeth Cymru, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- Traethawd Hir: Adolygiad Beirniadol o Ddylunio Cynaliadwy ym Mhrydain Fawr
· BArch mewn Dylunio Pensaernïol, Ysgol Pensaernïaeth, Prifysgol Chang'an, Tsieina
· FHEA: Cymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch
· Achrediad Arferion Adeiladu Gwyrdd:
- Aseswr SAP trwyddedig
- Asesydd BREEAM ar gyfer Adeiladu Newydd Rhyngwladol
- AP LEED ar gyfer Dylunio Adeiladu
- Albarssi, S., Hou, S. S. and Latif, E. 2024. Thermally future-proofing existing Libyan housing stock with biobased insulation materials and passive measures: An empirical and numerical study using a digital twin. Buildings 14(1), article number: 175. (10.3390/buildings14010175)
- Hou, S., Patterson, J., Perisoglou, E., Ionas, M. and Tallent, E. 2024. A case study of modelling informing whole house energy systems-based retrofit in the UK. Presented at: Zero Carbon Built Environment Conference, Nottingham, UK, 03-05 July 2024.
- Patterson, J., Perisoglou, E., Hou, S., Li, X., Tallent, E. and Ionas, M. 2024. Three solid wall owner-occupied domestic retrofits. Presented at: CIBSE Technical Symposium, Cardiff, UK, 11-12 April 2024.
- Patterson, J. et al. 2024. Six 1970s off-gas bungalow retrofits. Presented at: CIBSE Technical Symposium, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 11-12 April 2024.
- Hou, S., Patterson, J., Tallent, E., Morewood, J., Perisoglou, E. and Ionas, M. 2023. Investigation of architects’ needs for upskilling to enable efficient and effective whole house systems-based retrofit in the UK. Presented at: Association Of Architectural Educators Conference 2023, 12-15 July 2023 Presented at McVicar, M. ed.AAE Conference 2023: Productive-Disruptive: Spaces of exploration in-between architectural pedagogy and practice. Cardiff: pp. 274-284.
- Hou, S. 2023. Brilliant club scholar programme case study: Teaching climate change with KS2 pupils. Presented at: The 11th European Conference on Education (ECE2023), London, 13 - 17 July 2023The European Conference on Education 2023: Official Conference Proceedings. , (10.22492/issn.2188-1162.2023.113)
- Akhimien, N., Tawheed, A. A. A., Latif, E. and Hou, S. 2022. Circular economy in buildings. In: Tao, Z. ed. The Circular Economy - Recent Advances in Sustainable Waste Management. The Circular Economy London: IntechOpen, (10.5772/intechopen.107098)
- Akhimien, N., Latif, E. and Hou, S. 2021. Application of circular economy principles in buildings: a systematic review. Journal of Building Engineering 38, article number: 102041. (10.1016/j.jobe.2020.102041)
- Huang, J., Jones, P., Zhang, A., Hou, S. S., Jian, H. and Spengler, J. D. 2021. Outdoor airborne transmission of coronavirus among apartments in high-density cities. Frontiers in Built Environment 7, article number: 666923. (10.3389/fbuil.2021.666923)
- Akhimien, N., Latif, E. and Hou, S. 2020. Exploring passive design and circular economy strategies in tropical west Africa. Presented at: 24th International Passive House Conference 2020, Virtual, 20 September - 08 October 020Conference Proceedings 24th International Passive House Conference 2020, Vol. 24. Germany: Passive House Institute
- Akhimien, N., Awaj, A., Latif, E. and Hou, S. 2019. Implementation of circular economy using bio-based products in the indoor and outdoor environment. Presented at: 2019 International Symposium on the Infrastructure Development, Liverpool, England, 14 October, 2019.
- Hou, S., Patterson, J., Li, X., Perisoglou, E. and Jones, P. 2019. Investigating the energy and thermal implications of installation of an air curtain and an automatic door in convenience stores in Wales. Presented at: 16th IBPSA International Conference, Rome, 2-4 September 2019. pp. -.
- Li, X. et al. 2019. Modelling and developing a neighbourhood low carbon system for five dwellings in the U.K.. Presented at: The 16th IBPSA International Conference, Rome, 2-4 September 2019. pp. -.
