Yr Athro Jonathan Morris
Associate Dean for Research, Professor in Organisational Analysis
- Hassard, J. and Morris, J. 2024. The impact of human resource management practices on managerial work: Institutional constraints, strategic actions and organizational outcomes. Economic and Industrial Democracy (10.1177/0143831X241265551)
- Hassard, J. and Morris, J. 2024. Is managerial homeworking new? Assessing strategic, technological and political influences before, during and after coronavirus. Organization Studies 45(6), pp. 777-800. (10.1177/01708406241242885)
- Morris, J., Islam, G. and Davies, J. 2024. The search for meaningful work under neo-bureaucracy: Work precarity in freelance TV. Organization (10.1177/13505084241236454)
- Farrell, C., Hassard, J. and Morris, J. 2024. Organizational restructuring, precarious employment and work intensification: women managers’ experience of work under Neoliberalism. Economic and Industrial Democracy
- Morris, J., Mckinlay, A. and Farrell, C. 2023. The ties that bind us: networks, projects and careers in British TV. Human Relations 76(2), pp. 341-361. (10.1177/00187267211062863)
- Wallace, M., Reed, M., O'Reilly, D., Tomlinson, M., Morris, J. and Deem, R. 2022. Developing public service leaders: elite orchestration, change agency, leaderism, and neoliberalization. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (10.1093/oso/9780199552108.001.0001)
- Hassard, J. and Morris, J. 2022. The extensification of managerial work in the digital age: middle managers, spatio-temporal boundaries and control. Human Relations 75(9), pp. 1647-1678. (10.1177/00187267211003123)
- Morris, J., Hassard, J., Delbridge, R. and Endo, T. 2021. Understanding managerial work in the modern Japanese firm: The influence of new organizational forms and changing human resource management practices. Economic and Industrial Democracy 42(4), pp. 1378-1406. (10.1177/0143831X19875785)
- Morris, J., Jenkins, J. and Donaghey, J. 2021. Uneven development, uneven response: the relentless search for meaningful regulation of GVCs. British Journal of Industrial Relations 59(1), pp. 3-24. (10.1111/bjir.12573)
- Hassard, J. and Morris, J. 2020. Corporate restructuring, work intensification and perceptual politics: exploring the ambiguity of managerial job insecurity. Economic and Industrial Democracy 41(2), pp. 323-350. (10.1177/0143831X17710733)
- Lai, K., Morgan, G. and Morris, J. 2020. ‘Eating bitterness’ in a Chinese multinational: identity regulation in context. Organization Studies 41(5), pp. 661-680. (10.1177/0170840619835271)
- Delbridge, R., Endo, T. and Morris, J. 2019. Entrepreneurs or employees? The emergence of "disciplining entrepreneurialism" in subsidiary organizations at cyberagent. In: Sydow, J. and Berends, H. eds. Managing Inter-organizational Collaborations: Process Views., Vol. 64. Research in the Sociology of Organizations Emerald, pp. 163-183., (10.1108/S0733-558X20190000064012)
- Foster, W. M., Hassard, J. S., Morris, J. and Wolfram Cox, J. 2019. The changing nature of managerial work: The effects of corporate restructuring on management jobs and careers. Human Relations 72(3), pp. 473-504. (10.1177/0018726719828439)
- Zhang, B., Chen, J., Tian, A., Morris, J. and Fan, H. 2019. Industry capital intensity and firms utilization of HCSW: does firm size matter?. Personnel Review 48(2), pp. 492-510. (10.1108/PR-03-2017-0069)
- Morris, J., Delbridge, R. and Endo, T. 2018. The layering of meso-level institutional effects on employment systems in Japan. British Journal of Industrial Relations 56(3), pp. 603-630. (10.1111/bjir.12296)
- Hassard, J. and Morris, J. 2018. Contrived competition and manufactured uncertainty: understanding managerial job insecurity narritives in large corporations. Work, Employment and Society 32(3), pp. 564-580. (10.1177/0950017017751806)
- Farrell, C. and Morris, J. 2017. Neo-bureaucratic organisational forms, technology, control and contingent work: the case of UK TV. New Technology, Work and Employment 32(2), pp. 115-130. (10.1111/ntwe.12088)
- Morris, J., Farrell, C. and Reed, M. 2016. The indeterminacy of 'temporariness': control and power in neo-bureaucratic organizations and work in UK television. Human Relations 69(12), pp. 2274-2297. (10.1177/0018726716648387)
- Endo, T., Delbridge, R. and Morris, J. 2015. Does Japan still matter? Past tendencies and future opportunities in the study of Japanese firms. International Journal of Management Reviews 17(1), pp. 101-123. (10.1111/ijmr.12039)
- Yorozu, C., McCann, L., Hassard, J. and Morris, J. L. 2013. Japan, corporate organizational reform and the global financial crisis: the case of Shinsei Bank. Asia Pacific Business Review 19(2), pp. 200-216. (10.1080/13602381.2013.767636)
- Zhang, B. and Morris, J. L. 2013. High-performance work systems and organizational performance: testing the mediation role of employee outcomes using evidence from PR China. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 25(1), pp. 68-90. (10.1080/09585192.2013.781524)
- Hassard, J., Morris, J. L. and McCann, L. 2012. 'My brilliant career'? New organizational forms and changing managerial careers in Japan, the UK, and USA. Journal of Management Studies 49(3), pp. 571-599. (10.1111/j.1467-6486.2011.01032.x)
- Wallace, M., O'Reilly, D., Morris, J. L. and Deem, R. 2011. Public service leaders as 'change agents' - for whom? Responses to leadership development provision in England. Public Management Review 13(1), pp. 65-93. (10.1080/14719037.2010.501614)
- Morris, J. L., Hassard, J., Terpstra-Tong, J., Zhou, M. and Sheehan, J. 2010. China's state enterprise reform: From Marx to the market. Routledge Contemporary China Series. Taylor & Francis/Routledge.
