Dr Riccardo Maddalena
BEng, MSc, PhD, FHEA, CAPM, CEng, CEnv, CSci, MIMMM
Cyfarwyddwr Cydraddoldeb, Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiant
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rhagenwau: Ef / Ef; Gwrandewch ar fy enw
Rwy'n Uwch-ddarlithydd (Athro Cyswllt) mewn Peirianneg Sifil ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd ac yn Gymrawd Addysg Uwch (FHEA). Rwy'n Beiriannydd Siartredig (CEng), Gwyddonydd Siartredig (CSci) ac Amgylcheddwr Siartredig (CEnv), gyda ffocws ar ymchwil gymhwysol amlddisgyblaethol. Cefais brofiad yn y diwydiant modurol, ymgynghoriaeth peirianneg sifil a'r byd academaidd. Ers i mi ymuno â Phrifysgol Caerdydd, rwyf wedi bod yn gweithio ar ddatblygu deunyddiau seilwaith hunaniachau a biomimetig, a choncrid carbon isel. Cafodd ein prosiect diweddar WASTEREBUILT, ar ddefnyddio tywod ffowndri gwastraff mewn concrid, ei gynnwys ar restr fer Gwobrau Dyfodol Cynaliadwy 2024 (IOM3). Darllenwch fwy yma.
Rwy'n angerddol am #equality a #diversity, yn enwedig mewn STEMM, ac yn aelod o gymuned LGBTQ+. Fi yw'r Cyfarwyddwr Cydraddoldeb, Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiant (EDI) yn yr Ysgol Peirianneg, Prifysgol Caerdydd.
Mae fy mhrif weithgarwch ymchwil yn gysylltiedig â'r Grŵp Ymchwil Strwythurau Adnewyddadwy a Deunyddiau COnstruction (RESCOM). Fy niddordebau yw nodweddu a gwydnwch deunyddiau adeiladu, gwyddoniaeth sment a choncrit, cemeg a chymwysiadau peirianneg. Mae gen i brofiad mewn dylunio arbrofi ar raddfa fainc a pheilot. Rwy'n defnyddio technegau dadansoddol ar gyfer astudiaethau nodweddu graddfa swmp a nano (XRD, SEM, TGA / DSC, Raman a NMR sbectrosgopeg, calorimetreg, techneg gwasgaru golau laser ar gyfer PSD, MIP). Mae gen i ddiddordeb hefyd mewn gwrthbwyso carbon ac asesiad cylch bywyd (LCA) o ddeunyddiau seilwaith arloesol ac atebion peirianneg.
Fi yw Cyfarwyddwr y DURALAB, y cyfleuster profi gwydnwch rhyngddisgyblaethol cyntaf yng Nghymru, "capsiwl amser", sy'n gallu efelychu cannoedd o flynyddoedd o heneiddio a dirywiad deunyddiau mewn mater o wythnosau.
Rwy'n aelod o Rwydwaith Ymchwil Deunyddiau Caerdydd, tîm rhyngddisgyblaethol o academyddion ar draws gwahanol Ysgolion sy'n canolbwyntio ar strwythur ac eiddo deunyddiau.
Gweithgareddau a diddordebau ymchwil blaenorol a pharhaus:
- Cements carbon isel
- deunyddiau seilwaith hunan-iachau a bio-mimetig
- deunyddiau adeiladu wedi'u hailgylchu ac ailgylchadwy
- immobilisation radionuclide i mewn i fwynau sment
- Asesiad Cylch Bywyd (LCA) a dadansoddiad ôl troed carbon
- deunyddiau carbon isel (geo) newydd
- atebion atgyweirio concrid yn y fan a'r lle
- triniaethau thermol mewnol a chyn-situ o briddoedd a gwaddodion llygredig.
- Cyfarwyddwr Cydraddoldeb, Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiant (Ysgol Peirianneg)
- Cyfarwyddwr cyfleuster profi DURALAB
- Aelod o Banel Goruchwylio Cydraddoldeb Hil y Brifysgol
- Aelod o Bwyllgor Llywio Rhwydwaith Ymchwil Deunyddiau Caerdydd
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n recriwtio Cydymaith Ymchwil ac Arloesi (Cyswllt Ymchwil Ôl-ddoethurol) ar gyfer prosiect cyffrous ar ddefnyddio Lithium Slag fel amnewid sment Portlad yn rhannol. Edrychwch ar y ddolen hon i ddarllen mwy am y swydd a sut i wneud cais. Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau yw 22 Ionawr 2025.
Hoffech chi drafod eich syniadau gyda mi? Cysylltwch drwy e-bost neu archebwch gyfarfod yn uniongyrchol (ar-lein neu yn bersonol).
