Dr Imran Mohammed
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n Ddarlithydd (Athro Cynorthwyol) yn yr Ysgol Optometreg a Gwyddorau Golwg, Coleg y Gwyddorau Biofeddygol a Bywyd.
Keratitis microbaidd (a elwir hefyd yn keratitis heintus) yw prif achos dallineb monocwlaidd ledled y byd. Prif ffocws fy labordy yw ymchwilio i'r rhyngweithiadau host-pathogen yn ystod haint cornbilennol a datblygu therapiwteg imiwnomodulatory newydd a gwrth-heintus ar gyfer atal dallineb.
Mae gen i dros 13 mlynedd o brofiad ymchwil academaidd yn natblygiad clinigol therapiwteg newydd ar gyfer dallineb cornbilen a retinaidd.
Rwyf wedi cyhoeddi 38 o erthyglau ymchwil mewn cyfnodolion gwyddonol, wedi denu >£850,000 mewn cyllid ymchwil, wedi derbyn gwobrau a gwobrau lluosog, cefais wahoddiad fel prif siaradwr mewn cynadleddau/cyfarfodydd niferus, a datblygu deunyddiau eiddo deallusol.
- Hammoudeh, Y. et al. 2024. Microbiological culture versus 16S/18S rRNA gene PCR-sanger sequencing for infectious keratitis: a three-arm, diagnostic cross-sectional study. Frontiers in Medicine 11, article number: 1393832. (10.3389/fmed.2024.1393832)
- Dua, H. S., Freitas, R., Sadek, Y., Ting, D. S., Nubile, M., Mohammed, I. and Said, D. G. 2023. An approach to reduce Descemet's membrane scrolling: Relevance to Descemet's membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK). Indian Journal of Ophthalmology 71(9), pp. 3178-3185. (10.4103/IJO.IJO_1531_23)
- Deshmukh, R., Ting, D. S. J., Elsahn, A., Mohammed, I., Said, D. G. and Dua, H. S. 2022. Real-world experience of using ciclosporin-A 0.1% in the management of ocular surface inflammatory diseases. British Journal of Ophthalmology 106, pp. 1087-1092. (10.1136/bjophthalmol-2020-317907)
- Ting, D., Mohammed, I., Lakshminarayanan, R., Beuerman, R. W. and Dua, H. S. 2022. Host defense peptides at the ocular surface: roles in health and major diseases, and therapeutic potentials.. Frontiers in Medicine 9, article number: 835843. (10.3389/fmed.2022.835843)
- Ali, W., Elsahn, A., Ting, D. S., Dua, H. S. and Mohammed, I. 2022. Host defence peptides: a potent alternative to combat antimicrobial resistance in the era of the covid-19 pandemic.. Antibiotics (Basel, Switzerland) 11(4), article number: 475. (10.3390/antibiotics11040475)
- Shu Jeng Ting, D. et al. 2021. Evaluation of host defense peptide (CaD23)-antibiotic interaction and mechanism of action: insights from experimental and molecular dynamics simulations studies. Frontiers in Pharmacology 12, article number: 731499. (10.3389/fphar.2021.731499)
- Shu Jeng Ting, D. et al. 2021. Hybrid derivative of cathelicidin and human beta defensin-2 against Gram-positive bacteria: A novel approach for the treatment of bacterial keratitis. Scientific Reports 11, article number: 18304. (10.1038/s41598-021-97821-3)
- Akhtar, R., Tahir, H., Stewart, E., Wei, R., Mohammed, I. and Amoaku, W. M. 2021. Toll-like receptor signalling pathways regulate hypoxic stress induced fibroblast growth factor but not vascular endothelial growth factor-a in human microvascular endothelial cells. International Journal of Translational Medicine 1(1), pp. 25-38. (10.3390/ijtm1010003)
- Mohammed, I., Kulkarni, B., Faraj, L. A., Abbas, A., Dua, H. S. and King, A. J. 2020. Profiling ocular surface responses to preserved and non-preserved topical glaucoma medications: a two-year randomised evaluation study. Clinical & experimental ophthalmology 48(7), pp. 973-982. (10.1111/ceo.13814)
- Mohammed, I. et al. 2020. Antimicrobial peptides in human corneal tissue of patients with fungal keratitis. British Journal of Ophthalmology 105, pp. 1172-1177. (10.1136/bjophthalmol-2020-316329)
- Ting, D. S. J., Beuerman, R. W., Dua, H. S., Lakshminarayanan, R. and Mohammed, I. 2020. Strategies in translating the therapeutic potentials of host defense peptides. Frontiers in Immunology 11, article number: 983. (10.3389/fimmu.2020.00983)
- Al-Aqaba, M. A., Dhillon, V. K., Mohammed, I., Said, D. G. and Dua, H. S. 2019. Corneal nerves in health and disease. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 73, article number: 100762. (10.1016/j.preteyeres.2019.05.003)
- Mohammed, I., Said, D. G., Nubile, M., Mastropasqua, L. and Dua, H. S. 2019. Cathelicidin-derived synthetic peptide improves therapeutic potential of vancomycin against pseudomonas aeruginosa. Frontiers in Microbiology 10, article number: 2190. (10.3389/fmicb.2019.02190)
- Al-Aqaba, M. A., Anis, F. S., Mohammed, I., Yapa, A. D. S., Amoaku, W. M. and Dua, H. S. S. 2019. In vivo confocal microscopy features and clinicohistological correlation of limbal nerve corpuscles. British Journal of Ophthalmology 105, pp. 285-289. (10.1136/bjophthalmol-2018-313199)
- Ghoz, N., Ross, A. R., Mohammed, I., Hogan, E., Said, D. G. and Dua, H. S. 2019. Management of primary pterygium with intra-lesional injection of 5 flurouracil and bevacizumab (Avastin).. Eye 33, pp. 1776-1783. (10.1038/s41433-019-0493-0)
- Song, D. et al. 2019. Complement factor h mutation w1206r causes retinal thrombosis and ischemic retinopathy in mice. The American Journal of Pathology 189(4), pp. 826-838. (10.1016/j.ajpath.2019.01.009)
- Said, D. G., Ross, A. R., Messina, M., Mohammed, I. and Dua, H. S. 2018. Localised corneal haze and scarring following pulsed accelerated collagen cross-linking for keratoconus. Eye (Basingstoke) 33(1), pp. 167-168. (10.1038/s41433-018-0211-3)
- Song, D. et al. 2018. Retinal basal laminar deposits in complement fh/fp mouse model of dense deposit disease. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 54, pp. 3405-3415. (10.1167/iovs.18-24133)
- Mohammed, I., Ross, A. R., Britton, J. O., Said, D. G. and Dua, H. S. 2018. Elastin content and distribution in endothelial keratoplasty tissue determines direction of scrolling. American Journal of Ophthalmology 194, pp. 16-25. (10.1016/j.ajo.2018.07.001)
- Al-Aqaba, M. ., Anis, F. S., Mohammed, I. and Dua, H. S. 2017. Nerve terminals at the human corneoscleral limbus. British Journal of Ophthalmology 102(4), pp. 556-561. (10.1136/bjophthalmol-2017-311146)
- Mohammed, I., Said, D. G. and Dua, H. S. 2017. Human antimicrobial peptides in ocular surface defense. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 61, pp. 1-22. (10.1016/j.preteyeres.2017.03.004)
- Ueda, Y. et al. 2017. Murine systemic thrombophilia and hemolytic uremic syndrome from a factor h point mutation. Blood 129(9), pp. 1184-1196. (10.1182/blood-2016-07-728253)
- Haris, M. et al. 2014. In vivo magnetic resonance imaging of tumor protease activity. Scientific Reports 4, article number: 6081. (10.1038/srep06081)
- Dua, H. S., Otri, A., Hopkinson, A. and Mohammed, I. 2014. In vitro studies on the antimicrobial peptide human beta-defensin 9 (HBD9): signalling pathways and pathogen-related response (an American Ophthalmological Society thesis).. Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society 112, pp. 50-73.
- Barata, L., Miwa, T., Sato, S., Kim, D., Mohammed, I. and Song, W. C. 2013. Deletion of crry and DAF on murine platelets stimulates thrombopoiesis and increases factor H-dependent resistance of peripheral platelets to complement attack. The Journal of Immunology 190(6), pp. 2886-2895. (10.4049/jimmunol.1202536)
- Otri, A. M., Mohammed, I., Al-Aqaba, M. A., Fares, U., Peng, C., Hopkinson, A. and Dua, H. S. 2012. Variable expression of human beta defensins 3 and 9 at the human ocular surface in infectious keratitis. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 53(2), pp. 757-761. (10.1167/iovs.11-8467)
- Mohammed, I. et al. 2011. Increased expression of hepcidin and toll-like receptors 8 and 10 in viral keratitis. Cornea 30(8), pp. 899-904. (10.1097/ICO.0b013e31820126e5)
- Kulkarni, B., Mohammed, I., Hopkinson, A. and Dua, H. S. 2011. Validation of endogenous control genes for gene expression studies on human ocular surface epithelium. PLoS ONE 6(8), article number: 22301. (10.1371/journal.pone.0022301)
- Mohammed, I., Yeung, A., Abedin, A., Hopkinson, A. and Dua, H. S. 2011. Signalling pathways involved in ribonuclease-7 expression. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 68(11), pp. 1941-1952. (10.1007/s00018-010-0540-2)
- Mohammed, I., Suleman, H., Otri, A. M., Kulkarni, B. B., Chen, P., Hopkinson, A. and Dua, H. S. 2010. Localization and gene expression of human β-defensin 9 at the human ocular surface epithelium. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 51(9), pp. 4677-4682. (10.1167/iovs.10-5334)
- Kulkarni, B. B. et al. 2010. Comparative transcriptional profiling of the limbal epithelial crypt demonstrates its putative stem cell niche characteristics. BMC Genomics 11(1), article number: 526. (10.1186/1471-2164-11-526)
- Otri, A. M., Mohammed, I., Abedin, A., Cao, Z., Hopkinson, A., Panjwani, N. and Dua, H. S. 2010. Antimicrobial peptides expression by ocular surface cells in response to acanthamoeba castellanii: an in vitro study. British Journal of Ophthalmology 94(11), pp. 1523-1527. (10.1136/bjo.2009.178236)
- Gicquel, J. et al. 2009. Epidermal growth factor variations in amniotic membrane used for ex vivo tissue constructs. Tissue Engineering - Part A 15(8), pp. 1919-1927. (10.1089/ten.tea.2008.0432)
- Yeung, A., Tint, N., Kulkarni, B., Mohammed, I., Suleman, H., Hopkinson, A. and Dua, H. S. 2009. Infant limbus: an immunohistological study. Experimental Eye Research 88(6), pp. 1161-1164. (10.1016/j.exer.2008.12.014)
- Abedin, A., Mohammed, I., Hopkinson, A. and Dua, H. S. 2008. A novel antimicrobial peptide on the ocular surface shows decreased expression in inflammation and infection. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 49(1), pp. 28-33. (10.1167/iovs.07-0645)
- Hammoudeh, Y. et al. 2024. Microbiological culture versus 16S/18S rRNA gene PCR-sanger sequencing for infectious keratitis: a three-arm, diagnostic cross-sectional study. Frontiers in Medicine 11, article number: 1393832. (10.3389/fmed.2024.1393832)
- Dua, H. S., Freitas, R., Sadek, Y., Ting, D. S., Nubile, M., Mohammed, I. and Said, D. G. 2023. An approach to reduce Descemet's membrane scrolling: Relevance to Descemet's membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK). Indian Journal of Ophthalmology 71(9), pp. 3178-3185. (10.4103/IJO.IJO_1531_23)
- Deshmukh, R., Ting, D. S. J., Elsahn, A., Mohammed, I., Said, D. G. and Dua, H. S. 2022. Real-world experience of using ciclosporin-A 0.1% in the management of ocular surface inflammatory diseases. British Journal of Ophthalmology 106, pp. 1087-1092. (10.1136/bjophthalmol-2020-317907)
- Ting, D., Mohammed, I., Lakshminarayanan, R., Beuerman, R. W. and Dua, H. S. 2022. Host defense peptides at the ocular surface: roles in health and major diseases, and therapeutic potentials.. Frontiers in Medicine 9, article number: 835843. (10.3389/fmed.2022.835843)
- Ali, W., Elsahn, A., Ting, D. S., Dua, H. S. and Mohammed, I. 2022. Host defence peptides: a potent alternative to combat antimicrobial resistance in the era of the covid-19 pandemic.. Antibiotics (Basel, Switzerland) 11(4), article number: 475. (10.3390/antibiotics11040475)
- Shu Jeng Ting, D. et al. 2021. Evaluation of host defense peptide (CaD23)-antibiotic interaction and mechanism of action: insights from experimental and molecular dynamics simulations studies. Frontiers in Pharmacology 12, article number: 731499. (10.3389/fphar.2021.731499)
- Shu Jeng Ting, D. et al. 2021. Hybrid derivative of cathelicidin and human beta defensin-2 against Gram-positive bacteria: A novel approach for the treatment of bacterial keratitis. Scientific Reports 11, article number: 18304. (10.1038/s41598-021-97821-3)
- Akhtar, R., Tahir, H., Stewart, E., Wei, R., Mohammed, I. and Amoaku, W. M. 2021. Toll-like receptor signalling pathways regulate hypoxic stress induced fibroblast growth factor but not vascular endothelial growth factor-a in human microvascular endothelial cells. International Journal of Translational Medicine 1(1), pp. 25-38. (10.3390/ijtm1010003)
- Mohammed, I., Kulkarni, B., Faraj, L. A., Abbas, A., Dua, H. S. and King, A. J. 2020. Profiling ocular surface responses to preserved and non-preserved topical glaucoma medications: a two-year randomised evaluation study. Clinical & experimental ophthalmology 48(7), pp. 973-982. (10.1111/ceo.13814)
- Mohammed, I. et al. 2020. Antimicrobial peptides in human corneal tissue of patients with fungal keratitis. British Journal of Ophthalmology 105, pp. 1172-1177. (10.1136/bjophthalmol-2020-316329)
- Ting, D. S. J., Beuerman, R. W., Dua, H. S., Lakshminarayanan, R. and Mohammed, I. 2020. Strategies in translating the therapeutic potentials of host defense peptides. Frontiers in Immunology 11, article number: 983. (10.3389/fimmu.2020.00983)
- Al-Aqaba, M. A., Dhillon, V. K., Mohammed, I., Said, D. G. and Dua, H. S. 2019. Corneal nerves in health and disease. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 73, article number: 100762. (10.1016/j.preteyeres.2019.05.003)
- Mohammed, I., Said, D. G., Nubile, M., Mastropasqua, L. and Dua, H. S. 2019. Cathelicidin-derived synthetic peptide improves therapeutic potential of vancomycin against pseudomonas aeruginosa. Frontiers in Microbiology 10, article number: 2190. (10.3389/fmicb.2019.02190)
- Al-Aqaba, M. A., Anis, F. S., Mohammed, I., Yapa, A. D. S., Amoaku, W. M. and Dua, H. S. S. 2019. In vivo confocal microscopy features and clinicohistological correlation of limbal nerve corpuscles. British Journal of Ophthalmology 105, pp. 285-289. (10.1136/bjophthalmol-2018-313199)
- Ghoz, N., Ross, A. R., Mohammed, I., Hogan, E., Said, D. G. and Dua, H. S. 2019. Management of primary pterygium with intra-lesional injection of 5 flurouracil and bevacizumab (Avastin).. Eye 33, pp. 1776-1783. (10.1038/s41433-019-0493-0)
- Song, D. et al. 2019. Complement factor h mutation w1206r causes retinal thrombosis and ischemic retinopathy in mice. The American Journal of Pathology 189(4), pp. 826-838. (10.1016/j.ajpath.2019.01.009)
- Said, D. G., Ross, A. R., Messina, M., Mohammed, I. and Dua, H. S. 2018. Localised corneal haze and scarring following pulsed accelerated collagen cross-linking for keratoconus. Eye (Basingstoke) 33(1), pp. 167-168. (10.1038/s41433-018-0211-3)
- Song, D. et al. 2018. Retinal basal laminar deposits in complement fh/fp mouse model of dense deposit disease. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 54, pp. 3405-3415. (10.1167/iovs.18-24133)
- Mohammed, I., Ross, A. R., Britton, J. O., Said, D. G. and Dua, H. S. 2018. Elastin content and distribution in endothelial keratoplasty tissue determines direction of scrolling. American Journal of Ophthalmology 194, pp. 16-25. (10.1016/j.ajo.2018.07.001)
- Al-Aqaba, M. ., Anis, F. S., Mohammed, I. and Dua, H. S. 2017. Nerve terminals at the human corneoscleral limbus. British Journal of Ophthalmology 102(4), pp. 556-561. (10.1136/bjophthalmol-2017-311146)
- Mohammed, I., Said, D. G. and Dua, H. S. 2017. Human antimicrobial peptides in ocular surface defense. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 61, pp. 1-22. (10.1016/j.preteyeres.2017.03.004)
- Ueda, Y. et al. 2017. Murine systemic thrombophilia and hemolytic uremic syndrome from a factor h point mutation. Blood 129(9), pp. 1184-1196. (10.1182/blood-2016-07-728253)
- Haris, M. et al. 2014. In vivo magnetic resonance imaging of tumor protease activity. Scientific Reports 4, article number: 6081. (10.1038/srep06081)
- Dua, H. S., Otri, A., Hopkinson, A. and Mohammed, I. 2014. In vitro studies on the antimicrobial peptide human beta-defensin 9 (HBD9): signalling pathways and pathogen-related response (an American Ophthalmological Society thesis).. Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society 112, pp. 50-73.
- Barata, L., Miwa, T., Sato, S., Kim, D., Mohammed, I. and Song, W. C. 2013. Deletion of crry and DAF on murine platelets stimulates thrombopoiesis and increases factor H-dependent resistance of peripheral platelets to complement attack. The Journal of Immunology 190(6), pp. 2886-2895. (10.4049/jimmunol.1202536)
- Otri, A. M., Mohammed, I., Al-Aqaba, M. A., Fares, U., Peng, C., Hopkinson, A. and Dua, H. S. 2012. Variable expression of human beta defensins 3 and 9 at the human ocular surface in infectious keratitis. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 53(2), pp. 757-761. (10.1167/iovs.11-8467)
- Mohammed, I. et al. 2011. Increased expression of hepcidin and toll-like receptors 8 and 10 in viral keratitis. Cornea 30(8), pp. 899-904. (10.1097/ICO.0b013e31820126e5)
- Kulkarni, B., Mohammed, I., Hopkinson, A. and Dua, H. S. 2011. Validation of endogenous control genes for gene expression studies on human ocular surface epithelium. PLoS ONE 6(8), article number: 22301. (10.1371/journal.pone.0022301)
- Mohammed, I., Yeung, A., Abedin, A., Hopkinson, A. and Dua, H. S. 2011. Signalling pathways involved in ribonuclease-7 expression. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 68(11), pp. 1941-1952. (10.1007/s00018-010-0540-2)
- Mohammed, I., Suleman, H., Otri, A. M., Kulkarni, B. B., Chen, P., Hopkinson, A. and Dua, H. S. 2010. Localization and gene expression of human β-defensin 9 at the human ocular surface epithelium. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 51(9), pp. 4677-4682. (10.1167/iovs.10-5334)
- Kulkarni, B. B. et al. 2010. Comparative transcriptional profiling of the limbal epithelial crypt demonstrates its putative stem cell niche characteristics. BMC Genomics 11(1), article number: 526. (10.1186/1471-2164-11-526)
- Otri, A. M., Mohammed, I., Abedin, A., Cao, Z., Hopkinson, A., Panjwani, N. and Dua, H. S. 2010. Antimicrobial peptides expression by ocular surface cells in response to acanthamoeba castellanii: an in vitro study. British Journal of Ophthalmology 94(11), pp. 1523-1527. (10.1136/bjo.2009.178236)
- Gicquel, J. et al. 2009. Epidermal growth factor variations in amniotic membrane used for ex vivo tissue constructs. Tissue Engineering - Part A 15(8), pp. 1919-1927. (10.1089/ten.tea.2008.0432)
- Yeung, A., Tint, N., Kulkarni, B., Mohammed, I., Suleman, H., Hopkinson, A. and Dua, H. S. 2009. Infant limbus: an immunohistological study. Experimental Eye Research 88(6), pp. 1161-1164. (10.1016/j.exer.2008.12.014)
- Abedin, A., Mohammed, I., Hopkinson, A. and Dua, H. S. 2008. A novel antimicrobial peptide on the ocular surface shows decreased expression in inflammation and infection. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 49(1), pp. 28-33. (10.1167/iovs.07-0645)
Prif ffocws fy labordy yw astudio'r rhyngweithiadau host-pathogen yn ystod haint cornbilen, yn enwedig ymchwilio i'r pathobioleg sy'n deillio o ryngweithio celloedd imiwnedd â bioffilmiau bacteriol yn y gornbilen. Yn ogystal, ein nod yw ymchwilio i effeithiolrwydd ffarmacolegol a diogelwch peptidau gwrth-amddiffyn gwesteiwr synthetig fel therapi amgen ar gyfer trin haint cornbilen.
Rydym yn defnyddio model llygoden preclinical o haint cornbilen ar gyfer astudio'r rhyngweithiadau host-pathogen a phrofi therapiwteg newydd. Hefyd, mae systemau model in-vitro, ex-vivo, ac in-silico priodol wedi'u sefydlu'n dda ar gyfer astudiaethau sgrinio ac effeithiolrwydd diogelwch cychwynnol.
Potensial ar gyfer cydweithio a chynnal cymrodoriaethau:
Mae fy labordy ar agor ar gyfer cydweithrediadau academaidd/diwydiannol ac yn cynnal cymrodoriaethau ôl-ddoethurol / PhD posibl yn y meysydd ymchwil canlynol:
- Asiantau gwrth-heintiol: Datblygu a phrofi
- Heintiau Corneal: Torri patholeg clefyd a phrofi therapiwteg newydd
- ymwrthedd gwrthficrobaidd: Eu perthnasedd i ddifrifoldeb afiechydon ac aneffeithiolrwydd therapiwteg sydd ar gael
- Asiantau gwrth-fioffilm: Datblygu a phrofi
- Rhyngweithiadau Host-pathogen: sy'n ymwneud yn bennaf yn ystod keratitis microbaidd a heintiau bioffilm
- Ategu llwybrau actifadu: eu dysregulation a'u cysylltiad â batholegau clefyd cornbilen
- Peptidau Host-amddiffyn: Ailgynllunio, datblygu a phrofi
Cydweithredwyr presennol:
- Miguel Camara - Athro Microbioleg a Chyd-gyfarwyddwr Canolfan Arloesi Bioffilmiau Cenedlaethol (Prifysgol Nottingham)
- Arwyn Jones - Athro Fferylliaeth a Gwyddorau Fferyllol (Prifysgol Caerdydd)
- Polina Porkopovich - Darllenydd Fferylliaeth (Prifysgol Caerdydd)
- Oliver Castell - Darllenydd Fferylliaeth (Prifysgol Caerdydd)
- Luisa-Martinez Pomares - Athro Imiwnoleg (Prifysgol Nottingham)
- Harminder S. Dua - Pennaeth ac Athro Offthalmoleg (Prifysgol Nottingham)
- Winfried M. Amoaku - Athro Cyswllt Offthalmoleg (Prifysgol Nottingham)
- Naing Latt Tint - Offthalmolegydd Ymgynghorol (Prifysgol Caeredin)
- Beth Mills - Cymrawd Arweinydd y Dyfodol UKRI (Prifysgol Caeredin)
- Chandra Verma - Uwch Brif Ymchwilydd (A * Sefydliad Biowybodeg Star, Singapore)
- Rajamani Lakshminarayanan - Pennaeth a Phrif Ymchwilydd (Sefydliad Ymchwil Llygaid Singapore, Singapore)
- Cân Wen-Chao - Athro Ffarmacoleg (Prifysgol Pennsylvania, UDA)
Addysgu Israddedig
Modiwl/au | Cwrs a Sefydliad | Rôl | Blynyddoedd |
Y Corff Dynol a'r Meddwl (OP4003) |
Rhaglen Meistr Optometreg (MOptom) (Blwyddyn Ragarweiniol) Ysgol Optometreg a Gwyddorau Golwg, Prifysgol Caerdydd, UK |
Arweinydd modiwl a darlithio | 2023 - presennol |
Iechyd a Chlefydau Cleifion (OP4103) |
Rhaglen Meistr Optometreg (MOptom) (Blwyddyn 1af) Ysgol Optometreg a Gwyddorau Golwg, Prifysgol Caerdydd, UK |
Arwain sesiynau ymarferol | 2023 - presennol |
Ffarmacoleg Ocwlar (OP2205) |
Rhaglen BSc Optometreg a Gwyddorau Gweledigaeth (2il flwyddyn) Ysgol Optometreg a Gwyddorau Golwg, Prifysgol Caerdydd, UK |
Cydlynu sesiynau ymarferol | 2022 - presennol |
Ymchwil mewn Optometreg a Gwyddorau Gweledigaeth (OP3207) |
Rhaglen BSc Optometreg a Gwyddorau Gweledigaeth (3edd flwyddyn) Ysgol Optometreg a Gwyddorau Golwg, Prifysgol Caerdydd, UK |
Prosiectau ymchwil arweiniol | 2022 - presennol |
Prosiect Ymchwil (OPT063) |
MSc Optometreg rhaglen (Cyrsiau llawn amser a rhan-amser) Ysgol Optometreg a Gwyddorau Golwg, Prifysgol Caerdydd, UK |
Prosiectau ymchwil arweiniol | 2022 - presennol |
Astudio Gwyddoniaeth a Sgiliau (OP0306) |
Rhaglen BSc Optometreg a Gwyddorau Gweledigaeth (Blwyddyn 1af) Ysgol Optometreg a Gwyddorau Golwg, Prifysgol Caerdydd, UK |
Arweinydd modiwl a darlithio | 2022 - 23 |
O gelloedd i systemau (OP1205) |
Rhaglen BSc Optometreg a Gwyddorau Gweledigaeth (Blwyddyn 1af) Ysgol Optometreg a Gwyddorau Golwg, Prifysgol Caerdydd, UK |
Cydlynu sesiynau ymarferol | 2022 - 23 |
Cyflwyniad i Niwrowyddorau Synhwyraidd (A13ISN) |
BMedSci/MB BCh rhaglen (3edd flwyddyn) Ysgol Meddygaeth, Prifysgol Nottingham, UK |
Detholiad o ddarlithoedd bob semester | 2017 - 22 |
Imiwnoleg Gyffredinol (PHG 218) Ffarmacoleg Moleciwlaidd (PHG 225) |
Rhaglen PharmD (Blwyddyn 2) Coleg Fferylliaeth, Prifysgol Qassim, KSA |
Arweinydd modiwl a darlithio | 2014 - 15 |
Enillodd Imran gymhwyster israddedig mewn Fferylliaeth (B.Pharm., gyda Rhagoriaeth) o Brifysgol Dechnolegol Jawaharlal Nehru, Hyderabad, India. Symudodd i'r DU ar gyfer ôl-raddio ac yn 2005 cwblhaodd M.Sc. mewn Ffarmacoleg (gyda dosbarth teilyngdod) o Brifysgol Sheffield Hallam, lle dysgodd botensial ymchwil biofeddygol ar gyfer darganfod cyffuriau. Roedd ei swydd ymchwil gyntaf fel Cynorthwyydd Ymchwil ym Mhrifysgol Nottingham (UoN) yn llwyddiannus a'i arwain i ddilyn gyrfa mewn ymchwil feddygol. Yn 2006, dyfarnwyd grant efrydiaeth PhD i Imran gan y Fight for Sight (sefydliad elusen ymchwil llygaid) ar gyfer astudiaethau doethurol yn UoN dan oruchwyliaeth yr Athro Harminder S. Dua a Dr. Andy Hopkinson. Ym mis Ebrill 2010, dyfarnwyd gradd PhD iddo gyda "Gwobr Ymchwil Ôl-raddedig Mewngaeedig Andrew Hendry" am ragoriaeth ymchwil. Roedd Imran yn awyddus i gaffael sgiliau arbenigol sy'n berthnasol i ddatblygu ac astudio systemau model murin preclinical o glefydau ocwlaidd, a arweiniodd ef i'r Unol Daleithiau. Cwblhaodd hyfforddiant Ôl-ddoethurol (2010 i 2014) yn labordy yr Athro Wen-Chao Song ym Mhrifysgol Pennsylvania (UPenn), Philadelphia, PA, lle dyfarnwyd iddo "Wobr Ôl-ddoethurol Biofeddygol" fawreddog am gyflawniadau ymchwil. Rhwng 2014 a 2015, bu Imran yn archwilio swydd addysgu ym Mhrifysgol Qassim am gyfnod byr, KSA fel Athro Cynorthwyol Imiwnoleg. Yn ddiweddarach yn 2015, cafodd gynnig swydd o'r un enw yn Nottingham i weithio fel uwch-wyddonydd Elizabeth C. King. Oherwydd ei lwyddiant parhaus o ran sicrhau cyllid grant a chyhoeddi erthyglau ymchwil effaith uchel, yn 2018, cafodd ei ddyrchafu'n swydd Uwch Gymrawd Ymchwil annibynnol . Yn 2022, ymunodd Imran â Phrifysgol Caerdydd (CU) fel Darlithydd/Athro Cynorthwyol yn yr Ysgol Optometreg a Gwyddorau Golwg, lle mae ei labordy yn ymchwilio i imiwnopatholeg haint cornbilen gyda diddordeb allweddol yn natblygiad peptidau amddiffyn gwesteiwr synthetig fel therapi newydd ar gyfer ei driniaeth.
Cymwysterau Addysgol a Phroffesiynol
Cymhwyster | Mawr | Dyddiadau |
Doethur mewn Athroniaeth (Ph.D.) Prifysgol Nottingham, y Deyrnas Unedig | Imiwnoleg Ocwlar | 11/2006 – 04/2010 |
Meistr mewn Gwyddoniaeth (M.Sc.) Prifysgol Sheffield Hallam, UK | Ffarmacoleg a Biotechnoleg | 10/2004 - 09/2005 |
Baglor mewn Fferylliaeth (B.Pharm) Jawaharlal Nehru Prifysgol Dechnolegol, India | Fferyllfa | 10/1999 - 09/2003 |
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
- Cwpan y Sylfaenwyr ar gyfer Ymchwil Gorau - 103fed Cyngres Offthalmolegol Rhydychen (2019)
- Arfarnu PDPR sgôr #1 - Prifysgol Nottingham (2017)
- Gwobr Gyntaf Poster – 21ain Nottingham Eye Symposiwm (2017)
- Cymrodoriaeth Ymchwil eponymaidd Elizabeth C. King – Prifysgol Nottingham (2015)
- AUM Life-Tech Gwobr Ôl-ddoethurol - Prifysgol Pennsylvania (2013)
- Gwobr Gyntaf Nottingham - 14eg Symposiwm Nottingham Eye (2010)
- Andrew Hendry Gwobr Ôl-raddedig Cynwysedig - Prifysgol Nottingham (2010)
- Gwobr Gyntaf - Diwrnod Ymchwil Drosiadol 1af - Prifysgol Nottingham (2009)
- David Meyer Gwobr Ymchwil - 13eg Symposiwm Nottingham Eye (2009)
- Gwobr Papur Gwyddonol Gorau – Cyfarfod Asia-ARVO (2009)
- Gwobr Cymrodoriaeth Teithio – Cyfarfod Asia-ARVO (2009)
- Gwobr Teithio Ysgol i Raddedigion - Prifysgol Nottingham (2009)
- Teilyngdod – rhaglen MSc; Prifysgol Sheffield Hallam (2005)
- Rhagoriaeth – rhaglen B. Pharm; Prifysgol JNT (2003)
- Rhagoriaeth – Bwrdd Addysg Ganolradd, Hyderabad (1998)
- Rhagoriaeth – Bwrdd Addysg Uwchradd, Hyderabad (1996)
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
a) Aelodaeth academaidd / proffesiynol:
- Cymdeithas Imiwnoleg Prydain (2021 – presennol)
- Cymdeithas Offthalmolegol Rhydychen (2019 – presennol)
- Pwyllgor Adolygu Ymchwil Ysgolion – Prifysgol Nottingham (2018 – 2022)
- Pwyllgor Diogelwch Ysgolion – Prifysgol Nottingham (2017 – 2022)
- Cynllun Mentoriaeth Ysgolion – Prifysgol Nottingham (2017 – 2022)
- Cymdeithas Heintiau Prydain (2016 – presennol)
- Cymdeithas Ategu Ryngwladol (2010 – 2014)
- Cymdeithas Ôl-ddoethurol Biofeddygol, Prifysgol Pennsylvania (2010 – 2014)
- Cymdeithas Imiwnoleg Mwcosaidd (2009 – 2011)
- Cymdeithas Ymchwil mewn Gweledigaeth ac Offthalmoleg (2008 – presennol)
- Cymdeithas America ar gyfer Hyrwyddo Gwyddoniaeth (2007 – 2008)
b) Licensure:
- Deiliad Trwydded Prosiect Anifeiliaid y Swyddfa Gartref (PPLh), UK
- Trwydded Personol Anifeiliaid y Swyddfa Gartref (PIL A + B), UK
- Defnyddiwr Trwyddedig – Pwyllgor Gofal a Defnydd Anifeiliaid Sefydliadol, Prifysgol Pennsylvania, UDA
- Fferyllydd Cofrestredig - Telangana Wladwriaeth Cyngor Fferylliaeth, India
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
Blynyddoedd | Safle | Trefniadaeth |
2022 - presennol | Darlithydd (Athro Cynorthwyol) | Ysgol Optometreg a Gwyddorau Golwg, Prifysgol Caerdydd, UK |
2018 - 2022 | Uwch Gymrawd Ymchwil | Offthalmoleg Academaidd, Prifysgol Nottingham, UK |
2015 - 2018 | Elizabeth C. King Uwch Wyddonydd Ymchwil | Offthalmoleg Academaidd, Prifysgol Nottingham, UK |
2014 - 2015 | Athro Cynorthwyol (trac addysgu) | Coleg Fferylliaeth, Prifysgol Qassim, KSA |
2010 - 2014 | Ymchwilydd Ôl-ddoethurol | Ysgol Meddygaeth, Prifysgol Pennsylvania, UDA |
2006 - 2010 | Ysgolhaig PhD | Div o Offthalmoleg a Gwyddorau Gweledol, Prifysgol Nottingham, UK |
2005 - 2006 | Cynorthwy-ydd Ymchwil | Div o Offthalmoleg a Gwyddorau Gweledol, Prifysgol Nottingham, UK |
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
Bwrdd golygyddol cyfnodolion: |
Adolygu ar gyfer cyrff grant |
Adolygu ar gyfer cyfnodolion gwyddonol: |
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn goruchwylio myfyrwyr PhD ym meysydd:
- Peptidau gwrthficrobaidd (peptidau Host-amddiffyn): Datblygu a phrofi mewn systemau model ex-vivo ac in-vivo
- Datblygu therapïau amgen i frwydro yn erbyn ymwrthedd gwrthficrobaidd (AMR)
- Therapïau newydd ar gyfer rheoli haint cornbilen (keratitis microbaidd)
- Asiantau gwrth-bioffilm
- Astudio pathobioleg keratitis microbaidd: Ymchwilio i rôl llwybrau actifadu ategu mewn difrifoldeb clefydau
Contact Details
+44 29208 75347
Optometreg a Gwyddorau'r Golwg , Ystafell 3.04, Heol Maendy, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF24 4HQ
Themâu ymchwil
- Afiechydon heintus
- ymwrthedd gwrthficrobaidd
- Imiwnedd cynhenid
- Datblygu cyffuriau
- Cyflwyno cyffuriau