Yr Athro Antonio Ioris
Athro mewn Daearyddiaeth Ddynol
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rwy'n athro daearyddiaeth ddynol ac yn gyfarwyddwr yr MSc mewn Amgylchedd a Datblygu yn yr Ysgol Daearyddiaeth a Chynllunio, Prifysgol Caerdydd. Mae fy niddordebau academaidd yn dibynnu'n bennaf ar ddimensiwn gwleidyddol y rhyng-gysylltiadau a'r rhyngddibyniaethau rhwng cymdeithas a gweddill natur, yn ogystal â sail wleidyddol-ideolegol datblygu a newid amgylcheddol.
Dros y ddau ddegawd diwethaf, rwyf wedi rheoli sawl prosiect ymchwil ar ddaearyddiaeth frodorol, ffiniau cymdeithasol-ofodol, ecoleg wleidyddol a datblygiad amaethyddol sy'n seiliedig ar amaeth. Bwriedir i'r prosiectau ymchwil hynny fod â pherthnasedd academaidd a mwy nag academaidd ac maent yn canolbwyntio ar brosesau cymdeithasol-naturiol, ar economi wleidyddol datblygu a rheoleiddio amgylcheddol, ac ar lywodraethu a gwleidyddiaeth. Rwyf wedi cydlynu sawl prosiect ymchwil rhyngwladol a rhwydweithiau ymchwil ar ddaearyddiaeth frodorol y Guarani-Kaiowa a'r hil-laddiad parhaus (a ddiffinnir gan 'Kaiowcide').
- Guo, T., Gang, Q., Jiang, X., Zacarias, W. B. M. and Ioris, A. A. R. 2025. Evaluation of China's marine sustainable development based on PSR and SDG14: Synergy-tradeoff analysis and scenario simulation. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 111, article number: 107753. (10.1016/j.eiar.2024.107753)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. The genocidal trail of agrarian capitalism: Guarani-Kaiowa’s struggle for survival. The Review of Black Political Economy 51(4), pp. 556-582. (10.1177/00346446231182340)
- Santos, J. G. and Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. Water conflicts and socioterritorial dynamics: The hydrosocial cycle after the Sao Francisco River transposition project in the northeast of Brazil. Land 13(12), article number: 2032. (10.3390/land13122032)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. Uncommon world production: In search of freedom and recognition.. Societies 14(12), article number: 274. (10.3390/soc14120274)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. Agribusiness rent extraction. American Journal of Economics and Sociology 83(5), pp. 915-922. (10.1111/ajes.12555)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. Geographies of Difference, Indifference and Mis-difference: The Guarani-Kaiwa People and the Myths of Brazilian Development.. Bloomsbury Publishing.
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. Hegelian geographical sensibilities. Journal of Philosophical Investigations (10.22034/jpiut.2024.62866.3839)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. Hegel's minor and major geographies: space, consciousness and change. Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography 56(4), pp. 1357-1377. (10.1111/anti.13018)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. Amazon water: the misgovernance of hydropower. In: Fritsch, O. and Benson, D. eds. Handbook on the Governance and Politics of Water Resources.. Political Science and Public Policy 2024 Edward Elgar, pp. 172–185., (10.4337/9781800887909.00022)
- Ioris, A. 2024. Difference, indigeneity and ethnoclass convergence. Anthropological Forum 34(3), pp. 373-391. (10.1080/00664677.2023.2271672)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. Socio-economic geography and the land rights of indigenous peoples in Paraguay. Journal of Social and Economic Development (10.1007/s40847-024-00347-3)
- Ioris, A. 2024. Development, subtraction and the Indigenous peoples of Paraguay. Journal of the British Academy 12(1 & 2), article number: a05. (10.5871/jba/012.a05)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. Indigeneity, land and labour in Paraguay. Discover Global Society 2(1), article number: 15. (10.1007/s44282-023-00023-7)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. Indigenous peoples and land-Based disputes: Paraguay and the Paĩ Tavyterã. Resources 13(1), article number: 4. (10.3390/resources13010004)
- Ioris, A. A. 2024. Ethnocide and agribusiness mafias. In: Baikady, R. et al. eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems.. Palgrave Macmillan, (10.1007/978-3-030-68127-2_437-1)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2023. World out of difference: relations and consequences. Philosophy and Social Criticism 49(10), pp. 1220-1243. (10.1177/01914537221101316)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2023. Hegelian dialectics and ethnoclass differences: The spatialised politics of the Guarani-Kaiowa. Prometeica - Revista de Filosofía y Ciencias 27, pp. 100-116. (10.34024/prometeica.2023.27.14380)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2023. Indigeneity and indigenous politics: Ground-breaking resources. Revista de Estudios Sociales 85, pp. 3-21. (10.7440/res85.2023.01)
- Ioris, A. 2023. Racism and indifference in brazil : anti-indigenous text, action and sensibility.. Human Arenas (10.1007/s42087-022-00321-7)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2023. Making the Amazon a frontier: where less space is more. Distinktion 24(1), pp. 64-86. (10.1080/1600910X.2021.1884579)
- Ioris, A. and Fernandes, B. M. eds. 2022. Agriculture, environment and development: International perspectives on water, land and politics. Palgrave Macmillan. (10.1007/978-3-031-10264-6)
- Guimaraes, J., Pedroza, E. and Ioris, A. 2022. The reterritorialization and the struggle for water of those affected by the transfer of the Sao Francisco River in the Brazilian Northeast. Sociedade and Natureza 34, article number: e65239. (10.14393/SN-v34-2022-65239x)
- Ioris, A. A. R., Longo, F. V., do Carmo, R. and Arruti, J. M. P. A. 2022. Indigenous school education as contested spaces: the Brazilian experience in São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul. Australian Journal of Indigenous Education 51(2), article number: 5. (10.55146/ajie.v51i2.5)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2022. Guarani-Kaiowa's political ontology: singular because common. Cultural Studies 36(4), pp. 668-692. (10.1080/09502386.2021.1913200)
- Ioris, A. 2022. Indigenous peoples, land-based disputes and strategies of socio-spatial resistance at agricultural frontiers. Ethnopolitics 21(3), pp. 278-298. (10.1080/17449057.2020.1770463)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2021. Kaiowcide: Living through the Guarani-Kaiowa genocide. Maryland: Lexington Books.
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2021. Indigeneity and political economy: class and ethnicity of the Guarani-Kaiowa. Capital and Class 45(3), pp. 415-436. (10.1177/0309816820959828)
- Ioris, A. A. R. ed. 2021. Environment and development: challenges, policies and practices. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2020. Indigenous labor and land resources: Guarani-Kaiowa's politico-economic and ethnic challenges. Resources 9(7), article number: 84. (10.3390/RESOURCES9070084)
- Ioris, A. A. R., Ioris, R. R. and Shubin, S. eds. 2020. Frontiers of development in the Amazon: riches, risks, and resistances. Lexington Books.
- Ioris, A. 2020. Socioecological economics of water development in the Brazilian Amazon: elements for a critical reflection. Ecological Economics 173, article number: 106654. (10.1016/j.ecolecon.2020.106654)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2020. Frontier making in the Amazon: Economic, political and socioecological conversion. Key Challenges in Geography. Switzerland: Springer. (10.1007/978-3-030-38524-8)
- Ioris, A. A. R., Neto, V. J. and de Castro Barbosa, X. eds. 2020. Agroculture frontiers in the Amazon: contested histories, emerging cultures, national territorialities [As fronteiras agroculturais na Amazônia: histórias contestadas, culturas emergentes, territorialidades nacionais]. Universidade Aberta do Brasil, Brasília.
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2020. Ontological politics and the struggle for the Guarani-Kaiowa world. Space and Polity 24(3), pp. 382-400. (10.1080/13562576.2020.1814727)
- Arts, K. et al. 2019. Towards more effective online environmental information provision through tailored natural language generation: profiles of Scottish river user groups and an evaluative online experiment. Science of the Total Environment 673, pp. 643-655. (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.03.440)
- Ioris, A. A. R., Benites, T. and Goetterg, J. D. 2019. Challenges and contribution of indigenous geography: Learning with and for the Kaiowa-Guarani of South America.. Geoforum 102, pp. 137-141. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2019.03.023)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2019. Political agency of indigenous peoples : The Guarani - Kaiowa's fight for survival and recognition.. Vibrant: Virtual Brazilian Anthropology 16, article number: e16207. (10.1590/1809-43412019v16a207)
- Ioris, A. 2019. Peasant farming in the Southern Tracts of the Amazon: The reluctant alterity of agribusiness. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 18(4), article number: 12341525. (10.1163/15691497-12341525)
- Berezuk, A. G. and Ioris, A. A. R. 2018. Brazil's and Scotland's water policies: a North-South comparison. Review of European Studies 10(4), pp. 164-174. (10.5539/res.v10n4p164)
- Arts, K., Rabelo, O., Maimoni de Figueiredo, D., Maffey, G., Ioris, A. and Girard, P. 2018. Online and offline representations of biocultural diversity: A political ecology perspective on nature-based tourism and indigenous communities in the Brazilian Pantanal. Sustainability 10(10), article number: 3643. (10.3390/su10103643)
- Ioris, A. 2018. Amazon's dead ends: Frontier - making the centre.. Political Geography 65, pp. 98-106. (10.1016/j.polgeo.2018.05.011)
- Ioris, A. 2018. The politics of agribusiness and the business of sustainability. Sustainability 10(5), article number: 1648. (10.3390/su10051648)
- Ioris, A. 2018. Conflicting demands, urban dilemmas and narrow thinking about water: Political necessity and the possibilities of change.. In: Marsden, T. ed. The SAGE Handbook of Nature. SAGE Publishing, pp. 583-602.
- Ioris, R. and Ioris, A. 2018. Colombia's fractured history and continued challenges following the Havana Accord. Journal of Peacebuilding and Development 13, pp. 79-83. (10.1080/15423166.2017.1401485)
- Ioris, A. 2018. Seeding a narrow future and harvesting an exclusionary past: the contradictions and future scenarios of agro-neoliberalism in Brazil. Futures 95, pp. 76-85. (10.1016/j.futures.2017.10.003)
- Ioris, R. R. and Ioris, A. 2018. Consolidating the past and risking the future: Colombia's development trajectory and the prospects for a lasting peace in the wake of the Havana Accord. Journal of Global South Studies 35(1), pp. 155-173. (10.1353/gss.2018.0008)
- Schulz, C. and Ioris, A. A. R. 2017. The paradox of water abundance in Mato Grosso, Brazil.. Sustainability 9(10), article number: 1796. (10.3390/su9101796)
- Schulz, C., Martin-Ortega, J., Ioris, A. A. R. and Glenk, K. 2017. Applying a ‘value landscapes approach’ to conflicts in water governance: the case of the Paraguay-Paraná Waterway. Ecological Economics 138, pp. 47-55. (10.1016/j.ecolecon.2017.03.033)
- Ioris, A. 2017. Places of agribusiness: displacement, replacement, and misplacement in Mato Grosso, Brazil. Geographical Review 107(3), pp. 452-475. (10.1111/gere.12222)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2017. Encroachment and entrenchment of agro-neoliberalism in the Centre- West of Brazil. Journal of Rural Studies 51, pp. 15-27. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2017.01.011)
- Sanderson Bellamy, A. and Ioris, A. A. R. 2017. Addressing the knowledge gaps in agroecology and identifying guiding principles for transforming conventional agri-food systems. Sustainability 9(3), article number: 330. (10.3390/su9030330)
- Schulz, C., Maitin-Ortega, J., Glenk, K. and Ioris, A. A. R. 2017. The value base of water governance: a multi-disciplinary perspective. Ecological Economics 131, pp. 241-249. (10.1016/j.ecolecon.2016.09.009)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2016. Rent of agribusiness in the Amazon: A case study from Mato Grosso. Land Use Policy 59, pp. 456-466. (10.1016/j.landusepol.2016.09.019)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2016. "La plata llega sola" [The money arrives on its own]: reflections on corruption trends in Peru. Diálogos Latinoamericanos 17(25), pp. 82-98.
