Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Emma Kidd  PhD FBPhS

Yr Athro Emma Kidd

(Mae hi'n)


Athro Ffarmacoleg, Cyfarwyddwr DTP MRC MRC GW4 BioMed2

Ysgol Fferylliaeth a Gwyddorau Fferyllol

Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig



  • BSc in Pharmacology, University of Bath, 1987
  • PhD in Neuropharmacology, University of Nottingham, 1990

Relevant websites





































Book sections


  • Alqallaf, S., Kidd, E. and Evans, B. A. J. 2007. Modulation of P2X(7) receptors in human osteoblasts by oestrogen and corticosteroids. Presented at: 29th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-for-Bone-and-Mineral-Research, Honolulu, HI, 2007, Vol. 22. Amer Soc Bone & Mineral Res pp. S145-S145.
  • Kidd, E. J., Laporte, A. M., Langlois, X., Lombard, M. C., Gozlan, H. and Hamon, M. 1992. Differential Localization and Regulation of Central 5-HT(1A) and 5-HT(3) Receptors. Presented at: Serotonin 9̀1 Conference, Birmingham, UK, 14-17 July 1991 Presented at Bradley, P. B. and Handley, S. L. eds.Serotonin, CNS Receptors and Brain Function: Proceedings of the Serotonin 9̀1 Conference held in Birmingham, UK, on 14-17 July 1991. Cospar Colloquia Series Vol. 85. Oxford: Pergamon Press pp. 13-27.
  • Hamon, M., Kidd, E. J., Gozlan, H. and Martin, P. 1991. Is 5-HT3 receptor blockade able to prevent dopaminergic activation by stress. Presented at: 5th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Florence, Italy, 9-14 June 1991 Presented at Racagni, G., Brunello, N. and Fukuda, T. eds.Biological Psychiatry: Proceedings of the 5th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Florence, 9-14 June 1991, Vol. 2. International congress series Vol. 968. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica pp. 706-709.
  • Hamon, M., Lanfumey, L., Hajdahmane, S., Jolas, T., Kidd, E. J., Bolanos, F. and Gozlan, H. 1991. Adaptation of central 5-HT1A receptors after chronic antidepressant treatment in rats. Presented at: 5th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Florence, Italy, 9-14 June 1991 Presented at Racagni, G., Brunello, N. and Fukuda, T. eds.Biological Psychiatry: Proceedings of the 5th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Florence, 9-14 June 1991, Vol. 1. International congress series Vol. 968. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica pp. 297-300.


Research interests

I am interested in understanding how alzheimer's disease develops and how it could be treated. Research in my laboratory is concentrated on cellular and molecular pharmacology to understand more about the mechanisms underlying several disease processes, with the ultimate aim of improving or developing new therapies for these conditions. We use a variety of human cell lines, animal models and human tissue and many biochemical and molecular biological techniques to investigate cell function.

  • Ageing in the brain
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Development of models of respiratory disease

Director of Postgraduate Research Studies for the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Novel therapeutic antibodies for Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative condition with very limited treatment and no cure. The incidence of this disease is rising worldwide as the population ages, as are the associated socioeconomic costs. There is therefore much interest in developing novel therapies. We proposed a 'blue skies' approach to devise an antibody-based therapy which would potentially halt the disease process and possibly also be used as a preventative treatment in high risk individuals. This approach differs to many others under investigation by other groups and companies worldwide and could be used in combination with other therapies to treat this debilitating and distressing disease.

Investigating how changes in endocytosis could give rise to Alzheimer's disease

It is highly likely that many factors contribute to the development of Alzheimer's disease. We are interested in changes in endocytosis, the process whereby cells take up material from the extracellular space. These changes have been identified in patients' brains and also as susceptibility genes which give a small, increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. We have manipulated a variety of proteins intimately involved in the two main types of endocytosis, clathrin-dependent and caveolin-dependent. Altering the levels of these proteins has contrasting effects on the levels of a number of proteins implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease.

Understanding the contribution of ageing to Alzheimer's disease

The main risk factor for Alzheimer's disease is increasing age but we still do not understand how ageing leads to the disease. Since endocytosis is known to be affected in Alzheimer's disease, we are examining how the expression of endocytic proteins is affected by ageing in mouse and human brains. We are investigating this using human brain samples from young, middle-aged and older people and comparing these results to those from people with Alzheimer's disease. We are also using a series of mouse brains from different ages and comparing normal mice and transgenic mice which are a model for Alzheimer's disease.

