Yr Athro William Housley
Cadeirydd mewn Cymdeithaseg
Yr Athro William Housley PhD, DSc.Econ. Mae FAcSS, FLSW yn arbenigwr a gydnabyddir yn rhyngwladol mewn dulliau ymchwil ansoddol a chymdeithasol, theori cymdeithasegol, astudio rheswm ymarferol, ethnomethodoleg, dadansoddi categoreiddio aelodaeth, rhyngweithio cymdeithasol a chymdeithaseg ddigidol. Roedd yn gyd-sylfaenydd ac yn aelod craidd o Arsyllfa Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol Ar-lein Cydweithredol (COSMOS) a ariannwyd gan yr ESRC a JISC ac sydd ar hyn o bryd yn cynnull y Grŵp Ymchwil Technoleg a Chymdeithaseg Ddigidol (EMTEDS) sy'n Dod i'r Amlwg ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd. Cadarnhawyd ei gyfraniad i Gymdeithaseg trwy ddyfarnu DSc Econ. gan Brifysgol Caerdydd yn 2012 am ei waith a gydnabyddir yn rhyngwladol ym maes rhyngweithio, cyfathrebu a threfniadaeth gymdeithasol. Bu'r Athro Housley yn aelod o'r grŵp adolygu arbenigol ar gyfer datganiad meincnodi pwnc QAA (DU) yn 2016. Mae wedi cyhoeddi'n eang ar ddulliau ymchwil cymdeithasol, rhyngweithio a chyfathrebu, cyfryngau cymdeithasol, dinasyddiaeth, hunaniaeth a gwaith tîm cydweithredol. Mae ei ffocws presennol ar faes cymdeithaseg ddigidol sy'n dod i'r amlwg gan ei fod yn ymwneud â systemau cymdeithasol-dechnegol newydd, technolegau aflonyddgar, rhyngweithio, atebolrwydd algorithmig, awtomeiddio, rhyngddisgyblaeth, cymuned a chymdeithas sifil. Yn ddiweddar, cwblhaodd Gymrodoriaeth Ymchwil 12 Mis Prifysgol Caerdydd o'r enw 'Cyfryngau, Gweithgynhyrchu a Symudedd: Technolegau Digidol Aflonyddgar ar Waith'. Mae wedi gwasanaethu fel cyd-olygydd Qualitative Research (SAGE, 2012-2018) ac wedi gwasanaethu ar fyrddau golygyddol cyfnodolyn llongau baner BSA Sociology (SAGE), Big Data and Society (SAGE) a Discourse, Context and Media (Wiley). Dyfarnwyd cadair fawreddog Vincent Wright i'r Athro Housley yn Sciences Po, Paris, yn 2017. Mae wedi darparu adolygiad arbenigol ar gyfer nifer o gyllidwyr a sefydliadau ymchwil gan gynnwys ESRC (y DU), yr Academi Brydeinig a Chyngor Ymchwil Awstria ac ar hyn o bryd mae'n aelod rhyngwladol o'r panel ar gyfer rhaglen Momentwm Sylfaen Volkswagen. Bu'r Athro Housley yn aelod o Banel Cymdeithaseg REF (DU) 2021.
Rwy'n croesawu goruchwyliaeth yn y meysydd canlynol:
- Cyfuchliniau cymdeithasau digidol sy'n dod i'r amlwg
- Ethnomethodology a bywyd cymdeithasol dulliau a data
- Goblygiadau cymdeithasol technolegau digidol aflonyddgar
- Cyfathrebu a rhyngweithio
- Cymdeithaseg celf a dylunio
- Gweithio ar y cyd ac ymarfer rhyngddisgyblaethol
- Penderfyniadau a sefydliadau
- Housley, W. and Dahl, P. 2024. Membership categorisation, sociological description and role prompt engineering with ChatGPT. Discourse and Communication 18(6) (10.1177/17504813241267068)
- Housley, W., Edwards, A., Beneito-Montagut, R. and Ftizgerald, R. Housley, W. et al. eds. 2022. The SAGE handbook of digital society. 1st Edition. London: SAGE.
- Housley, W., Edwards, A., Beneito-Montagut, R. and Fitzgerald, R. 2022. The emerging contours of digital society: remastering, reconsideration, reorientation and new socio-digital domains. In: Housley, W. ed. The SAGE Handbook of Digital Society - First Edition. London: SAGE, pp. 3-18.
- Edwards, A., Housley, W., Beneito-Montagut, R. and Fitzgerald, R. 2022. Freedom of speech and online harm in liberal democracies: a triadic concept. In: Housley, W. et al. eds. The SAGE Handbook of Digital Society - First Edition. London: SAGE, pp. 543-558.
- Housley, W. 2021. Society in the digital age: an interactionist perspective. SAGE.
- Edwards, A., Webb, H., Housley, W., Beneito-Montagut, R., Procter, R. and Jirotka, M. 2021. Forecasting the governance of harmful social media communications: findings from the digital wildfire policy Delphi. Policing and Society 31(1), pp. 1-19. (10.1080/10439463.2020.1839073)
- Smith, R., Fitzgerald, R. and Housley, W. eds. 2020. On sacks: methdology, materials, and inspirations. Routledge.
- Housley, W. 2020. Harvey Sacks, Membership Categorization and Social Media. In: On Sacks: Methodology, Materials, and Inspirations. Routledge, pp. 208-220., (10.4324/9780429024849)
- Stokoe, E., Sikveland, R., Albert, S., Hamann, M. and Housley, W. 2020. Can humans simulate talking like other humans? Comparing simulated clients to real customers in service inquiries. Discourse Studies 22(1), pp. 87-109. (10.1177/1461445619887537)
- Housley, W., Albert, S. and Stokoe, E. 2019. Natural action processing: conversation analysis and big interactional data. Presented at: Halfway to the Future Symposium 2019, Nottingham, UK, 19-20 Nov 2019Proceedings of the Halfway to the Future Symposium 2019. Nottingham: HTTF pp. 1-4., (10.1145/3363384.3363478)
- Housley, W. 2019. Sacks, Harvey. In: Atkinson, P. et al. eds. Sage Research Methods. Sage, (10.4135/9781526421036816094)
- Albert, S., Housley, W. and Stokoe, E. 2019. In case of emergency, order pizza: an urgent case of action formation and recognition. Presented at: CUI 2019: 1st International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, Dublin, Ireland, 22-23 August 2019CUI '19: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces. ACM pp. 1., (10.1145/3342775.3342800)
- Henwood, K., Dicks, B. and Housley, W. 2019. Qualitative research in reflexive mode: The participatory turn and interpretive social science. Qualitative Research 19(3), pp. 241-246. (10.1177/1468794119844103)
- Procter, R., Webb, H., Jirotka, M., Burnap, P., Housley, W., Edwards, A. and Williams, M. 2019. A study of cyber hate on Twitter with implications for social media governance strategies. [Online]. arXiv. Available at: https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.11732
- Housley, W. 2018. Conversation analysis, publics, practitioners and citizen social science. Discourse Studies 20(3), pp. 431-437. (10.1177/1461445618754581)
- Housley, W. et al. 2018. Interaction and transformation on social media: the case of Twitter campaigns. Social Media and Society 4(1), pp. 1-12. (10.1177/2056305117750721)
- Housley, W., Webb, H., Edwards, A., Procter, R. and Jirotka, M. 2017. Digitizing Sacks? Approaching social media as data. Qualitative Research 17(6), pp. 627-644. (10.1177/1468794117715063)
- Housley, W., Webb, H., Edwards, A., Procter, R. and Jirotka, M. 2017. Membership categorisation and antagonistic Twitter formulations. Discourse and Communication 11(6), pp. 567-590. (10.1177/1750481317726932)
- Housley, W., Dicks, B., Henwood, K. and Smith, R. 2017. Qualitative methods and data in digital societies. Qualitative Research 17(6), pp. 607-609. (10.1177/1468794117730936)
- Fitzgerald, R., Housley, W. and Rintel, S. 2017. Membership Categorisation Analysis. Technologies of social action. Journal of Pragmatics 118, pp. 51-55. (10.1016/j.pragma.2017.07.012)
- Webb, H. et al. 2017. The ethical challenges of publishing Twitter data for research dissemination. Presented at: WebSci'17: ACM Web Science Conference, Troy, NY, USA, 25-28 June 2017Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Web Science Conference. ACM pp. 339-348., (10.1145/3091478.3091489)
- Housley, W. and Smith, R. J. 2017. Interactionism and digital society. Qualitative Research 17(2), pp. 187-201. (10.1177/1468794116685142)
- Carrigan, M. and Housley, W. 2017. Social science & social futures: fast scholarship, emerging technologies & the future of inquiry. Discover Society DS40(Focus)
- Scourfield, J. B. et al. 2016. The response in Twitter to an assisted suicide in a television soap opera. Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention 37(5), pp. 392-395. (10.1027/0227-5910/a000377)
- Henwood, K. L., Dicks, B. and Housley, W. 2016. Editorial. Qualitative Research 16(3), pp. 257. (10.1177/1468794116638982)
- Webb, H. et al. 2016. Digital wildfires: propagation, verification, regulation, and responsible innovation. ACM Transactions on Information Systems 34(3), article number: 15. (10.1145/2893478)
- Webb, H. et al. 2015. Digital wildfires: hyper-connectivity, havoc, and a global ethos to govern social media. Computers and Society 45(3), pp. 193-201.
