Yr Athro Ambreena Manji
Athro yn y Gyfraith
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rwyf wedi bod yn Athro Cyfraith Tir a Datblygu yng Nghaerdydd ers 2014. Cyn hynny, cefais fy secondio i Nairobi fel Cyfarwyddwr Sefydliad Prydeinig yr Academi Brydeinig yn Nwyrain Affrica 2010-2014. Yn 2023, cefais fy mhenodi'n Ddeon Rhyngwladol Affrica Prifysgol Caerdydd.
Mae fy ymchwil yng Nghymdeithas a Chymdeithas Affricanaidd. Mae'n rhyngddisgyblaethol cryf ac mae'n cynnwys gwaith ar y gyfraith mewn llenyddiaeth Affricanaidd, hanes Affrica, addysg gyfreithiol, a menywod a'r gyfraith.
Mae gen i ddiddordeb proffesiynol ac ymchwil cryf mewn cyfraith tir a datblygiad. Mae hyn yn cael ei ddangos gan fy hanes o gyhoeddi. Fy llyfr diweddaraf yw The Struggle for Land and Justice in Kenya (James Currey/Boydell & Brewer 2020). Ymddangosodd yng nghefn papur Dwyrain a De Affrica a gyhoeddwyd gan Vita Books yn 2021. Dywedodd yr Athro Makau Mutua (SUNY Buffalo School of Law) am y llyfr: 'Nid ers Cyfraith Gyhoeddus a Newid Gwleidyddol yn Kenya gan Ghai a McAuslan, clasur 1970, mae gwaith mor bwysig a deallusol trawsnewidiol ar dir yn Kenya wedi ei ysgrifennu.' Mae'r llyfr yn rownd derfynol Gwobr Llyfr Gorau Cymdeithas Astudiaethau Affricanaidd yr Unol Daleithiau 2021: Dywedodd yr adolygwyr am y llyfr ei fod 'yn arloesol ac yn torri pathbreaking ill dau yn ei archwiliad amlddisgyblaethol o fater tir Kenya a'i gasgliadau arbrofol ac eithaf.' Yn 2023, daeth yn ail ar gyfer yr African Studies Assocation of Africa's Pius Adesanmi Memorial Prize for Excellence in African Writing.
Mae fy rolau allanol yn cynnwys: Llywydd, African Studies Association UK 2018-2020; Golygydd Affricanaidd AffaiRs 2019-; Aelod, Cyngor Llywodraethol AHRC 2020-2023; Bwrdd Golygyddol, Astudiaethau Cymdeithasol a Chyfreithiol 1999-; Aelod, Pwyllgor Ymgysylltu Rhyngwladol yr Academi Brydeinig 2020- a Grŵp Datblygu Polisi Addysg Uwch yr Academi Brydeinig 2022-; Aelod o'r Academi Brydeinig, Pwyllgor Hawliau Dynol Academïau'r DU (2023-2027); Aelod, Is-banel Astudiaethau Ardal , REF 2021; Aelod, Cyngor Cymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru 2021-; Athro Gwadd Ysgol y Gyfraith UCD Sutherland 2021-2026; Aelod, Cyngor a Phwyllgor Ymchwil y Sefydliad Prydeinig yn Nwyrain Affrica 2019-; Aelod, Bwrdd Cynghori Gwyddonol Rhyngwladol, Sefydliad Max Planck ar gyfer Hanes Cyfreithiol a Theori Gyfreithiol 2022-2027.
Yng Nghaerdydd, cyd-sefydlais Ganolfan y Gyfraith a Chyfiawnder Byd-eang. Gyda chyllid gan yr Academi Brydeinig, lansiodd y Ganolfan ei Menter De Byd-eang Cyfnodolion Cyfreithiol-gymdeithasol yn 2018, gyda gweithdai ysgrifennu ar gyfer ysgolheigion cyfreithiol ar ddechrau eu gyrfa a gynhelir gan ein partner Ysgolion y Gyfraith yn Recife, Bangalore, Accra a Nairobi a fynychwyd gan olygyddion o bump o brif gyfnodolion cyfraith y DU (darllenwch am ein nodau yma).
Sefydlodd Canolfan y Gyfraith a Chyfiawnder Byd-eang raglen Pro Bono Cyfiawnder Byd-eang arloesol Ysgol y Gyfraith yn 2015, gan weithio ar achosion cyfreithiol yn Tanzania a Kenya a rhoi cyfle i'n myfyrwyr gael lleoliadau cyfraith wedi'u hariannu'n llawn gyda chyfreithwyr a'r farnwriaeth yn Nairobi a Delhi (gwyliwch ffilm fer am ein gwaith yma). Mae'r Ganolfan hefyd yn cynnal y prosiect Dyfarniadau Ffeministaidd Affricanaidd yr wyf yn ei arwain gyda Sibongile Ndashe (ISLA, Johannesburg) a Sharifah Sekalala (Ysgol y Gyfraith Warwick).
