Dr Helena Knight
Lecturer in Marketing and Strategy
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Helena Knight is a Lecturer in the Marketing and Strategy Department, having joined Cardiff Business School in 2023. Prior to joining Cardiff Business School, Helena was an Assistant Professor in Sultan Qaboos University in the Sultanate of Oman.
Helena's research focuses on the questions related to value creation at the intersect of business and society. She is particularly interested in examining different forms of interorganisational collaboration that drive sustainable development and innovation, including cross-sector partnerships, coopetition, and precompetitive collaboration. Helena also engages in research that centres on the relationship between smart technologies and brand outcomes in the digital retailing context.
Helena has a Phd in Marketing and Strategy and an MSc in Social Science Research Methods from Cardiff Business School, and also an MSc in Marketing from the University of South Wales.
- Knight, H. H., De Angelis, R., Telg, N. and Morgan, R. E. 2025. Towards the coopetitive circular business model: Theoretical foundations, conceptual envisioning, and future research imperatives. Industrial Marketing Management 124, pp. 20-39. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2024.11.005)
- Stadtler, L. et al. 2024. Cross-sector partnerships to address societal grand challenges: Systematizing differences in scholarly analysis. Journal of Management Studies 61(7), pp. 3327-3357. (10.1111/joms.13053)
- Nikhashemi, S., Knight, H. H. and Quinton, S. 2023. Utilising social commerce information sharing in the persuasion knowledge process and brand co-creation: A probabilistic analysis approach. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference 2023:From Revolution to Revolutions 3: 3, University of Birmingham, 3-6 July 2023.
- Stadtler, L., Seitanidi, M. M., Knight, H. and Leigh, J. 2023. Studying cross-sector partnerships’ impact on societal grand challenges – a systematic review of scholarly analyses. Presented at: 39th EGOS Colloquium, Cagliari, Italy, 6-8 July 2023.
- Stadtler, L., MacDonald, A., Knight, H. H. and Hustad, O. 2022. Removing the rose-tinted glasses: Exploring the dark side of cross-sector partnerships.. Presented at: CSSI 2022: 8th Cross-Sector Social Interactions Symposium, Wageningen, Netherlands, 22-24 June 2022.
- Williams, W., Knight, H. H., Rutter, R. and Mathias, M. 2022. A study of the convergence between entrepreneurship, government policy, and higher education in Oman. In: Nawaz Tunio, M. et al. eds. Developing Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Academia. IGI Global, pp. 44-70., (10.4018/978-1-7998-8505-4.ch003)
- Nikhashemi, S., Knight, H. H., Nusair, K. and Liat, C. B. 2021. Augmented reality in smart retailing: A (n) (A) Symmetric Approach to continuous intention to use retail brands’ mobile AR apps. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 60, article number: 102464. (10.1016/j.jretconser.2021.102464)
- Ahmad, N., Knight, H. and Butt, I. 2020. A citation-based systematic literature review on ECSRS education in MENA region countries.. In: El-Bassiouny, N. et al. eds. Ethics, CSR and Sustainability (ECSRS) Education in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region. London: Routledge, pp. 8-33., (10.4324/9781003022763)
- Knight, H. and Wood, B. 2020. Beneficiary focused external processes as facilitators of a CSSP’s effectiveness.. Presented at: 7th Biennial International Symposium on Cross-Sector Social Interactions (CSSI 2020), Limerick, Ireland, 23-26 June 2020.
- Knight, H., Leigh, J., Seitanidi, M. and Stadtler, L. 2020. Putting cross-sector social partnerships ‘global challenge outcomes to the test: developing a research agenda from an evidence-based, 20-year systematic literature review.. Presented at: 7th biennial International Symposium on Cross-Sector Social Interactions (CSSI 2020), Limerick, 23-26 June 2020.
- Knight, H. and Nikhashemi, S. 2019. Towards a cross‐cultural understanding of the determinants of sustainable consumption: A systemic perspective in the case of the Sultanate of Oman.. Presented at: Academy of Marketing 52nd Annual Conference, London, UK, 2-4 July 2019.
- Knight, H. 2018. Legitimacy of societal outcomes in multistakeholder collaboration: Remembering the locals in swapping oil for tourists. Presented at: CSSI 2018 Symposium, Copenhagen, 10-13 June 2018.
- Knight, H., Ryan, A. and Morel, C. 2018. Value co-creation in arts and business collaboration: integrating the end beneficiary voice. Presented at: Academy of Marketing 17th Colloquium on Arts, Heritage, Nonprofit and Social Marketing, Birmingham, September 2018.
