Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Manish Kumar   BTech, MEng, PhD

Dr Manish Kumar


BTech, MEng, PhD

Peiriannydd Ymchwil a Datblygu Gyrwyr Gate Gweithredol (Cyswllt KTP)

Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig


Dr. Manish Kumar (MK) is an Active Gate Driver Research and Development Engineer (KTP Associate) appointed by Cardiff University. He has been working on a collaborative project between Cardiff University and Toshiba Research Europe Ltd since October 2022. The project is funded through the Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) Scheme which is funded through a UK Government grant (UK Research and Innovation, UKRI) and a contribution from the host company, Toshiba Research Europe Ltd., in order for the KTP Associate to deliver the specific project. He works offsite at Bristol Research and Innovation Lab, Toshiba Research Europe Ltd, Bristol, United Kingdom.

He was awarded a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, Punjab, India, in 2022. He has extensively worked on the analysis, measurement, and mitigation of common-mode, differential mode, and non-intrinsic differential mode electromagnetic interference (EMI) in his research work.  He also has gained expertise in designing output EMI filters for Si and SiC (wide-bandgap, WBG semiconductor) based inverter-fed AC motor drives. He has notable IEEE Transaction, Journal, and Conference publications in the said domain.









Mae ei feysydd o ddiddordeb yn cynnwys dadansoddi, mesur a lliniaru modd cyffredin, modd gwahaniaethol, ac ymyrraeth electromagnetig modd gwahaniaethol annhenid (EMI) yn yriannau modur AC Si a SiC sy'n cael eu bwydo gan wrthdröydd. Mae ei ddiddordebau hefyd yn cynnwys dylunio hidlwyr EMI gweithredol a goddefol i liniaru'r materion EMI mewn trawsnewidyddion pŵer sy'n seiliedig ar SiC. Mae hefyd wedi gweithio ar ddylunio ffurfweddau hidlydd EMI un cam ac aml-gam newydd ar gyfer y topoleg gwrthdröydd dwy lefel a deuol ar gyfer cymwysiadau gyriant modur AC. Mae wedi gweithio'n helaeth ar ddylunio hidlwyr EMI i gydymffurfio â safonau EMI awyrofod fel DO-160. Ar hyn o bryd, mae'n gweithio ar ddylunio cylchedau gyrrwr giât gweithredol ar gyfer cymwysiadau electroneg pŵer.


Manish Kumar received the B.Tech. degree in electrical and electronics engineering from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, India, in 2013 and the M.E degree in Electrical Engineering from Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, India, in 2016. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, Punjab, India, in 2022.

Since October 2022,  he has been working as an Active Gate Driver Research and Development Engineer (KTP Associate) in collaboration with Cardiff University and Toshiba Research Europe Ltd., Bristol, UK. Currently, he is based in the Bristol Research and Innovation lab, Toshiba Research Europe Ltd., Bristol, UK.

His fields of interest include the design of active & passive EMI filters to mitigate the EMI issues in SiC-based power converters. He has also worked on the EMI filter design for the two-level and dual two-level inverter topology for AC motor drive applications. Currently, he is working on the design of active gate driver circuits for power electronics applications.

Meysydd goruchwyliaeth

I am interested in collaborating with the researchers working in my research domain.

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Themâu ymchwil


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