Mae Dr Bethany Keenan yn Beiriannydd Siartredig ac yn Aelod o Sefydliad y Peirianwyr Mecanyddol (IMechE). Mae ganddi brofiad amlddisgyblaethol o weithio gyda chydweithwyr clinigol a diwydiant, ac ymchwilwyr o ysgolion eraill ledled y Brifysgol (Biowyddorau, Cyfrifiadureg, Meddygaeth, Mathemateg, Fferylliaeth, Seicoleg a Chanolfan Ymchwil Delweddu'r Ymennydd Prifysgol Caerdydd).
Mae diddordebau ymchwil Bethany yn canolbwyntio ar ddelweddu meddygol a mecaneg meinwe feddal. Nod ei gwaith presennol yw deall ymddygiad biofecanyddol meinweoedd meddal yn well er mwyn gwella triniaeth ac atal briwiau gwasgedd. Mae hi wedi datblygu technegau MRI newydd i nodi'n glir geometreg anatomegol yr wyneb, yr ymennydd, pelfis, y goes isaf a'r droed. Yna defnyddir y sganiau MRI i greu modelau elfen gyfyngedig 3D sy'n benodol i gleifion (AB) y gellir eu defnyddio i ymchwilio i'r straen mewnol yn y meinweoedd mewn cyflwr heb ei lwytho a'i ddadffurfio. Mae ei hymchwil wedi arwain at ganllawiau a dulliau profi sy'n penderfynu pa gynhyrchion sy'n effeithiol wrth atal wlserau ansicr. Mae hyn wedi cynorthwyo clinigwyr a gofalwyr i sicrhau bod cleifion yn cael y gofal gorau posibl.
Mae Dr Keenan hefyd yn Weithredydd MR yn CUBRIC, yn Llysgennad STEM, ac yn Gyswllt Urddas a Lles ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd.
- Fougeron, N., Trebbi, A., Keenan, B., Payan, Y. and Chagnon, G. 2024. Current poisson's ratio values of finite element models are too low to consider soft tissues nearly-incompressible: illustration on the human heel region. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 27(14), pp. 1999-2008. (10.1080/10255842.2023.2269286)
- Cornillon, C., Rohan, P., Vergari, C. and Keenan, B. E. 2024. Investigating the impact of material properties on the simulated response of heel soft tissue in the context of pressure ulcers. Presented at: The 26th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2023, Vancouver, Canada, 8-12 October 2023 Presented at Wittek, A. et al. eds.Computational Biomechanics for Medicine. Lecture Notes in Bioengineering Springer, Cham pp. 61-74., (10.1007/978-3-031-64632-4_6)
- Zappalá, S., Keenan, B. E., Marshall, D., Wu, J., Evans, S. L. and Al-Dirini, R. M. 2024. In vivo strain measurements in the human buttock during sitting using MR-based digital volume correlation. Journal of Biomechanics 163, article number: 111913. (10.1016/j.jbiomech.2023.111913)
- Evans, S. L., Keenan, B. E., Hill, J., Zappala, S., Bennion, N. and Avril, S. 2023. Rapid, non-invasive, in vivo measurement of tissue mechanical properties using gravitational loading and a nonlinear virtual fields method. Journal of the Royal Society. Interface 20(207), article number: 20230384. (10.1098/rsif.2023.0384)
- Cornillon, C., Keenan, B., Vergari, C. and Rohan, P. 2023. Impact of material properties in the simulated tissue response in heel pressure ulcer prevention: A preliminary study. Journal of Wound Care 32(9) (10.12968/jowc.2023.32.9.558a)
- Rohan, P., Fougeron, N., Keenan, B., Pillet, H., Laporte, S., Osipov, N. and Ryckelynck, D. 2023. Real-time numerical prediction of strain localization using dictionary-based ROM-nets for sitting-acquired deep tissue injury prevention. In: Chinesta, F. et al. eds. Reduced Order Models for the Biomechanics of Living Organs. Elsevier, pp. 385-402., (10.1016/B978-0-32-389967-3.00027-5)
- Evans, L. M., Sözümert, E., Keenan, B. E., Wood, C. E. and du Plessis, A. 2023. A review of image-based simulation applications in high-value manufacturing. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 30, pp. 1495-1552. (10.1007/s11831-022-09836-2)
- Abdullah, J. Y. et al. 2022. A combined imaging, deformation and registration methodology for predicting respirator fitting. PLoS ONE 17(11), article number: e0277570. (10.1371/journal.pone.0277570)
- Keenan, B. E., Lacan, F., Cooper, A., Evans, S. L. and Evans, J. 2022. MRI safety, imaging artefacts, and grid distortion evaluated for FFP3 respiratory masks worn throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Clinical Radiology 77(8), pp. e660-e666. (10.1016/j.crad.2022.05.001)
- Keenan, B. E., Evans, S. L. and Oomens, C. 2022. A review of foot finite element modelling for pressure ulcer prevention in bedrest: current perspectives and future recommendations. Journal of Tissue Viability 31(1), pp. 73-83. (10.1016/j.jtv.2021.06.004)
- Drahota, A. et al. 2022. Shock-absorbing flooring for fall-related injury prevention in older adults and staff in hospitals and care homes: the SAFEST systematic review. Health Technology Assessment 25(5) (10.3310/ZOWL2323)
- Drahota, A. et al. 2022. The SAFEST review: a mixed methods systematic review of shock-absorbing flooring for fall-related injury prevention. BMC Geriatrics 22, article number: 32. (10.1186/s12877-021-02670-4)
- Kelly, E. S. et al. 2021. Predicting forefoot-orthosis interactions in rheumatoid arthritis using computational modelling. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 9, article number: 803725. (10.3389/fbioe.2021.803725)
- Keenan, B. E., Hallas, K., Drahota, A. K. and Evans, S. L. 2020. A comparison of floor surfaces for injury prevention in care settings: impact forces and horizontal pulling force required to move wheeled equipment. Osteoporosis International 31, pp. 2383-2394. (10.1007/s00198-020-05520-y)
- Drahota, A., Felix, L. M., Keenan, B. E., Lachance, C. C., Laing, A., Mackey, D. C. and Raftery, J. 2020. Protocol for the SAFEST review: the Shock-Absorbing Flooring Effectiveness SysTematic review including older adults and staff in hospitals and care homes. BMJ Open 10(2), article number: e032315. (10.1136/bmjopen-2019-032315)
- Braxton, T. M. et al. 2019. Thermoneutrality improves skeletal impairment in adult Prader-Willi syndrome mice. Journal of Endocrinology 243(3), pp. 175-186. (10.1530/JOE-19-0279)
- Keenan, B. E. and Evans, S. 2019. Biomechanical testing of hip protectors following the Canadian Standards Association express document. Osteoporosis International (10.1007/s00198-019-04914-x)
- Drahota, A., Bell, M., Keenan, B., Lachance, C., Okunribido, O. and Raftery, J. 2018. The SAFEST Review: The Shock-Absorbing Flooring Effectiveness SysTematic Review including older adults and staff in care settings. Study Protocol.. National Institute for Health Research. Available at:
- Keenan, B., Izatt, M. T., Askin, G. N., Labrom, R. D., Bennett, D. D., Pearcy, M. J. and Adam, C. J. 2017. Sequential magnetic resonance imaging reveals individual level deformities of vertebrae and discs in the growing scoliotic spine. Spine Deformity 5(3), pp. 197-207. (10.1016/j.jspd.2016.10.002)