- Housley, W. 2015. The emerging contours of data science. Discover Society
- Burnap, P. et al. 2015. Detecting tension in online communities with computational Twitter analysis. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 95, pp. 96-108. (10.1016/j.techfore.2013.04.013)
- Housley, W., Edwards, A., Jirotka, M., Procter, R. and Webb, H. 2015. Social media and civil society: participation, regulation and governance. Presented at: WISERD 2015 Annual Conference, Cardiff, Wales, 30 June - 2 July 2015.
- Housley, W. and Smith, R. 2015. Membership categorisation and methodological reasoning in research team interaction. In: Fitzgerald, R. and Housley, W. eds. Advances in Membership Categorisation Analysis. SAGE
- Whittle, A., Housley, W., Gilchrist, A., Mueller, F. and Lenney, P. 2015. Category predication work, discursive leadership and strategic sensemaking. Human Relations 68(3), pp. 377-407. (10.1177/0018726714528253)
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. 2015. Advances in membership categorisation analysis. SAGE.
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. 2015. Introduction to membership categorisation analysis. In: Fitzgerald, R. and Housley, W. eds. Advances in Membership Categorisation Analysis. SAGE, pp. 1-22.
- Housley, W., Dicks, B., Henwood, K. L. and Smith, R. J. 2015. Editorial. Qualitative Research 15(1), pp. 3-3. (10.1177/1468794114567381)
- Burnap, P. et al. 2015. COSMOS: Towards an integrated and scalable service for analysing social media on demand. International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems 30(2), pp. 80-100. (10.1080/17445760.2014.902057)
- Housley, W. 2015. Defining the situation in collaborative interdisciplinary team work. Presented at: 14th International Pragmatics Association Conference, Antwerp, Belgium, 26-31 July 2015.
- Burnap, P. et al. 2014. Tweeting the terror: modelling the social media reaction to the Woolwich terrorist attack. Social Network Analysis and Mining 4, article number: 206. (10.1007/s13278-014-0206-4)
- Housley, W. 2014. Varieties of narrative analysis [Book Review]. Qualitative Research 14(3), pp. 386-388. (10.1177/1468794113503103)
- Whittle, A., Housley, W., Gilchrist, A., Mueller, F. and Lenney, P. 2014. Power, politics and organizational communication: an ethnomethodological perspective. In: Cooren, F. et al. eds. Language and communication at work: discourse, narrativity and organizing. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 71-94.
- Housley, W. et al. 2014. Big and broad social data and the sociological imagination: a collaborative response. Big Data & Society 1(2) (10.1177/2053951714545135)
- Sloan, L., Morgan, J., Housley, W., Williams, M. L., Edwards, A. M., Burnap, P. and Rana, O. F. 2013. Knowing the Tweeters: Deriving sociologically relevant demographics from Twitter. Sociological Research Online 18(3), article number: 7. (10.5153/sro.3001)
- Edwards, A. M., Housley, W., Williams, M. L., Sloan, L. and Williams, M. D. 2013. Digital social research, social media and the sociological imagination: Surrogacy, augmentation and re-orientation. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 16(3), pp. 245-260. (10.1080/13645579.2013.774185)
- Williams, M. L. et al. 2013. Policing cyber-neighbourhoods: Tension monitoring and social media networks. Policing and Society 23(4), pp. 461-481. (10.1080/10439463.2013.780225)
- Housley, W., Williams, M. L., Williams, M. D. and Edwards, A. M. 2013. Special issue: Introduction. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 16(3), pp. 173-175. (10.1080/13645579.2013.774164)
- Williams, M. L., Procter, R., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Burnap, P., Sloan, L. and Voss, A. 2013. Collaborative online social media observatory. Presented at: COSMOS Launch, London, England, 2013.
- Housley, W., Williams, M. L., Burnap, P. and Procter, R. 2013. COSMOS: theory, method and data. Presented at: Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies, University of Warwick, Warwick, UK, 2013.
- Sloan, L., Rob, P., Williams, M. L., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Burnap, P. and Rana, O. F. 2013. The Collaborative Online Social Media Observatory. Presented at: ESRC Seminar Series: New Social Media, New Social Science? Blurring the Boundaries: One Year On, London, UK, 2013.
- Sloan, L., Williams, M. L., Burnap, P., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M. and Rana, O. F. 2013. Using social media with survey data. Presented at: ESRC Seminar Series: New Social Media, New Social Science?, London, UK, 2013.
- Housley, W., Williams, M. L. and Edwards, A. M. 2013. Demonstration of pre-alpha COSMOS. Presented at: Invited Presentation, Brisbane, Australia, 2013.
- Burnap, P. et al. 2013. Collaborative online social media observatory. Presented at: Web Observatory Launch, Royal Society, London, UK, 2013.
- Rob, P. et al. 2013. Enabling social media research through citizen social science. Presented at: 13th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Paphos, Cyprus, 21-25 September 2013.
- Burnap, P., Williams, M. L., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Sloan, L. and Rana, O. F. 2013. Detecting tension in social media. Presented at: Third International Conference on Social Computing and its Applications, Karlsruhe, Germany, 30 Sept - 2 Oct 2013.
- Housley, W. 2012. Analysing practical and professional texts: A naturalistic approach [book review]. Qualitative Research 12(1), pp. 92-94. (10.1177/1468794111421229)
- Burnap, P. et al. 2012. Working paper 153: social media analysis, Twitter and the London Olympics 2012 [working paper]. Working paper. Cardiff: School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/resources/Working%20Paper%20153%20-%20Burnap%20et%20al.%20(2013)%20Social%20Media%20Analysis,%20Twitter%20and%20the%20London%20Olympics%202012%20-%20A%20Research%20Note.pdf
- Williams, M. L., Edwards, A. M. and Housley, W. 2012. Big data and criminology. Presented at: CCLJ Postgraduate Conference on Theory and Method in Criminological Research, Cardiff, UK, 2012.
- Williams, M. L., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Burnap, P., Rana, O. F. and Avis, N. 2012. Computational and transformational social science. Presented at: Digital Social Research Experts Meeting, Keble College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 2012.
- Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Williams, M. L., Burnap, P., Rana, O. F. and Avis, N. 2012. Supporting empirical digital social research for the social sciences. Presented at: Digital Research 2012 Conference, St Catherines College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 2012.
- Williams, M. L., Burnap, P., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Rana, O. F. and Avis, N. 2012. Treating social media as data: computational sociological Methods, data analysis and the Cardiff online social media Observatory. Presented at: NCRM, Research Methods Festival, St Catherine's College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 2012.
- Williams, M. D., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Williams, M. L., Burnap, P., Rana, O. F. and Avis, N. 2012. Computational social science and methodological innovation: surrogacy, augmentation or reorientation. Presented at: ESRC Seminar Series: Blurring the boundaries: New social media, new social science?, London, UK, 2012.
- Edwards, A. M., Williams, M. L., Housley, W., Burnap, P., Rana, O. F. and Avis, N. 2012. Mining tension and cohesion using the Cardiff Online Social Media Observatory. Presented at: NCRM, Research Methods Festival,St Catherine's College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 2012.
- Housley, W. 2012. Ethnomethodology, conversation analysis and educational settings. In: Delamont, S. ed. Handbook of Qualitative Research in Education. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 446-449.
