Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Ahmed Memon

Dr Ahmed Memon


Ysgol y Gyfraith a Gwleidyddiaeth

Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig


I am a critical international law scholar interested in the history and sociology of global knowledge production in the making of the international legal order. I use de-colonial and postcolonial thinking in engaging with issues arising in the practice of international law, and its theorization from a sociological perspective. My research explores how global governance structures reproduce crises of, inequality, violence, and armed conflict through various marginalized identities such as race, gender, class, and religion. I also engage in grounded practices on decolonizing the University, specifically with the aim of developing anti-racist and anti-sexist approaches and tools for teaching pedagogy, research, and writing about law within academic practice.





Book sections


Research interest/area:

My expertise lies in international organization law and global governance in relation to countries of the global south. I am primarily interested in the making of international legal norms and the sociological processes that actualize said norms locally, regionally, and internationally at different scaler registers. I am inclined towards Third World Approaches to International Law, critical sociological approaches that focus on redescribing or redefining how we understand international law.

My focus is broadly decolonial and post-colonial in a theoretical framework where my intention is to bring knowledge and experiences of marginalized communities to the forefront. My scholarship thus also centers the role of race, religion, gender and caste in the making of international legal norms. In the same vein, I am interested also in plural - anti-colonial- and alternate conceptions of otherwise euro-centric concepts within global governance and international law. 

Research in progress

My manuscript (Networks and International Law: Governing the international legal order)- currently in progress -  explores the role of networks in the making of international law and global governance as we now understand it. . Particularly, my book would bring together conversation on knowledge production in international through networks as an integral part of how international legal norm making actualizes on a global scale. Focusing on three case studies, the League of Nations, The World Bank and the Joint Special Operation Forces of the United States, this book will address the gap in the literature on the sociology of international law by centring on the colonial legacies, forms of law-making on the international scale.

I currently have three articles in progress; one on the role of local experts in the making of nation-state, the League of Nations as a model for global governance, and the role of caste and the making of victorian norms of international law in the sub-continent. 

Research-Led teaching: 

My research record ranges from academic work in relation to histories of global governance to applying decolonial perspectives in research-led teaching. I have published and worked on collaborative projects and collectives leading and pushing for change in higher education in the UK through Decolonising the University. 


 ‘Trust, Courage, Silence: Carving out a Decolonial Space in higher education through student-staff partnerships’, 2020 Issue 54 Vol 4 The Law Teacher, Special Issue : Decolonising the Law School, pg 475-488  ( Co-authored with Dr. Suhraiya Jivraj)

‘From Podcast to Utopia: Hope and Doubt behind international legal knowledge production in academia’, British Institute of International and Comparative Law Special issue ‘Teaching of International Law’ (Co-authored with Dr. Eric Loefflad)

Race, religion and the male experience: Intersectional conversations with Muslim men’ in Jivraj, S & Thomas, D, Towards Decolonising the University, A Kaleidoscope for empowered action, Counter Press,pg.116-119 

Decolonising research: journey to the research ethics forum’ in Jivraj, S & Thomas, D Towards Decolonising the University, A Kaleidoscope for empowered action, Counter Press, pg.150-164 

Stripping the White Walls: The Podcast series’ in Jivraj,S & Thomas, D Towards Decolonising the University, A Kaleidoscope for Empowered Action, Counter Press , pg. 94-10

Decolonise the curriculum Manifesto Project’, Wahida et al (2019)

Other research activities: 

I am a co-host and co-producer of Critical International Law podcast 'Fool's Utopia' based off Centre for Critical International Law where I am a research associate. You can follow the podcast on Spotify and Soundcloud.

I am also an editor and founding member of Decolonial Dialogue, a platform managed by researchers across UK universities to advance cross-disciplinary conversations on Decolonial Methodologies. I lead a series on Pakistan and Decoloniality on the platform which includes blog reflections, interviews with Pakistani Scholars and current work on Pakistan with a decolonial aspect and event organisation with collaborators from Pakistan. 


I currently teach Public Law and Legal Foundation to Law at Cardiff Law School. I have experience teaching Critical Approaches to Law and Foundations to Property at Kent Law School and have also taught International Law and International Human Rights Law at both undergraduate and postgraduate level at Glasgow Law School. 

I employ an anti-racist and anti-sexist ethic in my teaching. I have been part of collectives and projects that have pushed on decolonising HE and University through student-staff collaborations.

I would be more than happy to have a conversation with students and other scholars/staff who are interested in collaborations or reflections on decolonising HE.  


Cwblheais fy astudiaethau israddedig ym Mhacistan ac yn dilyn hynny bûm yn gweithio fel Cyfreithiwr gyda ffocws ar IP, Trethiant a Chyfraith Commerical am ddwy flynedd. Cwblheais fy ngradd Meistr mewn Cyfraith Ryngwladol yn Kent Law School fel deilydd ysgoloriaeth, ac yn dilyn hynny derbyniais Ysgoloriaeth Is-Gangellorion i ddilyn fy astudiaethau doethurol yn Kent Law School. 

Ers hynny, rwyf wedi gweithio fel Darlithydd Cyswllt yn Kent Law School am 5 mlynedd, ac yna Darlithydd byr yn Ysgol y Gyfraith Glasgow cyn ymuno â Chaerdydd. 

Meysydd goruchwyliaeth

Rwyf ar gael i oruchwylio ysgolheigion sydd â diddordeb mewn 

Methodolegol :

  • Dulliau Trydydd Byd o Gyfraith Ryngwladol, Dulliau Ôl-drefedigaethol a Di-drefedigaethol
  • Dulliau cymdeithasegol o ymdrin â chyfraith ryngwladol, dulliau anthropolegol
  • Dulliau lluosog, amrywiol ac amgen a chysyniadau o normau cyfreithiol rhyngwladol. 

Ar unwaith, gallaf ymdrin â goruchwylio yn y meysydd canlynol: 

  • Hanes cyfreithiol rhyngwladol; Hanesion llywodraethu byd-eang
  • Cyfraith ddyngarol ryngwladol, defnyddio grym 
  • Normau Gwlad-wladwriaeth, Sofraniaeth a thiriogaeth, gwahaniaeth rhwng rhyfel a heddwch.
  • Hiliol/gwneud hil a chyfraith ryngwladol, crefydd a chyfraith ryngwladol, caste a rhyw mewn cyfraith ryngwladol
  • Y Gyfraith a Datblygu

Rwyf hefyd yn hapus i gael sgwrs os nad yw'ch cynnig yn cwmpasu'r meysydd sylweddol ond yn ymgysylltu â'r dulliau methodolegol a grybwyllwyd.