- Newell, N., Grant, C. A., Keenan, B., Izatt, M. T., Pearcy, M. J. and Adam, C. J. 2017. A comparison of four techniques to measure anterior and posterior vertebral body heights and sagittal plane wedge angles in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 55(4), pp. 561-572. (10.1007/s11517-016-1520-y)
- Grant, C. A., Newell, N., Izatt, M. T., Keenan, B., Askin, G. N., Labrom, R. D. and Pearcy, M. J. 2017. A comparison of vertebral venous networks in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients and healthy controls. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 39(3), pp. 281-291. (10.1007/s00276-016-1709-7)
- Newell, N., Grant, C. A., Keenan, B., Izatt, M. T., Pearcy, M. J. and Adam, C. J. 2016. Quantifying progressive anterior overgrowth in the thoracic vertebrae of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients a sequential magnetic resonance imaging study. Spine 41(7), pp. E382-E387. (10.1097/BRS.0000000000001265)
- Keenan, B., Pettet, G. J., Izatt, M. T., Askin, G. N., Labrom, R. D., Pearcy, M. J. and Adam, C. 2015. Gravity-induced coronal plane joint moments in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Scoliosis 10, article number: 35. (10.1186/s13013-015-0060-9)
- Keenan, B., Izatt, M. T., Askin, G. N., Labrom, R. D., Pearcy, M. J. and Adam, C. J. 2014. Supine to standing Cobb angle change in idiopathic scoliosis: the effect of endplate pre-selection. Scoliosis 9 (10.1186/1748-7161-9-16)
- Keenan, B., Izatt, M. T., Askin, G. N., Labrom, R. D., Pettet, G. J., Pearcy, M. J. and Adam, C. J. 2014. Segmental torso masses in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Clinical Biomechanics 29(7), pp. 773-779. (10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2014.06.002)
- Fougeron, N., Trebbi, A., Keenan, B., Payan, Y. and Chagnon, G. 2024. Current poisson's ratio values of finite element models are too low to consider soft tissues nearly-incompressible: illustration on the human heel region. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 27(14), pp. 1999-2008. (10.1080/10255842.2023.2269286)
- Zappalá, S., Keenan, B. E., Marshall, D., Wu, J., Evans, S. L. and Al-Dirini, R. M. 2024. In vivo strain measurements in the human buttock during sitting using MR-based digital volume correlation. Journal of Biomechanics 163, article number: 111913. (10.1016/j.jbiomech.2023.111913)
- Evans, S. L., Keenan, B. E., Hill, J., Zappala, S., Bennion, N. and Avril, S. 2023. Rapid, non-invasive, in vivo measurement of tissue mechanical properties using gravitational loading and a nonlinear virtual fields method. Journal of the Royal Society. Interface 20(207), article number: 20230384. (10.1098/rsif.2023.0384)
- Cornillon, C., Keenan, B., Vergari, C. and Rohan, P. 2023. Impact of material properties in the simulated tissue response in heel pressure ulcer prevention: A preliminary study. Journal of Wound Care 32(9) (10.12968/jowc.2023.32.9.558a)
- Evans, L. M., Sözümert, E., Keenan, B. E., Wood, C. E. and du Plessis, A. 2023. A review of image-based simulation applications in high-value manufacturing. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 30, pp. 1495-1552. (10.1007/s11831-022-09836-2)
- Abdullah, J. Y. et al. 2022. A combined imaging, deformation and registration methodology for predicting respirator fitting. PLoS ONE 17(11), article number: e0277570. (10.1371/journal.pone.0277570)
