Dr Jasmine Kilburn-Toppin
BA (hons), MA, PhD, FHEA, FRHistS
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Timau a rolau for Jasmine Kilburn-Toppin
Darlithydd mewn Hanes Modern Cynnar
Rwy'n hanesydd modern cynnar gydag arbenigedd mewn diwylliannau artiffisial, gofod trefol a phensaernïaeth, a rhwydweithiau crefft, gwybodaeth 'wyddonol' a meddygol. Mae fy ymchwil yn sylfaenol ryngddisgyblaethol, gan bontio astudiaethau hanesyddol, gofodol a materol. Mae fy ngwaith cyhoeddedig wedi archwilio themâu fel gwybodaeth ymgorfforedig a hunaniaethau galwedigaethol, diwylliannau materol coffa, defodau rhoddion ymhlith crefftwyr a masnachwyr, a mannau trefol arbrofol.
Dangosodd fy monograff cyntaf, Crafting Identities: Artisan Culture in London, c.1500-1640 (MUP, 2021), sut daeth neuaddau lifrai yn safleoedd amlswyddogaethol ar gyfer arloesi technegol, coffau dinesig, a chyfnewid cymdeithasol a gwleidyddol. Cafodd Crafting Identities ei roi ar y rhestr fer ar gyfer Medal Alice Davis Hitchcock yn 2022, a ddyfarnwyd gan Gymdeithas Haneswyr Pensaernïol Prydain Fawr. Fy llyfr diweddaraf, a ysgrifennwyd ar y cyd â Rebekah Higgitt, yw Metropolitan Science: London Sites and Cultures of Knowledge and Practice, c.1600-1800 (Bloomsbury, 2024). Rydym yn cyflwyno hanes newydd o wyddoniaeth ac arloesi trefol o'r ail ganrif ar bymtheg a'r ddeunawfed ganrif sydd wedi'i gwreiddio mewn gofodau crefftus, masnachol a masnachol ac arbenigedd materol ac offerynnol.
Mae fy mhrosiect ymchwil newydd yn dwyn y teitl dros dro 'Surgeons at sea: medicine, knowledge and shipboard society in the early modern world'. Bydd y prosiect hwn yn archwilio sut y bu mordeithiau pellter hir ar draws Cefnforoedd yr Iwerydd ac India yn siapio arferion therapiwtig llawfeddygon, diwylliannau gwybodaeth a hunaniaethau galwedigaethol cynnar modern. Gallwch ddarllen mwy am yr ymchwil hon yn The Conversation – https://theconversation.com/saving-lives-and-limbs-on-the-high-seas-the-extraordinary-world-of-early-modern-ships-surgeons-246382
Ymunais â Phrifysgol Caerdydd yn 2020 fel Darlithydd mewn Hanes Modern Cynnar (ar gynllun Darlithwyr Disglair ). Cyn hyn, roeddwn i'n ymchwilydd ôl-ddoethurol ar y prosiect a ariannwyd gan Ymddiriedolaeth Leverhulme, Gwyddoniaeth Fetropolitan, ym Mhrifysgol Caint (2017-20), ac yn Gymrawd Hanes yng Ngholeg Murray Edwards, Prifysgol Caergrawnt (2016-17).
- Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2025. 'The product of real experiences': seventeenth-century surgeons at sea. In: McShane, A. and Reinke-Williams, T. eds. From the Margins to the Centre in Seventeenth-Century England: Essays in Honour of Bernard Capp. Studies in Early Modern Cultural, Political and Social History Boydell
- Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2025. Recipes, gold and information exchange: Workshop cultures in the Early Modern Metropolis. In: Weller, T. et al. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Information History. London: Routledge
- Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2025. Saving lives and limbs on the high seas: the extraordinary world of early modern ship's surgeons. The Conversation 2025(20 Jan)
- Moxham, N., Higgitt, R. and Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2024. Metropolitan science: London sites and cultures of knowledge and practice, c. 1600-1800. Bloomsbury Academic.
- Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2023. Underground mathematics: Craft culture and knowledge production in Early Modern Europe [Book Review]. Journal of Design History(20) (10.1093/jdh/epad044)
- Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2023. Carla Roth, the talk of the town: information and community in sixteenth-century Switzerland. [Book Review]. Urban History 50(3), pp. 599-600. (10.1017/S0963926823000202)
- Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2023. [Book review] Margarette Lincoln. London and the Seventeenth Century: The Making of the World's Greatest City. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2021. Journal of British Studies 62(1), pp. 256-257. (10.1017/jbr.2022.208)
- Kilburn-Toppin, J., Tierney, E. and Wildman, C. 2022. Researching urban space and the built environment. Manchester University Press.
- Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2022. Instrument makers, shops, and expertise in eighteenth-century London. In: McOuat, G. and Stewart, L. eds. Spaces of Enlightenment Science. Knowledge Infrastructure and Knowledge Economy Brill, pp. 74-90.
- Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2021. Crafting identities: Artisan culture in London, c.1550-1640. Studies in Design and Material Culture. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2021. Writing knowledge, forging histories: metallurgical recipes, artisan-authors and institutional cultures in early modern London. Cultural and Social History 18(3), pp. 297-314. (10.1080/14780038.2021.1902607)
- Higgitt, R., Kilburn-Toppin, J. and Moxham, N. 2021. Science and the City: Spaces and geographies of Metropolitan Science. Science Museum Group Journal 15 (10.15180/211506)
- Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2019. 'A place of great trust to be supplied by men of skill and integrity': assayers and knowledge cultures in late sixteenth-and seventeenth-century London. British Journal for the History of Science 52(2), pp. 197-223. (10.1017/S0007087419000219)
- Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2017. Gifting cultures and artisanal guilds in sixteenth-and early seventeenth-century London. Historical Journal 60(4), pp. 865-887. (10.1017/S0018246X16000583)
- Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2013. Material memories of the guildsmen. Crafting identities in early modern London. In: Kuijpers, E. and Pollmann, J. eds. Memory before modernity. Practices of memory in early modern Europe., Vol. 176. Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions Leiden: Brill, pp. 165-181., (10.1163/9789004261259_011)
- Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2013. “Discords have arisen and brotherly love decreased’: the spatial and material contexts of the guild feast in early modern London’. Brewery History 150, pp. 28-38.
- Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2025. Saving lives and limbs on the high seas: the extraordinary world of early modern ship's surgeons. The Conversation 2025(20 Jan)
- Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2023. Underground mathematics: Craft culture and knowledge production in Early Modern Europe [Book Review]. Journal of Design History(20) (10.1093/jdh/epad044)
- Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2023. Carla Roth, the talk of the town: information and community in sixteenth-century Switzerland. [Book Review]. Urban History 50(3), pp. 599-600. (10.1017/S0963926823000202)
- Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2023. [Book review] Margarette Lincoln. London and the Seventeenth Century: The Making of the World's Greatest City. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2021. Journal of British Studies 62(1), pp. 256-257. (10.1017/jbr.2022.208)
- Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2021. Writing knowledge, forging histories: metallurgical recipes, artisan-authors and institutional cultures in early modern London. Cultural and Social History 18(3), pp. 297-314. (10.1080/14780038.2021.1902607)
- Higgitt, R., Kilburn-Toppin, J. and Moxham, N. 2021. Science and the City: Spaces and geographies of Metropolitan Science. Science Museum Group Journal 15 (10.15180/211506)
- Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2019. 'A place of great trust to be supplied by men of skill and integrity': assayers and knowledge cultures in late sixteenth-and seventeenth-century London. British Journal for the History of Science 52(2), pp. 197-223. (10.1017/S0007087419000219)
- Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2017. Gifting cultures and artisanal guilds in sixteenth-and early seventeenth-century London. Historical Journal 60(4), pp. 865-887. (10.1017/S0018246X16000583)
- Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2013. “Discords have arisen and brotherly love decreased’: the spatial and material contexts of the guild feast in early modern London’. Brewery History 150, pp. 28-38.
Book sections
- Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2025. 'The product of real experiences': seventeenth-century surgeons at sea. In: McShane, A. and Reinke-Williams, T. eds. From the Margins to the Centre in Seventeenth-Century England: Essays in Honour of Bernard Capp. Studies in Early Modern Cultural, Political and Social History Boydell
- Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2025. Recipes, gold and information exchange: Workshop cultures in the Early Modern Metropolis. In: Weller, T. et al. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Information History. London: Routledge
- Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2022. Instrument makers, shops, and expertise in eighteenth-century London. In: McOuat, G. and Stewart, L. eds. Spaces of Enlightenment Science. Knowledge Infrastructure and Knowledge Economy Brill, pp. 74-90.
- Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2013. Material memories of the guildsmen. Crafting identities in early modern London. In: Kuijpers, E. and Pollmann, J. eds. Memory before modernity. Practices of memory in early modern Europe., Vol. 176. Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions Leiden: Brill, pp. 165-181., (10.1163/9789004261259_011)
- Moxham, N., Higgitt, R. and Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2024. Metropolitan science: London sites and cultures of knowledge and practice, c. 1600-1800. Bloomsbury Academic.
- Kilburn-Toppin, J., Tierney, E. and Wildman, C. 2022. Researching urban space and the built environment. Manchester University Press.
- Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2021. Crafting identities: Artisan culture in London, c.1550-1640. Studies in Design and Material Culture. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
BA Hanes
Blwyddyn 1
HS1117: Dadeni, Diwygiad a Chwyldro
HS1119: Hanes mewn Ymarfer Rhan I: Cwestiynau, Fframweithiau a Chynulleidfaoedd
HS1120: Hanes yn Ymarfer Rhan II: Ffynonellau, Tystiolaeth a Dadl
Blwyddyn 2
HS6201: Hanes Darllen
HS6203: Hanes Trafod
HS6222: Hanesion Amgylcheddol
Blwyddyn 3
HS1801: Traethawd Hir
HS1826: City Lives: Diwylliant a Chymdeithas Drefol, c.1550-c.1750
MA Hanes
HST081: Ffynonellau a Thystiolaeth
HST082: Ymchwil Gofod, Lle a Hanesyddol
HST083: Diwinyddion, Dulliau ac Arferion Hanes
HST085: Hanes Ysgrifennu: Paratoi Traethawd Hir
HST086: Traethawd Hir