- McCann, L., Hassard, J. and Morris, J. L. 2010. Restructuring managerial labour in the USA, the UK and Japan: challenging the salience of 'varieties of capitalism'. British Journal of Industrial Relations 48(2), pp. 347-374. (10.1111/j.1467-8543.2010.00794.x)
- Farrell, C. and Morris, J. 2010. Professional perceptions of bureaucratic change in the public sector: GPs, headteachers and social workers. Public Money and Management 19(4), pp. 31-36. (10.1111/1467-9302.00186)
- Farrell, C. and Morris, J. L. 2009. Still searching for the evidence? Evidence-based policy, performance pay and teachers. Journal of Industrial Relations 51(1), pp. 75-94. (10.1177/0022185608099666)
- Morris, J. L., Wilkinson, B. and Gamble, J. 2009. Strategic international human resource management or the 'bottom line'? the cases of electronics and garments commodity chains in China. International Journal of Human Resource Management 20(2), pp. 348-371. (10.1080/09585190802670722)
- Hassard, J., McCann, L. and Morris, J. L. 2009. Managing in the modern corporation: the intensification of managerial work in the USA, UK and Japan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Morris, J. L., Hassard, J. and McCann, L. 2008. The resilience of 'institutionalized capitalism': managing managers under 'shareholder capitalism' and 'managerial capitalism'. Human Relations 61(5), pp. 687-710. (10.1177/0018726708091767)
- McCann, L., Morris, J. L. and Hassard, J. 2008. Normalized intensity: the New Labour process of middle management. Journal of Management Studies 45(2), pp. 343-371. (10.1111/j.1467-6486.2007.00762.x)
- Iida, T. and Morris, J. L. 2008. Farewell to the salaryman? The changing roles and work of middle managers in Japan. International Journal of Human Resource Management 19(6), pp. 1072-1087. (10.1080/09585190802051378)
- Hassard, J., McCann, L. and Morris, J. L. 2007. At the sharp end of new organizational ideologies: Ethnography and the study of multinationals. Ethnography 8(3), pp. 324-344. (10.1177/1466138107081041)
- McCann, L., Hassard, J. and Morris, J. L. 2007. New communities of inquiry in multinational research: Politics, resistance and perspective. Ethnography 8(3), pp. 381-391. (10.1177/1466138107081027)
- Morris, J. L. and Farrell, C. 2007. The 'post-bureaucratic' public sector organization: New organizational forms and HRM in ten UK public sector organizations. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 18(9), pp. 1575-1588. (10.1080/09585190701570544)
- Hassard, J., Morris, J. L., Sheehan, J. and Yuxin, X. 2007. Steeling for reform: state-enterprise restructuring and the surplus labour question. In: Lee, G. O. M. and Warner, M. eds. Unemployment in China: Economy, Human Resources and Labour Markets. Routledge Contemporary China Series London: Routledge, pp. 203-228.
- Morris, J. L., Hassard, J. and McCann, L. 2006. New Organizational Forms, Human Resource Management and Structural Convergence? A Study of Japanese Organizations. Organization Studies 27(10), pp. 1485-1512. (10.1177/0170840606067513)
- McCann, L., Hassard, J. and Morris, J. L. 2006. Hard times for the salaryman: corporate restructuring and middle managers' working lives. In: Matanle, P. and Lunsing, W. eds. Perspectives on Work, Employment and Society in Japan. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 98-116.
- Hassard, J., Morris, J. L., Sheehan, J. and Yuxin, X. 2006. Downsizing the danwei: Chinese state-enterprise reform and the surplus labour question. International Journal of Human Resource Management 17(8), pp. 1441-1455. (10.1080/09585190600804648)
- Wu, B. and Morris, J. L. 2006. 'A life on the ocean wave': the 'post-socialist' careers of Chinese, Russian and Eastern European seafarers. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 17(1), pp. 25-48. (10.1080/09585190500366201)
- Smith, J. A., Morris, J. L. and Ezzamel, M. 2005. Organisational change, outsourcing and the impact on management accounting. The British Accounting Review 37(4), pp. 415-441. (10.1016/j.bar.2005.07.004)
- Morris, J. L., Ezzamel, M. and Smith, J. 2005. Accounting for new organisational forms: The case of subcontracting and outsourcing. Project Report. [Online]. Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. Available at: http://www.cimaglobal.com/Documents/Thought_leadership_docs/MigratedDocsMarch2010/Resouces%20(pdfs)/Research%20full%20reports/Accounting%20for%20new%20organisational%20forms%20the%20case%20of%20subcontracting%20and%20outsourcing.pdf
- Morris, J. L. 2004. The future of work: organizational and international perspectives. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 15(2), pp. 263-275. (10.1080/0958519032000158509)
- McCann, L., Hassard, J. and Morris, J. L. 2004. Middle managers, the new organizational ideology and corporate restructuring: comparing Japanese and Anglo-American management systems. Competition and Change 8(1), pp. 27-44. (10.1080/1024529042000269798)
- Farrell, C. and Morris, J. L. 2004. Resigned compliance: Teacher attitudes towards performance-related pay in schools. Educational Management Administration and Leadership 32(1), pp. 81-104. (10.1177/1741143204039301)
- Morris, J. L., Smith, J. and Ezzamel, M. 2004. Trim figures; on organisational change. Financial Management Nov, pp. 34-36.