Yn 2019-2020, cefais wahoddiad i addysgu dosbarthiadau doethuriaeth ac ôl-ddoethurol yn Nairobi, Johannesburg, Cape Town, Dakar, Addis Ababa, a Bogotá.
- Manji, A. 2022. The struggles of the Ngorongoro Maasai. [Online]. https://roape.net: ROAPE. Available at: https://roape.net/2022/02/11/the-struggles-of-the-ngorongoro-maasai/
- Manji, A. 2022. Rereading burying SM as a 'social reproduction text'. African Studies 81(2), pp. 247-253. (10.1080/00020184.2022.2080430)
- Manji, A. 2022. Foresting over family farms: the global context for green-grabbing in Wales. [Online]. Planet Magazine: The Welsh Internationalist. Available at: https://www.planetmagazine.org.uk/planet-online/246/ambreena-manji
- Manji, A. 2021. There is nothing past about historical land injustice. [Online]. Review of African Political Economy. Available at: https://roape.net/2021/12/09/there-is-nothing-past-about-historical-land-injustice/
- Manji, A. 2021. ‘Sifanyi Kazi’: The importance of the MW v AN case in support of care work. [Online]. The Elephant. Available at: https://www.theelephant.info/op-eds/2021/10/08/sifanyi-kazi-the-importance-of-the-mw-v-an-case/
- Harrington, J. and Manji, A. 2021. 'Africa needs many lawyers trained for the need of their peoples': Struggles over legal education in Kwame Nkrumah's Ghana. In: Zumbansen, P. ed. Oxford Handbook of Transnational Law. Oxford Handbooks Oxford University Press, pp. 1109-1136.
- Manji, A. 2021. Land title and evictions in the Supreme Court of Kenya. [Online]. The Elephant. Available at: https://www.theelephant.info/op-eds/2021/07/23/land-title-and-evictions-in-the-supreme-court-of-kenya/
- Harrington, J. and Manji, A. 2021. Conservatives, Nationalists, and American romantics: Debating legal education in Ghana. In: Bartie, S. and Sandomierski, D. eds. American Legal Education Abroad: Critical Histories. New York: New York University Press, pp. 145-172.
- Manji, A. 2021. The BBI judgment and the invention of Kenya. [Online]. Verfassungsblog. Available at: https://verfassungsblog.de/the-bbi-judgment-and-the-invention-of-kenya/
- Manji, A. 2020. The struggle for land and justice in Kenya. James Currey/ Brewer & Boydell.
- Manji, A. 2020. Land rights and the rule of law. In: Cheeseman, N., Kanyinga, K. and Lynch, G. eds. Oxford Handbook of Kenyan Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198815693.013.28)
- Harrington, J. and Manji, A. 2019. 'Africa needs many lawyers trained for the need of their peoples': Struggles over legal education in Kwame Nkrumah's Ghana. American Journal of Legal History 59(2), pp. 149-177. (10.1093/ajlh/njz004)
- Manji, A. and Mandler, P. 2019. Parliamentary scrutiny of aid spending: The case of the Global Challenges Research Fund. Parliamentary Affairs 72(2), pp. 331-352. (10.1093/pa/gsy014)
- Boone, C. et al. 2019. Land law reform in Kenya: Devolution, veto players and the limits of an institutional fix. African Affairs 118(471), pp. 215-237. (10.1093/afraf/ady053)
- Manji, A. 2019. The legal framework for UK aid After Brexit. Current Legal Problems 72(1), pp. 37-57. (10.1093/clp/cuz006)
- Harrington, J. and Manji, A. 2018. Judicial review and the future of UK development assistance: on the application of O v Secretary of State for International Development (2014). Legal Studies 38(2), pp. 320-335. (10.1017/lst.2018.4)
- Manji, A. 2018. Land law. In: Auchmuty, R. ed. Great Debates in Gender and the Law. Great Debates in Law Basingstoke: Hart Publishing
- Manji, A. 2018. Gender and land law. In: Auchmuty, R. ed. Great Debates in Gender and the Law. Palgrave Great Debates in Law Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
- Manji, A. 2018. The politics of land reform. In: The Encyclopedia of African Politics. Oxford - Nic Cheeseman (ed): Oxford University Press
