Dr Jac Larner
Darlithydd mewn Gwleidyddiaeth
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rwy'n Ddarlithydd mewn Gwleidyddiaeth ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd lle rwy'n addysgu Ymddygiad Gwleidyddol a Dulliau Ymchwil.
Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar etholiadau, seicoleg wleidyddol, ymddygiad pleidleisio, hunaniaeth genedlaethol a methodoleg arolwg. Rwy'n Gyd-ymchwilydd ar Astudiaeth Etholiad Cymru ac yn Gymrawd Ymchwil ym Mhrifysgol Eidnburgh lle rwy'n gweithio ar Astudiaeth Etholiad yr Alban (a ariennir gan y Cyngor Ymchwil Economaidd a Chymdeithasol).
Y tu allan i'r ddwy astudiaeth hon, mae fy ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar wleidyddiaeth dervingness (pwy sy'n cael beth?) a nodweddion ymgeiswyr gwleidyddol.
Cyn ymuno â Chaerdydd yn fy rôl bresennol, roeddwn yn Gymrawd Fulbright yn Sefydliad Ymchwil Cymdeithasol Prifysgol Michigan, canolfan flaenllaw ar gyfer ymchwil arolwg. Yn ystod fy PhD, gweithiais fel Cynorthwy-ydd Ymchwil ar Astudiaethau Etholiad Prydain, yr Alban a Chymru, yn ogystal ag Arolygon Dyfodol Lloegr.
- Breitenstein, S., Kenny, J., Larner, J., Stiers, D. and Lewis-Beck, M. 2025. The authentic a**hole: Candidate consistency, causality, and the vote. Polity: The Journal of the Northeastern Political Science Association 57(2) (10.1086/734478)
- Thorp, J. and Larner, J. 2025. Responsibility for impairment shapes the perceived deservingness of welfare claimants with disabilities. Political Psychology 46(1), pp. 105-128. (10.1111/pops.12978)
- Larner, J., Johns, R., Henderson, A., McMillan, F. and Carman, C. 2025. Political scandals and vertical contagion in multilevel systems. British Journal of Political Science (10.1017/S0007123425000043)
- Griffiths, J. D., Wyn Jones, R., Poole, E. G. and Larner, J. M. 2024. Making the case for more politicians: a survey experiment to investigate public attitudes to an expanded welsh parliament. Parliamentary Affairs 77(2), pp. 285-304. (10.1093/pa/gsad004)
- Larner, J. and Thorp, J. R. 2024. Vulnerability Appeals in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights from a National Survey Experiment. Journal of Experimental Political Science (10.1017/XPS.2024.14)
- Larner, J., Wyn Jones, R., Poole, E., Surridge, P. and Wincott, D. 2023. Incumbency and identity: the 2021 Senedd election. Parliamentary Affairs 76(4), pp. 857-878., article number: gsac012. (10.1093/pa/gsac012)
- Griffiths, J., Wyn Jones, R. W., Poole, E. G., Larner, J. M., Henderson, A. and McMillan, F. 2023. Diverging electoral fortunes in Scotland and Wales: National identities, national interests, and voting behaviour. Regional & Federal Studies 33(4), pp. 487-510. (10.1080/13597566.2023.2227952)
- Henderson, A., Johns, R., Larner, J. and Carman, C. 2022. The referendum that changed a nation: Scottish voting behaviour 2014–2019. Palgrave Macmillan. (10.1007/978-3-031-16095-0)
- Kenny, J., Larner, J. and Lewis-Beck, M. 2021. Candidate authenticity and the Iowa Caucus. Electoral Studies (10.1016/j.electstud.2021.102390)
- Stiers, D., Larner, J., Kenny, J., Breitenstein, S., Vallée-Dubois, F. and Lewis-Beck, M. 2021. Candidate authenticity: 'to thine own self be true'. Political Behavior 43, pp. 1181-1204. (10.1007/s11109-019-09589-y)
- Henderson, A., Poole, E. G., Wyn Jones, R., Wincott, D., Larner, J. and Jeffery, C. 2021. Analysing vote choice in a multi-national state: national identity and territorial differentiation in the 2016 Brexit vote. Regional Studies 55(9), pp. 1502-1516. (10.1080/00343404.2020.1813883)
- Wyn Jones, R. W. and Larner, J. 2021. What about Wales? Brexit and the future of the UK. Discover Society 1(2), article number: 4. (10.51428/dsoc.2021.02.0004)
- Wyn Jones, R. and Larner, J. 2021. Progressive home rule?. IPPR Progressive Review 27(3), pp. 235-245. (10.1111/newe.12221)
- Johns, R., Henderson, A., Carman, C. and Larner, J. 2020. Brexit or independence? Scotland's general election. Political Insight 11(1), pp. 28-31. (10.1177/2041905820911745)
- Larner, J. M. 2019. The multilevel voter: Identity, territory and electoral behaviour. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Awan-Scully, R., Stirbu, D., Pritchard, H., Larner, J. and Davies, N. 2018. Unpacking diversity: Barriers and incentives to standing for election to the National Assembly for Wales. Cardiff: Wales Governance Centre. Available at: http://sites.cardiff.ac.uk/wgc/files/2018/07/REPORT-Unpacking-Diversity-July-2018.pdf
- Stirbu, D., Larner, J. and McAllister, L. 2018. Gender representation in Wales: new approaches to candidate selection in UK's devolved legislatures and beyond. In: Cordero, G. and Coller, X. eds. Democratizing Candidate Selection: New Methods, Old Receipts?. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 201-230., (10.1007/978-3-319-76550-1_9)