- Hassard, J., Morris, J. L. and Sheehan, J. 2004. The 'third way': The future of work and organization in a 'corporatized' Chinese economy. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 15(2), pp. 314-330. (10.1080/0958519032000158536)
- Morris, J. L., Ezzamel, M. and Smith, J. 2004. Accounting for new organisational forms. Project Report. CIMA.
- Gamble, J., Morris, J. L. and Wilkinson, B. 2004. Mass production is alive and well: the future of work and organization in east Asia. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 15(2), pp. 397-409. (10.1080/0958519032000158572)
- Gamble, J., Morris, J. L. and Wilkinson, B. 2003. Japanese and Korean Multinationals: The Replication and Integration of Their National Business Systems in China. Asian Business and Management 2(3), pp. 347-369. (10.1057/palgrave.abm.9200059)
- Morris, J. L. and Farrell, C. M. 2003. The `Neo-Bureaucratic' State: Professionals, Managers and Professional Managers in Schools, General Practices and Social Work. Organization 10(1), pp. 129-156. (10.1177/1350508403010001380)
- Morris, J. L., Hassard, J. and McCann, L. 2003. Endangered but surviving: The plight of UK middle managers in 10 large organisations. Management Research News 26(9), pp. 132-134.
- Ezzamel, M., Morris, J. L. and Smith, J. 2003. Accounting for new organisational forms: initial findings on subcontracting and outsourcing in the UK. London, UK: Cardiff Business School. Available at: http://www.cimaglobal.com/Documents/Thought_leadership_docs/MigratedDocsMarch2010/Resouces%20(pdfs)/Research%20full%20reports/Accounting%20for%20new%20organisational%20forms%20the%20case%20of%20subcontracting%20and%20outsourcing.pdf
- Hassard, J., Morris, J. L. and Sheehan, J. 2002. The elusive market: Privatization, politics and state-enterprise reform in China. British Journal of Management 13(3), pp. 221-231. (10.1111/1467-8551.00239)
- Ezzamel, M., Morris, J. and Smith, J. A. 2002. Accounting for new organisational forms: initial findings on subcontracting and outsourcing in the UK. Presented at: 6th Annual Conference of the Financial Reporting and Business Communications Research Unit, Cardiff, UK, July 2002.
- Hassard, J., McCann, L. and Morris, J. L. 2002. Universality and convergence in organisational forms: a study of Japanese firms. Management Research News 25, pp. 74-78.
- Morris, J. L., Hassard, J. and Sheehan, J. 2002. Privatization, Chinese-style: economic reform and the state-owned enterprises. Public Administration 80(2), pp. 359-373. (10.1111/1467-9299.00308)
- Morris, J. L., Hassard, J., Yuxin, X. and Sheehan, J. 2001. Globalization, economic institutions and workplace change: the economic reform processes in China. In: Debrah, Y. A. and Smith, I. G. eds. Globalization, Employment and the Workplace: Diverse Impacts. Routledge Studies in International Business and the World Economy London: Routledge, pp. 115-129.
- Morris, J. L. 2001. Inward Investment in a Cold Climate. Work, Employment and Society 15(3), pp. 661-665. (10.1017/S0950017001000435)
- Morris, J. L., Sheehan, J. and Hassard, J. 2001. From Dependency to Defiance? Work-Unit Relationships in China's State Enterprise Reforms. Journal of Management Studies 38(5), pp. 697-717. (10.1111/1467-6486.00255)
- Wilkinson, B., Gamble, J., Humphrey, J., Morris, J. L. and Anthony, D. W. 2001. The New International Division of Labour in Asian Electronics: Work Organisation and Human Resources in Japan and Malaysia. Journal of Management Studies 38(5), pp. 675-695. (10.1111/1467-6486.00254)
- Morris, J. L. 2001. A survey of teachers' attitudes towards performance related pay in schools. Working paper. Cardiff, UK: Morfa Press.
- Xiao, J., Morris, J., Hassard, J. and Sheehan, J. 2001. The Group Company Experiment in China. International Journal of Applied Management 2, pp. 119-130.
- Driscoll, A. and Morris, J. L. 2001. Stepping out: Rhetorical devices and culture change management in the UK Civil Service. Public Administration 79(4), pp. 803-824. (10.1111/1467-9299.00281)
- Morris, J. L. and Farrell, C. 2001. Policy and Politics in School Education: Professional Autonomy, Bureaucratic Control and Performance Management [Abstract]. Management Research News 24(10/11), pp. 28-29. (10.1108/01409170110782973)
- Wilkinson, B., Gamble, J., Humphrey, J. and Morris, J. L. 2000. International Production Networks and Human Resources: The Case of the Malaysian Electronics Industry. Presented at: Second Conference on Global Change, Manchester, UK, 1998 Presented at Thorpe, R. and Little, S. E. eds.Global Change: The Impact of Asia in the 21st Century. Basingstoke: Palgrave pp. 366-385.
- Morris, J. L. 2000. Keiretsu. In: Tung, R. L. ed. The IEBM Handbook of International Business. International Encyclopedia of Business & Management London: Thomson Learning, pp. 3615-3619.