- Burnap, P. et al. 2012. Social media analysis, Twitter and the London Olympics (a research note). Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Housley, W. and Smith, R. J. 2011. Mundane reason, membership categorization practices and the everyday ontology of space and place in interview talk. Qualitative Research 11(6), pp. 698-715. (10.1177/1468794111415960)
- Housley, W. and Smith, R. J. 2011. Telling the CAQDAS code: Membership categorization and the accomplishment of ‘coding rules’ in research team talk. Discourse Studies 13(4), pp. 417-434. (10.1177/1461445611403258)
- Housley, W. 2011. Organisation, interaction and practice: studies in ethnomethodology and conversation analysis [book review]. Qualitative Research 11(1), pp. 105-107. (10.1177/14687941110110010703)
- Housley, W. and Smith, R. J. 2010. Innovation and reduction in contemporary qualitative methods: the case of conceptual coupling, activity-type pairs and auto-ethnography. Sociological Research Online 15(4), article number: 9. (10.5153/sro.2216)
- Housley, W. 2010. The new political sociology: power, ideology and identity in the age of complexity – By Graham Taylor. The Sociological Review 58(4), pp. 701-703. (10.1111/j.1467-954X.2010.01948.x)
- Housley, W. 2010. Reductionism in qualitative methods (Methodological Innovation Stream). Presented at: BSA Annual Conference, Glasgow, UK, 2010.
- Fitzgerald, R. and Housley, W. 2009. Media, policy and interaction: introduction. In: Fitzgerald, R. and Housley, W. eds. Media, Policy and Interaction. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 1-12.
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. 2009. Membership category work in policy debate. In: Fitzgerald, R. and Housley, W. eds. Media, Policy and Interaction. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 13-26.
- Housley, W., Moles, K. and Smith, R. 2009. Identity, brand or citizenship: the case of post-devolution Wales. Contemporary Wales 22(1), pp. 196-210.
- Fitzgerald, R., Housley, W. and Butler, C. W. 2009. Omnirelevance and interactional context. Australian Journal of Communication 36(3), pp. 45-64.
- Housley, W. and Smith, R. J. 2009. Mundane reason and the politics of space. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference, Manchester, UK, August 2009.
- Housley, W. and Smith, R. J. 2009. Mundane reason, ontology and the politics of space. Presented at: Sociological Review Conference- The Politics of Imagination, Stratford, UK, May 2009.
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. 2009. Membership categorization, culture and norms in action. Discourse & Society 20(3), pp. 345-362. (10.1177/0957926509102405)
- Housley, W. 2009. Brand, identity or citizenship (Stream on Welsh identity and devolution). Presented at: BSA Annual Conference, Cardiff, UK, 16th-18th April 2009.
- Housley, W. 2009. Visions of Wales: visual artists and cultural futures. Cultural Sociology 3(1), pp. 147-164. (10.1177/1749975508100675)
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. 2009. Beyond the discursive: the case of social organization -- a reply to Edwards, Hepburn and Potter. Qualitative Research 9(1), pp. 129-133. (10.1177/1468794108095076)
- Housley, W. 2009. Interaction, discourse and the subject. Subjectivity 26(1), pp. 69-86. (10.1057/sub.2008.33)
- Housley, W. 2009. The ordering of relations: Jaynesian psycho-history, bicameralism and post-individual digital subjectivity. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/resources/wp129.pdf
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. eds. 2009. Media, policy and interaction. Aldershot: Ashgate.
- Housley, W. 2008. Media, categorization, policy and debate. Presented at: International Sociological Association (ISA), Barcelona, Spain, 5-8 September, 2008.
- Housley, W. and Wahl-Jorgensen, K. 2008. Theorizing the democratic gaze: Visitors' experiences of the new Welsh Assembly. Sociology 42(4), pp. 726-744. (10.1177/0038038508091625)
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. 2008. Motives and social organization: sociological amnesia, psychological description and the analysis of accounts. Qualitative Research 8(2), pp. 237-256. (10.1177/1468794107087483)
- Fitzgerald, R., Jaworski, A. and Housley, W. 2008. Generating news: agenda setting in radio broadcast news. In: Burger, M. ed. L'analyse linguistique des discours médiatiques: Entre sciences du langage et sciences de la communication. Québec: Les Éditons Nota bene, pp. 133-151.
- Housley, W. 2008. LARRY T. REYNOLDS and NANCY J. HERMAN--KINNEY, Handbook of Symbolic Interactionism. Walnut Tree, CA: Altamira Press, 2003, 1077 pp. ISBN 0 7591 0092 6. $110.00 [Book Review]. Qualitative Research 8(2), pp. 266-267. (10.1177/14687941080080020606)
- Fitzgerald, R., Housley, W. and Butler, C. 2008. Omni-relevance and interactional context. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/resources/wp109.pdf
- Atkinson, P. A., Delamont, S. and Housley, W. 2008. Contours of culture : complex ethnography and the ethnography of complexity. Walnut Creek, CA: Alta Mira Press.
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. 2007. Categorization, interaction, policy and debate. Critical Discourse Studies 4(2), pp. 187-206. (10.1080/17405900701464840)
- Housley, W. 2007. Wales, art, narrative and devolution. Contemporary Wales 19(1), pp. 57-76.
- Fitzgerald, R. and Housley, W. 2007. Talkback, community and the public sphere. Media International Australia incorporating Culture and Policy(122), pp. 150-163.
- Housley, W. 2006. Artists, art worlds and studios: a research note from Wales. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Housley, W. 2006. Membership categorisation analysis, sequences and meeting talk. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Bailey, N. J., Housley, W. and Belcher, P. M. 2006. Navigation, interaction and bridge team work. The Sociological Review 54(2), pp. 342-362. (10.1111/j.1467-954X.2006.00617.x)
- Housley, W. 2006. Wales, identity and cultural modernization. Contemporary Wales 18(1), pp. 156-166.
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. 2006. Conversation analysis, practitioner based research, reflexivity and reflective practice: Some exploratory remarks.. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Housley, W. 2003. Art, Wales, discourse and devolution. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. 2003. Moral discrepancy and political discourse: Accountability and the allocation of blame in a political news interview. Sociological Research Online 8(2)
- Atkinson, P. A. and Housley, W. 2003. Interactionism. BSA new horizons in sociology. London: Sage.
- Housley, W. 2003. Interaction in multidisciplinary teams. Aldershot: Ashgate.
- Fitzgerald, R. and Housley, W. 2002. Identity, categorization and sequential organization: the sequential and categorial flow of identity in a radio phone-in. Discourse & Society 13(5), pp. 579-602. (10.1177/0957926502013005275)
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. 2002. The reconsidered model of membership categorisation analysis. Qualitative research 2(1), pp. 59-83. (10.1177/1468794102002001639)
- Housley, W. and Latimer, J. E. 2002. Doing Qualitative Research - David Silverman. [Book Review]. The Sociological Review 50(1), pp. 140-141. (10.1111/1467-954X.00359)
- Housley, W. 2002. Moral discrepancy device and 'fudging the issue' in a radio news interview. Sociology 36(1), pp. 5-22. (10.1177/0038038502036001001)
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. 2001. Categorisation, narrative and devolution in Wales. Sociological Research Online 6(2), pp. U127-U145.