- Manji, A. and Harrington, J. 2017. The limits of socio-legal radicalism: social and legal studies and third world scholarship. Social and Legal Studies 26(6), pp. 700-715. (10.1177/0964663917729874)
- Harrington, J. and Manji, A. 2017. Legal education and the end of empire: renewing cosmopolitan kinship. SSRN Platform: Elsevier. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3065996
- Manji, A. 2017. Property, conservation and enclosure in Karura Forest, Nairobi. African Affairs 116(463), pp. 186-205. (10.1093/afraf/adx006)
- Manji, A. and Mandler, P. 2017. Budget wheeze could be double whammy for aid and research. Times Higher Education 2017(Feb 23)
- Manji, A. 2017. Law and Global Justice Centre, Cardiff. [Video]. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/international/meet-our-people/ambreena-manji
- Manji, A. 2017. Roundtable review. Land, law, rumour and research.. Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies 3(2-4), pp. 173-176. (10.1080/23277408.2017.1343007)
- Manji, A. 2016. Kenya's Devolved Land Administration. [Online]. Africa @ LSE Blog. Available at: http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/africaatlse/2016/12/01/kenyas-devolved-land-administration-marks-the-start-of-a-new-phase-of-political-struggle-over-land-control/?utm_content=buffer41905&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
- Manji, A. 2016. Illegal and irregular allocation of public land in Kenya: a reconsideration of Patrick McAuslan's 'bringing the law back in'. In: Zartaloudis, T. ed. Property, Development and Planning: Essays in Honour of Prof. Patrick McAuslan. Routledge/Birkbeck Law Press
- Boone, C. et al. 2016. Land politics under Kenya's new constitution: counties, devolution, and the National Land Commission. Working paper. London: London School of Economics and Political Science. Available at: http://www.lse.ac.uk/internationalDevelopment/pdf/WP/WP178.pdf
- Manji, A. and Cullen, D. 2016. Making UK Aid work: why scrutiny is key and how to achieve it. [Online]. LSE British Politics and Policy Blog. Available at: http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/politicsandpolicy/making-uk-aid-work/
- Manji, A. and Harrington, J. 2016. Public interest litigation, social justice and the life of Pushpa Kapila Hingorani: an interview with Aman Hingorani. Feminist Legal Studies
- Manji, A. 2016. The International Development (Official Development Assistance Target) Act 2015: legislative spending targets, poverty alleviation and aid scrutiny. Modern Law Review 79(4), pp. 655-677. (10.1111/1468-2230.12204)
- Manji, A. 2016. Why the UK needs a stronger legal framework for aid spending. [Online]. The Guardian: The Guardian. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/global-development-professionals-network/2016/jun/19/uk-needs-stronger-legal-framework-aid-spending
- Manji, A. 2016. Women, land corruption and justice in Kenya. In: Kameri-Mbote, P. and Odote, C. eds. Essays in Honour of Professor HWO Okoth-Ogendo: Land Law in Theory and Practice. University of Nairobi Press
- Manji, A. 2015. Whose land is it anyway? The failure of land law reform in Kenya. [Video]. Africa Research Institute: Africa Research Institute. Available at: https://youtu.be/ulfjgRx_CBg?list=PLm3vRPZVAmFxPi5dKJ7fEjhQxBgAAj0VV
- Manji, A. 2015. Patrick McAuslan: an appreciation. Social and Legal Studies 24(3), pp. 331-337. (10.1177/0964663915593006)
- Dimova, M., Hough, C., Kyaa, K. and Manji, A. 2015. Intimacy and inequality: local care chains and paid childcare in Kenya. Feminist Legal Studies 23(2), pp. 167-179. (10.1007/s10691-015-9284-6)
- Manji, A. 2015. Whose land is it anyway? The failure of land law reform in Kenya. Africa Research Institute Counterpoint, pp. 1-13.
- Harrington, J. and Manji, A. 2015. Restoring Leviathan? The Kenyan Supreme Court, constitutional transformation, and the presidential election of 2013. Journal of Eastern African Studies 9(2), pp. 175-192.