- Perisoglou, E. et al. 2018. Steady state and dynamic modelling of residential transpired solar collectors performance. Presented at: 4th Building Simulation and Optimization Conference, Cambridge, UK, 11-12 September 2018. pp. -.
- Liu, L., Wu, D., Li, X., Hou, S., Liu, C. and Jones, P. J. 2017. Effect of geometric factors on the energy performance of high-rise office towers in Tianjin, China. Building Simulation 10(5), pp. 625-641. (10.1007/s12273-017-0359-y)
- He, W., Jones, P., Li, X. and Hou, S. 2017. Energy performance plan analysis in a new ecological city. Presented at: PLEA 2017 conference, Edinburgh, UK, 2-5 July 2017Plea 2017 proceedings - Design to Thrive, Vol. 1. NCEUB pp. 1408-1413.
- Alnusairat, S., Jones, P. and Hou, S. 2017. Skycourt as a ventilated buffer zone in office buildings: assessing energy performance and thermal comfort. Presented at: Design to Thrive, PLEA 2017 Conference, Edinburgh, 2-5 July 2017Design to Thrive, PLEA 2017 Conference, Vol. III. Edinburgh, UK: NCEUB 2017 Network for Comfort and Energy Use in Building pp. 4901-4908.
- Alnusairat, S., Hou, S. and Jones, P. 2017. Investigating spatial configurations of skycourts as buffer zones in high-rise office buildings. Presented at: The 5th eCAADe Regional International Symposium 2017, Cardiff, 26-28 April 2017The Virtual and the Physical: between the representation of space and the making of space. Proceedings of the 5th eCAADe Regional International Symposium. Wales, United Kingdom: eCAADe Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, and the Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University pp. 83-92.
- Huang, J., Jones, P., Peng, R., Li, X. and Hou, S. 2017. An integrated model for urban microclimate and building energy in high-density cities for early stage design. Presented at: Building Simulation 2017: 15th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, San Francisco, CA, USA, 7-9 August 2017Proceedings of Building Simulation 2017: 15th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, San Francisco, USA, August 7-9, 2017..
- Hou, S. and Jones, P. 2016. Near zero carbon care home design in the UK. Presented at: BEHAVE 2016: 4th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy, Coimbra, Portugal, 8-9th September 2016.
- Hou, S. S., Kopitsis, D. and Jones, P. J. 2016. Evaluation of thermal comfort in built environment: experience with the Swiss standards. Presented at: International Green Building Conference, Beijing, China, 30-31 March 2016.
- Jones, P., Li, X. and Shan Shan, H. 2016. Urban scale energy modelling in the built environment. Urban Environment Design 101B, pp. 254-265.
- Jones, P., Hou, S. and Li, X. 2015. Towards zero carbon design in offices: Integrating smart facades, ventilation, and surface heating and cooling. Renewable Energy 73, pp. 69-76. (10.1016/j.renene.2014.06.027)
- Hou, S., Thomas, A. and Jones, P. J. 2015. A detailed review of the development of building regulations in relation to energy efficiency and carbon reduction in the UK. Urban Flux, pp. 9-21.
- Hou, S. 2014. An investigation into the development of low/ zero carbon design training programmes for the purpose of disseminating the knowledge and skills of low/ zero carbon design to architects in practice in England and Wales. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Jones, P. J., Hou, S. and Li, X. 2013. Reducing energy demand in non-domestic buildings: integrating smart facades, ventilation, and surface heating and cooling. Presented at: SB13 Dubai - National Conference on Advancing the Green Agenda - Technology, Practices and Policies, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 8-10 December 2013Proceedings of SB13 - Dubai, United Arab Emirates: National Conference on Advancing the Green Agenda - Technology, Practices and Policies, 8-10 December 2013. Vol. 33. Dubai, United Arab Emirates: The British University in Dubai
- Jones, P. J., Kopitsis, D. and Hou, S. S. 2012. Computer simulation to achieve low carbon buildings. Urban Environment Design 68, pp. 204-207.