- Housley, W. 2000. Story, narrative and team work. The Sociological Review 48(3), pp. 425-443. (10.1111/1467-954X.00224)
- Housley, W. 2000. Category work and knowledgeability within multidisciplinary team meetings. Text - Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of Discourse 20(1), pp. 83-108. (10.1515/text.1.2000.20.1.83)
- Housley, W. 1999. Role as an interactional device and resource in multidisciplinary team meetings. Sociological Research Online 4(3) (10.5153/sro.315)
- Housley, W. and Dahl, P. 2024. Membership categorisation, sociological description and role prompt engineering with ChatGPT. Discourse and Communication 18(6) (10.1177/17504813241267068)
- Edwards, A., Webb, H., Housley, W., Beneito-Montagut, R., Procter, R. and Jirotka, M. 2021. Forecasting the governance of harmful social media communications: findings from the digital wildfire policy Delphi. Policing and Society 31(1), pp. 1-19. (10.1080/10439463.2020.1839073)
- Stokoe, E., Sikveland, R., Albert, S., Hamann, M. and Housley, W. 2020. Can humans simulate talking like other humans? Comparing simulated clients to real customers in service inquiries. Discourse Studies 22(1), pp. 87-109. (10.1177/1461445619887537)
- Henwood, K., Dicks, B. and Housley, W. 2019. Qualitative research in reflexive mode: The participatory turn and interpretive social science. Qualitative Research 19(3), pp. 241-246. (10.1177/1468794119844103)
- Housley, W. 2018. Conversation analysis, publics, practitioners and citizen social science. Discourse Studies 20(3), pp. 431-437. (10.1177/1461445618754581)
- Housley, W. et al. 2018. Interaction and transformation on social media: the case of Twitter campaigns. Social Media and Society 4(1), pp. 1-12. (10.1177/2056305117750721)
- Housley, W., Webb, H., Edwards, A., Procter, R. and Jirotka, M. 2017. Digitizing Sacks? Approaching social media as data. Qualitative Research 17(6), pp. 627-644. (10.1177/1468794117715063)
- Housley, W., Webb, H., Edwards, A., Procter, R. and Jirotka, M. 2017. Membership categorisation and antagonistic Twitter formulations. Discourse and Communication 11(6), pp. 567-590. (10.1177/1750481317726932)
- Housley, W., Dicks, B., Henwood, K. and Smith, R. 2017. Qualitative methods and data in digital societies. Qualitative Research 17(6), pp. 607-609. (10.1177/1468794117730936)
- Fitzgerald, R., Housley, W. and Rintel, S. 2017. Membership Categorisation Analysis. Technologies of social action. Journal of Pragmatics 118, pp. 51-55. (10.1016/j.pragma.2017.07.012)
- Housley, W. and Smith, R. J. 2017. Interactionism and digital society. Qualitative Research 17(2), pp. 187-201. (10.1177/1468794116685142)
- Carrigan, M. and Housley, W. 2017. Social science & social futures: fast scholarship, emerging technologies & the future of inquiry. Discover Society DS40(Focus)
- Scourfield, J. B. et al. 2016. The response in Twitter to an assisted suicide in a television soap opera. Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention 37(5), pp. 392-395. (10.1027/0227-5910/a000377)
- Henwood, K. L., Dicks, B. and Housley, W. 2016. Editorial. Qualitative Research 16(3), pp. 257. (10.1177/1468794116638982)
- Webb, H. et al. 2016. Digital wildfires: propagation, verification, regulation, and responsible innovation. ACM Transactions on Information Systems 34(3), article number: 15. (10.1145/2893478)
- Webb, H. et al. 2015. Digital wildfires: hyper-connectivity, havoc, and a global ethos to govern social media. Computers and Society 45(3), pp. 193-201.
- Housley, W. 2015. The emerging contours of data science. Discover Society
- Burnap, P. et al. 2015. Detecting tension in online communities with computational Twitter analysis. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 95, pp. 96-108. (10.1016/j.techfore.2013.04.013)
- Whittle, A., Housley, W., Gilchrist, A., Mueller, F. and Lenney, P. 2015. Category predication work, discursive leadership and strategic sensemaking. Human Relations 68(3), pp. 377-407. (10.1177/0018726714528253)
- Housley, W., Dicks, B., Henwood, K. L. and Smith, R. J. 2015. Editorial. Qualitative Research 15(1), pp. 3-3. (10.1177/1468794114567381)
- Burnap, P. et al. 2015. COSMOS: Towards an integrated and scalable service for analysing social media on demand. International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems 30(2), pp. 80-100. (10.1080/17445760.2014.902057)
- Burnap, P. et al. 2014. Tweeting the terror: modelling the social media reaction to the Woolwich terrorist attack. Social Network Analysis and Mining 4, article number: 206. (10.1007/s13278-014-0206-4)
- Housley, W. 2014. Varieties of narrative analysis [Book Review]. Qualitative Research 14(3), pp. 386-388. (10.1177/1468794113503103)
- Housley, W. et al. 2014. Big and broad social data and the sociological imagination: a collaborative response. Big Data & Society 1(2) (10.1177/2053951714545135)
- Sloan, L., Morgan, J., Housley, W., Williams, M. L., Edwards, A. M., Burnap, P. and Rana, O. F. 2013. Knowing the Tweeters: Deriving sociologically relevant demographics from Twitter. Sociological Research Online 18(3), article number: 7. (10.5153/sro.3001)
- Edwards, A. M., Housley, W., Williams, M. L., Sloan, L. and Williams, M. D. 2013. Digital social research, social media and the sociological imagination: Surrogacy, augmentation and re-orientation. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 16(3), pp. 245-260. (10.1080/13645579.2013.774185)
- Williams, M. L. et al. 2013. Policing cyber-neighbourhoods: Tension monitoring and social media networks. Policing and Society 23(4), pp. 461-481. (10.1080/10439463.2013.780225)
- Housley, W., Williams, M. L., Williams, M. D. and Edwards, A. M. 2013. Special issue: Introduction. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 16(3), pp. 173-175. (10.1080/13645579.2013.774164)
- Housley, W. 2012. Analysing practical and professional texts: A naturalistic approach [book review]. Qualitative Research 12(1), pp. 92-94. (10.1177/1468794111421229)
- Housley, W. and Smith, R. J. 2011. Mundane reason, membership categorization practices and the everyday ontology of space and place in interview talk. Qualitative Research 11(6), pp. 698-715. (10.1177/1468794111415960)
- Housley, W. and Smith, R. J. 2011. Telling the CAQDAS code: Membership categorization and the accomplishment of ‘coding rules’ in research team talk. Discourse Studies 13(4), pp. 417-434. (10.1177/1461445611403258)
- Housley, W. 2011. Organisation, interaction and practice: studies in ethnomethodology and conversation analysis [book review]. Qualitative Research 11(1), pp. 105-107. (10.1177/14687941110110010703)
- Housley, W. and Smith, R. J. 2010. Innovation and reduction in contemporary qualitative methods: the case of conceptual coupling, activity-type pairs and auto-ethnography. Sociological Research Online 15(4), article number: 9. (10.5153/sro.2216)
- Housley, W. 2010. The new political sociology: power, ideology and identity in the age of complexity – By Graham Taylor. The Sociological Review 58(4), pp. 701-703. (10.1111/j.1467-954X.2010.01948.x)
- Housley, W., Moles, K. and Smith, R. 2009. Identity, brand or citizenship: the case of post-devolution Wales. Contemporary Wales 22(1), pp. 196-210.
- Fitzgerald, R., Housley, W. and Butler, C. W. 2009. Omnirelevance and interactional context. Australian Journal of Communication 36(3), pp. 45-64.
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. 2009. Membership categorization, culture and norms in action. Discourse & Society 20(3), pp. 345-362. (10.1177/0957926509102405)
- Housley, W. 2009. Visions of Wales: visual artists and cultural futures. Cultural Sociology 3(1), pp. 147-164. (10.1177/1749975508100675)
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. 2009. Beyond the discursive: the case of social organization -- a reply to Edwards, Hepburn and Potter. Qualitative Research 9(1), pp. 129-133. (10.1177/1468794108095076)
- Housley, W. 2009. Interaction, discourse and the subject. Subjectivity 26(1), pp. 69-86. (10.1057/sub.2008.33)
- Housley, W. and Wahl-Jorgensen, K. 2008. Theorizing the democratic gaze: Visitors' experiences of the new Welsh Assembly. Sociology 42(4), pp. 726-744. (10.1177/0038038508091625)
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. 2008. Motives and social organization: sociological amnesia, psychological description and the analysis of accounts. Qualitative Research 8(2), pp. 237-256. (10.1177/1468794107087483)
- Housley, W. 2008. LARRY T. REYNOLDS and NANCY J. HERMAN--KINNEY, Handbook of Symbolic Interactionism. Walnut Tree, CA: Altamira Press, 2003, 1077 pp. ISBN 0 7591 0092 6. $110.00 [Book Review]. Qualitative Research 8(2), pp. 266-267. (10.1177/14687941080080020606)
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. 2007. Categorization, interaction, policy and debate. Critical Discourse Studies 4(2), pp. 187-206. (10.1080/17405900701464840)
- Housley, W. 2007. Wales, art, narrative and devolution. Contemporary Wales 19(1), pp. 57-76.
- Fitzgerald, R. and Housley, W. 2007. Talkback, community and the public sphere. Media International Australia incorporating Culture and Policy(122), pp. 150-163.