- Almutlaqah, A., Maddalena, R. and Kulasegaram, S. 2025. Optimising thermo-mechanical treatments of residual rice husk ash for cement blending. Case Studies in Construction Materials 22, article number: e04103. (10.1016/j.cscm.2024.e04103)
- Almutlaqah, A., Alshahrani, A., Maddalena, R. and Kulasegaram, S. 2024. Performance of self-compacting concrete with treated rice husk ash at different curing temperatures. Journal of Building Engineering 97, article number: 110652. (10.1016/j.jobe.2024.110652)
- Wesgate, R. et al. 2024. Impact of artificial accelerated ageing of PVC surfaces and surface degradation on disinfectant efficacy. Journal of Hospital Infection 149, pp. 1-13. (10.1016/j.jhin.2023.12.021)
- Marangu, J. M. et al. 2024. Durability of ternary blended concrete incorporating rice husk ash and calcined clay. Buildings 14(5), article number: 1201. (10.3390/buildings14051201)
- Degani, I., Maddalena, R. and Kulasegaram, S. 2024. Shrinkage potential and water transport properties of self-compacting concrete at different temperatures. Presented at: Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023, Cardiff, UK, 12-14 July 2023 Presented at Spezi, E. and Bray, M. eds.Proceedings of the Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press pp. 66-69., (10.18573/conf1.q)
- Binti, Q., Rudge, J., Jin, F. and Maddalena, R. 2024. Waste foundry sand (WFS) as aggregate replacement for green concrete. Presented at: Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023, Cardiff, UK, 12-14 July 2023 Presented at Spezi, E. and Bray, M. eds.Proceedings of the Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press pp. 52-54., (10.18573/conf1.m)
- Neghabat Shirazi, B., Almutlaqah, A., Balzano, B. and Maddalena, R. 2024. Agricultural waste as a cementitious material — rice husk ash. Presented at: Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023, Cardiff, UK, 12-14 July 2023 Presented at Spezi, E. and Bray, M. eds.Proceedings of the Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press pp. 48-51., (10.18573/conf1.l)
- Li, K. et al. 2024. RILEM recommendation from TC 289-DCM: guideline for designing and operating long-term marine exposure sites. Materials and Structures 57(3), article number: 44. (10.1617/s11527-024-02319-9)
- Whitman, C. J., Maddalena, R., Prizeman, O., Walker, P., McCaig, I., Williams, J. and Gervis, N. 2023. Hygrothermal monitoring of replacement infill panels for historic timber-frame buildings: next steps. Presented at: 2nd International Conference on Moisture in Buildings 2023 (ICMB23), London, 3-4 July 2023Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Moisture in Buildings 2023 (ICMB23). ScienceOpen, (10.14293/ICMB230013)
- Almutlaqah, A., Alshahrani, A., Maddalena, R. and Kulasegaram, S. 2023. The effect of temperature and ageing on the behaviour of self-compacting concrete containing supplementary cementitious materials. Presented at: synercrete23, 14-16 June 2023 Presented at Jędrzejewska, A. et al. eds.International RILEM Conference on Synergising expertise towards sustainability and robustness of cement-based materials and concrete structures, Vol. 2. RILEM Bookseries Springer, (10.1007/978-3-031-33187-9_86)
- Kafodya, I., Basuroy, D., Kululanga, G., Marangu, J. M., Maddalena, R. and Novelli, V. I. 2023. Mechanical performance and physico-chemical properties of limestone calcined clay cement (LC3) in Malawi. Buildings 13(3), article number: 740. (10.3390/buildings13030740)
- Maddalena, R. 2023. Freeze/thaw resistance of mortar with recycled tyre waste at varying particle sizes. Materials 16(3), article number: 1301. (10.3390/ma16031301)
- Nishiwaki, T., Shimizu, K., Tanabe, T., Gardner, D. and Maddalena, R. 2023. Terahertz (Thz) wave imaging in civil engineering to assess self-healing of fiber-reinforced cementitious composites (FRCC). Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology (10.3151/jact.21.58)
- Li, K. et al. 2022. Long-term field exposure of structural concretes in marine environment: state-of-the-art review by RILEM TC 289-DCM. Materials and Structures 55(7), article number: 205. (10.1617/s11527-022-02027-2)
- Maddalena, R. et al. 2022. Applications and life cycle assessment of shape memory polyethylene terephthalate in concrete for crack closure. Polymers 14(5), article number: 933. (10.3390/polym14050933)
- Maddalena, R. and Wright-Syed, M. eds. 2021. Proceedings of the Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020) International Conference. Cardiff: Resilient Materials 4 Life - Cardiff University.
