Arthur graduated as a civil engineer and researcher and have participated in research in water quality modelling, flood mitigation, transient-based defect detection in water supply systems and hydrodynamic stability theories. My current research involves mechanistic and artificial intelligence (AI) models for sustainable development and public information concerning water quality. The key research questions are:
- Mechanistic model assumptions in coastal waters: There is no general consensus concerning the turbulence and bacteria decay models suitable for coastal waters. While the suitability of these models are site and bacteria dependent, factors governing the use of such models require clarification.
- AI models: AI models require less computational power and obtain water quality predictions quicker than mechanistic models. Nonlinear AI models are being developed to better predict bathing water quality, especially faecal indicator bacteria concentrations.
I am also a member of the International Association for Hydro-environment Engineering and Research (IAHR).
- Lam, M. Y. and Ahmadian, R. 2024. Enhancing hydro-epidemiological modelling of nearshore coastal waters with source-receptor connectivity study. Environmental Pollution 345, article number: 123431. (10.1016/j.envpol.2024.123431)
- Pregnolato, M., West, C., Evans, B., Lam, M., Chen, A., Ahmadian, R. and Djordjevic, S. 2024. Using multi-stakeholder causal mapping to explore priorities for infrastructure resilience to flooding. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 101, article number: 104189. (10.1016/j.ijdrr.2023.104189)
- Evans, B., Lam, M., West, C., Ahmadian, R., Djordjevic, S., Chen, A. and Pregnolato, M. 2024. A combined stability function to quantify flood risks to pedestrians and vehicle occupants. Science of the Total Environment 908, article number: 168237. (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168237)
- Lam, M. and Ahmadian, R. 2023. Predicting fecal-indicator organisms in coastal waters using a complex nonlinear artificial intelligence model. Journal of Environmental Engineering 149(2) (10.1061/JOEEDU.EEENG-6986)
- Yan, H., Lam, M. and Lee, J. H. 2021. Field measurements and numerical modeling of hydraulic transients in HDPE pipeline with PRV interaction. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 147(6), article number: 4021018. (10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001873)
- Lam, M. Y., Ghidaoui, M. S. and Kolyshkin, A. A. 2019. Hydraulics of shallow shear flows: onset, development and practical relevance. Environmental Fluid Mechanics 19(5), pp. 1121–1142. (10.1007/s10652-019-09682-0)
- Arega, F., Lam, M. Y. and Lee, J. H. W. 2019. Supercritical stormwater flow interception through bottom rack with transverse barrier. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 145(4), article number: 5019002. (10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0001371)
- Lam, M. Y., Ghidaoui, M. S. and Kolyshkin, A. A. 2016. The roll-up and merging of coherent structures in shallow mixing layers. Physics of Fluids 28(9), article number: 94103. (10.1063/1.4960391)
- Lam, M. Y. and Ghidaoui, M. S. 2014. Fourier analysis of the roll-up and merging of coherent structures in shallow mixing layers. Environmental Fluid Mechanics 14(5), pp. 997-1026. (10.1007/s10652-014-9371-2)
- Lam, M., Liu, H. and Ghidaoui, M. 2010. The sensitivity of shallow mixing layers to upstream perturbations and its implication to numerical code validation. Journal of Hydrodynamics 22(S1), pp. 639-645. (10.1016/S1001-6058(10)60011-X)
- Lam, M. Y., Liu, H. W. and Ghidaoui, M. S. 2010. Investigation of temporal mixing layer in shallow water with BGK algorithm. Journal of Hydro-environment Research 4(2), pp. 123-129. (10.1016/j.jher.2010.04.007)
- Liu, H., Lam, M. Y. and Ghidaoui, M. S. 2010. A numerical study of temporal shallow mixing layers using BGK-based schemes. Computers and Mathematics with Applications 59(7), pp. 2393-2402. (10.1016/j.camwa.2009.08.046)
- Lam, M. Y. and Ahmadian, R. 2024. Enhancing hydro-epidemiological modelling of nearshore coastal waters with source-receptor connectivity study. Environmental Pollution 345, article number: 123431. (10.1016/j.envpol.2024.123431)
- Pregnolato, M., West, C., Evans, B., Lam, M., Chen, A., Ahmadian, R. and Djordjevic, S. 2024. Using multi-stakeholder causal mapping to explore priorities for infrastructure resilience to flooding. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 101, article number: 104189. (10.1016/j.ijdrr.2023.104189)
- Evans, B., Lam, M., West, C., Ahmadian, R., Djordjevic, S., Chen, A. and Pregnolato, M. 2024. A combined stability function to quantify flood risks to pedestrians and vehicle occupants. Science of the Total Environment 908, article number: 168237. (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168237)