- Manji, A. 2015. Bulldozers, homes and highways: Nairobi and the right to the city. Review of African Political Economy 42(144), pp. 206-224. (10.1080/03056244.2014.988698)
- Manji, A. 2014. The politics of land reform in Kenya 2012. African Studies Review 57(1), pp. 115-130. (10.1017/asr.2014.8)
- Harrington, J. and Manji, A. 2013. Satire and the politics of corruption in Kenya. Social and Legal Studies 22(1), pp. 3-23. (10.1177/0964663912458113)
- Manji, A. 2012. The grabbed state: lawyers, politics and public land in Kenya. The Journal of Modern African Studies 50(3), pp. 467-492. (10.1017/S0022278X12000201)
- Manji, A. 2010. Eliminating poverty? ‘Financial inclusion’, access to land, and gender equality in international development. Modern Law Review 73(6), pp. 985-1004. (10.1111/j.1468-2230.2010.00827.x)
- Harrington, J. and Manji, A. 2003. 'Mind with mind and spirit with spirit': Lord Denning and African legal education. Journal of Law and Society 30(3), pp. 376-399. (10.1111/1467-6478.00262)
- Harrington, J. and Manji, A. 2003. The emergence of African law as an academic discipline in Britain. African Affairs 102(406), pp. 109-134. (10.1093/oxfordjournals.afraf.a138813)
- Manji, A. 2022. Rereading burying SM as a 'social reproduction text'. African Studies 81(2), pp. 247-253. (10.1080/00020184.2022.2080430)
- Harrington, J. and Manji, A. 2019. 'Africa needs many lawyers trained for the need of their peoples': Struggles over legal education in Kwame Nkrumah's Ghana. American Journal of Legal History 59(2), pp. 149-177. (10.1093/ajlh/njz004)
- Manji, A. and Mandler, P. 2019. Parliamentary scrutiny of aid spending: The case of the Global Challenges Research Fund. Parliamentary Affairs 72(2), pp. 331-352. (10.1093/pa/gsy014)
- Boone, C. et al. 2019. Land law reform in Kenya: Devolution, veto players and the limits of an institutional fix. African Affairs 118(471), pp. 215-237. (10.1093/afraf/ady053)
- Manji, A. 2019. The legal framework for UK aid After Brexit. Current Legal Problems 72(1), pp. 37-57. (10.1093/clp/cuz006)
- Harrington, J. and Manji, A. 2018. Judicial review and the future of UK development assistance: on the application of O v Secretary of State for International Development (2014). Legal Studies 38(2), pp. 320-335. (10.1017/lst.2018.4)
- Manji, A. and Harrington, J. 2017. The limits of socio-legal radicalism: social and legal studies and third world scholarship. Social and Legal Studies 26(6), pp. 700-715. (10.1177/0964663917729874)
- Manji, A. 2017. Property, conservation and enclosure in Karura Forest, Nairobi. African Affairs 116(463), pp. 186-205. (10.1093/afraf/adx006)
- Manji, A. and Mandler, P. 2017. Budget wheeze could be double whammy for aid and research. Times Higher Education 2017(Feb 23)
- Manji, A. 2017. Roundtable review. Land, law, rumour and research.. Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies 3(2-4), pp. 173-176. (10.1080/23277408.2017.1343007)
- Manji, A. and Harrington, J. 2016. Public interest litigation, social justice and the life of Pushpa Kapila Hingorani: an interview with Aman Hingorani. Feminist Legal Studies
- Manji, A. 2016. The International Development (Official Development Assistance Target) Act 2015: legislative spending targets, poverty alleviation and aid scrutiny. Modern Law Review 79(4), pp. 655-677. (10.1111/1468-2230.12204)
- Manji, A. 2015. Patrick McAuslan: an appreciation. Social and Legal Studies 24(3), pp. 331-337. (10.1177/0964663915593006)
- Dimova, M., Hough, C., Kyaa, K. and Manji, A. 2015. Intimacy and inequality: local care chains and paid childcare in Kenya. Feminist Legal Studies 23(2), pp. 167-179. (10.1007/s10691-015-9284-6)
- Manji, A. 2015. Whose land is it anyway? The failure of land law reform in Kenya. Africa Research Institute Counterpoint, pp. 1-13.
- Harrington, J. and Manji, A. 2015. Restoring Leviathan? The Kenyan Supreme Court, constitutional transformation, and the presidential election of 2013. Journal of Eastern African Studies 9(2), pp. 175-192.
- Manji, A. 2015. Bulldozers, homes and highways: Nairobi and the right to the city. Review of African Political Economy 42(144), pp. 206-224. (10.1080/03056244.2014.988698)
- Manji, A. 2014. The politics of land reform in Kenya 2012. African Studies Review 57(1), pp. 115-130. (10.1017/asr.2014.8)
- Harrington, J. and Manji, A. 2013. Satire and the politics of corruption in Kenya. Social and Legal Studies 22(1), pp. 3-23. (10.1177/0964663912458113)
- Manji, A. 2012. The grabbed state: lawyers, politics and public land in Kenya. The Journal of Modern African Studies 50(3), pp. 467-492. (10.1017/S0022278X12000201)
- Manji, A. 2010. Eliminating poverty? ‘Financial inclusion’, access to land, and gender equality in international development. Modern Law Review 73(6), pp. 985-1004. (10.1111/j.1468-2230.2010.00827.x)
- Harrington, J. and Manji, A. 2003. 'Mind with mind and spirit with spirit': Lord Denning and African legal education. Journal of Law and Society 30(3), pp. 376-399. (10.1111/1467-6478.00262)
- Harrington, J. and Manji, A. 2003. The emergence of African law as an academic discipline in Britain. African Affairs 102(406), pp. 109-134. (10.1093/oxfordjournals.afraf.a138813)
Book sections
- Harrington, J. and Manji, A. 2021. 'Africa needs many lawyers trained for the need of their peoples': Struggles over legal education in Kwame Nkrumah's Ghana. In: Zumbansen, P. ed. Oxford Handbook of Transnational Law. Oxford Handbooks Oxford University Press, pp. 1109-1136.