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2016. Practical authority: Agency and institutional change in Brazilian water politics. Hispanic American Historical Review 96(4), pp. 769-771. (10.1215/00182168-3678141)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2016. The paradox of poverty in rich ecosystems: impoverishment and development in the Amazon of Brazil and Bolivia. Geographical Journal 182(2), pp. 178-189. (10.1111/geoj.12124)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2016. The politico-ecological economy of neoliberal agribusiness: displacement, financialisation and mystification. Area 48(1), pp. 84-91. (10.1111/area.12240)
- Arts, K., Ioris, A. A. R., Macleod, C. J. A., Han, X., Sripada, S. G., Braga, J. R. Z. and van der Wal, R. 2016. Environmental communication in the Information Age: Institutional barriers and opportunities in the provision of river data to the general public. Environmental Science and Policy 55(1), pp. 47-53. (10.1016/j.envsci.2015.08.011)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2016. Water scarcity and the exclusionary city: the struggle for water justice in Lima, Peru. Water International 41(1), pp. 125-139. (10.1080/02508060.2016.1124515)
- Arts, K., Ioris, A. A. R., MacLeod, C. J. A., Han, X., Sripada, S., Braga, J. R. Z. and Van Der Wal, R. 2015. Supply of online environmental information to unknown demand: the importance of interpretation and liability related to a national network of river level data. Scottish Geographical Journal 131(3-4), pp. 245-252. (10.1080/14702541.2014.978809)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2015. The production of poverty and the poverty of production in the Amazon: reflections from those at the sharp end of development. Capitalism Nature Socialism 26(4), pp. 176-192. (10.1080/10455752.2015.1058835)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2015. The prospects for the water management framework in the Douro, Portugal. European Urban and Regional Studies 22(3), pp. 316-328. (10.1177/0969776412474588)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2015. Cracking the nut of agribusiness and global food insecurity: in search of a critical agenda of research. Geoforum 63, pp. 1-4. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2015.05.004)
- Han, X., Ioris, A. A. and Lin, C. 2015. Web as corpus supporting natural language generation for online river information communication [Extended Abstract]. Presented at: 24th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2015), Florence, Italy, 18-22 May 2015WWW '15 Companion - Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web. New York, NY: ACM pp. 363-364.
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2015. Theorizing state-environment relationships: Antinomies of flexibility and legitimacy. Progress in Human Geography 39(2), pp. 167-184. (10.1177/0309132513516893)
- Schulz, C., Ioris, A. A. R., Martin-Ortega, J. and Glenk, K. 2015. Prospects for Payments for Ecosystem Services in the Brazilian Pantanal: a scenario analysis. The Journal of Environment and Development 24(1), pp. 26-53. (10.1177/1070496514548580)
- Barbedo, J., Miguez, M., Van der Horst, D., Carneiro, P., Amis, P. and Ioris, A. 2015. Policy dimensions of land-use change in peri-urban floodplains: the case of Paraty. Ecology and Society 20(1), article number: 5. (10.5751/ES-07126-200105)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2015. Latin America’s large-scale urban challenges: development failures and public service inequalities in Lima, Peru. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies 14(4), pp. 1161-1186.
- Ioris, A. A. R., Irigaray, C. T. and Girard, P. 2014. Institutional responses to climate change: opportunities and barriers for adaptation in the Pantanal and the Upper Paraguay River Basin. Climatic Change 127(1), pp. 139-151. (10.1007/s10584-014-1134-z)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2014. Environmental governance at the core of statecraft: unresolved questions and inbuilt tensions. Geography Compass 8(9), pp. 641-652. (10.1111/gec3.12155)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2014. The urban political ecology of post-industrial Scottish towns: examining Greengairs and Ravenscraig. Urban Studies 51(8), pp. 1576-1592. (10.1177/0042098013497408)
- Ioris, A. 2014. Approaches and responses to climate change: challenges for the Pantanal and the Upper Paraguay River Basin.. Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research 25, pp. 119 -145.
