Dr Marion Loeffler
Darllenydd mewn Hanes a Hanes Cymru a SHARE Cyfarwyddwr Astudiaethau Israddedigion
- Siarad Cymraeg
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Wedi fy enwebu gan Wobrau Cyfoethogi Bywyd Myfrwyr Undeb y Myfyrwyr yn 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024. Diolch i'r myfyrwyr! Wedi fy enwebu am 'Gwella Profiad Dysgu Myfyrwyr yn Eithriadol' yn Ngwobrau Dathlu 2022 Rhagoriaeth Prifysgol Caerdydd, fis Mehefin 2022.
Rwyf ar Bwyllgor Archif Menywod Cymru/Women's Archive Wales AMC-WAC Committee, ar Fwrdd Cyfarwyddwyr y Cyfarthfa Foundation, ar Bwyllgor https://bywgraffiadur.cymru/ ac un prosiect AHEC 'Islam yng Nghymru' a arweinir gan Dr Azim Ahmed, Canolfan Islam y DU. Fe'm hurddwyd yn aelod Gorsedd Beirdd Ynys Prydain.
Pwy yw Marion Löffler a beth yw ei diddordebau ymchwil?
Darllenydd Hanes Cymru a Hanes ydwyf, gan arbenigo yn hanes diwylliant, gwleidyddiaeth a chrefydd y Cymry yn y ddeunawfed ganrif a'r bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg yn eu cysylltiadau â Lloegr, Ewrop a'r Ymerodraeth Brydeinig. Ffocws fy ymchwil yw'r Ymoleuo ac adlais Chwyldro Ffrengig 1789 yng Nghymru, hanes yr eisteddfod, prosesau o gyfnewid gwybodaeth drwy gyfieithu a throsglwyddo cysyniadau, a'r berthynas rhwng Cymru a'r Ymerodraeth. Awn y tu hwnt i Gymru, Lloegr a Llanrwst!Wedi fy magu yng Ngweriniaeth Ddemocrataidd yr Almaen, ac yn dyst i'r newidiadau syfrdanol a arweiniodd at ad-uno'r ddwy Almaen, symudais i fyw a gweithio yng Nghymru.Darlithoedd a chynadleddau diweddar
Darllenwch: ‘“Oes y Byd i’r Iaith Gymraeg?”: The National Eisteddfod and the Welsh Language, in The Welsh Agenda, 71 (Autumn/Winter 2023), 30-32
Cyhoeddiadau diweddar a nesaf
'"One Million Speakers": Wales, the Welsh Language and the Politics of Survival', Europäisches Journal für Minderheitenfragen / European Journal of Minority Studies, 17:1-2 (2024), 39–62Cyhoeddiad
- Löffler, M. 2025. Radical translation at the ‘Break of Day’: Thomas Paine in a Celtic language. History of European Ideas (10.1080/01916599.2024.2445414)
- Loeffler, M. 2024. Gareth Evans-Jones 'Mae'r Beibl o'n Tu', Ymatebion Crefyddol y Cymry yn America i Gaethwasiaeth (1838-1868) [Book Review]. Llên Cymru 47, pp. 121-126. (10.16922/lc.47.6)
- Loeffler, M. 2024. "One million speakers": Wales, the Welsh language and the politics of survival. Europäisches Journal für Minderheitenfragen / European Journal of Minority Studies 17(1), pp. 39-62. (10.35998/ejm-2024-0004)
- Loeffler, M. 2024. Arloeswr Angof o'r Almaen: Friedrich Carl Meyer (1800-1885). Hanes Byw 5/Hydr, pp. 24-27.
- Löffler, M. 2024. Tomos Glyn Cothi (Thomas Evans, 1764–1833): Beauty of the bilingual mind. Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion 30, pp. 11-37.
- Loeffler, M. 2024. 'Generation 1789': Welsh dissenters and radicals lost in translation. In: Roberts, M. ed. Memory and Modern British Politics: Commemoration, Tradition, Legacy. Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 35-65.
- Loeffler, M. 2024. Ethé, Carl Hermann (1844-1917), ysgolhaig. [Online]. Dictionary of Welsh Biography. Available at: https://biography.wales/article/s15-ETHE-HER-1844#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=298&manifest=https%3A%2F%2Fdamsssl.llgc.org.uk%2Fiiif%2F2.0%2F5905457%2Fmanifest.json&xywh=716%2C792%2C758%2C655
- Loeffler, M. 2024. 'Cranogwen. Gan Jane Aaron. Cyfres Dawn Dweud. Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, Caerdydd, 2023. [Book Review]. The Welsh History Review 32, pp. 216-219.
- Loeffler, M. 2024. PICTON, Sir THOMAS (1758 - 1815), soldier, colonial governor and enslaver. [Online]. Dictionary of Welsh Biography. Available at: https://biography.wales/article/s14-PICT-THO-1758
- Loeffler, M. 2024. Hanes y Fam Gymraeg. Barn 738(73), pp. 61-63.
- Loeffler, M. 2023. Darren Chetty, Grug Muse, Hanan Issa, Iestyn Tyne (eds). Welsh [Plural]. Essays on the Future of Wales (Repater Books: London, 2022). International Journal of Welsh Writing in English 10(1) (10.16995/wwe.10843)
- Loeffler, M. 2023. ‘Oes y Byd i’r Iaith Gymraeg?’ The National Eisteddfod and the Welsh language. The Welsh Agenda 71, pp. 30-32.
- Loeffler, M. 2023. Family matters: War-time discourses on women in Wales, 1793-1805. In: Jenkins, B., O'Leary, P. and Ward, S. eds. Gender in Modern Welsh. History Perspectives on Masculinity and Femininity in Wales from 1750 to 2000. Gender Studies in Wales University of Wales Press, pp. 39-65.
- Loeffler, M. 2022. Ôl-strwythuraeth a'r Tro Diwylliannol: Rhywedd, Dwyreinioldeb ac Ôl-drefedigaethedd. In: Powel, M. and Matthews, G. eds. Llunio Hanes. Hanesyddiaeth a Chrefft yr Hanesydd. Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, pp. 129-154.
- Loeffler, M. 2022. 'Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau' a 'The Land of My Fathers': Diwylliant Darostyngol yng Ngwasanaeth yr Ymerodraeth. Llafur: the Journal of Welsh People’s History 13, pp. 67-81.
- Loeffler, M. 2021. 'Here in Britain': William Fleetwood, his Welsh translators and Anglo-Welsh networks before 1721. Huntington Library Quarterly 84(4), pp. 825-852. (10.1353/hlq.2021.0045)
- Loeffler, M. 2021. Review: Hester Lynch Thrale Piozzi by Michael Franklin. Welsh History Review 30(4), pp. 644-647.
- Loeffler, M. 2021. Review: Avalon 66° Nord. Zur Frühgeschichte und Rezeption eines Mythos. Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 81, pp. 153-155.
- Loeffler, M. 2021. Translation as Conceptual Reverberation: "Revolution" in Wales 1688-1937. In: Amann, E. and Boyden, M. eds. Reverberations of Revolution. Transnational Perspectives, 1770-1850. Edinburgh University Press, pp. 56-76.
- Loeffler, M. 2021. Suffering 'for thousands': Glamorgan women 1793-1815. Morgannwg. The Journal of Glamorgan History 64, pp. 5-24.