- Keenan, B. E., Lacan, F., Cooper, A., Evans, S. L. and Evans, J. 2022. MRI safety, imaging artefacts, and grid distortion evaluated for FFP3 respiratory masks worn throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Clinical Radiology 77(8), pp. e660-e666. (10.1016/j.crad.2022.05.001)
- Keenan, B. E., Evans, S. L. and Oomens, C. 2022. A review of foot finite element modelling for pressure ulcer prevention in bedrest: current perspectives and future recommendations. Journal of Tissue Viability 31(1), pp. 73-83. (10.1016/j.jtv.2021.06.004)
- Drahota, A. et al. 2022. Shock-absorbing flooring for fall-related injury prevention in older adults and staff in hospitals and care homes: the SAFEST systematic review. Health Technology Assessment 25(5) (10.3310/ZOWL2323)
- Drahota, A. et al. 2022. The SAFEST review: a mixed methods systematic review of shock-absorbing flooring for fall-related injury prevention. BMC Geriatrics 22, article number: 32. (10.1186/s12877-021-02670-4)
- Kelly, E. S. et al. 2021. Predicting forefoot-orthosis interactions in rheumatoid arthritis using computational modelling. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 9, article number: 803725. (10.3389/fbioe.2021.803725)
- Keenan, B. E., Hallas, K., Drahota, A. K. and Evans, S. L. 2020. A comparison of floor surfaces for injury prevention in care settings: impact forces and horizontal pulling force required to move wheeled equipment. Osteoporosis International 31, pp. 2383-2394. (10.1007/s00198-020-05520-y)
- Drahota, A., Felix, L. M., Keenan, B. E., Lachance, C. C., Laing, A., Mackey, D. C. and Raftery, J. 2020. Protocol for the SAFEST review: the Shock-Absorbing Flooring Effectiveness SysTematic review including older adults and staff in hospitals and care homes. BMJ Open 10(2), article number: e032315. (10.1136/bmjopen-2019-032315)
- Braxton, T. M. et al. 2019. Thermoneutrality improves skeletal impairment in adult Prader-Willi syndrome mice. Journal of Endocrinology 243(3), pp. 175-186. (10.1530/JOE-19-0279)
- Keenan, B. E. and Evans, S. 2019. Biomechanical testing of hip protectors following the Canadian Standards Association express document. Osteoporosis International (10.1007/s00198-019-04914-x)
- Keenan, B., Izatt, M. T., Askin, G. N., Labrom, R. D., Bennett, D. D., Pearcy, M. J. and Adam, C. J. 2017. Sequential magnetic resonance imaging reveals individual level deformities of vertebrae and discs in the growing scoliotic spine. Spine Deformity 5(3), pp. 197-207. (10.1016/j.jspd.2016.10.002)
- Newell, N., Grant, C. A., Keenan, B., Izatt, M. T., Pearcy, M. J. and Adam, C. J. 2017. A comparison of four techniques to measure anterior and posterior vertebral body heights and sagittal plane wedge angles in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 55(4), pp. 561-572. (10.1007/s11517-016-1520-y)
- Grant, C. A., Newell, N., Izatt, M. T., Keenan, B., Askin, G. N., Labrom, R. D. and Pearcy, M. J. 2017. A comparison of vertebral venous networks in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients and healthy controls. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 39(3), pp. 281-291. (10.1007/s00276-016-1709-7)
- Newell, N., Grant, C. A., Keenan, B., Izatt, M. T., Pearcy, M. J. and Adam, C. J. 2016. Quantifying progressive anterior overgrowth in the thoracic vertebrae of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients a sequential magnetic resonance imaging study. Spine 41(7), pp. E382-E387. (10.1097/BRS.0000000000001265)