- Guo, T., Gang, Q., Jiang, X., Zacarias, W. B. M. and Ioris, A. A. R. 2025. Evaluation of China's marine sustainable development based on PSR and SDG14: Synergy-tradeoff analysis and scenario simulation. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 111, article number: 107753. (10.1016/j.eiar.2024.107753)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. The genocidal trail of agrarian capitalism: Guarani-Kaiowa’s struggle for survival. The Review of Black Political Economy 51(4), pp. 556-582. (10.1177/00346446231182340)
- Santos, J. G. and Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. Water conflicts and socioterritorial dynamics: The hydrosocial cycle after the Sao Francisco River transposition project in the northeast of Brazil. Land 13(12), article number: 2032. (10.3390/land13122032)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. Uncommon world production: In search of freedom and recognition.. Societies 14(12), article number: 274. (10.3390/soc14120274)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. Agribusiness rent extraction. American Journal of Economics and Sociology 83(5), pp. 915-922. (10.1111/ajes.12555)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. Hegelian geographical sensibilities. Journal of Philosophical Investigations (10.22034/jpiut.2024.62866.3839)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. Hegel's minor and major geographies: space, consciousness and change. Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography 56(4), pp. 1357-1377. (10.1111/anti.13018)
- Ioris, A. 2024. Difference, indigeneity and ethnoclass convergence. Anthropological Forum 34(3), pp. 373-391. (10.1080/00664677.2023.2271672)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. Socio-economic geography and the land rights of indigenous peoples in Paraguay. Journal of Social and Economic Development (10.1007/s40847-024-00347-3)
- Ioris, A. 2024. Development, subtraction and the Indigenous peoples of Paraguay. Journal of the British Academy 12(1 & 2), article number: a05. (10.5871/jba/012.a05)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. Indigeneity, land and labour in Paraguay. Discover Global Society 2(1), article number: 15. (10.1007/s44282-023-00023-7)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. Indigenous peoples and land-Based disputes: Paraguay and the Paĩ Tavyterã. Resources 13(1), article number: 4. (10.3390/resources13010004)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2023. World out of difference: relations and consequences. Philosophy and Social Criticism 49(10), pp. 1220-1243. (10.1177/01914537221101316)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2023. Hegelian dialectics and ethnoclass differences: The spatialised politics of the Guarani-Kaiowa. Prometeica - Revista de Filosofía y Ciencias 27, pp. 100-116. (10.34024/prometeica.2023.27.14380)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2023. Indigeneity and indigenous politics: Ground-breaking resources. Revista de Estudios Sociales 85, pp. 3-21. (10.7440/res85.2023.01)
- Ioris, A. 2023. Racism and indifference in brazil : anti-indigenous text, action and sensibility.. Human Arenas (10.1007/s42087-022-00321-7)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2023. Making the Amazon a frontier: where less space is more. Distinktion 24(1), pp. 64-86. (10.1080/1600910X.2021.1884579)
- Guimaraes, J., Pedroza, E. and Ioris, A. 2022. The reterritorialization and the struggle for water of those affected by the transfer of the Sao Francisco River in the Brazilian Northeast. Sociedade and Natureza 34, article number: e65239. (10.14393/SN-v34-2022-65239x)
- Ioris, A. A. R., Longo, F. V., do Carmo, R. and Arruti, J. M. P. A. 2022. Indigenous school education as contested spaces: the Brazilian experience in São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul. Australian Journal of Indigenous Education 51(2), article number: 5. (10.55146/ajie.v51i2.5)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2022. Guarani-Kaiowa's political ontology: singular because common. Cultural Studies 36(4), pp. 668-692. (10.1080/09502386.2021.1913200)
- Ioris, A. 2022. Indigenous peoples, land-based disputes and strategies of socio-spatial resistance at agricultural frontiers. Ethnopolitics 21(3), pp. 278-298. (10.1080/17449057.2020.1770463)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2021. Indigeneity and political economy: class and ethnicity of the Guarani-Kaiowa. Capital and Class 45(3), pp. 415-436. (10.1177/0309816820959828)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2020. Indigenous labor and land resources: Guarani-Kaiowa's politico-economic and ethnic challenges. Resources 9(7), article number: 84. (10.3390/RESOURCES9070084)
- Ioris, A. 2020. Socioecological economics of water development in the Brazilian Amazon: elements for a critical reflection. Ecological Economics 173, article number: 106654. (10.1016/j.ecolecon.2020.106654)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2020. Ontological politics and the struggle for the Guarani-Kaiowa world. Space and Polity 24(3), pp. 382-400. (10.1080/13562576.2020.1814727)
- Arts, K. et al. 2019. Towards more effective online environmental information provision through tailored natural language generation: profiles of Scottish river user groups and an evaluative online experiment. Science of the Total Environment 673, pp. 643-655. (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.03.440)
- Ioris, A. A. R., Benites, T. and Goetterg, J. D. 2019. Challenges and contribution of indigenous geography: Learning with and for the Kaiowa-Guarani of South America.. Geoforum 102, pp. 137-141. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2019.03.023)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2019. Political agency of indigenous peoples : The Guarani - Kaiowa's fight for survival and recognition.. Vibrant: Virtual Brazilian Anthropology 16, article number: e16207. (10.1590/1809-43412019v16a207)
- Ioris, A. 2019. Peasant farming in the Southern Tracts of the Amazon: The reluctant alterity of agribusiness. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 18(4), article number: 12341525. (10.1163/15691497-12341525)
- Berezuk, A. G. and Ioris, A. A. R. 2018. Brazil's and Scotland's water policies: a North-South comparison. Review of European Studies 10(4), pp. 164-174. (10.5539/res.v10n4p164)
- Arts, K., Rabelo, O., Maimoni de Figueiredo, D., Maffey, G., Ioris, A. and Girard, P. 2018. Online and offline representations of biocultural diversity: A political ecology perspective on nature-based tourism and indigenous communities in the Brazilian Pantanal. Sustainability 10(10), article number: 3643. (10.3390/su10103643)
- Ioris, A. 2018. Amazon's dead ends: Frontier - making the centre.. Political Geography 65, pp. 98-106. (10.1016/j.polgeo.2018.05.011)
- Ioris, A. 2018. The politics of agribusiness and the business of sustainability. Sustainability 10(5), article number: 1648. (10.3390/su10051648)
- Ioris, R. and Ioris, A. 2018. Colombia's fractured history and continued challenges following the Havana Accord. Journal of Peacebuilding and Development 13, pp. 79-83. (10.1080/15423166.2017.1401485)
- Ioris, A. 2018. Seeding a narrow future and harvesting an exclusionary past: the contradictions and future scenarios of agro-neoliberalism in Brazil. Futures 95, pp. 76-85. (10.1016/j.futures.2017.10.003)
- Ioris, R. R. and Ioris, A. 2018. Consolidating the past and risking the future: Colombia's development trajectory and the prospects for a lasting peace in the wake of the Havana Accord. Journal of Global South Studies 35(1), pp. 155-173. (10.1353/gss.2018.0008)
- Schulz, C. and Ioris, A. A. R. 2017. The paradox of water abundance in Mato Grosso, Brazil.. Sustainability 9(10), article number: 1796. (10.3390/su9101796)
- Schulz, C., Martin-Ortega, J., Ioris, A. A. R. and Glenk, K. 2017. Applying a ‘value landscapes approach’ to conflicts in water governance: the case of the Paraguay-Paraná Waterway. Ecological Economics 138, pp. 47-55. (10.1016/j.ecolecon.2017.03.033)
- Ioris, A. 2017. Places of agribusiness: displacement, replacement, and misplacement in Mato Grosso, Brazil. Geographical Review 107(3), pp. 452-475. (10.1111/gere.12222)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2017. Encroachment and entrenchment of agro-neoliberalism in the Centre- West of Brazil. Journal of Rural Studies 51, pp. 15-27. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2017.01.011)
- Sanderson Bellamy, A. and Ioris, A. A. R. 2017. Addressing the knowledge gaps in agroecology and identifying guiding principles for transforming conventional agri-food systems. Sustainability 9(3), article number: 330. (10.3390/su9030330)
- Schulz, C., Maitin-Ortega, J., Glenk, K. and Ioris, A. A. R. 2017. The value base of water governance: a multi-disciplinary perspective. Ecological Economics 131, pp. 241-249. (10.1016/j.ecolecon.2016.09.009)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2016. Rent of agribusiness in the Amazon: A case study from Mato Grosso. Land Use Policy 59, pp. 456-466. (10.1016/j.landusepol.2016.09.019)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2016. "La plata llega sola" [The money arrives on its own]: reflections on corruption trends in Peru. Diálogos Latinoamericanos 17(25), pp. 82-98.