- Loeffler, M. 2020. Prince Albert's 'Celtic' librarian: culture, diplomacy and politics. In: Freitag, F. ed. Dynastie, Wissenschaft, Kunst: Die Verbindungen der Dynastien Sachsen-Gotha-Altenburg und Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha zum Britischen Empire. Königshausen & Neumann, pp. 145-160.
- Löffler, M. 2020. A century of change. the Eisteddfod and Welsh cultural nationalism. In: Lajosi, K. and Stynen, A. eds. The Matica and Beyond: Cultural Associations and Nationalism in Europe., Vol. 21. National Cultivation of Culture Brill, pp. 233-254., (10.1163/9789004425385_013)
- Löffler, M. 2019. Welsh correspondence of the French Revolution, 1789-1802 ed. Ffion M. Jones [Book Review[]. Cylchgrawn Hanes Cymru / Welsh History Review 29(4), pp. 659-660. (10.16922/whr.29.4.6)
- Loeffler, M. 2019. 'Wales and the sea : 10,000 years of Welsh maritime history / edited by Mark Redknap, Sian Rees and Alan Aberg [Book Review]. Morgannwg: The Journal of Glamorgan History LXIII, pp. 229-231.
- Loeffler, M. 2018. Olion Llenyddol Ymwelwyr â Llanofer. Llên Cymru 41(1), pp. 53-88. (10.16922/lc.41.3)
- Loeffler, M. 2018. Challenging the state: subversive Welsh translators in Britain in the 1790s. In: Baumgarten, S. and Cornella-Detrell, J. eds. Translation and Global Spaces of Power. Multilingual Matters, pp. 75-88.
- Loeffler, M. 2018. Stephens, Thomas. In: Leerssen, J. ed. Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe., Vol. 1. University of Amsterdam Press, pp. 548-550., (10.5117/9789462981188/ngWD8O86jWNO8HjnPYPS2DtK)
- Loeffler, M. 2018. Publications on Welsh history. In: Leerssen, J. ed. Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe., Vol. 2. Amsterdam University Press, pp. 1464-1468., (10.5117/9789462981188/ngWD1S06iXtShHjLPWFS2Dvg)
- Loeffler, M. 2018. Bunsen, Mueller a Meyer: Tri Almaenwr, Y Gymraeg, Y Frenhines a'r Ymerodraeth. Y Traethodydd CLXXII, pp. 19-32.
- Loeffler, M. 2018. Olion Llenyddol Ymwelwyr â Llanofer. Llên Cymru 41, pp. 53-88.
- Loeffler, M. 2017. Famous first words: 'Never in My Life Will I master Gaelic' - Kuno Meyer in his diaries and correspondence. Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 74, pp. 33-39.
- Loeffler, M. 2017. Welsh keywords: Gweriniaeth. Planet 225, pp. 42-49.
- Loeffler, M. 2016. Yn Sgil Chwyldro Ffrengig 1789: Cyfieithu Radicalaidd i'r Cymry. Llên Cymru 39(1), pp. 33-55. (10.16922/lc.39.4)
- Loeffler, M. 2016. Radnorshire and newspapers before 1804. The Radnorshire Society Transactions 86, pp. 48-64.
- Loeffler, M. 2016. Dathlu Trichanmlwyddiant Pregeth a Bregethwyd yng Nghapel Ty-Ely yn Holbourn 1716. Ysgrifau Beirniadol 34, pp. 113-134.
- Loeffler, M. and Jenkins, B. 2014. Political pamphlets and sermons from Wales, 1790-1806. Wales and the French Revolution. Cardiff, UK: University of Wales Press.
- Loeffler, M. 2014. Thomas Charles a Gwleidyddiaeth y Methodistiaid. In: Morgan, D. D. ed. Thomas Charles o'r Bala. University of Wales Press, pp. 93-109.
- Loeffler, M. 2013. Failed founding fathers and abandoned sources: Edward Williams, Thomas Stephens and the Young J. E. Lloyd. In: Evans, N. and Pryce, H. eds. Writing a Small Nation's Past: Wales in Comparative Perspective, 1850-1950. Farnham, pp. 61-81.
- Loeffler, M. 2013. The 'Marseillaise' in Wales. In: Constantine, M. and Johnston, D. eds. "Footsteps of Liberty and Revolt": Essays on Wales and the French Revolution. University of Wales Press, pp. 93-114.
- Loeffler, M. 2013. Serial literature and radical poetry in Wales at the end of the eighteenth century. In: Kirk, J., Brown, M. and Noble, A. eds. Political Poetry and Song in the Age of Revolution. Volume 3: Cultures of Radicalism in Britain and Ireland. Pickering & Chatto, pp. 113-128.
- Loeffler, M. 2012. 'Bordering on the region of the marvellous': the battle of St Fagans (1848) in nineteenth-century Welsh history-writing. Welsh History Review 26(1), pp. 2-33.
- Loeffler, M. 2012. Welsh responses to the French Revolution: press and public discourse 1789-1802. Cardiff, UK: University of Wales Press.
- Loeffler, M. 2012. 'The Arcadia of Britain': Iolo Morganwg and Radnorshire. Radnorshire Society Transactions LXXXI, pp. 61-76.
- Loeffler, M. 2010. Thomas Stephens a Llythyru Cyhoeddus yng Nghymru Oes Fictoria. Y Traethodydd CLXV, pp. 35-49.
- Loeffler, M. 2010. Cerddi newydd gan John Jones, 'Jac Glan-y-Gors'. Llên Cymru 33, pp. 143-150.
- Loeffler, M. 2008. 'The murmur of Welsh voices': Jasper Fforde and Wales. In: Wolf, H., Peter, L. and Polzenhagen, F. eds. Focus on English. Linguistic Structure, language variation and discursive use. Studies in honour of Peter Lucko. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, pp. 261-269.
- Loeffler, M. 2008. English in Wales. In: Momma, H. and Matto, M. eds. A Companion to the History of the English Language. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 350-357.
- Loeffler, M. 2007. The literary and historical legacy of Iolo Morganwg 1826-1926. Cardiff, UK: University of Wales Press.
- Loeffler, M. 2006. 'Foundations of a nation': The Welsh League of Youth and Wales before the Second World War. The Welsh History Review 23(1), pp. 74-105.
- Loeffler, M. 2004. Der Pankeltismus vor dem ersten Weltkrieg im europäischen Kontext. In: Poppe, E. ed. Keltologie heute. Themen und Fragenstellungen. Studien und Texte zur Keltologie Munster: Nodus, pp. 271-290.
- Loeffler, M. 2003. Purism and the Welsh language: A matter of survival?. In: Brincat, J., Boeder, W. and Stolz, T. eds. Purism in Minor Languages, Endangered Languages, Regional Languages, Mixed Languages: Papers from the Conference "Purism in the Age of Globalisation" Bremen, September 2001. Volume 2 of Diversitas linguarum Brockmeyer, pp. 61-90.
- Loeffler, M. 2002. Britisches Englisch. In: Janich, N. and Greule, A. eds. Sprachkulturen in Europa. Ein internationales Handbuch. Gunter Narr Verlag, pp. 19-26.
- Loeffler, M. 2002. Kymrisch (Walisisch). In: Janich, N. and Greule, A. eds. Sprachkulturen in Europa. Ein internationales Handbuch. Gunter Narr Verlag, pp. 138-143.