- De Nardi, C., Gardner, D. and Jefferson, A. 2021. Advanced 3D printed mini-vascular network for self-healing concrete. Presented at: Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020) International Conference, Online/Cardiff, 20-22 Sept 2021 Presented at Maddalena, R. and Wright-Syed, M. eds.Proceedings Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020). Cardiff University pp. 292-296.
- Sweeney, J. et al. 2021. Injection moulding of ‘Spheritet’ component for concrete reinforcement. Presented at: Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020) International Conference, Online/Cardiff, 20-22 Sept 2021 Presented at Maddalena, R. and Wright-Syed, M. eds.Proceedings Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020). Cardiff: Cardiff University pp. 302-305.
- Sweeney, J. et al. 2021. Concrete crack closure and reinforcement using high performance shape memory polymers (SMP). Presented at: Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020) International Conference, Online/Cardiff, 20-22 Sept 2021 Presented at Maddalena, R. and Wright-Syed, M. eds.Proceedings Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020). Cardiff: Cardiff University pp. 306-310.
- Maddalena, R., Taha, H. and Gardner, D. 2021. Self-healing potential of supplementary cementitious materials in cement mortars: sorptivity and pore structure. Developments in the Built Environment 6, article number: 100044. (10.1016/j.dibe.2021.100044)
- Litina, C. et al. 2021. Evaluation of methodologies for assessing self-healing performance of concrete with mineral expansive agents: an interlaboratory study. Materials 14(8), article number: 2024. (10.3390/ma14082024)
- Maddalena, R., Bonanno, L., Balzano, B., Sweeney, J. and Mihai, I. 2020. A crack closure system for cementitious composite materials using knotted shape memory polymer (k-SMP) fibres. Cement and Concrete Composites 114, article number: 103757. (10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2020.103757)
- Maddalena, R., Hamilton, A., Li, K., Chater, P. and Michalik, S. 2019. Direct synthesis of a solid calcium-silicate-hydrate (C-S-H). Construction and Building Materials 223, pp. 554-565. (10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.06.024)
- Maddalena, R. 2019. Effect of silica particle size on the formation of calcium silicate hydrate using thermal analysis. Thermochimica Acta 672, pp. 142-149. (10.1016/j.tca.2018.09.003)
- Maddalena, R., Taha, H. and Gardner, D. 2019. Enhanced self-healing using conventional supplementary cementitious materials. Presented at: 39th Cement and Concrete Science Conference 2019, Bath, England, 9-10 September 201939th Cement and Concrete Science Conference 2019. University of Bath pp. 43-46.
- Maddalena, R. and Gardner, D. 2019. The healing touch. Construction and Civil Engineering Magazine(167)
- Maddalena, R., Roberts, J. J. and Hamilton, A. 2018. Can Portland cement be replaced by low-carbon alternative materials? A study on the thermal properties and carbon emissions of innovative cements. Journal of Cleaner Production 186, pp. 933-942. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.02.138)
- Falciglia, P. P., Malarbì, D., Maddalena, R., Greco, V. and Vagliasindi, F. G. A. 2017. Remediation of Hg-contaminated marine sediments by simultaneous application of enhancing agents and microwave heating (MWH). Chemical Engineering Journal 321, pp. 1-10. (10.1016/j.cej.2017.03.097)
- Maddalena, R. and Hamilton, A. 2017. Low-pressure silica injection for porosity reduction in cementitious materials. Construction and Building Materials 134, pp. 610-616. (10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.11.016)
- Maddalena, R., Mali, A. and Hamilton, A. 2016. Low-pressure nano-silica injection on cement for crack-healing and water transport. Presented at: 10th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (SAHC 2016), Leuven, Belgium, 13-15 September 2016 Presented at Van Balen, K. and Verstynge, E. eds.Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions: Anamnesis, Diagnosis, Therapy, Controls Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions. London: CRC Press, (10.1201/9781315616995)
- Falciglia, P. P., Maddalena, R., Mancuso, G., Messina, V. and Vagliasindi, F. G. A. 2016. Lab-scale investigation on remediation of diesel-contaminated aquifer using microwave energy. Journal of Environmental Management 167, pp. 196-205. (10.1016/j.jenvman.2015.11.046)
- Almutlaqah, A., Maddalena, R. and Kulasegaram, S. 2025. Optimising thermo-mechanical treatments of residual rice husk ash for cement blending. Case Studies in Construction Materials 22, article number: e04103. (10.1016/j.cscm.2024.e04103)