Development of asthma models

I am involved in the development of animal models of respiratory disease which more closely the mimic human disease. Such models will allow us to learn more about the pathophysiology of these conditions and may lead to novel or improved therapeutic drugs.


Postdoctoral research associates

  • Dr Mouhamed Alsaqati (funded by BRACE)

School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

  • Prof Ken Broadley, Pharmacology & Physiology
  • Dr Will Ford, Pharmacology & Physiology
  • Dr Julia Gee, Pharmacology & Physiology
  • Prof Arwyn Jones, Pharmaceutical Biology
  • Dr Emma Lane, Pharmacology & Physiology
  • Dr Rhian Thomas, Pharmcology & Physiology

Cardiff University

  • Dr Dominic Dwyer, Psychology.
  • Prof Mark Good, Psychology
  • Prof Lesley Jones, Institute of Medical Genetics
  • Prof Paul Kemp, Biosciences
  • Dr Colin Powell, Child health
  • Prof Daniel Ricardi, Biosciences
  • Prof. Julie Williams, Psychological Medicine
  • Dr Nigel Willams, Psychological Medicine

Key expertise

  • Western blotting
  • Immunocytochemistry and immunohistochemistry with bright field and fluorescent microscopy including laser scanning confocal microscopy
  • Cell culture techniques
  • RT-PCR
  • In situ hybridisation
  • In vivo measurements of lung function
  • sIRNA

Current research students

  • Charles Evans
  • Adam Brelsford

Previous research students

  • Dr Zakky Cholisoh
  • Dr Ceri Davies
  • Dr Alex Lowe
  • Dr Martha Hvoslef-Eide
  • Dr Gaudencio Natividad
  • Dr Jill Clark
  • Dr Sofia Fernandez-Rodriguez
  • Dr Martina Fehler
  • Dr Peter Penson
  • Dr Rhys Evans
  • Dr Dawn Turner
  • Dr Alex Henson
  • Dr Mohammed Al-Qallaf


  • Novel therapies and alzheimer's disease
  • Endocytosis and Alzheimer's disease
  • Ageing and alzheimer's disease
  • Development of models of respiratory disease.
  • Studies on the exacerbation of pulmonary inflammation by viral infection


  • PH1122  The role of the pharmacist in professional practice
  • PH1124  Human body systems
  • PH1125  Chemical and biological properties of drug molecules
  • PH2110  Clinical & professional pharmacy
  • PH2112  Principles of drug design
  • PH2113  Diseases and drugs I
  • PH3110  Optimisation of pharmaceutical care
  • PH3113  Diseases and drugs II
  • PH4116  Pharmacy research or scholarship project
  • PH4117  Pharmaceutical sciences, pharmacy practice and the population
  • PH4118  Pharmaceutical sciences, pharmacy practice and the patient


Career profile

I graduated with a degree in Pharmacology from the University of Bath in 1987 and then went to the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology at Nottingham University to do a Ph.D. on the "Functional Adaptation of 5-HT Receptors" under the supervision of Prof. Charles Marsden. Having graduated from Nottingham in 1990, I went to Paris to work for two years as a postdoctoral research associate in Dr Michel Hamon's INSERM-funded laboratory. In 1992 I returned to the U.K. to work as a Postdoctoral Research Associate and subsequently as a Senior Postdoctoral Research Associate for Prof. Pat Humphrey in the Glaxo Institute for Applied Pharmacology in the Department of Pharmacology at Cambridge University. In 1999, I joined the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at Cardiff University as a lecturer and was promoted to senior lecturer in 2009, and promoted again to Reader in 2013.

Scientific and professional service

External examiner in Pharmacology, University of East Anglia, MPharm degree.

Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau

  • Awarded Fellowship of the British Pharmacological Society (2021)
  • Jointly awarded the Student Union’s Enriching Student Life Award for Personal Tutor of the Year (2020)
  • Jointly awarded the Student Union’s overall Enriching Student Life Award (2020)

Aelodaethau proffesiynol

Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol

    Previous appointments

    • Reader in the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2013 – 2021
    • Senior Lecturer in the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2009-2013
    • Lecturer in the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1999 – 2009
    • Senior Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Cambridge, 1997–1999
    • Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Cambridge, 1992–1997
    • Postdoctoral Research Fellow, INSERM Unité 288, Paris, 1990–1992

    Pwyllgorau ac adolygu

     University Graduate College Board

    Meysydd goruchwyliaeth

    I am interested in supervising students in the areas of:

    • The role of age and biological sex on the development of Alzheimer's disease
    • Management of depression and anti-psychotic use in patients with Alzheimer's disease
    • The influence of oestrogen exposure and the menopause on longevity

    Prosiectau'r gorffennol

    • Graddiodd Dr Jill Clark, 'Effeithiau adenosine ar gelloedd canser y fron dynol', yn 2004.
    • Graddiodd Dr Sofia Fernandez-Rodriguez, 'Llwybrau signalau celloedd yn ymatebion llidiol y llwybrau anadlu mewn asthma', yn 2006.
    • Graddiodd Dr Mahmood Al-Qallaf, 'Nodweddu derbynyddion P2X7 mewn osteoblasts dynol a modiwleiddio gan estrogen', yn 2008.
    • Graddiodd Dr Martina Fehler, 'Nodweddu derbynyddion olrhain amine yn y system gardiofasgwlaidd llygod mawr', yn 2008.
    • Graddiodd Dr Peter Penson, 'isdeipiau b-Adrenoceptor a llwybrau trawssefydlu sy'n ymwneud â chyflyru myocardaidd cyn ac ar ôl cyflyru', yn 2009.
    • Graddiodd Dr Rhys Evans, 'Modelau llid llwybrau anadlu cronig a ysgogwyd gan antigen dro ar ôl tro: swyddogaeth llwybrau anadlu a sensitifrwydd i asiantau gwrthlidiol', yn 2010.
    • Graddiodd Dr Dawn Turner, 'Mecanweithiau gweithredu cyfansoddion sy'n rhoi ocsid nitrig mewn modelau o asthma', yn 2010.
    • Graddiodd Dr Gaudencio Natividad, 'Unigedd a chymeriad cemegol a ffarmacolegol o antagonists derbynyddion aminau posibl o ffynonellau planhigion', yn 2011.
    • Graddiodd Dr Alex Henson, 'Ymchwilio i rôl adenosine yn nhwf celloedd canser y fron dynol', yn 2011.
    • Graddiodd Dr Martha Hvoslef-Eide, 'Nodweddu modelau llygoden mwtaniad APP trawsgenig o batholeg amyloid i'w defnyddio mewn imiwnotherapi cyn-glinigol', yn 2013.
    • Graddiodd Dr Alex Lowe, 'Rôl heintiau firaol a bacteriol mewn gwaethygu asthma a gwrthsefyll corticosteroid', yn 2013.
    • Graddiodd Dr Ceri Davies, 'In vivo examination of viral exacerbations of airways inflammation, function, mucus hypersecretion and mucociliary clearance', 2014.
    • Graddiodd Dr Zakky Cholisoh, 'Mecanweithiau ymwrthedd i weithredoedd steroid yn y llwybrau anadlu', 2014
    • Graddiodd Dr Charles Evans, 'Datblygu a nodweddu gwrthgorff protein rhagflaenydd gwrth-amyloid yn vivo fel therapi posibl ar gyfer clefyd Alzheimer', yn 2017.
    • Graddiodd Dr Shayda Maleki-Toyserkani, 'Ymateb Eicosanoid i haint mewn sepsis', 2019.
    • Graddiodd Dr Adam Brelsford, 'Iselder a dementia: Effaith patholeg ac ymyriadau therapiwtig Aβ ar brosesau affeithiol a gwybyddol mewn llygod', yn 2020.
    • Graddiodd Dr Thomas Freeman, 'Elucidating rôl protein rhagflaenydd amyloid yn y cof arferol', yn 2020.
    • Graddiodd Dr Jawza Almutairi, 'Deall sut mae oedran a rhywedd yn dylanwadu ar ddatblygiad clefyd Alzheimer', yn 2022.

    Contact Details

    Email KiddEJ@caerdydd.ac.uk
    Telephone +44 29208 75803
    Campuses Adeilad Redwood , Ystafell 2.57B, Rhodfa'r Brenin Edward VII, Caerdydd, CF10 3NB

    Themâu ymchwil


    • Clefyd niwroddirywiol
    • Niwrowyddoniaeth
    • Ffarmacoleg a gwyddorau fferyllol
    • Niwropharmacology
    • Menopos