- Loeffler, M. 2001. Kate Bosse-Griffiths (1910-1998). In: Maier, B. and Zimmer, S. eds. 150 Jahre 'Mabinogion' Deutsch-Walisische Kulturbeziehungen. Niemeyer Verlag, pp. 167-184.
- Loeffler, M. 2001. The Welsh Language in the twenty-first century: Echoes of Tynged yr Iaith. In: Kelz, H. P., Simek, R. and Zimmer, S. eds. Europäische Kleinsprachen. Zu Lage und Status der kleinen Sprachen an der Schwelle zum dritten Jahrtausend. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, pp. 83-98.
- Loeffler, M. 2000. 'A Book of Mad Celts': John Wickens and the Celtic Congress of Caernarfon 1904. Gwasg Gomer.
- Loeffler, M. 2000. Mudiad yr iaith Gymraeg yn hanner cyntaf yr Ugeinfed ganrif: cyfraniad y chwildroadau tawel. In: Jenkins, G. H. and Williams, M. A. eds. 'Eu Hiaith a Gadwant': Y Gymraeg yn yr Ugeinfed Ganrif. University of Wales Press, pp. 173-205.
- Loeffler, M. 2000. 'Maes mawr cenedlaetholdeb' a Chymdeithasau Cymraeg cyn yr Ail Ryfel Byd. Cof Cenedl XV, pp. 129-160.
- Loeffler, M. 2000. The Welsh language movement in the first half of the Twentieth century: an exercise in quiet revolutions. In: Jenkins, G. H. and Williams, M. A. eds. 'Let's Do Our Best For the Ancient Tongue': The Welsh Language in the Twentieth Century. University of Wales Press, pp. 181-215.
- Loeffler, M. 2000. Mudiad yr iaith gymraeg a dwyieithrwydd: beth all cymdeithasau lleol ei gyflawni?. In: Jenkins, G. H. and Williams, M. A. eds. 'Eu Hiaith a Gadwant? Y Gymraeg Yn Yr Ugeinfed Ganrif. University of Wales Press, pp. 473-506.
- Loeffler, M. 2000. The Welsh language movement and bilingualism: what can local organizations achieve?. In: Jenkins, G. H. and Williams, M. A. eds. 'Let's Do Our Best For the Ancient Tongue': The Welsh Language in the Twentieth Century. University of Wales Press, pp. 491-526.
- Loeffler, M. 1999. Language ability and language use. Teenagers in two small towns in west Wales. In: Carls, U. and Lucko, P. eds. Form, Function and Variation in English. Studies in Honour of Klaus Hansen. Peter Lang, pp. 207-218.
- Loeffler, M. 1999. Mudiadau ieuenctid yng Ngheredigion cyn yr Ail Ryfel Byd. Ceredigion XIII, pp. 36-58.
- Loeffler, M. 1998. The National Union of Welsh Societies, 1913-1941. Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, pp. 124-152.
- Loeffler, M. 1997. English und Kymrisch in Wales: Geschichte der Sprachpolitik und Sprachsituation. Verlag Dr Kovac.
- Loeffler, M. 1997. A Romantic Nationalist. Marion Loeffler on Mallt Williams. Planet. The Welsh Internationalist 121, pp. 58-66.
- Loeffler, M. 1995. The Welsh language in Wales. Public gain and private grief?. Journal for the Study of British Cultures 2, pp. 187-200.
- Loeffler, M. 1993. Die Zeit on Wales. Visions of a German journalist. Planet. The Welsh Internationalist 99, pp. 59-64.
- Loeffler, M. 1991. Die Ausbreitung des Englischen in Irland und in Wales im 19. Jahrhundert. In: Hansen, K. ed. Studien zur Sprachvariation im Englischen und zur Textlinguistik (unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Lexik). Humboldt-Universität Berlin, pp. 127-138.
Adrannau llyfrau
- Loeffler, M. 2024. 'Generation 1789': Welsh dissenters and radicals lost in translation. In: Roberts, M. ed. Memory and Modern British Politics: Commemoration, Tradition, Legacy. Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 35-65.
- Loeffler, M. 2023. Family matters: War-time discourses on women in Wales, 1793-1805. In: Jenkins, B., O'Leary, P. and Ward, S. eds. Gender in Modern Welsh. History Perspectives on Masculinity and Femininity in Wales from 1750 to 2000. Gender Studies in Wales University of Wales Press, pp. 39-65.
- Loeffler, M. 2022. Ôl-strwythuraeth a'r Tro Diwylliannol: Rhywedd, Dwyreinioldeb ac Ôl-drefedigaethedd. In: Powel, M. and Matthews, G. eds. Llunio Hanes. Hanesyddiaeth a Chrefft yr Hanesydd. Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, pp. 129-154.
- Loeffler, M. 2021. Translation as Conceptual Reverberation: "Revolution" in Wales 1688-1937. In: Amann, E. and Boyden, M. eds. Reverberations of Revolution. Transnational Perspectives, 1770-1850. Edinburgh University Press, pp. 56-76.
- Loeffler, M. 2020. Prince Albert's 'Celtic' librarian: culture, diplomacy and politics. In: Freitag, F. ed. Dynastie, Wissenschaft, Kunst: Die Verbindungen der Dynastien Sachsen-Gotha-Altenburg und Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha zum Britischen Empire. Königshausen & Neumann, pp. 145-160.
- Löffler, M. 2020. A century of change. the Eisteddfod and Welsh cultural nationalism. In: Lajosi, K. and Stynen, A. eds. The Matica and Beyond: Cultural Associations and Nationalism in Europe., Vol. 21. National Cultivation of Culture Brill, pp. 233-254., (10.1163/9789004425385_013)
- Loeffler, M. 2018. Challenging the state: subversive Welsh translators in Britain in the 1790s. In: Baumgarten, S. and Cornella-Detrell, J. eds. Translation and Global Spaces of Power. Multilingual Matters, pp. 75-88.
- Loeffler, M. 2018. Stephens, Thomas. In: Leerssen, J. ed. Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe., Vol. 1. University of Amsterdam Press, pp. 548-550., (10.5117/9789462981188/ngWD8O86jWNO8HjnPYPS2DtK)
- Loeffler, M. 2018. Publications on Welsh history. In: Leerssen, J. ed. Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe., Vol. 2. Amsterdam University Press, pp. 1464-1468., (10.5117/9789462981188/ngWD1S06iXtShHjLPWFS2Dvg)
- Loeffler, M. 2014. Thomas Charles a Gwleidyddiaeth y Methodistiaid. In: Morgan, D. D. ed. Thomas Charles o'r Bala. University of Wales Press, pp. 93-109.
- Loeffler, M. 2013. Failed founding fathers and abandoned sources: Edward Williams, Thomas Stephens and the Young J. E. Lloyd. In: Evans, N. and Pryce, H. eds. Writing a Small Nation's Past: Wales in Comparative Perspective, 1850-1950. Farnham, pp. 61-81.
- Loeffler, M. 2013. The 'Marseillaise' in Wales. In: Constantine, M. and Johnston, D. eds. "Footsteps of Liberty and Revolt": Essays on Wales and the French Revolution. University of Wales Press, pp. 93-114.
- Loeffler, M. 2013. Serial literature and radical poetry in Wales at the end of the eighteenth century. In: Kirk, J., Brown, M. and Noble, A. eds. Political Poetry and Song in the Age of Revolution. Volume 3: Cultures of Radicalism in Britain and Ireland. Pickering & Chatto, pp. 113-128.
- Loeffler, M. 2008. 'The murmur of Welsh voices': Jasper Fforde and Wales. In: Wolf, H., Peter, L. and Polzenhagen, F. eds. Focus on English. Linguistic Structure, language variation and discursive use. Studies in honour of Peter Lucko. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, pp. 261-269.
- Loeffler, M. 2008. English in Wales. In: Momma, H. and Matto, M. eds. A Companion to the History of the English Language. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 350-357.
- Loeffler, M. 2004. Der Pankeltismus vor dem ersten Weltkrieg im europäischen Kontext. In: Poppe, E. ed. Keltologie heute. Themen und Fragenstellungen. Studien und Texte zur Keltologie Munster: Nodus, pp. 271-290.
- Loeffler, M. 2003. Purism and the Welsh language: A matter of survival?. In: Brincat, J., Boeder, W. and Stolz, T. eds. Purism in Minor Languages, Endangered Languages, Regional Languages, Mixed Languages: Papers from the Conference "Purism in the Age of Globalisation" Bremen, September 2001. Volume 2 of Diversitas linguarum Brockmeyer, pp. 61-90.
- Loeffler, M. 2002. Britisches Englisch. In: Janich, N. and Greule, A. eds. Sprachkulturen in Europa. Ein internationales Handbuch. Gunter Narr Verlag, pp. 19-26.
- Loeffler, M. 2002. Kymrisch (Walisisch). In: Janich, N. and Greule, A. eds. Sprachkulturen in Europa. Ein internationales Handbuch. Gunter Narr Verlag, pp. 138-143.
- Loeffler, M. 2001. Kate Bosse-Griffiths (1910-1998). In: Maier, B. and Zimmer, S. eds. 150 Jahre 'Mabinogion' Deutsch-Walisische Kulturbeziehungen. Niemeyer Verlag, pp. 167-184.
- Loeffler, M. 2001. The Welsh Language in the twenty-first century: Echoes of Tynged yr Iaith. In: Kelz, H. P., Simek, R. and Zimmer, S. eds. Europäische Kleinsprachen. Zu Lage und Status der kleinen Sprachen an der Schwelle zum dritten Jahrtausend. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, pp. 83-98.
- Loeffler, M. 2000. Mudiad yr iaith Gymraeg yn hanner cyntaf yr Ugeinfed ganrif: cyfraniad y chwildroadau tawel. In: Jenkins, G. H. and Williams, M. A. eds. 'Eu Hiaith a Gadwant': Y Gymraeg yn yr Ugeinfed Ganrif. University of Wales Press, pp. 173-205.
- Loeffler, M. 2000. The Welsh language movement in the first half of the Twentieth century: an exercise in quiet revolutions. In: Jenkins, G. H. and Williams, M. A. eds. 'Let's Do Our Best For the Ancient Tongue': The Welsh Language in the Twentieth Century. University of Wales Press, pp. 181-215.
- Loeffler, M. 2000. Mudiad yr iaith gymraeg a dwyieithrwydd: beth all cymdeithasau lleol ei gyflawni?. In: Jenkins, G. H. and Williams, M. A. eds. 'Eu Hiaith a Gadwant? Y Gymraeg Yn Yr Ugeinfed Ganrif. University of Wales Press, pp. 473-506.
- Loeffler, M. 2000. The Welsh language movement and bilingualism: what can local organizations achieve?. In: Jenkins, G. H. and Williams, M. A. eds. 'Let's Do Our Best For the Ancient Tongue': The Welsh Language in the Twentieth Century. University of Wales Press, pp. 491-526.
- Loeffler, M. 1999. Language ability and language use. Teenagers in two small towns in west Wales. In: Carls, U. and Lucko, P. eds. Form, Function and Variation in English. Studies in Honour of Klaus Hansen. Peter Lang, pp. 207-218.
- Loeffler, M. 1991. Die Ausbreitung des Englischen in Irland und in Wales im 19. Jahrhundert. In: Hansen, K. ed. Studien zur Sprachvariation im Englischen und zur Textlinguistik (unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Lexik). Humboldt-Universität Berlin, pp. 127-138.
- Löffler, M. 2025. Radical translation at the ‘Break of Day’: Thomas Paine in a Celtic language. History of European Ideas (10.1080/01916599.2024.2445414)
- Loeffler, M. 2024. Gareth Evans-Jones 'Mae'r Beibl o'n Tu', Ymatebion Crefyddol y Cymry yn America i Gaethwasiaeth (1838-1868) [Book Review]. Llên Cymru 47, pp. 121-126. (10.16922/lc.47.6)
- Loeffler, M. 2024. "One million speakers": Wales, the Welsh language and the politics of survival. Europäisches Journal für Minderheitenfragen / European Journal of Minority Studies 17(1), pp. 39-62. (10.35998/ejm-2024-0004)
- Loeffler, M. 2024. Arloeswr Angof o'r Almaen: Friedrich Carl Meyer (1800-1885). Hanes Byw 5/Hydr, pp. 24-27.
- Löffler, M. 2024. Tomos Glyn Cothi (Thomas Evans, 1764–1833): Beauty of the bilingual mind. Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion 30, pp. 11-37.
- Loeffler, M. 2024. 'Cranogwen. Gan Jane Aaron. Cyfres Dawn Dweud. Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, Caerdydd, 2023. [Book Review]. The Welsh History Review 32, pp. 216-219.
- Loeffler, M. 2024. Hanes y Fam Gymraeg. Barn 738(73), pp. 61-63.
- Loeffler, M. 2023. Darren Chetty, Grug Muse, Hanan Issa, Iestyn Tyne (eds). Welsh [Plural]. Essays on the Future of Wales (Repater Books: London, 2022). International Journal of Welsh Writing in English 10(1) (10.16995/wwe.10843)
- Loeffler, M. 2023. ‘Oes y Byd i’r Iaith Gymraeg?’ The National Eisteddfod and the Welsh language. The Welsh Agenda 71, pp. 30-32.
- Loeffler, M. 2022. 'Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau' a 'The Land of My Fathers': Diwylliant Darostyngol yng Ngwasanaeth yr Ymerodraeth. Llafur: the Journal of Welsh People’s History 13, pp. 67-81.
- Loeffler, M. 2021. 'Here in Britain': William Fleetwood, his Welsh translators and Anglo-Welsh networks before 1721. Huntington Library Quarterly 84(4), pp. 825-852. (10.1353/hlq.2021.0045)
- Loeffler, M. 2021. Review: Hester Lynch Thrale Piozzi by Michael Franklin. Welsh History Review 30(4), pp. 644-647.
- Loeffler, M. 2021. Review: Avalon 66° Nord. Zur Frühgeschichte und Rezeption eines Mythos. Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 81, pp. 153-155.
- Loeffler, M. 2021. Suffering 'for thousands': Glamorgan women 1793-1815. Morgannwg. The Journal of Glamorgan History 64, pp. 5-24.
- Löffler, M. 2019. Welsh correspondence of the French Revolution, 1789-1802 ed. Ffion M. Jones [Book Review[]. Cylchgrawn Hanes Cymru / Welsh History Review 29(4), pp. 659-660. (10.16922/whr.29.4.6)
- Loeffler, M. 2019. 'Wales and the sea : 10,000 years of Welsh maritime history / edited by Mark Redknap, Sian Rees and Alan Aberg [Book Review]. Morgannwg: The Journal of Glamorgan History LXIII, pp. 229-231.
- Loeffler, M. 2018. Olion Llenyddol Ymwelwyr â Llanofer. Llên Cymru 41(1), pp. 53-88. (10.16922/lc.41.3)
- Loeffler, M. 2018. Bunsen, Mueller a Meyer: Tri Almaenwr, Y Gymraeg, Y Frenhines a'r Ymerodraeth. Y Traethodydd CLXXII, pp. 19-32.
- Loeffler, M. 2018. Olion Llenyddol Ymwelwyr â Llanofer. Llên Cymru 41, pp. 53-88.
- Loeffler, M. 2017. Famous first words: 'Never in My Life Will I master Gaelic' - Kuno Meyer in his diaries and correspondence. Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 74, pp. 33-39.
- Loeffler, M. 2017. Welsh keywords: Gweriniaeth. Planet 225, pp. 42-49.
- Loeffler, M. 2016. Yn Sgil Chwyldro Ffrengig 1789: Cyfieithu Radicalaidd i'r Cymry. Llên Cymru 39(1), pp. 33-55. (10.16922/lc.39.4)
- Loeffler, M. 2016. Radnorshire and newspapers before 1804. The Radnorshire Society Transactions 86, pp. 48-64.
- Loeffler, M. 2016. Dathlu Trichanmlwyddiant Pregeth a Bregethwyd yng Nghapel Ty-Ely yn Holbourn 1716. Ysgrifau Beirniadol 34, pp. 113-134.
- Loeffler, M. 2012. 'Bordering on the region of the marvellous': the battle of St Fagans (1848) in nineteenth-century Welsh history-writing. Welsh History Review 26(1), pp. 2-33.
- Loeffler, M. 2012. 'The Arcadia of Britain': Iolo Morganwg and Radnorshire. Radnorshire Society Transactions LXXXI, pp. 61-76.
- Loeffler, M. 2010. Thomas Stephens a Llythyru Cyhoeddus yng Nghymru Oes Fictoria. Y Traethodydd CLXV, pp. 35-49.
- Loeffler, M. 2010. Cerddi newydd gan John Jones, 'Jac Glan-y-Gors'. Llên Cymru 33, pp. 143-150.
- Loeffler, M. 2006. 'Foundations of a nation': The Welsh League of Youth and Wales before the Second World War. The Welsh History Review 23(1), pp. 74-105.
- Loeffler, M. 2000. 'Maes mawr cenedlaetholdeb' a Chymdeithasau Cymraeg cyn yr Ail Ryfel Byd. Cof Cenedl XV, pp. 129-160.
- Loeffler, M. 1999. Mudiadau ieuenctid yng Ngheredigion cyn yr Ail Ryfel Byd. Ceredigion XIII, pp. 36-58.
- Loeffler, M. 1998. The National Union of Welsh Societies, 1913-1941. Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, pp. 124-152.
- Loeffler, M. 1997. A Romantic Nationalist. Marion Loeffler on Mallt Williams. Planet. The Welsh Internationalist 121, pp. 58-66.
- Loeffler, M. 1995. The Welsh language in Wales. Public gain and private grief?. Journal for the Study of British Cultures 2, pp. 187-200.
- Loeffler, M. 1993. Die Zeit on Wales. Visions of a German journalist. Planet. The Welsh Internationalist 99, pp. 59-64.
- Loeffler, M. 2024. Ethé, Carl Hermann (1844-1917), ysgolhaig. [Online]. Dictionary of Welsh Biography. Available at: https://biography.wales/article/s15-ETHE-HER-1844#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=298&manifest=https%3A%2F%2Fdamsssl.llgc.org.uk%2Fiiif%2F2.0%2F5905457%2Fmanifest.json&xywh=716%2C792%2C758%2C655
- Loeffler, M. 2024. PICTON, Sir THOMAS (1758 - 1815), soldier, colonial governor and enslaver. [Online]. Dictionary of Welsh Biography. Available at: https://biography.wales/article/s14-PICT-THO-1758
- Loeffler, M. and Jenkins, B. 2014. Political pamphlets and sermons from Wales, 1790-1806. Wales and the French Revolution. Cardiff, UK: University of Wales Press.
- Loeffler, M. 2012. Welsh responses to the French Revolution: press and public discourse 1789-1802. Cardiff, UK: University of Wales Press.
- Loeffler, M. 2007. The literary and historical legacy of Iolo Morganwg 1826-1926. Cardiff, UK: University of Wales Press.
- Loeffler, M. 2000. 'A Book of Mad Celts': John Wickens and the Celtic Congress of Caernarfon 1904. Gwasg Gomer.
- Loeffler, M. 1997. English und Kymrisch in Wales: Geschichte der Sprachpolitik und Sprachsituation. Verlag Dr Kovac.
Canolbwynt fy ymchwil yw Cymru yn ei chyd-destun Prydeinig, Ewropeaidd ac Ymerodraethol, a'r ffordd yr oedd gwleidyddiaeth, crefydd a diwylliant (yn ei ystyr mwy cynfyng) yn cyd-weu rhwng c. 1715 a chwarter olaf y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg. Ymddiddoraf yn arbennig yn y cyfnod rhwng Chwyldro Ffrengig 1789 a'r 1850au, oes a elwid yn Biedermeier, Oes y Chwyldroadau, neu'r cyfnod Rhamantaidd; oes a welodd dadeni diwylliannol, twf diwydiannol, a chynnwrf cymdeithasol yng Nghymru.
Ymhlith y cwestiynau ceisiaf ateb yw: Sut y newidiodd syniadau a chysyniadau dros amser? Beth oedd ym meddwl pobl pan fydden nhw'n trafod 'derywddon' neu 'chwyldro' ar wahanol gyfnodau ac mewn gwahanol ieithoedd? Fel Golygydd Cynorthwyol y Bywgraffiadur Cymreig, rwyf yn tracio bywydau megis rhannau sylfaenol a meicro-gosmau o hanes, yn siapio digwyddiadau hanesyddol ac yn cael eu siapio ganddynt. Rwyf wrth fy modd yn ystyried y cysylltiadau agos rhwng crefydd a gwleidyddiaeth yn y ddeunawfed ganrif a'r bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg. Pwy oedd yr Undodiaid a beth oedd gwraidd eu gwleidyddiaeth radicalaidd? Yn olaf, mae cysylltiadau Cymru a'r Cymry gyda'r byd ehangach, a hunaniaeth gymhleth y wlad fel cenedl ddiwylliannol ddarostyngedig (subaltern) ac aelod yr Ymerodraeth, o ddiddordeb imi.
