Yr Athro Dawn Mannay
Athro Methodolegau Ymchwil Creadigol
- Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil yn ymwneud ag addysg, hunaniaeth ac anghydraddoldeb; ac rwy'n defnyddio dulliau cyfranogol, gweledol a chreadigol yn fy ngwaith gyda chymunedau. Fi oedd y Prif Ymchwilydd ar brosiect a gomisiynwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn archwilio profiadau addysgol a dyheadau plant a phobl ifanc sydd â phrofiad gofal. Rwyf hefyd wedi gweithio ar brosiectau sy'n ymwneud â mamolaeth, iechyd, y celfyddydau, profiadau gofal, tlodi a mudo a ariennir gan Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome, Crucible, Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru, Y Rhwydwaith Maethu a'r Cyngor Ymchwil Economaidd a Chymdeithasol. Rwy'n rheoli'r gymuned ymarfer ar-lein ExChange: Teulu a Chymuned, sy'n cynnal deunyddiau amlfoddol, astudiaethau achos, a chanllawiau arfer gorau am ddim i hysbysu rhanddeiliaid allweddol.
Ysgrifennais y llyfr 'Dulliau ymchwil gweledol, naratif a chreadigol: cais, myfyrio a moeseg' (Routledge 2016), golygwyd 'Our changing land: revisiting gender, class and identity in contemporary Wales' (Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru 2016); golygodd ar y cyd 'Emotion and the researcher: sites, subjectivities, and relationships' (Emerald 2018 - gyda Tracey Loughran); cyd-olygu 'Plant a phobl ifanc yn 'derbyn gofal'? Addysg, ymyrraeth a'r diwylliant bob dydd o ofal yng Nghymru' (Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru 2019 - gydag Alyson Rees a Louise Roberts); a chyd-olygu llawlyfr SAGE dulliau ymchwil gweledol (2il Argraffiad) (SAGE 2019 - gyda Luc Pauwels). Fy llyfrau diweddaraf yw Dulliau ymchwil creadigol mewn addysg: Egwyddorion ac arferion (Policy Press 2021 - a gyd-ysgrifennwyd gyda Helen Kara, Narelle Lemon a Megan McPherson) a The Handbook of Creative Data Analysis (Policy Press 2024 - golygwyd ar y cyd â Helen Kara ac Ali Roy).
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn cynyddu effaith canfyddiadau ymchwil trwy ddefnyddio ffilm, gwaith celf, cerddoriaeth ac ystod o ddeunyddiau amlfoddol cyfranogol a chyd-gynhyrchu eraill. Cydnabuwyd fy ngwaith gyda Gwobr Cynnwys y Cyhoedd Ymchwil Iechyd a Gofal Cymru 2017, Gwobr Arloesedd Cymdeithas Ymchwil Cymdeithasol 2017 a Medal Dillwyn Cymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru 2018 a Gwobrau Dathlu Rhagoriaeth Prifysgol Caerdydd 2019 - Rhagoriaeth mewn Cenhadaeth Ddinesig. Roedd y gwaith hwn yn rhan o Astudiaeth Achos Effaith 4* yn REF 2021. Cynhaliais secondiad gydag Amgueddfa Cymru yn 2019 i archwilio ffyrdd arloesol o gynnwys pobl ifanc sydd â threftadaeth ddiwylliannol ac ar hyn o bryd rwy'n ailedrych ar y gwaith hwn a'i ddiweddaru yn 2022, yn ogystal â chyfrannu at brosiectau gyda phlant, pobl ifanc a rhieni yng Nghymru. Dysgwch fwy am waith Dawn yn y clip ffilm yma; ffilm
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn goruchwylio myfyrwyr doethurol a sefydlu cydweithrediadau ymchwil ar gymhwyso dulliau gweledol, naratif a chreadigol mewn meysydd cymdeithasegol a seicolegol sylweddol.
Myfyrwyr Doethurol wedi'u Goruchwylio i Gwblhau
- Dr Clive Diaz - Astudiaeth ar gyfranogiad plant a phobl ifanc yn eu Hadolygiadau Plant mewn Gofal
- Dr Louise Folkes - Syniadau cyfunol (ail)o symudedd cymdeithasol: Mewnwelediadau o naratifau symudedd sy'n seiliedig ar leoedd, wedi'u dosbarthu a'u rhywedd (im).
- Dr Kate Marston - Archwilio diwylliannau rhywiol digidol pobl ifanc drwy ddulliau creadigol, gweledol a chelfyddydol
- Dr Hayat Benkorichi Graoui - Iaith a hunaniaeth ethnig mewn ysgol uwchradd amlethnig yng Nghymru
- Dr James Snook - Archwiliad o newidiadau athrawon ar ddechrau eu gyrfa mewn hunaniaethau proffesiynol ar draws rhaglen ymholiad athrawon ôl-raddedig
- Dr Catt Turney - Sut mae plant yn rhagweld, profi a rheoli'r cyfnod pontio o'r ysgol gynradd i'r ysgol uwchradd
- Dr Alison Prowle - 'Diolch am ofyn am fy stori': Archwiliad o safbwyntiau rhieni, ymarferwyr ac actorion strategol mudol gorfodol yn ne Cymru
- Dr Lee Sobo-Allen - Tadau dibreswyl yn dod yn ofalwyr llawn amser: Astudiaeth ansoddol o fyfyrdodau tadau a gweithwyr cymdeithasol ar eu cymhellion, a'r heriau a'r cyfleoedd y daethant ar eu traws ar draws y broses amddiffyn plant yn Lloegr
- Dr Leah Hibbs - Profiadau, sefydliadau, arweinyddiaeth a chynrychiolaeth ar sail rhywedd: Dadansoddiad sefydliadol ffeministaidd o lywodraeth leol Cymru.
- Dr Catherine Thomas - Sut mae normau rhywedd yn effeithio ar ddealltwriaeth pobl ifanc o orfodaeth a chydsyniad mewn perthynas [Wedi'i Ddyfarnu ar ôl ei farwolaeth]
Myfyrwyr Doethuriaeth cyfredol
- Radja Bouchama
- Emma Chivers
- Samantha McAlister-Wilson
- Lorna Stabler
- Rhiannon Maniatt
- Sylvia Hoyland
- Dawn Hutchinson
- Mannay, D. and Timperley, V. 2025. Sandboxing in Practice: Qualitative Interviewing with Sand, Objects and Figures. Creative Research Methods in Practice. Bristol: Policy Press.
- Mannay, D. 2025. Difficulties with diversity: Reflections on representation in sandboxing studies. Visual Studies (10.1080/1472586X.2025.2477404)
- Kara, H., Mannay, D. and Roy, A. eds. 2024. The handbook of creative data analysis. Bristol: Policy Press. (10.51952/9781447369592)
- Chicken, S., Tur Porres, G., Mannay, D., Parnell, J. and Tyrie, J. 2024. Questioning 'voice' and silence: Exploring creative and participatory approaches to researching with children through a Reggio Emilian lens. Qualitative Research (10.1177/14687941241234299)
- Munro, E. R., Kelly, B., Mannay, D. and McGhee, K. 2024. Comparing leaving-care policy and practice across the four nations of the United Kingdom: Exploring similarities, differences, and implementation gaps. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis 26(2), pp. 178-195. (10.1080/13876988.2024.2317234)
- Evans, R. et al. 2024. Acceptability, feasibility and perceived effectiveness of online and remote mental health and wellbeing interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study with care-experienced young people, carers and professionals. Children and Youth Services Review 156, article number: 107321. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.107321)
- Mannay, D. 2024. ‘Second star to the right [of the universe], and straight on till morning’: Following directions and finding new ones on international journeys in creative research methods. Presented at: International Creative Research Methods Conference II, Manchester, UK, 9-10 September 2024.
- Mannay, D. 2024. ‘It’s written in the sand’: Considering creative methods for design, data production, analysis and dissemination. Presented at: Igniting Creative Methods: Social Change and Community Co-Production, University of Bedfordshire, 15 November 2024.
- Mannay, D. and Timperley, V. 2024. Sandboxing: Qualitative interviewing with sand, objects, and figures. Presented at: Bristol Conversations in Education, University of Bristol, UK, 27 November 2024.
- Mannay, D. 2024. Sand, stickers and superheroes: working creatively to generate talk, analyse data and disseminate findings. Presented at: University of Hertfordshire Creative Methods Conference, Hatfield, UK, 28 June 2024.
- Mannay, D., Vaughan, R., Boffey, M. and Wooders, C. 2023. 'A little bit of advice': Working creatively with children and their foster carers to explore how they would like to share their experiences. In: Kara, H. ed. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Creative Research Methods. Bloomsbury Handbooks London: Bloomsbury, pp. 251-261.
- Stabler, L. et al. 2023. ‘I probably wouldn’t want to talk about anything too personal’: A qualitative exploration of how issues of privacy, confidentiality and surveillance in the home impact on access and engagement with online services and spaces for care-experienced young people. Adoption & Fostering 47(3), pp. 277-294. (10.1177/03085759231203019)
- Mannay, D. 2023. ‘Please explain to me how I’m vulnerable’: Learning how to rework experiences of researcher vulnerability by listening carefully to care experienced young people. In: Clift, B. C. et al. eds. Qualitative Research Vulnerability: Negotiating, Experiencing and Embracing. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 222-237.
- Mannay, D. 2023. Déjà vu et jamais vu: What happens when the field expands in ways that mean there is no exit?. In: Smith, R. and Delamont, S. eds. Leaving the Field: Methodological Insights from Ethnographic Exits. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 113-125.
- Mannay, D., Baurley, J., Thomas, T. and Turney, C. 2023. Hands on Heritage: Revisiting creative and collaborative approaches with young people at the National Museum Wales. Project Report. Cardiff: Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales.
- Tyrie, J. et al. 2023. COVID–19, education and learning: Amplifying young children’s voices. Project Report. [Online]. The Welsh Government. Available at: https://hwb.gov.wales/api/storage/0b6492be-c863-4168-b301-6f3fef4eade5/cen-18-report-eng-final.pdf
- Mannay, D. 2023. ‘A little bit of advice’: Working creatively with children and their foster cares to explore how they would like to share their experiences. Presented at: International Creative Research Methods Conference, Manchester, UK, 11-12 September 2023.
- Mannay, D., Wall, K., Chudasama, M. and Robinson, C. 2023. Child-led research methodologies and children’s rights: Moving beyond the state of the art. Presented at: British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, Birmingham, UK, 12-14 September 2023.
- Rees, A., Roberts, L., Mannay, D., Evans, R., Staples, E. and Hallett, S. 2022. Listening to the experts: Learning about relationships and their impact on educational experiences from children and young people in state care. Relational Social Work 6(2), pp. 36-57. (10.14605/RSW622202)
- Mannay, D., Smith, P., Turney, C., Jennings, S. and Davies, P. 2022. ‘Becoming more confident in being themselves’: the value of cultural and creative engagement for young people in foster care. Qualitative Social Work 21(3), pp. 485-503. (10.1177/14733250211009965)
- Mannay, D. et al. 2022. The strengths and challenges of online services and interventions to support the mental health and wellbeing of care-experienced children and young people: A study exploring the views of young people, carers, and social care professionals in Wales during the Coronavirus pandemic. Project Report. Cardiff: The Fostering Network in Wales.
- Mannay, D. 2022. ‘Please explain to me how I’m vulnerable’: Learning how to rework experiences of researcher vulnerability by listening carefully to care experienced young people. Presented at: 8th Annual Qualitative Research Symposium: Researcher Vulnerability, Bath, England, 01-02 February 2022.
- Boffey, M., Mannay, D., Vaughan, R. and Wooders, C. 2021. The Fostering Communities programme - Walking tall: stage two evaluation. Project Report. Cardiff: The Fostering Network in Wales.
