Dr Stephen Marsh
Darllenydd mewn Gwleidyddiaeth
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Mae fy mhrif ddiddordebau ymchwil yn ymwneud â chysylltiadau rhyngwladol o'r Ail Ryfel Byd hyd at y presennol, gyda ffocws penodol ar drawsiwerydd a'i effaith ar y byd ehangach. Dros y tri degawd diwethaf rwyf wedi gweithio'n arbennig ar hanes y Rhyfel Oer, esblygiad yr Undeb Ewropeaidd fel actor diogelwch, polisi tramor Americanaidd, a chysylltiadau Eingl-Americanaidd. Yn fwy diweddar, rwyf wedi dod yn arbennig o awyddus i gyfrannu dulliau amlddisgyblaethol a rhyngddisgyblaethol tuag at ddeall y 'berthynas arbennig' rhwng Prydain a'r Unol Daleithiau.
Yr wyf yn olygydd y Journal of Transatlantic Studies (Journal of Transatlantic Studies | palgrave)
Rwy'n gyd-olygydd cyfres lyfrau McGill-Queens Transatlantic Studies, gyda'r Athro Robert Hendershot (Pori Llyfrau | Gwasg Prifysgol McGill-Queen (mqup.ca))
Yn flaenorol, cyd-olygais gyfres lyfrau Cysylltiadau Eingl-Americanaidd Gwasg Prifysgol Caeredin, gyda'r Athro Alan P. Dobson (Edinburgh Studies in Anglo-American Relations (edinburghuniversitypress.com)
- Marsh, S. and Hendershot, R. 2024. Renewing the Cold War narrative of “special” Anglo-American relations. Commemoration, performance, and the American bicentennial. Journal of Cold War Studies 26(1), pp. 196-246. (10.1162/jcws_a_01196)
- Marsh, S. 2024. The Anglo-American special relationship: Past, present, future. In: Johnson, G. ed. Locating the Transatlantic in Twentieth-century Politics, Diplomacy and Culture. London, UK: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 211-228.
- Dobson, A. P. and Marsh, S. 2022. Introduction. In: Dobson, A. P. and Marsh, S. eds. Anglo-American Relations and the Transmission of Ideas: A Shared Political Tradition?. Bergahn, pp. 1-20., (10.1515/9781800734807-002)
- Marsh, S. and Dobson, A. eds. 2022. Anglo-American relations and the transmission of ideas: a shared political tradition?. Berghahn. (10.3167/9781800734791)
- Marsh, S. 2022. Anglo-American relations: a political tradition of special relationship(s). In: Dobson, A. P. and Marsh, S. eds. Anglo-American Relations and the Transmission of Ideas: A Shared Political Tradition?. Berghahn, pp. 294-318., (10.1515/9781800734807-012)
- Berry, P., Dobson, A. and Marsh, S. 2021. Far from ‘the highest level of special’: Anglo-American relations under Donald Trump. In: Mahler, G. ed. Foreign perceptions of the United States under Donald Trump. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books
- Marsh, S. 2021. Anglo-American relations and soft power: transitioning the special relationship. International History Review 43(3), pp. 525-546. (10.1080/07075332.2020.1771401)
- Marsh, S. 2021. Wilson, Callaghan and the management of Anglo-American relations, 1974-76. Contemporary British History 35(1), pp. 26-51. (10.1080/13619462.2020.1785292)
- Hendershot, R. M. and Marsh, S. 2020. Introduction. In: Hendershot, R. M. and Marsh, S. eds. Culture Matters: Anglo-American Relations and the intangibles of specialness.. Manchester University Press, pp. 1-17.
- Hendershot, R. M. and Marsh, S. eds. 2020. Culture matters: Anglo-American relations and the intangibles of 'specialness'. Manchester University Press.
- Hendershot, R. M. and Marsh, S. 2020. Conclusion: culture, ‘specialness,’ and new directions. In: Hendershot, R. M. and Marsh, S. eds. Culture Matters: Anglo-American Relations and the intangibles of specialness. Manchester University Press, pp. 271-277.
- Marsh, S. 2020. Beyond essential: Britons and the Anglo-American special relationship. Journal of Transatlantic Studies 18, pp. 382-404. (10.1057/s42738-020-00054-x)
- Culley, T. and Marsh, S. 2020. Anglo-American relations and a dilemma of diplomatic recognition: Royalists, Republicans and crisis in the Yemen, 1962-1963. International History Review 43(1), pp. 42-59. (10.1080/07075332.2018.1523215)
- Marsh, S. 2019. Anglo-American relations and the past present: insights into an (ongoing) mythologisation of a special relationship. Journal of Transatlantic Studies 17(3), pp. 310-340. (10.1057/s42738-019-00021-1)
- Culley, T. and Marsh, S. 2019. To recognise, or not to recognise?: Macmillan's Yemen Arab Republic question. Middle Eastern Studies 55(3), pp. 339-356. (10.1080/00263206.2018.1547965)
- Marsh, S. 2018. The US, BREXIT and Anglo-American relations. Journal of Transatlantic Studies 16(3), pp. 272-294. (10.1080/14794012.2018.1482713)
- Marsh, S. 2018. The US, BREXIT and Anglo-American Relations. Journal of Transatlantic Studies 16(3), pp. 272-294.
- Marsh, S. and Culley, T. 2018. Anglo-American relations and crisis in The Congo. Contemporary British History 32(3), pp. 359-384. (10.1080/13619462.2018.1477598)
- Marsh, S. 2017. Personal diplomacy at the summit. In: Dobson, A. P. and Marsh, S. eds. Churchill and the Anglo-American Special Relationship. Cold War History London: Routledge, pp. 116-141., (10.4324/9781315642673-7)
- Marsh, S., Lorenzo-Dus, N. and Marchi, A. 2017. Churchill's inter-subjective special relationship: a corpus-assisted discourse approach. In: Marsh, S. and Dobson, A. eds. Churchill's and the Anglo-American Special Relationship. Routledge, pp. 171-201.
- Dobson, A. P. and Marsh, S. eds. 2017. Churchill and the Anglo-American special relationship. Routledge.
- Marchi, A. and Marsh, S. 2016. Churchill, Fulton and the Anglo-American special relationship: setting the agenda?. Journal of Transatlantic Studies 14(4), pp. 365-382. (10.1080/14794012.2016.1230258)
- Marsh, S. 2016. The United States, Iran and the oil weapon. In: Lifset, R. ed. American Energy Policy in the 1970s. University of Oklahoma Press, pp. 93-122.
- Dobson, A. and Marsh, S. 2014. Anglo-American relations: end of a special relationship. International History Review 36(4), pp. 673-697. (10.1080/07075332.2013.836124)
- Marsh, S. 2013. Churchill, SACLANT and the politics of opposition. Contemporary British History 27(4), pp. 445-465. (10.1080/13619462.2013.825566)
- Marsh, S. and Dobson, A. P. 2013. Fine words, few answers: NATO’s ‘not so new’ new strategic concept. In: Hallams, E., Ratti, L. and Zyla, B. eds. NATO Beyond 9/11: The Transformation of the Atlantic Alliance. New Security Challenges Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 155-177., (10.1057/9780230391222_8)
- Marsh, S. 2013. The Anglo-American defence relationship. In: Marsh, S. I. and Dobson, A. eds. Anglo-American Relations: Contemporary Perspectives. Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics Vol. 97. London: Routledge, pp. 179-206.
- Marsh, S. and Dobson, A. eds. 2012. Anglo-American relations: contemporary perspectives. Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics. London: Routledge.
- Lorenzo-Dus, N. and Marsh, S. 2012. Bridging the gap: Interdisciplinary insights into the securitization of poverty. Discourse & Society 23(3), pp. 274-296. (10.1177/0957926511433453)
- Marsh, S. 2012. 'Global security: US-UK relations': lessons for the special relationship?. Journal of Transatlantic Studies 10(2), pp. 182-199. (10.1080/14794012.2012.678119)
- Marsh, S. 2012. Negotiating a unified Atlantic naval command: Anglo-American summit talks and the impact of domestic politics. Journal for Maritime Research 14(2), pp. 95-109. (10.1080/21533369.2012.726426)
- Marsh, S. 2012. Anglo-American relations 1950-51: three strikes for British prestige. Diplomacy and Statecraft 23(2), pp. 304-330. (10.1080/09592296.2012.679484)
- Marsh, S. and Rees, W. 2011. The European Union in the security of Europe: from Cold War to terror war. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Dobson, A. P. and Marsh, S. 2010. Churchill at the Summit: SACLANT and the Tone of Anglo-American Relations in January 1952. The International History Review 32(2), pp. 211-228. (10.1080/07075332.2010.489751)
- Marsh, S. 2009. Thirty years on: Iran's "silent revolution". Iranian Studies 42(2), pp. 213-229. (10.1080/00210860902764904)
- Marsh, S. 2008. EU-Russia security relations and the survey of Russian Federation foreign policy: One year on. European Security 17(2-3), pp. 185-208. (10.1080/09662830802538702)
- Marsh, S. 2007. Anglo-American crude diplomacy: Multinational oil and the Iranian oil crisis, 1951–53. Contemporary British History 21(1), pp. 25-53. (10.1080/13619460600785259)
- Marsh, S. and Baylis, J. 2006. The Anglo-American "special relationship": The Lazarus of international relations. Diplomacy and Statecraft 17(1), pp. 173-211. (10.1080/09592290500533841)
- Marsh, S. 2006. The United States and the common European security and defence policy: no end to drift?. In: Baylis, J. and Roper, J. eds. The United States and Europe: Beyond the Neo-Conservative Divide?. Contemporary Security Studies Routledge, pp. 89-106.
- Marsh, S. and Dobson, A. 2006. US foreign policy since 1945. The Making of the Contemporary World. London: Routledge.
- Marsh, S. 2005. Continuity and change: Reinterpreting the policies of the Truman and Eisenhower administrations towards Iran, 1950-54. Journal of Cold War Studies 7(3), pp. 79-123. (10.1162/1520397054377205)
- Marsh, S. and Mackenstein, H. 2005. The international relations of the European Union. Harlow: Pearson/ Longman.
- Marsh, S. 2005. Squaring circles: trends and transformation in postwar British foreign policy?. In: Dorey, P. ed. Developments in UK Public Policy since 1945. New York: SAGE Publications, pp. 67-91.
- Marsh, S. 2003. Anglo-American relations and cold war oil: crisis in Iran. Cold War History. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
- Marsh, S. 2003. The United States, Iran and operation 'Ajax': Inverting interpretative orthodoxy. Middle Eastern Studies 39(3), pp. 1-38. (10.1080/00263200412331301657)
- Marsh, S. 2003. September 11 and Anglo-American relations: reaffirming the 'Special Relationship'. Journal of Transatlantic Studies 1(1), pp. 56-75.
- Marsh, S. 2002. The dangers of German history: Lessons from a decade of post-cold war German foreign and security policy. Perspectives on European Politics and Society 3(3), pp. 389-424. (10.1080/15705850208438843)
- Marsh, S. 2001. HMG, AIOC and the Anglo-Iranian oil crisis: In defence of Anglo-Iranian. Diplomacy and Statecraft 12(4), pp. 143-174. (10.1080/09592290108406230)
- Marsh, S. and Dobson, A. 2000. US foreign policy since 1945. The Making of the Contemporary World. London: Routledge.
- Marsh, S. 1998. The Special Relationship and the Anglo-Iranian oil crisis, 1950–4. Review of International Studies 24(4), pp. 529-544.
- Marsh, S. and Hendershot, R. 2024. Renewing the Cold War narrative of “special” Anglo-American relations. Commemoration, performance, and the American bicentennial. Journal of Cold War Studies 26(1), pp. 196-246. (10.1162/jcws_a_01196)
- Marsh, S. 2021. Anglo-American relations and soft power: transitioning the special relationship. International History Review 43(3), pp. 525-546. (10.1080/07075332.2020.1771401)
- Marsh, S. 2021. Wilson, Callaghan and the management of Anglo-American relations, 1974-76. Contemporary British History 35(1), pp. 26-51. (10.1080/13619462.2020.1785292)
- Marsh, S. 2020. Beyond essential: Britons and the Anglo-American special relationship. Journal of Transatlantic Studies 18, pp. 382-404. (10.1057/s42738-020-00054-x)
- Culley, T. and Marsh, S. 2020. Anglo-American relations and a dilemma of diplomatic recognition: Royalists, Republicans and crisis in the Yemen, 1962-1963. International History Review 43(1), pp. 42-59. (10.1080/07075332.2018.1523215)
- Marsh, S. 2019. Anglo-American relations and the past present: insights into an (ongoing) mythologisation of a special relationship. Journal of Transatlantic Studies 17(3), pp. 310-340. (10.1057/s42738-019-00021-1)
- Culley, T. and Marsh, S. 2019. To recognise, or not to recognise?: Macmillan's Yemen Arab Republic question. Middle Eastern Studies 55(3), pp. 339-356. (10.1080/00263206.2018.1547965)
- Marsh, S. 2018. The US, BREXIT and Anglo-American relations. Journal of Transatlantic Studies 16(3), pp. 272-294. (10.1080/14794012.2018.1482713)
- Marsh, S. 2018. The US, BREXIT and Anglo-American Relations. Journal of Transatlantic Studies 16(3), pp. 272-294.
- Marsh, S. and Culley, T. 2018. Anglo-American relations and crisis in The Congo. Contemporary British History 32(3), pp. 359-384. (10.1080/13619462.2018.1477598)
- Marchi, A. and Marsh, S. 2016. Churchill, Fulton and the Anglo-American special relationship: setting the agenda?. Journal of Transatlantic Studies 14(4), pp. 365-382. (10.1080/14794012.2016.1230258)
- Dobson, A. and Marsh, S. 2014. Anglo-American relations: end of a special relationship. International History Review 36(4), pp. 673-697. (10.1080/07075332.2013.836124)
- Marsh, S. 2013. Churchill, SACLANT and the politics of opposition. Contemporary British History 27(4), pp. 445-465. (10.1080/13619462.2013.825566)
- Lorenzo-Dus, N. and Marsh, S. 2012. Bridging the gap: Interdisciplinary insights into the securitization of poverty. Discourse & Society 23(3), pp. 274-296. (10.1177/0957926511433453)
- Marsh, S. 2012. 'Global security: US-UK relations': lessons for the special relationship?. Journal of Transatlantic Studies 10(2), pp. 182-199. (10.1080/14794012.2012.678119)
- Marsh, S. 2012. Negotiating a unified Atlantic naval command: Anglo-American summit talks and the impact of domestic politics. Journal for Maritime Research 14(2), pp. 95-109. (10.1080/21533369.2012.726426)
- Marsh, S. 2012. Anglo-American relations 1950-51: three strikes for British prestige. Diplomacy and Statecraft 23(2), pp. 304-330. (10.1080/09592296.2012.679484)
- Dobson, A. P. and Marsh, S. 2010. Churchill at the Summit: SACLANT and the Tone of Anglo-American Relations in January 1952. The International History Review 32(2), pp. 211-228. (10.1080/07075332.2010.489751)
- Marsh, S. 2009. Thirty years on: Iran's "silent revolution". Iranian Studies 42(2), pp. 213-229. (10.1080/00210860902764904)
- Marsh, S. 2008. EU-Russia security relations and the survey of Russian Federation foreign policy: One year on. European Security 17(2-3), pp. 185-208. (10.1080/09662830802538702)
- Marsh, S. 2007. Anglo-American crude diplomacy: Multinational oil and the Iranian oil crisis, 1951–53. Contemporary British History 21(1), pp. 25-53. (10.1080/13619460600785259)
- Marsh, S. and Baylis, J. 2006. The Anglo-American "special relationship": The Lazarus of international relations. Diplomacy and Statecraft 17(1), pp. 173-211. (10.1080/09592290500533841)
- Marsh, S. 2005. Continuity and change: Reinterpreting the policies of the Truman and Eisenhower administrations towards Iran, 1950-54. Journal of Cold War Studies 7(3), pp. 79-123. (10.1162/1520397054377205)
- Marsh, S. 2003. The United States, Iran and operation 'Ajax': Inverting interpretative orthodoxy. Middle Eastern Studies 39(3), pp. 1-38. (10.1080/00263200412331301657)
- Marsh, S. 2003. September 11 and Anglo-American relations: reaffirming the 'Special Relationship'. Journal of Transatlantic Studies 1(1), pp. 56-75.
- Marsh, S. 2002. The dangers of German history: Lessons from a decade of post-cold war German foreign and security policy. Perspectives on European Politics and Society 3(3), pp. 389-424. (10.1080/15705850208438843)
- Marsh, S. 2001. HMG, AIOC and the Anglo-Iranian oil crisis: In defence of Anglo-Iranian. Diplomacy and Statecraft 12(4), pp. 143-174. (10.1080/09592290108406230)
- Marsh, S. 1998. The Special Relationship and the Anglo-Iranian oil crisis, 1950–4. Review of International Studies 24(4), pp. 529-544.
Book sections
- Marsh, S. 2024. The Anglo-American special relationship: Past, present, future. In: Johnson, G. ed. Locating the Transatlantic in Twentieth-century Politics, Diplomacy and Culture. London, UK: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 211-228.
- Dobson, A. P. and Marsh, S. 2022. Introduction. In: Dobson, A. P. and Marsh, S. eds. Anglo-American Relations and the Transmission of Ideas: A Shared Political Tradition?. Bergahn, pp. 1-20., (10.1515/9781800734807-002)
- Marsh, S. 2022. Anglo-American relations: a political tradition of special relationship(s). In: Dobson, A. P. and Marsh, S. eds. Anglo-American Relations and the Transmission of Ideas: A Shared Political Tradition?. Berghahn, pp. 294-318., (10.1515/9781800734807-012)
- Berry, P., Dobson, A. and Marsh, S. 2021. Far from ‘the highest level of special’: Anglo-American relations under Donald Trump. In: Mahler, G. ed. Foreign perceptions of the United States under Donald Trump. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books
- Hendershot, R. M. and Marsh, S. 2020. Introduction. In: Hendershot, R. M. and Marsh, S. eds. Culture Matters: Anglo-American Relations and the intangibles of specialness.. Manchester University Press, pp. 1-17.
- Hendershot, R. M. and Marsh, S. 2020. Conclusion: culture, ‘specialness,’ and new directions. In: Hendershot, R. M. and Marsh, S. eds. Culture Matters: Anglo-American Relations and the intangibles of specialness. Manchester University Press, pp. 271-277.
- Marsh, S. 2017. Personal diplomacy at the summit. In: Dobson, A. P. and Marsh, S. eds. Churchill and the Anglo-American Special Relationship. Cold War History London: Routledge, pp. 116-141., (10.4324/9781315642673-7)
- Marsh, S., Lorenzo-Dus, N. and Marchi, A. 2017. Churchill's inter-subjective special relationship: a corpus-assisted discourse approach. In: Marsh, S. and Dobson, A. eds. Churchill's and the Anglo-American Special Relationship. Routledge, pp. 171-201.
- Marsh, S. 2016. The United States, Iran and the oil weapon. In: Lifset, R. ed. American Energy Policy in the 1970s. University of Oklahoma Press, pp. 93-122.
- Marsh, S. and Dobson, A. P. 2013. Fine words, few answers: NATO’s ‘not so new’ new strategic concept. In: Hallams, E., Ratti, L. and Zyla, B. eds. NATO Beyond 9/11: The Transformation of the Atlantic Alliance. New Security Challenges Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 155-177., (10.1057/9780230391222_8)
- Marsh, S. 2013. The Anglo-American defence relationship. In: Marsh, S. I. and Dobson, A. eds. Anglo-American Relations: Contemporary Perspectives. Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics Vol. 97. London: Routledge, pp. 179-206.
- Marsh, S. 2006. The United States and the common European security and defence policy: no end to drift?. In: Baylis, J. and Roper, J. eds. The United States and Europe: Beyond the Neo-Conservative Divide?. Contemporary Security Studies Routledge, pp. 89-106.
- Marsh, S. 2005. Squaring circles: trends and transformation in postwar British foreign policy?. In: Dorey, P. ed. Developments in UK Public Policy since 1945. New York: SAGE Publications, pp. 67-91.
- Marsh, S. and Dobson, A. eds. 2022. Anglo-American relations and the transmission of ideas: a shared political tradition?. Berghahn. (10.3167/9781800734791)
- Hendershot, R. M. and Marsh, S. eds. 2020. Culture matters: Anglo-American relations and the intangibles of 'specialness'. Manchester University Press.
- Dobson, A. P. and Marsh, S. eds. 2017. Churchill and the Anglo-American special relationship. Routledge.
- Marsh, S. and Dobson, A. eds. 2012. Anglo-American relations: contemporary perspectives. Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics. London: Routledge.
- Marsh, S. and Rees, W. 2011. The European Union in the security of Europe: from Cold War to terror war. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Marsh, S. and Dobson, A. 2006. US foreign policy since 1945. The Making of the Contemporary World. London: Routledge.
- Marsh, S. and Mackenstein, H. 2005. The international relations of the European Union. Harlow: Pearson/ Longman.
- Marsh, S. 2003. Anglo-American relations and cold war oil: crisis in Iran. Cold War History. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
- Marsh, S. and Dobson, A. 2000. US foreign policy since 1945. The Making of the Contemporary World. London: Routledge.
- Marsh, S. 2018. The US, BREXIT and Anglo-American Relations. Journal of Transatlantic Studies 16(3), pp. 272-294.
Rwy'n cymryd rhan mewn nifer o brosiectau ymchwil unigol a chydweithredol sy'n canolbwyntio ar gysylltiadau Eingl-Americanaidd a'r 'berthynas arbennig'.
Yn ddiweddar, rwyf wedi gyrru sawl prosiect gan arwain at lyfrau wedi'u golygu sydd wedi'u cynllunio i ehangu dealltwriaeth o gysylltiadau Eingl-Americanaidd y tu hwnt i seilos academaidd a ffosil traddodiadol:
- Marsh, S. and Dobson, A. eds. 2022. Cysylltiadau Eingl-Americanaidd a throsglwyddo syniadau: traddodiad gwleidyddol a rennir? Berghahn.
- Hendershot, R. M. a Marsh, S. eds. 2020. Mae diwylliant yn bwysig: cysylltiadau Eingl-Americanaidd ac anangibles 'arbenigrwydd'. Gwasg Prifysgol Manceinion.
- Dobson, AP a Marsh, S. eds. 2017. Churchill a'r berthynas arbennig Eingl-Americanaidd. Routledge.
Fy mhrosiectau presennol yw:
- Gwaith wedi'i olygu yn ymchwilio i effaith Breindal Prydain ar gysylltiadau Eingl-Americanaidd (Hendershot, R. M. a Marsh, S. eds. Forthcoming. Brenhinoedd Prydain a chysylltiadau Eingl-Americanaidd: O Wrthryfel i Adnewyddu. Gwasg Prifysgol McGill-Queens).
- Gwahoddiad i bennod llyfr yn archwilio 'arbenigedd' mewn cysylltiadau Eingl-Americanaidd ('Does dim ots os yw rhywun yn ei alw'n 'berthynas arbennig' ai peidio').
- Erthygl sy'n herio cynrychiolaethau 'cacen haen' a 'riff cwrel' traddodiadol o gysylltiadau Eingl-Americanaidd ('cysylltiadau Eingl-Americanaidd). Ail-ddelweddu i chwilio am "arbenigrwydd".')
- Llyfr ar y cyd yn archwilio cysylltiadau Eingl-Americanaidd yn ystod arlywyddiaeth Gerald Ford (Gerald Ford a Anglo-American Relations). Ail-werthuso llywyddiaeth dros dro).
Rwy'n addysgu ac yn goruchwylio ar bob lefel ac ar draws amrywiaeth o fodiwlau cysylltiadau rhyngwladol. Dros y blynyddoedd mae'r rhain wedi cynnwys Cyflwyniad i Gysylltiadau Rhyngwladol, Cyflwyniad i Integreiddio Ewropeaidd, Gwleidyddiaeth a Pholisïau'r Undeb Ewropeaidd, yr Undeb Ewropeaidd a Globaleiddio Economaidd, Yr Undeb Ewropeaidd a Diogelwch Ewropeaidd, Polisi Tramor yr Unol Daleithiau, cysylltiadau Eingl-Americanaidd, cysylltiadau Trawsatlantig, Cysylltiadau Amddiffyn Eingl-Americanaidd y Rhyfel Oer.
Ar ôl cwblhau gradd israddedig mewn Hanes a Gwleidyddiaeth, gweithiais gyda Lloyds yn y sector ariannol cyn dychwelyd i'r brifysgol i ymgymryd â doethuriaeth mewn cysylltiadau Eingl-Americanaidd ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe. Roedd hyn yn canolbwyntio ar reolaeth Eingl-Americanaidd o ddirywiad cymharol Prydain yn y Dwyrain Canol a diogelwch olew rhyngwladol. Wedi hynny, ymunais â Phrifysgol Caerdydd ac, ymhlith rolau eraill, deuthum yn Gyfarwyddwr Astudiaethau'r Undeb Ewropeaidd ac yna'n Bennaeth yr Adran Wleidyddiaeth.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
- Cysylltiadau Eingl-Americanaidd
- Polisi Tramor America
- Hanes y Rhyfel Oer
- Polisi Tramor Prydain
Contact Details
Themâu ymchwil
- Cysylltiadau Eingl-Americanaidd
- Polisi Tramor America
- Hanes y Rhyfel Oer