Rwyf wedi gweithio ar y prosiectau canlynol:
- Hanes Cymdeithasol yr Iaith Gymraeg
- Iolo Morganwg a'r Traddodiad Rhamantaidd yng Nghymru
- Yr Ieithoedd Celtaidd a Hunaniaeth Ddiwylliannol
- Cymru a'r Chwyldro Ffrengig
- Trosglwyddo Gwybodaeth a Rhwydweithiau Cymdeithasol yng Nhymru Oes Victoria
Fy Meysydd: Yr Ymoleuo, Hanes y Gymru Fodern; Cymru a Chwyldro Ffrengig 1789 ; Hanes Diwylliannol; Hanes Prydain, Hanes Cysyniadau
Blwyddwyn Tri HS6330: 'Peripheral Reverberations of the French Revolution'
'What connects ‘La Marseillaise’, radical London publication The Hog’s Wash, and international revolutionary Thomas Paine with druidic assemblies, medieval Welsh princes and rural Welsh rebels?
Find out how ideas, publications, songs and symbols of the French Revolution of 1789 were received in metropolitan Britain and from there adapted into a still rural, provincial culture. Our heroes on this module are the ‘lost generation’ of radicals and revolutionaries who moved between London, Wales and America; our sources are the radical texts, songs, cartoons and objects produced between 1789 and 1802; our aim is to explore in which ways peripheral, often rural, cultures received the epoch-making political ideas of the French Revolution, rejecting them or making them their own. What you learn in this module can be applied to processes of knowledge exchange between peripheral and hegemonic European cultures to be a springboard to further research. All non-English sources will be available in English translation.'
Dyma farn un o'r myfyrwyr yn asesiad swyddogol modiwlau tymor yr hydref 2024:
'This module is definitely one of the best modules I have studied in my time at Cardiff! It is exceptionally organised and we always have plenty of time to prepare for seminars and workshops due to the frontloaded lectures. This is something that some other classes could seriously benefit from!! The reading assigned for these seminars and workshops is always incredibly interesting and, by giving students options for what they read, she allows us to engage with our main interests of the period while still ensuring that we can meaningfully contribute something to class discussion. This also means that we get to hear lots of new ideas and perspectives in seminars rather than simply rehashing the core points of one article for an hour. The creative workshops have been a joy to be a part of and the assessment workshops were invaluable. Marion's enthusiasm for this subject is contagious and she is always incredibly helpful, going above and beyond for all of her students. It has been a privilege to have been taught by her this last semester.'
Blwyddyn Dau (ar y cyd â Dr Ashley Walsh): HS6215: 'European Enlightenment(s): The View from the Margins'. Mae'r modiwl yn rhedeg yn nhymor y gwanwyn. Cewch chi ddyfyniad pan fydd y modiwl wedi gorffen.
'What do Sir Isaac Newton, Welsh druids and Norwegian language reforms have in common? Take this module to find out!
Enlightenment ideas have been central in the creation of the modern world and helped shape what we take for granted today. This module moves the focus from Paris, Geneva and Berlin to consider how the Enlightenment manifested itself on the periphery – from the British Isles to Scandinavia and the Habsburg Empire. Rather than high philosophical texts we’ll examine popular and everyday sources, from bridges and buildings to ketchup recipes and strange new dictionaries. Our focus is firmly on the diverse expressions of Enlightenment, which included taming nature, improving communication and modernising economies, linking education and religion, and adapting modern concepts like rights, nationhood and radicalism to a variety of national and regional contexts. All textual sources will be available in English translation.'
Rwyf hefyd wedi dyfeisio ac yn cyd-lynnu y modiwl MA HST084: 'Reading Welsh History'
'From the late eighteenth century, political and industrial revolutions, urbanisation, and globalisation transformed Welsh society and culture. Historians of Wales have approached the question of such structural change by exploring the impact upon Welsh language and culture, class politics and protest, space and the movement of people, and through gendered, racial and ethnic identities. This module takes a conceptual approach to examine how historians have shaped histories of modern Wales. On this basis, students will have the opportunity to advance the skills necessary for their own original contribution to Welsh history, by researching and analysing primary sources.
The module focus includes nation, Empire and Welsh culture, gender history, class and politics, social movements and agency, and the links between people and spaces. These themes will be explored from the late eighteenth to the late twentieth centuries, and, where appropriate, within a transnational context. You will engage with the latest cutting-edge research as well as classic Welsh history articles and monographs. Classic texts of the past century were as much expressions of international historiographical trends as they were formative contributions to early Welsh history-writing. Reading these texts in combination with the very latest scholarly writings will give you a deeper knowledge of modern Welsh history. Engaging with primary sources, drawing upon the wealth of local and digital archival materials, will practice vital historical skills.'
Wedi graddio ac ennill fy noethuriaeth ym Mhrifysgol Humboldt, Berlin, ym 1994, gweithiais yng Nghanolfan Uwchefrydiau Cymreig a Cheltaidd o 1994 tan 2017: fel Cymrawd Ymchwil, Cymrawd Ymchwil Hŷn, a Phennaeth Astudiaethau Ôl-Radd.
Ffocws fy nghyfrol gynnar Englisch und Kymrisch in Wales: Geschichte der Sprachsituation und Sprachpolitik (1997) oedd hanes yr iaith fain yng Nghymru, a chyfrannais dwy bennod ar yr ugeinfed ganrif i'r gyfres Hanes Cymdeithasol yr Iaith Gymraeg (1994–2001). Rwyf wedi cyhoeddi erthyglau ar y mudiad Pan-Geltaidd, a gweithiais fel Rheolwr-Olygydd y pum-gyfrol Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia (2001–2005), gan gyfrannu ambell gofnod. Y mae fy llyfr The Literary and Historical Legacy of Iolo Morganwg, 1826–1926 yn dilyn hynt a helynt etifeddiaeth y ffugiwr, bardd a'r hynafiaethydd Edward Williams, Iolo Morganwg, dyfeisydd Gorsedd Beirdd Ynys Prydain, yng Nghymru a'r byd. Y mae'r ddwy gyfrol ddiweddaraf, Welsh Responses to the French Revolution: Press and Public Discourse 1789-1802 (2012) a Political Pamphlets and Sermons from Wales 1790-1806 (2014), yn canolbwyntio ar wahanol agweddau diwylliant gwleidyddol Cymru oes Chwyldro Ffrengig 1789. Yn sgil y gwaith ar y cyfnod hwn, rwyf wedi cyhoeddi nifer o erthyglau a phenodau ar hanes cyfieithu gwleidyddol a throsglwyddo cysyniadau, yn ogystal â hanes eisteddfodau yn eu cyslltiadau â'r byd, fel y gwelir, er enghraifft, yn Ysgrifau Beirniadol a Llên Cymru.
Ar hyn o bryd, rwyf yn gweithio ar hanes eisteddfodau a llenyddiaeth Gymraeg yn eu cysylltiadau â'r Ymerodraeth ac ar hynt a helynt y cof am radicaliaid y Chwyldro Ffrengig.