- Albarssi, S., Hou, S. S. and Latif, E. 2024. Thermally future-proofing existing Libyan housing stock with biobased insulation materials and passive measures: An empirical and numerical study using a digital twin. Buildings 14(1), article number: 175. (10.3390/buildings14010175)
- Akhimien, N., Latif, E. and Hou, S. 2021. Application of circular economy principles in buildings: a systematic review. Journal of Building Engineering 38, article number: 102041. (10.1016/j.jobe.2020.102041)
- Huang, J., Jones, P., Zhang, A., Hou, S. S., Jian, H. and Spengler, J. D. 2021. Outdoor airborne transmission of coronavirus among apartments in high-density cities. Frontiers in Built Environment 7, article number: 666923. (10.3389/fbuil.2021.666923)
- Liu, L., Wu, D., Li, X., Hou, S., Liu, C. and Jones, P. J. 2017. Effect of geometric factors on the energy performance of high-rise office towers in Tianjin, China. Building Simulation 10(5), pp. 625-641. (10.1007/s12273-017-0359-y)
- Jones, P., Li, X. and Shan Shan, H. 2016. Urban scale energy modelling in the built environment. Urban Environment Design 101B, pp. 254-265.
- Jones, P., Hou, S. and Li, X. 2015. Towards zero carbon design in offices: Integrating smart facades, ventilation, and surface heating and cooling. Renewable Energy 73, pp. 69-76. (10.1016/j.renene.2014.06.027)
- Hou, S., Thomas, A. and Jones, P. J. 2015. A detailed review of the development of building regulations in relation to energy efficiency and carbon reduction in the UK. Urban Flux, pp. 9-21.
- Jones, P. J., Kopitsis, D. and Hou, S. S. 2012. Computer simulation to achieve low carbon buildings. Urban Environment Design 68, pp. 204-207.
Book sections
- Akhimien, N., Tawheed, A. A. A., Latif, E. and Hou, S. 2022. Circular economy in buildings. In: Tao, Z. ed. The Circular Economy - Recent Advances in Sustainable Waste Management. The Circular Economy London: IntechOpen, (10.5772/intechopen.107098)
- Hou, S., Patterson, J., Perisoglou, E., Ionas, M. and Tallent, E. 2024. A case study of modelling informing whole house energy systems-based retrofit in the UK. Presented at: Zero Carbon Built Environment Conference, Nottingham, UK, 03-05 July 2024.
- Patterson, J., Perisoglou, E., Hou, S., Li, X., Tallent, E. and Ionas, M. 2024. Three solid wall owner-occupied domestic retrofits. Presented at: CIBSE Technical Symposium, Cardiff, UK, 11-12 April 2024.
- Patterson, J. et al. 2024. Six 1970s off-gas bungalow retrofits. Presented at: CIBSE Technical Symposium, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 11-12 April 2024.
- Hou, S., Patterson, J., Tallent, E., Morewood, J., Perisoglou, E. and Ionas, M. 2023. Investigation of architects’ needs for upskilling to enable efficient and effective whole house systems-based retrofit in the UK. Presented at: Association Of Architectural Educators Conference 2023, 12-15 July 2023 Presented at McVicar, M. ed.AAE Conference 2023: Productive-Disruptive: Spaces of exploration in-between architectural pedagogy and practice. Cardiff: pp. 274-284.
- Hou, S. 2023. Brilliant club scholar programme case study: Teaching climate change with KS2 pupils. Presented at: The 11th European Conference on Education (ECE2023), London, 13 - 17 July 2023The European Conference on Education 2023: Official Conference Proceedings. , (10.22492/issn.2188-1162.2023.113)
- Akhimien, N., Latif, E. and Hou, S. 2020. Exploring passive design and circular economy strategies in tropical west Africa. Presented at: 24th International Passive House Conference 2020, Virtual, 20 September - 08 October 020Conference Proceedings 24th International Passive House Conference 2020, Vol. 24. Germany: Passive House Institute
- Akhimien, N., Awaj, A., Latif, E. and Hou, S. 2019. Implementation of circular economy using bio-based products in the indoor and outdoor environment. Presented at: 2019 International Symposium on the Infrastructure Development, Liverpool, England, 14 October, 2019.
- Hou, S., Patterson, J., Li, X., Perisoglou, E. and Jones, P. 2019. Investigating the energy and thermal implications of installation of an air curtain and an automatic door in convenience stores in Wales. Presented at: 16th IBPSA International Conference, Rome, 2-4 September 2019. pp. -.