- Roberts, L., Rees, A., Mannay, D., Bayfield, H., Corliss, C., Diaz, C. and Vaughan, R. 2021. Corporate parenting in a pandemic: Considering the delivery and receipt of support to care leavers in Wales during Covid-19. Children and Youth Services Review 128, article number: 106155. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2021.106155)
- Roberts, L., Mannay, D., Rees, A., Bayfield, H., Corliss, C., Diaz, C. and Vaughan, R. 2021. ‘It’s been a massive struggle’: Exploring the experiences of young people leaving care during COVID-19. Young 29(4S), pp. S81-S99. (10.1177/11033088211025949)
- Kara, H., Lemon, N., Mannay, D. and McPherson, M. 2021. Creative research methods in education: Principles and practices. Bristol: Policy Press.
- Mannay, D. 2021. Visualizing pasts, futures and the present: how can creative research methods enable reflection, reflexivity and imagination?. In: Clift, B. et al. eds. Temporality in qualitative inquiry: theories, methods and practices. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 127-141.
- Boffey, M., Mannay, D., Vaughan, R. and Wooders, C. 2021. The Fostering Communities programme - walking tall: stage one evaluation. Project Report. Cardiff: The Fostering Network in Wales.
- Roberts, L., Rees, A., Bayfield, H., Corliss, C., Diaz, C., Mannay, D. and Vaughan, R. 2020. Young people leaving care, practitioners and the coronavirus (COVID 19) pandemic: experiences, support, and lessons for the future. Project Report. CASCADE/Cardiff University.
- Mannay, D. and Ward, M. R. M. 2020. The Coffee Club: An initiative to support mature and non-traditional higher education students in Wales. In: Crimmins, G. ed. Strategies for Supporting Inclusion and Diversity in the Academy: Higher Education, Aspiration and Inequality. London: Palgrave Macmillan
- Mannay, D. 2020. Creative methods: anonymity, visibility and ethical re-representation. In: Iphofen, R. ed. Handbook of Research Ethics and Scientific Integrity. Cham: Springer, pp. 493-507., (10.1007/978-3-030-16759-2_21)
- Grant, A., Morgan, M., Gallagher, D. and Mannay, D. 2020. Smoking during pregnancy, stigma and secrets: visual methods exploration in the UK. Women and Birth 33(1), pp. 70-76. (10.1016/j.wombi.2018.11.012)
- Mannay, D. and Hodges, A. 2020. ‘Third objects’ and sandboxes creatively engaging children to share their understandings of social worlds. In: White, E. J. ed. Seeing the world through children's eyes: Visual methodologies and approaches to early learning. Leiden: Brill
- Mannay, D. and Turney, C. 2020. Sandboxing: a creative approach to qualitative research in education. In: Ward, M. R. M. and Delamont, S. eds. Handbook of Qualitative Research in Education., Vol. 2nd Ed. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 233-244.
- Pauwels, L. and Mannay, D. eds. 2019. The SAGE handbook of visual research methods (2nd Edition). London: SAGE Publications.
- Mannay, D. 2019. Artefacts, third objects, sandboxing and figurines in the doll’s house. In: Pauwels, L. and Mannay, D. eds. The SAGE Handbook of Visual Research Methods (2nd Edition). London: SAGE Publications
- Mannay, D. 2019. Revisualizing data: engagement, impact and multimodal dissemination. In: Pauwels, L. and Mannay, D. eds. The Sage Handbook of Visual Research Methods (2nd Edition). London: SAGE Publications
- Mannay, D., Fink, J. and Lomax, H. 2019. Visual ethnography. In: Atkinson, P. et al. eds. SAGE Research Methods Foundations. SAGE, (10.4135/9781526421036775961)
- Mannay, D. 2019. Sand, stickers and superheroes: Applying visual and creative methodologies to understand participants' worlds and negotiate positive changes. Presented at: British Psychological Society Seminar Series - Exploring the potential for creative and arts-based methods for applied psychological research - Visualising and storying applied psychology, Bath, UK, 21 May 2019. pp. -.
- Mannay, D., Staples, E., Hallett, S., Roberts, L., Rees, A., Evans, R. and Andrews, D. 2019. Enabling talk and reframing messages: working creatively with care experienced children and young people to recount and re-represent their everyday experiences. Child Care in Practice 25(1), pp. 51-63. (10.1080/13575279.2018.1521375)
- Mannay, D. and Staples, E. 2019. Sandboxes, stickers and superheroes: Employing creative techniques to explore the aspirations and experiences of children and young people who are looked after. In: Mannay, D., Rees, A. and Roberts, L. eds. Children and young people 'looked after'? Education, intervention and the everyday culture of care in Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 169-182.
- Grant, A., Morgan, M., Mannay, D. and Gallagher, D. 2019. Understanding health behaviour in pregnancy and infant feeding intentions in low-income women from the UK through qualitative visual methods and application to the COM-B (Capability, Opportunity, Motivation - Behaviour) model. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 19, article number: 56. (10.1186/s12884-018-2156-8)
- Mannay, D., Rees, A. and Roberts, L. eds. 2019. Children and young people 'looked after'? Education, intervention and the everyday culture of care in Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
- Mannay, D. 2019. What happens when you take your eye off the ball? Reflecting on a ‘lost study’ of boys’ football, uneven playing fields and the longitudinal promise of ‘esprit de corps’.. In: Smith, R. and Delamont, S. eds. The lost ethnographies: Methodological insights from projects that never were., Vol. 17. Studies in Qualitative Methodology Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald, pp. 103-112.
- Mannay, D., Roberts, L., Staples, E. and Ministry of Life, -. 2019. Lights, camera, action:Translating research findings into policy and practice impacts with music, film and artwork. In: Mannay, D., Rees, A. and Roberts, L. eds. Children and young people 'looked after'? Education, intervention and the everyday culture of care in Wales.. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 210-224.
- Mannay, D., Rees, A. and Roberts, L. 2019. Conclusion. In: Mannay, D., Rees, A. and Roberts, L. eds. Children and young people 'looked after'? Education, intervention and the everyday culture of care in Wales.. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 228-240.
- Mannay, D., Rees, A. and Roberts, L. 2019. Introduction. In: Mannay, D., Rees, A. and Roberts, L. eds. Children and young people 'looked after'? Education, intervention and the everyday culture of care in Wales.. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 1-12.
- Rees, A. 2019. The daily lived experience of foster care. In: Mannay, D., Rees, A. and Roberts, L. eds. Children and young people 'looked after'? Education, intervention and the everyday culture of care in Wales. University of Wales Press, pp. 85-99.
- Mannay, D., Smith, P., Jennings, S., Turney, C. and Davies, P. 2019. Executive Summary: The value of cultural and creative engagement: Understanding the experiences and opinions of care-experienced young people and foster carers in Wales.. Technical Report.
- Mannay, D. 2019. Hands on heritage: exploring creative and collaborative approaches with young people at the National Museum Wales. Project Report. Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales.
- Mannay, D. 2018. Ethnography in inaccessible fields: drawing on visual approaches to understand the private space of the home. In: Kleinknecht, S. W., van den Scott, L. K. and Sanders, C. B. eds. The Craft of Qualitative Research. Toronto, Canada: Canadian Scholars’ Press
- Mannay, D., Creaghan, J., Gallagher, D., Marzella, R., Mason, S., Morgan, M. and Grant, A. 2018. Negotiating closed doors and constraining deadlines: the potential of visual ethnography to effectually explore private and public spaces of motherhood and parenting. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 47(6), pp. 758-781. (10.1177/0891241617744858)
- Mannay, D., Smith, P., Jennings, S., Turney, C. and Davies, P. 2018. The value of cultural and creative engagement: Understanding the experiences and opinions of care-experienced young people and foster carers in Wales. Project Report. Cardiff: Wales Millennium Centre.
- Mannay, D., Creaghan, J., Gallagher, D., Mason, S., Morgan, M. and Grant, A. 2018. ‘Watching what I’m doing, watching how I’m doing it’: Exploring the everyday experiences of surveillance and silenced voices among marginalised mothers in Welsh low-income locales. In: Taylor, T. and Bloch, K. eds. Marginalized Mothers, Mothering from the Margins., Vol. 25. Advances in Gender Research Vol. 25. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 25-40., (10.1108/s1529-212620180000025002)
- Mobedji, S. and Mannay, D. 2018. ‘Just listen’: Care-experienced young people’s views of the child protection system in Wales. Project Report. Cardiff: The Fostering Network.
- Grant, A., Mannay, D. and Marzella, R. 2018. 'People try and police your behaviour': the impact of surveillance on mothers' and grandmothers' perceptions and experiences of infant feeding. Families, Relationships and Societies 7(3), pp. 431-447. (10.1332/204674317X14888886530223)
- Mannay, D. 2018. Drawing on creative methods to understand the everyday lives of women and girls. Presented at: Young Women and Girls in Contemporary Scotland and Beyond, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 5th September 2018.
- Mannay, D. 2018. Back to school: how can we make the experience better for children in care?. The Conversation
- Loughran, T. and Mannay, D. eds. 2018. Emotion and the researcher: sites, subjectivities, and relationships. Studies in Qualitative Methodology. Bingley: Emerald.
- Loughran, T. and Mannay, D. 2018. Introduction: Why emotion matters. In: Loughran, T. and Mannay, D. eds. Emotion and the researcher: sites, subjectivities, and relationships., Vol. 16. Studies in Qualitative Methodology Bingley: Emerald, pp. 1-18., (10.1108/S1042-319220180000016001)
- Mannay, D. 2018. 'You just get on with it’: Negotiating the telling and silencing of trauma and its emotional impacts in interviews with marginalised mothers. In: Loughran, T. and Mannay, D. eds. Emotion and the researcher: sites, subjectivities, and relationships., Vol. 16. Studies in Qualitative Methodology Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald, pp. 66-81.
- Latchem-Hastings, G. 2018. The emotions of 'doing ethics' in healthcare research: a researcher's reflexive account. In: Loughran, T. and Mannay, D. eds. Emotion and the researcher: Sites, Subjectivities and Relationships. Studies in Qualitative Methodology United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing, pp. 213-228.
- Roberts, E. 2018. The 'Transient Insider': identity and intimacy in home community research. In: Loughran, T. and Mannay, D. eds. Emotion and the researcher: sites, subjectivities, and relationships., Vol. 16. Emerald
- Loughran, T. and Mannay, D. 2018. Afterword. In: Loughran, T. and Mannay, D. eds. Emotion and the researcher: sites, subjectivities, and relationships., Vol. 16. Bingley: Emerald, pp. 261-268.
- Mannay, D. 2018. Enabling talk and reframing messages: Working creatively and collaboratively to recount and re-represent everyday experiences and negotiate change. Presented at: Methodological Imaginations: community, creativity, collaboration, co-production: University of Greenwich, London, UK, 9 July 2018.
- Mannay, D. 2018. Visual methods: practice, practicalities and publication. Presented at: Creative Research Methods Symposium, University of Derby, UK, 2 Jul 2018.
- Mannay, D. 2018. Sandboxing Workshop. Presented at: Creative Research Methods Symposium, University of Derby, Derby, UK, 2 July 2018.
- Mannay, D. 2017. Back through the Looking Glass: a review of the Fourth International Visual Research Methods Conference. Visual Methodologies 5(1), pp. 9-13. (10.7331/vm.v5i1.104)
- Mannay, D., Staples, E. and Edwards, V. 2017. Visual methodologies, sand and psychoanalysis: employing creative participatory techniques to explore the educational experiences of mature students and children in care. Visual Studies 32(4), pp. 345-358. (10.1080/1472586X.2017.1363636)
- Mannay, D. 2017. Participatory visual and digital research in action, by Aline Gubrium et al [Book Review]. Qualitative Research 17(5), pp. 603-604. (10.1177/1468794116685141)
- Mannay, D., Evans, R., Staples, E., Hallett, S., Roberts, L., Rees, A. and Andrews, D. 2017. The consequences of being labelled ‘looked-after’: Exploring the educational experiences of looked-after children and young people in Wales. British Educational Research Journal 43(4), pp. 683-699. (10.1002/berj.3283)
- Grant, A., Mannay, D., Morgan, M., Gallagher, D. and Marzella, R. 2017. Qualitative interviews as a collaborative space: lessons from visual research methods to encourage a more participatory approach. Presented at: British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2017, University of Manchester, UK, 4-7 April 2017.