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
Eisteddfod Genedlaethol 2023, Aelod Gorsedd Beirdd Ynys Prydain er Anrhydedd (Gwyrdd)
Gorffennaf-Rhagfyr 2021 Grant 'Civic Mission' gan 'Research Wales Innovation' wedi ei ddyfarnu gan Brifysgol Caerdydd, Ehangu Cyfranogiad a Chysylltiadau Allanol, i ddatblygu a chynnal Dosbarth Meistr CA4 a chymorth dysgu digidol cyfrwng Cymraeg ar 'Terfysgoedd Merthyr Tydfil 1800'
Mehefin-Gorffennaf 2021 Grant CESI Prifysgol Caerdydd 'Alternatives to Formal Written Exams' i oruchwylio gwaith 3 myfyriwr a fydd yn archwilio'r pwnc a cynhyrchu adroddiad a chanllaw
2020 Grant Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol i oruchwylio creu: 'Llyfryddiaeth Esboniadol a Chymorth Dysgu ac Addysgu (Digidol) o Ffynonellau Cynradd Cymraeg Printiedig y 18fed Ganrif yng Nhgasgliadau Arbennig Llyfrgell y Dyniaethau Prifysgol Caerdydd' (wedi ei ohirio than ddiwedd y pandemig)
Grant CUROP 33 Prifysgol Caerdydd, 'Dowlais Iron Works Letters, 1852-1854: Crisis, Cholera and Negotiation'. Arwain prosiect trawsysgrifio a golygu llythyrau at Arglwydded Charlotte Guest gan y fyfyrwraig BA Hanes Llenyddiaeth Saesneg Eve Lewis, a chreu argaeledd i'r cyhoedd (haf 2019)
Gwobr Bwrdd Golygyddol, The Transactions of the Radnorshire Society (2018)
Grant Cynhadledd, Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol (2016)
'Bravo Aberystwyth', rhaglen ddogfen ar alltudio athro Almaeneg o Aberystwyth ym 1914, yn gyfraniad Cymru ac ar y rhestr fer yn Ngwyl Cyfryngau Celtaidd (Celtic Media Festival) Inverness (2014)
Grant Cynhadledd, Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol (2014)
Grant prosiect, The Leverhulme Trust (2013-2015)
Gwobr, The Transactions of the Radnorshire Society (2012)
Grant teithio, AHRC, Bonn (2006)
Gwobr arbennig, European Small Film Festival, am y rhaglen deledu BBC Cymru/ORB yr Almaen Yn ôl i’r Wal – Zurück zur Mauer (1999)
Gwobr, German-British Forum, ‘The most positive contribution to German-British relations in 1998’ am y rhaglen deledu BBC2 ‘Two Kisses for a Sleeping Princess’ ar safle Cymru yn Ewrop (ar y cyd gyda Sir Norman Foster am ei waith ar y Reichstag ym Merlin) (1998)
Grant ymchwil ôl-ddoethurol, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) (1994)
Grant ymchwil ôl-radd, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) (1992)
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
Darlithydd Allanol Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol
Women's History Network
Fellow of the Royal Historical Academy
British Society for Victorian Studies
Cymdeithas Hanes Ceredigion
Botwm Byd
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
Awst 2019 - presennol Darllenydd Hanes Cymru a Hanes, Prifysgol Caerdydd
2018 - 2019 Darlithydd Hanes Cymru, Prifysgol Caerdydd
2014 - Golygydd Cynorthwyol Y Bywgraffiadur Cymreig
1994 - 2017 Cymrawd Ymchwil, Cymrawd Ymchwil Hŷn, Pennaeth Astudiaethau Ôl-radd yng Nghanolfan Uwchefrydiau Cymreig a Celtaidd Prifysgol Cymru, Aberyswtyth
1990 - 1994 Darlithydd, Adran Astudiaethau Saesneg ac Americaneg, Prifysgol Humboldt, Berlin
Ymrwymiadau siarad cyhoeddus
12 Mawrth 2024, ‘“Hawddammor! Ddydd diddymiant – Caethiwedd”: Golwg ar Gymreigyddion y Fenni a’r Ymerodraeth’, Seminar Adran y Gymraeg Prifysgol Aberystwyth
4 Mawrth 2024, ‘Judicial Terror’: Judge George Hardinge and the Aftermath of the Merthyr Tydfil Riots of September 1800’, Cymdeithas Hanes Merthyr Tudful
1 Mawrth 2024, ‘Wales als Nation seit der Einheit 1536’ * ‘Wales as a nation since the Union of 1536’, Sesiwn prynhawn Myfyrwyr Ewropeaidd ar grantiau Konrad Adenauer Highly Gifted Grants yn ystod ei ymweliad â Chaerdydd
11 Rhagfyr 2023, ‘Celebrating Lives: From Archive to History’, Siaradwr Gwadd ymgyrch cenedlaethol Explore Your Archive Cymdeithas Archifau a Chofnodionation gydag arddangosfa a diwrnod agored yn Archifau Gwent, Glyn Ebwy
22 Tachwedd 2023, ‘British wars, Welsh Unitarians and radical anti-fast day liturgies in the 1790s’, Seminar Ymchwil, SHARE 'Ancient History and Religion’
20 Tachwedd 2023, ‘Jac Glan-y-Gors, Chwyldro Frengig 1789 a thîm pêl droed Cymru’, Adran Diwylliant 18-19 Ganrif (Cymdeithas Cyn-fyfyrwyr Prifysgol Cymru)
4 Tachwedd 2023, ‘New Enlightenments in Glamorgan: Teaching, Building, Improving the Land’, Glamorgan History Society Day School on ‘A World of New Ideas’
20-21 Gorffennaf 2023, 'Dissenters, poets and radical translators. Undercover radicals in 1790s Wales' at Organise! Organise! Organise! Cynhadledd Durham University & the History Parliament
4-6 Gorffennaf 2023, 'Welsh Echoes of Richard Price', Cynhadledd 'Recovering Richard Price Conference', Prifysgol Caerdydd
19 Ionawr 2023: 'Thomas Evans (Tomos Glyn Cothi, 1764-1833): The Beauty of the Bilingual Mind', Darlith Anrhydeddus Gymdeithas y Cymmrodorion, Llundain
12 Ionawr 2023: 'Translating the French Revolution to Wales: Thomas Paine in a Celtic Language', Gweithdy Rhyngwladol 'Entangled Histories of Revolution: Case Studies', University of Milano, Bicocca & Kings College London, Milano
14 Rhagfyr 2022, ‘Awkward Pioneer? Hester Lynch Thrale Piozzi and the Welsh Tradition’, Darlith Archif Menywod Cymru
20-22 Mehefin 2022, 'Cysyniadau, Ymylnodau a Thatw: Llawysgrifau Tomos Glyn Cothi (1766–1833)', Cynhadledd Llawysgrifau Cymru 800-1800 / Welsh Manuscripts Conference 800-1800, Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru
6-7 Mehefin 2022, ‘Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau’ and ‘Land of My Fathers’: Subaltern Uses of a ‘National Chorus’, cynhadledd rhyngwladol ar 'Cymru a'r Byd', Prifysgol Cymru y Drindod Dewi Sant, Llambed
7 Mawrth 2022, 'Busting Myths: Childhood, the DDR and the Fall of the Berlin Wall', Monmouth School for Boys, cyflwyniad i ddisgyblion y Lefel-A
15 Chwefror 2022, 'Arloeswraig Anesmwyth: Hester Piozzi a'r Traddodiad Cymreig', Darlith Archif Menywod Cymru
9-12 Medi 2021, 'Reverberations of 1848: Subaltern Western Peripheries', Cynhadledd rhyngwladol 'Modern Revolutions and the Idea of Europe', 12th Annual Conference of the Research Network on the History of the Idea of Europe, Athen