- Lam, M. and Ahmadian, R. 2023. Predicting fecal-indicator organisms in coastal waters using a complex nonlinear artificial intelligence model. Journal of Environmental Engineering 149(2) (10.1061/JOEEDU.EEENG-6986)
- Yan, H., Lam, M. and Lee, J. H. 2021. Field measurements and numerical modeling of hydraulic transients in HDPE pipeline with PRV interaction. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 147(6), article number: 4021018. (10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001873)
- Lam, M. Y., Ghidaoui, M. S. and Kolyshkin, A. A. 2019. Hydraulics of shallow shear flows: onset, development and practical relevance. Environmental Fluid Mechanics 19(5), pp. 1121–1142. (10.1007/s10652-019-09682-0)
- Arega, F., Lam, M. Y. and Lee, J. H. W. 2019. Supercritical stormwater flow interception through bottom rack with transverse barrier. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 145(4), article number: 5019002. (10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0001371)
- Lam, M. Y., Ghidaoui, M. S. and Kolyshkin, A. A. 2016. The roll-up and merging of coherent structures in shallow mixing layers. Physics of Fluids 28(9), article number: 94103. (10.1063/1.4960391)
- Lam, M. Y. and Ghidaoui, M. S. 2014. Fourier analysis of the roll-up and merging of coherent structures in shallow mixing layers. Environmental Fluid Mechanics 14(5), pp. 997-1026. (10.1007/s10652-014-9371-2)
- Lam, M., Liu, H. and Ghidaoui, M. 2010. The sensitivity of shallow mixing layers to upstream perturbations and its implication to numerical code validation. Journal of Hydrodynamics 22(S1), pp. 639-645. (10.1016/S1001-6058(10)60011-X)
- Lam, M. Y., Liu, H. W. and Ghidaoui, M. S. 2010. Investigation of temporal mixing layer in shallow water with BGK algorithm. Journal of Hydro-environment Research 4(2), pp. 123-129. (10.1016/j.jher.2010.04.007)
- Liu, H., Lam, M. Y. and Ghidaoui, M. S. 2010. A numerical study of temporal shallow mixing layers using BGK-based schemes. Computers and Mathematics with Applications 59(7), pp. 2393-2402. (10.1016/j.camwa.2009.08.046)
Diddordeb ymchwil
modelu hydro-amgylcheddol; modelu deallusrwydd artiffisial (AI); Modelu llifogydd a gwacáu; Cynnwrf; Theori sefydlogrwydd hydrodynamig
Cymryd rhan mewn prosiectau ymchwil
Teitl | Prif Ymchwilwyr(au) | Cyllidwr | Swm y Prosiect | Hyd |
modelu AI gyda data i fyny samplu ar gyfer llynnoedd yn Nhwrci | Lam MY, Ahmadian R | CCAUC |
£39,863 |
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025 |
Cynlluniau Amrediad TidAl fel cyfleusterau Grid-scale STorage Ynni (TARGET) ffurfweddadwy | Ahmadian R (Arweinydd y Prosiect a PI), Qadrda M, Yue Z, Munday M | EPSRC |
Cyfanswm: £1.4M CU: £732k |
01/01/2023-31/12/2024 |
Canolfan Ragoriaeth Peirianneg Ynni Morol (MEECE) | Ahmadian R, Mason-Jones A., et al. | WEFO | £1.15M | 1/10/2021-31/05/2023 |
Datblygu System Ymateb Trosiant | Ahmadian R | Academi Frenhinol Peirianneg | £19,019 | 01/04/2020- 28/02/2023 |
Astudiaethau ar achosi trychinebau mecanweithiau a lleihau trychineb Mesurau gwrth-lifogydd trefol yn Tsieina a'r Deyrnas Unedig |
Ahmadian R, Falconer RA | Academi Frenhinol Peirianneg | £197,224 | 01/04/2018- 30/3/2022 |
Cydnerthedd Llifogydd ar gyfer y Sector TRANsport (FR-TRANS) | Pregnolato M (Prifysgol Bryste) | Cronfa Generator GW4 | £19,988.05 | 01/06/2021-30/11/2021 |
Hyrwyddo effeithlonrwydd adnoddau Nexus dŵr ynni drwy Ynni Adnewyddadwy ac Effeithlonrwydd Ynni (EERES4WATER) - Isbrosiect Prifysgol Caerdydd | Ahmadian R (Prifysgol Caerdydd, CU) | Ardal yr Iwerydd Interreg UE |
Cyfanswm: £2.69M CU: £283k |
01/04/2019 - 31/03/2022 |
Systemau Cyflenwi Dŵr Trefol Smart | Ghidaoui M S (HKUST) | Cyngor Grant Resaerch Hong Kong | £3,074,911 | 01/01/2016 - 31/12/2021 |
Prifysgol Caerdydd:
- cyfrannwr modiwl, EN4571 - Dylunio Llifogydd (2023-nawr)
- cyfrannwr modiwl, EN2026 - Dadansoddi Peirianneg (2023-nawr)
- Cynorthwyo i oruchwylio myfyriwr Prosiect Blwyddyn Olaf Israddedig mewn Deallusrwydd Artiffisial (2020-2021)
Prifysgol Hong Kong Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg:
- Cynorthwyo i oruchwylio dros bum myfyriwr Prosiect Blwyddyn Olaf Israddedig mewn Transients Pipe a Open Channel Flows
- Cynorthwy-ydd Addysgu mewn cyrsiau Meistr ac Israddedigion a addysgir mewn Mecaneg Hylif a Hydroleg
2023-now: Darlithydd - addysgu ac ymchwil, Prifysgol Caerdydd
2019-2023: Cydymaith Ymchwil, Prifysgol Caerdydd
2016-2019: Cydymaith Ymchwil, HKUST
2015-2016: Reserach Cyswllt, Prifysgol Polytechnig HK
2007-2015: Cynorthwyydd addysgu ar gyfer nifer o gyrsiau Mecaneg a Hydroleg Hylif yn HKUST
2015: PhD mewn Peirianneg Sifil a Pherfeithiol, Prifysgol Hong Kong Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg (HKUST)
2007: BEng mewn Peirianneg Sifil a Strwythurol, HKUST
Contact Details
Adeiladau'r Frenhines -Adeilad y De, Ystafell S1.39, 5 The Parade, Heol Casnewydd, Caerdydd, CF24 3AA