- Mannay, D. 2017. Revisiting Shirley Jackson's 'The Haunting of Hill House'. Presented at: BookTalk Event, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 8 February 2017.
- Grant, A., Mannay, D. and Morgan, M. 2017. Reducing researcher dominance in qualitative interviewing: the intersection of the novel and the mundane. Presented at: Third Annual Qualitative Research Symposium, University of Bath, Bath, UK, 1 February 2017.
- Mannay, D. 2017. Public Peer Review: What happens when you ask young people to become the critics?. Presented at: Third Annual Southwest Qualitative Research Symposium, University of Bath, Bath, UK, 1 February 2017.
- Mannay, D. 2017. I, Daniel Blake - Katie's story: motherhood and marginalisation. Presented at: Screening - I, Daniel Blake, Birt Acres Lecture Theatre, Cardiff University, 30 March 2017.
- Mannay, D., Grant, A., Morgan, M., Gallagher, D. and Marzella, R. 2017. Transitions in pregnancy and new motherhood: changing nappies and changing subjectivities. Presented at: British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2017, Manchester University, UK, 4-6 April 2017.
- Mannay, D. 2017. Researching marginalised femininities: why is it important to listen to men’s voices?. Presented at: British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2017, Manchester University. UK, 4-6 April 2017.
- Mannay, D. 2017. Métodos visuales, narrativos y creativos en investigación cualitativa. Madrid: Narcea, S.A. de Ediciones.
- Mannay, D. 2016. The politics of visibility, voice and anonymity: ethically disseminating visual research findings without the pictures. In: Warr, D. et al. eds. Ethics and Visual Research Methods: Theory, Methodology and Practice. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 225–235., (10.1057/978-1-137-54305-9_17)
- Mannay, D. 2016. Within reach: creative ways to engage and work with communities. Presented at: Flying Start Conference – Now We Are 10!, City Hall, Cardiff, UK, 12 September 2016.
- Mannay, D. 2016. Who should do the dishes now? Revisiting gender and housework in contemporary urban South Wales. In: Mannay, D. ed. Our Changing Land: Revisiting Gender, Class and Identity in Contemporary Wales. Gender Studies in Wales Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 63-85.
- Mannay, D. 2016. Introduction. In: Mannay, D. ed. Our Changing Land: Revisiting Gender, Class and Identity in Contemporary Wales. Gender Studies in Wales Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 1-18.
- Mannay, D. 2016. Conclusion. In: Mannay, D. ed. Our Changing Land: Revisiting Gender, Class and Identity in Contemporary Wales. Gender Studies in Wales Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 280-296.
- Grant, A., Mannay, D. and Marzella, R. 2016. Surveillance and stigma during pregnancy and early motherhood: the changing experiences of mothers and grandmothers. Presented at: British Sociological Society Annual Conference, Aston Conference Centre, Birmingham, UK, 6-8 April 2016.
- Mannay, D., Staples, E., Hallett, S., Roberts, L., Rees, A., Evans, R. and Andrews, D. 2016. Exploring the educational experiences and aspirations of Looked After Children and Young People (LACYP) in Wales. Project Report. Cardiff: Children's Social Care and Research and Development Centre (CASCADE).
- Mannay, D. and Hallett, S. 2016. Reflecting on the educational experiences and opinions, attainment, achievement and aspirations of looked after children in Wales. Presented at: Looked After Children In Education: National Strategic Group (NSG), Cardiff, UK, 9 March 2016.
- Mannay, D. 2016. Aspirations, inspirations and expectations: exploring the educational experiences and transitions of looked after young people and care leavers in Wales. Presented at: Inspire Me! Looked After Young People and Care Leavers transition and progression in post-16 Learning, Learning and Work Institute Conference, University of South Wales, 17 March 2016.
- Mannay, D. 2016. ‘A child’s perspective': understanding the educational experiences and opinions, attainment, achievement and aspirations of looked after children in Wales. Presented at: Good Practice Event: Supporting Looked after Children in the Central South Consortium and South-East Wales Region, Ty Dysgu Cefn Coed, Nantgarw, Wales, 29 February 2016.
- Mannay, D. ed. 2016. Our changing land: revisiting gender, class and identity in contemporary Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
- Mannay, D. and Creaghan, J. 2016. Similarity and familiarity: reflections on indigenous ethnography with mothers, daughters and school teachers on the margins of contemporary Wales. In: Ward, M. ed. Gender Identity and Research Relationships., Vol. 14. Studies in Qualitative Methods Bingley: Emerald, pp. 85-103., (10.1108/S1042-319220160000014017)
- Mannay, D. 2016. Reflections on the Opera for the Unknown Woman. Presented at: Salon: Opera for the Unknown Woman, Millennium Centre, Cardiff, UK, 9 March 2016.
- Mannay, D. and Roberts, L. 2016. What have we learnt from looked after children in Wales? Reflecting on their views about educational experiences and opinions, attainment, achievement and aspirations. Presented at: Workshop with Designated Teachers, Christchurch Centre, Newport, UK, 16 March 2016.
- Mannay, D. 2015. Making the visual invisible: exploring creative forms of dissemination that respect anonymity but retain impact. Visual Methodologies 3(2), pp. 68-76. (10.7331/vm.v3i2.47)
- Mannay, D. 2015. I’m just a normal child: looked after children and education. Presented at: Cardiff Urbanistas and Women Making a Difference - Social Action Lightning Talks, Cardiff Story Museum, Cardiff, UK, 8 December 2015.
- Mannay, D. 2015. Visual methods in social research (2nd Ed.), by Marcus Banks and David Zeitlyn [Book Review]. Visual Methodologies 3(1), pp. vii-viii. (10.7331/vm.v3i1.77)
- Mannay, D. 2015. Visual landscapes of in/visibility: exploring and challenging the representation and demonisation of marginalised mothers and daughters. Presented at: In/visibility and Difference: A Visual Methods Workshop, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, 4-5 December 2015.
- Mannay, D., Staples, E., Hallett, S., Roberts, L., Rees, A., Evans, R. E. and Andrews, D. 2015. Understanding the educational experiences and opinions, attainment, achievement and aspirations of looked after children in Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at: http://gov.wales/statistics-and-research/understanding-educational-experiences-opinions-attainment-achievement-aspirations-looked-after-children-wales/?lang=en
- Mannay, D., Staples, E., Hallett, S., Roberts, L., Rees, A., Evans, R. E. and Andrews, D. 2015. Executive summary: Understanding the educational experiences and opinions, attainment, achievement and aspirations of looked after children in Wales.. Technical Report.
- Mannay, D. 2015. Visual, narrative and creative research methods: application, reflection and ethics. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Mannay, D. 2015. Moving beyond the fractured future of ‘the technique’: arguments for slow science, serendipity and creativity in a neoliberal academic market. Presented at: Qualitative Research: Beyond the Fractured Future, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 15-17 July 2015.
- Mannay, D. 2015. Myths, monsters and legends: negotiating an acceptable working class femininity in a marginalised and demonised Welsh locale. In: Cree, V. E., Clapton, G. and Smith, M. eds. Revisiting Moral Panics. Moral Panics in Theory and Practice Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 19-29.
- Mannay, D. and Morgan, M. 2015. Doing ethnography or applying a qualitative technique? Reflections from the 'waiting field'. Qualitative Research 15(2), pp. 166-182. (10.1177/1468794113517391)
- Mannay, D. and Morgan, M. 2015. Reflections from the waiting field: engendering quality time in qualitative research. Presented at: Quality in Qualitative Research and Enduring Problematics, Bath, UK, 27 January 2015.
- Mannay, D., Lomax, H. and Fink, J. 2015. Scissors, sand and the cutting room floor: Employing visual and creative methods ethically with marginalised communities. Presented at: British Sociological Association Annual Conference, Glasgow, UK, 15-17 April 2015.
- Mannay, D. and Edwards, V. 2015. Sandboxes, psychoanalysis and participatory practice: Refiguring therapeutic techniques as ethical visual research methods. Presented at: British Sociological Association Annual Conference, Glasgow, UK, 15-17 April 2015.
- Mannay, D., Grant, A. and Marzella, R. 2015. Constructions of morality and parenthood: the place of everyday visual artefacts in exploring intergenerational infant-feeding practices with mothers and grandmothers. Presented at: Qualitative Research: Beyond the Fractured Future, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 15-17 July 2015.
- Mannay, D. and Edwards, V. 2015. Visual methodologies, sand and psychoanalysis: Exploring creative participatory techniques to engage with subjective experiences through ‘the world technique’. Presented at: 4th International Visual Methods Conference, Brighton, UK, 16-18 September 2015.
- Mannay, D. and Wilcock, C. 2015. What students want? Exploring the role of the institution in supporting successful learning journeys in online distance education. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning 17(1), pp. 49-63. (10.5456/WPLL.17.1.49)
- Mannay, D. 2015. Visual methodologies for communication studies: Making the familiar strange and interesting again. Estudos em Comunicação 19, pp. 61-78.
- Mannay, D., Ward, M. R. M., Parken, A. and Chaney, P. 2015. Our changing land: Revisiting gender, class, identity, work, and public and private life in contemporary Wales. Presented at: The Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research, Data & Methods (WISERD) Annual Conference 2015, Cardiff, 30 June - 2 July 2015.
- Mannay, D. 2015. Who should do the dishes now? Exploring gender and housework in contemporary urban south Wales. Presented at: The Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research, Data & Methods (WISERD) Annual Conference 2015, Cardiff, 30 June - 2 July 2015.
- Mannay, D. 2015. The world technique. Presented at: Families Identity and Gender Research Network and ESRC Wales Doctoral Training Centre Workshops - Constructing and Deconstructing Selfhood, Cardiff, 30 May, 20 June 2015.
- Betts, S. and Mannay, D. 2015. Understanding Welsh social lives: course materials supporting DD102 Introduction to the Social Sciences. The Open University. - teaching_resource
- Mannay, D. and Morgan, D. 2015. [Guest Editorial] Introduction: Employing visual methods in exploring family, community and personal relationships. Families, Relationships and Societies 4(3), pp. 481-482. (10.1332/204674315X14381836678634)
- Mannay, D. and Edwards, V. 2015. Visual methods and the World Technique: the importance of the elicitation interview in understanding non-traditional students’ journeys through university. [SAGE Research Methods Datasets]. SAGE Publications. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781473938076
- Mannay, D. and Morgan, M. 2014. Doing ethnography or applying a qualitative technique?: Reflections from research with non-traditional, mature students in the ‘waiting field’. Presented at: Society for Research into Higher Education, Celtic Manor, Newport, Wales, 9 December 2014.
- Mannay, D. 2014. Achieving respectable motherhood? exploring the impossibility of feminist and egalitarian ideologies against the everyday realities of lived Welsh working-class femininities. Women's Studies International Forum 53, pp. 159-166. (10.1016/j.wsif.2014.10.020)
- Mannay, D. 2014. Mother and daughter ‘homebirds’ and possible selves: generational (dis)connections to locality and spatial identity in South Wales. In: Vanderbeck, R. M. and Worth, N. eds. Intergenerational Space. Routledge Studies in Human Geography London: Routledge, pp. 100-122.
- Mannay, D. 2014. Who should do the dishes now? exploring gender and housework in contemporary urban South Wales. Contemporary Wales 27(1), pp. 21-39.
- Mannay, D. and Edwards, V. 2014. Sand, psychoanalysis and visual methodologies: Exploring creative techniques to engage with subjective experiences of marginalised students in Higher Education. Presented at: Visual Methodologies: A Postdiscipline of Inclusions?, Neuchatel, Switzerland, 19-21 June 2014.
- Mannay, D. and Wilcock, C. 2014. What students want? Exploring the role of the institution in supporting successful learning journeys. Presented at: #WPCONF2014: Widening Participation through Curriculum, Milton Keynes, UK, 30 April - 1 May 2014.
- Mannay, D. 2014. Emotion and the researcher: Communicating affect in academic spaces. Presented at: Emotion and the Researcher: Workshop 2, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 29 March 2014.