1-3 Medi 2021, 'Prince Albert’s German Secretary and Librarian: Celticist, Enfant Terrible and German Nationalist', Annual Conference and Eighty-Fourth Meeting of the Association for German Studies in Great Britain and Ireland (AGS), Prifysgol Abertawe (arlein)
Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2021, 4 August 2021, 'Yr Awdures Anghofiedig: Hester Piozzi a Gwleidyddiaeth y 1790au’ https://eisteddfod.wales/amgen-2021-mercher-cymdeithasau-bywgraffiadur
10 Gorffennaf 2021, 'Eisen, Schiefer, Eisenbahnen: Deutsch-walisische Wirtschaftsverbindungen im neunzehnten Jahrhundert', Cardiff-Stuttgart Association
17 Mawrth 2021, 'Menywod a'r naratifau amdanynt yng Nghymru Oes y Chwyldro Ffrengig, Cynhadledd Hanes Coleg Cymraeg Genedlaethol https://llyfrgell.porth.ac.uk/View.aspx?id=6018~4p~QgzuunJw
“Curious Kids: How is history written and who writes it?”, The Conversation: https://theconversation.com/curious-kids-how-is-history-written-and-who-writes-it-153502
Eisteddfod Amgen 2020, 7 Awst 2020, 'Darganfod Olion Iolo Morgannwg: Lle, Gwrthrych a Llên' https://eisteddfod.cymru/amgen-llen-darlith7
Eisteddfod Amgen 2020, 14 Gorffennaf 2020, 'Mad Celts'? Menywod Blaengar Mudiad Celtaidd 1899 - c.1910' https://eisteddfod.wales/amgen-marion-loeffler
24 Ionawr 2020, 'Sut i droi Almaenes y Dwyrain yn Gymraes', Cymdeithas Cymraeg Porthcawl
8 Tachwedd 2019, DDR: 'Land of Lost Content'?, Cynhadledd Berlin Wall Falls 30 Years On: History, Politics and Identities, Prifysgol Caerdydd
5-6 Hydref 2019, 'Cynyddu amrywiaeth a throsgynnu tabŵ yn Y Bywgraffiadur', Cynhadledd Flynyddol Archif Menywod Cymru, San Ffagan
11 Medi 2019, 'Virgins, Seductresses and Amazons: Englishmen, Welshmen and women at the end of the eighteenth century', Gender in Modern Welsh History Symposium: Rethinking Masculinity and Femininity in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Wales, Prifysgol Caerdydd
23 Gorffennaf 2019, 'Translation and Politics 1800-1871-1914: The Historian's Tale', XVIeg Cyngres Rhyngwladol Astudiaethau Celtaidd, Prifysgol Bangor
17 Mehefin 2019, Noson Pendroni Tafwyl, 'Wedi Ei Chwipio a Herwgipio: Menywod de Cymru yn Amser Rhyfelodd Napoleon', Caerdydd
15 Mai 2019 'Executed on Cardiff Heath: Judge Hardinge and the Merthyr Martyrs of 1801', Darlith Gyhoeddus Prifysgol Caerdydd
9-11 Mai 2019, 'Prince Albert, his German Librarian and their Celtic Connection', Dynastie und Kultur, 1719 - 2019, Konferenz Schloss Friedenstein und Marburg University, Gotha
23 Mawrth 2019, 'Lady Llanover's International Friends', Cynhadledd Flynyddol Cymdeithas Llancaiach
15 Mawrth 2019, 'Introducing Mallt Williams', #ChampioningHerStory SHARE i ddathlu Mis Hanes Menywod
8 Awst 2018, Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru, '"La Marseillaise" yng Nghymru, 1848, 1871 a 1914', Caerdydd
6 Awst 2018, Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru, 'Yr Ustus Hardinge a Merthyron y Waun Ddyfal, 1801', Caerdydd
21 Mawrth 2018, 'Y Gododdin, Cyfieithu a Gwleidyddiaeth Oes Victoria', Seminar Ymchwil Adrean y Gymraeg ac Ieithoedd Celtaidd Prifysgol Aberystwyth
18 Mawrth 2018, 'The "good migrant" narrative and three generations of Germans in twentieth-century Wales', Ysgol Undydd Cymdeithas Llafur ar 'Migration Matters', San Ffagan
14 Chwefror 2018, 'Trosglwyddo Syniadaeth y Chywldro Ffrengig? "La Marseillaise" yng Nghymru 1795-1915', Cynhadledd Hanes Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, Caerfyrddin
9 Awst 2017, Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru, ‘Thomas Stephens a Chymreigyddion y Fenni’, Darlith Cymdeithas Llanofer, Bodedeyrn
Awst 2017, Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru, ‘Merched, Y Bywgraffiadur a Sir Fôn’, Y Lle Hanes, Sir Fôn, Bodedeyrn
4 Ebrill 2017, ‘Olion Llenyddol Ymwelwyr â Llanofer’, Darlith Goffa Islwyn 2017, Ysgol y Gymraeg Prifysgol Caerdydd
18 Mawrth 2017, ‘Women, Religion and the Dictionary of Welsh Biography’, Ministry and Equilibrium Wales Spring Conference, Plas Dolerw, Y Drefnewydd
23-25 Mehefin 2016, ‘Translating political concepts for a non-state nation: “revolution” in Wales 1775–1815’, Trydydd Cynhadledd y 'U4 Network of Revolution: Political Upheaval Seen from Afar: Translation and Transformation in the Age of Revolution (1750–1850)' Prifysgol Göttingen
6 Gorffennaf 2016, ‘“This nation” in 1716: considering the first political translation into Welsh’, Cynhadledd Prifysgolion Bangor ac Aberystwyth, ‘Early Modern Wales: Space, Place and Displacement’, Aberystwyth, 6 July 2016
21 Ionawr 2016, ‘Wörter, Konzepte und Übersetzungen vom Spätmittelalter in die Frühneuzeit’, Marburger Interdisziplinäres Literaturwissenschaftlichen Kolloquium (ILK), Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
Bwrdd Cyfarwyddwyr 'Sefydliad Cyfarthfa' https://www.cyfarthfafoundation.wales/cy
Pwyllgor Archif Menywod Cymru Pwyllgor (womensarchivewales.org)
Pwyllgor y Bywgraffiadur https://bywgraffiadur.cymru/
Panel Hanes Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol
Adolygydd llawysgrifau a chynigion: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, Bloomsbury Publishing, Boydell&Brewer, Routledge, South Wales Record Society, Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru, Cylchgrawn Hanes Cymru, Llafur
Adolygydd erthyglau a llyfrau: Cylchgrawn Hanes Cymru, The International Journal of Welsh Writing in English, Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies, Morgannwg
Golygydd Cynorthwyol y Bywgraffiadur (2014-2022)
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Hanes diwylliannol, gwleidyddol a chrefyddol Cymru
Menywod yng Nghymru tua 1770-1880
Sefydliadau a grwpiau diwylliannol yng Nghymru, megis yr eisteddfod, yr orsedd, Cymreigyddion, mudiadau plant
Hanes cysyniadol / Begriffsgeschichte yn ei gysylltiad ag addasu a chyfieithu rhwng diwylliannau ac ieithoedd
Cysylltiadau rhwng Cymru a'r Almaen
Cymru fel cenedl ddiwylliannol a chyfranogwr israddol yn Ymerodraeth
Bywgraffiad Cymraeg
Celticiaeth megis Canoloesoldeb
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
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