- Hassard, J. and Morris, J. 2024. The impact of human resource management practices on managerial work: Institutional constraints, strategic actions and organizational outcomes. Economic and Industrial Democracy (10.1177/0143831X241265551)
- Hassard, J. and Morris, J. 2024. Is managerial homeworking new? Assessing strategic, technological and political influences before, during and after coronavirus. Organization Studies 45(6), pp. 777-800. (10.1177/01708406241242885)
- Morris, J., Islam, G. and Davies, J. 2024. The search for meaningful work under neo-bureaucracy: Work precarity in freelance TV. Organization (10.1177/13505084241236454)
- Farrell, C., Hassard, J. and Morris, J. 2024. Organizational restructuring, precarious employment and work intensification: women managers’ experience of work under Neoliberalism. Economic and Industrial Democracy
- Morris, J., Mckinlay, A. and Farrell, C. 2023. The ties that bind us: networks, projects and careers in British TV. Human Relations 76(2), pp. 341-361. (10.1177/00187267211062863)
- Hassard, J. and Morris, J. 2022. The extensification of managerial work in the digital age: middle managers, spatio-temporal boundaries and control. Human Relations 75(9), pp. 1647-1678. (10.1177/00187267211003123)
- Morris, J., Hassard, J., Delbridge, R. and Endo, T. 2021. Understanding managerial work in the modern Japanese firm: The influence of new organizational forms and changing human resource management practices. Economic and Industrial Democracy 42(4), pp. 1378-1406. (10.1177/0143831X19875785)
- Morris, J., Jenkins, J. and Donaghey, J. 2021. Uneven development, uneven response: the relentless search for meaningful regulation of GVCs. British Journal of Industrial Relations 59(1), pp. 3-24. (10.1111/bjir.12573)
- Hassard, J. and Morris, J. 2020. Corporate restructuring, work intensification and perceptual politics: exploring the ambiguity of managerial job insecurity. Economic and Industrial Democracy 41(2), pp. 323-350. (10.1177/0143831X17710733)
- Lai, K., Morgan, G. and Morris, J. 2020. ‘Eating bitterness’ in a Chinese multinational: identity regulation in context. Organization Studies 41(5), pp. 661-680. (10.1177/0170840619835271)
- Foster, W. M., Hassard, J. S., Morris, J. and Wolfram Cox, J. 2019. The changing nature of managerial work: The effects of corporate restructuring on management jobs and careers. Human Relations 72(3), pp. 473-504. (10.1177/0018726719828439)
- Zhang, B., Chen, J., Tian, A., Morris, J. and Fan, H. 2019. Industry capital intensity and firms utilization of HCSW: does firm size matter?. Personnel Review 48(2), pp. 492-510. (10.1108/PR-03-2017-0069)
- Morris, J., Delbridge, R. and Endo, T. 2018. The layering of meso-level institutional effects on employment systems in Japan. British Journal of Industrial Relations 56(3), pp. 603-630. (10.1111/bjir.12296)
- Hassard, J. and Morris, J. 2018. Contrived competition and manufactured uncertainty: understanding managerial job insecurity narritives in large corporations. Work, Employment and Society 32(3), pp. 564-580. (10.1177/0950017017751806)
- Farrell, C. and Morris, J. 2017. Neo-bureaucratic organisational forms, technology, control and contingent work: the case of UK TV. New Technology, Work and Employment 32(2), pp. 115-130. (10.1111/ntwe.12088)
- Morris, J., Farrell, C. and Reed, M. 2016. The indeterminacy of 'temporariness': control and power in neo-bureaucratic organizations and work in UK television. Human Relations 69(12), pp. 2274-2297. (10.1177/0018726716648387)
- Endo, T., Delbridge, R. and Morris, J. 2015. Does Japan still matter? Past tendencies and future opportunities in the study of Japanese firms. International Journal of Management Reviews 17(1), pp. 101-123. (10.1111/ijmr.12039)
- Yorozu, C., McCann, L., Hassard, J. and Morris, J. L. 2013. Japan, corporate organizational reform and the global financial crisis: the case of Shinsei Bank. Asia Pacific Business Review 19(2), pp. 200-216. (10.1080/13602381.2013.767636)
- Zhang, B. and Morris, J. L. 2013. High-performance work systems and organizational performance: testing the mediation role of employee outcomes using evidence from PR China. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 25(1), pp. 68-90. (10.1080/09585192.2013.781524)
- Hassard, J., Morris, J. L. and McCann, L. 2012. 'My brilliant career'? New organizational forms and changing managerial careers in Japan, the UK, and USA. Journal of Management Studies 49(3), pp. 571-599. (10.1111/j.1467-6486.2011.01032.x)
- Wallace, M., O'Reilly, D., Morris, J. L. and Deem, R. 2011. Public service leaders as 'change agents' - for whom? Responses to leadership development provision in England. Public Management Review 13(1), pp. 65-93. (10.1080/14719037.2010.501614)
- McCann, L., Hassard, J. and Morris, J. L. 2010. Restructuring managerial labour in the USA, the UK and Japan: challenging the salience of 'varieties of capitalism'. British Journal of Industrial Relations 48(2), pp. 347-374. (10.1111/j.1467-8543.2010.00794.x)
- Farrell, C. and Morris, J. 2010. Professional perceptions of bureaucratic change in the public sector: GPs, headteachers and social workers. Public Money and Management 19(4), pp. 31-36. (10.1111/1467-9302.00186)
- Farrell, C. and Morris, J. L. 2009. Still searching for the evidence? Evidence-based policy, performance pay and teachers. Journal of Industrial Relations 51(1), pp. 75-94. (10.1177/0022185608099666)
- Morris, J. L., Wilkinson, B. and Gamble, J. 2009. Strategic international human resource management or the 'bottom line'? the cases of electronics and garments commodity chains in China. International Journal of Human Resource Management 20(2), pp. 348-371. (10.1080/09585190802670722)