- Almutlaqah, A., Alshahrani, A., Maddalena, R. and Kulasegaram, S. 2024. Performance of self-compacting concrete with treated rice husk ash at different curing temperatures. Journal of Building Engineering 97, article number: 110652. (10.1016/j.jobe.2024.110652)
- Wesgate, R. et al. 2024. Impact of artificial accelerated ageing of PVC surfaces and surface degradation on disinfectant efficacy. Journal of Hospital Infection 149, pp. 1-13. (10.1016/j.jhin.2023.12.021)
- Marangu, J. M. et al. 2024. Durability of ternary blended concrete incorporating rice husk ash and calcined clay. Buildings 14(5), article number: 1201. (10.3390/buildings14051201)
- Li, K. et al. 2024. RILEM recommendation from TC 289-DCM: guideline for designing and operating long-term marine exposure sites. Materials and Structures 57(3), article number: 44. (10.1617/s11527-024-02319-9)
- Kafodya, I., Basuroy, D., Kululanga, G., Marangu, J. M., Maddalena, R. and Novelli, V. I. 2023. Mechanical performance and physico-chemical properties of limestone calcined clay cement (LC3) in Malawi. Buildings 13(3), article number: 740. (10.3390/buildings13030740)
- Maddalena, R. 2023. Freeze/thaw resistance of mortar with recycled tyre waste at varying particle sizes. Materials 16(3), article number: 1301. (10.3390/ma16031301)
- Nishiwaki, T., Shimizu, K., Tanabe, T., Gardner, D. and Maddalena, R. 2023. Terahertz (Thz) wave imaging in civil engineering to assess self-healing of fiber-reinforced cementitious composites (FRCC). Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology (10.3151/jact.21.58)
- Li, K. et al. 2022. Long-term field exposure of structural concretes in marine environment: state-of-the-art review by RILEM TC 289-DCM. Materials and Structures 55(7), article number: 205. (10.1617/s11527-022-02027-2)
- Maddalena, R. et al. 2022. Applications and life cycle assessment of shape memory polyethylene terephthalate in concrete for crack closure. Polymers 14(5), article number: 933. (10.3390/polym14050933)
- Maddalena, R., Taha, H. and Gardner, D. 2021. Self-healing potential of supplementary cementitious materials in cement mortars: sorptivity and pore structure. Developments in the Built Environment 6, article number: 100044. (10.1016/j.dibe.2021.100044)
- Litina, C. et al. 2021. Evaluation of methodologies for assessing self-healing performance of concrete with mineral expansive agents: an interlaboratory study. Materials 14(8), article number: 2024. (10.3390/ma14082024)
- Maddalena, R., Bonanno, L., Balzano, B., Sweeney, J. and Mihai, I. 2020. A crack closure system for cementitious composite materials using knotted shape memory polymer (k-SMP) fibres. Cement and Concrete Composites 114, article number: 103757. (10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2020.103757)
- Maddalena, R., Hamilton, A., Li, K., Chater, P. and Michalik, S. 2019. Direct synthesis of a solid calcium-silicate-hydrate (C-S-H). Construction and Building Materials 223, pp. 554-565. (10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.06.024)
- Maddalena, R. 2019. Effect of silica particle size on the formation of calcium silicate hydrate using thermal analysis. Thermochimica Acta 672, pp. 142-149. (10.1016/j.tca.2018.09.003)
- Maddalena, R. and Gardner, D. 2019. The healing touch. Construction and Civil Engineering Magazine(167)
- Maddalena, R., Roberts, J. J. and Hamilton, A. 2018. Can Portland cement be replaced by low-carbon alternative materials? A study on the thermal properties and carbon emissions of innovative cements. Journal of Cleaner Production 186, pp. 933-942. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.02.138)
- Falciglia, P. P., Malarbì, D., Maddalena, R., Greco, V. and Vagliasindi, F. G. A. 2017. Remediation of Hg-contaminated marine sediments by simultaneous application of enhancing agents and microwave heating (MWH). Chemical Engineering Journal 321, pp. 1-10. (10.1016/j.cej.2017.03.097)
- Maddalena, R. and Hamilton, A. 2017. Low-pressure silica injection for porosity reduction in cementitious materials. Construction and Building Materials 134, pp. 610-616. (10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.11.016)
- Falciglia, P. P., Maddalena, R., Mancuso, G., Messina, V. and Vagliasindi, F. G. A. 2016. Lab-scale investigation on remediation of diesel-contaminated aquifer using microwave energy. Journal of Environmental Management 167, pp. 196-205. (10.1016/j.jenvman.2015.11.046)
- Maddalena, R. and Wright-Syed, M. eds. 2021. Proceedings of the Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020) International Conference. Cardiff: Resilient Materials 4 Life - Cardiff University.