- Harrington, J. and Manji, A. 2021. Conservatives, Nationalists, and American romantics: Debating legal education in Ghana. In: Bartie, S. and Sandomierski, D. eds. American Legal Education Abroad: Critical Histories. New York: New York University Press, pp. 145-172.
- Manji, A. 2020. Land rights and the rule of law. In: Cheeseman, N., Kanyinga, K. and Lynch, G. eds. Oxford Handbook of Kenyan Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198815693.013.28)
- Manji, A. 2018. Land law. In: Auchmuty, R. ed. Great Debates in Gender and the Law. Great Debates in Law Basingstoke: Hart Publishing
- Manji, A. 2018. Gender and land law. In: Auchmuty, R. ed. Great Debates in Gender and the Law. Palgrave Great Debates in Law Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
- Manji, A. 2018. The politics of land reform. In: The Encyclopedia of African Politics. Oxford - Nic Cheeseman (ed): Oxford University Press
- Manji, A. 2016. Illegal and irregular allocation of public land in Kenya: a reconsideration of Patrick McAuslan's 'bringing the law back in'. In: Zartaloudis, T. ed. Property, Development and Planning: Essays in Honour of Prof. Patrick McAuslan. Routledge/Birkbeck Law Press
- Manji, A. 2016. Women, land corruption and justice in Kenya. In: Kameri-Mbote, P. and Odote, C. eds. Essays in Honour of Professor HWO Okoth-Ogendo: Land Law in Theory and Practice. University of Nairobi Press
- Manji, A. 2020. The struggle for land and justice in Kenya. James Currey/ Brewer & Boydell.
- Harrington, J. and Manji, A. 2017. Legal education and the end of empire: renewing cosmopolitan kinship. SSRN Platform: Elsevier. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3065996
- Boone, C. et al. 2016. Land politics under Kenya's new constitution: counties, devolution, and the National Land Commission. Working paper. London: London School of Economics and Political Science. Available at: http://www.lse.ac.uk/internationalDevelopment/pdf/WP/WP178.pdf
- Manji, A. 2017. Law and Global Justice Centre, Cardiff. [Video]. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/international/meet-our-people/ambreena-manji
- Manji, A. 2015. Whose land is it anyway? The failure of land law reform in Kenya. [Video]. Africa Research Institute: Africa Research Institute. Available at: https://youtu.be/ulfjgRx_CBg?list=PLm3vRPZVAmFxPi5dKJ7fEjhQxBgAAj0VV
- Manji, A. 2022. The struggles of the Ngorongoro Maasai. [Online]. https://roape.net: ROAPE. Available at: https://roape.net/2022/02/11/the-struggles-of-the-ngorongoro-maasai/
- Manji, A. 2022. Foresting over family farms: the global context for green-grabbing in Wales. [Online]. Planet Magazine: The Welsh Internationalist. Available at: https://www.planetmagazine.org.uk/planet-online/246/ambreena-manji
- Manji, A. 2021. There is nothing past about historical land injustice. [Online]. Review of African Political Economy. Available at: https://roape.net/2021/12/09/there-is-nothing-past-about-historical-land-injustice/
- Manji, A. 2021. ‘Sifanyi Kazi’: The importance of the MW v AN case in support of care work. [Online]. The Elephant. Available at: https://www.theelephant.info/op-eds/2021/10/08/sifanyi-kazi-the-importance-of-the-mw-v-an-case/
- Manji, A. 2021. Land title and evictions in the Supreme Court of Kenya. [Online]. The Elephant. Available at: https://www.theelephant.info/op-eds/2021/07/23/land-title-and-evictions-in-the-supreme-court-of-kenya/
- Manji, A. 2021. The BBI judgment and the invention of Kenya. [Online]. Verfassungsblog. Available at: https://verfassungsblog.de/the-bbi-judgment-and-the-invention-of-kenya/
- Manji, A. 2016. Kenya's Devolved Land Administration. [Online]. Africa @ LSE Blog. Available at: http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/africaatlse/2016/12/01/kenyas-devolved-land-administration-marks-the-start-of-a-new-phase-of-political-struggle-over-land-control/?utm_content=buffer41905&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
- Manji, A. and Cullen, D. 2016. Making UK Aid work: why scrutiny is key and how to achieve it. [Online]. LSE British Politics and Policy Blog. Available at: http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/politicsandpolicy/making-uk-aid-work/
- Manji, A. 2016. Why the UK needs a stronger legal framework for aid spending. [Online]. The Guardian: The Guardian. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/global-development-professionals-network/2016/jun/19/uk-needs-stronger-legal-framework-aid-spending
Law, Politics, and Land Reform in East Africa
I have published widely on the politics of land law reform in East Africa. Topics have included the notable absence of gender as a consideration in Tanzanian land law debates, the subsequent attempt to secure women's land rights through schemes for statutory spousal co-ownership in Tanzania and Uganda, the global promotion of individual titling and registration of previously customary land by the World Bank, and the failure of land law reform in Kenya.