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2016. Practical authority: Agency and institutional change in Brazilian water politics. Hispanic American Historical Review 96(4), pp. 769-771. (10.1215/00182168-3678141)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2016. The paradox of poverty in rich ecosystems: impoverishment and development in the Amazon of Brazil and Bolivia. Geographical Journal 182(2), pp. 178-189. (10.1111/geoj.12124)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2016. The politico-ecological economy of neoliberal agribusiness: displacement, financialisation and mystification. Area 48(1), pp. 84-91. (10.1111/area.12240)
- Arts, K., Ioris, A. A. R., Macleod, C. J. A., Han, X., Sripada, S. G., Braga, J. R. Z. and van der Wal, R. 2016. Environmental communication in the Information Age: Institutional barriers and opportunities in the provision of river data to the general public. Environmental Science and Policy 55(1), pp. 47-53. (10.1016/j.envsci.2015.08.011)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2016. Water scarcity and the exclusionary city: the struggle for water justice in Lima, Peru. Water International 41(1), pp. 125-139. (10.1080/02508060.2016.1124515)
- Arts, K., Ioris, A. A. R., MacLeod, C. J. A., Han, X., Sripada, S., Braga, J. R. Z. and Van Der Wal, R. 2015. Supply of online environmental information to unknown demand: the importance of interpretation and liability related to a national network of river level data. Scottish Geographical Journal 131(3-4), pp. 245-252. (10.1080/14702541.2014.978809)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2015. The production of poverty and the poverty of production in the Amazon: reflections from those at the sharp end of development. Capitalism Nature Socialism 26(4), pp. 176-192. (10.1080/10455752.2015.1058835)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2015. The prospects for the water management framework in the Douro, Portugal. European Urban and Regional Studies 22(3), pp. 316-328. (10.1177/0969776412474588)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2015. Cracking the nut of agribusiness and global food insecurity: in search of a critical agenda of research. Geoforum 63, pp. 1-4. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2015.05.004)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2015. Theorizing state-environment relationships: Antinomies of flexibility and legitimacy. Progress in Human Geography 39(2), pp. 167-184. (10.1177/0309132513516893)
- Schulz, C., Ioris, A. A. R., Martin-Ortega, J. and Glenk, K. 2015. Prospects for Payments for Ecosystem Services in the Brazilian Pantanal: a scenario analysis. The Journal of Environment and Development 24(1), pp. 26-53. (10.1177/1070496514548580)
- Barbedo, J., Miguez, M., Van der Horst, D., Carneiro, P., Amis, P. and Ioris, A. 2015. Policy dimensions of land-use change in peri-urban floodplains: the case of Paraty. Ecology and Society 20(1), article number: 5. (10.5751/ES-07126-200105)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2015. Latin America’s large-scale urban challenges: development failures and public service inequalities in Lima, Peru. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies 14(4), pp. 1161-1186.
- Ioris, A. A. R., Irigaray, C. T. and Girard, P. 2014. Institutional responses to climate change: opportunities and barriers for adaptation in the Pantanal and the Upper Paraguay River Basin. Climatic Change 127(1), pp. 139-151. (10.1007/s10584-014-1134-z)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2014. Environmental governance at the core of statecraft: unresolved questions and inbuilt tensions. Geography Compass 8(9), pp. 641-652. (10.1111/gec3.12155)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2014. The urban political ecology of post-industrial Scottish towns: examining Greengairs and Ravenscraig. Urban Studies 51(8), pp. 1576-1592. (10.1177/0042098013497408)
- Ioris, A. 2014. Approaches and responses to climate change: challenges for the Pantanal and the Upper Paraguay River Basin.. Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research 25, pp. 119 -145.
Book sections
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. Amazon water: the misgovernance of hydropower. In: Fritsch, O. and Benson, D. eds. Handbook on the Governance and Politics of Water Resources.. Political Science and Public Policy 2024 Edward Elgar, pp. 172–185., (10.4337/9781800887909.00022)
- Ioris, A. A. 2024. Ethnocide and agribusiness mafias. In: Baikady, R. et al. eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems.. Palgrave Macmillan, (10.1007/978-3-030-68127-2_437-1)
- Ioris, A. 2018. Conflicting demands, urban dilemmas and narrow thinking about water: Political necessity and the possibilities of change.. In: Marsden, T. ed. The SAGE Handbook of Nature. SAGE Publishing, pp. 583-602.