- Scully, R. and Larner, J. 2017. A successful defence: the 2016 National Assembly for Wales election. Parliamentary Affairs 70(3), pp. 507-529. (10.1093/pa/gsw033)
- Breitenstein, S., Kenny, J., Larner, J., Stiers, D. and Lewis-Beck, M. 2025. The authentic a**hole: Candidate consistency, causality, and the vote. Polity: The Journal of the Northeastern Political Science Association 57(2) (10.1086/734478)
- Thorp, J. and Larner, J. 2025. Responsibility for impairment shapes the perceived deservingness of welfare claimants with disabilities. Political Psychology 46(1), pp. 105-128. (10.1111/pops.12978)
- Larner, J., Johns, R., Henderson, A., McMillan, F. and Carman, C. 2025. Political scandals and vertical contagion in multilevel systems. British Journal of Political Science (10.1017/S0007123425000043)
- Griffiths, J. D., Wyn Jones, R., Poole, E. G. and Larner, J. M. 2024. Making the case for more politicians: a survey experiment to investigate public attitudes to an expanded welsh parliament. Parliamentary Affairs 77(2), pp. 285-304. (10.1093/pa/gsad004)
- Larner, J. and Thorp, J. R. 2024. Vulnerability Appeals in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights from a National Survey Experiment. Journal of Experimental Political Science (10.1017/XPS.2024.14)
- Larner, J., Wyn Jones, R., Poole, E., Surridge, P. and Wincott, D. 2023. Incumbency and identity: the 2021 Senedd election. Parliamentary Affairs 76(4), pp. 857-878., article number: gsac012. (10.1093/pa/gsac012)
- Griffiths, J., Wyn Jones, R. W., Poole, E. G., Larner, J. M., Henderson, A. and McMillan, F. 2023. Diverging electoral fortunes in Scotland and Wales: National identities, national interests, and voting behaviour. Regional & Federal Studies 33(4), pp. 487-510. (10.1080/13597566.2023.2227952)
- Kenny, J., Larner, J. and Lewis-Beck, M. 2021. Candidate authenticity and the Iowa Caucus. Electoral Studies (10.1016/j.electstud.2021.102390)
- Stiers, D., Larner, J., Kenny, J., Breitenstein, S., Vallée-Dubois, F. and Lewis-Beck, M. 2021. Candidate authenticity: 'to thine own self be true'. Political Behavior 43, pp. 1181-1204. (10.1007/s11109-019-09589-y)
- Henderson, A., Poole, E. G., Wyn Jones, R., Wincott, D., Larner, J. and Jeffery, C. 2021. Analysing vote choice in a multi-national state: national identity and territorial differentiation in the 2016 Brexit vote. Regional Studies 55(9), pp. 1502-1516. (10.1080/00343404.2020.1813883)
- Wyn Jones, R. W. and Larner, J. 2021. What about Wales? Brexit and the future of the UK. Discover Society 1(2), article number: 4. (10.51428/dsoc.2021.02.0004)
- Wyn Jones, R. and Larner, J. 2021. Progressive home rule?. IPPR Progressive Review 27(3), pp. 235-245. (10.1111/newe.12221)
- Johns, R., Henderson, A., Carman, C. and Larner, J. 2020. Brexit or independence? Scotland's general election. Political Insight 11(1), pp. 28-31. (10.1177/2041905820911745)
- Scully, R. and Larner, J. 2017. A successful defence: the 2016 National Assembly for Wales election. Parliamentary Affairs 70(3), pp. 507-529. (10.1093/pa/gsw033)
Book sections
- Stirbu, D., Larner, J. and McAllister, L. 2018. Gender representation in Wales: new approaches to candidate selection in UK's devolved legislatures and beyond. In: Cordero, G. and Coller, X. eds. Democratizing Candidate Selection: New Methods, Old Receipts?. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 201-230., (10.1007/978-3-319-76550-1_9)
- Henderson, A., Johns, R., Larner, J. and Carman, C. 2022. The referendum that changed a nation: Scottish voting behaviour 2014–2019. Palgrave Macmillan. (10.1007/978-3-031-16095-0)
- Awan-Scully, R., Stirbu, D., Pritchard, H., Larner, J. and Davies, N. 2018. Unpacking diversity: Barriers and incentives to standing for election to the National Assembly for Wales. Cardiff: Wales Governance Centre. Available at: http://sites.cardiff.ac.uk/wgc/files/2018/07/REPORT-Unpacking-Diversity-July-2018.pdf
- Larner, J. M. 2019. The multilevel voter: Identity, territory and electoral behaviour. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Dyma restr o'r cyrsiau rwyf yn dysgu amdanynt ar hyn o bryd. Ar gyfer addysgu blaenorol, gweler CV.
- Etholiadau yn y Deyrnas Unedig (3edd flwyddyn)
- Seicoleg Wleidyddol (Blwyddyn 2)
- Gwneud Ymchwil Gwleidyddol (Blwyddyn 2)
- Cyflwyniad i Wyddoniaeth Wleidyddol (Blwyddyn 1af)
Contact Details
+44 29208 70055
8 Ffordd y Gogledd, Ystafell 0.02, 8 North Road, Caerdydd, CF10 3DY
Themâu ymchwil
- Gwyddor gwleidyddiaeth
- Seicoleg Wleidyddol
- Agweddau'r Cyhoedd
- Arbrofion Arolwg
- Hunaniaeth Genedlaethol