- Morris, J. L., Hassard, J. and McCann, L. 2008. The resilience of 'institutionalized capitalism': managing managers under 'shareholder capitalism' and 'managerial capitalism'. Human Relations 61(5), pp. 687-710. (10.1177/0018726708091767)
- McCann, L., Morris, J. L. and Hassard, J. 2008. Normalized intensity: the New Labour process of middle management. Journal of Management Studies 45(2), pp. 343-371. (10.1111/j.1467-6486.2007.00762.x)
- Iida, T. and Morris, J. L. 2008. Farewell to the salaryman? The changing roles and work of middle managers in Japan. International Journal of Human Resource Management 19(6), pp. 1072-1087. (10.1080/09585190802051378)
- Hassard, J., McCann, L. and Morris, J. L. 2007. At the sharp end of new organizational ideologies: Ethnography and the study of multinationals. Ethnography 8(3), pp. 324-344. (10.1177/1466138107081041)
- McCann, L., Hassard, J. and Morris, J. L. 2007. New communities of inquiry in multinational research: Politics, resistance and perspective. Ethnography 8(3), pp. 381-391. (10.1177/1466138107081027)
- Morris, J. L. and Farrell, C. 2007. The 'post-bureaucratic' public sector organization: New organizational forms and HRM in ten UK public sector organizations. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 18(9), pp. 1575-1588. (10.1080/09585190701570544)
- Morris, J. L., Hassard, J. and McCann, L. 2006. New Organizational Forms, Human Resource Management and Structural Convergence? A Study of Japanese Organizations. Organization Studies 27(10), pp. 1485-1512. (10.1177/0170840606067513)
- Hassard, J., Morris, J. L., Sheehan, J. and Yuxin, X. 2006. Downsizing the danwei: Chinese state-enterprise reform and the surplus labour question. International Journal of Human Resource Management 17(8), pp. 1441-1455. (10.1080/09585190600804648)
- Wu, B. and Morris, J. L. 2006. 'A life on the ocean wave': the 'post-socialist' careers of Chinese, Russian and Eastern European seafarers. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 17(1), pp. 25-48. (10.1080/09585190500366201)
- Smith, J. A., Morris, J. L. and Ezzamel, M. 2005. Organisational change, outsourcing and the impact on management accounting. The British Accounting Review 37(4), pp. 415-441. (10.1016/j.bar.2005.07.004)
- Morris, J. L. 2004. The future of work: organizational and international perspectives. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 15(2), pp. 263-275. (10.1080/0958519032000158509)
- McCann, L., Hassard, J. and Morris, J. L. 2004. Middle managers, the new organizational ideology and corporate restructuring: comparing Japanese and Anglo-American management systems. Competition and Change 8(1), pp. 27-44. (10.1080/1024529042000269798)
- Farrell, C. and Morris, J. L. 2004. Resigned compliance: Teacher attitudes towards performance-related pay in schools. Educational Management Administration and Leadership 32(1), pp. 81-104. (10.1177/1741143204039301)
- Morris, J. L., Smith, J. and Ezzamel, M. 2004. Trim figures; on organisational change. Financial Management Nov, pp. 34-36.
- Hassard, J., Morris, J. L. and Sheehan, J. 2004. The 'third way': The future of work and organization in a 'corporatized' Chinese economy. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 15(2), pp. 314-330. (10.1080/0958519032000158536)
- Gamble, J., Morris, J. L. and Wilkinson, B. 2004. Mass production is alive and well: the future of work and organization in east Asia. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 15(2), pp. 397-409. (10.1080/0958519032000158572)
- Gamble, J., Morris, J. L. and Wilkinson, B. 2003. Japanese and Korean Multinationals: The Replication and Integration of Their National Business Systems in China. Asian Business and Management 2(3), pp. 347-369. (10.1057/palgrave.abm.9200059)
- Morris, J. L. and Farrell, C. M. 2003. The `Neo-Bureaucratic' State: Professionals, Managers and Professional Managers in Schools, General Practices and Social Work. Organization 10(1), pp. 129-156. (10.1177/1350508403010001380)
- Morris, J. L., Hassard, J. and McCann, L. 2003. Endangered but surviving: The plight of UK middle managers in 10 large organisations. Management Research News 26(9), pp. 132-134.
- Hassard, J., Morris, J. L. and Sheehan, J. 2002. The elusive market: Privatization, politics and state-enterprise reform in China. British Journal of Management 13(3), pp. 221-231. (10.1111/1467-8551.00239)
- Hassard, J., McCann, L. and Morris, J. L. 2002. Universality and convergence in organisational forms: a study of Japanese firms. Management Research News 25, pp. 74-78.
- Morris, J. L., Hassard, J. and Sheehan, J. 2002. Privatization, Chinese-style: economic reform and the state-owned enterprises. Public Administration 80(2), pp. 359-373. (10.1111/1467-9299.00308)
- Morris, J. L. 2001. Inward Investment in a Cold Climate. Work, Employment and Society 15(3), pp. 661-665. (10.1017/S0950017001000435)
- Morris, J. L., Sheehan, J. and Hassard, J. 2001. From Dependency to Defiance? Work-Unit Relationships in China's State Enterprise Reforms. Journal of Management Studies 38(5), pp. 697-717. (10.1111/1467-6486.00255)
- Wilkinson, B., Gamble, J., Humphrey, J., Morris, J. L. and Anthony, D. W. 2001. The New International Division of Labour in Asian Electronics: Work Organisation and Human Resources in Japan and Malaysia. Journal of Management Studies 38(5), pp. 675-695. (10.1111/1467-6486.00254)
- Xiao, J., Morris, J., Hassard, J. and Sheehan, J. 2001. The Group Company Experiment in China. International Journal of Applied Management 2, pp. 119-130.