- Knight, H. and Ellson, T. 2017. Value drivers of corporate social responsibility: The role of explicit value and back value. Social Business 7(1), pp. 27-47. (10.1362/204440817x14970183097830)
- Knight, H. H., De Angelis, R., Telg, N. and Morgan, R. E. 2025. Towards the coopetitive circular business model: Theoretical foundations, conceptual envisioning, and future research imperatives. Industrial Marketing Management 124, pp. 20-39. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2024.11.005)
- Stadtler, L. et al. 2024. Cross-sector partnerships to address societal grand challenges: Systematizing differences in scholarly analysis. Journal of Management Studies 61(7), pp. 3327-3357. (10.1111/joms.13053)
- Nikhashemi, S., Knight, H. H., Nusair, K. and Liat, C. B. 2021. Augmented reality in smart retailing: A (n) (A) Symmetric Approach to continuous intention to use retail brands’ mobile AR apps. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 60, article number: 102464. (10.1016/j.jretconser.2021.102464)
- Knight, H. and Ellson, T. 2017. Value drivers of corporate social responsibility: The role of explicit value and back value. Social Business 7(1), pp. 27-47. (10.1362/204440817x14970183097830)
Book sections
- Williams, W., Knight, H. H., Rutter, R. and Mathias, M. 2022. A study of the convergence between entrepreneurship, government policy, and higher education in Oman. In: Nawaz Tunio, M. et al. eds. Developing Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Academia. IGI Global, pp. 44-70., (10.4018/978-1-7998-8505-4.ch003)
- Ahmad, N., Knight, H. and Butt, I. 2020. A citation-based systematic literature review on ECSRS education in MENA region countries.. In: El-Bassiouny, N. et al. eds. Ethics, CSR and Sustainability (ECSRS) Education in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region. London: Routledge, pp. 8-33., (10.4324/9781003022763)
- Nikhashemi, S., Knight, H. H. and Quinton, S. 2023. Utilising social commerce information sharing in the persuasion knowledge process and brand co-creation: A probabilistic analysis approach. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference 2023:From Revolution to Revolutions 3: 3, University of Birmingham, 3-6 July 2023.
- Stadtler, L., Seitanidi, M. M., Knight, H. and Leigh, J. 2023. Studying cross-sector partnerships’ impact on societal grand challenges – a systematic review of scholarly analyses. Presented at: 39th EGOS Colloquium, Cagliari, Italy, 6-8 July 2023.
- Stadtler, L., MacDonald, A., Knight, H. H. and Hustad, O. 2022. Removing the rose-tinted glasses: Exploring the dark side of cross-sector partnerships.. Presented at: CSSI 2022: 8th Cross-Sector Social Interactions Symposium, Wageningen, Netherlands, 22-24 June 2022.
- Knight, H. and Wood, B. 2020. Beneficiary focused external processes as facilitators of a CSSP’s effectiveness.. Presented at: 7th Biennial International Symposium on Cross-Sector Social Interactions (CSSI 2020), Limerick, Ireland, 23-26 June 2020.
- Knight, H., Leigh, J., Seitanidi, M. and Stadtler, L. 2020. Putting cross-sector social partnerships ‘global challenge outcomes to the test: developing a research agenda from an evidence-based, 20-year systematic literature review.. Presented at: 7th biennial International Symposium on Cross-Sector Social Interactions (CSSI 2020), Limerick, 23-26 June 2020.
- Knight, H. and Nikhashemi, S. 2019. Towards a cross‐cultural understanding of the determinants of sustainable consumption: A systemic perspective in the case of the Sultanate of Oman.. Presented at: Academy of Marketing 52nd Annual Conference, London, UK, 2-4 July 2019.
- Knight, H. 2018. Legitimacy of societal outcomes in multistakeholder collaboration: Remembering the locals in swapping oil for tourists. Presented at: CSSI 2018 Symposium, Copenhagen, 10-13 June 2018.
- Knight, H., Ryan, A. and Morel, C. 2018. Value co-creation in arts and business collaboration: integrating the end beneficiary voice. Presented at: Academy of Marketing 17th Colloquium on Arts, Heritage, Nonprofit and Social Marketing, Birmingham, September 2018.
Research Interests:
- Societal value creation at the intersect of business and society
- Cross-sector partnerships for sustainable development
- Interorganisational collaboration for innovation and sustainable development (pre-competitive collaboration)
- Sustainable community development
- Sustainable consumption practices
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Digital retailing (social commerce)
Williams, W., Knight, H.H., Rutter, R., Mathias, M. (2022). A Study of the Convergence between Entrepreneurship, Government Policy and Higher Education in the Sultanate of Oman. In Tunio, MN., Shaikh, E, Chaudhary, K, et al. Developing Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Academia, IGI Global.
Knight, H.H.; Wood, B.P., & Nikhashemi, SR. (2022). Economic Diversification and Sustainable Tourism Development in Oman. PRME UK and Ireland Business and Society Research Development Workshop, May 17th, 2022 – University of Glasgow, Adam Smith Business School.
Nikhashemi, S. R., Knight, H. H., Nusair, K., & Liat, C. B. (2021). Augmented reality in smart retailing: A (n)(A) Symmetric Approach to continuous intention to use retail brands’ mobile AR apps. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 60, 102464. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2021.102464
Seitanidi, M.M., Knight, H.H., Leigh, J, et al. (2020). Putting Cross-Sector Social Partnerships ‘Global Challenge Outcomes to the Test: Developing a Research Agenda from an Evidence-Based, 20-Year Systematic Literature Review. CSSI 2020, 23-26 June, 2020, online conference hosted by Limerick University, Ireland.
