Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Paul Morgan

Yr Athro Paul Morgan



I have worked in the complement system for over thirty years, leading a research group working on basic complement biology and relevance of complement to human disease. I have had a long-standing interest in the membrane attack complex (MAC), its effects on nucleated cells and how nucleated cells respond to MAC attack; this work has led to several seminal discoveries, including the process of nucleated cell recovery from membrane attack and the mechanism by which CD59 regulates MAC formation. More recently, I have demonstrated that the MAC triggers inflammasome activation in diverse cells and contributed to new understanding of MAC structure, using this knowledge to predict function.
































Book sections


My research throughout my career has related to the complement system, its regulation and roles in disease.  My current research focusses on roles of complement and other inflammatory pathways in disease with a particular focus on neurological disease.

Current and Recent Grants:

  1. Dementia Research Institute Cardiff (MRC-funded) Programme: 2017-2022. Value £1.5M. Complement in Alzheimer’s disease: from gene discovery to mechanisms and better drugs. 
  2. Wellcome Trust Consortium for Neuroimmunology of Mood Disorders and Alzheimer’s Disease. 2015-2020. Value £5.7M (app. £0.4M to Cardiff). Lead for inflammatory biomarkers theme.
  3. Alzheimer’s Research UK Pilot Grant. 2015-2016. Value £49,437. “Complement
  4. and microglial activation in mouse models of dementia”.
  5. BBSRC Case Studentship with GSK; 2015-2019. Value app. £180,000. “Inflammatory effects of the complement terminal pathway: exploring the molecular mechanisms”.
  6. MS Society Studentship; 2012-2015; Value £104,350. Title: “Mechanisms and roles of microglial priming and activation in experimental demyelination and human MS”.
  7. BBSRC CASE Studentship with GSK; 2012-2016; Value: ~£150,000.Title: “Mechanisms responsible for differential bactericidal activities of human and rabbit complement against Neisseria meningitidis”.
  8. Fight for Sight Project Grant; 2013-2016; Value: £169,937. Title: 'The complotype as a predictor of disease and response to therapy in AMD'.
  9. BHF Project Grant; 2013-2016; Value; £297,000. Title: “The role of complement dysregulation and C3adesArg in atherosclerosis".
  10. Sponsor of 17 Research Fellows (MRC; WT; ARC); Supervised >30 PhD/ MD students.


Over thirty years experience of delivering lectures and tutorials on various aspects of Biochemistry and Immunology to Medical Students and Science Students. 

As Dean of Medicine (2008-2013), led the introduction of a completely new integrated spiral curriculum across all five years of the MBBCh course.

Small group teaching lead and OSCE examiner for medical students.

Supervised over thirty students to successful completion of PhD, MD or MSc degrees.

Lead for the GW4CAT Clinical Academic Training Programme.


Current position:

Professor of Immunology, Director of Systems Immunity URI, Cardiff University

Previous positions:

1980-1981:                  House Physician, Cardiff Hospital Group.

1981-1984:                 MRC Training Fellow, Medical Biochemistry, Welsh National School of Medicine.

1984-1985:                 MRC Travelling Fellow, Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore, and University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida

1/1/86-30/9/87:           Clinical Lecturer in Medical Biochemistry, University of Wales College of Medicine.

1/10/87 – 30/9/01:      Wellcome Trust Senior Clinical Research Fellow and Honorary Consultant, Medical Biochemistry, Wales College of Medicine. Appointed Professor from 1/11/95.

1/10/01 – 31/3/09:      Head, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Immunology, School of Medicine, Cardiff University. Honorary Consultant in Medical Biochemistry; Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust.

1/09/07 – 31/3/09:       Dean of Medical Research, School of Medicine, Cardiff University.

1/04/09 – 31/12/13:    Dean of Medicine and Head of School, School of Medicine, Cardiff University.


1977                B.Sc. (1st Class Hons) Medical Biochemistry.

1980                M.B., B.Ch. (University of Wales).

1984                Ph.D. (Wales) "Biochemistry and Pathology of Complement Component C9". 

1988                Membership of the Royal College of Pathologists (MRCPath).  

1997               Fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists (FRCPath).

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Awards and elections:

1999                Elected to Fellowship of the Academy of Medical Sciences (FMedSci)

2000                Elected to Membership of the Royal College of Physicians (MRCP).

2001                Elected to Membership of the Association of Physicians.

2002-2007      Chair; European Complement Network

2011-2014      President; International Complement Society

2015                Elected to Fellowship of Academia Europaea.

 National/International funding roles and panels:

1994-2000       Member, International Interest Group of The Wellcome Trust.

2001 – 2006    Member, MRC Clinical Training and Career Development Panel.

2004 - 2006     Member, Wellcome Trust Basic Immunology and Infection Panel.

 2005-2008    Council Member, Academy of Medical Sciences.

2006-2012       Member then Chair, Wellcome Trust Clinical Fellowship Interview Panel.

2008- 2012      Member, Wellcome Trust Pathogens, Immunology & Population Health Strategy Committee

2013- 2017      Member, Biology and Medicine Panel, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong.

2011-2015      Council Member, Medical Research Council

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Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (FMedSci)

Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists

Member of the Royal College of Physicians (MRCP).

Member of the Association of Physicians.

Fellow of the Academia Europaea.


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  • 01/2014- present: Professor of Immunology, Director of Systems Immunity URI, Cardiff University.

  • 04/09 – 12/13:    Dean of Medicine and Head of School, School of Medicine, Cardiff University.

  • 09/07 – 03/09:       Dean of Medical Research, School of Medicine, Cardiff University.

  • 10/01 – 03/09:      Head, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Immunology, School of Medicine, Cardiff University. Honorary Consultant in Medical Biochemistry; Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust.

  • 10/87 – 09/01:      Wellcome Trust Senior Clinical Research Fellow and Honorary Consultant, Medical Biochemistry, Wales College of Medicine. Appointed Professor from 1/11/95.

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Grants committees and panels:

Medical Research Council; Council Member (2011- 2015).

Chair, NISCHR Grants Funding committee; (2013- current).

Chair, Wellcome Trust Clinical Fellowship Interview Panel from December 2007-2012.

Member, Wellcome Trust Clinical Fellowship Interview Panel (2006 - 2012);

Member, Wellcome Trust Pathogens, Immunology & Population Health Strategy Committee (2008- 2012).

Member, MRC College of Experts (2005 - 2010).

Deputy Chair, Wales Office of Research and Development Funding Committee,      (2004 - 2009);

Member, Wellcome Trust Basic Immunology and Infection Panel (2004 - 2006).

Member, MRC Clinical Training and Career Development Panel (2001 - 2006).

Member, International Interest Group of The Wellcome Trust (responsible for all overseas funding initiatives by The Trust) (1994-2000).

National/International bodies:

Council Member; Academy of Medical Sciences (2005-2008).

Member; UCEA Clinical Academic Staff Advisory Group (CASAG) (2009-2015).

Member; UK Healthcare Education Advisory Committee (UK HEAC) (2010-2015).

Member; Welsh Medical Committee (2009 – 2013).

Member; AcMedSci committee advising on MB PhD schemes.

Member; AcMedSci Academic Careers Committee.

Member; RAE 2008 sub-panel A3 (Infection and Immunity).

Member; NISCHR Senior Faculty (2013- ongoing).

Former Meetings Secretary, Treasurer, Trustee and Member of Council, British Society for Immunology.

UK Representative on International Complement Society Committee (2003- 2015).

Chair of European Complement Network (2001-2007).

Deputy Chair, Grants Review Committee, Wales Office of Research and Development (WORD).

Member of Scientific Strategy Committee, Tenovus Cancer Research (2000 - 2012).

Member, Biology and Medicine Panel, Research Grant Council of Hong Kong (2013-ongoing).

Contact Details

Email MorganBP@caerdydd.ac.uk
Telephone +44 29206 87096
Campuses Adeilad Henry Wellcome ar gyfer Ymchwil Biofeddygol, Ystafell 3F08, Ysbyty Athrofaol Cymru, Parc y Mynydd Bychan, Caerdydd, CF14 4XN