- Bailey, N. J., Housley, W. and Belcher, P. M. 2006. Navigation, interaction and bridge team work. The Sociological Review 54(2), pp. 342-362. (10.1111/j.1467-954X.2006.00617.x)
- Housley, W. 2006. Wales, identity and cultural modernization. Contemporary Wales 18(1), pp. 156-166.
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. 2003. Moral discrepancy and political discourse: Accountability and the allocation of blame in a political news interview. Sociological Research Online 8(2)
- Fitzgerald, R. and Housley, W. 2002. Identity, categorization and sequential organization: the sequential and categorial flow of identity in a radio phone-in. Discourse & Society 13(5), pp. 579-602. (10.1177/0957926502013005275)
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. 2002. The reconsidered model of membership categorisation analysis. Qualitative research 2(1), pp. 59-83. (10.1177/1468794102002001639)
- Housley, W. and Latimer, J. E. 2002. Doing Qualitative Research - David Silverman. [Book Review]. The Sociological Review 50(1), pp. 140-141. (10.1111/1467-954X.00359)
- Housley, W. 2002. Moral discrepancy device and 'fudging the issue' in a radio news interview. Sociology 36(1), pp. 5-22. (10.1177/0038038502036001001)
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. 2001. Categorisation, narrative and devolution in Wales. Sociological Research Online 6(2), pp. U127-U145.
- Housley, W. 2000. Story, narrative and team work. The Sociological Review 48(3), pp. 425-443. (10.1111/1467-954X.00224)
- Housley, W. 2000. Category work and knowledgeability within multidisciplinary team meetings. Text - Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of Discourse 20(1), pp. 83-108. (10.1515/text.1.2000.20.1.83)
- Housley, W. 1999. Role as an interactional device and resource in multidisciplinary team meetings. Sociological Research Online 4(3) (10.5153/sro.315)
Book sections
- Housley, W., Edwards, A., Beneito-Montagut, R. and Fitzgerald, R. 2022. The emerging contours of digital society: remastering, reconsideration, reorientation and new socio-digital domains. In: Housley, W. ed. The SAGE Handbook of Digital Society - First Edition. London: SAGE, pp. 3-18.
- Edwards, A., Housley, W., Beneito-Montagut, R. and Fitzgerald, R. 2022. Freedom of speech and online harm in liberal democracies: a triadic concept. In: Housley, W. et al. eds. The SAGE Handbook of Digital Society - First Edition. London: SAGE, pp. 543-558.
- Housley, W. 2020. Harvey Sacks, Membership Categorization and Social Media. In: On Sacks: Methodology, Materials, and Inspirations. Routledge, pp. 208-220., (10.4324/9780429024849)
- Housley, W. 2019. Sacks, Harvey. In: Atkinson, P. et al. eds. Sage Research Methods. Sage, (10.4135/9781526421036816094)
- Housley, W. and Smith, R. 2015. Membership categorisation and methodological reasoning in research team interaction. In: Fitzgerald, R. and Housley, W. eds. Advances in Membership Categorisation Analysis. SAGE
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. 2015. Introduction to membership categorisation analysis. In: Fitzgerald, R. and Housley, W. eds. Advances in Membership Categorisation Analysis. SAGE, pp. 1-22.
- Whittle, A., Housley, W., Gilchrist, A., Mueller, F. and Lenney, P. 2014. Power, politics and organizational communication: an ethnomethodological perspective. In: Cooren, F. et al. eds. Language and communication at work: discourse, narrativity and organizing. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 71-94.
- Housley, W. 2012. Ethnomethodology, conversation analysis and educational settings. In: Delamont, S. ed. Handbook of Qualitative Research in Education. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 446-449.
- Fitzgerald, R. and Housley, W. 2009. Media, policy and interaction: introduction. In: Fitzgerald, R. and Housley, W. eds. Media, Policy and Interaction. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 1-12.
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. 2009. Membership category work in policy debate. In: Fitzgerald, R. and Housley, W. eds. Media, Policy and Interaction. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 13-26.
- Fitzgerald, R., Jaworski, A. and Housley, W. 2008. Generating news: agenda setting in radio broadcast news. In: Burger, M. ed. L'analyse linguistique des discours médiatiques: Entre sciences du langage et sciences de la communication. Québec: Les Éditons Nota bene, pp. 133-151.
- Housley, W., Edwards, A., Beneito-Montagut, R. and Ftizgerald, R. Housley, W. et al. eds. 2022. The SAGE handbook of digital society. 1st Edition. London: SAGE.
- Housley, W. 2021. Society in the digital age: an interactionist perspective. SAGE.
- Smith, R., Fitzgerald, R. and Housley, W. eds. 2020. On sacks: methdology, materials, and inspirations. Routledge.
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. 2015. Advances in membership categorisation analysis. SAGE.
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. eds. 2009. Media, policy and interaction. Aldershot: Ashgate.
- Atkinson, P. A., Delamont, S. and Housley, W. 2008. Contours of culture : complex ethnography and the ethnography of complexity. Walnut Creek, CA: Alta Mira Press.
- Atkinson, P. A. and Housley, W. 2003. Interactionism. BSA new horizons in sociology. London: Sage.
- Housley, W. 2003. Interaction in multidisciplinary teams. Aldershot: Ashgate.
- Housley, W., Albert, S. and Stokoe, E. 2019. Natural action processing: conversation analysis and big interactional data. Presented at: Halfway to the Future Symposium 2019, Nottingham, UK, 19-20 Nov 2019Proceedings of the Halfway to the Future Symposium 2019. Nottingham: HTTF pp. 1-4., (10.1145/3363384.3363478)
- Albert, S., Housley, W. and Stokoe, E. 2019. In case of emergency, order pizza: an urgent case of action formation and recognition. Presented at: CUI 2019: 1st International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, Dublin, Ireland, 22-23 August 2019CUI '19: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces. ACM pp. 1., (10.1145/3342775.3342800)
- Webb, H. et al. 2017. The ethical challenges of publishing Twitter data for research dissemination. Presented at: WebSci'17: ACM Web Science Conference, Troy, NY, USA, 25-28 June 2017Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Web Science Conference. ACM pp. 339-348., (10.1145/3091478.3091489)
- Housley, W., Edwards, A., Jirotka, M., Procter, R. and Webb, H. 2015. Social media and civil society: participation, regulation and governance. Presented at: WISERD 2015 Annual Conference, Cardiff, Wales, 30 June - 2 July 2015.
- Housley, W. 2015. Defining the situation in collaborative interdisciplinary team work. Presented at: 14th International Pragmatics Association Conference, Antwerp, Belgium, 26-31 July 2015.
- Williams, M. L., Procter, R., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Burnap, P., Sloan, L. and Voss, A. 2013. Collaborative online social media observatory. Presented at: COSMOS Launch, London, England, 2013.
- Housley, W., Williams, M. L., Burnap, P. and Procter, R. 2013. COSMOS: theory, method and data. Presented at: Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies, University of Warwick, Warwick, UK, 2013.
- Sloan, L., Rob, P., Williams, M. L., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Burnap, P. and Rana, O. F. 2013. The Collaborative Online Social Media Observatory. Presented at: ESRC Seminar Series: New Social Media, New Social Science? Blurring the Boundaries: One Year On, London, UK, 2013.
- Sloan, L., Williams, M. L., Burnap, P., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M. and Rana, O. F. 2013. Using social media with survey data. Presented at: ESRC Seminar Series: New Social Media, New Social Science?, London, UK, 2013.
- Housley, W., Williams, M. L. and Edwards, A. M. 2013. Demonstration of pre-alpha COSMOS. Presented at: Invited Presentation, Brisbane, Australia, 2013.
- Burnap, P. et al. 2013. Collaborative online social media observatory. Presented at: Web Observatory Launch, Royal Society, London, UK, 2013.
- Rob, P. et al. 2013. Enabling social media research through citizen social science. Presented at: 13th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Paphos, Cyprus, 21-25 September 2013.
- Burnap, P., Williams, M. L., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Sloan, L. and Rana, O. F. 2013. Detecting tension in social media. Presented at: Third International Conference on Social Computing and its Applications, Karlsruhe, Germany, 30 Sept - 2 Oct 2013.
- Williams, M. L., Edwards, A. M. and Housley, W. 2012. Big data and criminology. Presented at: CCLJ Postgraduate Conference on Theory and Method in Criminological Research, Cardiff, UK, 2012.