- Degani, I., Maddalena, R. and Kulasegaram, S. 2024. Shrinkage potential and water transport properties of self-compacting concrete at different temperatures. Presented at: Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023, Cardiff, UK, 12-14 July 2023 Presented at Spezi, E. and Bray, M. eds.Proceedings of the Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press pp. 66-69., (10.18573/conf1.q)
- Binti, Q., Rudge, J., Jin, F. and Maddalena, R. 2024. Waste foundry sand (WFS) as aggregate replacement for green concrete. Presented at: Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023, Cardiff, UK, 12-14 July 2023 Presented at Spezi, E. and Bray, M. eds.Proceedings of the Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press pp. 52-54., (10.18573/conf1.m)
- Neghabat Shirazi, B., Almutlaqah, A., Balzano, B. and Maddalena, R. 2024. Agricultural waste as a cementitious material — rice husk ash. Presented at: Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023, Cardiff, UK, 12-14 July 2023 Presented at Spezi, E. and Bray, M. eds.Proceedings of the Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press pp. 48-51., (10.18573/conf1.l)
- Whitman, C. J., Maddalena, R., Prizeman, O., Walker, P., McCaig, I., Williams, J. and Gervis, N. 2023. Hygrothermal monitoring of replacement infill panels for historic timber-frame buildings: next steps. Presented at: 2nd International Conference on Moisture in Buildings 2023 (ICMB23), London, 3-4 July 2023Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Moisture in Buildings 2023 (ICMB23). ScienceOpen, (10.14293/ICMB230013)
- Almutlaqah, A., Alshahrani, A., Maddalena, R. and Kulasegaram, S. 2023. The effect of temperature and ageing on the behaviour of self-compacting concrete containing supplementary cementitious materials. Presented at: synercrete23, 14-16 June 2023 Presented at Jędrzejewska, A. et al. eds.International RILEM Conference on Synergising expertise towards sustainability and robustness of cement-based materials and concrete structures, Vol. 2. RILEM Bookseries Springer, (10.1007/978-3-031-33187-9_86)
- De Nardi, C., Gardner, D. and Jefferson, A. 2021. Advanced 3D printed mini-vascular network for self-healing concrete. Presented at: Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020) International Conference, Online/Cardiff, 20-22 Sept 2021 Presented at Maddalena, R. and Wright-Syed, M. eds.Proceedings Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020). Cardiff University pp. 292-296.
- Sweeney, J. et al. 2021. Injection moulding of ‘Spheritet’ component for concrete reinforcement. Presented at: Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020) International Conference, Online/Cardiff, 20-22 Sept 2021 Presented at Maddalena, R. and Wright-Syed, M. eds.Proceedings Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020). Cardiff: Cardiff University pp. 302-305.
- Sweeney, J. et al. 2021. Concrete crack closure and reinforcement using high performance shape memory polymers (SMP). Presented at: Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020) International Conference, Online/Cardiff, 20-22 Sept 2021 Presented at Maddalena, R. and Wright-Syed, M. eds.Proceedings Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020). Cardiff: Cardiff University pp. 306-310.
- Maddalena, R., Taha, H. and Gardner, D. 2019. Enhanced self-healing using conventional supplementary cementitious materials. Presented at: 39th Cement and Concrete Science Conference 2019, Bath, England, 9-10 September 201939th Cement and Concrete Science Conference 2019. University of Bath pp. 43-46.
- Maddalena, R., Mali, A. and Hamilton, A. 2016. Low-pressure nano-silica injection on cement for crack-healing and water transport. Presented at: 10th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (SAHC 2016), Leuven, Belgium, 13-15 September 2016 Presented at Van Balen, K. and Verstynge, E. eds.Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions: Anamnesis, Diagnosis, Therapy, Controls Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions. London: CRC Press, (10.1201/9781315616995)
- Maddalena, R., Roberts, J. J. and Hamilton, A. 2018. Can Portland cement be replaced by low-carbon alternative materials? A study on the thermal properties and carbon emissions of innovative cements. Journal of Cleaner Production 186, pp. 933-942. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.02.138)
- Falciglia, P. P., Malarbì, D., Maddalena, R., Greco, V. and Vagliasindi, F. G. A. 2017. Remediation of Hg-contaminated marine sediments by simultaneous application of enhancing agents and microwave heating (MWH). Chemical Engineering Journal 321, pp. 1-10. (10.1016/j.cej.2017.03.097)
- Maddalena, R. and Hamilton, A. 2017. Low-pressure silica injection for porosity reduction in cementitious materials. Construction and Building Materials 134, pp. 610-616. (10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.11.016)
- Falciglia, P. P., Maddalena, R., Mancuso, G., Messina, V. and Vagliasindi, F. G. A. 2016. Lab-scale investigation on remediation of diesel-contaminated aquifer using microwave energy. Journal of Environmental Management 167, pp. 196-205. (10.1016/j.jenvman.2015.11.046)
#funding |
Teitl | Pobl | Cyllidwr | Gwerth | Hyd |
SENSECARB - SENSors nanostructuredig ar gyfer canfod CARBonation yn gynnar mewn strwythurau concrit | Maddalena R. (UK PI), Notargiacomo A. (Yr Eidal PI), Gardner D (Co-I), Chitez A. (Co-I), Jin F. (Cyd-I) | Y Gymdeithas Frenhinol | £12,000 | 11/2024-10/2026 |
LITHICRETE - datgarboneiddio'r diwydiant concrit trwy ailgylchu gwastraff lithiwm gradd batri | Maddalena R. (PI) | EPSRC | £672,000 | 04/2025 - 03/2027 |
Ailddefnyddio lludw anghyfreithlon a gwastraff ceramig fel deunyddiau adeiladu cynaliadwy | Maddalena R. (PI) | Prifddinas-Ranbarth Caerdydd a Phorsment | £15,600 | 07/2024 - 12/2024 |
REWASCON - WAste REgional fel adnodd ar gyfer deunyddiau CONstruction Cynaliadwy | Maddalena R. (PI Caerdydd) a Ferreira G. (UNICAMP PI) | Prifysgol Caerdydd - UNICAMP (Brasil) a chronfa symudedd Taith | £4,200 | 06/2024 - 12/2024 |
Ateb Hunan-iachau Fasgwlaidd Mimicrete mewn Ymarfer Rheilffordd - Arddangos Cam 2 | Gardner D. (PI), Maddalena R (Co-I), Jefferson Tony (Co-I) a MIMICRETE | Innovate UK | £747,500 | 01/2024 - 12/2024 |
FUSCO - Ffibrau naturiol swyddogaethol ar gyfer Concrit cynaliadwy | Maddalena R. (PI Caerdydd), Gauss C. (Waikato PI) | Univertsity Caerdydd - Prifysgol Waikato (NZ) | £10,000 | 05/2023-01/2024 |
MEECE - Canolfan Ragoriaeth Peirianneg Ynni Morol | Ahmadian R. (PI), R Maddalena (Co-I), ac eraill | WEFO | £1,150,000 | 10/2021-05/2023 |
Datgarboneiddio'r diwydiant concrit (Ysgoloriaeth PhD) | Maddalena R. (PI), Gardner D. (Cyd-I) | Knights Brown, Grŵp Weir & Carbon Upcycling | £84,000 | 04/2023-09/2026 |
WASC - Welsh Fly Ash ar gyfer Concrit Cynaliadwy | Maddalena R. | CU (ENGIN) a Mwynau Celtaidd | £7,000 | 03/2023-07/2023 |
WasteReBuilt - Tywod ffowndri Gwastraff mewn Concrid | Maddalena R. (PI), Fei J. (Co-I) | IAA-EPSRC | £45,000 | 03/2023-02/2024 |
Hygrothermal Monitro Paneli Amnewid Ffrâm Bren | Whitman C. (PI), Maddalena R. (Cyd-I) | Historic England | £50,000 | 01/2023-12/2024 |
MOT concrit - Gwydnwch concrid trwy wrthsefyll trydanol | Maddalena R. (PI) | CU (ENGIN) | £7,000 | 07/2022-06/2023 |
CANOLBWYNT EFFEITHLONRWYDD CWANTWM | Hou B. (PI), Maddalena R. (Co-I), ac eraill |
CCAUC drwy CU |
£404,000 | 06/2022-04/2023 |
Strwythurau concrit hunaniachau yng nghyd-destun gwella cyflawniad prosiect priffyrdd mawr | Gardner D. (PI), Maddalena R. (Cyd-I) | £30,000 | 10/2021 - 10/2024 | |
Gwerthfawrogi Gwastraff mewn Cynhyrchu Concrit trwy Dal CO2 (gwerth S $ 279,955) | Mingshan Z. (PI), Fei J. (Cyd-I) Maddalena R.(Co-I), ac eraill |
Awdurdod Adeiladu ac Adeiladu (Singapore) |
£166,500 | 09/2022-03/2025 |
DURALAB (Lab Gwydnwch a Chymeriad) | Maddalena R. (PI), (ac eraill) |
CCAUC drwy CU |
£383,000 | 09/2021- 04/2022 |
Deunyddiau Gwydn 4 Bywyd (RM4L) | Jefferson T (PI), Maddalena R. (Co-I) (ac eraill) | UKRI-EPSRC | £4,837,625 | 04/2017 - 04/2022 |
TETCRETE 2.0 | Maddalena R. (PI), Sweeney J. (Co-I) | IAA-EPSRC | £19,500 | 06/2021 - 02/2022 |
Themo-crete: dargludedd thermol deunyddiau adeiladu | Maddalena R. (PI) | CU (ENGIN) | £6,500 | 03/2021 - 07/2021 |
CCK (Sment Cylchlythyr yn Kenya) | Maddalena R. (PI), Latif E. (Co-I), Marangu J. (Cymrodyr) | UKRI - GCRF | £6,100 | 01/2021 - 04/2021 |
PYSGOD (Fiber atgyfnerthu Hunan-Healing) Concrid (gwerth ¥ 2,700,000) | Maddalena R. (Cymrodyr), Nishiwaki T. (Goruchwyliwr) | JSPS | £15,000 | 05/2019 - 08/2019 |
#Postgraduate Ymchwilwyr (PGR) |
Teitl | Myfyriwr | Gradd |
Tetcrete ar gyfer rheoli crac a hunan-wella (gyda Priffyrdd Cenedlaethol a Costain) | Thomas Moore | Mphil |
Gwydnwch concrid hunan-gywasgu | Ibrahim Degani | Phd |
Hunan-gywasgu cynaliadwy modelu concrit a rhifiadol | Ayman Almutlaqah | Phd |
Dylunio a gwydnwch concrit cynaliadwy carbon isel | Ahmad Alhamdan | Phd |
Datgarboneiddio'r diwydiant concrit drwy werthfawrogi gwastraff | Joseph Pugh | Phd |
Gwydnwch concrid CFRP o dan gylchoedd gwlyb/sych | Nirthiha Fernando | Mphil |
Priodweddau mecanyddol ac ymddygiadau esblygiad diraddiad cyfansoddion a atgyfnerthir gan ffibrau planhigion | Xinru Liang | Phd |
Iachau biolegol mewn systemau sment clai calchfaen calch wedi'i galchu (LC3) | Tong Liu | Phd |
Cloi CO2 i sment: safbwyntiau newydd o dechnegau sbectrosgopig datblygedig | Marc Massiah-Quinlan | Phd |
Trosi rwber gwastraff yn nwydd gwerthfawr gan ddefnyddio ensymau wedi'u cynllunio | Chris Knill | Phd |
Tetcrete fel atgyfnerthu plastig newydd ar gyfer concrid (Prifysgol Tohoku, Japan) | Chihiro Kobayashi | Ymweld â |
Gwydnwch mortars slag ffwrnais ladle (UniCamp, Brasil) | Everton de Freitas | Ymweld â |
Hoffech chi drafod eich syniadau gyda mi? Cysylltwch trwy e-bost neu archebu cyfarfod ar-lein yn uniongyrchol.
- Arweinydd Modiwl Hanfodion Peirianneg Sifil (Blwyddyn 1)
- Peirianneg a Dylunio Strwythurol (Blwyddyn 2) - Dylunio a phrofi concrit
- Goruchwylio prosiect 3edd flwyddyn
- Goruchwyliaeth prosiect MSc
Angen help gyda chyfrifiadau neu diwtorialau? Cysylltwch drwy e-bost neu archebwch gyfarfod yn uniongyrchol (ar-lein neu yn bersonol).
- 2017: PhD (in submission), Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
- 2013: Laurea Magistrale (MEng equivalent) in Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Catania, Catania, Italy
- 2011: Laurea in Civil and Environmental Engineering (BEng equivalent), University of Catania, Catania, Italy
Career overview
- 2017 - present: Research Associate, School of Engineering, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
- 2017 - present: Visiting Researcher, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
- 2017: Research Assistant, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
- 2016 - 2017: Visiting Researcher, Tsinghua University, Beijing, PR China
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
- 2023: Gwobr Cyfraniad Eithriadol (OCA) am fy ngwaith ym maes Cydraddoldeb, Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiant (EDI), Prifysgol Caerdydd, y DU
- 2022: Gwobr Cyfraniad Eithriadol (OCA) am ragoriaeth mewn ymchwil, Prifysgol Caerdydd, y DU
- 2019: Cymrodoriaeth JSPS ym Mhrifysgol Tohoku, Japan
- 2017: Marie Sklodowska Curie Gweithredu (Prosiect GREAT ), Prifysgol Tsinghua, Beijing, Tsieina
- 2014: Technolegau Adfer (REMTECH®) Gwobr MScThesis Gorau, Ferrara, Yr Eidal
- 2009: Vulcanus yn Japan, Canolfan Cydweithrediad Diwydiannol yr UE-Japan.