- Mannay, D. 2014. Storytelling beyond the academy: exploring roles, responsibilities and regulations in the Open Access dissemination of research outputs and visual data. The Journal of Corporate Citizenship 54, pp. 109-116. (10.9774/GLEAF.4700.2014.ju.00010)
- Mannay, D. and Edwards, V. 2014. Coffee, milk and a sprinkling of sand: an initiative to assist non-traditional, mature students form supportive networks in Higher Education. Presented at: 2014 FACE Annual Conference, Salford University, Salford, UK, 2 - 4 July 2014.
- Mannay, D. 2014. Visual methodologies: participatory potential, practicalities, de-familiarisation and dissemination. In: SAGE Research Methods Cases. London: SAGE Publications, (10.4135/978144627305013496529)
- Mannay, D. and Morgan, M. 2014. Rethinking academic sisterhood: reflections on relationships between women in research practice and within the ivory tower. Presented at: Rethinking Sisterhood: The Affective Politics of Women’s Relationships FWSA Interim Conference, Bristol University, Bristol, UK, 13 September 2014.
- Marzella, R., Mannay, D. and Grant, A. 2014. Mam knows best? Exploring intergenerational feeding practices and decision making with mothers and grandmothers in urban South Wales. Presented at: Welsh Public Health Conference 2014: A Prudent Approach to a Healthier, Happier, Fairer Wales, Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff, UK, 6th - 7 October 2014.
- Mannay, D., Grant, A. and Marzella, R. 2014. Motherhood, morality and infant feeding. Presented at: MeSC - Medicine, Science and Culture Event, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 15 October 2014.
- Mannay, D. 2014. And then there were none: Agatha Christie and class. Presented at: Cardiff Book Talk - And Then There Were None, Cardiff University, Wales, UK, 17 May 2014.
- Mannay, D. 2014. Visual Sociology. Douglas Harper, 2012, New York, Routledge, Pages 298, $45.95, ISBN 9780415778961 [Review]. Visual Methodologies 1(2), pp. ix-xi.
- Mannay, D. and Edwards, V. 2013. It’s written in the sand: Employing sandboxing to explore the experiences of non-traditional, mature students in higher education. Presented at: Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Annual Research Conference 2013, Celtic Manor, Newport, Wales, UK, 11-13 December 2013.
- Mannay, D. 2013. Youth culture and private space, by Sian Lincoln [Review]. Qualitative Research 13(6), pp. 759-761. (10.1177/1468794113494332)
- Mannay, D. 2013. Myths, monsters and legends: negotiating an acceptable working class femininity in a marginalised and demonised Welsh locale. Presented at: Revisiting moral panics: a critical examination of 21st century social issues and anxieties - ESRC Seminar Series - Moral Panics and the State, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 22 November 2013.
- Mannay, D. 2013. Women in academia: reflecting on the empirical and the personal. Presented at: Gendered Research Opportunities – (In)visibility, Cardiff, Wales., 2 October 2013.
- Mannay, D. 2013. Connecting pictured and written worlds: can we translate the visual into academic text without losing its creativity?. Presented at: 3rd International Visual Methods Conference, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand, 2-6 September 2013.
- Mannay, D. and Morgan, M. 2013. Anatomies of inequality: considering the emotional cost of aiming higher for marginalised, mature, mothers re-entering education. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education 19(1), pp. 57-75. (10.7227/JACE.19.1.5)
- Mannay, D. 2013. 'Who put that on there … why why why?' Power games and participatory techniques of visual data production. Visual Studies 28(2), pp. 136-146. (10.1080/1472586X.2013.801635)
- Mannay, D. 2013. Public images and private lives: Exploring the 'presentation of self' in visual research. Presented at: International Visual Sociology Association (IVSA) 2013 Annual Conference: The Public Image, Goldsmiths, London, UK, 8-10 July 2013.
- Mannay, D. 2013. The permeating presence of past domestic and familial violence: So like I’d never let anyone hit me but I’ve hit them, and I shouldn’t have done. In: Gillies, V., Hooper, C. A. and Ribbens McCarthy, J. eds. Family Troubles? Exploring Changes and Challenges in the Family Lives of Children and Young People. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 151-162.
- Mannay, D. 2013. Generation, education and identification: evoking the Kleinian chalice to explore the psychological cost of social mobility in urban south Wales. Presented at: British Psychological Society Annual Conference 2013, Harrogate International Centre, Harrogate, UK, 9-11 April 2013.
- Mannay, D. 2013. Doing Family Photography: The Domestic, the Public and the Politics of Sentiment, by Gillian Rose [Review]. Qualitative Research 13(2), pp. 248-250. (10.1177/1468794112442875)
- Mannay, D. 2013. Review article. Qualitative Research 13(2), pp. 242-244. (10.1177/1468794112450831)
- Mannay, D. 2013. 'I like rough pubs': exploring places of safety and danger in violent and abusive relationships. Families, Relationships and Societies 2(1), pp. 131-137. (10.1332/204674313X664761)
- Mannay, D. 2013. 'If it's pink, scrape the pink off': Negotiating acceptable 'tomboy' femininity in the playground. Women in Society 5(Spring)
- Mannay, D. 2013. Contemporary feminism: avant-garde or antiquated?. British Journal of Sociology of Education 34(2), pp. 301-309. (10.1080/01425692.2012.761392)
- Mannay, D. 2013. 'She aint getting them, she needs like, big knickers': the policing of young sexualities and working-class femininities. Presented at: The Young Sexualities Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Conference, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 25 January 2013.
- Mannay, D. 2013. 'Keeping close and spoiling' revisited: exploring the significance of 'home' for family relationships and educational trajectories in a marginalised estate in urban south Wales. Gender and Education 25(1), pp. 91-107. (10.1080/09540253.2012.736954)
- Mannay, D. and O'Connell, C. 2013. Accessing the academy: developing strategies to engage and retain marginalised young people on successful educational pathways.. Presented at: Scientific-Practical Conference - Do I know young people?, Vilnius, Lithuania, 26-27 September 2012, Vol. 7. Vilnius University pp. 133-140.
- Mannay, D. 2013. The SAGE Handbook of Visual Research Methods, edited by Eric Margolis and Luc Pauwels [Review]. Qualitative Research 13(3), pp. 371-374. (10.1177/1468794113475415)
- Mannay, D. 2012. Creating a community of learning: engendering opportunities for equality across the academic and student divide. Presented at: Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Annual Research Conference 2012: What is Higher Education For? Shared and Contested Ambitions, Celtic Manor, Newport, Wales, UK, 12-14 December 2012.
- Mannay, D. 2012. Creative, visual and poetic spaces of activism in the academy. Presented at: Beyond the Field: Opportunities and Challenges for Contemporary Social Science Research, Department of International Politics, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth, Wales, UK, 9-10 November 2012.
- Mannay, D. 2012. Addressing anatomies of educational inequality: considering need, intervention and service user consultation. Presented at: Equality 2020: Creating our Vision for Wales, Cardiff University and Welsh Government, Millennium Stadium, Cardiff , Wales, UK, 11 September 2012.
- Mannay, D. 2012. Intergenerational exchange: transmission, negotiation, and contestation of values, beliefs and practices on the margins of contemporary Wales. Presented at: Exchange Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Conference, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 28-29 July 2012.
- Mannay, D. 2012. 'Keeping close and spoiling' revisited: exploring the significance of 'home' for family relationships and educational trajectories in a marginalised estate in urban south Wales. Presented at: Intergenerational Geographies: Spaces, Identities, Relationships, Encounters, School of Geography, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK, 10-11 May 2012.
- Mannay, D. 2012. Researching domestic abuse: roles, responsibilities and regrets. Presented at: Advocate, Challenge, Transform: Feminist Conference for International Women's Day, Cardiff Feminist Network, Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 11 March 2012.
- Mannay, D. 2012. If it's pink, scrape the pink off: negotiating acceptable 'tomboy' femininity in the playground. Presented at: Battle of the Sexes: a large group encounter, Newport University, Wales, UK, 3 March 2012.
- Mannay, D. 2012. Mothers and daughters on the margins: gender, generation and education. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Mannay, D. 2012. Aimhigher? Considering the emotional cost of aiming higher for marginalised, mature mothers re-entering education. Presented at: 2011 FACE Annual Conference, Glasgow, UK, 21 June - 1 July 2011 Presented at Jones, P. et al. eds.Lifelong Learning and Community Development - Proceedings of the Forum for Access and Continuing Education 2011 Annual Conference. London: Forum for Access and Continuing Education pp. 11-28.
- Mannay, D. 2012. A delegate’s perspective: review of the Second International Visual Research Methods Conference 13-15 September 2011. Visual Methodologies 1(1), pp. i-vii.
- Mannay, D. 2011. Delegate’s report: Forum for Access and Continuing Education 2011 Annual Conference, Lifelong Learning and Community Development. FACE e-Bulletin(46)
- Mannay, D. 2011. Taking refuge in the branches of a guava tree: the difficulty of retaining consenting and non-consenting participants’ confidentiality as an indigenous researcher. Qualitative Inquiry 17(10), pp. 962-964. (10.1177/1077800411425151)
- Mannay, D. 2011. Visual Interventions: Applied Visual Anthropology, edited by Sarah Pink [Review]. Qualitative Research 11(6), pp. 766-768. (10.1177/1468794111421228)
- Mannay, D. 2010. Making the familiar strange: Can visual research methods render the familiar setting more perceptible?. Qualitative Research 10(1), pp. 91-111. (10.1177/1468794109348684)
- Mackay, H. and Mannay, D. 2010. Making and exploring Welsh social lives. [Audio Materials] supporting DD101 Introducing the social sciences. Open University. - teaching_resource
- Mannay, D. 2009. An introduction to childhood studies (2nd ed.), edited by Mary Jane Kehily [Review]. Gender and Education 21(5), pp. 620-621. (10.1080/09540250903192432)
- Grant, A., Mannay, D., Alberti, G., Needs, J. and Dimond, R. 2009. Postgraduate café papers 2008-9. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Shirani, F. J., Yang, P. and Mannay, D. 2009. Adhering to the conventional sequence: men’s accounts of first-time fatherhood. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/resources/wp126.pdf
- Shirani, F., Yang, P. and Mannay, D. 2009. Postgraduate café papers 2009. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Mannay, D. . ‘Thoughtful practice can be more ethical than an ethical code’: Reflections on the lessons learnt in qualitative journeys. Presented at: The Eighth Annual Qualitative Research Symposium - Ethics and Power, Bath, UK, 31 January 2024.