- Driscoll, A. and Morris, J. L. 2001. Stepping out: Rhetorical devices and culture change management in the UK Civil Service. Public Administration 79(4), pp. 803-824. (10.1111/1467-9299.00281)
- Morris, J. L. and Farrell, C. 2001. Policy and Politics in School Education: Professional Autonomy, Bureaucratic Control and Performance Management [Abstract]. Management Research News 24(10/11), pp. 28-29. (10.1108/01409170110782973)
Book sections
- Delbridge, R., Endo, T. and Morris, J. 2019. Entrepreneurs or employees? The emergence of "disciplining entrepreneurialism" in subsidiary organizations at cyberagent. In: Sydow, J. and Berends, H. eds. Managing Inter-organizational Collaborations: Process Views., Vol. 64. Research in the Sociology of Organizations Emerald, pp. 163-183., (10.1108/S0733-558X20190000064012)
- Hassard, J., Morris, J. L., Sheehan, J. and Yuxin, X. 2007. Steeling for reform: state-enterprise restructuring and the surplus labour question. In: Lee, G. O. M. and Warner, M. eds. Unemployment in China: Economy, Human Resources and Labour Markets. Routledge Contemporary China Series London: Routledge, pp. 203-228.
- McCann, L., Hassard, J. and Morris, J. L. 2006. Hard times for the salaryman: corporate restructuring and middle managers' working lives. In: Matanle, P. and Lunsing, W. eds. Perspectives on Work, Employment and Society in Japan. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 98-116.
- Morris, J. L., Hassard, J., Yuxin, X. and Sheehan, J. 2001. Globalization, economic institutions and workplace change: the economic reform processes in China. In: Debrah, Y. A. and Smith, I. G. eds. Globalization, Employment and the Workplace: Diverse Impacts. Routledge Studies in International Business and the World Economy London: Routledge, pp. 115-129.
- Morris, J. L. 2000. Keiretsu. In: Tung, R. L. ed. The IEBM Handbook of International Business. International Encyclopedia of Business & Management London: Thomson Learning, pp. 3615-3619.
- Wallace, M., Reed, M., O'Reilly, D., Tomlinson, M., Morris, J. and Deem, R. 2022. Developing public service leaders: elite orchestration, change agency, leaderism, and neoliberalization. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (10.1093/oso/9780199552108.001.0001)
- Morris, J. L., Hassard, J., Terpstra-Tong, J., Zhou, M. and Sheehan, J. 2010. China's state enterprise reform: From Marx to the market. Routledge Contemporary China Series. Taylor & Francis/Routledge.
- Hassard, J., McCann, L. and Morris, J. L. 2009. Managing in the modern corporation: the intensification of managerial work in the USA, UK and Japan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Ezzamel, M., Morris, J. and Smith, J. A. 2002. Accounting for new organisational forms: initial findings on subcontracting and outsourcing in the UK. Presented at: 6th Annual Conference of the Financial Reporting and Business Communications Research Unit, Cardiff, UK, July 2002.
- Wilkinson, B., Gamble, J., Humphrey, J. and Morris, J. L. 2000. International Production Networks and Human Resources: The Case of the Malaysian Electronics Industry. Presented at: Second Conference on Global Change, Manchester, UK, 1998 Presented at Thorpe, R. and Little, S. E. eds.Global Change: The Impact of Asia in the 21st Century. Basingstoke: Palgrave pp. 366-385.
- Morris, J. L., Ezzamel, M. and Smith, J. 2005. Accounting for new organisational forms: The case of subcontracting and outsourcing. Project Report. [Online]. Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. Available at: http://www.cimaglobal.com/Documents/Thought_leadership_docs/MigratedDocsMarch2010/Resouces%20(pdfs)/Research%20full%20reports/Accounting%20for%20new%20organisational%20forms%20the%20case%20of%20subcontracting%20and%20outsourcing.pdf
- Morris, J. L., Ezzamel, M. and Smith, J. 2004. Accounting for new organisational forms. Project Report. CIMA.
- Ezzamel, M., Morris, J. L. and Smith, J. 2003. Accounting for new organisational forms: initial findings on subcontracting and outsourcing in the UK. London, UK: Cardiff Business School. Available at: http://www.cimaglobal.com/Documents/Thought_leadership_docs/MigratedDocsMarch2010/Resouces%20(pdfs)/Research%20full%20reports/Accounting%20for%20new%20organisational%20forms%20the%20case%20of%20subcontracting%20and%20outsourcing.pdf
- Morris, J. L. 2001. A survey of teachers' attitudes towards performance related pay in schools. Working paper. Cardiff, UK: Morfa Press.
- Morris, J., Farrell, C. and Reed, M. 2016. The indeterminacy of 'temporariness': control and power in neo-bureaucratic organizations and work in UK television. Human Relations 69(12), pp. 2274-2297. (10.1177/0018726716648387)
- Endo, T., Delbridge, R. and Morris, J. 2015. Does Japan still matter? Past tendencies and future opportunities in the study of Japanese firms. International Journal of Management Reviews 17(1), pp. 101-123. (10.1111/ijmr.12039)
- Yorozu, C., McCann, L., Hassard, J. and Morris, J. L. 2013. Japan, corporate organizational reform and the global financial crisis: the case of Shinsei Bank. Asia Pacific Business Review 19(2), pp. 200-216. (10.1080/13602381.2013.767636)
- Zhang, B. and Morris, J. L. 2013. High-performance work systems and organizational performance: testing the mediation role of employee outcomes using evidence from PR China. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 25(1), pp. 68-90. (10.1080/09585192.2013.781524)
- Hassard, J., Morris, J. L. and McCann, L. 2012. 'My brilliant career'? New organizational forms and changing managerial careers in Japan, the UK, and USA. Journal of Management Studies 49(3), pp. 571-599. (10.1111/j.1467-6486.2011.01032.x)
- Wallace, M., O'Reilly, D., Morris, J. L. and Deem, R. 2011. Public service leaders as 'change agents' - for whom? Responses to leadership development provision in England. Public Management Review 13(1), pp. 65-93. (10.1080/14719037.2010.501614)
- Morris, J. L., Hassard, J., Terpstra-Tong, J., Zhou, M. and Sheehan, J. 2010. China's state enterprise reform: From Marx to the market. Routledge Contemporary China Series. Taylor & Francis/Routledge.