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Peiriannydd Siartredig (CEng), Cyngor Peirianneg y DU
- Gwyddonydd Siartredig (CSci), Cyngor Gwyddoniaeth y DU
- Amgylcheddwr Siartredig (CEnv), UK Society for the Environment
- Cymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch (FHEA)
- Cydymaith Ardystiedig mewn Rheoli Prosiectau (CAPM), a ddyfarnwyd gan y Sefydliad Rheoli Prosiectau (PMI)
- Aelod (MIMMM) o'r Sefydliad Mwynau, Deunyddiau a Mwyngloddio (IOM3) ers 2016
- Aelod (MIET) o Intitution Peirianneg a Thechnoleg (IET) 2016 - 2023
- RILEM Uwch Aelod ers 2020
- Ingegnere Civile ed Ambientale (Cyfwerth â Peiriannydd Sifil Siartredig, Cyngor Peirianneg yr Eidal).
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- 2024 - presennol: Uwch Ddarlithydd (Athro Cyswllt) ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, y DU
- 2020 - 2024: Darlithydd mewn Peirianneg Sifil ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, y DU
- 2019: JSPS Cymrawd ôl-ddoethurol ym Mhrifysgol Tohoku, Japan
- 2017 - 2020: Cydymaith Ymchwil a Rheolwr Prosiect RM4L, Prifysgol Caerdydd, UK
- 2017 - 2018: Ymchwilydd Ymweliad, Prifysgol Strathclyde, UK
- 2017: Cynorthwy-ydd Ymchwil, Prifysgol Strathclyde, DU
- 2017: Ymweld Ymchwilydd, Prifysgol Tsinghua, PR Tsieina
- 2011-2012: Peiriannydd Sifil, Technoside SRL, Yr Eidal
- 2009-2010: Peiriannydd Deunyddiau, Akebono Brake Co Ltd, Japan
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
- Aelod o Grŵp Cementitious y DU, Sefydliad Deunyddiau, Mwynau a Mwyngloddio (IOM3).
- Aelod o Banel Goruchwylio Cydraddoldeb Hil Prifysgol Caerdydd (RESP)
- Cyd-gadeirydd Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb, Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiant (EDI) yr Ysgol Peirianneg, Prifysgol Caerdydd, y DU
- Aelod o Goleg Adolygwyr EPSRC , JSPS Llundain a Horizon EU
- Aelod o Fforwm Gyrfa Gynnar Peirianneg EPSRC
- Golygydd Gwadd a Journal Reviewer ar gyfer cyfnodolion Elsevier, Springer, MDPI, ASCE, ICE .
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Rwyf ar gael i oruchwylio myfyrwyr PhD, MPhil, myfyrwyr prosiect (israddedig ac ôl-raddedig), interniaid a myfyrwyr sy'n ymweld â'r pynciau canlynol:
- Concrid hunan-iachau
- Ailddefnyddio gwastraff yn ymddygiad concrit a mecanyddol
- Dadansoddiad thermol a delweddu thermol sment a choncrit
- Cemeg morter sment a choncrit
- Cludiant dŵr mewn concrit
- Concrete carbon isel gwyrdd
- Asesiad Cylch Bywyd (LCA) ac ôl troed carbon deunyddiau seilwaith
- ... Rwyf hefyd yn agored i bynciau eraill.
Nodi: Dylai darpar fyfyrwyr ymchwil (PhD, EngD, MPhil, MRes) ymchwilio i gyllid a/neu ysgoloriaethau posibl cyn cysylltu. Mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi sicrhau bod Benthyciadau Myfyrwyr Doethurol ar gael (hyd at £26,000 i fyfyrwyr y DU a'r UE). Archwiliwch hefyd ysgoloriaethau PhD Ymchwil ac Addysg yr Amgylchedd (EREF).
Hoffech chi drafod eich syniadau gyda mi? Cysylltwch drwy e-bost neu archebwch gyfarfod yn uniongyrchol (ar-lein neu yn bersonol).
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol

Ayman Almutlaqah

Ibrahim Mohamed Degani

Tong Liu

Chihiro Kobayashi

Everton De Freitas Cordova De Souza

Tom Moore
Contact Details
+44 29208 76150
Adeiladau'r Frenhines-Adeilad Canolog, Ystafell Ystafell C/4.09, 5 The Parade, Ffordd Casnewydd, Caerdydd, CF24 3AA
Themâu ymchwil
- Peirianneg Sifil
- Asesiad cylch bywyd
- Deunyddiau adeiladu
- Gwyddoniaeth Sment a Choncrit
- Economi gylchol