Manji, A 2017 Safe and secure: property, conservation and enclosure in Karura Forest, Nairobi. African Affairs 116 (463)
Manji, A. 2017 (forthcoming). ‘Land rights and the rule of law’. In: Cheeseman, N., Kanyinga, K. and Lynch, G. eds. Oxford Handbook of Kenyan Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Manji, A. and Harrington, J. 2017 (forthcoming). ‘Law and the postcolonial state’ Social and Legal Studies 50th anniversary special issue.
Manji, A. 2016. ‘Illegal and Irregular Allocations of Public Land in Kenya: A Reconsideration of Patrick McAuslan's Bringing the Law Back In’. In: Zartaloudis, T. ed. Property, Development and Planning: Essays in Honour of Professor Patrick McAuslan. Routledge/Birkbeck Law Press.
Manji, A. 2015. ‘Patrick McAuslan: An Appreciation’. Social and Legal Studies 24(3), 331-337.
Manji, A. 2015. ‘Whose Land is it Anyway? The Failure of Land Law Reform in Kenya’. Africa Research Institute Counterpoint, pp. 1-13.
Harrington, J. and A. Manji 2015. ‘Restoring Leviathan? The Kenyan Supreme Court, Constitutional Transformation, and the Presidential Election of 2013’. Journal of Eastern African Studies 9(2), pp. 175-192.
Manji, A. 2015. ‘Bulldozers, Homes and Highways: Nairobi and the Right to the City’. Review of African Political Economy 42(1), pp. 1-19.
Manji, A. 2014. ‘The Politics of Land Reform in Kenya 2012’. African Studies Review 55(1), pp. 467-492.
Harrington, J. and A. Manji 2013. Satire and the politics of corruption in Kenya. Social and Legal Studies 22(1), pp. 3-23.
Lawyers, Politics and Public Land in Kenya. (2012) 53 Journal of Modern African Studies, 467-492.
Eliminating Poverty? Financial Inclusion, Access to Land, and Gender Equality in International Development. (2010) 73 Modern Law Review, 985-1025.
The Politics of Land Reform in Africa: From Communal Tenure to Free Markets (London: Zed Books, 2006).
International Law: Modern Feminist Perspectives edited with Doris Buss, with a foreword by Mary Robinson (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2005).
Cause and Consequence in Law and Development. Review Article of Patrick McAuslan ‘Bringing the Law Back In: Essays in Land, Law and Development' (2005) 43 Journal of Modern African Studies 119-138.
Commodifying Land, Fetishising Law: Women's Struggles to Claim Land Rights in Uganda (2003) 19 Australian Feminist Law Journal 81-92.
Remortgaging Women's Lives: The World Bank's Land Agenda in Africa (2003) 11 Feminist Legal Studies 139-162.
Capital, Labour and Women's Land Rights in Africa: A Gender Analysis of the World Bank's ‘Policy Research Report on Land Institutions and Land Policy' (2003) 24 Third World Quarterly 97-111.
Land Reform in the Shadow of the State: Implementing New Land Laws in Sub-Saharan Africa (2001) 22 Third World Quarterly 327-342.
‘Her Name is Kamundage': Understanding the Impact of AIDS on Women's Relations to Land Amongst the Haya of Tanzania (2000) 70 Africa 262-295.
Imagining Women's ‘Legal World': Towards a Feminist Theory of Legal Pluralism in Africa (1999) 8 Social and Legal Studies 435-455.
Gender and the Politics of the Land Reform Process in Tanzania (1998) 36 Journal of Modern African Studies 645-668.
African Legal Education and Decolonization
Currently, the main focus of my research is on the history of legal education in Africa, with particular reference to the period of decolonization in the 1950s and 60s, a project which has been funded by the Nuffield Foundation and which is being conducted jointly with John Harrington (Cardiff Law School). Our aim is to document the different proposals for the development of law schools in specific African territories in this period. In particular we seek to interpret the conflicts which emerged over different models of legal education against the background of nationalist struggles for independence and the tensions of the Cold War period. Conflicts over curricula and staffing, for example, were influenced by different conceptions of the purpose of legal education and of lawyering more generally. We have already documented Lord Denning's active promotion of a traditionally English model of the gentleman practitioner in his extensive work in and on Africa at this time. This contrasted with the more instrumental model, promoted by leading American law schools and the Ford Foundation, which stressed the contribution to development made by lawyer-technicians. As we have argued, this tension was also a feature of the early years of the Law Department at the School of African and Oriental Studies in London, the first in Britain to establish a dedicated lectureship in African Law.
'Pericles and the Professors: The Cold War and Legal Education in Ghana 1956-1966' (work in progress, with J Harrington)
'Mind with Mind, Spirit with Spirit': Lord Denning and African Legal Education (2003) 30 Journal of Law and Society 376-399 (with J Harrington).
The Emergence of African Law as an Academic Discipline (2003) 102 African Affairs 109-134 (with J Harrington).
Rwyf wedi dysgu Problemau Byd-eang a Theori Gyfreithiol; Gwahaniaethu a'r gyfraith; a'r gyfraith a llenyddiaeth.
Rwyf wedi dal swyddi academaidd ym Mhrifysgolion Warwick a Keele. Rwyf wedi bod yn gymrawd gwadd yng Nghyfadran y Gyfraith, Prifysgol Cape Town ac yn Dar es Salaam Law School; Cymrawd Addysgu Byd-eang yn Ysgol y Gyfraith Melbourne; a'r Fonesig Lillian Penson yn Gymrawd yn Sefydliad Astudiaethau'r Gymanwlad, Prifysgol Llundain.
Mae fy ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar y Gyfraith a Chymdeithas yn Affrica. Mae'n rhyngddisgyblaethol ac yn gydweithredol yn gryf. Rwyf wedi cyhoeddi ar hanes addysg gyfreithiol Affricanaidd, ar y gyfraith mewn llenyddiaeth Affricanaidd ac ar fenywod a'r gyfraith. Rwyf wedi cyd-gyhoeddi gyda chydweithwyr mewn hanes, gwyddor gwleidyddiaeth, ac astudiaethau datblygu. Rwyf wedi ysgrifennu'n eang ar ddiwygio cyfraith tir. Fy llyfr diweddaraf yw The Struggle for Land and Justice in Modern Kenya (James Currey/Boydell 2020).
Gwasanaethodd fel Llywydd Cymdeithas Astudiaethau Affricanaidd y DU 2018-2020. Roeddwn i'n aelod o banel Gwobr Llyfr ASAUK Fage ac Oliver yn 2016 ac yn 2018 fe wnes i gadeirio'r panel beirniadu ar gyfer Gwobr Audrey Richards. Rwyf wedi cynrychioli Cynghrair y Celfyddydau a'r Dyniaethau ASAUK. Rwy'n aelod o Gyngor y Sefydliad Prydeinig yn Nwyrain Affrica a'i Bwyllgor Ymchwil.
Rwy'n gyd-olygydd Materion Affricanaidd, y cyfnodolyn top-ranked in African Studies. Rwyf wedi bod yn aelod o'r Bwrdd Golygyddol Astudiaethau Cymdeithasol a Chyfreithiol ers dau ddegawd. Rwy'n eistedd ar Fyrddau Cynghori Rhyngwladol y Nordic Journal of Human Rights and Feminist Legal Studies. Roeddwn yn aelod o'r gweithgor ar Academia Hinsawdd Cynaliadwy Ffederasiwn Ewropeaidd Academïau Gwyddorau a'r Dyniaethau (ALLEA).
Rwy'n eistedd ar Gyngor AHRC (Cyngor Ymchwil y Celfyddydau a'r Dyniaethau) ac ar Bwyllgor Ymgysylltu Rhyngwladol yr Academi Brydeinig a'i Grŵp Datblygu Polisi Addysg Uwch. Rwy'n gynrychiolydd yr Academi Brydeinig ar Bwyllgor Hawliau Dynol Academïau y DU (2023-2027). Yn REF 2021 roeddwn yn aelod o is-banel Astudiaethau Ardal. Cefais fy ethol yn Gymrawd Cymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru yn 2020 ac yn Gymrawd Academi y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol yn 2024. Rwy'n Athro Gwadd yn Ysgol y Gyfraith Sutherland, Coleg Unversity Dulyn 2021-2026. Rwy'n aelod o Fwrdd Cynghori Gwyddonol Rhyngwladol Sefydliad Max Planck ar gyfer Hanes Cyfreithiol a Theori Gyfreithiol 2022-2027.
Cyd-sefydlais raglen Pro Bono Cyfiawnder Byd-eang arloesol Ysgol y Gyfraith Caerdydd yn 2015, gan weithio ar achosion cyfreithiol yn Tanzania a Kenya a rhoi cyfle i'n myfyrwyr gael lleoliadau cyfraith wedi'u hariannu'n llawn yn Nairobi a Delhi.
Rwyf wedi cynghori nifer o sefydliadau rhyngwladol ar faterion tir, gan gynnwys yr FAO, UNDP, DfID, Sefydliad Hollt Valley, a Chanolfan Dinasoedd Affrica. Yn 2016, cefais fy enwebu gan Ysgrifennydd Cyffredinol Cynhadledd y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Dai a Datblygu Trefol Cynaliadwy i weithredu fel cynghorydd arbenigol i'r gynhadledd Cynefin III a gynhelir yn Quito, Ecuador.
Rhwng 2010 a 2014, cefais fy secondio i Nairobi fel cyfarwyddwr y Sefydliad Prydeinig yn Nwyrain Affrica, sefydliad ymchwil yr Academi Brydeinig. Yn y rhinwedd honno, roeddwn i'n gyfrifol am ddatblygiad strategol y BIEA. O dan fy arweinyddiaeth, daeth y Sefydliad yn adnabyddus fel canolfan ragoriaeth ar gyfer gwaith ar newid cyfreithiol a chyfansoddiadol yn Nwyrain Affrica. Fel y cyfreithiwr cyntaf i gyfarwyddo'r Athrofa, roeddwn yn gyfrifol am ehangu pwysig ei gyrhaeddiad pwnc y tu hwnt i'w gysylltiadau traddodiadol ag archaeoleg a hanes. Cydnabuwyd y cyflawniad hwn mewn gwerthusiad pumflwyddol a gynhaliwyd gan yr Academi Brydeinig yn 2012 a oedd yn nodi'r perthnasoedd rhyngddisgyblaethol a chydweithredol trawsnewidiol yr oeddwn wedi'u meithrin gyda chydweithwyr ledled Dwyrain Affrica. Roedd y rhain yn cynnwys cysylltiadau strategol â rhanddeiliaid anacademaidd allweddol gan gynnwys cyrff diwygio'r gyfraith a chyda'r farnwriaeth ar draws y rhanbarth. Yn ystod fy nghyfnod i, fe wnes i sefydlu a sicrhau cyllid ar gyfer cymrodoriaeth Dwyrain Affrica gyntaf y Sefydliad i gefnogi ysgolheigion gyrfa gynnar o'r rhanbarth. Creuais gyfleoedd newydd i'r Sefydliad gydweithio â chyfreithwyr cyfansoddiadol blaenllaw, gan gynnwys Prif Ustus Kenya ac aelodau'r Uchel Lys; Cadeiryddion comisiynau adolygu cyfansoddiadol yn Kenya a Tanzania; a sefydliadau hyfforddi barnwrol ar draws y rhanbarth. Sicrhaodd hyn fod ymchwil a gynhaliwyd yn y BIEA yn cael effaith y tu hwnt i'r academi a bod y Sefydliad yn chwarae rhan allweddol mewn dadleuon gwleidyddol a chyfansoddiadol pwysig yn y rhanbarth.
Rwyf wedi bod yn rhan o'r prosiectau cydweithredol canlynol:
- Gyda John Harrington (Ysgol y Gyfraith Caerdydd), rwyf wedi ail-gydio yn hanes Addysg Gyfreithiol Affricanaidd. Derbyniodd y prosiect hwn gefnogaeth gan Sefydliad Nuffield a chan y Sefydliad Astudiaethau Cyfreithiol Uwch.
- Gyda Sibongile Ndashe (Menter ar gyfer Ymgyfreitha Strategol yn Affrica) a Sharifah Sekalala (Ysgol y Gyfraith Warwick) fe wnes i lansio prosiect Dyfarniadau Ffeministaidd Affricanaidd. Cafodd y prosiect hwn gefnogaeth gan Ganolfan y Gyfraith a Chymdeithas Caerdydd.
- Gyda Catherine Boone (Llywodraeth LSE a Datblygu Rhyngwladol), Jacqueline Klopp (Sefydliad y Ddaear Columbia) a Karuti Kanyinga (Sefydliad Astudiaethau Datblygu Prifysgol Nairobi) rwyf wedi astudio Rheoli Tir datganoledig yn Kenya. Cefnogwyd y prosiect hwn gan grant gan Sefydliad Anghydraddoldebau LSE.
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
Cymrawd Cymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru (2020-)
Cymrawd Academi'r Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol (2024-)
Cymrawd y Gymdeithas Hanesyddol Frenhinol (2024-)
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
President, African Studies Association UK (2018-2020)
Editor, African Affairs: Journal of the Royal African Society (2020-)
Member, Area Studies Panel, REF 2021
Trustee, British Institute in Eastern Africa (2019-)
Member, Council of the Royal African Society (2018-)
Member, Judging Panel, Fage & Oliver Book Prize in African Studies (2016)
Member, Research Committee, British Institute in Eastern Africa (2014-)
Member, Working Group on Climate Sustainable Academia, European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities (ALLEA)
Editorial Board, Feminist Legal Studies (2014-2018)
Editorial Board, Social and Legal Studies: An International Journal (2001-)
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
I am currently jointly supervising the following doctoral researchers:
Ruth Akinwale - Legal Democracy in West Africa
Barbara Hughes-Moore - Law, Literature and Criminal Law
Lizzie Willmington - Property, Borders and Immigration
Mulugeta Getu Sisay - Roads and Environment in Ethiopia
Layla Latif - Islamic Finance and Healthcare
I welcome proposals from prospective PhD candidates in any area of my expertise.
I have examined PhDs at the Universities of Sussex, Birmngham, Kent, Bristol and Warwick (including on the Ethiopia Project at the University of Mekelle), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, University of Melbourne and Australian National University.