Dr Ihnji Jon
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Timau a rolau for Ihnji Jon
Darlithydd mewn Daearyddiaeth Ddynol
Mae Ihnji Jon yn Ddarlithydd mewn Daearyddiaeth Ddynol yn yr Ysgol Daearyddiaeth a Chynllunio, Prifysgol Caerdydd. Rwy'n ysgolhaig rhyngddisgyblaethol sy'n tynnu ar ddaearyddiaeth ddynol, cynllunio amgylchedd ac athroniaeth wleidyddol. Rwyf wedi ymrwymo i ehangu ein trafodaethau ar ecoleg wleidyddol gyda chyfiawnder dosbarthol a'r tu hwnt iddo, trwy gyflwyno ymagwedd berthynol ffeministaidd at hunaniaeth, gwleidyddiaeth a gofod.
- Jon, I. 2025. On limit and love in times of environmental crises. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
- Woodley, E. et al. 2024. The future of geography field course pedagogy in UK Higher Education. Geo: Geography and Environment 11(2), article number: e00158. (10.1002/geo2.158)
- Jon, I. 2024. Reassembling the politics of "Green" urban redevelopment in East Garfield Park: A Polanyian approach.. Environment and Planning A 56(4), pp. 1005-1023. (10.1177/0308518X231221019)
- Jon, I. 2024. “Regarding the pain of others”: urban geography after empathy. Urban Geography 45(3), pp. 484-494. (10.1080/02723638.2023.2279415)
- Jon, I., Guma, P. and Simone, A. 2024. "Humanistic" city in the age of "Capitalocene". Annals of the American Association of Geographers 114(1), pp. 107-122. (10.1080/24694452.2023.2239893)
- Jon, I. 2023. Bubble clash: Identity, environment, and politics in a multicultural suburb.. Dialogues in Urban Research 1(1), pp. 11-33. (10.1177/27541258221130318)
- Jon, I. 2023. Stories, contingent materialities, and moral inquiry: Response to Simone, MacLeavy, Kim and Lake. Dialogues in Urban Research 1(1), pp. 58-62. (10.1177/27541258231159127)
- Jon, I. 2022. Is it true that we’re actually living in separate universes?. City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action 26(5-6) (10.1080/13604813.2022.2124728)
- Jon, I. 2022. Hope and care in dark times: a follow-up essay.. Planning Theory 21(4), pp. 407-411. (10.1177/14730952221131873)
- Jon, I. 2022. Reimagining the future with liminal agents : Critical interdisciplinary STS as manifestos for anti-essentialist solidarities. Culture, Theory and Critique 63(2-3), pp. 136-153. (10.1080/14735784.2022.2098152)
- Jon, I. 2021. Lake-ian pragmatism and the path to engaged practice. Urban Geography 42(10), pp. 1410-1414. (10.1080/02723638.2021.1940709)
- Field, C. and Jon, I. 2021. E-Scooters: a new smart mobility option? The case of Brisbane, Australia. Planning Theory & Practice 22(3), pp. 368-396. (10.1080/14649357.2021.1919746)
- Jon, I. 2021. The city we want: Against the banality of urban planning research. Planning Theory & Practice 22(2), pp. 321-328. (10.1080/14649357.2021.1893588)
- Jon, I. 2021. Cities in the Anthropocene. London: Pluto Press. (10.2307/j.ctv1sjwpwp)
- Jon, I. 2020. A manifesto for planning after the coronavirus: towards planning of care. Planning Theory 19(3), pp. 329-345. (10.1177/1473095220931272)
- Jon, I. 2020. Reframing postmodern planning with feminist social theory: Toward “anti-essentialist norms”. Planning Theory 19(2), pp. 147-171. (10.1177/1473095219851214)
- Jon, I. 2020. Deciphering posthumanism: why and how it matters to urban planning in the Anthropocene. Planning Theory 19(4), pp. 392-420. (10.1177/1473095220912770)
- Jon, I. 2020. Scales of political action in the Anthropocene: Gaia, networks, and cities as frontiers of doing earthly politics. Global Society 34(2), pp. 163-185. (10.1080/13600826.2019.1676702)
- Jon, I. and Reghezza-Zitt, M. 2020. Late modernity to postmodern? The rise of global resilience and its progressive potentials for local disaster planning (Seattle and Paris). Planning Theory & Practice 21(1), pp. 94-122. (10.1080/14649357.2019.1692896)
- Jon, I. 2020. Pragmatism and contemporary planning theory. In: Wills, J. and Lake, R. eds. The power of pragmatism: Knowledge production and social inquiry. Manchester: Manchester University Press, (10.7765/9781526134950.00021)
- Jon, I. and Purcell, M. 2018. Radical resilience: Autonomous self-management in post-disaster recovery planning and practice. Planning Theory & Practice 19(2), pp. 235-251. (10.1080/14649357.2018.1458965)
- Jon, I. 2025. On limit and love in times of environmental crises. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
- Woodley, E. et al. 2024. The future of geography field course pedagogy in UK Higher Education. Geo: Geography and Environment 11(2), article number: e00158. (10.1002/geo2.158)
- Jon, I. 2024. Reassembling the politics of "Green" urban redevelopment in East Garfield Park: A Polanyian approach.. Environment and Planning A 56(4), pp. 1005-1023. (10.1177/0308518X231221019)
- Jon, I. 2024. “Regarding the pain of others”: urban geography after empathy. Urban Geography 45(3), pp. 484-494. (10.1080/02723638.2023.2279415)
- Jon, I., Guma, P. and Simone, A. 2024. "Humanistic" city in the age of "Capitalocene". Annals of the American Association of Geographers 114(1), pp. 107-122. (10.1080/24694452.2023.2239893)
- Jon, I. 2023. Bubble clash: Identity, environment, and politics in a multicultural suburb.. Dialogues in Urban Research 1(1), pp. 11-33. (10.1177/27541258221130318)
- Jon, I. 2023. Stories, contingent materialities, and moral inquiry: Response to Simone, MacLeavy, Kim and Lake. Dialogues in Urban Research 1(1), pp. 58-62. (10.1177/27541258231159127)
- Jon, I. 2022. Is it true that we’re actually living in separate universes?. City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action 26(5-6) (10.1080/13604813.2022.2124728)
- Jon, I. 2022. Hope and care in dark times: a follow-up essay.. Planning Theory 21(4), pp. 407-411. (10.1177/14730952221131873)
- Jon, I. 2022. Reimagining the future with liminal agents : Critical interdisciplinary STS as manifestos for anti-essentialist solidarities. Culture, Theory and Critique 63(2-3), pp. 136-153. (10.1080/14735784.2022.2098152)
- Jon, I. 2021. Lake-ian pragmatism and the path to engaged practice. Urban Geography 42(10), pp. 1410-1414. (10.1080/02723638.2021.1940709)
- Field, C. and Jon, I. 2021. E-Scooters: a new smart mobility option? The case of Brisbane, Australia. Planning Theory & Practice 22(3), pp. 368-396. (10.1080/14649357.2021.1919746)
- Jon, I. 2021. The city we want: Against the banality of urban planning research. Planning Theory & Practice 22(2), pp. 321-328. (10.1080/14649357.2021.1893588)
- Jon, I. 2020. A manifesto for planning after the coronavirus: towards planning of care. Planning Theory 19(3), pp. 329-345. (10.1177/1473095220931272)
- Jon, I. 2020. Reframing postmodern planning with feminist social theory: Toward “anti-essentialist norms”. Planning Theory 19(2), pp. 147-171. (10.1177/1473095219851214)
- Jon, I. 2020. Deciphering posthumanism: why and how it matters to urban planning in the Anthropocene. Planning Theory 19(4), pp. 392-420. (10.1177/1473095220912770)
- Jon, I. 2020. Scales of political action in the Anthropocene: Gaia, networks, and cities as frontiers of doing earthly politics. Global Society 34(2), pp. 163-185. (10.1080/13600826.2019.1676702)
- Jon, I. and Reghezza-Zitt, M. 2020. Late modernity to postmodern? The rise of global resilience and its progressive potentials for local disaster planning (Seattle and Paris). Planning Theory & Practice 21(1), pp. 94-122. (10.1080/14649357.2019.1692896)
- Jon, I. and Purcell, M. 2018. Radical resilience: Autonomous self-management in post-disaster recovery planning and practice. Planning Theory & Practice 19(2), pp. 235-251. (10.1080/14649357.2018.1458965)
Book sections
- Jon, I. 2020. Pragmatism and contemporary planning theory. In: Wills, J. and Lake, R. eds. The power of pragmatism: Knowledge production and social inquiry. Manchester: Manchester University Press, (10.7765/9781526134950.00021)
- Jon, I. 2021. Cities in the Anthropocene. London: Pluto Press. (10.2307/j.ctv1sjwpwp)
Mae fy rhaglen ymchwil bresennol yn cynnwys datblygu trefol gwyrdd, canlyniadau gofodol economi gylchol (gwastraff), a gwleidyddiaeth gwneud gwybodaeth.
Ers derbyn fy PhD rhyngddisgyblaethol o Brifysgol Washington-Seattle (gradd a roddwyd yn 2018), rwyf wedi cyfrannu at wybodaeth ar sut i ailfeddwl am ein perthynas foesegol ag amgylcheddau mwy na dynol. Trwy astudiaethau achos manwl, cyflwynodd fy ngwaith gyfrifon lleoli o sut mae cymdeithasau (ail)adeiladu perthnasoedd â natur yn wyneb patrymau tywydd eithafol, afreoleidd-dra hinsawdd, a diraddiad amgylcheddol.