- Li, X. et al. 2019. Modelling and developing a neighbourhood low carbon system for five dwellings in the U.K.. Presented at: The 16th IBPSA International Conference, Rome, 2-4 September 2019. pp. -.
- Perisoglou, E. et al. 2018. Steady state and dynamic modelling of residential transpired solar collectors performance. Presented at: 4th Building Simulation and Optimization Conference, Cambridge, UK, 11-12 September 2018. pp. -.
- He, W., Jones, P., Li, X. and Hou, S. 2017. Energy performance plan analysis in a new ecological city. Presented at: PLEA 2017 conference, Edinburgh, UK, 2-5 July 2017Plea 2017 proceedings - Design to Thrive, Vol. 1. NCEUB pp. 1408-1413.
- Alnusairat, S., Jones, P. and Hou, S. 2017. Skycourt as a ventilated buffer zone in office buildings: assessing energy performance and thermal comfort. Presented at: Design to Thrive, PLEA 2017 Conference, Edinburgh, 2-5 July 2017Design to Thrive, PLEA 2017 Conference, Vol. III. Edinburgh, UK: NCEUB 2017 Network for Comfort and Energy Use in Building pp. 4901-4908.
- Alnusairat, S., Hou, S. and Jones, P. 2017. Investigating spatial configurations of skycourts as buffer zones in high-rise office buildings. Presented at: The 5th eCAADe Regional International Symposium 2017, Cardiff, 26-28 April 2017The Virtual and the Physical: between the representation of space and the making of space. Proceedings of the 5th eCAADe Regional International Symposium. Wales, United Kingdom: eCAADe Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, and the Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University pp. 83-92.
- Huang, J., Jones, P., Peng, R., Li, X. and Hou, S. 2017. An integrated model for urban microclimate and building energy in high-density cities for early stage design. Presented at: Building Simulation 2017: 15th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, San Francisco, CA, USA, 7-9 August 2017Proceedings of Building Simulation 2017: 15th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, San Francisco, USA, August 7-9, 2017..
- Hou, S. and Jones, P. 2016. Near zero carbon care home design in the UK. Presented at: BEHAVE 2016: 4th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy, Coimbra, Portugal, 8-9th September 2016.
- Hou, S. S., Kopitsis, D. and Jones, P. J. 2016. Evaluation of thermal comfort in built environment: experience with the Swiss standards. Presented at: International Green Building Conference, Beijing, China, 30-31 March 2016.
- Jones, P. J., Hou, S. and Li, X. 2013. Reducing energy demand in non-domestic buildings: integrating smart facades, ventilation, and surface heating and cooling. Presented at: SB13 Dubai - National Conference on Advancing the Green Agenda - Technology, Practices and Policies, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 8-10 December 2013Proceedings of SB13 - Dubai, United Arab Emirates: National Conference on Advancing the Green Agenda - Technology, Practices and Policies, 8-10 December 2013. Vol. 33. Dubai, United Arab Emirates: The British University in Dubai
Prif Arbenigedd:
- Ffiseg Adeiladu
- Technoleg Carbon Isel
- Ôl-ffitio sy'n seiliedig ar systemau tŷ cyfan
- Dadansoddiad Cylch Bywyd
- Addysgu a Chefnogi Dysgu mewn Addysg Uwch
Profiad Goruchwyliaeth:
- Ar hyn o bryd yn ail oruchwylio 3 PhDs
Cyllid Cyfredol:
- Cronfa Arloesi Addysg: Digwyddiad adrodd straeon PGR
Proffil addysgu
- Arweinydd modiwl: MSc Ddaear a Chymdeithas
- Cyd-arweinydd modiwl: Bensaernïol BArch Technology_Year 3
- Cwrs yr Academi Ddoethurol: Cynllunio PhD ac Ysgrifennu Eich Traethawd Ymchwil
- Goruchwyliwr traethawd hir: PhD a graddau MSc
- Rhaglen Ysgolor Clwb Gwych ar gyfer disgyblion CA2 i CA4: Newid Hinsawdd a Sut i Arbed Ynni mewn Cartrefi?