- Keenan, B., Pettet, G. J., Izatt, M. T., Askin, G. N., Labrom, R. D., Pearcy, M. J. and Adam, C. 2015. Gravity-induced coronal plane joint moments in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Scoliosis 10, article number: 35. (10.1186/s13013-015-0060-9)
- Keenan, B., Izatt, M. T., Askin, G. N., Labrom, R. D., Pearcy, M. J. and Adam, C. J. 2014. Supine to standing Cobb angle change in idiopathic scoliosis: the effect of endplate pre-selection. Scoliosis 9 (10.1186/1748-7161-9-16)
- Keenan, B., Izatt, M. T., Askin, G. N., Labrom, R. D., Pettet, G. J., Pearcy, M. J. and Adam, C. J. 2014. Segmental torso masses in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Clinical Biomechanics 29(7), pp. 773-779. (10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2014.06.002)
Book sections
- Rohan, P., Fougeron, N., Keenan, B., Pillet, H., Laporte, S., Osipov, N. and Ryckelynck, D. 2023. Real-time numerical prediction of strain localization using dictionary-based ROM-nets for sitting-acquired deep tissue injury prevention. In: Chinesta, F. et al. eds. Reduced Order Models for the Biomechanics of Living Organs. Elsevier, pp. 385-402., (10.1016/B978-0-32-389967-3.00027-5)
- Cornillon, C., Rohan, P., Vergari, C. and Keenan, B. E. 2024. Investigating the impact of material properties on the simulated response of heel soft tissue in the context of pressure ulcers. Presented at: The 26th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2023, Vancouver, Canada, 8-12 October 2023 Presented at Wittek, A. et al. eds.Computational Biomechanics for Medicine. Lecture Notes in Bioengineering Springer, Cham pp. 61-74., (10.1007/978-3-031-64632-4_6)
- Drahota, A., Bell, M., Keenan, B., Lachance, C., Okunribido, O. and Raftery, J. 2018. The SAFEST Review: The Shock-Absorbing Flooring Effectiveness SysTematic Review including older adults and staff in care settings. Study Protocol.. National Institute for Health Research. Available at:
Mae'r prosiectau cydweithredol presennol yn cynnwys:
- Ymchwilio i anaf i'r ymennydd mewn amgylcheddau chwaraeon a gwrthdrawiadau gan ddefnyddio MRI (CUBRIC, Cymdeithas Bêl-droed Cymru / Canolfan Ragoriaeth Feddygol FIFA)
- Datblygu dyfais synthetig newydd a ddefnyddir mewn ailadeiladu meinwe meddal (Lockdown Medical Ltd)
- modelu cyfrifiadurol 3D seiliedig MRI o wahanol siapiau wyneb i wella profion addas o fasgiau anadlol (Prifysgol Southampton, GIG Lloegr, NPoCC a Hybrisan)
- Adnabod meini prawf difrod mewn wlserau pwysau gan ddefnyddio'r dull caeau rhithwir (Mines Saint-Étienne, Ffrainc)
- Archwilio'r defnydd o MRI i ddelweddu effaith hydredol amrywiadau deinamig ar fewnblaniad meddygol neu gynnyrch iechyd (Prifysgol Loughborough, Met Caerdydd / PDR Surgical and Prosthetic Design team)
2021 - Presennol
Darlithydd Gwadd - MSc mewn Iacháu Clwyfau a Thrwsio Meinwe
Dadansoddi Peirianneg - Darlithydd tiwtorial Mathemateg ar gyfer myfyrwyr Blwyddyn 1af.
2018 - presennol
Prif oruchwyliwr ar gyfer myfyrwyr Erasmus 3edd flwyddyn, Institut supérieur d'ingénieurs de Franche-Comté (ISIF), Besancon, Ffrainc.
2017 - Presennol
Cyd-oruchwyliwr ar gyfer myfyrwyr MEng 4edd flwyddyn (Ergonomeg) a phrosiectau peirianneg orthopedig, Prifysgol Caerdydd.
2017 - Presennol
Cyd-oruchwyliwr ar gyfer prosiectau peirianneg israddedig 3edd flwyddyn.
2016 - Presennol
Darlithydd gwadd mewn Biomecaneg ar gyfer myfyrwyr Peirianneg Feddygol yr 2il a'r 3edd flwyddyn.
Cwblhaodd Dr Keenan radd israddedig mewn Peirianneg Feddygol ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd yn 2011. Yna symudodd i Brisbane, Awstralia i ddarllen PhD mewn Delweddu Meddygol a Dadansoddiad Biomecanyddol o Ddilyniant Scoliosis yn y Spine Tyfu yn y Glasoed Cynyddol ym Mhrifysgol Technoleg Queensland ym mis Mai 2015. Roedd ei phrosiect ymchwil yn cynnwys interniaeth deg mis yn Laboratoire de Biomécanique, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, Ffrainc ac yn golygu ymchwilio i fecaneg yr asgwrn cefn scoliotig blaengar yn ystod cyfnod twf y glasoed.
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
2019 - Gwobr Arweinydd Arloesedd y Dyfodol Prifysgol Caerdydd
2019 - Gwobr Teithio Cwmni Anrhydeddus Lifrai Cymru (WLCoW)
2018 - Panel Cynghori Wlser Pwysau Ewropeaidd a Gwobr Arloesi Wlser Pwysau 3M ac IAD
2015 - Scoliosis ac Anhwylderau Asgwrn y Cefn 'Erthyglau Mwyaf Dylanwadol 2015' ar gyfer y papur o'r enw 'Gravity-Induced Coronal Plane Joint Moments in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis'
Grantiau ac Ysgoloriaethau
2022 - Cronfa Adeiladwyr Rhwydwaith Gwasanaethau Ymchwil ac Arloesi (Met Caerdydd / PDR Tîm Dylunio Llawfeddygol a Phrosthetig)
2022 - Cyllid Seedcorn y British Council - Dyfarnwyd y wobr 1af i ddatblygu Llwyfan Gofal Iechyd Cynaliadwy (Prifysgol Keele a Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)
2022 - Cyllid Seilwaith Ymchwil (RIF) o £140k ar gyfer MR Elastograffeg System (Cyd-ymchwilydd).
2022 - Grant Arloesi i Bawb (i-bodi, Creaduriaid Crawley).
2021 - Ymweld Athro École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers, Ffrainc.
2021 - 2022 - Grant Cyngor Ymchwil ac Arloesedd y DU / Cyngor Ymchwil Peirianneg a Gwyddorau Ffisegol (UKRI / EPSRC) ar gyfer 'Dull Biobeirianneg ar gyfer dylunio a gosod Offer Amddiffynnol Anadlol DIOGEL (RPE-SAFE RPE)''
2020 - 2022 - Cyllid Cydweithio Prosiect Ymchwil Panel Cynghori Ulcer Pwysau Ewropeaidd (École nationale supérieure d'arts et métiers, Ffrainc ac Université Grenoble Alpes).
2020 - 2021 - Cardiff Institute for Tissue Engineering and Repair Research Travel Bursary (École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers, Ffrainc).
2019 - 2020 - Ysgoloriaeth Cyfnewid Panel Cynghori Wlser Pwysau Ewropeaidd (Prifysgol Technoleg Eindhoven, yr Iseldiroedd).
2019 - 2020 - Grant Technoleg y Sefydliad Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Ymchwil Iechyd (NIHR) ar gyfer 'Adolygiad MWYAF DIOGEL: Adolygiad SysTematig Effeithiolrwydd Lloriau Syfrdanol gan gynnwys oedolion hŷn a staff mewn lleoliadau gofal' (Cyd-ymchwilydd, adolygydd ac aelod o'r Bwrdd Cynghori).
2019 - Grant Mynychwr Delweddu Tomograffig EPSRC a CCPi ar gyfer 'Dull Elfen Gyfyngedig ar Sail Delwedd ar gyfer Diwydiant (IBFEM-4i)', Canolfan Peirianneg Gyfrifiadurol Zienkiewicz, Cymru, y DU.
2018 - Cronfa Newton a Chysylltiadau Ymchwilwyr 'Croesawu technolegau dylunio newydd: galluogi mynediad teg at iechyd', Prifysgol Ganolog Technoleg, De Affrica.
2017 - Cymrodoriaeth Modelu Biofeddygol Seiliedig ar Ddelwedd, Prifysgol Utah, UDA.
2017 - Grant Mynychwyr ar gyfer 'Adnabod Paramedr Deunydd a Phroblemau Gwrthdro mewn Biomecaneg Meinwe Meddal', Canolfan Ryngwladol ar gyfer Gwyddorau Mecanyddol, yr Eidal.
2011 - Ysgoloriaeth Goruchwyliwr Prifysgol Queensland - prosiect PhD 3 blynedd yn QUT fel rhan o Gymynrodd Florence Wilson, Brisbane.
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Peiriannydd Siartredig (Engineering Council UK)
- Sefydliad y Peirianwyr Mecanyddol (IMechE)
- Aelod o'r Gymdeithas Mecaneg Ewropeaidd (EUROMECH)
- Aelod o'r Panel Cynghori Wlser Pwysau Ewropeaidd (EPUAP)
- Aelod o'r Panel Cynghori Dagrau Croen Rhyngwladol (ISTAP)
- Aelod o'r Gymdeithas Ryngwladol ar gyfer Diogelu Anadlol (ISRP)
- Aelod o Sefydliad Peirianneg a Thrwsio Meinwe Caerdydd (CITER)
- Aelod o Gymdeithas y Peirianwyr Biofeddygol, Peirianwyr Meddygol a Bioengineers (BioMedEng)
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
2019 - Yn bresennol: Cymrawd Ymchwil Ôl-ddoethurol, Prifysgol Caerdydd
2016 - 2019: Cydymaith Ymchwil Ôl-ddoethurol, Prifysgol Caerdydd
Chwefror - Medi 2015: Cydymaith Ymchwil Glinigol gyda'r Biomechanics and Spine Research Group, QUT ac Ysbyty Plant Queensland, Awstralia
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
- Arholwr Allanol (Graddau Ymchwil) ym Mhrifysgol Technoleg Queensland, Awstralia
- Adolygydd Allanol (PhD) on Comité de suivi individuel de thèse yn Université Grenoble Alpes, Ffrainc
- Adolygydd Journal of Clinical Medicine (JCM)
- Adolygydd Journal of Tissue Viability (JTV)
- Adolygydd Journal of Biomechanics (J. Biomech)
- Adolygydd ar gyfer Adroddiadau Gwyddonol Natur (Sci. Rep)
- Adolygydd Journal of Applied Sciences (Appl. Sci)
- Adolygydd Journal of Sport and Health Science (JSHS)
- Adolygydd ar gyfer Stiwardiaeth Gwrthficrobaidd ac Epidemioleg Gofal Iechyd (ASHE)
- Pwyllgor Gwyddonol Efelychiad Seiliedig ar Ddelweddau ar gyfer Diwydiant (IBSim-4i)
- Rhwydwaith Heneiddio Prifysgol Portsmouth
- Rhwydwaith Athena Swan yr Ysgol Peirianneg
Delweddu meddygol a hyfforddiant clinigol
- MR Gweithredwr
- Diogelwch CPR / AED a MR
- Gweithredwr DXA
- IR(ME)R Theory
- Ymarferydd TRiM
- Cymorth Cyntaf Iechyd Meddwl
- I-Act
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Mae ymchwil Dr Keenan yn canolbwyntio ar feysydd gan gynnwys:
- Delweddu meddygol
- Biomecaneg
- Atal anafiadau
- modelu AB
- Mecaneg meinwe meddal
- Atal cwymp yn yr henoed
- Ffurfio ac atal wlser pwysau
Cysylltwch â hi gan ddefnyddio'r manylion uchod os yw eich diddordebau yn yr ardaloedd hyn.
Contact Details
+44 29206 87650
Adeiladau'r Frenhines -Adeilad y De, Ystafell Ystafell S4.03, 5 The Parade, Heol Casnewydd, Caerdydd, CF24 3AA
Themâu ymchwil
- Delweddu biofeddygol
- Peirianneg biofeddygol
- Biomecaneg
- Atal anafiadau