- Williams, M. L., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Burnap, P., Rana, O. F. and Avis, N. 2012. Computational and transformational social science. Presented at: Digital Social Research Experts Meeting, Keble College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 2012.
- Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Williams, M. L., Burnap, P., Rana, O. F. and Avis, N. 2012. Supporting empirical digital social research for the social sciences. Presented at: Digital Research 2012 Conference, St Catherines College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 2012.
- Williams, M. L., Burnap, P., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Rana, O. F. and Avis, N. 2012. Treating social media as data: computational sociological Methods, data analysis and the Cardiff online social media Observatory. Presented at: NCRM, Research Methods Festival, St Catherine's College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 2012.
- Williams, M. D., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Williams, M. L., Burnap, P., Rana, O. F. and Avis, N. 2012. Computational social science and methodological innovation: surrogacy, augmentation or reorientation. Presented at: ESRC Seminar Series: Blurring the boundaries: New social media, new social science?, London, UK, 2012.
- Edwards, A. M., Williams, M. L., Housley, W., Burnap, P., Rana, O. F. and Avis, N. 2012. Mining tension and cohesion using the Cardiff Online Social Media Observatory. Presented at: NCRM, Research Methods Festival,St Catherine's College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 2012.
- Housley, W. 2010. Reductionism in qualitative methods (Methodological Innovation Stream). Presented at: BSA Annual Conference, Glasgow, UK, 2010.
- Housley, W. and Smith, R. J. 2009. Mundane reason and the politics of space. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference, Manchester, UK, August 2009.
- Housley, W. and Smith, R. J. 2009. Mundane reason, ontology and the politics of space. Presented at: Sociological Review Conference- The Politics of Imagination, Stratford, UK, May 2009.
- Housley, W. 2009. Brand, identity or citizenship (Stream on Welsh identity and devolution). Presented at: BSA Annual Conference, Cardiff, UK, 16th-18th April 2009.
- Housley, W. 2008. Media, categorization, policy and debate. Presented at: International Sociological Association (ISA), Barcelona, Spain, 5-8 September, 2008.
- Burnap, P. et al. 2012. Working paper 153: social media analysis, Twitter and the London Olympics 2012 [working paper]. Working paper. Cardiff: School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/resources/Working%20Paper%20153%20-%20Burnap%20et%20al.%20(2013)%20Social%20Media%20Analysis,%20Twitter%20and%20the%20London%20Olympics%202012%20-%20A%20Research%20Note.pdf
- Burnap, P. et al. 2012. Social media analysis, Twitter and the London Olympics (a research note). Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Housley, W. 2009. The ordering of relations: Jaynesian psycho-history, bicameralism and post-individual digital subjectivity. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/resources/wp129.pdf
- Fitzgerald, R., Housley, W. and Butler, C. 2008. Omni-relevance and interactional context. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/resources/wp109.pdf
- Housley, W. 2006. Artists, art worlds and studios: a research note from Wales. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Housley, W. 2006. Membership categorisation analysis, sequences and meeting talk. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. 2006. Conversation analysis, practitioner based research, reflexivity and reflective practice: Some exploratory remarks.. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Housley, W. 2003. Art, Wales, discourse and devolution. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Procter, R., Webb, H., Jirotka, M., Burnap, P., Housley, W., Edwards, A. and Williams, M. 2019. A study of cyber hate on Twitter with implications for social media governance strategies. [Online]. arXiv. Available at: https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.11732
- Housley, W., Edwards, A., Beneito-Montagut, R. and Fitzgerald, R. 2022. The emerging contours of digital society: remastering, reconsideration, reorientation and new socio-digital domains. In: Housley, W. ed. The SAGE Handbook of Digital Society - First Edition. London: SAGE, pp. 3-18.
- Edwards, A., Housley, W., Beneito-Montagut, R. and Fitzgerald, R. 2022. Freedom of speech and online harm in liberal democracies: a triadic concept. In: Housley, W. et al. eds. The SAGE Handbook of Digital Society - First Edition. London: SAGE, pp. 543-558.
- Housley, W. 2021. Society in the digital age: an interactionist perspective. SAGE.
- Edwards, A., Webb, H., Housley, W., Beneito-Montagut, R., Procter, R. and Jirotka, M. 2021. Forecasting the governance of harmful social media communications: findings from the digital wildfire policy Delphi. Policing and Society 31(1), pp. 1-19. (10.1080/10439463.2020.1839073)
- Smith, R., Fitzgerald, R. and Housley, W. eds. 2020. On sacks: methdology, materials, and inspirations. Routledge.
- Housley, W. 2020. Harvey Sacks, Membership Categorization and Social Media. In: On Sacks: Methodology, Materials, and Inspirations. Routledge, pp. 208-220., (10.4324/9780429024849)
- Stokoe, E., Sikveland, R., Albert, S., Hamann, M. and Housley, W. 2020. Can humans simulate talking like other humans? Comparing simulated clients to real customers in service inquiries. Discourse Studies 22(1), pp. 87-109. (10.1177/1461445619887537)
- Housley, W., Albert, S. and Stokoe, E. 2019. Natural action processing: conversation analysis and big interactional data. Presented at: Halfway to the Future Symposium 2019, Nottingham, UK, 19-20 Nov 2019Proceedings of the Halfway to the Future Symposium 2019. Nottingham: HTTF pp. 1-4., (10.1145/3363384.3363478)
- Procter, R., Webb, H., Jirotka, M., Burnap, P., Housley, W., Edwards, A. and Williams, M. 2019. A study of cyber hate on Twitter with implications for social media governance strategies. [Online]. arXiv. Available at: https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.11732
- Housley, W. 2018. Conversation analysis, publics, practitioners and citizen social science. Discourse Studies 20(3), pp. 431-437. (10.1177/1461445618754581)
- Housley, W. et al. 2018. Interaction and transformation on social media: the case of Twitter campaigns. Social Media and Society 4(1), pp. 1-12. (10.1177/2056305117750721)
- Housley, W., Webb, H., Edwards, A., Procter, R. and Jirotka, M. 2017. Digitizing Sacks? Approaching social media as data. Qualitative Research 17(6), pp. 627-644. (10.1177/1468794117715063)
- Housley, W., Webb, H., Edwards, A., Procter, R. and Jirotka, M. 2017. Membership categorisation and antagonistic Twitter formulations. Discourse and Communication 11(6), pp. 567-590. (10.1177/1750481317726932)
- Housley, W., Dicks, B., Henwood, K. and Smith, R. 2017. Qualitative methods and data in digital societies. Qualitative Research 17(6), pp. 607-609. (10.1177/1468794117730936)
- Fitzgerald, R., Housley, W. and Rintel, S. 2017. Membership Categorisation Analysis. Technologies of social action. Journal of Pragmatics 118, pp. 51-55. (10.1016/j.pragma.2017.07.012)
- Webb, H. et al. 2017. The ethical challenges of publishing Twitter data for research dissemination. Presented at: WebSci'17: ACM Web Science Conference, Troy, NY, USA, 25-28 June 2017Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Web Science Conference. ACM pp. 339-348., (10.1145/3091478.3091489)
- Housley, W. and Smith, R. J. 2017. Interactionism and digital society. Qualitative Research 17(2), pp. 187-201. (10.1177/1468794116685142)
- Webb, H. et al. 2015. Digital wildfires: hyper-connectivity, havoc, and a global ethos to govern social media. Computers and Society 45(3), pp. 193-201.
- Housley, W. 2015. The emerging contours of data science. Discover Society
- Burnap, P. et al. 2015. Detecting tension in online communities with computational Twitter analysis. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 95, pp. 96-108. (10.1016/j.techfore.2013.04.013)
- Housley, W. and Smith, R. 2015. Membership categorisation and methodological reasoning in research team interaction. In: Fitzgerald, R. and Housley, W. eds. Advances in Membership Categorisation Analysis. SAGE
- Whittle, A., Housley, W., Gilchrist, A., Mueller, F. and Lenney, P. 2015. Category predication work, discursive leadership and strategic sensemaking. Human Relations 68(3), pp. 377-407. (10.1177/0018726714528253)
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. 2015. Advances in membership categorisation analysis. SAGE.
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. 2015. Introduction to membership categorisation analysis. In: Fitzgerald, R. and Housley, W. eds. Advances in Membership Categorisation Analysis. SAGE, pp. 1-22.
- Burnap, P. et al. 2015. COSMOS: Towards an integrated and scalable service for analysing social media on demand. International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems 30(2), pp. 80-100. (10.1080/17445760.2014.902057)
- Burnap, P. et al. 2014. Tweeting the terror: modelling the social media reaction to the Woolwich terrorist attack. Social Network Analysis and Mining 4, article number: 206. (10.1007/s13278-014-0206-4)
- Housley, W. et al. 2014. Big and broad social data and the sociological imagination: a collaborative response. Big Data & Society 1(2) (10.1177/2053951714545135)
- Sloan, L., Morgan, J., Housley, W., Williams, M. L., Edwards, A. M., Burnap, P. and Rana, O. F. 2013. Knowing the Tweeters: Deriving sociologically relevant demographics from Twitter. Sociological Research Online 18(3), article number: 7. (10.5153/sro.3001)
- Edwards, A. M., Housley, W., Williams, M. L., Sloan, L. and Williams, M. D. 2013. Digital social research, social media and the sociological imagination: Surrogacy, augmentation and re-orientation. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 16(3), pp. 245-260. (10.1080/13645579.2013.774185)
- Williams, M. L. et al. 2013. Policing cyber-neighbourhoods: Tension monitoring and social media networks. Policing and Society 23(4), pp. 461-481. (10.1080/10439463.2013.780225)
- Housley, W., Williams, M. L., Williams, M. D. and Edwards, A. M. 2013. Special issue: Introduction. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 16(3), pp. 173-175. (10.1080/13645579.2013.774164)
- Williams, M. L., Procter, R., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Burnap, P., Sloan, L. and Voss, A. 2013. Collaborative online social media observatory. Presented at: COSMOS Launch, London, England, 2013.
- Housley, W., Williams, M. L., Burnap, P. and Procter, R. 2013. COSMOS: theory, method and data. Presented at: Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies, University of Warwick, Warwick, UK, 2013.
- Sloan, L., Rob, P., Williams, M. L., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Burnap, P. and Rana, O. F. 2013. The Collaborative Online Social Media Observatory. Presented at: ESRC Seminar Series: New Social Media, New Social Science? Blurring the Boundaries: One Year On, London, UK, 2013.
- Sloan, L., Williams, M. L., Burnap, P., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M. and Rana, O. F. 2013. Using social media with survey data. Presented at: ESRC Seminar Series: New Social Media, New Social Science?, London, UK, 2013.
- Housley, W., Williams, M. L. and Edwards, A. M. 2013. Demonstration of pre-alpha COSMOS. Presented at: Invited Presentation, Brisbane, Australia, 2013.
- Burnap, P. et al. 2013. Collaborative online social media observatory. Presented at: Web Observatory Launch, Royal Society, London, UK, 2013.
- Rob, P. et al. 2013. Enabling social media research through citizen social science. Presented at: 13th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Paphos, Cyprus, 21-25 September 2013.
- Burnap, P., Williams, M. L., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Sloan, L. and Rana, O. F. 2013. Detecting tension in social media. Presented at: Third International Conference on Social Computing and its Applications, Karlsruhe, Germany, 30 Sept - 2 Oct 2013.
- Burnap, P. et al. 2012. Working paper 153: social media analysis, Twitter and the London Olympics 2012 [working paper]. Working paper. Cardiff: School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/resources/Working%20Paper%20153%20-%20Burnap%20et%20al.%20(2013)%20Social%20Media%20Analysis,%20Twitter%20and%20the%20London%20Olympics%202012%20-%20A%20Research%20Note.pdf
- Williams, M. L., Edwards, A. M. and Housley, W. 2012. Big data and criminology. Presented at: CCLJ Postgraduate Conference on Theory and Method in Criminological Research, Cardiff, UK, 2012.
- Williams, M. L., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Burnap, P., Rana, O. F. and Avis, N. 2012. Computational and transformational social science. Presented at: Digital Social Research Experts Meeting, Keble College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 2012.
- Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Williams, M. L., Burnap, P., Rana, O. F. and Avis, N. 2012. Supporting empirical digital social research for the social sciences. Presented at: Digital Research 2012 Conference, St Catherines College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 2012.
- Williams, M. L., Burnap, P., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Rana, O. F. and Avis, N. 2012. Treating social media as data: computational sociological Methods, data analysis and the Cardiff online social media Observatory. Presented at: NCRM, Research Methods Festival, St Catherine's College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 2012.
- Williams, M. D., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Williams, M. L., Burnap, P., Rana, O. F. and Avis, N. 2012. Computational social science and methodological innovation: surrogacy, augmentation or reorientation. Presented at: ESRC Seminar Series: Blurring the boundaries: New social media, new social science?, London, UK, 2012.
- Edwards, A. M., Williams, M. L., Housley, W., Burnap, P., Rana, O. F. and Avis, N. 2012. Mining tension and cohesion using the Cardiff Online Social Media Observatory. Presented at: NCRM, Research Methods Festival,St Catherine's College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 2012.
- Housley, W. and Smith, R. J. 2011. Mundane reason, membership categorization practices and the everyday ontology of space and place in interview talk. Qualitative Research 11(6), pp. 698-715. (10.1177/1468794111415960)
- Housley, W. and Smith, R. J. 2011. Telling the CAQDAS code: Membership categorization and the accomplishment of ‘coding rules’ in research team talk. Discourse Studies 13(4), pp. 417-434. (10.1177/1461445611403258)
- Housley, W. and Smith, R. J. 2010. Innovation and reduction in contemporary qualitative methods: the case of conceptual coupling, activity-type pairs and auto-ethnography. Sociological Research Online 15(4), article number: 9. (10.5153/sro.2216)
- Housley, W. 2010. Reductionism in qualitative methods (Methodological Innovation Stream). Presented at: BSA Annual Conference, Glasgow, UK, 2010.
- Fitzgerald, R. and Housley, W. 2009. Media, policy and interaction: introduction. In: Fitzgerald, R. and Housley, W. eds. Media, Policy and Interaction. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 1-12.
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. 2009. Membership category work in policy debate. In: Fitzgerald, R. and Housley, W. eds. Media, Policy and Interaction. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 13-26.
- Housley, W., Moles, K. and Smith, R. 2009. Identity, brand or citizenship: the case of post-devolution Wales. Contemporary Wales 22(1), pp. 196-210.
- Fitzgerald, R., Housley, W. and Butler, C. W. 2009. Omnirelevance and interactional context. Australian Journal of Communication 36(3), pp. 45-64.
- Housley, W. and Smith, R. J. 2009. Mundane reason and the politics of space. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference, Manchester, UK, August 2009.
- Housley, W. and Smith, R. J. 2009. Mundane reason, ontology and the politics of space. Presented at: Sociological Review Conference- The Politics of Imagination, Stratford, UK, May 2009.
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. 2009. Membership categorization, culture and norms in action. Discourse & Society 20(3), pp. 345-362. (10.1177/0957926509102405)
- Housley, W. 2009. Brand, identity or citizenship (Stream on Welsh identity and devolution). Presented at: BSA Annual Conference, Cardiff, UK, 16th-18th April 2009.
- Housley, W. 2009. Visions of Wales: visual artists and cultural futures. Cultural Sociology 3(1), pp. 147-164. (10.1177/1749975508100675)
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. 2009. Beyond the discursive: the case of social organization -- a reply to Edwards, Hepburn and Potter. Qualitative Research 9(1), pp. 129-133. (10.1177/1468794108095076)
- Housley, W. 2009. Interaction, discourse and the subject. Subjectivity 26(1), pp. 69-86. (10.1057/sub.2008.33)
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. eds. 2009. Media, policy and interaction. Aldershot: Ashgate.
- Housley, W. 2008. Media, categorization, policy and debate. Presented at: International Sociological Association (ISA), Barcelona, Spain, 5-8 September, 2008.
- Housley, W. and Wahl-Jorgensen, K. 2008. Theorizing the democratic gaze: Visitors' experiences of the new Welsh Assembly. Sociology 42(4), pp. 726-744. (10.1177/0038038508091625)
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. 2008. Motives and social organization: sociological amnesia, psychological description and the analysis of accounts. Qualitative Research 8(2), pp. 237-256. (10.1177/1468794107087483)
- Fitzgerald, R., Jaworski, A. and Housley, W. 2008. Generating news: agenda setting in radio broadcast news. In: Burger, M. ed. L'analyse linguistique des discours médiatiques: Entre sciences du langage et sciences de la communication. Québec: Les Éditons Nota bene, pp. 133-151.