Rwy'n awdur Cities in the Anthropocene: New Ecology and Urban Politics (Pluto Press, 2021), a alwodd adolygydd yn 'ddadl feddylgar a chymhellol dros ecoleg gwrth-hanfodol sy'n cysylltu pryderon amgylcheddol ag anghydraddoldeb ac yn canoli'r camau gwleidyddol angenrheidiol yng nghyfyngdod ffrwythlon dinasoedd.' Mae'r llyfr yn defnyddio dull manwl o astudio achos (ar draws pedair dinas: Tulsa, Darwin, Cleveland, a Cape Town) ar sut mae dinasoedd yn ail-drefnu eu perthynas ag amgylcheddau mwy na dynol, gan edrych ar sut mae gwahanol actorion polisi (gweithio ym meysydd cynllunio trefol, cadwraeth amgylcheddol a datblygu economaidd) yn defnyddio trafodaethau 'argyfyngau amgylcheddol' fel rhesymeg ddilys dros brosiectau cymdeithasol cyfunol newydd. Ar gyfer y gwaith hwn, cynhaliais gyfweliadau lled-strwythuredig gyda 60 o actorion polisi, yn ogystal ag ymweliadau safle ac arolygon o wybodaeth hanesyddol, gan ragamcanu llwybrau newydd o wneud ymchwil astudiaeth achos.
Ers hynny, rwyf wedi gweithio'n agos ar sut mae problemau amgylcheddol concrit yn rhyngweithio â meysydd cymdeithasol-ddiwylliannol amrywiol. Cyflwynodd fy mhapur 'Bubble Clash: Identity, Environment, and Politics in a Multicultural Suburb' (Dialogues in Urban Research, 2023) astudiaeth achos o faestref ymfudol ger sawl safle cyfleuster gwastraff. Archwiliodd faterion cyfiawnder amgylcheddol yn ogystal â sut y gwahoddodd problemau amgylcheddol diriaethol (megis cynnydd sydyn poblogaeth gwylanod) gymunedau amlddiwylliannol i ddod at ei gilydd a mynd i'r afael â'r materion ymarferol sydd wrth law.
Yn ddiweddar, rwyf wedi cyfrannu at y deialogau sy'n dod i'r amlwg ar ddaearyddiaethau economaidd Gwlad Pwyl, gan ganolbwyntio ar ddatblygu dull anthropolegol, neu 'byd bywyd' i ddeall problemau economaidd. Cyflwynodd fy erthygl 'Reassembling the politics of "Green" urban redevelopment in East Garfield Park: A Polanyian approach' astudiaeth achos fanwl o newid cymdogaeth yn Chicago, gan danlinellu rôl tirweddau amgylcheddol a'u materoliaethau ffisegol fel ffactor pwysig wrth ddatblygu tir.
Rwy'n parhau i weithio ar lunio gweledigaethau newydd ar gyfer gwleidyddiaeth hinsawdd yn y dyfodol, gan ganolbwyntio'n benodol ar arferion gwneud ystyron a chynhyrchu gwerth newydd yn sgil defnydd torfol a diraddiad amgylcheddol.
Rwyf wedi bod yn cyfrannu at addysgu Byw gyda Newid Amgylcheddol (blwyddyn 1af), Eiddo, Datblygu Trefol ac Adfywio (blwyddyn 1af, parhaus), Datblygu Seilwaith (3edd flwyddyn, parhaus; arweinydd modiwl), yr Amgylchedd a Datblygu (Meistr, parhaus), Sylfeini mewn Ymchwil Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol (Meistr, parhaus), Dulliau Ymchwil (2il flwyddyn, 2022/2023, 2023/2024), a Thraethawd Hir Ymchwil (3edd flwyddyn, parhaus; arweinydd modiwl).
Achrediad addysgu
· Cymrawd Academi Addysg Uwch y DU, 2023.
Cwblheais fy PhD rhyngddisgyblaethol ym Mhrifysgol Washington (Seattle; cynllunio a daearyddiaeth), a gradd meistr yn Sciences Po Paris (llywodraethu trefol a gwleidyddiaeth). Cyn y swydd hon, roeddwn yn Ddarlithydd mewn Gwleidyddiaeth Drefol Ryngwladol ym Mhrifysgol Melbourne; a Chymrawd Chateaubriand yn École Normale Supérieure (Paris Ulm).
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Cymrawd y Gymdeithas Ddaearyddol Frenhinol
- Cymrawd Academi Addysg Uwch y Deyrnas Unedig
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn goruchwylio myfyrwyr mewn datblygu cynaliadwy, cynllunio'r amgylchedd, amgylcheddau mwy na dynol, ac astudiaethau trefol.
Contact Details
+44 29225 14556
Adeilad Morgannwg, Ystafell Room 1.78, Rhodfa’r Brenin Edward VII, Caerdydd, CF10 3WA