Gisele Almeida is a Teacher in Politics / International Relations at Cardiff University. She works on the confluence of history, public memory and human rights, specifically on collective identity formation and the role of public memory policies in international relations. A second research stream looks at the role of policymakers in shaping a society’s views on a contentious past. A third research stream focuses on questions of transitional justice in international politics, including divided societies, political conflict, and the normatisation of state-sponsored memory-making. Her research emphasises historical representations constructed by social and political discourses and their implications for democracy, public opinion, social cohesion and human rights. She engages with theoretical and methodological debates in the fields of history and disputed memories employing qualitative methods, notably discourse analysis in her research. Her regional focus centres on Latin America.
Gisele was a visiting researcher at the Brazil Institute based at King’s College London. Her work has been published among others in History and Theory, Politika, Public History Weekly, and História da Historiografia. She is the author of "Memória do Autoritarismo no Brasil: de FHC a Dilma", forthcoming with Hucitec.
➤ Key areas of research expertise: public history, historical redress, Discourse Analysis, Latin America
Journal Articles
- ‘Philosophy of History after 1945: a Bibliometric Study’, History & Theory (2019), with Bevernage et al. Chinese Transl. ‘1945 年之后的历史哲学’. 新史学 = New History 25 (2020).
- ‘Historians out and about: historical practice in contemporary Brazil’, Passés Futurs (2017), with Bianchi.
- ‘Futuro e história: análise da temporalidade atual’, História da Historiografia (2014).
Chapters in Edited Collections
- ‘Remembering so it never happens again’, in Schneider (Ed.). The Brazilian National Truth Commission in the Context of Latin America (Berghahn, 2019).
- ‘The Brazilian National Truth Commission (2012-2014)’, in: Bevernage & Wouters (Eds.). State-Sponsored History after 1945 (Palgrave, 2017), with Schneider.
- Review of Lea David’s book: The Past Can't Heal Us (Cambrigde UP, 2020).
- ‘Cambios Metahistóricos’ (dictionary entry ‘Metahistorical Glitches’), in: Vinyes (Ed.) Diccionario de la memoria colectiva (Gedisa, 2018).
- ‘Interview with Franklin Rudolf Ankersmit’ In A Escrita Da História, 319–33. Eduel, 2012.