- Fitzgerald, R., Housley, W. and Butler, C. 2008. Omni-relevance and interactional context. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/resources/wp109.pdf
- Atkinson, P. A., Delamont, S. and Housley, W. 2008. Contours of culture : complex ethnography and the ethnography of complexity. Walnut Creek, CA: Alta Mira Press.
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. 2007. Categorization, interaction, policy and debate. Critical Discourse Studies 4(2), pp. 187-206. (10.1080/17405900701464840)
- Bailey, N. J., Housley, W. and Belcher, P. M. 2006. Navigation, interaction and bridge team work. The Sociological Review 54(2), pp. 342-362. (10.1111/j.1467-954X.2006.00617.x)
- Atkinson, P. A. and Housley, W. 2003. Interactionism. BSA new horizons in sociology. London: Sage.
- Housley, W. and Fitzgerald, R. 2002. The reconsidered model of membership categorisation analysis. Qualitative research 2(1), pp. 59-83. (10.1177/1468794102002001639)
- Housley, W. 2002. Moral discrepancy device and 'fudging the issue' in a radio news interview. Sociology 36(1), pp. 5-22. (10.1177/0038038502036001001)
- Housley, W. 2000. Story, narrative and team work. The Sociological Review 48(3), pp. 425-443. (10.1111/1467-954X.00224)
- Housley, W. 2000. Category work and knowledgeability within multidisciplinary team meetings. Text - Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of Discourse 20(1), pp. 83-108. (10.1515/text.1.2000.20.1.83)
- Housley, W. 1999. Role as an interactional device and resource in multidisciplinary team meetings. Sociological Research Online 4(3) (10.5153/sro.315)
Funded Research Projects:
2015 – 2016 Digital Wildfires, responsible citizenship and social media. Funded by the British Academy, £10,000 (with Girvan, Edwards, Jirotka and Procter).
2015 - Media, Manufacture and Mobilities: Disruptive Digital Technologies in Action. Cardiff University Research Fellowship, £15,000
2014 – 2016, Digital Wildfire: (Mis)information flows, propagation and responsible governance. Funded by ESRC, Cardiff Lead Co-investigator (Global Uncertainties), £248,413 (with Jirotka, Procter, Edwards et al)
2014 – 2015, Detecting Tension and Cohesion in Local Communities with Social Media, Funded by Airbus Group, £51,040 Co-investigator (with Rana, Burnap, Edwards and Williams)
2014 – 2016, Sage Postdoctoral Fellowship Funding, Co-sponsored Research Methods Fellowship at Cardiff University, Co-investigator (with Coffey, Edwards and Brindle, SAGE) £38,000
2013 – 2015, Understanding the role of social media in the aftermath of youth suicides. Funded by Department of Health, England. £200,000, Co-investigator (with Scourfield, Williams, Burnap and Edwards).
2013-2014, Hate Speech and Social Media: Understanding Users, Networks and Information Flows.Funded by ESRC and Google (Google Data Analytics Social Science Research Call) £124, 986, Principal- Investigator (with Williams, Edwards, Burnap, Rana, Procter, Voss and Knight).
2013-2014, Social Media and Prediction: Crime Sensing, Data Integration and Statistical Modelling. Funded by ESRC /NCRM Methodological Innovation, £195,000, Co-Investigator (with Williams, Edwards, Burnap, Rana, Procter, Voss and Knight).
2013-2014, Supporting Empirical Digital Social Research for the Social Sciences with a Virtual Research Environment. Funded by JISC, £55,519, Co Investigator (with Burnap, Williams, Rana, Edwards & Avis).
2011-12, Digital Social Research Tools, Tension Indicators and Safer Communities: A Demonstration of the Cardiff Online Social Media Observatory (COSMOS). Funded by the ESRC £79,000 Co-Investigator (with Matthew Williams, Adam Edwards, Malcolm Williams, Omer Rana and Nick Avis).
2012, Requirements Analysis for Social Media Research Tools. Funded by the ESRC £5,000, Co Investigator (with Burnap, Housley, Rana, Edwards, Avis & Proctor).
2010 – 2012, Alternative Dwelling Construction, Lifestyle and Green Expertise. Funded by the British Academy, £5000.
2005 – 2006, Coal, Slate and Culture. Funded by the Board of Celtic Studies, £7000.
2001 – 2002, Art and Devolution in Wales: Perceptions and Expectations. Funded by the British Academy, £5000.
Research Impact
My current impact activities focus on Disruptive Digital Technologies: Governance, Regulation and Responsible Innovation. This has been identified as an emerging impact narrative for SOCSI.
- ESRC Digital Wildfires Project (Oxford, Cardiff and Warwick Universities) Impact Activity
- ESRC Impact Acceleration Award: In addition to the above I recently secured (as a co-applicant) an ESRC Impact Acceleration Award (£20,000, 2016 - 2017) with colleagues based at Oxford University (Professor Marina Jirotka, Computer Science) and Warwick University (Professor Rob Procter, Computer Science). This will help accelerate a range of impact initiatives that are connected to a suite of interconnected research projects that I have been undertaking over the last four years (2012 – 2016).
I have been employed in a number of different teaching positions. This has provided me with considerable teaching experience and time to develop a range of effective strategies for carrying out tutorials, seminars, workshops and lectures. I am aware of the issues surrounding assessment and delivery of course material within a changing environment in Higher Education. I am grounded within the practical challenges of teaching and have a reservoir of experience in teaching mainstream social science in a number of diverse settings and to range of learning audiences. This has included full time and part time students, undergraduates, postgraduates and professionals on short training courses. I represented the Welsh social science and sociology community as a panel member for the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) sociology subject benchmark review carried out during the course of 2015/2016.
Undergraduate Teaching
- Social Theory (S1006);
- Sociology of Culture (S10134);
- Power, Culture and Identity (S10164);
- New Frontiers in Sociology (S10163)
Postgraduate Teaching
MSc/Diploma Social Science Research Methods
- Discourse and Conversation Analysis (SIT072)
- Advanced Concepts in Sociology(SIT074)
- Qualitative Research
Yr Athro William Housley, PhD, DSc.Econ, FAcSS, FLSW
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
FLSW. (Cymrawd Cymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru, a roddwyd yn 2024)
Vincent Wright Cadeirydd, Sciences Po, 2016 - 2017
FAcSS. (Ailgyfeiriad oddi wrth Academi y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol, 2016)
DSc.Econ. (Uwch Ddoethuriaeth) Prifysgol Caerdydd, 2012
Cymrawd Ymchwil Gwadd Sefydliad Materion Cymdeithasol a Diwylliannol Cymru (WISCA), Prifysgol Cymru, Bangor (2006)
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
Member of British Sociological Association
Member of Association for Studies in Innovation Science and Technology (AsSIST - UK)
Associate member of WISERD ESRC/HEFCE/WAG research institute (Cardiff, Bangor, Aberystwyth and Swansea Universities, Wales, UK)
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- Dirprwy Gyfarwyddwr, Ymchwil ac Ysgol i Raddedigion yn y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol; (2004 – 2007)
- Darlithydd mewn Cymdeithaseg, SOCSI (1998 – 2007)
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
Cardiff University
2016 - present, Director MSc Social Science Research Methods (SSRM), Cardiff University
2011 - 2014 Research Committee member, Cardiff University School of Social Sciences (2011/12 – 2013/14)
2010 - present, Pathway Convenor for Sociology (ESRC, Wales, DTP)
2011 – 2014, Cardiff University School of Social Sciences – Member of the Senior Management Team (SOCSI)
2009 - Member of Qualitative Methods Training and Capacity Building Committee - WISERD
2004 – 2007 Deputy Director of the Research and Graduate School in the Social Sciences (Cardiff University, RGS)
2015 - 2016, Member of Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (UK) Benchmarking Committee (Sociology) 2015/2016
2014 - present, Member of ISRF Digital Social Science Forum
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
I welcome PhD supervision in the areas of:
- The emerging contours of digital societies
- Ethnomethodology and the social life of methods and data
- Social implications of disruptive digital technologies (e.g. social media, robotics, 3D printing, automation, A.I.)
- Communication, talk and interaction
- The sociology of art and design
- Collaborative working and interdisciplinary practice
- Decision-making and organisations