- Mannay, D. 2025. Difficulties with diversity: Reflections on representation in sandboxing studies. Visual Studies (10.1080/1472586X.2025.2477404)
- Chicken, S., Tur Porres, G., Mannay, D., Parnell, J. and Tyrie, J. 2024. Questioning 'voice' and silence: Exploring creative and participatory approaches to researching with children through a Reggio Emilian lens. Qualitative Research (10.1177/14687941241234299)
- Munro, E. R., Kelly, B., Mannay, D. and McGhee, K. 2024. Comparing leaving-care policy and practice across the four nations of the United Kingdom: Exploring similarities, differences, and implementation gaps. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis 26(2), pp. 178-195. (10.1080/13876988.2024.2317234)
- Evans, R. et al. 2024. Acceptability, feasibility and perceived effectiveness of online and remote mental health and wellbeing interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study with care-experienced young people, carers and professionals. Children and Youth Services Review 156, article number: 107321. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.107321)
- Stabler, L. et al. 2023. ‘I probably wouldn’t want to talk about anything too personal’: A qualitative exploration of how issues of privacy, confidentiality and surveillance in the home impact on access and engagement with online services and spaces for care-experienced young people. Adoption & Fostering 47(3), pp. 277-294. (10.1177/03085759231203019)
- Rees, A., Roberts, L., Mannay, D., Evans, R., Staples, E. and Hallett, S. 2022. Listening to the experts: Learning about relationships and their impact on educational experiences from children and young people in state care. Relational Social Work 6(2), pp. 36-57. (10.14605/RSW622202)
- Mannay, D., Smith, P., Turney, C., Jennings, S. and Davies, P. 2022. ‘Becoming more confident in being themselves’: the value of cultural and creative engagement for young people in foster care. Qualitative Social Work 21(3), pp. 485-503. (10.1177/14733250211009965)
- Roberts, L., Rees, A., Mannay, D., Bayfield, H., Corliss, C., Diaz, C. and Vaughan, R. 2021. Corporate parenting in a pandemic: Considering the delivery and receipt of support to care leavers in Wales during Covid-19. Children and Youth Services Review 128, article number: 106155. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2021.106155)
- Roberts, L., Mannay, D., Rees, A., Bayfield, H., Corliss, C., Diaz, C. and Vaughan, R. 2021. ‘It’s been a massive struggle’: Exploring the experiences of young people leaving care during COVID-19. Young 29(4S), pp. S81-S99. (10.1177/11033088211025949)
- Grant, A., Morgan, M., Gallagher, D. and Mannay, D. 2020. Smoking during pregnancy, stigma and secrets: visual methods exploration in the UK. Women and Birth 33(1), pp. 70-76. (10.1016/j.wombi.2018.11.012)
- Mannay, D., Staples, E., Hallett, S., Roberts, L., Rees, A., Evans, R. and Andrews, D. 2019. Enabling talk and reframing messages: working creatively with care experienced children and young people to recount and re-represent their everyday experiences. Child Care in Practice 25(1), pp. 51-63. (10.1080/13575279.2018.1521375)
- Grant, A., Morgan, M., Mannay, D. and Gallagher, D. 2019. Understanding health behaviour in pregnancy and infant feeding intentions in low-income women from the UK through qualitative visual methods and application to the COM-B (Capability, Opportunity, Motivation - Behaviour) model. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 19, article number: 56. (10.1186/s12884-018-2156-8)
- Mannay, D., Creaghan, J., Gallagher, D., Marzella, R., Mason, S., Morgan, M. and Grant, A. 2018. Negotiating closed doors and constraining deadlines: the potential of visual ethnography to effectually explore private and public spaces of motherhood and parenting. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 47(6), pp. 758-781. (10.1177/0891241617744858)
- Grant, A., Mannay, D. and Marzella, R. 2018. 'People try and police your behaviour': the impact of surveillance on mothers' and grandmothers' perceptions and experiences of infant feeding. Families, Relationships and Societies 7(3), pp. 431-447. (10.1332/204674317X14888886530223)
- Mannay, D. 2018. Back to school: how can we make the experience better for children in care?. The Conversation
- Mannay, D. 2017. Back through the Looking Glass: a review of the Fourth International Visual Research Methods Conference. Visual Methodologies 5(1), pp. 9-13. (10.7331/vm.v5i1.104)
- Mannay, D., Staples, E. and Edwards, V. 2017. Visual methodologies, sand and psychoanalysis: employing creative participatory techniques to explore the educational experiences of mature students and children in care. Visual Studies 32(4), pp. 345-358. (10.1080/1472586X.2017.1363636)
- Mannay, D. 2017. Participatory visual and digital research in action, by Aline Gubrium et al [Book Review]. Qualitative Research 17(5), pp. 603-604. (10.1177/1468794116685141)
- Mannay, D., Evans, R., Staples, E., Hallett, S., Roberts, L., Rees, A. and Andrews, D. 2017. The consequences of being labelled ‘looked-after’: Exploring the educational experiences of looked-after children and young people in Wales. British Educational Research Journal 43(4), pp. 683-699. (10.1002/berj.3283)
- Mannay, D. 2015. Making the visual invisible: exploring creative forms of dissemination that respect anonymity but retain impact. Visual Methodologies 3(2), pp. 68-76. (10.7331/vm.v3i2.47)
- Mannay, D. 2015. Visual methods in social research (2nd Ed.), by Marcus Banks and David Zeitlyn [Book Review]. Visual Methodologies 3(1), pp. vii-viii. (10.7331/vm.v3i1.77)
- Mannay, D. and Morgan, M. 2015. Doing ethnography or applying a qualitative technique? Reflections from the 'waiting field'. Qualitative Research 15(2), pp. 166-182. (10.1177/1468794113517391)
- Mannay, D. and Wilcock, C. 2015. What students want? Exploring the role of the institution in supporting successful learning journeys in online distance education. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning 17(1), pp. 49-63. (10.5456/WPLL.17.1.49)
- Mannay, D. 2015. Visual methodologies for communication studies: Making the familiar strange and interesting again. Estudos em Comunicação 19, pp. 61-78.
- Mannay, D. and Morgan, D. 2015. [Guest Editorial] Introduction: Employing visual methods in exploring family, community and personal relationships. Families, Relationships and Societies 4(3), pp. 481-482. (10.1332/204674315X14381836678634)
- Mannay, D. 2014. Achieving respectable motherhood? exploring the impossibility of feminist and egalitarian ideologies against the everyday realities of lived Welsh working-class femininities. Women's Studies International Forum 53, pp. 159-166. (10.1016/j.wsif.2014.10.020)
- Mannay, D. 2014. Who should do the dishes now? exploring gender and housework in contemporary urban South Wales. Contemporary Wales 27(1), pp. 21-39.
- Mannay, D. 2014. Storytelling beyond the academy: exploring roles, responsibilities and regulations in the Open Access dissemination of research outputs and visual data. The Journal of Corporate Citizenship 54, pp. 109-116. (10.9774/GLEAF.4700.2014.ju.00010)
- Mannay, D. 2014. Visual Sociology. Douglas Harper, 2012, New York, Routledge, Pages 298, $45.95, ISBN 9780415778961 [Review]. Visual Methodologies 1(2), pp. ix-xi.
- Mannay, D. 2013. Youth culture and private space, by Sian Lincoln [Review]. Qualitative Research 13(6), pp. 759-761. (10.1177/1468794113494332)
- Mannay, D. and Morgan, M. 2013. Anatomies of inequality: considering the emotional cost of aiming higher for marginalised, mature, mothers re-entering education. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education 19(1), pp. 57-75. (10.7227/JACE.19.1.5)
- Mannay, D. 2013. 'Who put that on there … why why why?' Power games and participatory techniques of visual data production. Visual Studies 28(2), pp. 136-146. (10.1080/1472586X.2013.801635)
- Mannay, D. 2013. Doing Family Photography: The Domestic, the Public and the Politics of Sentiment, by Gillian Rose [Review]. Qualitative Research 13(2), pp. 248-250. (10.1177/1468794112442875)
- Mannay, D. 2013. Review article. Qualitative Research 13(2), pp. 242-244. (10.1177/1468794112450831)
- Mannay, D. 2013. 'I like rough pubs': exploring places of safety and danger in violent and abusive relationships. Families, Relationships and Societies 2(1), pp. 131-137. (10.1332/204674313X664761)
- Mannay, D. 2013. 'If it's pink, scrape the pink off': Negotiating acceptable 'tomboy' femininity in the playground. Women in Society 5(Spring)
- Mannay, D. 2013. Contemporary feminism: avant-garde or antiquated?. British Journal of Sociology of Education 34(2), pp. 301-309. (10.1080/01425692.2012.761392)
- Mannay, D. 2013. 'Keeping close and spoiling' revisited: exploring the significance of 'home' for family relationships and educational trajectories in a marginalised estate in urban south Wales. Gender and Education 25(1), pp. 91-107. (10.1080/09540253.2012.736954)
- Mannay, D. 2013. The SAGE Handbook of Visual Research Methods, edited by Eric Margolis and Luc Pauwels [Review]. Qualitative Research 13(3), pp. 371-374. (10.1177/1468794113475415)
- Mannay, D. 2012. A delegate’s perspective: review of the Second International Visual Research Methods Conference 13-15 September 2011. Visual Methodologies 1(1), pp. i-vii.
- Mannay, D. 2011. Delegate’s report: Forum for Access and Continuing Education 2011 Annual Conference, Lifelong Learning and Community Development. FACE e-Bulletin(46)
- Mannay, D. 2011. Taking refuge in the branches of a guava tree: the difficulty of retaining consenting and non-consenting participants’ confidentiality as an indigenous researcher. Qualitative Inquiry 17(10), pp. 962-964. (10.1177/1077800411425151)
- Mannay, D. 2011. Visual Interventions: Applied Visual Anthropology, edited by Sarah Pink [Review]. Qualitative Research 11(6), pp. 766-768. (10.1177/1468794111421228)
- Mannay, D. 2010. Making the familiar strange: Can visual research methods render the familiar setting more perceptible?. Qualitative Research 10(1), pp. 91-111. (10.1177/1468794109348684)
- Mannay, D. 2009. An introduction to childhood studies (2nd ed.), edited by Mary Jane Kehily [Review]. Gender and Education 21(5), pp. 620-621. (10.1080/09540250903192432)
Book sections
- Mannay, D., Vaughan, R., Boffey, M. and Wooders, C. 2023. 'A little bit of advice': Working creatively with children and their foster carers to explore how they would like to share their experiences. In: Kara, H. ed. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Creative Research Methods. Bloomsbury Handbooks London: Bloomsbury, pp. 251-261.
- Mannay, D. 2023. ‘Please explain to me how I’m vulnerable’: Learning how to rework experiences of researcher vulnerability by listening carefully to care experienced young people. In: Clift, B. C. et al. eds. Qualitative Research Vulnerability: Negotiating, Experiencing and Embracing. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 222-237.
- Mannay, D. 2023. Déjà vu et jamais vu: What happens when the field expands in ways that mean there is no exit?. In: Smith, R. and Delamont, S. eds. Leaving the Field: Methodological Insights from Ethnographic Exits. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 113-125.
- Mannay, D. 2021. Visualizing pasts, futures and the present: how can creative research methods enable reflection, reflexivity and imagination?. In: Clift, B. et al. eds. Temporality in qualitative inquiry: theories, methods and practices. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 127-141.
- Mannay, D. and Ward, M. R. M. 2020. The Coffee Club: An initiative to support mature and non-traditional higher education students in Wales. In: Crimmins, G. ed. Strategies for Supporting Inclusion and Diversity in the Academy: Higher Education, Aspiration and Inequality. London: Palgrave Macmillan
- Mannay, D. 2020. Creative methods: anonymity, visibility and ethical re-representation. In: Iphofen, R. ed. Handbook of Research Ethics and Scientific Integrity. Cham: Springer, pp. 493-507., (10.1007/978-3-030-16759-2_21)
- Mannay, D. and Hodges, A. 2020. ‘Third objects’ and sandboxes creatively engaging children to share their understandings of social worlds. In: White, E. J. ed. Seeing the world through children's eyes: Visual methodologies and approaches to early learning. Leiden: Brill
- Mannay, D. and Turney, C. 2020. Sandboxing: a creative approach to qualitative research in education. In: Ward, M. R. M. and Delamont, S. eds. Handbook of Qualitative Research in Education., Vol. 2nd Ed. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 233-244.
- Mannay, D. 2019. Artefacts, third objects, sandboxing and figurines in the doll’s house. In: Pauwels, L. and Mannay, D. eds. The SAGE Handbook of Visual Research Methods (2nd Edition). London: SAGE Publications
- Mannay, D. 2019. Revisualizing data: engagement, impact and multimodal dissemination. In: Pauwels, L. and Mannay, D. eds. The Sage Handbook of Visual Research Methods (2nd Edition). London: SAGE Publications
- Mannay, D., Fink, J. and Lomax, H. 2019. Visual ethnography. In: Atkinson, P. et al. eds. SAGE Research Methods Foundations. SAGE, (10.4135/9781526421036775961)
- Mannay, D. and Staples, E. 2019. Sandboxes, stickers and superheroes: Employing creative techniques to explore the aspirations and experiences of children and young people who are looked after. In: Mannay, D., Rees, A. and Roberts, L. eds. Children and young people 'looked after'? Education, intervention and the everyday culture of care in Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 169-182.
- Mannay, D. 2019. What happens when you take your eye off the ball? Reflecting on a ‘lost study’ of boys’ football, uneven playing fields and the longitudinal promise of ‘esprit de corps’.. In: Smith, R. and Delamont, S. eds. The lost ethnographies: Methodological insights from projects that never were., Vol. 17. Studies in Qualitative Methodology Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald, pp. 103-112.