Knight, H.H. and Wood, B. (2020). Beneficiary Focused External Processes as Facilitators of a CSSP’s Effectiveness. CSSI 2020, 23-26 June, 2020, online conference hosted by Limerick University, Ireland.
Ahmad, N., Knight, H., & Butt, I. (2020). A citation-based systematic literature review on ECSRS education in MENA region countries. In: El-Bassiouny, N. et al. (Eds). Ethics, CSR and Sustainability (ECSRS) Education in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region, 8-33.
Knight, H.H., & Nikhashemi, S.R. (2019). Towards a cross‐cultural understanding of the determinants of sustainable consumption: A systemic perspective in the case of the Sultanate of Oman. Academy of Marketing 52nd Annual Conference: When you tire of marketing, you tire of life., London, United Kingdom (Paper No 308 published electronically).
Knight, H. H. (2018). Taking Stock of Teaching CSSI across Institutional Settings: Contextualising Unconscious Bias. ARSP 13.
Knight, H.H., Ryan, A., Morrel, C. (2018). Value co-creation in arts and business collaboration: integrating the end beneficiary voice. Academy of Marketing 17th Colloquium on Arts, Heritage, Nonprofit and Social Marketing, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
Knight, H. H. (2018). Legitimacy of societal outcomes in multistakeholder collaboration: Remembering the locals in swopping oil for tourists. CSSI 2018 Symposium 10th – 13thJune 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Knight, H. H. (2018). Physical Authenticity in Marketing Education: The Case of Contextual Student Competitions. Academy of Marketing Conference 2018 – Workshop Presentations 2nd – 5th July, Stirling, UK.
Knight, H. H., & Ellson, T. (2017). Value drivers of Corporate Social Responsibility: The role of explicit value and back value. Social Business 7(1), pp. 27-47(21) https://doi.org/10.1362/204440817X14970183097830
Knight, H. H. (2017). Societal value creation in NPO-business collaboration. ANZMAC 4th – 6th December 2017, Melbourne, Australia.
Rajah, E., Knight, H. H., & Wood, A. (2017). Guest Lectures & Authentic Learning in Marketing. ANZMAC 4th – 6th December 2017, Melbourne, Australia.
Knight, H. H., & Ellson, T. (2017). Value drivers of Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives: The role of explicit value and back value. 6th International Conference of New Challenges in Management and Business, Dubai, UAE.
Best Conference Paper Award: Williams, W., Knight, H. & Rutter, R. (2015). A Study of the Convergence between Entrepreneurship, Government Policy and Higher Education in the Sultanate of Oman. 60th Annual ICSB World Conference, June 2015, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
- PhD (Marketing & Strategy) Cardiff Business School
- MSc (Social Science Research Methods)Cardiff Business School
- MSc (Marketing) University of South Wales (formerly Glamorgan University)
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
- Best Paper Award: 60th Annual ICSB World Conference, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2015
- College of Economics and Political Science, Sultan Qaboos University, Best Teacher Award, 2017
- Cardiff University Graduate College Grant for founding and running a postgraduate research group CaPRICoRN 2010-2012
- Cardiff Business School Grant to attend EDAMBA 19th Summer Academy
- ESRC 1+3 PhD Scholarship
- University of South Wales, Best Dissertation in MSc Cohorts,
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Member of Cross-Sector Social Interactions (CSSI) Community (academics and practitioners)
- Memer of Centre for Innovation Policy Research, Cardiff University , UK
- Member of the Academy of Marketing, UK.
Professional Experience
- 2021 – 2022: Advisory Board Member, Railway Gardens Community Project, Cardiff, UK.
- 2008 – 2009: Fundraising Administrator, South Gwent Children's Foundation – Sparkle Appeal, UK
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- January 2023 - Present: Lecturer in Marketing and Strategy, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, UK
- September 2022 - January 2023: Hourly Paid Lecturer in Business Ethics and Sustainability, University of South Wales, UK
- 2015 – 2021: Assistant Professor, College of Economics and Political Science, Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman
- 2014 – 2015: Lecturer, Sohar University, Sultanate of Oman
- 2010 – 2012: Hourly Paid Lecturer in Marketing, University of South Wales (University of Glamorgan), UK
- 2009 – 2012: Seminar Tutor, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, UK
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
- Associate Editor (Pedagogy Section), Annual Review of Social Partnerships (ARSP), 2016 – 2018
- Ad hoc journal reviewer: Business and Society, Business Ethics: A European Review, Social Business, Journal of Business Research
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
I am interested in supervising PhD students in areas related to the intersection between business and society, particularly in the areas related to:
- Cross-sector partnerships
- Interorganisational collaboration for sustainable development and/or innovation (coopetition, precompetitive collaboration, etc.)
- Sustainable community development
- Sustainable consumption practices
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Responsible innovation
Prospective PhD candidates are encouraged to contact Helena with a research proposal outlining their research topic and preferred methodology.
Contact Details
+44 29225 10537
Adeilad Aberconwy, Ystafell C09b, Rhodfa Colum, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU