Dr Lee McIlreavy
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Timau a rolau for Lee McIlreavy
Rwy'n cynnal ymchwil sylfaenol, gan ddefnyddio olrhain llygaid a thasgau cyfrifiadurol, i ymchwilio i swyddogaeth weledol a chanfyddiad symud sy'n deillio o ddatblygiad arferol ac annormal y system weledol ddynol.
Rhaid i'r holl fewnbwn gweledol gael ei brosesu gan y retinas cyn ei drosglwyddo i gortecs gweledol yr ymennydd. Fodd bynnag, mae symudiadau llygaid yn cyfeirio ein retinas yn gyson at wahanol wrthrychau yn yr amgylchedd. Eto, er gwaethaf y cynnig incessant hwn, mae'r amgylchedd fel arfer yn cael ei ystyried yn llonydd.
Gall nifer o gyflyrau niwro-offthamig gynhyrchu osgiliadau parhaus, patholegol o'r llygaid (arwydd o'r enw nystagmus) a allai arwain at gynnig rhithus o'r amgylchedd neu beidio.
Amcan fy ymchwil cyfredol yw cysylltu symudiadau llygaid â mesurau swyddogaeth weledol a chanfyddiad symudiadau, yn y rhai sydd â nystagmus a hebddynt, mewn ymdrech i ddeall yn well y canfyddiad o llonyddwch, osgilossia a chanlyniadau symud amhriodol o'r llygaid.
- Dunn, M. J. et al. 2024. Minimal reporting guideline for research involving eye tracking (2023 edition). Behavior Research Methods 56(5), pp. 4351-4357. (10.3758/s13428-023-02187-1)
- Almagren, B. et al. 2024. Measurement of visual function in infantile nystagmus: a systematic review. British Journal of Ophthalmology 108(7), pp. 1038-1043. (10.1136/bjo-2023-324254)
- Ward, K., Dunn, M., McIlreavy, L. and Erichsen, J. 2023. Measuring the spatiotemporal contrast sensitivity function in infantile nystagmus. Presented at: 2022 ARVO Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 23-27 April 2023, Vol. 64. pp. 5312.
- Arblaster, G. et al. 2023. Managing Nystagmus in childhood. The Royal College of Ophthalmologists. Available at: https://www.rcophth.ac.uk/resources-listing/managing-nystagmus-in-childhood/
- McIlreavy, L., Nedelchev, V. and Ennis, F. 2022. Two-dimensional eye velocity distributions of foveal fixation at different gaze angles. Presented at: 2022 ARVO Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, USA, 01-04 May 2022, Vol. 63. Vol. 7. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology pp. 2774.
- Nedelchev, V., Ennis, F., Bex, P. and McIlreavy, L. 2022. Novel fixation target promotes more accurate fixation: initial proof-of-concept. Presented at: 2022 ARVO Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, USA, 01-04 May 2022, Vol. 63. Vol. 7. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology pp. 2769-2769.
- Rennie, K. et al. 2022. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals with nystagmus and an exploration of public assumptions about the condition: an electronic questionnaire study. BMC Ophthalmology 22, article number: 268. (10.1186/s12886-022-02484-x)
- Zahidi, A. A. A., McIlreavy, L., Erichsen, J. and Woodhouse, J. M. 2022. Visual and refractive status of children with Down's syndrome and nystagmus. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 63(2), article number: 28. (10.1167/iovs.63.2.28)
- Amiebenomo, O., McIlreavy, L., Erichsen, J. and Woodhouse, J. 2021. Effect of viewing distance on fixation characteristics in typical observers. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 62(8), pp. 3334-3334.
- McIlreavy, L., Freeman, T. and Erichsen, J. 2020. Two-dimensional analysis of horizontal and vertical pursuit in infantile nystagmus reveals quantitative deficits in accuracy and precision. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 61(6), article number: 15. (10.1167/iovs.61.6.15)
- Amiebenomo, O. M., McIlreavy, L., Erichsen, J. T. and Woodhouse, J. M. 2020. The potential off-axis performance and accuracy of the PowerRef 3 for measurements in nystagmus. Presented at: AVA Christmas Meeting, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 16 Dec 2019. Vol. 49(6). Sage pp. 707-708.
- Self, J. E. et al. 2020. Management of nystagmus in children: A review of the literature and current practice in UK specialist services. Eye (10.1038/s41433-019-0741-3)
- Dunn, M. J., Harris, C. M., Ennis, F. A., Margrain, T. H., Woodhouse, J. M., McIlreavy, L. and Erichsen, J. T. 2019. An automated segmentation approach to calibrating infantile nystagmus waveforms. Behavior Research Methods 51(5), pp. 2074-2084. (10.3758/s13428-018-1178-5)
- McIlreavy, L., Freeman, T. C. A. and Erichsen, J. T. 2019. Two-dimensional analysis of smooth pursuit eye movements reveals quantitative deficits in precision and accuracy. Translational Vision Science & Technology 8(5), article number: 7. (10.1167/tvst.8.5.7)
- Clark, R. et al. 2019. The potential and value of objective eye tracking in the ophthalmology clinic. Eye 33, pp. 1200-1202. (10.1038/s41433-019-0417-z)
- Erichsen, J. T., Dillingham, C., Dix, K., McIlreavy, L., Barnes, J. and Meydan, T. 2017. Using the optocollic response to determine visual perception in the homing pigeon (Columba livia) [Abstract]. Perception 46(10), pp. 1230-1231. (10.1177/0301006617710756)
- Dunn, M., McIlreavy, L. and Erichsen, J. 2017. The Nystagmus null zone: evidence for contributions from each eye. Perception 46(10), pp. 1224-1225.
- McIlreavy, L. 2016. Fixational and pursuit eye movements in infantile nystagmus: oculomotor control and perception. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- McIlreavy, L., Freeman, T. and Erichsen, J. 2015. Two dimensional analysis of horizontal and vertical pursuit performance in infantile nystagmus. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56(7), pp. 2914-2914.
- McIlreavy, L., Fiser, J. and Bex, P. J. 2012. Impact of Simulated Central Scotomas on Visual Search in Natural Scenes. Optometry and Vision Science 89(9), pp. 1385-1394. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e318267a914)
- McIlreavy, L., Fiser, J. and Bex, P. 2009. Visual field loss, eye movements and visual search. Journal of Vision 9(8), article number: 1210. (10.1167/9.8.1210)
- Beirne, R. O., McIlreavy, L. and Zlatkova, M. B. 2008. The effect of age-related lens yellowing on Farnsworth-Munsell 100 hue error score. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 28(5), pp. 448-456. (10.1111/j.1475-1313.2008.00593.x)
- Dunn, M. J. et al. 2024. Minimal reporting guideline for research involving eye tracking (2023 edition). Behavior Research Methods 56(5), pp. 4351-4357. (10.3758/s13428-023-02187-1)
- Almagren, B. et al. 2024. Measurement of visual function in infantile nystagmus: a systematic review. British Journal of Ophthalmology 108(7), pp. 1038-1043. (10.1136/bjo-2023-324254)
- Rennie, K. et al. 2022. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals with nystagmus and an exploration of public assumptions about the condition: an electronic questionnaire study. BMC Ophthalmology 22, article number: 268. (10.1186/s12886-022-02484-x)
- Zahidi, A. A. A., McIlreavy, L., Erichsen, J. and Woodhouse, J. M. 2022. Visual and refractive status of children with Down's syndrome and nystagmus. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 63(2), article number: 28. (10.1167/iovs.63.2.28)
- Amiebenomo, O., McIlreavy, L., Erichsen, J. and Woodhouse, J. 2021. Effect of viewing distance on fixation characteristics in typical observers. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 62(8), pp. 3334-3334.
- McIlreavy, L., Freeman, T. and Erichsen, J. 2020. Two-dimensional analysis of horizontal and vertical pursuit in infantile nystagmus reveals quantitative deficits in accuracy and precision. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 61(6), article number: 15. (10.1167/iovs.61.6.15)
- Self, J. E. et al. 2020. Management of nystagmus in children: A review of the literature and current practice in UK specialist services. Eye (10.1038/s41433-019-0741-3)
- Dunn, M. J., Harris, C. M., Ennis, F. A., Margrain, T. H., Woodhouse, J. M., McIlreavy, L. and Erichsen, J. T. 2019. An automated segmentation approach to calibrating infantile nystagmus waveforms. Behavior Research Methods 51(5), pp. 2074-2084. (10.3758/s13428-018-1178-5)
- McIlreavy, L., Freeman, T. C. A. and Erichsen, J. T. 2019. Two-dimensional analysis of smooth pursuit eye movements reveals quantitative deficits in precision and accuracy. Translational Vision Science & Technology 8(5), article number: 7. (10.1167/tvst.8.5.7)
- Clark, R. et al. 2019. The potential and value of objective eye tracking in the ophthalmology clinic. Eye 33, pp. 1200-1202. (10.1038/s41433-019-0417-z)
- Erichsen, J. T., Dillingham, C., Dix, K., McIlreavy, L., Barnes, J. and Meydan, T. 2017. Using the optocollic response to determine visual perception in the homing pigeon (Columba livia) [Abstract]. Perception 46(10), pp. 1230-1231. (10.1177/0301006617710756)
- Dunn, M., McIlreavy, L. and Erichsen, J. 2017. The Nystagmus null zone: evidence for contributions from each eye. Perception 46(10), pp. 1224-1225.
- McIlreavy, L., Freeman, T. and Erichsen, J. 2015. Two dimensional analysis of horizontal and vertical pursuit performance in infantile nystagmus. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56(7), pp. 2914-2914.
- McIlreavy, L., Fiser, J. and Bex, P. J. 2012. Impact of Simulated Central Scotomas on Visual Search in Natural Scenes. Optometry and Vision Science 89(9), pp. 1385-1394. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e318267a914)
- McIlreavy, L., Fiser, J. and Bex, P. 2009. Visual field loss, eye movements and visual search. Journal of Vision 9(8), article number: 1210. (10.1167/9.8.1210)
- Beirne, R. O., McIlreavy, L. and Zlatkova, M. B. 2008. The effect of age-related lens yellowing on Farnsworth-Munsell 100 hue error score. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 28(5), pp. 448-456. (10.1111/j.1475-1313.2008.00593.x)
- Ward, K., Dunn, M., McIlreavy, L. and Erichsen, J. 2023. Measuring the spatiotemporal contrast sensitivity function in infantile nystagmus. Presented at: 2022 ARVO Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 23-27 April 2023, Vol. 64. pp. 5312.
- McIlreavy, L., Nedelchev, V. and Ennis, F. 2022. Two-dimensional eye velocity distributions of foveal fixation at different gaze angles. Presented at: 2022 ARVO Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, USA, 01-04 May 2022, Vol. 63. Vol. 7. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology pp. 2774.
- Nedelchev, V., Ennis, F., Bex, P. and McIlreavy, L. 2022. Novel fixation target promotes more accurate fixation: initial proof-of-concept. Presented at: 2022 ARVO Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, USA, 01-04 May 2022, Vol. 63. Vol. 7. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology pp. 2769-2769.
- Amiebenomo, O. M., McIlreavy, L., Erichsen, J. T. and Woodhouse, J. M. 2020. The potential off-axis performance and accuracy of the PowerRef 3 for measurements in nystagmus. Presented at: AVA Christmas Meeting, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 16 Dec 2019. Vol. 49(6). Sage pp. 707-708.
- Arblaster, G. et al. 2023. Managing Nystagmus in childhood. The Royal College of Ophthalmologists. Available at: https://www.rcophth.ac.uk/resources-listing/managing-nystagmus-in-childhood/
- McIlreavy, L. 2016. Fixational and pursuit eye movements in infantile nystagmus: oculomotor control and perception. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- McIlreavy, L., Fiser, J. and Bex, P. J. 2012. Impact of Simulated Central Scotomas on Visual Search in Natural Scenes. Optometry and Vision Science 89(9), pp. 1385-1394. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e318267a914)
- Beirne, R. O., McIlreavy, L. and Zlatkova, M. B. 2008. The effect of age-related lens yellowing on Farnsworth-Munsell 100 hue error score. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 28(5), pp. 448-456. (10.1111/j.1475-1313.2008.00593.x)
Grwpiau Ymchwil
Uned Ymchwil ar gyfer Nystagmus (OPTOM)
Uned Ymchwil Gweledigaeth Syndrom Down (OPTOM)
Canfyddiad a Gweithredu (PSYCH)
2024: L Mcilreavy, K Ward, D Whitaker £14,805 "Datgelu sefydliad cortical: craffter gweledol ac ecsentrig yn nystagmus babanod", Fight for Sight / Nystagmus Network dyfarniad grant bach ar y cyd"
2021: JT Erichsen, L Mcilreavy, MJ Dunn, JM Woodhouse, £4,000 "Datblygu system olrhain llygaid i'w asesu yn y cartref", Rhwydwaith Nystagmus
2020: L Mcilreavy, £2,351 "Ysgogiad obsesiwn newydd i gynorthwyo perfformiad trwsio dros gyfnod estynedig", Rhaglen Cyfleoedd Ymchwil Israddedigion Caerdydd (CUROP)
2019: L Mcilreavy, JT Erichsen, £30,000 "rheolaeth oculomotor a chanfyddiad gweledol wrth geisio symudiadau llygaid ym mhresenoldeb nystagmus babanod", IN-vision UK
2019: JT Erichsen, RG Wise, MJ Dunn, L Mcilreavy, efrydiaeth PhD, "Infantile nystagmus: Archwilio achosion a sefydlu mesurau gwell o berfformiad gweledol", Coleg Optometryddion UK
2019: R Paterson, L Mcilreavy, J Cable, £ 2,500, "Allan o'r golwg: a yw fflwcs llygaid yn newid rhyngweithiadau ysglyfaethwr?", NERC/GW4 Lleoliad Profiad Ymchwil CDT FRESH
2019: MJ Dunn, L Mcilreavy, T Redmond, £2,258, "Ymchwilio i rôl dyfnder canfyddedig ar orlenwi gweledol", Rhaglen Cyfleoedd Ymchwil Israddedigion Caerdydd (CUROP)
2019: KJ Peall, L Mcilreavy, efrydiaeth PhD, "Defnyddio llwyfannau technolegol i wella dealltwriaeth ffenoteipig mewn dystonia cynradd", KESS2 / Aparito
2018: L Mcilreavy, £36,130, "Prawf gwisgwr lens spectacle - asesiad goddrychol o ddau fath o lens", Essilor International,
2018: KJ Peall, L Mcilreavy, £15,000, "Asesiad cynhwysfawr o symptomau modur a di-modur mewn blepharospasm cynradd i gynorthwyo haenu ffenoteipiau anhrefn", Fight for Sight / Gwobr grant bach ar y cyd Cymdeithas Dystonia
2017: KJ Peall, L Mcilreavy, MJ Dunn, JT Erichsen, £5,000, "Nodweddu swyddogaeth modur ocwlar mewn dystonia serfigol i oedolion", Cyllid Corn Hadau Sefydliad Ymchwil Niwrowyddoniaeth ac Iechyd Meddwl (NMHRI)
2017: L Mcilreavy, £11,015, "Diagnosing nystagmus infantile: Dull olrhain llygaid newydd", Fight for Sight / Nystagmus Network dyfarniad grant bach ar y cyd
2016: L Mcilreavy, £18,550, "'ffenestri' canfyddiadol ym mhresenoldeb symudiad llygad anwirfoddol", Cymrodoriaeth Ymchwil Coleg Optometryddion y DU
2016: L Mcilreavy, £1,600, "Offeryn cost isel i gynorthwyo diagnosis o anhwylderau symud llygaid", Rhaglen Cyfleoedd Ymchwil Israddedig Caerdydd (CUROP)
2015: L Mcilreavy, £1,600, "Perfformiad trwsio dros gyfnod estynedig: datblygu ysgogiad obsesiwn newydd ar gyfer defnydd clinigol", Rhaglen Cyfleoedd Ymchwil Israddedigion Caerdydd (CUROP)
2013: JT Erichsen, TCA Freeman, L Mcilreavy, £14,350, "Deall yr oscillopsia yn nystagmus i ddarparu sail ar gyfer triniaeth", dyfarniad grant bach ar y cyd Fight for Sight / Nystagmus Network
Addysgu israddedig cyfredol
- OP4004 Gwyddoniaeth ffisegol ar gyfer optometreg
- OP4101 Ymarfer optometrig Clinigol (Arweinydd modiwl)
- OP1502 Cywiriad gweledol (Arweinydd modiwl)
- OP2201 Astudiaethau clinigol a dosbarthu (Darlithydd)
- OP2502 Cywiriad gweledol Avanced (Arweinydd modiwl)
- OP3107 Ymchwil mewn optometreg a gwyddoniaeth gweledigaeth (goruchwyliwr prosiect)
Addysgu ôl-raddedig blaenorol
- Tystysgrif plygiant WOPEC ar gyfer offthalmolegwyr (Darlithydd)
Addysgu israddedig blaenorol
- OP2204 Gweledigaeth binocwlar a niwroffisioleg optometrig (Addysgu ymarferol)
- OP1202 Dosbarthu optometrig ac offer (Arweinydd modiwl)
- OP3205 optometreg galwedigaethol, y gyfraith a busnes (Darlithydd)
- OP0204 Ffiseg optometrig (Darlithydd)
Undergraduate education
- 2004-2007 BSc (Hons) Optometry, Ulster University
Postgraduate education
- 2012-2015 PhD (Vision Sciences), Cardiff University, supervised by Professor Jonathan T. Erichsen (School of Optometry and Vision Sciences) and Professor Tom C.A. Freeman (School of Psychology)
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Registered with the General Optical Council (GOC)
- Member of the College of Optometrists (MCOptom)
- Member of the Association of Optometrists
- Member of the Applied Vision Association
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- 2008-2010: Research fellow with Dr Peter Bex, Schepens Eye Research Institute, Department of Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA.
- 2007-2008: Pre-registration optometrist, Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
- Symudiadau llygaid
- Olrhain llygaid
- Canfyddiad gweledol
- Gweledigaeth ofodol
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Contact Details
+44 29208 70134
Optometreg a Gwyddorau'r Golwg , Ystafell Room 3.01, Heol Maendy, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF24 4HQ
Themâu ymchwil
- Olrhain llygaid
- Symudiadau llygaid
- Dilyn llyfn
- Saccades
- Gweledigaeth ofodol