- Mannay, D., Roberts, L., Staples, E. and Ministry of Life, -. 2019. Lights, camera, action:Translating research findings into policy and practice impacts with music, film and artwork. In: Mannay, D., Rees, A. and Roberts, L. eds. Children and young people 'looked after'? Education, intervention and the everyday culture of care in Wales.. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 210-224.
- Mannay, D., Rees, A. and Roberts, L. 2019. Conclusion. In: Mannay, D., Rees, A. and Roberts, L. eds. Children and young people 'looked after'? Education, intervention and the everyday culture of care in Wales.. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 228-240.
- Mannay, D., Rees, A. and Roberts, L. 2019. Introduction. In: Mannay, D., Rees, A. and Roberts, L. eds. Children and young people 'looked after'? Education, intervention and the everyday culture of care in Wales.. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 1-12.
- Rees, A. 2019. The daily lived experience of foster care. In: Mannay, D., Rees, A. and Roberts, L. eds. Children and young people 'looked after'? Education, intervention and the everyday culture of care in Wales. University of Wales Press, pp. 85-99.
- Mannay, D. 2018. Ethnography in inaccessible fields: drawing on visual approaches to understand the private space of the home. In: Kleinknecht, S. W., van den Scott, L. K. and Sanders, C. B. eds. The Craft of Qualitative Research. Toronto, Canada: Canadian Scholars’ Press
- Mannay, D., Creaghan, J., Gallagher, D., Mason, S., Morgan, M. and Grant, A. 2018. ‘Watching what I’m doing, watching how I’m doing it’: Exploring the everyday experiences of surveillance and silenced voices among marginalised mothers in Welsh low-income locales. In: Taylor, T. and Bloch, K. eds. Marginalized Mothers, Mothering from the Margins., Vol. 25. Advances in Gender Research Vol. 25. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 25-40., (10.1108/s1529-212620180000025002)
- Loughran, T. and Mannay, D. 2018. Introduction: Why emotion matters. In: Loughran, T. and Mannay, D. eds. Emotion and the researcher: sites, subjectivities, and relationships., Vol. 16. Studies in Qualitative Methodology Bingley: Emerald, pp. 1-18., (10.1108/S1042-319220180000016001)
- Mannay, D. 2018. 'You just get on with it’: Negotiating the telling and silencing of trauma and its emotional impacts in interviews with marginalised mothers. In: Loughran, T. and Mannay, D. eds. Emotion and the researcher: sites, subjectivities, and relationships., Vol. 16. Studies in Qualitative Methodology Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald, pp. 66-81.
- Latchem-Hastings, G. 2018. The emotions of 'doing ethics' in healthcare research: a researcher's reflexive account. In: Loughran, T. and Mannay, D. eds. Emotion and the researcher: Sites, Subjectivities and Relationships. Studies in Qualitative Methodology United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing, pp. 213-228.
- Roberts, E. 2018. The 'Transient Insider': identity and intimacy in home community research. In: Loughran, T. and Mannay, D. eds. Emotion and the researcher: sites, subjectivities, and relationships., Vol. 16. Emerald
- Loughran, T. and Mannay, D. 2018. Afterword. In: Loughran, T. and Mannay, D. eds. Emotion and the researcher: sites, subjectivities, and relationships., Vol. 16. Bingley: Emerald, pp. 261-268.
- Mannay, D. 2016. The politics of visibility, voice and anonymity: ethically disseminating visual research findings without the pictures. In: Warr, D. et al. eds. Ethics and Visual Research Methods: Theory, Methodology and Practice. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 225–235., (10.1057/978-1-137-54305-9_17)
- Mannay, D. 2016. Who should do the dishes now? Revisiting gender and housework in contemporary urban South Wales. In: Mannay, D. ed. Our Changing Land: Revisiting Gender, Class and Identity in Contemporary Wales. Gender Studies in Wales Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 63-85.
- Mannay, D. 2016. Introduction. In: Mannay, D. ed. Our Changing Land: Revisiting Gender, Class and Identity in Contemporary Wales. Gender Studies in Wales Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 1-18.
- Mannay, D. 2016. Conclusion. In: Mannay, D. ed. Our Changing Land: Revisiting Gender, Class and Identity in Contemporary Wales. Gender Studies in Wales Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 280-296.
- Mannay, D. and Creaghan, J. 2016. Similarity and familiarity: reflections on indigenous ethnography with mothers, daughters and school teachers on the margins of contemporary Wales. In: Ward, M. ed. Gender Identity and Research Relationships., Vol. 14. Studies in Qualitative Methods Bingley: Emerald, pp. 85-103., (10.1108/S1042-319220160000014017)
- Mannay, D. 2015. Myths, monsters and legends: negotiating an acceptable working class femininity in a marginalised and demonised Welsh locale. In: Cree, V. E., Clapton, G. and Smith, M. eds. Revisiting Moral Panics. Moral Panics in Theory and Practice Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 19-29.
- Mannay, D. 2014. Mother and daughter ‘homebirds’ and possible selves: generational (dis)connections to locality and spatial identity in South Wales. In: Vanderbeck, R. M. and Worth, N. eds. Intergenerational Space. Routledge Studies in Human Geography London: Routledge, pp. 100-122.
- Mannay, D. 2014. Visual methodologies: participatory potential, practicalities, de-familiarisation and dissemination. In: SAGE Research Methods Cases. London: SAGE Publications, (10.4135/978144627305013496529)
- Mannay, D. 2013. The permeating presence of past domestic and familial violence: So like I’d never let anyone hit me but I’ve hit them, and I shouldn’t have done. In: Gillies, V., Hooper, C. A. and Ribbens McCarthy, J. eds. Family Troubles? Exploring Changes and Challenges in the Family Lives of Children and Young People. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 151-162.
- Mannay, D. and Timperley, V. 2025. Sandboxing in Practice: Qualitative Interviewing with Sand, Objects and Figures. Creative Research Methods in Practice. Bristol: Policy Press.
- Kara, H., Mannay, D. and Roy, A. eds. 2024. The handbook of creative data analysis. Bristol: Policy Press. (10.51952/9781447369592)
- Kara, H., Lemon, N., Mannay, D. and McPherson, M. 2021. Creative research methods in education: Principles and practices. Bristol: Policy Press.
- Pauwels, L. and Mannay, D. eds. 2019. The SAGE handbook of visual research methods (2nd Edition). London: SAGE Publications.
- Mannay, D., Rees, A. and Roberts, L. eds. 2019. Children and young people 'looked after'? Education, intervention and the everyday culture of care in Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
- Loughran, T. and Mannay, D. eds. 2018. Emotion and the researcher: sites, subjectivities, and relationships. Studies in Qualitative Methodology. Bingley: Emerald.
- Mannay, D. 2017. Métodos visuales, narrativos y creativos en investigación cualitativa. Madrid: Narcea, S.A. de Ediciones.
- Mannay, D. ed. 2016. Our changing land: revisiting gender, class and identity in contemporary Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
- Mannay, D. 2015. Visual, narrative and creative research methods: application, reflection and ethics. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Mannay, D. 2024. ‘Second star to the right [of the universe], and straight on till morning’: Following directions and finding new ones on international journeys in creative research methods. Presented at: International Creative Research Methods Conference II, Manchester, UK, 9-10 September 2024.
- Mannay, D. 2024. ‘It’s written in the sand’: Considering creative methods for design, data production, analysis and dissemination. Presented at: Igniting Creative Methods: Social Change and Community Co-Production, University of Bedfordshire, 15 November 2024.
- Mannay, D. and Timperley, V. 2024. Sandboxing: Qualitative interviewing with sand, objects, and figures. Presented at: Bristol Conversations in Education, University of Bristol, UK, 27 November 2024.
- Mannay, D. 2024. Sand, stickers and superheroes: working creatively to generate talk, analyse data and disseminate findings. Presented at: University of Hertfordshire Creative Methods Conference, Hatfield, UK, 28 June 2024.
- Mannay, D. 2023. ‘A little bit of advice’: Working creatively with children and their foster cares to explore how they would like to share their experiences. Presented at: International Creative Research Methods Conference, Manchester, UK, 11-12 September 2023.
- Mannay, D., Wall, K., Chudasama, M. and Robinson, C. 2023. Child-led research methodologies and children’s rights: Moving beyond the state of the art. Presented at: British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, Birmingham, UK, 12-14 September 2023.
- Mannay, D. 2022. ‘Please explain to me how I’m vulnerable’: Learning how to rework experiences of researcher vulnerability by listening carefully to care experienced young people. Presented at: 8th Annual Qualitative Research Symposium: Researcher Vulnerability, Bath, England, 01-02 February 2022.
- Mannay, D. 2019. Sand, stickers and superheroes: Applying visual and creative methodologies to understand participants' worlds and negotiate positive changes. Presented at: British Psychological Society Seminar Series - Exploring the potential for creative and arts-based methods for applied psychological research - Visualising and storying applied psychology, Bath, UK, 21 May 2019. pp. -.
- Mannay, D. 2018. Drawing on creative methods to understand the everyday lives of women and girls. Presented at: Young Women and Girls in Contemporary Scotland and Beyond, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 5th September 2018.
- Mannay, D. 2018. Enabling talk and reframing messages: Working creatively and collaboratively to recount and re-represent everyday experiences and negotiate change. Presented at: Methodological Imaginations: community, creativity, collaboration, co-production: University of Greenwich, London, UK, 9 July 2018.
- Mannay, D. 2018. Visual methods: practice, practicalities and publication. Presented at: Creative Research Methods Symposium, University of Derby, UK, 2 Jul 2018.
- Mannay, D. 2018. Sandboxing Workshop. Presented at: Creative Research Methods Symposium, University of Derby, Derby, UK, 2 July 2018.
- Grant, A., Mannay, D., Morgan, M., Gallagher, D. and Marzella, R. 2017. Qualitative interviews as a collaborative space: lessons from visual research methods to encourage a more participatory approach. Presented at: British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2017, University of Manchester, UK, 4-7 April 2017.
- Mannay, D. 2017. Revisiting Shirley Jackson's 'The Haunting of Hill House'. Presented at: BookTalk Event, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 8 February 2017.
- Grant, A., Mannay, D. and Morgan, M. 2017. Reducing researcher dominance in qualitative interviewing: the intersection of the novel and the mundane. Presented at: Third Annual Qualitative Research Symposium, University of Bath, Bath, UK, 1 February 2017.
- Mannay, D. 2017. Public Peer Review: What happens when you ask young people to become the critics?. Presented at: Third Annual Southwest Qualitative Research Symposium, University of Bath, Bath, UK, 1 February 2017.
- Mannay, D. 2017. I, Daniel Blake - Katie's story: motherhood and marginalisation. Presented at: Screening - I, Daniel Blake, Birt Acres Lecture Theatre, Cardiff University, 30 March 2017.
- Mannay, D., Grant, A., Morgan, M., Gallagher, D. and Marzella, R. 2017. Transitions in pregnancy and new motherhood: changing nappies and changing subjectivities. Presented at: British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2017, Manchester University, UK, 4-6 April 2017.
- Mannay, D. 2017. Researching marginalised femininities: why is it important to listen to men’s voices?. Presented at: British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2017, Manchester University. UK, 4-6 April 2017.
- Mannay, D. 2016. Within reach: creative ways to engage and work with communities. Presented at: Flying Start Conference – Now We Are 10!, City Hall, Cardiff, UK, 12 September 2016.
- Grant, A., Mannay, D. and Marzella, R. 2016. Surveillance and stigma during pregnancy and early motherhood: the changing experiences of mothers and grandmothers. Presented at: British Sociological Society Annual Conference, Aston Conference Centre, Birmingham, UK, 6-8 April 2016.
- Mannay, D. and Hallett, S. 2016. Reflecting on the educational experiences and opinions, attainment, achievement and aspirations of looked after children in Wales. Presented at: Looked After Children In Education: National Strategic Group (NSG), Cardiff, UK, 9 March 2016.
- Mannay, D. 2016. Aspirations, inspirations and expectations: exploring the educational experiences and transitions of looked after young people and care leavers in Wales. Presented at: Inspire Me! Looked After Young People and Care Leavers transition and progression in post-16 Learning, Learning and Work Institute Conference, University of South Wales, 17 March 2016.
- Mannay, D. 2016. ‘A child’s perspective': understanding the educational experiences and opinions, attainment, achievement and aspirations of looked after children in Wales. Presented at: Good Practice Event: Supporting Looked after Children in the Central South Consortium and South-East Wales Region, Ty Dysgu Cefn Coed, Nantgarw, Wales, 29 February 2016.
- Mannay, D. 2016. Reflections on the Opera for the Unknown Woman. Presented at: Salon: Opera for the Unknown Woman, Millennium Centre, Cardiff, UK, 9 March 2016.
- Mannay, D. and Roberts, L. 2016. What have we learnt from looked after children in Wales? Reflecting on their views about educational experiences and opinions, attainment, achievement and aspirations. Presented at: Workshop with Designated Teachers, Christchurch Centre, Newport, UK, 16 March 2016.
- Mannay, D. 2015. I’m just a normal child: looked after children and education. Presented at: Cardiff Urbanistas and Women Making a Difference - Social Action Lightning Talks, Cardiff Story Museum, Cardiff, UK, 8 December 2015.
- Mannay, D. 2015. Visual landscapes of in/visibility: exploring and challenging the representation and demonisation of marginalised mothers and daughters. Presented at: In/visibility and Difference: A Visual Methods Workshop, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, 4-5 December 2015.
- Mannay, D. 2015. Moving beyond the fractured future of ‘the technique’: arguments for slow science, serendipity and creativity in a neoliberal academic market. Presented at: Qualitative Research: Beyond the Fractured Future, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 15-17 July 2015.
- Mannay, D. and Morgan, M. 2015. Reflections from the waiting field: engendering quality time in qualitative research. Presented at: Quality in Qualitative Research and Enduring Problematics, Bath, UK, 27 January 2015.
- Mannay, D., Lomax, H. and Fink, J. 2015. Scissors, sand and the cutting room floor: Employing visual and creative methods ethically with marginalised communities. Presented at: British Sociological Association Annual Conference, Glasgow, UK, 15-17 April 2015.
- Mannay, D. and Edwards, V. 2015. Sandboxes, psychoanalysis and participatory practice: Refiguring therapeutic techniques as ethical visual research methods. Presented at: British Sociological Association Annual Conference, Glasgow, UK, 15-17 April 2015.
- Mannay, D., Grant, A. and Marzella, R. 2015. Constructions of morality and parenthood: the place of everyday visual artefacts in exploring intergenerational infant-feeding practices with mothers and grandmothers. Presented at: Qualitative Research: Beyond the Fractured Future, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 15-17 July 2015.
- Mannay, D. and Edwards, V. 2015. Visual methodologies, sand and psychoanalysis: Exploring creative participatory techniques to engage with subjective experiences through ‘the world technique’. Presented at: 4th International Visual Methods Conference, Brighton, UK, 16-18 September 2015.
- Mannay, D., Ward, M. R. M., Parken, A. and Chaney, P. 2015. Our changing land: Revisiting gender, class, identity, work, and public and private life in contemporary Wales. Presented at: The Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research, Data & Methods (WISERD) Annual Conference 2015, Cardiff, 30 June - 2 July 2015.
- Mannay, D. 2015. Who should do the dishes now? Exploring gender and housework in contemporary urban south Wales. Presented at: The Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research, Data & Methods (WISERD) Annual Conference 2015, Cardiff, 30 June - 2 July 2015.
- Mannay, D. 2015. The world technique. Presented at: Families Identity and Gender Research Network and ESRC Wales Doctoral Training Centre Workshops - Constructing and Deconstructing Selfhood, Cardiff, 30 May, 20 June 2015.
- Mannay, D. and Morgan, M. 2014. Doing ethnography or applying a qualitative technique?: Reflections from research with non-traditional, mature students in the ‘waiting field’. Presented at: Society for Research into Higher Education, Celtic Manor, Newport, Wales, 9 December 2014.
- Mannay, D. and Edwards, V. 2014. Sand, psychoanalysis and visual methodologies: Exploring creative techniques to engage with subjective experiences of marginalised students in Higher Education. Presented at: Visual Methodologies: A Postdiscipline of Inclusions?, Neuchatel, Switzerland, 19-21 June 2014.
- Mannay, D. and Wilcock, C. 2014. What students want? Exploring the role of the institution in supporting successful learning journeys. Presented at: #WPCONF2014: Widening Participation through Curriculum, Milton Keynes, UK, 30 April - 1 May 2014.
- Mannay, D. 2014. Emotion and the researcher: Communicating affect in academic spaces. Presented at: Emotion and the Researcher: Workshop 2, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 29 March 2014.
- Mannay, D. and Edwards, V. 2014. Coffee, milk and a sprinkling of sand: an initiative to assist non-traditional, mature students form supportive networks in Higher Education. Presented at: 2014 FACE Annual Conference, Salford University, Salford, UK, 2 - 4 July 2014.
- Mannay, D. and Morgan, M. 2014. Rethinking academic sisterhood: reflections on relationships between women in research practice and within the ivory tower. Presented at: Rethinking Sisterhood: The Affective Politics of Women’s Relationships FWSA Interim Conference, Bristol University, Bristol, UK, 13 September 2014.
- Marzella, R., Mannay, D. and Grant, A. 2014. Mam knows best? Exploring intergenerational feeding practices and decision making with mothers and grandmothers in urban South Wales. Presented at: Welsh Public Health Conference 2014: A Prudent Approach to a Healthier, Happier, Fairer Wales, Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff, UK, 6th - 7 October 2014.
- Mannay, D., Grant, A. and Marzella, R. 2014. Motherhood, morality and infant feeding. Presented at: MeSC - Medicine, Science and Culture Event, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 15 October 2014.
- Mannay, D. 2014. And then there were none: Agatha Christie and class. Presented at: Cardiff Book Talk - And Then There Were None, Cardiff University, Wales, UK, 17 May 2014.
- Mannay, D. and Edwards, V. 2013. It’s written in the sand: Employing sandboxing to explore the experiences of non-traditional, mature students in higher education. Presented at: Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Annual Research Conference 2013, Celtic Manor, Newport, Wales, UK, 11-13 December 2013.
- Mannay, D. 2013. Myths, monsters and legends: negotiating an acceptable working class femininity in a marginalised and demonised Welsh locale. Presented at: Revisiting moral panics: a critical examination of 21st century social issues and anxieties - ESRC Seminar Series - Moral Panics and the State, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 22 November 2013.
- Mannay, D. 2013. Women in academia: reflecting on the empirical and the personal. Presented at: Gendered Research Opportunities – (In)visibility, Cardiff, Wales., 2 October 2013.
- Mannay, D. 2013. Connecting pictured and written worlds: can we translate the visual into academic text without losing its creativity?. Presented at: 3rd International Visual Methods Conference, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand, 2-6 September 2013.
- Mannay, D. 2013. Public images and private lives: Exploring the 'presentation of self' in visual research. Presented at: International Visual Sociology Association (IVSA) 2013 Annual Conference: The Public Image, Goldsmiths, London, UK, 8-10 July 2013.
- Mannay, D. 2013. Generation, education and identification: evoking the Kleinian chalice to explore the psychological cost of social mobility in urban south Wales. Presented at: British Psychological Society Annual Conference 2013, Harrogate International Centre, Harrogate, UK, 9-11 April 2013.
- Mannay, D. 2013. 'She aint getting them, she needs like, big knickers': the policing of young sexualities and working-class femininities. Presented at: The Young Sexualities Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Conference, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 25 January 2013.
- Mannay, D. and O'Connell, C. 2013. Accessing the academy: developing strategies to engage and retain marginalised young people on successful educational pathways.. Presented at: Scientific-Practical Conference - Do I know young people?, Vilnius, Lithuania, 26-27 September 2012, Vol. 7. Vilnius University pp. 133-140.
- Mannay, D. 2012. Creating a community of learning: engendering opportunities for equality across the academic and student divide. Presented at: Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Annual Research Conference 2012: What is Higher Education For? Shared and Contested Ambitions, Celtic Manor, Newport, Wales, UK, 12-14 December 2012.
- Mannay, D. 2012. Creative, visual and poetic spaces of activism in the academy. Presented at: Beyond the Field: Opportunities and Challenges for Contemporary Social Science Research, Department of International Politics, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth, Wales, UK, 9-10 November 2012.
- Mannay, D. 2012. Addressing anatomies of educational inequality: considering need, intervention and service user consultation. Presented at: Equality 2020: Creating our Vision for Wales, Cardiff University and Welsh Government, Millennium Stadium, Cardiff , Wales, UK, 11 September 2012.
- Mannay, D. 2012. Intergenerational exchange: transmission, negotiation, and contestation of values, beliefs and practices on the margins of contemporary Wales. Presented at: Exchange Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Conference, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 28-29 July 2012.
- Mannay, D. 2012. 'Keeping close and spoiling' revisited: exploring the significance of 'home' for family relationships and educational trajectories in a marginalised estate in urban south Wales. Presented at: Intergenerational Geographies: Spaces, Identities, Relationships, Encounters, School of Geography, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK, 10-11 May 2012.
- Mannay, D. 2012. Researching domestic abuse: roles, responsibilities and regrets. Presented at: Advocate, Challenge, Transform: Feminist Conference for International Women's Day, Cardiff Feminist Network, Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 11 March 2012.
- Mannay, D. 2012. If it's pink, scrape the pink off: negotiating acceptable 'tomboy' femininity in the playground. Presented at: Battle of the Sexes: a large group encounter, Newport University, Wales, UK, 3 March 2012.
- Mannay, D. 2012. Aimhigher? Considering the emotional cost of aiming higher for marginalised, mature mothers re-entering education. Presented at: 2011 FACE Annual Conference, Glasgow, UK, 21 June - 1 July 2011 Presented at Jones, P. et al. eds.Lifelong Learning and Community Development - Proceedings of the Forum for Access and Continuing Education 2011 Annual Conference. London: Forum for Access and Continuing Education pp. 11-28.
- Mannay, D. . ‘Thoughtful practice can be more ethical than an ethical code’: Reflections on the lessons learnt in qualitative journeys. Presented at: The Eighth Annual Qualitative Research Symposium - Ethics and Power, Bath, UK, 31 January 2024.
- Mannay, D. and Edwards, V. 2015. Visual methods and the World Technique: the importance of the elicitation interview in understanding non-traditional students’ journeys through university. [SAGE Research Methods Datasets]. SAGE Publications. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781473938076
- Mannay, D., Baurley, J., Thomas, T. and Turney, C. 2023. Hands on Heritage: Revisiting creative and collaborative approaches with young people at the National Museum Wales. Project Report. Cardiff: Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales.
- Tyrie, J. et al. 2023. COVID–19, education and learning: Amplifying young children’s voices. Project Report. [Online]. The Welsh Government. Available at: https://hwb.gov.wales/api/storage/0b6492be-c863-4168-b301-6f3fef4eade5/cen-18-report-eng-final.pdf
- Mannay, D. et al. 2022. The strengths and challenges of online services and interventions to support the mental health and wellbeing of care-experienced children and young people: A study exploring the views of young people, carers, and social care professionals in Wales during the Coronavirus pandemic. Project Report. Cardiff: The Fostering Network in Wales.
- Boffey, M., Mannay, D., Vaughan, R. and Wooders, C. 2021. The Fostering Communities programme - Walking tall: stage two evaluation. Project Report. Cardiff: The Fostering Network in Wales.
- Boffey, M., Mannay, D., Vaughan, R. and Wooders, C. 2021. The Fostering Communities programme - walking tall: stage one evaluation. Project Report. Cardiff: The Fostering Network in Wales.
- Roberts, L., Rees, A., Bayfield, H., Corliss, C., Diaz, C., Mannay, D. and Vaughan, R. 2020. Young people leaving care, practitioners and the coronavirus (COVID 19) pandemic: experiences, support, and lessons for the future. Project Report. CASCADE/Cardiff University.
- Mannay, D., Smith, P., Jennings, S., Turney, C. and Davies, P. 2019. Executive Summary: The value of cultural and creative engagement: Understanding the experiences and opinions of care-experienced young people and foster carers in Wales.. Technical Report.
- Mannay, D. 2019. Hands on heritage: exploring creative and collaborative approaches with young people at the National Museum Wales. Project Report. Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales.
- Mannay, D., Smith, P., Jennings, S., Turney, C. and Davies, P. 2018. The value of cultural and creative engagement: Understanding the experiences and opinions of care-experienced young people and foster carers in Wales. Project Report. Cardiff: Wales Millennium Centre.
- Mobedji, S. and Mannay, D. 2018. ‘Just listen’: Care-experienced young people’s views of the child protection system in Wales. Project Report. Cardiff: The Fostering Network.
- Mannay, D., Staples, E., Hallett, S., Roberts, L., Rees, A., Evans, R. and Andrews, D. 2016. Exploring the educational experiences and aspirations of Looked After Children and Young People (LACYP) in Wales. Project Report. Cardiff: Children's Social Care and Research and Development Centre (CASCADE).
- Mannay, D., Staples, E., Hallett, S., Roberts, L., Rees, A., Evans, R. E. and Andrews, D. 2015. Understanding the educational experiences and opinions, attainment, achievement and aspirations of looked after children in Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at: http://gov.wales/statistics-and-research/understanding-educational-experiences-opinions-attainment-achievement-aspirations-looked-after-children-wales/?lang=en
- Mannay, D., Staples, E., Hallett, S., Roberts, L., Rees, A., Evans, R. E. and Andrews, D. 2015. Executive summary: Understanding the educational experiences and opinions, attainment, achievement and aspirations of looked after children in Wales.. Technical Report.
- Grant, A., Mannay, D., Alberti, G., Needs, J. and Dimond, R. 2009. Postgraduate café papers 2008-9. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Shirani, F. J., Yang, P. and Mannay, D. 2009. Adhering to the conventional sequence: men’s accounts of first-time fatherhood. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/resources/wp126.pdf
- Shirani, F., Yang, P. and Mannay, D. 2009. Postgraduate café papers 2009. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Mannay, D. 2012. Mothers and daughters on the margins: gender, generation and education. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Betts, S. and Mannay, D. 2015. Understanding Welsh social lives: course materials supporting DD102 Introduction to the Social Sciences. The Open University. - teaching_resource
- Mackay, H. and Mannay, D. 2010. Making and exploring Welsh social lives. [Audio Materials] supporting DD101 Introducing the social sciences. Open University. - teaching_resource
My research interests revolve around class, education, gender, geography, generation, national identity, care experienced children and young people and inequality; and I employ participatory, visual, creative and narrative methods in my work with communities.
Details of External Funding
- 2017 - Welsh Government - Creating an Online Community of Practice: Developing the Sharing of Expertise for those working with Children and Young People that are Looked After £26, 347 - Principal Investigator
- 2016 - ESRC - Improving the Educational Experiences and Attainment of Looked After Children and Young People £25,000 - Lead Applicant [with Dr Eleanor Staples and Dr Sophie Hallett]
- 2015 – Welsh Government - Understanding the educational experiences and opinions, attainment, achievement and aspirations of looked after children in Wales £59,852 – Principal Investigator
- 2015 - Welcome Trust - Contextualising women’s risky health behaviours within pregnancy: the development of a qualitative longitudinal study using visual methods £19,000 [with Dr Aimee Grant, Cardiff University].
- 2014 – Children and Young People’s Research Network (CYPRN) Funded - Inter-generational Views and Experiences of Breastfeeding [with Dr Aimee Grant, Cardiff University and Ruby Marzella, Cardiff University] £1,360 – Research Co-Supervisor
- 2013 - HEA/ Open University Funded - What Students Want? Exploring the Role of the Institution in Supporting Success Learning Journeys [Principal Investigator - Ceri Wilcock, Open University] – Research Assistant
- 2012 - ACE Development Trust Funded Research Project - Futurespace: assessing community views on strategies to reduce fuel poverty and carbon footprint [with Dr Karen Parkhill, University of Bangor] £800 - Joint Principal Investigator
- 2008 - 2012 – Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) funded PhD - Mothers and Daughters on the Margins: Gender, Generation and Education (PTA031200600088) - Doctoral Researcher.
Details of Internal Funding
- 2016 - University of Wales Press - Publication Grant - Children and young people ‘looked after’? Education, intervention and the everyday culture of care in Wales. £9,000 Lead Applicant [with Dr Alyson Rees and Dr Louise Roberts, Cardiff University].
- 2015 – Cardiff University Engagement Seed Funding - Sharing Stories: Presenting the Educational Experiences of Looked After Children through Rap Poetry and Art £1,500 [with Dr Eleanor Staples, Cardiff University]
- 2015 - Cardiff Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (CUROP) Funded - Young Parents and the Media: Exploring Visual Representations and their Everyday Impacts £1,440 – Research Supervisor
- 2015 – ESRC Wales Doctoral Training Centre - Small grant application form for inter-disciplinary or collaborative activities - Constructing and Deconstructing Selfhood [with Dr Katherine Shelton, Dr Tracey Loughran and Dr Melanie Bigold] £1, 935 – Co-applicant
- 2014 - University of Wales Press Funding – Photography and Musical Productions Development Grant - Our Changing Land: Revisiting Gender and Identity in Contemporary Wales £5.000.
- 2014 - Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research, Data & Methods (WISERD) Transformative Research Seedcorn Funded - Negotiating Young Parenthood: A study exploring the ways in which mediated stereotypes of teenage parents impact on their perceptions of their parenting practices; and their engagement with service providers [with Dr Aimee Grant, Cardiff University] £3,000 – Joint Principal Investigator
- 2013 - University of Wales Press Funding – Publication Grant - Our Changing Land: Revisiting Gender and Identity in Contemporary Wales. £6,000.
- 2013 - Cardiff Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (CUROP) Funded - University Challenge: How can we foster successful learning journeys for non-traditional students in a School of Social Science? [with Victoria Edwards, Cardiff University] £1,360 – Research Supervisor
I teach undergraduate and postgraduate modules in the areas of human development, social psychology, cultural psychology; and I am a personal tutor. I also act as a supervisor for dissertation students, both undergraduate and masters; and supervise doctoral researchers.
My current modules include; * SIO036 – Human Development * SIO268 – Current Debates in Identity and Subjectivity * SIO209 – Issues in Social and Cultural Psychology * MASW - Social Science Perspectives * MA Childhood and Youth *MSc Social Science Research Methods * Person Tutor and Dissertation Supervision
Education and Qualifications
- MA Distance and Online Education – Open University – 2015
- Postgraduate Certificate in University Teaching and Learning Module 3 – Cardiff University - 2015
- Welsh for Adults – Mynediad – Cardiff University - 2014
- Postgraduate Certificate in University Teaching and Learning Module 2 – Cardiff University – 2014
- Postgraduate Certificate in University Teaching and Learning Module 1 – Cardiff University - 2013
- PhD Social Science - Cardiff University - 2012
- MSc Social Science Research – Cardiff University - 2008
- BA Education 1st class honours – Cardiff University – 2006
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
- 2017 - Enriching Student Life Awards - Nomination by students at Cardiff University – Most Effective Teacher
- 2017 - Enriching Student Life Awards - Nomination by students at Cardiff University – Most Innovative Member of Staff
- 2016 - Chwarae Teg Womenspire Awards - Shortlisted by Panel to Final – Women in Education
- 2016 - Enriching Student Life Awards - Nomination by students at Cardiff University – Most Effective Teacher
- 2015 – Enriching Student Life Awards - Nomination by students at Cardiff University – Shortlisted by Panel to Final – Enriching Student Life Award
- 2014 – Enriching Student Life Awards - Nomination by students at Cardiff University – Personal Tutor of the Year
- 2014 – Enriching Student Life Awards - Nomination by students at Cardiff University – Most Effective Teacher
- 2014 – Enriching Student Life Awards - Nomination by students at Cardiff University – Shortlisted by Panel to final – Employability Award
- 2012 - Nomination by students at University of Wales, Newport for the Extra Mile Award
- 2012 - Nomination by students at University of Wales, Newport for the Awesome Team Award
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Higher Education Academy - Fellow Status
- British Sociological Association – Visual Sociology Study Group – Joint Convener,
- International Visual Sociology Association - Member
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- Cardiff University - Senior Lecturer in Social Sciences (Psychology) – 2016 - ongoing
- Cardiff University - Lecturer in Social Sciences (Psychology) – 2012 – 2016
- Open University in Wales - Associate Lecturer – 2010 - 2016
- University of Newport - Visiting Lecturer – 2010 - 2012
- Women Making a Difference Project – Trainer – 2010 - 2012
- Beacon Researchers in Schools - Project Assistant – 2010
- Cardiff University Centre for Lifelong Learning – Tutor - 2009 -2012
- Cardiff University School of Social Sciences – Tutor – 2006 – 2012
- BRASS – Centre for Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society - Research Assistant – 2003 - 2010
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
- Childhood and Youth Research Group - Joint Convener
- Families, Identities and Gender Research Network (FIG) - Co-convener,
- Mature Students Coffee Club - Convener
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn goruchwylio myfyrwyr doethurol a sefydlu cydweithrediadau ymchwil ar gymhwyso dulliau gweledol, naratif a chreadigol mewn meysydd cymdeithasegol a seicolegol sylweddol.
Myfyrwyr Doethurol wedi'u Goruchwylio i Gwblhau
- Dr Clive Diaz - Astudiaeth ar gyfranogiad plant a phobl ifanc yn eu Hadolygiadau Plant mewn Gofal
- Dr Louise Folkes - Syniadau cyfunol (ail)o symudedd cymdeithasol: Mewnwelediadau o naratifau symudedd sy'n seiliedig ar leoedd, wedi'u dosbarthu a'u rhywedd (im).
- Dr Kate Marston - Archwilio diwylliannau rhywiol digidol pobl ifanc drwy ddulliau creadigol, gweledol a chelfyddydol
- Dr Hayat Benkorichi Graoui - Iaith a hunaniaeth ethnig mewn ysgol uwchradd amlethnig yng Nghymru
- Dr James Snook - Archwiliad o newidiadau athrawon ar ddechrau eu gyrfa mewn hunaniaethau proffesiynol ar draws rhaglen ymholiad athrawon ôl-raddedig
- Dr Catt Turney - Sut mae plant yn rhagweld, profi a rheoli'r cyfnod pontio o'r ysgol gynradd i'r ysgol uwchradd
- Dr Alison Prowle - 'Diolch am ofyn am fy stori': Archwiliad o safbwyntiau rhieni, ymarferwyr ac actorion strategol mudol gorfodol yn ne Cymru
- Dr Lee Sobo-Allen - Tadau dibreswyl yn dod yn ofalwyr llawn amser: Astudiaeth ansoddol o fyfyrdodau tadau a gweithwyr cymdeithasol ar eu cymhellion, a'r heriau a'r cyfleoedd y daethant ar eu traws ar draws y broses amddiffyn plant yn Lloegr
- Dr Leah Hibbs - Profiadau, sefydliadau, arweinyddiaeth a chynrychiolaeth ar sail rhywedd: Dadansoddiad sefydliadol ffeministaidd o lywodraeth leol Cymru.
- Dr Catherine Thomas - Sut mae normau rhywedd yn effeithio ar ddealltwriaeth pobl ifanc o orfodaeth a chydsyniad mewn perthynas [Wedi'i Ddyfarnu ar ôl ei farwolaeth]
Myfyrwyr Doethuriaeth cyfredol
- Radja Bouchama
- Emma Chivers
- Samantha McAlister-Wilson
- Lorna Stabler
- Rhiannon Maniatt
- Sylvia Hoyland
- Dawn Hutchinson
Contact Details
+44 29208 74774
Adeilad Morgannwg, Ystafell 1.26, Rhodfa’r Brenin Edward VII, Caerdydd, CF10 3WA