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. Geographies of Difference, Indifference and Mis-difference: The Guarani-Kaiwa People and the Myths of Brazilian Development.. Bloomsbury Publishing.
- Ioris, A. and Fernandes, B. M. eds. 2022. Agriculture, environment and development: International perspectives on water, land and politics. Palgrave Macmillan. (10.1007/978-3-031-10264-6)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2021. Kaiowcide: Living through the Guarani-Kaiowa genocide. Maryland: Lexington Books.
- Ioris, A. A. R. ed. 2021. Environment and development: challenges, policies and practices. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Ioris, A. A. R., Ioris, R. R. and Shubin, S. eds. 2020. Frontiers of development in the Amazon: riches, risks, and resistances. Lexington Books.
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2020. Frontier making in the Amazon: Economic, political and socioecological conversion. Key Challenges in Geography. Switzerland: Springer. (10.1007/978-3-030-38524-8)
- Ioris, A. A. R., Neto, V. J. and de Castro Barbosa, X. eds. 2020. Agroculture frontiers in the Amazon: contested histories, emerging cultures, national territorialities [As fronteiras agroculturais na Amazônia: histórias contestadas, culturas emergentes, territorialidades nacionais]. Universidade Aberta do Brasil, Brasília.
- Han, X., Ioris, A. A. and Lin, C. 2015. Web as corpus supporting natural language generation for online river information communication [Extended Abstract]. Presented at: 24th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2015), Florence, Italy, 18-22 May 2015WWW '15 Companion - Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web. New York, NY: ACM pp. 363-364.
"Guarani beyond Borders: Healing Fragmentation and Sharing Indigeneity", a ariennir gan yr Academi Brydeinig/Leverhulme Trust. 2022-2024. Rôl: PI. £9,994.
"Ymgysylltu ag ysgolion brodorol a threfnu digwyddiadau lledaenu terfynol", a ariennir gan GCRF a Newton Consolidation Accounts (GNCAs). 2022-2023. Rôl: PI. £13,480.
"Defnydd Tir a Datblygu Cynaliadwy yn Nwyrain Amazon", wedi'i ariannu gan FAPESP/Prifysgol Caerdydd. 2022. Rôl: PI. £ 10,000
"Uso Real Versus Uso Formal da Terra na Amazônia Maranhense: Condicionantes para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável", a ariennir gan FAPEMA/FAPESP. 2021-2025. Cydlynwyd gan Unicamp ac UEMA, Brasil. Swydd: Co-I. £39,200.
"Heriau a Risgiau sy'n Wynebu Pobl Gynhenid ym Mrasil heddiw: Dadbacio Bregusrwydd ac Adweithiau Lluosog", wedi'u hariannu gan yr AHRC. Rôl: PI. £127,000.
"Addysg Ysgol Gynhenid a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol-ofodol ym Mrasil", a ariennir gan y Gronfa Ymchwil Heriau Byd-eang (GCRF), cydweithrediad Prifysgol Caerdydd-Unicamp-UFGD. 2019. Rôl: PI. £39,610.
"Yr Amgylchedd a Datblygu: Heriau Cynaliadwyedd yr 21ain Ganrif a Rennir", a ariennir gan Gronfa Newton trwy FAPESP (Brasil)-British Council. 2019. Rôl: PI. £49,200
"Cwestiynau sy'n Aros Hir yn Effeithio ar y Guarani-Kaiowás yn Mato Grosso do Sul: Ehangu Agribusiness, Hiliaeth a'r Ffiniau Rhyngwladol Amwys rhwng Brasil a Paraguay", a ariennir gan yr Academi Brydeinig/Newton Fund (Cyfeirnod Grant: NAF2R2\100152). 2018-202. PI (yn gysylltiedig â chymrodoriaeth uwch Dr Jones Goettert, UFGD, Brasil). £77,975.00.
"Agro-Cultural Frontiers and the Amazon: Contested Histories, New Alterities and Emerging Cultures", a ariennir gan AHRC (cyfeirnod grant: AH/R003645/1). 2018-2020. PI. £60,720.
Rhaglen Ysgolheigion Ymweld Marsico i gynnal cyfarfodydd, rhoi sgyrsiau i fyfyrwyr graddedig a chadeirydd gweithdy i raddedigion ym Mhrifysgol Denver, UDA, ym mis Mawrth 2018.
"Yr ochr arall i fusnes amaeth yn yr Amazon: Rhoi gwelededd i realiti ac anghenion ffermwyr gwerinwyr mewn ardal sy'n cael ei dominyddu gan fusnes amaethyddol ffa soia", Cyfrif Cyflymu Effaith ESRC ac wedi'i ategu ag arian o'r Gronfa Ymchwil Heriau Byd-eang (GCRF). 2017-2018. PI. £13,995.
"Heriau Cynllunio Defnydd Tir: Cyfluniad Canolfan Hanesyddol Quibdó, Choco (Colombia) a'i Effaith ar y Cynhyrchu Economaidd-gymdeithasol Cynaliadwy", a ariennir gan Gronfa Newton-Caldas. 2016-2018. Rôl: PI. £259,000
"Supporting Sustainable Ecosystems for Poverty Alleviation in the Amazon", a ariennir gan Gronfa Newton trwy FAPEAM (Brazil)-British Council. 2015-2016. Rôl: Co-I. £36,000
"Busnes Agroecolegol: Cysylltu Cymdeithas Sifil, BBaChau a Defnyddwyr â Natur a'r Tir", wedi'i ariannu gan ESRC. 2015-2016. Rôl: Co-I. £20,000
"Water as the Frontier of Agribusiness: Politico-Ecological and Socio-Economic Connections from Farms to Global Markets", a ariennir gan Gronfa Newton trwy FAPESP (Brazil)-British Council. 2004-2015. Rôl: PI. £42,200
"Sofraniaeth Adnoddau fel Strategaeth tuag at Sicrhau Trawsnewidiad Cymdeithasol, Cynaliadwyedd Amgylcheddol a Lles Dynol", a ariennir gan Gyngor y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol Rhyngwladol (ISSC)/UNESCO. 2014-2015. Rôl: Cyd-I. € 30,000
"Rheoli Adnoddau Dŵr yn Rhanbarth Hydrograffig Bae Guanabara", a ariennir gan FAPERJ. 2014-2016. Rôl: CoI rhyngwladol. £12,000
"Dyfodol ein Bwyd: Gwydnwch, Diogelwch a Chyfiawnder mewn Cyd-destun Byd-eang", wedi'i ariannu gan ESRC. 2014-2015. Rôl: Cyd-I. £30,000
"Agribusiness, Adnoddau Dŵr a Chymhlethdod Sefydliadol: Cynaliadwyedd Asesu Integredig", a ariennir gan CAPES/Brasil, rhaglen "Gwyddoniaeth heb Ffiniau", 2013-2015. Rôl: PI. £65,000
"Gwella Cyfathrebu rhwng graddfeydd Rheoli Llifogydd: O gymunedau i ragweld canolfannau a llunwyr polisi", rhan o brosiect Dot.Gwledig; cynorthwy-ydd ymchwil (10% FTE); Cyllidwyd gan EPSRC, 2011-2015. £250,000
PRONEX (Maetholion a phlaleiddiaid yn Dŵr Arwyneb Basnau Afon Pantanal Gogleddol: Dull integredig), Cyd-rwy'n cydlynu'r pecyn gwaith ar reoleiddio dŵr; Ariannwyd gan asiantaeth Brasil FAPEMAT, 2011-2012. £40,000
"Tlodion Dibynnol ar Goedwigoedd yn y Ffin Amaethyddol: Cymhlethdod Tlodi a'r Addewid o Ecosystemau Coedwigoedd Cynaliadwy yn Amazonia", Co-I, sy'n gyfrifol am y pecyn gwaith llywodraethu amgylcheddol; Ariannwyd gan ESRC/NERC/DFID rhaglen Gwasanaeth Ecosystem ac Lliniaru Tlodi (ESPA), 2010-2011. £53,000
"Ymyloldeb Amgylcheddol ac Allgáu Cymdeithasol yn yr Alban: Dadansoddiad Cymharol o Ddwy Ardal Amgylcheddol Difreintiedig", a ariennir gan Ymddiriedolaeth Carnegie ar gyfer Prifysgolion yr Alban, 2010-2011. £4.8,000.
"Addasu i Newid Hinsawdd: Gwendidau Sefydliadol ym Masn Afon Paraguay", Cyd-I sy'n gyfrifol am y pecyn gwaith ar ddiwygiadau sefydliadol; Cyllidwyd gan Gyngor Ymchwil Brasil (CNPq). 2009-2010. £35,000.
Rhaglen Ysgolheigion Ymweld Marsico i gynnal cyfarfodydd, yn rhoi sgyrsiau i fyfyrwyr graddedig ac yn cadeirio gweithdy i raddedigion ym Mhrifysgol Denver ym mis Ebrill 2011.
Gwaith ymgynghori 'Private Water Supplies (Scotland) Regulations 2006: Understanding Engagement of Owners and Users'; Cyllidwyd gan Lywodraeth yr Alban, 2009. Swydd: Co-I. £46,000.
Ymgynghoriaeth 'Creu Ffyniant Newydd: Dulliau Ffres o Wasanaethau Ecosystemau a Lles Dynol. Adolygiad systematig; Cyllidwyd gan NERC/ESRC, 2009. Swydd: Co-I. £26,000.
Cymrodoriaeth Leverhulme; prosiect "Water Politics and Regulatory Reforms in Lima, Peru", a ariennir gan Ymddiriedolaeth Leverhulme. 2008-2009. £7,600.
Rhwydwaith ymchwil rhyngwladol "Rheoli Dŵr yn Gynaliadwy yn y Pantanal, Gwlyptir De America", a ariennir gan Ymddiriedolaeth Leverhulme. 2008-2011. £14,500.
"Fferm Integredig i Lywodraethu Dalgylch"; Ariannwyd gan DEFRA. 2007-2008. £60,000.
"Gwrthdaro Dŵr a Gwerthoedd Dŵr yn Rio de Janeiro"; Cyllidwyd gan Gyngor Ymchwil Brasil (CNPq). 2008-2009. £16,000.
"Diwygio Rheoleiddio Dŵr ym Mhortiwgal a Sbaen", a ariennir gan Ymddiriedolaeth Carnegie ar gyfer Prifysgolion yr Alban a Chymdeithas Frenhinol Caeredin, 2008. £3,200.
Fel Cydlynydd Cwrs
Yr Amgylchedd a Datblygu (lefel MSc)
Egwyddorion ac Arferion Llywodraethu Amgylcheddol (MSc Lefel)
Tystysgrif Addysg UwchPrifysgol Caerdydd, Mawrth 2023
Phd Prifysgol Aberdeen (DU), Daearyddiaeth, Chwefror 2005
Thesis: "Fframwaith ar gyfer Asesu Cynaliadwyedd Dŵr Croyw ar Raddfa Basn yr Afon"
MRes Prifysgol Aberdeen (DU), Dulliau Ymchwil, Hydref 2003
Traethawd hir: "Sail ddamcaniaethol ar gyfer Asesu Cynaliadwyedd Dŵr Croyw"
Msc Prifysgol Rhydychen (DU), Newid Amgylcheddol a Rheolaeth, Hydref 1999
Traethawd hir: "Adnoddau Dŵr yng ngogledd-ddwyrain Brasil: Rheoli Basn Afon São Francisco"
BEng (amaethyddiaeth) UFRGS (Brasil), Awst 1992
Athro Daearyddiaeth Ddynol a Chyfarwyddwr yr MSc mewn Amgylchedd a Datblygu, Prifysgol Caerdydd, +2024
Darllenydd mewn Daearyddiaeth a Chyfarwyddwr yr MSc mewn Amgylchedd a Datblygu, Prifysgol Caerdydd, 2019-2024
Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Daearyddiaeth, Prifysgol Caerdydd, 2016-2019
Darlithydd mewn Daearyddiaeth Ddynol (yr amgylchedd a chymdeithas) a Chyfarwyddwr MSc yr Amgylchedd a Datblygu, Prifysgol Caeredin, 2012-2016
Darlithydd, Ysgol Geowyddorau a Chymrawd Canolfan Cynaliadwyedd Amgylcheddol Aberdeen, Prifysgol Aberdeen , 2007-2012
Cymrawd Ymchwil Pos-ddoethurol, Sefydliad Ymchwil a Chynllunio Trefol a Rhanbarthol (IPPUR), Prifysgol Ffederal Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 2007
Uwch Swyddog Polisi, Asiantaeth Diogelu'r Amgylchedd yr Alban (SEPA), 2003-2007
Uwch Reolwr Adnoddau Dŵr, Rhaglen Pantanal, Gweinidogaeth yr Amgylchedd, Brasília, Brasil (noddwyd gan y UNDP), 2000-2002
Ymgynghorydd, Comisiwn Economaidd y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar gyfer America Ladin a'r Caribî a Gweinyddiaeth Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg Brasil, 1999-2000
Rheolwr y Prosiect, Gweinyddiaeth yr Amgylchedd, Brasília, Brasil, 1997-1998
Peiriannydd amaethyddiaeth a rheolwr fferm mewn gwahanol rannau o Brasil, 1992-1997
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Myfyrwyr PhD
Junwen Jia (ers 2023).
Alice Taherzadeh, "Agroecological Transformations: Engaging with Social Movement Learning to Bring Agroecology to Scale" (ers Gorffennaf 2020), a ariennir gan ESRC
Alice Essam, "The Frontiers of Food Sovereignty and Agrarian Justice in the Amazon: A Community Based Study of Political Agroecology in the State of Pará (Brazil)" (ers mis Medi 2018) a ariannwyd gan ESRC
Cyn-fyfyrwyr PhD
Daniela de Fex Wolf, "Pam mae cylch tlodi newyn yn parhau mewn cymunedau pysgota? Astudiaeth Achos yng Ngholombia" (2018-2023), a ariannwyd gan Lywodraeth Colombia
Zahoor ul Haq, "Geowleidyddiaeth Ynni ac Argyfwng Ynni Pacistan: Astudiaeth Achos o Balochistan" (2015-2018)
Tatianna Mello P. Silva, "Trash Olrhain: Dadansoddiad cymdeithasol-ofodol o Rwydweithiau Ailgylchu ym Mrasil". Ymddiriedolaeth Leverhulme, efrydiaeth Storm Perffaith (2015-2017)
Nancy Chawawa, "Gwerth gwybodaeth frodorol mewn strategaethau addasu newid hinsawdd o fewn cymunedau sy'n agored i niwed yn yr hinsawdd ym Malawi". Ysgoloriaeth Prifysgol Caeredin, Grant FAO a Grant PETA. (2013-2017).
Warwick Wainwright, "The Economic Value of Farm Animal Genetic Resources (FAnGR) Conservation in the UK, Brazil and Malawi". Ysgoloriaeth NERC (2014-2016)
Christopher Schulz, "Persbectif aml-randdeiliad ar werth dŵr ym masn Afon Cuiabá Brasil ac yn y pantanal i lywio llywodraethu dŵr ar draws Brasil a'r Alban". Ysgoloriaeth Hydro-Nation/CREW. (2013-2016).
Bregje van Veelen, "Ynni Adnewyddadwy Cymunedol a Thrawsnewidiad Ynni Carbon Isel yn unig". Ysgoloriaeth ESRC. (2013-2016).
Susan McCleary, "O ddad-ddiwydiannu i gynaliadwyedd: Trawsnewidiad Cynaliadwy Cuba". (2013-2016).
Kate Symons, "Utopia Cadwraeth Newydd: Achos Ponta do Ouro, Mozambique". Ysgoloriaeth ESRC. (2012-2017).
Kathryn Miles, "Diraddiad amgylcheddol y Pantanal: Dysgu o Ffoaduriaid Afon Taquari". (2011-2015). Ysgoloriaeth ESRC Canolfan Hyfforddi Ddoethurol. Prifysgol Aberdeen (trosglwyddwyd i Brifysgol Caeredin) (2011-2015).
Steven Vella, "Prosiectau Datblygu, Asesiadau Effaith Amgylcheddol a Chymdeithasol, Cynnwys a Llywodraethu'r Grŵp Cymdeithas Ddinesig: Achos o feddwl allan o'r bocs ar gyfer cyflwr ynys Malta?" (2011-2015). Ysgoloriaeth ACES. Prifysgol Aberdeen.
Muriel Côte, "The Struggle for Autonomy: Gweld aur a choedwig fel llywodraeth leol yng Ngogledd Burkina Faso". Efrydiaeth ESRC ac Ysgoloriaeth Moss. (2013-2014).
Hamdan Al Shaer, "Datblygu Strategaeth Rheoli Amgylcheddol ar gyfer Emirad Dubai". Hunan-ariannu. Prifysgol Aberdeen. (2010-2012)
Diana McNamara, "Materion mewn Meddwl: Archwiliad o Agweddau Amgylcheddol gan ddefnyddio Dulliau Rhyngddisgyblaethol o Seicoleg a Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol". Ysgoloriaeth ACES. Prifysgol Aberdeen. (2009-2012)
Contact Details
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