- McCann, L., Hassard, J. and Morris, J. L. 2010. Restructuring managerial labour in the USA, the UK and Japan: challenging the salience of 'varieties of capitalism'. British Journal of Industrial Relations 48(2), pp. 347-374. (10.1111/j.1467-8543.2010.00794.x)
- Farrell, C. and Morris, J. L. 2009. Still searching for the evidence? Evidence-based policy, performance pay and teachers. Journal of Industrial Relations 51(1), pp. 75-94. (10.1177/0022185608099666)
- Morris, J. L., Wilkinson, B. and Gamble, J. 2009. Strategic international human resource management or the 'bottom line'? the cases of electronics and garments commodity chains in China. International Journal of Human Resource Management 20(2), pp. 348-371. (10.1080/09585190802670722)
- Hassard, J., McCann, L. and Morris, J. L. 2009. Managing in the modern corporation: the intensification of managerial work in the USA, UK and Japan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Morris, J. L., Hassard, J. and McCann, L. 2008. The resilience of 'institutionalized capitalism': managing managers under 'shareholder capitalism' and 'managerial capitalism'. Human Relations 61(5), pp. 687-710. (10.1177/0018726708091767)
- McCann, L., Morris, J. L. and Hassard, J. 2008. Normalized intensity: the New Labour process of middle management. Journal of Management Studies 45(2), pp. 343-371. (10.1111/j.1467-6486.2007.00762.x)
- Iida, T. and Morris, J. L. 2008. Farewell to the salaryman? The changing roles and work of middle managers in Japan. International Journal of Human Resource Management 19(6), pp. 1072-1087. (10.1080/09585190802051378)
- Hassard, J., McCann, L. and Morris, J. L. 2007. At the sharp end of new organizational ideologies: Ethnography and the study of multinationals. Ethnography 8(3), pp. 324-344. (10.1177/1466138107081041)
- McCann, L., Hassard, J. and Morris, J. L. 2007. New communities of inquiry in multinational research: Politics, resistance and perspective. Ethnography 8(3), pp. 381-391. (10.1177/1466138107081027)
- Morris, J. L. and Farrell, C. 2007. The 'post-bureaucratic' public sector organization: New organizational forms and HRM in ten UK public sector organizations. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 18(9), pp. 1575-1588. (10.1080/09585190701570544)
- Hassard, J., Morris, J. L., Sheehan, J. and Yuxin, X. 2007. Steeling for reform: state-enterprise restructuring and the surplus labour question. In: Lee, G. O. M. and Warner, M. eds. Unemployment in China: Economy, Human Resources and Labour Markets. Routledge Contemporary China Series London: Routledge, pp. 203-228.
- Morris, J. L., Hassard, J. and McCann, L. 2006. New Organizational Forms, Human Resource Management and Structural Convergence? A Study of Japanese Organizations. Organization Studies 27(10), pp. 1485-1512. (10.1177/0170840606067513)
- McCann, L., Hassard, J. and Morris, J. L. 2006. Hard times for the salaryman: corporate restructuring and middle managers' working lives. In: Matanle, P. and Lunsing, W. eds. Perspectives on Work, Employment and Society in Japan. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 98-116.
- Hassard, J., Morris, J. L., Sheehan, J. and Yuxin, X. 2006. Downsizing the danwei: Chinese state-enterprise reform and the surplus labour question. International Journal of Human Resource Management 17(8), pp. 1441-1455. (10.1080/09585190600804648)
- Wu, B. and Morris, J. L. 2006. 'A life on the ocean wave': the 'post-socialist' careers of Chinese, Russian and Eastern European seafarers. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 17(1), pp. 25-48. (10.1080/09585190500366201)
- Smith, J. A., Morris, J. L. and Ezzamel, M. 2005. Organisational change, outsourcing and the impact on management accounting. The British Accounting Review 37(4), pp. 415-441. (10.1016/j.bar.2005.07.004)
- Morris, J. L., Ezzamel, M. and Smith, J. 2005. Accounting for new organisational forms: The case of subcontracting and outsourcing. Project Report. [Online]. Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. Available at: http://www.cimaglobal.com/Documents/Thought_leadership_docs/MigratedDocsMarch2010/Resouces%20(pdfs)/Research%20full%20reports/Accounting%20for%20new%20organisational%20forms%20the%20case%20of%20subcontracting%20and%20outsourcing.pdf
- Morris, J. L. 2004. The future of work: organizational and international perspectives. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 15(2), pp. 263-275. (10.1080/0958519032000158509)
- McCann, L., Hassard, J. and Morris, J. L. 2004. Middle managers, the new organizational ideology and corporate restructuring: comparing Japanese and Anglo-American management systems. Competition and Change 8(1), pp. 27-44. (10.1080/1024529042000269798)
- Farrell, C. and Morris, J. L. 2004. Resigned compliance: Teacher attitudes towards performance-related pay in schools. Educational Management Administration and Leadership 32(1), pp. 81-104. (10.1177/1741143204039301)
- Morris, J. L., Smith, J. and Ezzamel, M. 2004. Trim figures; on organisational change. Financial Management Nov, pp. 34-36.
- Hassard, J., Morris, J. L. and Sheehan, J. 2004. The 'third way': The future of work and organization in a 'corporatized' Chinese economy. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 15(2), pp. 314-330. (10.1080/0958519032000158536)
- Morris, J. L., Ezzamel, M. and Smith, J. 2004. Accounting for new organisational forms. Project Report. CIMA.
- Gamble, J., Morris, J. L. and Wilkinson, B. 2004. Mass production is alive and well: the future of work and organization in east Asia. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 15(2), pp. 397-409. (10.1080/0958519032000158572)
- Gamble, J., Morris, J. L. and Wilkinson, B. 2003. Japanese and Korean Multinationals: The Replication and Integration of Their National Business Systems in China. Asian Business and Management 2(3), pp. 347-369. (10.1057/palgrave.abm.9200059)
- Morris, J. L. and Farrell, C. M. 2003. The `Neo-Bureaucratic' State: Professionals, Managers and Professional Managers in Schools, General Practices and Social Work. Organization 10(1), pp. 129-156. (10.1177/1350508403010001380)
- Morris, J. L., Hassard, J. and McCann, L. 2003. Endangered but surviving: The plight of UK middle managers in 10 large organisations. Management Research News 26(9), pp. 132-134.
- Ezzamel, M., Morris, J. L. and Smith, J. 2003. Accounting for new organisational forms: initial findings on subcontracting and outsourcing in the UK. London, UK: Cardiff Business School. Available at: http://www.cimaglobal.com/Documents/Thought_leadership_docs/MigratedDocsMarch2010/Resouces%20(pdfs)/Research%20full%20reports/Accounting%20for%20new%20organisational%20forms%20the%20case%20of%20subcontracting%20and%20outsourcing.pdf
- Hassard, J., Morris, J. L. and Sheehan, J. 2002. The elusive market: Privatization, politics and state-enterprise reform in China. British Journal of Management 13(3), pp. 221-231. (10.1111/1467-8551.00239)
- Ezzamel, M., Morris, J. and Smith, J. A. 2002. Accounting for new organisational forms: initial findings on subcontracting and outsourcing in the UK. Presented at: 6th Annual Conference of the Financial Reporting and Business Communications Research Unit, Cardiff, UK, July 2002.
- Hassard, J., McCann, L. and Morris, J. L. 2002. Universality and convergence in organisational forms: a study of Japanese firms. Management Research News 25, pp. 74-78.
- Morris, J. L., Hassard, J. and Sheehan, J. 2002. Privatization, Chinese-style: economic reform and the state-owned enterprises. Public Administration 80(2), pp. 359-373. (10.1111/1467-9299.00308)
- Morris, J. L., Hassard, J., Yuxin, X. and Sheehan, J. 2001. Globalization, economic institutions and workplace change: the economic reform processes in China. In: Debrah, Y. A. and Smith, I. G. eds. Globalization, Employment and the Workplace: Diverse Impacts. Routledge Studies in International Business and the World Economy London: Routledge, pp. 115-129.
- Morris, J. L. 2001. Inward Investment in a Cold Climate. Work, Employment and Society 15(3), pp. 661-665. (10.1017/S0950017001000435)
- Morris, J. L., Sheehan, J. and Hassard, J. 2001. From Dependency to Defiance? Work-Unit Relationships in China's State Enterprise Reforms. Journal of Management Studies 38(5), pp. 697-717. (10.1111/1467-6486.00255)
- Wilkinson, B., Gamble, J., Humphrey, J., Morris, J. L. and Anthony, D. W. 2001. The New International Division of Labour in Asian Electronics: Work Organisation and Human Resources in Japan and Malaysia. Journal of Management Studies 38(5), pp. 675-695. (10.1111/1467-6486.00254)
- Morris, J. L. 2001. A survey of teachers' attitudes towards performance related pay in schools. Working paper. Cardiff, UK: Morfa Press.
- Xiao, J., Morris, J., Hassard, J. and Sheehan, J. 2001. The Group Company Experiment in China. International Journal of Applied Management 2, pp. 119-130.
- Driscoll, A. and Morris, J. L. 2001. Stepping out: Rhetorical devices and culture change management in the UK Civil Service. Public Administration 79(4), pp. 803-824. (10.1111/1467-9299.00281)
- Morris, J. L. and Farrell, C. 2001. Policy and Politics in School Education: Professional Autonomy, Bureaucratic Control and Performance Management [Abstract]. Management Research News 24(10/11), pp. 28-29. (10.1108/01409170110782973)
- Wilkinson, B., Gamble, J., Humphrey, J. and Morris, J. L. 2000. International Production Networks and Human Resources: The Case of the Malaysian Electronics Industry. Presented at: Second Conference on Global Change, Manchester, UK, 1998 Presented at Thorpe, R. and Little, S. E. eds.Global Change: The Impact of Asia in the 21st Century. Basingstoke: Palgrave pp. 366-385.
- Morris, J. L. 2000. Keiretsu. In: Tung, R. L. ed. The IEBM Handbook of International Business. International Encyclopedia of Business & Management London: Thomson Learning, pp. 3615-3619.
Research interests
- Critical Perspectives in New Public Management
- New Organizational Forms and Managerial Work in Internationakl Perspective
- Work and Organization in East Asia
- Work in the Creative Industries
PhD supervision research interests
- Critical perspectives in new public management
- New organizational forms and managerial work
- Work and organization in east Asia
Ymrwymiadau addysgu
- Systemau Rheoli Japan (israddedigion 3edd flwyddyn)
- Myfyrwyr MSc HRM/MBA (goruchwyliaeth)
- Myfyrwyr PhD (goruchwyliaeth)
Contact Details
+44 29208 76392
Adeilad Aberconwy, Ystafell E03, Rhodfa Colum, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU
+44 29208 76392
Adeilad Aberconwy, Ystafell E03, Rhodfa Colum, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU