Yr Athro Maxim Munday
- Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Timau a rolau for Maxim Munday
Cyfarwyddwr Uned Ymchwil Economi Cymru
Aelod o Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd ers 1990. Diddordebau ymchwil yn economi Cymru, economeg mewnfuddsoddi, economeg twristiaeth, economeg rhanbarthol, a chynhyrchu a rheoleiddio trydan adnewyddadwy.
Mae ymchwil ar fewnfuddsoddi, economeg ranbarthol a pholisi wedi arwain at geisiadau ymchwil llwyddiannus ac ystod eang o waith ymgynghori ar gyfer sefydliadau yn y sector cyhoeddus a'r sector preifat.
- £4.7m o ymchwil ac incwm arall yn y cyfnod 2016-25
- Arwain ymchwil fel rhan o Her Morlyn Llanw gwerth £196,000 i Lywodraeth Cymru
- Cyfarwyddo proses ymchwil a gwerthuso o amgylch buddsoddiad Cronfa UKRI Stength mewn Lleoedd o amgylch Clwstwr Lled-ddargludyddion Cyfansawdd yn Ne Cymru
- Cyd-I ar gynlluniau "Ystod TidAl EPSRC fel cyfleusterau stortage Ynni ar raddfa grid ffurfweddadwy (TARGET, £1.4m).
- Rhaglen fawr gwerth £1.2m o ymchwil yr UE yng Nghymru sy'n archwilio effeithiau cadarn bach mynediad at wasanaethau band eang cyflym iawn rhwng 2016-20.
- Cyfarwyddo rhaglen ymchwil Cudd-wybodaeth Economaidd Cymru 2017-2025 sy'n archwilio cyllid cwmnïau bach.
Aelod sefydlol Uned Ymchwil Economi Cymru, a Chyfarwyddwr. Gydag aelodau WERU, mae wedi bod yn rhan o nifer o geisiadau llwyddiannus am arian ymchwil gan sefydliadau preifat a chyhoeddus.
Mae rolau eraill yn cynnwys:
- Cydweithio rheolaidd â sefydliadau rhanbarthol a chwmnïau angori, o ran ymchwil, gwerthuso, gwasanaethau a chyngor.
- Gofynnir yn rheolaidd i ddarparu cyngor economaidd i Lywodraeth Cymru a sefydliadau rhanddeiliaid.
- adolygydd rheolaidd ar gyfer cyfnodolion gan gynnwys Tourism Management, Journal of Rural Studies, Regional Studies, Ecological Economics, European Journal of Ops Management, Energy Policy, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Geoforum, Urban Studies
- McKinley, E. et al. 2024. The human dimensions of harmful algal blooms: An evolving research agenda. Ocean & Coastal Management 259, article number: 107432. (10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2024.107432)
- Hashemi Monfared, S. A. et al. 2024. Surface water quality modelling with data scarcity in semi-enclosed coastal regions encompassed distributed islands. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 302, article number: 108778. (10.1016/j.ecss.2024.108778)
- Munday, M., Huggins, R., Cai, W., Kapitsinis, N. and Roberts, A. 2024. The transformative potential of inward investment on industrial cluster development: The case of the semiconductor industry in Wales. European Planning Studies 32(7), pp. 1594-1612. (10.1080/09654313.2024.2319704)
- Lang, M., Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Roche, N. 2024. Covid-19 Welsh Government financial interventions: Final analysis of administrative and beneficiary survey data. Project Report. [Online]. Wrexham: Economic Intelligence Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2024-05/EIW%20Bespoke%20Report%20April2024%20Covid-19%20intervention_ENG_Accessibility1.pdf
- Perry, W. B., Ahmadian, R., Munday, M., Jones, O., Ormerod, S. J. and Durance, I. 2024. Addressing the challenges of combined sewer overflows. Environmental Pollution 343, article number: 123225. (10.1016/j.envpol.2023.123225)
- Munday, M., Huggins, R., Lang, M. and Roberts, A. 2024. Annual Report: Compound semiconductor cluster in South Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Economy Research Unit. Available at: https://csconnected.com/media/trijjr3n/csconnected-sipf-weru-annual-report-2023.pdf
- Zhao, T., Matthews, K. and Munday, M. 2023. Neither true nor fairweather friend: relationship banking and SME borrowing under Covid-19. European Journal of Finance 29(16), pp. 1957-1974. (10.1080/1351847X.2022.2092415)
- Huggins, R., Munday, M., Thompson, P. and Xu, C. 2023. Entrepreneurial ecosystems, agency and regional development: Emergence and new path creation in the Cardiff city region. Local Economy 38(6), pp. 538-561. (10.1177/02690942241237779)
- Munday, M., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Cai, W. 2023. Economic Intelligence Wales: Annual report. September 2023. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Economic Intelligence Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2023-09/EIW%20Annual%20Report%202023%20ENG_ACCESSBILITY_V1.pdf
- Huggins, R., Johnston, A., Munday, M. and Xu, C. 2023. Competition, open innovation and growth challenges in the semiconductor Industry: The case of Europe's clusters. Science and Public Policy 50(3), pp. 531-547. (10.1093/scipol/scad005)
- Munday, M., Reynolds, L. and Roberts, A. 2023. Re-appraising ‘in-process’ benefits of strategic infrastructure improvements: Capturing the unexpected socio-economic impacts for lagging regions. Transport Policy 134, pp. 119-127. (10.1016/j.tranpol.2023.02.012)
- Cai, W., Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Roche, N. 2023. Covid-19 Welsh Government financial interventions: An analysis of administrative and beneficiary survey data. Project Report. [Online]. Wrexham: Economic Intelligence Wales Ltd. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2023-01/EIW%20Bespoke%20Report%20Jan2023%20Covid-19%20intervention.pdf
- Munday, M., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Jin, N. 2022. Economic Intelligence Wales Annual report September 2022. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Economic Intelligence Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2022-11/Annual%20report%202021_22%20Economic%20Intelligence%20Wales_0.pdf
- Munday, M. 2022. Economic effects linked to the development of the Pembroke New Zero centre. Project Report. [Online]. Swindon: Cardiff Business School and RWE. Available at: https://uk-ireland.rwe.com/-/media/RWE/RWE-UK/downloads/innovation/rwe-report-pembroke-centre.pdf
- Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Roche, N. 2022. Covid-19 Welsh Government financial interventions: An analysis of administrative and beneficiary survey data. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Economic Intelligence Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2022-09/EIW%20Bespoke%20Report%202022%20Covid-19%20intervention_ENGLISH-v4.pdf
- Huggins, R., Jonhstone, A., Munday, M. and Xu, C. 2022. The future of Europe’s semiconductor industry: Innovation, clusters and deep tech. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: CSconnected. Available at: https://csconnected.com/media/ezlhpdhz/huggins-johnston-munday-xu-the-future-of-europes-semiconductor-industry.pdf
- Munday, M., Huggins, R. and Roberts, A. 2022. Annual Report: Compound semiconductor cluster in South Wales January 2022. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: CSconnected. Available at: https://csconnected.com/media/ryunhxaa/csconnected-annual-report-cardiff-university-business-school.pdf
- Munday, M., Huggins, R., Kapitsinis, N. and Roberts, A. 2022. CSconnected: Does CS cluster inward investment improve regional economic prospects?. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: CSconnected. Available at: https://csconnected.com/media/utkj4qir/csconnected_inward-investment_cardiff-business-school-report.pdf#:~:text=The%20evidence%20suggests%20that%20the%20CS%20cluster%20has,potentially%20better%20placed%20to%20generate%20local%20economic%20transformation.
- Henderson, D., Munday, M., Kapitsinis, N., Jones, C., Rana, O., Cowell, R. and Mukherjee, A. 2022. 5G Wales unlocked observatory: final report. Technical Report.
- Beynon, M., Munday, M. and Roche, N. 2021. ICT resources and use: examining differences in pathways to improved small firm performance. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research 27(7), pp. 1798-1818. (10.1108/IJEBR-12-2020-0847)
- Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Kapitsinis, N. 2021. Economic Intelligence Wales Annual Report August 2021. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Economic Intelligence Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2022-10/ENG%20EIW%20Annual%20report%2020_21.pdf
- Henderson, D., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2021. The regional consequences of new digital infrastructure: can Welsh SMEs gain an edge from access and adoption of superfast broadband?. National Institute Economic Review 255, pp. 42-55. (10.1017/nie.2020.48)
- Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Huggins, R. 2021. Revised economic baseline: Compound semiconductor cluster in South Wales 18th February 2021. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: CSconnected. Available at: https://csconnected.com/media/vdsn3fgo/csconnected-annual-report-2021.pdf
- Kapitsinis, N., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2021. Exploring a low SME equity equilibrium in Wales. European Planning Studies 29(10), pp. 1777-1797. (10.1080/09654313.2021.1882945)
- Henley, A., Kapitsinis, N., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2020. Covid-19 Welsh government financial interventions: an analysis of Welsh beneficiaries. Technical Report.
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Xu, C. 2020. The digital maturity survey for Wales 2020. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff University. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/superfast-broadband-project/digital-maturity-survey
- Jones, C. and Munday, M. 2020. Capital ownership, innovation and regional development policy in the economic periphery: an energy industry case.. Local Economy 35(6), pp. 545-565. (10.1177/0269094220968048)
- Xu, C., Jones, C. and Munday, M. 2020. Tourism inward investment and regional economic development effects: Perspectives from tourism satellite accounts. Regional Studies 54(9), pp. 1226-1237. (10.1080/00343404.2019.1696954)
- Crawley, A., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. 2020. Selling the region: The problems of a multi-agency approach in promoting regional economies. Regional Science Policy and Practice 12(3), pp. 397-412. (10.1111/rsp3.12268)
- Kapitsinis, N., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2020. Business succession in Wales. Development Bank of Wales. Available at: http://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2020-05/EIW succession report May 2020 ENG Final.pdf
- Stone, C., Windsor, F. M., Munday, M. and Durance, I. 2020. Natural or synthetic – how global trends in textile usage threaten freshwater environments. Science of the Total Environment 718, article number: 134689. (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.134689)
- Munday, M., Reynolds, L. and Roberts, A. 2020. A road for regional recovery? The socio-economic impacts of local spending on the A465 road improvement scheme in South Wales. Welsh Economic Review 27, pp. 25-32. (10.18573/wer.255)
- Zhou, L., Matthews, K. and Munday, M. 2020. Land transactions tax variation in Wales. Welsh Economic Review 27, pp. 33-40. (10.18573/wer.256)
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Xu, C. 2020. Superfast broadband business exploitation project: Digital Maturity Survey for Wales 2019. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff University. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/superfast-broadband-project/digital-maturity-survey
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Xu, C. 2020. Superfast broadband business exploitation programme: research and intelligence Digital Maturity Economic Impact Report 2019. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/superfast-broadband-project/economic-impact-research
- Kapitsinis, N., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2019. Medium-sized businesses and Welsh business structure. Project Report. [Online]. Development Bank of Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2019-11/EIW Quarterly Bespoke report English.pdf
- Dickenson, M., Hipwood, T., Jones, C., Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Willimas, R. 2019. EU transition trade prospects for key Welsh sectors. Project Report. Cardiff: Welsh Economy Research Unit.
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Roche, N., Roberts, A., Xu, C. and Norris, L. 2019. Digital maturity economic impact report 2018. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Kapitsinis, N., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2019. Equity clusters in Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Development Bank of Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2019-04/Equity Clusters Report_final.pdf
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Norris, L., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Xu, C. 2019. Digital maturity survey for Wales 2018. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Kapitsinis, N., Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Williams, R. 2019. Export finance in Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Development Bank of Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2019-02/English_Bespoke Report_FINAL_25 Feb2019.pdf
- Jones, C., Munday, M., Song, M. and Evans, N. 2019. Economic effects in the UK periphery from unconventional gas development: evidence from Wales. Energy 166, pp. 1037-1046.
- Collins, A. and Munday, M. 2019. The race for sustainability. Cardiff University/Run4Wales. Available at: https://www.cardiffhalfmarathon.co.uk/event-info/sustainability/
- Crawley, A., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2018. How serious is a devolved data deficit? A Welsh perspective. Local Economy 33(8), pp. 862-876. (10.1177/0269094218820286)
- Beynon, M., Jones, C., Munday, M. C. R. and Roche, N. 2018. Investigating value added from heritage assets: An analysis of landmark historical sites in Wales. International Journal of Tourism Research 20(6), pp. 756-767. (10.1002/jtr.2228)
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Reynolds, L., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Scedrova, A. 2018. Digital maturity economic impact report for Wales 2017. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Roche, N., Roberts, A., Scedrova, A. and Reynolds, L. 2018. Digital maturity survey for Wales 2017. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff Business School. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/1137775/SFBBE-2016-National-Digital-Maturity-Survey-Report_final.pdf
- Huggins, R., Waite, D. and Munday, M. 2018. New directions in regional innovation policy: a network model for generating entrepreneurship and economic development. Regional Studies 52(9), pp. 1294-1304. (10.1080/00343404.2018.1453131)
- Davies, R., Munday, M. and Roche, N. 2017. The experiences of participants in ESF funded training programmes. Welsh Economic Review 25, pp. 18-27. (10.18573/j.2017.10195)
- Morgan, K., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2017. Local economic development opportunities from NHS spending: evidence from Wales. Urban Studies 54(13), pp. 3138-3156. (10.1177/0042098016658248)
- Roberts, A. et al. 2017. Assessing the contribution of recreational sea angling to the English economy. Marine Policy 83, pp. 146-152. (10.1016/j.marpol.2017.05.028)
- Crawley, A. and Munday, M. C. R. 2017. Priority sectors in city regions? Some issues from a study of the Cardiff Capital Region. Local Economy 32(6), pp. 576-589. (10.1177/0269094217728247)
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Norris, L., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Scedrova, A. 2017. Economic impact report 2016. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Small, N., Munday, M. and Durance, I. 2017. The challenge of valuing ecosystem services that have no material benefits. Global Environmental Change 44, pp. 57-67. (10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2017.03.005)
- Bryan, J., Evans, N., Jones, C. and Munday, M. 2017. Regional electricity generation and employment in UK regions. Regional Studies 51(3), pp. 414-425. (10.1080/00343404.2015.1101516)
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Norris, L., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Scedrova, A. 2017. Digital maturity survey for Wales 2016. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff Business School. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/1137775/SFBBE-2016-National-Digital-Maturity-Survey-Report_final.pdf
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Norris, L., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Scedrova, A. 2017. Digital maturity survey for Wales 2016. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff Business School. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/1137775/SFBBE-2016-National-Digital-Maturity-Survey-Report_final.pdf
- Bere, J., Jones, C., Jones, S. and Munday, M. 2017. Energy and development in the periphery: a regional perspective on small hydropower projects. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 35(2), pp. 355-375. (10.1177/0263774X16662029)
- McNabb, R. and Munday, M. 2017. The stability of the foreign manufacturing sector: evidence and analysis for Wales 1966-2003. European Urban and Regional Studies 24(1), pp. 50-68. (10.1177/0969776415593615)
- Beynon, M. J., Crawley, A. and Munday, M. C. R. 2016. Measuring and understanding the differences between urban and rural areas. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 43(6), pp. 1136-1154. (10.1177/0265813515605096)
- Roberts, A., Roche, N., Jones, C. and Munday, M. 2016. What is the value of a Premier League football club to a regional economy?. European Sport Management Quarterly 16(5), pp. 575-591. (10.1080/16184742.2016.1188840)
- Court, C. D., Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Turner, K. 2015. Can hazardous waste supply chain 'hotspots' be identified using an input-output framework?. European Journal of Operational Research 241(1), pp. 177-187. (10.1016/j.ejor.2014.08.011)
- Jones, C. and Munday, M. C. R. 2014. The regional employment returns from wave and tidal energy: A Welsh analysis. Energy 76, pp. 958-966. (10.1016/j.energy.2014.09.012)
- Crawley, A., Beynon, M. J. and Munday, M. C. R. 2013. Making Location Quotients more relevant as a policy aid in regional spatial analysis. Urban Studies 50(9), pp. 1854-1869. (10.1177/0042098012466601)
- Munday, M. C. R., Turner, K. and Jones, C. 2013. Accounting for the carbon associated with regional tourism consumption. Tourism Management 36, pp. 35-44. (10.1016/j.tourman.2012.11.005)
- Groves, C. R., Munday, M. C. R. and Yakovleva, N. 2013. Fighting the pipe: neoliberal governance and barriers to effective community participation in energy infrastructure planning. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 31(2), pp. 340-356. (10.1068/c11331r)
- Jensen, C. D., Mcintyre, S., Munday, M. C. R. and Turner, K. 2013. Responsibility for regional waste generation: A single-region extended input-output analysis for Wales. Regional Studies 47(6), pp. 913-933. (10.1080/00343404.2011.599797)
- Bristow, G. I., Cowell, R. J. W. and Munday, M. C. R. 2012. Windfalls for whom? The evolving notion of 'community' in community benefit provisions from wind farms. Geoforum 43(6), pp. 1108-1120. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2012.06.015)
- Collins, A. J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2012. Environmental consequences of tourism consumption at major events: An analysis of the UK stages of the 2007 Tour de France. Journal of Travel Research 51(5), pp. 577-590. (10.1177/0047287511434113)
- Collins, A. J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2012. Environmental Consequences of Tourism Consumption at Major Events: An Analysis of the UK Stages of the 2007 Tour de France. Journal of Travel Research 51(5), pp. 577-590. (10.1177/0047287511434113)
- Bryan, J., Munday, M. C. R. and Bevins, R. E. 2012. Developing a framework for assessing the socioeconomic impacts of museums: the regional value of the 'flexible museum'. Urban Studies 49(1), pp. 133-151. (10.1177/0042098010396242)
- Morgan, K. J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2012. Project report: The economic impact of NHS procurement: A study of the Aneurin Bevan Health Board. Welsh Economic Review 23(Spring), pp. 33-34. (10.18573/j.2012.10439)
- Collins, A. J., Roberts, A. and Munday, M. C. R. 2012. The environmental impacts of major cycling events: reflections on the UK stages of the Tour de France. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Centre for Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society (BRASS), Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/cplan/sites/default/files/Tour-de-France.pdf
- Cowell, R. J. W., Bristow, G. I. and Munday, M. . C. R. 2012. Wind Energy: might community benefit provisions grow community ownership of renewable energy resources?. Regions Magazine 287(1), pp. 12-14. (10.1080/13673882.2012.10554274)
- Munday, M. C. R. and Beynon, M. J. 2011. Input-Output Analysis: Foundations and Extensions, by Ronald E. Miller and Peter D. Blair [Book Review]. Journal of Regional Science 51(1), pp. 196-197. (10.1111/j.1467-9787.2010.00711_2.x)
- Munday, M. C. R., Bristow, G. I. and Cowell, R. J. W. 2011. Wind farms in rural areas: How far do community benefits from wind farms represent a local economic development opportunity?. Journal of Rural Studies 27(1), pp. 1-12. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2010.08.003)
- Cowell, R. J. W., Bristow, G. I. and Munday, M. C. R. 2011. Acceptance, acceptability and environmental justice: the role of community benefits in wind energy development. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 54(4), pp. 539-557. (10.1080/09640568.2010.521047)
- Jones, C. and Munday, M. C. R. 2011. How far can we connect environmental improvement projects to new tourism activity? Evidence from the Environment for Growth project in Wales. Presented at: 1st Nordic Winter Conference of NS-RSA Regions: Sustainability,Growth & Policy, Hemavan, Sweden, 30 March - 1 April 2011.
- Turner, K., Munday, M. C. R., McIntyre, S. and Jensen, C. D. 2011. Incorporating jurisdiction issues into regional carbon accounts under production and consumption accounting principles. Environment and Planning A 43(3), pp. 722-741. (10.1068/a43234)
- Groves, C. R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2010. Risk, uncertainty and obstacles to community representation: the case of the South Wales Gas Pipeline. Presented at: CSR and Stakeholder Engagement in the Extractive Sector, London.
- Jensen, C. and Munday, M. C. R. 2010. Attribution and Jurisdiction: Can environmental input-output analysis be used to explore regional responsibilities for carbon dioxideemissions?. Presented at: RSA Winter Conference, London.
- Jones, C. and Munday, M. C. 2010. Tourism satellite accounts for regions? A review of development issues and an alternative. Economic Systems Research 22(4), pp. 341-358. (10.1080/09535314.2010.526594)
- Collins, A. J., Jones, C. and Munday, M. C. R. 2009. Assessing the environmental impacts of mega sporting events: Two options?. Tourism Management 30(6), pp. 828-837. (10.1016/j.tourman.2008.12.006)
- Beynon, M. J., Jones, C. and Munday, M. C. R. 2009. The embeddedness of tourism-related activity: a regional analysis of sectoral linkages. Urban Studies 46(10), pp. 2123-1241. (10.1177/0042098009339428)
- Munday, M. C. R. and Williams, G. 2009. Comparing gross and net employment outcomes from structural fund programmes: Issues from the mid-term evaluations of the Objective 1 Programme in West Wales and the Valleys. Evaluation 15(2), pp. 225-246. (10.1177/1356389008101970)
- Jones, C., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2009. Top down or bottom up? Issues in the development of sub-national tourism satellite accounts. Current Issues in Tourism 12(4), pp. 301-313. (10.1080/13683500802346177)
- Beynon, M. J. and Munday, M. C. R. 2008. Considering the effects of imprecision and uncertainty in ecological footprint estimation: an approach in a fuzzy environment. Ecological Economics 67(3), pp. 373-383. (10.1016/j.ecolecon.2008.07.005)
- Beynon, M. J. and Munday, M. C. R. 2008. Stochastic key sector analysis: an application to a regional input-output framework. Annals of Regional Science 42(4), pp. 863-877. (10.1007/s00168-007-0172-0)
- Jones, C. and Munday, M. C. R. 2007. Exploring the Environmental Consequences of Tourism: A Satellite Account Approach. Journal of Travel Research 46(2), pp. 164-172. (10.1177/0047287507299592)
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2007. A critical assessment of the evaluation of EU Interventions for Innovation in the SME sector in Wales. Urban Studies 44(12), pp. 2429-2448. (10.1080/00420980701540960)
- Jones, C., Munday, M. C. R. and Roche, N. 2007. Can regional sports stadia ever be economically significant?. Presented at: 54th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, 2007, Savannah, GA, USA, 7-11 November 2007.
- Jones, C., Munday, M. C. R. and Roche, N. 2007. Can regional sports stadia ever be economically significant? Evidence from the Cardiff Millennium Stadium. Presented at: Regional Science Association International: British & Irish Section 37th Annual Conference, Bangor, NI, UK, 15–17 August 2007.
- Morgan, K., Munday, M., Roche, N., Roberts, A. and Vanni, F. 2007. The impact of further education institutions on the economy of Wales. Welsh Economic Review 19(1), pp. 26-29. (10.18573/j.2007.10395)
- Bryan, J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roche, N. 2007. The Welsh economy: A statistical profile. Contemporary Wales 19(1), pp. 248-275.
- Collins, A. J., Flynn, A., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2007. Assessing the Environmental Consequences of Major Sporting Events: The 2003-04 FA Cup Final. Urban Studies 44(3), pp. 457-476. (10.1080/00420980601131878)
- Munday, M. C. R. and Williams, G. 2007. Comparing gross and net employment outcomes from structural funds programmes: Some issues from the mid-term evaluations of the objective I programme in West Wales and the Valleys. Presented at: Western Regional Science Association 46th Annual Meeting, Newport Beach, CA, USA, 21-24 February 2007.
- Beynon, M. J. and Munday, M. C. R. 2007. An Aggregated Regional Economic Input-Output Analysis within a Fuzzy Environment. Spatial Economic Analysis 2(3), pp. 281-296. (10.1080/17421770701549787)
- Bryan, J., Jones, C., Munday, M. C. R. and Roche, N. 2007. A review of the regional tourism partnerships. Cardiff: Welsh Assembly Government.
- Munday, M. C. R. 2007. Economic benefits: Welsh Forestry Commission Wind Farm tenders. London: Hyder Consulting.
- Bristow, G. I., Bryan, J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roche, N. 2007. Review of the PBI Energise programme. Working paper. n/a.
- Jones, C., Munday, M. C. R., Sartorio, F. and Bristow, G. I. 2007. Road user pricing: economic appraisal. Cardiff: Cardiff City Council.
- Higgins, N., Jones, C. and Munday, M. C. R. 2007. COCO-2 Contract Report V1- Modelling the economic cost of an accident. Project Report. Health Protection Agency Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards.
- Munday, M. C. R., Roche, N., Christie, M. and Midmore, P. 2007. An index of sustainable economic welfare for Wales 1990-2005. Project Report. Countryside Council For Wales.
- Munday, M. C. R. and Rhisiart, M. 2007. MSQA, scenario analysis and forecasting. Working paper. Cardiff, UK: Care Council for Wales.
- Cowell, R. J. W., Bristow, G. I., Munday, M. C. R. and Strachan, P. 2007. Wind farm development in Wales: assessing the community benefits. Project Report. Cardiff: Welsh Assembly Government.
- Munday, M. C. R. 2007. Job shake-out. Agenda:the journal of the Institute of Welsh Affairs Winter, pp. 41-43.
- Bryan, J., Jones, C., Munday, M. C. R. and Roche, N. 2007. Review of the Regional Tourism Partnerships (RTPs). Cardiff Business School.
- Jones, C. and Munday, M. C. 2007. The impact of heritage tourism on the environment. Presented at: Heritage and Environment Conference, Isle of Skye, UK, 20-22 June 2007.
- Beynon, M. J. and Munday, M. C. R. 2006. The elucidation of multipliers and their moments in fuzzy closed Leontief input-output systems. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 157(18), pp. 2482-2494. (10.1016/j.fss.2006.02.005)
- Roberts, A. and Munday, M. C. R. 2006. Developing approaches to measuring and monitoring sustainable development in Wales: A review. Regional Studies 40(5), pp. 535-544. (10.1080/00343400600757726)
- Beynon, M. J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2006. Using DS/AHP to rank of sectors on their potential to strengthen regional economic development. Presented at: MCDM 2006, Chania, Greece, 19-23 June 2006.
- Bryan, J., Jones, C., Munday, M. C. and Roberts, A. 2006. One NorthEast: identifying and assessing sector strengths using multi-sectoral qualitative analysis. Project Report. [Online]. One NorthEast. Available at: http://www.nerip.com/reports_briefing.aspx?id=208
- Midmore, P., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2006. Assessing industry linkages using regional input-output tables. Regional Studies 40(3), pp. 329-343. (10.1080/00343400600631673)
- Bryan, J., Munday, M. C. R., Pickernell, D. and Roberts, A. 2006. Assessing the economic significance of port activity: evidence from ABP Operations in industrial South Wales. Maritime Policy & Management 33(4), pp. 371-386. (10.1080/03088830600895600)
- Beynon, M. J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2006. Welsh economic development: the differences and similarities of DS/AHP and SMART analyses. Presented at: OR 48: annual conference of the Operational Research Society, Bath, UK, 11–13 September 2006.
- Peattie, K. J., Hines, F., Jenkins, H. M., Munday, M. C. R., Thankappan, S., Williams, A. and Wells, P. E. 2006. Critical review of evidence for environmental impacts of UK households: sustainable consumption and production. Project Report. London: DEFRA.
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2005. Understanding innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises: a process manifest. Technovation 25(10), pp. 1119-1127. (10.1016/j.technovation.2004.04.005)
- Bryan, J., Jones, C. and Munday, M. C. R. 2005. Investigating the potential key sectors using multisectoral qualitative analysis : a Welsh case study. Environment and planning. C. Government and policy 23(5), pp. 633-656. (10.1068/c0438)
- Bristow, G. I., Roberts, A., Martin, S. J. and Munday, M. C. R. 2005. Mid-term review of the Objective 1 programme for West Wales and the Valleys. Project Report. Cardiff, UK: CRG.
- Beynon, M. J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2005. Ranking sectors using fuzzy output multipliers. Economic Systems Research 17(3), pp. 237-253. (10.1080/09535310500221716)
- Munday, M. C. R. 2005. Critical review of data for environmental impacts of household activities. London, UK: DEFRA.
- Munday, M. C. R. 2005. Mid-term evaluation update of Objective 1 & 3 EU structural funding in Wales. Technical Report.
- Bryan, J., Jones, C. and Munday, M. C. R. 2004. An investigation of key growth industry sectors in Wales using multi-sectoral qualitative analysis. Presented at: 44th European Congress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA 2004), Porto, Portugal, 25-29 August 2004.
- Dewhuirst, J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2004. Changes in manufacturing linkage patterns in Scotland and Wales: Hollowing out and foreign direct investment?. Presented at: 44th European Congress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA 2004), Porto, Portugal, 25-29 August 2004.
- Jones, C. and Munday, M. C. R. 2004. Evaluating the Economic Benefits from Tourism Spending through Input-Output Frameworks: Issues and Cases. Local Economy 19(2), pp. 117-133. (10.1080/0269094042000203063)
- Roberts, A., Dewhurst, J. and Munday, M. C. R. 2004. Changes in manufacturing linkage patterns in Scotland and Wales: hollowing out and foreign direct investment. In: Bojar, E. ed. The Role of FDI in Competitive Economy. TNOiK "Dom Organizatora", pp. 63-80.
- Munday, M. C. R., Pickernell, D. and Roberts, A. 2004. Building for the future: housing-related sectors and the Welsh economy. Local Economy 19(3), pp. 212-225. (10.1080/02690940410001692386)
- Munday, M. C. R. and Matthews, K. G. P. 2004. Accounting for tourism activity in Wales. Regions Magazine 252(1), pp. 29-31.
- Bryan, J., Jones, C., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2004. Regional and national tourism satellite accounts in the UK. Presented at: Regional Science Association International: British and Irish Section, 34th Annual Conference, Cork, Ireland, 18th - 20th August 2004.
- Jones, C. J., Munday, M. C., Bryan, J., Roberts, A., McNicoll, I. and McLellan, D. 2004. UK tourism satellite account - first steps project. London: Department for Culture, Media and Sport. Available at: http://old.culture.gov.uk/images/research/tsafirststepprojectreportpt1.pdf
- Mariotti, F., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. M. 2004. Networks of learning: How motorsport companies collaborate and share knowledge. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.aimresearch.org/uploads/pdf/Academic%20Publications/Non%20AIM/networksoflearning.pdf
- Munday, M. C. R., Bryan, J., Jones, C. and Roberts, A. 2004. Input-output tables for Wales 2000. Cardiff University.
- Roberts, A., Driffield, N. and Munday, M. C. R. 2004. Inward investment, transactions linkages, and productivity spillovers. Economics of Governance 83(4), pp. 699-722.
- Munday, M. C. R., Bryan, J., Jones, C. and Roberts, A. 2004. Welsh input-output tables for 2000. Technical Report.
- Munday, M. C. R., Peel, M. J. and Taylor, K. 2003. The Performance of the Foreign-Owned Sector of UK Manufacturing: Some Evidence and Implications for UK Inward Investment Policy. Fiscal Studies 24(4), pp. 501-521. (10.1111/j.1475-5890.2003.tb00093.x)
- Jones, C., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2003. Regional tourism satellite accounts: a useful policy tool?. Urban Studies 40(13), pp. 2777-2794. (10.1080/0042098032000146894)
- Matthews, J., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2003. Project report: a Welsh index of sustainable economic welfare. Welsh Economic Review 15(1), pp. 33-36. (10.18573/wer.206)
- Jones, C., McGregor, P., Munday, M., Roberts, A., Swales, K. and Turner, K. 2003. Project report: Welsh input-output for 2000 and development of a computable general equilibrium model for the Welsh economy. Welsh Economic Review 15(1), pp. 37-38. (10.18573/wer.207)
- Bristow, G. I., Roberts, A., Martin, S. J. and Munday, M. C. R. 2003. Mid-term review of the Objective 3 operational programme for East Wales. Project Report. CRG.
- Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2002. Project report: Regional environmental input-output analysis for Wales. Welsh Economic Review 14(2), pp. 47-48. (10.18573/wer.195)
- Bristow, G., Gripaois, P., Keast, S. S. and Munday, M. C. R. 2002. Call Centre Growth and the Distribution of Financial Services Activity in the UK. The Service Industries Journal 22(3), pp. 117-134. (10.1080/714005091)
- Driffield, N., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2002. Foreign Direct Investment, Transactions Linkages, and the Performance of the Domestic Sector. International Journal of the Economics of Business 9(3), pp. 335-351. (10.1080/1357151021000010000)
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. M. 2002. Learning companies: Innovative potential of Welsh manufacturing SMEs. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff Business School.
- Pickernell, D., Parsons, L., Munday, M. C. R., Roberts, A. and Roche, N. 2002. Housing, financial services and the Welsh economy. Working paper. London, UK: Council of Mortgage Lenders.
- Jones, C. and Munday, M. 2001. Blaenavon and United Nations World Heritage Site Status: Is Conservation of Industrial Heritage a Road to Local Economic Development?. Regional Studies 35(6), pp. 585-590. (10.1080/00343400120065741)
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2001. Linking innovative potential to SME performance: an assessment of enterprises in industrial South Wales. Presented at: 41st European Regional Science Association conference, Zagreb, Croatia, 29 August - 1 September 2001.
- Munday, M. C. R. and Driffield, N. 2001. Foreign Manufacturing, Regional Agglomeration and Technical Efficiency in UK Industries: A Stochastic Production Frontier Approach. Regional Studies 35(5), pp. 391-399. (10.1080/00343400124709)
- Roberts, A. and Munday, M. C. R. 2001. The Role of Forestry Industry Transactions in the Rural Economy. Journal of Rural Studies 17(3), pp. 333-346. (10.1016/S0743-0167(01)00010-9)
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2001. Learning companies: future challenges for small and medium sized manufacturing enterprises. Presented at: Critical Management Studies Conference, Manchester, UK, 11-13 July 2001.
- Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2001. Assessing the Regional Transactions of Foreign Manufacturers in Wales: Issues and Determinants. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 92(2), pp. 202-216. (10.1111/1467-9663.00150)
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. 2001. Innovation in small and medium sized manufacturing enterprises: issues and future directions. Presented at: Managing Knowledge: Conversations and Critiques, Leicester, UK, 10 -11 April 2001.
- Munday, M. C. R., Pickernell, D. and Roberts, A. 2001. Regional Policy Effectiveness and Local Governance Issues: Some Welsh Perspectives. Policy Studies 22(1), pp. 51-60. (10.1080/01442870120047721)
- Jones, C. and Munday, M. 2001. Tourism and its contribution to regional development: three case studies. Presented at: European Regional Science Association 41st Annual Meeting, Zagreb, Croatia, 29 August - 1 September 2001.
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- Munday, M., Huggins, R., Cai, W., Kapitsinis, N. and Roberts, A. 2024. The transformative potential of inward investment on industrial cluster development: The case of the semiconductor industry in Wales. European Planning Studies 32(7), pp. 1594-1612. (10.1080/09654313.2024.2319704)
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- Huggins, R., Munday, M., Thompson, P. and Xu, C. 2023. Entrepreneurial ecosystems, agency and regional development: Emergence and new path creation in the Cardiff city region. Local Economy 38(6), pp. 538-561. (10.1177/02690942241237779)
- Huggins, R., Johnston, A., Munday, M. and Xu, C. 2023. Competition, open innovation and growth challenges in the semiconductor Industry: The case of Europe's clusters. Science and Public Policy 50(3), pp. 531-547. (10.1093/scipol/scad005)
- Munday, M., Reynolds, L. and Roberts, A. 2023. Re-appraising ‘in-process’ benefits of strategic infrastructure improvements: Capturing the unexpected socio-economic impacts for lagging regions. Transport Policy 134, pp. 119-127. (10.1016/j.tranpol.2023.02.012)
- Beynon, M., Munday, M. and Roche, N. 2021. ICT resources and use: examining differences in pathways to improved small firm performance. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research 27(7), pp. 1798-1818. (10.1108/IJEBR-12-2020-0847)
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- Kapitsinis, N., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2021. Exploring a low SME equity equilibrium in Wales. European Planning Studies 29(10), pp. 1777-1797. (10.1080/09654313.2021.1882945)
- Jones, C. and Munday, M. 2020. Capital ownership, innovation and regional development policy in the economic periphery: an energy industry case.. Local Economy 35(6), pp. 545-565. (10.1177/0269094220968048)
- Xu, C., Jones, C. and Munday, M. 2020. Tourism inward investment and regional economic development effects: Perspectives from tourism satellite accounts. Regional Studies 54(9), pp. 1226-1237. (10.1080/00343404.2019.1696954)
- Crawley, A., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. 2020. Selling the region: The problems of a multi-agency approach in promoting regional economies. Regional Science Policy and Practice 12(3), pp. 397-412. (10.1111/rsp3.12268)
- Stone, C., Windsor, F. M., Munday, M. and Durance, I. 2020. Natural or synthetic – how global trends in textile usage threaten freshwater environments. Science of the Total Environment 718, article number: 134689. (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.134689)
- Munday, M., Reynolds, L. and Roberts, A. 2020. A road for regional recovery? The socio-economic impacts of local spending on the A465 road improvement scheme in South Wales. Welsh Economic Review 27, pp. 25-32. (10.18573/wer.255)
- Zhou, L., Matthews, K. and Munday, M. 2020. Land transactions tax variation in Wales. Welsh Economic Review 27, pp. 33-40. (10.18573/wer.256)
- Jones, C., Munday, M., Song, M. and Evans, N. 2019. Economic effects in the UK periphery from unconventional gas development: evidence from Wales. Energy 166, pp. 1037-1046.
- Crawley, A., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2018. How serious is a devolved data deficit? A Welsh perspective. Local Economy 33(8), pp. 862-876. (10.1177/0269094218820286)
- Beynon, M., Jones, C., Munday, M. C. R. and Roche, N. 2018. Investigating value added from heritage assets: An analysis of landmark historical sites in Wales. International Journal of Tourism Research 20(6), pp. 756-767. (10.1002/jtr.2228)
- Huggins, R., Waite, D. and Munday, M. 2018. New directions in regional innovation policy: a network model for generating entrepreneurship and economic development. Regional Studies 52(9), pp. 1294-1304. (10.1080/00343404.2018.1453131)
- Davies, R., Munday, M. and Roche, N. 2017. The experiences of participants in ESF funded training programmes. Welsh Economic Review 25, pp. 18-27. (10.18573/j.2017.10195)
- Morgan, K., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2017. Local economic development opportunities from NHS spending: evidence from Wales. Urban Studies 54(13), pp. 3138-3156. (10.1177/0042098016658248)
- Roberts, A. et al. 2017. Assessing the contribution of recreational sea angling to the English economy. Marine Policy 83, pp. 146-152. (10.1016/j.marpol.2017.05.028)
- Crawley, A. and Munday, M. C. R. 2017. Priority sectors in city regions? Some issues from a study of the Cardiff Capital Region. Local Economy 32(6), pp. 576-589. (10.1177/0269094217728247)
- Small, N., Munday, M. and Durance, I. 2017. The challenge of valuing ecosystem services that have no material benefits. Global Environmental Change 44, pp. 57-67. (10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2017.03.005)
- Bryan, J., Evans, N., Jones, C. and Munday, M. 2017. Regional electricity generation and employment in UK regions. Regional Studies 51(3), pp. 414-425. (10.1080/00343404.2015.1101516)
- Bere, J., Jones, C., Jones, S. and Munday, M. 2017. Energy and development in the periphery: a regional perspective on small hydropower projects. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 35(2), pp. 355-375. (10.1177/0263774X16662029)
- McNabb, R. and Munday, M. 2017. The stability of the foreign manufacturing sector: evidence and analysis for Wales 1966-2003. European Urban and Regional Studies 24(1), pp. 50-68. (10.1177/0969776415593615)
- Beynon, M. J., Crawley, A. and Munday, M. C. R. 2016. Measuring and understanding the differences between urban and rural areas. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 43(6), pp. 1136-1154. (10.1177/0265813515605096)
- Roberts, A., Roche, N., Jones, C. and Munday, M. 2016. What is the value of a Premier League football club to a regional economy?. European Sport Management Quarterly 16(5), pp. 575-591. (10.1080/16184742.2016.1188840)
- Court, C. D., Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Turner, K. 2015. Can hazardous waste supply chain 'hotspots' be identified using an input-output framework?. European Journal of Operational Research 241(1), pp. 177-187. (10.1016/j.ejor.2014.08.011)
- Jones, C. and Munday, M. C. R. 2014. The regional employment returns from wave and tidal energy: A Welsh analysis. Energy 76, pp. 958-966. (10.1016/j.energy.2014.09.012)
- Crawley, A., Beynon, M. J. and Munday, M. C. R. 2013. Making Location Quotients more relevant as a policy aid in regional spatial analysis. Urban Studies 50(9), pp. 1854-1869. (10.1177/0042098012466601)
- Munday, M. C. R., Turner, K. and Jones, C. 2013. Accounting for the carbon associated with regional tourism consumption. Tourism Management 36, pp. 35-44. (10.1016/j.tourman.2012.11.005)
- Groves, C. R., Munday, M. C. R. and Yakovleva, N. 2013. Fighting the pipe: neoliberal governance and barriers to effective community participation in energy infrastructure planning. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 31(2), pp. 340-356. (10.1068/c11331r)
- Jensen, C. D., Mcintyre, S., Munday, M. C. R. and Turner, K. 2013. Responsibility for regional waste generation: A single-region extended input-output analysis for Wales. Regional Studies 47(6), pp. 913-933. (10.1080/00343404.2011.599797)
- Bristow, G. I., Cowell, R. J. W. and Munday, M. C. R. 2012. Windfalls for whom? The evolving notion of 'community' in community benefit provisions from wind farms. Geoforum 43(6), pp. 1108-1120. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2012.06.015)
- Collins, A. J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2012. Environmental consequences of tourism consumption at major events: An analysis of the UK stages of the 2007 Tour de France. Journal of Travel Research 51(5), pp. 577-590. (10.1177/0047287511434113)
- Collins, A. J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2012. Environmental Consequences of Tourism Consumption at Major Events: An Analysis of the UK Stages of the 2007 Tour de France. Journal of Travel Research 51(5), pp. 577-590. (10.1177/0047287511434113)
- Bryan, J., Munday, M. C. R. and Bevins, R. E. 2012. Developing a framework for assessing the socioeconomic impacts of museums: the regional value of the 'flexible museum'. Urban Studies 49(1), pp. 133-151. (10.1177/0042098010396242)
- Morgan, K. J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2012. Project report: The economic impact of NHS procurement: A study of the Aneurin Bevan Health Board. Welsh Economic Review 23(Spring), pp. 33-34. (10.18573/j.2012.10439)
- Cowell, R. J. W., Bristow, G. I. and Munday, M. . C. R. 2012. Wind Energy: might community benefit provisions grow community ownership of renewable energy resources?. Regions Magazine 287(1), pp. 12-14. (10.1080/13673882.2012.10554274)
- Munday, M. C. R. and Beynon, M. J. 2011. Input-Output Analysis: Foundations and Extensions, by Ronald E. Miller and Peter D. Blair [Book Review]. Journal of Regional Science 51(1), pp. 196-197. (10.1111/j.1467-9787.2010.00711_2.x)
- Munday, M. C. R., Bristow, G. I. and Cowell, R. J. W. 2011. Wind farms in rural areas: How far do community benefits from wind farms represent a local economic development opportunity?. Journal of Rural Studies 27(1), pp. 1-12. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2010.08.003)
- Cowell, R. J. W., Bristow, G. I. and Munday, M. C. R. 2011. Acceptance, acceptability and environmental justice: the role of community benefits in wind energy development. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 54(4), pp. 539-557. (10.1080/09640568.2010.521047)
- Turner, K., Munday, M. C. R., McIntyre, S. and Jensen, C. D. 2011. Incorporating jurisdiction issues into regional carbon accounts under production and consumption accounting principles. Environment and Planning A 43(3), pp. 722-741. (10.1068/a43234)
- Jones, C. and Munday, M. C. 2010. Tourism satellite accounts for regions? A review of development issues and an alternative. Economic Systems Research 22(4), pp. 341-358. (10.1080/09535314.2010.526594)
- Collins, A. J., Jones, C. and Munday, M. C. R. 2009. Assessing the environmental impacts of mega sporting events: Two options?. Tourism Management 30(6), pp. 828-837. (10.1016/j.tourman.2008.12.006)
- Beynon, M. J., Jones, C. and Munday, M. C. R. 2009. The embeddedness of tourism-related activity: a regional analysis of sectoral linkages. Urban Studies 46(10), pp. 2123-1241. (10.1177/0042098009339428)
- Munday, M. C. R. and Williams, G. 2009. Comparing gross and net employment outcomes from structural fund programmes: Issues from the mid-term evaluations of the Objective 1 Programme in West Wales and the Valleys. Evaluation 15(2), pp. 225-246. (10.1177/1356389008101970)
- Jones, C., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2009. Top down or bottom up? Issues in the development of sub-national tourism satellite accounts. Current Issues in Tourism 12(4), pp. 301-313. (10.1080/13683500802346177)
- Beynon, M. J. and Munday, M. C. R. 2008. Considering the effects of imprecision and uncertainty in ecological footprint estimation: an approach in a fuzzy environment. Ecological Economics 67(3), pp. 373-383. (10.1016/j.ecolecon.2008.07.005)
- Beynon, M. J. and Munday, M. C. R. 2008. Stochastic key sector analysis: an application to a regional input-output framework. Annals of Regional Science 42(4), pp. 863-877. (10.1007/s00168-007-0172-0)
- Jones, C. and Munday, M. C. R. 2007. Exploring the Environmental Consequences of Tourism: A Satellite Account Approach. Journal of Travel Research 46(2), pp. 164-172. (10.1177/0047287507299592)
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2007. A critical assessment of the evaluation of EU Interventions for Innovation in the SME sector in Wales. Urban Studies 44(12), pp. 2429-2448. (10.1080/00420980701540960)
- Morgan, K., Munday, M., Roche, N., Roberts, A. and Vanni, F. 2007. The impact of further education institutions on the economy of Wales. Welsh Economic Review 19(1), pp. 26-29. (10.18573/j.2007.10395)
- Bryan, J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roche, N. 2007. The Welsh economy: A statistical profile. Contemporary Wales 19(1), pp. 248-275.
- Collins, A. J., Flynn, A., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2007. Assessing the Environmental Consequences of Major Sporting Events: The 2003-04 FA Cup Final. Urban Studies 44(3), pp. 457-476. (10.1080/00420980601131878)
- Beynon, M. J. and Munday, M. C. R. 2007. An Aggregated Regional Economic Input-Output Analysis within a Fuzzy Environment. Spatial Economic Analysis 2(3), pp. 281-296. (10.1080/17421770701549787)
- Munday, M. C. R. 2007. Job shake-out. Agenda:the journal of the Institute of Welsh Affairs Winter, pp. 41-43.
- Beynon, M. J. and Munday, M. C. R. 2006. The elucidation of multipliers and their moments in fuzzy closed Leontief input-output systems. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 157(18), pp. 2482-2494. (10.1016/j.fss.2006.02.005)
- Roberts, A. and Munday, M. C. R. 2006. Developing approaches to measuring and monitoring sustainable development in Wales: A review. Regional Studies 40(5), pp. 535-544. (10.1080/00343400600757726)
- Midmore, P., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2006. Assessing industry linkages using regional input-output tables. Regional Studies 40(3), pp. 329-343. (10.1080/00343400600631673)
- Bryan, J., Munday, M. C. R., Pickernell, D. and Roberts, A. 2006. Assessing the economic significance of port activity: evidence from ABP Operations in industrial South Wales. Maritime Policy & Management 33(4), pp. 371-386. (10.1080/03088830600895600)
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2005. Understanding innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises: a process manifest. Technovation 25(10), pp. 1119-1127. (10.1016/j.technovation.2004.04.005)
- Bryan, J., Jones, C. and Munday, M. C. R. 2005. Investigating the potential key sectors using multisectoral qualitative analysis : a Welsh case study. Environment and planning. C. Government and policy 23(5), pp. 633-656. (10.1068/c0438)
- Beynon, M. J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2005. Ranking sectors using fuzzy output multipliers. Economic Systems Research 17(3), pp. 237-253. (10.1080/09535310500221716)
- Jones, C. and Munday, M. C. R. 2004. Evaluating the Economic Benefits from Tourism Spending through Input-Output Frameworks: Issues and Cases. Local Economy 19(2), pp. 117-133. (10.1080/0269094042000203063)
- Munday, M. C. R., Pickernell, D. and Roberts, A. 2004. Building for the future: housing-related sectors and the Welsh economy. Local Economy 19(3), pp. 212-225. (10.1080/02690940410001692386)
- Munday, M. C. R. and Matthews, K. G. P. 2004. Accounting for tourism activity in Wales. Regions Magazine 252(1), pp. 29-31.
- Roberts, A., Driffield, N. and Munday, M. C. R. 2004. Inward investment, transactions linkages, and productivity spillovers. Economics of Governance 83(4), pp. 699-722.
- Munday, M. C. R., Peel, M. J. and Taylor, K. 2003. The Performance of the Foreign-Owned Sector of UK Manufacturing: Some Evidence and Implications for UK Inward Investment Policy. Fiscal Studies 24(4), pp. 501-521. (10.1111/j.1475-5890.2003.tb00093.x)
- Jones, C., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2003. Regional tourism satellite accounts: a useful policy tool?. Urban Studies 40(13), pp. 2777-2794. (10.1080/0042098032000146894)
- Matthews, J., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2003. Project report: a Welsh index of sustainable economic welfare. Welsh Economic Review 15(1), pp. 33-36. (10.18573/wer.206)
- Jones, C., McGregor, P., Munday, M., Roberts, A., Swales, K. and Turner, K. 2003. Project report: Welsh input-output for 2000 and development of a computable general equilibrium model for the Welsh economy. Welsh Economic Review 15(1), pp. 37-38. (10.18573/wer.207)
- Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2002. Project report: Regional environmental input-output analysis for Wales. Welsh Economic Review 14(2), pp. 47-48. (10.18573/wer.195)
- Bristow, G., Gripaois, P., Keast, S. S. and Munday, M. C. R. 2002. Call Centre Growth and the Distribution of Financial Services Activity in the UK. The Service Industries Journal 22(3), pp. 117-134. (10.1080/714005091)
- Driffield, N., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2002. Foreign Direct Investment, Transactions Linkages, and the Performance of the Domestic Sector. International Journal of the Economics of Business 9(3), pp. 335-351. (10.1080/1357151021000010000)
- Jones, C. and Munday, M. 2001. Blaenavon and United Nations World Heritage Site Status: Is Conservation of Industrial Heritage a Road to Local Economic Development?. Regional Studies 35(6), pp. 585-590. (10.1080/00343400120065741)
- Munday, M. C. R. and Driffield, N. 2001. Foreign Manufacturing, Regional Agglomeration and Technical Efficiency in UK Industries: A Stochastic Production Frontier Approach. Regional Studies 35(5), pp. 391-399. (10.1080/00343400124709)
- Roberts, A. and Munday, M. C. R. 2001. The Role of Forestry Industry Transactions in the Rural Economy. Journal of Rural Studies 17(3), pp. 333-346. (10.1016/S0743-0167(01)00010-9)
- Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2001. Assessing the Regional Transactions of Foreign Manufacturers in Wales: Issues and Determinants. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 92(2), pp. 202-216. (10.1111/1467-9663.00150)
- Munday, M. C. R., Pickernell, D. and Roberts, A. 2001. Regional Policy Effectiveness and Local Governance Issues: Some Welsh Perspectives. Policy Studies 22(1), pp. 51-60. (10.1080/01442870120047721)
Book sections
- Roberts, A., Dewhurst, J. and Munday, M. C. R. 2004. Changes in manufacturing linkage patterns in Scotland and Wales: hollowing out and foreign direct investment. In: Bojar, E. ed. The Role of FDI in Competitive Economy. TNOiK "Dom Organizatora", pp. 63-80.
- Jones, C. and Munday, M. C. R. 2011. How far can we connect environmental improvement projects to new tourism activity? Evidence from the Environment for Growth project in Wales. Presented at: 1st Nordic Winter Conference of NS-RSA Regions: Sustainability,Growth & Policy, Hemavan, Sweden, 30 March - 1 April 2011.
- Groves, C. R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2010. Risk, uncertainty and obstacles to community representation: the case of the South Wales Gas Pipeline. Presented at: CSR and Stakeholder Engagement in the Extractive Sector, London.
- Jensen, C. and Munday, M. C. R. 2010. Attribution and Jurisdiction: Can environmental input-output analysis be used to explore regional responsibilities for carbon dioxideemissions?. Presented at: RSA Winter Conference, London.
- Jones, C., Munday, M. C. R. and Roche, N. 2007. Can regional sports stadia ever be economically significant?. Presented at: 54th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, 2007, Savannah, GA, USA, 7-11 November 2007.
- Jones, C., Munday, M. C. R. and Roche, N. 2007. Can regional sports stadia ever be economically significant? Evidence from the Cardiff Millennium Stadium. Presented at: Regional Science Association International: British & Irish Section 37th Annual Conference, Bangor, NI, UK, 15–17 August 2007.
- Munday, M. C. R. and Williams, G. 2007. Comparing gross and net employment outcomes from structural funds programmes: Some issues from the mid-term evaluations of the objective I programme in West Wales and the Valleys. Presented at: Western Regional Science Association 46th Annual Meeting, Newport Beach, CA, USA, 21-24 February 2007.
- Jones, C. and Munday, M. C. 2007. The impact of heritage tourism on the environment. Presented at: Heritage and Environment Conference, Isle of Skye, UK, 20-22 June 2007.
- Beynon, M. J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2006. Using DS/AHP to rank of sectors on their potential to strengthen regional economic development. Presented at: MCDM 2006, Chania, Greece, 19-23 June 2006.
- Beynon, M. J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2006. Welsh economic development: the differences and similarities of DS/AHP and SMART analyses. Presented at: OR 48: annual conference of the Operational Research Society, Bath, UK, 11–13 September 2006.
- Bryan, J., Jones, C. and Munday, M. C. R. 2004. An investigation of key growth industry sectors in Wales using multi-sectoral qualitative analysis. Presented at: 44th European Congress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA 2004), Porto, Portugal, 25-29 August 2004.
- Dewhuirst, J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2004. Changes in manufacturing linkage patterns in Scotland and Wales: Hollowing out and foreign direct investment?. Presented at: 44th European Congress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA 2004), Porto, Portugal, 25-29 August 2004.
- Bryan, J., Jones, C., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2004. Regional and national tourism satellite accounts in the UK. Presented at: Regional Science Association International: British and Irish Section, 34th Annual Conference, Cork, Ireland, 18th - 20th August 2004.
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2001. Linking innovative potential to SME performance: an assessment of enterprises in industrial South Wales. Presented at: 41st European Regional Science Association conference, Zagreb, Croatia, 29 August - 1 September 2001.
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2001. Learning companies: future challenges for small and medium sized manufacturing enterprises. Presented at: Critical Management Studies Conference, Manchester, UK, 11-13 July 2001.
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. 2001. Innovation in small and medium sized manufacturing enterprises: issues and future directions. Presented at: Managing Knowledge: Conversations and Critiques, Leicester, UK, 10 -11 April 2001.
- Jones, C. and Munday, M. 2001. Tourism and its contribution to regional development: three case studies. Presented at: European Regional Science Association 41st Annual Meeting, Zagreb, Croatia, 29 August - 1 September 2001.
- Lang, M., Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Roche, N. 2024. Covid-19 Welsh Government financial interventions: Final analysis of administrative and beneficiary survey data. Project Report. [Online]. Wrexham: Economic Intelligence Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2024-05/EIW%20Bespoke%20Report%20April2024%20Covid-19%20intervention_ENG_Accessibility1.pdf
- Munday, M., Huggins, R., Lang, M. and Roberts, A. 2024. Annual Report: Compound semiconductor cluster in South Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Economy Research Unit. Available at: https://csconnected.com/media/trijjr3n/csconnected-sipf-weru-annual-report-2023.pdf
- Munday, M., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Cai, W. 2023. Economic Intelligence Wales: Annual report. September 2023. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Economic Intelligence Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2023-09/EIW%20Annual%20Report%202023%20ENG_ACCESSBILITY_V1.pdf
- Cai, W., Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Roche, N. 2023. Covid-19 Welsh Government financial interventions: An analysis of administrative and beneficiary survey data. Project Report. [Online]. Wrexham: Economic Intelligence Wales Ltd. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2023-01/EIW%20Bespoke%20Report%20Jan2023%20Covid-19%20intervention.pdf
- Munday, M., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Jin, N. 2022. Economic Intelligence Wales Annual report September 2022. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Economic Intelligence Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2022-11/Annual%20report%202021_22%20Economic%20Intelligence%20Wales_0.pdf
- Munday, M. 2022. Economic effects linked to the development of the Pembroke New Zero centre. Project Report. [Online]. Swindon: Cardiff Business School and RWE. Available at: https://uk-ireland.rwe.com/-/media/RWE/RWE-UK/downloads/innovation/rwe-report-pembroke-centre.pdf
- Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Roche, N. 2022. Covid-19 Welsh Government financial interventions: An analysis of administrative and beneficiary survey data. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Economic Intelligence Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2022-09/EIW%20Bespoke%20Report%202022%20Covid-19%20intervention_ENGLISH-v4.pdf
- Huggins, R., Jonhstone, A., Munday, M. and Xu, C. 2022. The future of Europe’s semiconductor industry: Innovation, clusters and deep tech. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: CSconnected. Available at: https://csconnected.com/media/ezlhpdhz/huggins-johnston-munday-xu-the-future-of-europes-semiconductor-industry.pdf
- Munday, M., Huggins, R. and Roberts, A. 2022. Annual Report: Compound semiconductor cluster in South Wales January 2022. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: CSconnected. Available at: https://csconnected.com/media/ryunhxaa/csconnected-annual-report-cardiff-university-business-school.pdf
- Munday, M., Huggins, R., Kapitsinis, N. and Roberts, A. 2022. CSconnected: Does CS cluster inward investment improve regional economic prospects?. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: CSconnected. Available at: https://csconnected.com/media/utkj4qir/csconnected_inward-investment_cardiff-business-school-report.pdf#:~:text=The%20evidence%20suggests%20that%20the%20CS%20cluster%20has,potentially%20better%20placed%20to%20generate%20local%20economic%20transformation.
- Henderson, D., Munday, M., Kapitsinis, N., Jones, C., Rana, O., Cowell, R. and Mukherjee, A. 2022. 5G Wales unlocked observatory: final report. Technical Report.
- Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Kapitsinis, N. 2021. Economic Intelligence Wales Annual Report August 2021. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Economic Intelligence Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2022-10/ENG%20EIW%20Annual%20report%2020_21.pdf
- Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Huggins, R. 2021. Revised economic baseline: Compound semiconductor cluster in South Wales 18th February 2021. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: CSconnected. Available at: https://csconnected.com/media/vdsn3fgo/csconnected-annual-report-2021.pdf
- Henley, A., Kapitsinis, N., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2020. Covid-19 Welsh government financial interventions: an analysis of Welsh beneficiaries. Technical Report.
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Xu, C. 2020. The digital maturity survey for Wales 2020. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff University. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/superfast-broadband-project/digital-maturity-survey
- Kapitsinis, N., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2020. Business succession in Wales. Development Bank of Wales. Available at: http://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2020-05/EIW succession report May 2020 ENG Final.pdf
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Xu, C. 2020. Superfast broadband business exploitation project: Digital Maturity Survey for Wales 2019. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff University. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/superfast-broadband-project/digital-maturity-survey
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Xu, C. 2020. Superfast broadband business exploitation programme: research and intelligence Digital Maturity Economic Impact Report 2019. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/superfast-broadband-project/economic-impact-research
- Kapitsinis, N., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2019. Medium-sized businesses and Welsh business structure. Project Report. [Online]. Development Bank of Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2019-11/EIW Quarterly Bespoke report English.pdf
- Dickenson, M., Hipwood, T., Jones, C., Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Willimas, R. 2019. EU transition trade prospects for key Welsh sectors. Project Report. Cardiff: Welsh Economy Research Unit.
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Roche, N., Roberts, A., Xu, C. and Norris, L. 2019. Digital maturity economic impact report 2018. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Kapitsinis, N., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2019. Equity clusters in Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Development Bank of Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2019-04/Equity Clusters Report_final.pdf
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Norris, L., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Xu, C. 2019. Digital maturity survey for Wales 2018. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Kapitsinis, N., Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Williams, R. 2019. Export finance in Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Development Bank of Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2019-02/English_Bespoke Report_FINAL_25 Feb2019.pdf
- Collins, A. and Munday, M. 2019. The race for sustainability. Cardiff University/Run4Wales. Available at: https://www.cardiffhalfmarathon.co.uk/event-info/sustainability/
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Reynolds, L., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Scedrova, A. 2018. Digital maturity economic impact report for Wales 2017. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Roche, N., Roberts, A., Scedrova, A. and Reynolds, L. 2018. Digital maturity survey for Wales 2017. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff Business School. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/1137775/SFBBE-2016-National-Digital-Maturity-Survey-Report_final.pdf
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Norris, L., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Scedrova, A. 2017. Economic impact report 2016. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Norris, L., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Scedrova, A. 2017. Digital maturity survey for Wales 2016. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff Business School. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/1137775/SFBBE-2016-National-Digital-Maturity-Survey-Report_final.pdf
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Norris, L., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Scedrova, A. 2017. Digital maturity survey for Wales 2016. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff Business School. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/1137775/SFBBE-2016-National-Digital-Maturity-Survey-Report_final.pdf
- Collins, A. J., Roberts, A. and Munday, M. C. R. 2012. The environmental impacts of major cycling events: reflections on the UK stages of the Tour de France. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Centre for Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society (BRASS), Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/cplan/sites/default/files/Tour-de-France.pdf
- Bryan, J., Jones, C., Munday, M. C. R. and Roche, N. 2007. A review of the regional tourism partnerships. Cardiff: Welsh Assembly Government.
- Munday, M. C. R. 2007. Economic benefits: Welsh Forestry Commission Wind Farm tenders. London: Hyder Consulting.
- Bristow, G. I., Bryan, J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roche, N. 2007. Review of the PBI Energise programme. Working paper. n/a.
- Jones, C., Munday, M. C. R., Sartorio, F. and Bristow, G. I. 2007. Road user pricing: economic appraisal. Cardiff: Cardiff City Council.
- Higgins, N., Jones, C. and Munday, M. C. R. 2007. COCO-2 Contract Report V1- Modelling the economic cost of an accident. Project Report. Health Protection Agency Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards.
- Munday, M. C. R., Roche, N., Christie, M. and Midmore, P. 2007. An index of sustainable economic welfare for Wales 1990-2005. Project Report. Countryside Council For Wales.
- Munday, M. C. R. and Rhisiart, M. 2007. MSQA, scenario analysis and forecasting. Working paper. Cardiff, UK: Care Council for Wales.
- Cowell, R. J. W., Bristow, G. I., Munday, M. C. R. and Strachan, P. 2007. Wind farm development in Wales: assessing the community benefits. Project Report. Cardiff: Welsh Assembly Government.
- Bryan, J., Jones, C., Munday, M. C. R. and Roche, N. 2007. Review of the Regional Tourism Partnerships (RTPs). Cardiff Business School.
- Bryan, J., Jones, C., Munday, M. C. and Roberts, A. 2006. One NorthEast: identifying and assessing sector strengths using multi-sectoral qualitative analysis. Project Report. [Online]. One NorthEast. Available at: http://www.nerip.com/reports_briefing.aspx?id=208
- Peattie, K. J., Hines, F., Jenkins, H. M., Munday, M. C. R., Thankappan, S., Williams, A. and Wells, P. E. 2006. Critical review of evidence for environmental impacts of UK households: sustainable consumption and production. Project Report. London: DEFRA.
- Bristow, G. I., Roberts, A., Martin, S. J. and Munday, M. C. R. 2005. Mid-term review of the Objective 1 programme for West Wales and the Valleys. Project Report. Cardiff, UK: CRG.
- Munday, M. C. R. 2005. Critical review of data for environmental impacts of household activities. London, UK: DEFRA.
- Munday, M. C. R. 2005. Mid-term evaluation update of Objective 1 & 3 EU structural funding in Wales. Technical Report.
- Jones, C. J., Munday, M. C., Bryan, J., Roberts, A., McNicoll, I. and McLellan, D. 2004. UK tourism satellite account - first steps project. London: Department for Culture, Media and Sport. Available at: http://old.culture.gov.uk/images/research/tsafirststepprojectreportpt1.pdf
- Mariotti, F., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. M. 2004. Networks of learning: How motorsport companies collaborate and share knowledge. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.aimresearch.org/uploads/pdf/Academic%20Publications/Non%20AIM/networksoflearning.pdf
- Munday, M. C. R., Bryan, J., Jones, C. and Roberts, A. 2004. Input-output tables for Wales 2000. Cardiff University.
- Munday, M. C. R., Bryan, J., Jones, C. and Roberts, A. 2004. Welsh input-output tables for 2000. Technical Report.
- Bristow, G. I., Roberts, A., Martin, S. J. and Munday, M. C. R. 2003. Mid-term review of the Objective 3 operational programme for East Wales. Project Report. CRG.
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. M. 2002. Learning companies: Innovative potential of Welsh manufacturing SMEs. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff Business School.
- Pickernell, D., Parsons, L., Munday, M. C. R., Roberts, A. and Roche, N. 2002. Housing, financial services and the Welsh economy. Working paper. London, UK: Council of Mortgage Lenders.
- Crawley, A., Beynon, M. J. and Munday, M. C. R. 2013. Making Location Quotients more relevant as a policy aid in regional spatial analysis. Urban Studies 50(9), pp. 1854-1869. (10.1177/0042098012466601)
- Munday, M. C. R., Turner, K. and Jones, C. 2013. Accounting for the carbon associated with regional tourism consumption. Tourism Management 36, pp. 35-44. (10.1016/j.tourman.2012.11.005)
- Groves, C. R., Munday, M. C. R. and Yakovleva, N. 2013. Fighting the pipe: neoliberal governance and barriers to effective community participation in energy infrastructure planning. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 31(2), pp. 340-356. (10.1068/c11331r)
- Jensen, C. D., Mcintyre, S., Munday, M. C. R. and Turner, K. 2013. Responsibility for regional waste generation: A single-region extended input-output analysis for Wales. Regional Studies 47(6), pp. 913-933. (10.1080/00343404.2011.599797)
- Bristow, G. I., Cowell, R. J. W. and Munday, M. C. R. 2012. Windfalls for whom? The evolving notion of 'community' in community benefit provisions from wind farms. Geoforum 43(6), pp. 1108-1120. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2012.06.015)
- Collins, A. J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2012. Environmental consequences of tourism consumption at major events: An analysis of the UK stages of the 2007 Tour de France. Journal of Travel Research 51(5), pp. 577-590. (10.1177/0047287511434113)
- Bryan, J., Munday, M. C. R. and Bevins, R. E. 2012. Developing a framework for assessing the socioeconomic impacts of museums: the regional value of the 'flexible museum'. Urban Studies 49(1), pp. 133-151. (10.1177/0042098010396242)
- Morgan, K. J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2012. Project report: The economic impact of NHS procurement: A study of the Aneurin Bevan Health Board. Welsh Economic Review 23(Spring), pp. 33-34. (10.18573/j.2012.10439)
- Collins, A. J., Roberts, A. and Munday, M. C. R. 2012. The environmental impacts of major cycling events: reflections on the UK stages of the Tour de France. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Centre for Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society (BRASS), Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/cplan/sites/default/files/Tour-de-France.pdf
- Cowell, R. J. W., Bristow, G. I. and Munday, M. . C. R. 2012. Wind Energy: might community benefit provisions grow community ownership of renewable energy resources?. Regions Magazine 287(1), pp. 12-14. (10.1080/13673882.2012.10554274)
- Munday, M. C. R. and Beynon, M. J. 2011. Input-Output Analysis: Foundations and Extensions, by Ronald E. Miller and Peter D. Blair [Book Review]. Journal of Regional Science 51(1), pp. 196-197. (10.1111/j.1467-9787.2010.00711_2.x)
- Munday, M. C. R., Bristow, G. I. and Cowell, R. J. W. 2011. Wind farms in rural areas: How far do community benefits from wind farms represent a local economic development opportunity?. Journal of Rural Studies 27(1), pp. 1-12. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2010.08.003)
- Cowell, R. J. W., Bristow, G. I. and Munday, M. C. R. 2011. Acceptance, acceptability and environmental justice: the role of community benefits in wind energy development. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 54(4), pp. 539-557. (10.1080/09640568.2010.521047)
- Jones, C. and Munday, M. C. R. 2011. How far can we connect environmental improvement projects to new tourism activity? Evidence from the Environment for Growth project in Wales. Presented at: 1st Nordic Winter Conference of NS-RSA Regions: Sustainability,Growth & Policy, Hemavan, Sweden, 30 March - 1 April 2011.
- Turner, K., Munday, M. C. R., McIntyre, S. and Jensen, C. D. 2011. Incorporating jurisdiction issues into regional carbon accounts under production and consumption accounting principles. Environment and Planning A 43(3), pp. 722-741. (10.1068/a43234)
- Groves, C. R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2010. Risk, uncertainty and obstacles to community representation: the case of the South Wales Gas Pipeline. Presented at: CSR and Stakeholder Engagement in the Extractive Sector, London.
- Jensen, C. and Munday, M. C. R. 2010. Attribution and Jurisdiction: Can environmental input-output analysis be used to explore regional responsibilities for carbon dioxideemissions?. Presented at: RSA Winter Conference, London.
- Jones, C. and Munday, M. C. 2010. Tourism satellite accounts for regions? A review of development issues and an alternative. Economic Systems Research 22(4), pp. 341-358. (10.1080/09535314.2010.526594)
- Collins, A. J., Jones, C. and Munday, M. C. R. 2009. Assessing the environmental impacts of mega sporting events: Two options?. Tourism Management 30(6), pp. 828-837. (10.1016/j.tourman.2008.12.006)
- Beynon, M. J., Jones, C. and Munday, M. C. R. 2009. The embeddedness of tourism-related activity: a regional analysis of sectoral linkages. Urban Studies 46(10), pp. 2123-1241. (10.1177/0042098009339428)
- Munday, M. C. R. and Williams, G. 2009. Comparing gross and net employment outcomes from structural fund programmes: Issues from the mid-term evaluations of the Objective 1 Programme in West Wales and the Valleys. Evaluation 15(2), pp. 225-246. (10.1177/1356389008101970)
- Jones, C., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2009. Top down or bottom up? Issues in the development of sub-national tourism satellite accounts. Current Issues in Tourism 12(4), pp. 301-313. (10.1080/13683500802346177)
- Beynon, M. J. and Munday, M. C. R. 2008. Considering the effects of imprecision and uncertainty in ecological footprint estimation: an approach in a fuzzy environment. Ecological Economics 67(3), pp. 373-383. (10.1016/j.ecolecon.2008.07.005)
- Beynon, M. J. and Munday, M. C. R. 2008. Stochastic key sector analysis: an application to a regional input-output framework. Annals of Regional Science 42(4), pp. 863-877. (10.1007/s00168-007-0172-0)
- Jones, C. and Munday, M. C. R. 2007. Exploring the Environmental Consequences of Tourism: A Satellite Account Approach. Journal of Travel Research 46(2), pp. 164-172. (10.1177/0047287507299592)
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2007. A critical assessment of the evaluation of EU Interventions for Innovation in the SME sector in Wales. Urban Studies 44(12), pp. 2429-2448. (10.1080/00420980701540960)
- Bryan, J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roche, N. 2007. The Welsh economy: A statistical profile. Contemporary Wales 19(1), pp. 248-275.
- Collins, A. J., Flynn, A., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2007. Assessing the Environmental Consequences of Major Sporting Events: The 2003-04 FA Cup Final. Urban Studies 44(3), pp. 457-476. (10.1080/00420980601131878)
- Beynon, M. J. and Munday, M. C. R. 2007. An Aggregated Regional Economic Input-Output Analysis within a Fuzzy Environment. Spatial Economic Analysis 2(3), pp. 281-296. (10.1080/17421770701549787)
- Beynon, M. J. and Munday, M. C. R. 2006. The elucidation of multipliers and their moments in fuzzy closed Leontief input-output systems. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 157(18), pp. 2482-2494. (10.1016/j.fss.2006.02.005)
- Roberts, A. and Munday, M. C. R. 2006. Developing approaches to measuring and monitoring sustainable development in Wales: A review. Regional Studies 40(5), pp. 535-544. (10.1080/00343400600757726)
- Midmore, P., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2006. Assessing industry linkages using regional input-output tables. Regional Studies 40(3), pp. 329-343. (10.1080/00343400600631673)
- Bryan, J., Munday, M. C. R., Pickernell, D. and Roberts, A. 2006. Assessing the economic significance of port activity: evidence from ABP Operations in industrial South Wales. Maritime Policy & Management 33(4), pp. 371-386. (10.1080/03088830600895600)
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2005. Understanding innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises: a process manifest. Technovation 25(10), pp. 1119-1127. (10.1016/j.technovation.2004.04.005)
- Bryan, J., Jones, C. and Munday, M. C. R. 2005. Investigating the potential key sectors using multisectoral qualitative analysis : a Welsh case study. Environment and planning. C. Government and policy 23(5), pp. 633-656. (10.1068/c0438)
- Beynon, M. J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2005. Ranking sectors using fuzzy output multipliers. Economic Systems Research 17(3), pp. 237-253. (10.1080/09535310500221716)
- Jones, C. and Munday, M. C. R. 2004. Evaluating the Economic Benefits from Tourism Spending through Input-Output Frameworks: Issues and Cases. Local Economy 19(2), pp. 117-133. (10.1080/0269094042000203063)
- Munday, M. C. R., Pickernell, D. and Roberts, A. 2004. Building for the future: housing-related sectors and the Welsh economy. Local Economy 19(3), pp. 212-225. (10.1080/02690940410001692386)
Mae diddordebau ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar economaidd a pholisi rhanbarthol, gwerthuso economaidd, economeg y rhyngwladol, economeg twristiaeth a datblygu economaidd. Amrywiaeth eang o gyllid a gyrchwyd. Mae'r prosiectau presennol yn cynnwys cyfarwyddo ymchwil o fewn Deallusrwydd Economaidd Cymru ynghylch y galw a materion ochr gyflenwi ynghylch cyllid BBaChau yng Nghymru, a'r rhaglen ymchwil a gwerthuso o amgylch y Clwstwr Lled-ddargludyddion Cyfansawdd yng Nghymru.
Cyfnod 2016-2025 Mae £4.7m o ymchwil a ariennir ac incwm arall yn cynnwys:
2024-2025: Cyhoeddi Cymru, dadansoddiad o ffurflenni arolwg sy'n ymwneud ag arwyddocâd economaidd a chymdeithasol cyhoeddi llyfrau yn economi Cymru, £3,500
2024-2025: Prifddinas-Ranbarth Caerdydd, Adolygiad Porth o gymorth i Ffowndri Lled-ddargludyddion Cyfansawdd, £42,761 (gyda Rob Huggins, GEOG)
2024-2025: Arfarniad economaidd o wariant sy'n gysylltiedig ag Adran 6 a 7 A465 Gwelliannau yn Hirwaun, £43,136, Co I gyda'r Athro A Roberts
2024: Llywodraeth Cymru: Arolwg Aeddfedrwydd Digidol ar gyfer gweithgynhyrchu Cymru; £9,817 gyda Dylan Henderson (CARBS)
2024: Fintec Wales. Dadansoddiad o'r sector yn economi Cymru, £9,643.
2024-25: Trafnidiaeth Cymru, cefnogaeth i achos busnes ar gyfer gwelliannau i Orsaf Ganolog Caerdydd, £3,900
2023-24: Prifddinas-Ranbarth Caerdydd a'r Sefydliad Cynhyrchiant, Cerdyn Sgorio Arloesi ar gyfer Ardaloedd Awdurdodau Lleol Cymru, gyda Rick Delbridge a Conor Mockridge.
2024-2026: Her Morlyn Llanw. Ecwiti, perchnogaeth a chyllid. Ymchwil i Lywodraeth Cymru, £196,000, gyda Calvin Jones a Reza Ahamadain (ENGIN)
2024: Meintioli effaith economaidd rhaglenni Gwasanaeth Busnes Cymru a Busnes Cymdeithasol Cymru, Llywodraeth Cymru, £16,000 o PI gyda Neil Roche
2023-24: Gwerthusiad economaidd o weithgaredd Catapult Lled-ddargludyddion Cyfansawdd, CSA Catapult, Casnewydd, £6,600
2023: Sioe Amaethyddol Frenhinol Cymru. Gwerthusiad o wariant twristiaeth ac effeithiau amgylcheddol yn 2023 Gorffennaf, £22,000, Cyd-I gyda Dr Andrea Collins
2023: Llywodraeth Cymru, dadansoddiad o'r defnydd o dechnoleg ddigidol yn sector gwasanaethau cyfreithiol Cymru, £24,000 o PI gyda Dylan Henderson a Neil Roche.
2022-23: Asesiad o'r Effaith Economaidd CDC, adroddiad ar gyfer CDC, £15,730, gyda C.Jones ac A Roberts, Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd.
2022-2024: Cydweithfa meddwl systemau dalgylch – CAST Cooperative, £62,371, Cyd-I gydag Isabelle Durance (Biosiences ac Elizabeth Bagshaw (Gwyddorau Daear), Prifysgol Caerdydd.
2022: Optimeiddiadau model blaenoriaethu gorlif stormydd cyfunol, ar gyfer Dŵr Cymru, £46,389 Cyd-I gyda thîm o Biowyddorau, Mathemateg a Pheirianneg Caerdydd
2022-2024: Ahmadian, R., Qadrdan, M, Zhou Y a Munday M EPSRC "Cynlluniau Ystod TidAl fel cyfleusterau Stortage Ynni ar raddfa grid ffurfweddu (TARGET), £1.4m.
2021-22: ESRC IAA Trawsnewid gwerthusiadau effaith digwyddiadau a chynnal digwyddiadau mwy cynaliadwy: ffocws ar y defnydd o blastig, £14,776 Collins (GEOPL) a Max Munday.
2021-2022: 5G Cymru Datgloi: Arsyllfa – dadansoddiad o achosion defnydd peilot gwledig o geisiadau 5G. Ariannwyd y prosiect gan DCMS, ar y cyd â Gwyddorau Cyfrifiadurol a Daearyddiaeth. £116,000 (elfennau CARBS) gyda Dylan Henderson a Nikos Kapitsinis.
2021: Deallusrwydd Economaidd Cymru (cyllid parhad) £84,000 i archwilio amodau cyflenwi cyllid a galw ar gyfer busnesau bach a chanolig yng Nghymru, a dadansoddiad o ymyriadau Covid-19 Llywodraeth Cymru, PI gydag Annette Roberts a N Kapitsinis.
2020-21: GCRF Trawsnewid gwytnwch ar draws gwobr systemau dŵr a bwyd; archwilio effeithiau economaidd-gymdeithasol sy'n gysylltiedig ag Eutrophication yn Ha Long Bay Fietnam gyda Phrifysgol Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg Hanoi, Max Munday, Nikos Kapitsinis £24,000 (elfen carbs)
2020-2024 Cronfeydd Cryfder mewn Lleoedd CSconnected, Clwstwr Lled-ddargludyddion Cyfansawdd, Ymchwil a Gwerthuso, £400,000 gydag R Huggins & A Roberts.
2020-2022: Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water, Dadansoddiad Enillion Cymdeithasol ar Fuddsoddi ar gyfer Atyniadau Ymwelwyr DCWW, gyda Calvin Jones a Costain.
2020: Swyddfa Cyllid Ewropeaidd Cymru. Gwerthusiad cyn-ante diwygiedig o Gronfa Busnes Cymru, gyda Hatch-Regeneris Consulting.
2019-2020: Llywodraeth Cymru. Dyraniadau cyllid datblygu economaidd yng Nghymru: Cyllidebau dangosol rhanbarthol, gyda Hatch-Regeneris Consulting.
2019-2020: Kronospan: Dadansoddiad economaidd o weithgaredd a gefnogir gan weithrediadau'r Waun.
2019: IQE Cymorth ar gyfer Cais am Arian Cryfder mewn Lleoedd gydag Annette Roberts a Robert Huggins
2019: Busnes Cymru: Dadansoddi canlyniadau'r Rhaglen Twf Carlam
2018-2021: Cudd-wybodaeth Economaidd Cymru: Dadansoddi data ac ymchwil ar BBaChau a'u rôl yn Economi Cymru. £250,000. PI gydag Annette Roberts. Adroddiad chwarterol a phwrpasol.
2018: Deall goblygiadau masnach fyd-eang a datgarboneiddio ar ôl Brexit. ar gyfer Llywodraeth Cymru.
2018-19: Arcadis (estyniad grant prosiect). Cipio manteision economaidd ehangach adeiladu'r A465: dangosfwrdd economaidd-gymdeithasol. Dadansoddiad o effeithiau economaidd-gymdeithasol ailddatblygu ffyrdd mawr ym Mhen y Cymoedd ac yn cynnwys cydweithio'n agos â Costain. (gyda thîm WERU). Cyd-1
2017-18: Cyhoeddi: Dadansoddiad o gyfraniad yr economi ranbarthol. Ar gyfer Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru, Aberystwyth.
2017: Pontio'r UE a'r rhagolygon ar gyfer Angorau a RICs yng Nghymru.
2017: Effaith economaidd ac adfywio posibl Tyddewi – Dinas Diwylliant y DU 2021.
2017: Gweithgareddau economaidd a gefnogir gan fewnfuddsoddiad yng Nghymru. ar gyfer Llywodraeth Cymru.
2016-17: UK Sport, Revision to environmental web pages of eventImpacts website.
2016: Arup, Adeiladu gwytnwch yn sector dŵr Cymru, Cyd-I gyda thîm ymchwil y Biowyddorau ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd
2016: Prosiect Ecsbloetio Band Eang Cyflym Iawn ERDF, Arolwg Aeddfedrwydd Digidol Cymru, £ 1.5m o DP gyda thîm WERU. Adroddiad Arolwg Aeddfedrwydd Digidol Blynyddol, ac Adroddiad Effaith Economaidd Blynyddol SFBBE.
2016: Sefydliad Cyllid Ewropeaidd Cymru. Ex ôl-werthusiad o Raglen Ariannu Strwythurol 2007-13, gyda Rhys Davies WISERD.
2016: Cymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru. Gwastraff trefol: Gwerthusiad economaidd o weithgarwch yn y sector yng Nghymru.
2015-17: Llywodraeth Cymru. Economeg treth dir y dreth stamp yng Nghymru. Cyllid ymchwil ar gyfer efrydiaeth i archwilio goblygiadau rhanbarthol newidiadau ar drethi a godir gan Lywodraeth Cymru gan ddefnyddio fframweithiau CGE ac IO. £60,000 PI Max Munday gyda Kent Matthews ac Andy Crawley (WERU).
2015-2017: Rhwydwaith Ymchwil Cenedlaethol Ser Cymru ar gyfer Ynni Carbon Isel a'r Amgylchedd. Cylch Bywyd Canlyniadol o Effeithiau Amgylcheddol ac Economaidd Cydgrynhoi a Dwysáu Llaeth a Chig Eidion Llwybrau: COWS Glanach. Cyllid ar gyfer efrydiaeth i archwilio cydgrynhoi fferm gan ddefnyddio fframwaith model CGE. £57,000 PI M Munday gyda K Matthews, A Roberts, A Crawley a C Jones.
2015-16: Sefydliad Cyllid Ewropeaidd Cymru. Gwerthusiadau ar wahân o Raglen Dechrau Busnes Newydd, a'r Rhaglen Twristiaeth Treftadaeth, gyda Old Bell 3 Limited.
2015: Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru. Cynhyrchu trydan ar ystâd CNC: Adolygiad o gyfundrefnau cymhorthdal cyfredol, a manteision economaidd-gymdeithasol o wahanol dechnolegau cynhyrchu trydan. Cyllid ar gyfer adolygu a dadansoddi i lywio cynlluniau CNC, Gorffennaf/Awst 2015
2015: Llywodraeth Cymru. Adolygiad o'r Rhaglen Alacrity. Gyda'r Athro Rob Huggins, CPLAN.
2015: Ynni Cymunedol Cymru. Ymchwil i ddarparu archwiliad manwl o ynni cymunedol yng Nghymru yn 2015, ac i ddisgrifio esblygiad prosiectau ynni cymunedol yng Nghymru.
2015: RSM McClure Watters Consulting (PACEC) Gwerthusiad economaidd o'r Rhaglen Cymorth Allforio yng Nghymru.
2015: RWEnpower. RWEnpower: Gweithgaredd economaidd-gymdeithasol lleol a gefnogir gan gynhyrchu ynni. Dadansoddiad o effeithiau sy'n gysylltiedig ag adeiladu a gweithredu Gorsaf Bŵer Doc Penfro.
2015: Amgueddfeydd Cenedlaethol Cymru. Asesiad o weithgarwch economaidd rhanbarthol a gefnogir gan LlGC. Dadansoddiad wedi'i seilio ar wariant NMW a gwariant ei ymwelwyr i wahanu safleoedd AOCC.
2015: Llywodraeth Cymru EST. Gwerthuso defnydd busnes a chamfanteisio ar fand eang cyflym iawn yng Nghymru: adolygiad ac argymhellion ar gyfer metrigau a dangosfwrdd digidol. Ymchwil ac adroddiad i Lywodraeth Cymru mewn cysylltiad â chyflwyno seilwaith newydd ac ecsbloetio busnes.
2015: Cymdeithas Cynhyrchion Mwynol. Dadansoddiad o'r effeithiau sy'n gysylltiedig â diwydiannau agregau yng Nghymru.
2014-2015: Llywodraeth Cymru. Adroddiad Effaith Economaidd Nwy Angonfensiynol yng Nghymru, sy'n archwilio effeithiau rhanbarthol gwahanol senarios hollti. Ymchwil gyda Regeneris UK ac AMEC.
2014: Swyddfa Cyllid Ewropeaidd Cymru. Dadansoddiad cyfunol ESF. Dadansoddiad hydredol o dri Arolwg Ymadawyr ESF yng Nghymru. Gyda Rhys Davies (WISERD), Neil Roche (WERU) a Gerry Makepeace (CARBS)
2014: Cyngor Dinas Caerdydd. Ymgysylltu â chyflogwyr – cysylltu twf swyddi, cymorth cyflogaeth a'r agenda NEET yng Nghaerdydd. Ymchwil ar NEETS yng Nghaerdydd.
2014: Arolwg Ymadawyr Cronfa Gymdeithasol Ewrop 2013 Swyddfa Cyllid Ewropeaidd (IFF Research, Llundain).Dadansoddiad o ganfyddiadau'r arolwg a gynhaliwyd gan IFF yn Llundain.
2014: Llywodraeth Cymru General Dynamics UK – Land Systems: Effeithiau economaidd yng Nghymru o ehangu. Adroddiad a chyngor i Lywodraeth Cymru a General Dynamics ar yr effeithiau lleol sy'n gysylltiedig â chynnig ar gyfer gweithgynhyrchu tanciau ym Merthyr Tudful.
2014-2017: E C Harris Limited. Cipio manteision economaidd ehangach adeiladu'r A465: dangosfwrdd economaidd-gymdeithasol. Dadansoddiad o effeithiau economaidd-gymdeithasol ailddatblygu ffyrdd mawr ym Mhen y Cymoedd ac yn cynnwys cydweithio agos â Costain a Carillion. (gyda thîm WERU).
2014-15: Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru: Cysylltu Economi Cymru â'r Amgylchedd. Rhaglen ymchwil i CNC sy'n cysylltu ag effeithiau ymyriadau amgylcheddol yn yr economi, a dadansoddiadau modeledig.
2013: Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water: Dadansoddiad economaidd o wariant. Dadansoddiad wedi'i fodelu o effeithiau economaidd rhanbarthol gwariant a rhagolygon mewnfuddsoddiad mewn sectorau dŵr-ddwys.
2014: Airbus Amddiffyn a'r Gofod Gwerthusiad o weithgareddau o dan raglen Foundation Wales.
2014: Murco Petroleum Limited: Dadansoddiad o weithgarwch economaidd yn dibynnu ar burfa olew Murco yn Sir Benfro. Adroddiad ar gyfer tasglu sy'n delio ag effeithiau posibl cau'r cyfleuster.
2014: Llywodraeth Cymru: Uwchgynhadledd NATO Cymru 2014 – Astudiaeth Effaith Economaidd. Dadansoddiad o effeithiau twristiaeth disgwyliedig Uwchgynhadledd NATO yn y Celtic Manor.
2014: Sefydliad Polisi Cyhoeddus Cymru: Lleoliad a Staffio Swyddfeydd Tramor Llywodraeth Cymru, darn trafod a baratowyd ar gyfer Prif Weinidog Cymru.
2014: Porthcawl Habourside: Dadansoddi datblygiad eiddo ar lan yr harbwr,
2014: Prifysgol Caerdydd/Llywodraeth Cymru: Gwerthusiad economaidd; adolygiad o'r cynnig i sefydlu Sefydliad Lled-ddargludyddion Cyfansawdd gydag IQE Limited Casnewydd.
2014: Swyddfa Cyllid Ewropeaidd Cymru (trwy OB3 Limited): Ex ante gwerthusiad o Raglen Interreg Iwerddon-Cymru.
2013-14: Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru. Opsiynau Adfer Afon Gwy. Archwiliad o gostau a buddion sy'n gysylltiedig â gwahanol opsiynau rheoli ar gyfer dalgylch Gwy uchaf. (gyda Biowyddorau Prifysgol Caerdydd, Dr Ian Vaughan et al.)
2013-14: Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru. Cyngor economaidd sy'n ymwneud â gwasanaethau ecosystem, ac ymchwil economaidd gyffredinol ar gyfer sefydliad cyfunol.
2013: Tidal Lagoon Power Limited. Effeithiau economaidd sy'n gysylltiedig ag adeiladu a gweithredu cynlluniau. Roedd yr adroddiad yn canolbwyntio ar effeithiau economaidd-gymdeithasol disgwyliedig morglawdd arfaethedig Abertawe.
2013: Llywodraeth Cymru. Dadansoddiad effaith economaidd adnewyddadwy'r môr, gyda thîm Regeneris Consulting a WERU.
2012-2013: Llywodraeth Cymru. Astudiaeth lluosyddion cyflogaeth y sector ynni, £46,400, gyda thîm WERU a Regeneris Consulting.
2012-13: Renewable UK. Effaith economaidd gwynt y glannau yng Nghymru, gyda Regeneris Consulting a WERU.
2012-13: Swyddfa Cyllid Ewropeaidd Cymru. Gwerthusiad Cyn-Ante o Gyllid Strwythurol yng Nghymru 2014-2020. Henbell 3 ac eraill.
2012-14: Cadw, Croeso Cymru, Twristiaeth Prifddinas-Ranbarthol. "Fframwaith monitro a gwerthuso ar gyfer prosiectau Amgylchedd ar gyfer Twf (ERDF)". Ail gam yr ymchwil i fonitro a gwerthuso prosiectau E4G ledled Cymru. Yn cynnwys datblygu adnoddau gwe i gefnogi rheolwyr prosiectau i gynnal arolygon i gefnogi gwerthuso, a dadansoddi i archwilio effeithiau amgylcheddol twristiaeth yng Nghymru.
2012-14 Cyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru "Fframwaith monitro a gwerthuso ar gyfer prosiectau yr Amgylchedd ar gyfer Twf (ERDF)", Gwerthuso prosiectau Llwybr Arfordirol E4G CCW a monitro canlyniadau.
2012-14: "Gwerthusiad o'r Prosiect Adfywio Ffisegol P5T1 yng Ngogledd Cymru," ymchwil ar gyfer Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru.
2012-13: Rhaglen ymchwil "Cysylltu Economi Cymru â'r Amgylchedd" gydag Asiantaeth yr Amgylchedd Cymru yn archwilio prisiad dŵr, gwaith adfer mwyngloddio metel, gwerthuso polisi a dadansoddi rhaglenni penodol.
2012-13: "Cymorth ymchwil gyda Model Economaidd o safleoedd COMAH", ymchwil ar gyfer Labordai Iechyd a Diogelwch.
Current Teaching and Learning: Summary
Lead the Business Economics stream within the Economics section of Cardiff Business School
- Undergraduate teaching on BS3561 Modern Business Enterprise (Module Leader), and BS2560 Managerial Economics. Also postgraduate courses in BST 186 Economics and the Business Environment.
- UG Modern Business Enterprise Year 3 Semester 1 & 2.
- PG Economics and Business Environment Lectures in Autumn semester.
- Supervise 6-8 MSc dissertations per annum.
- Currently principal supervisor 2 PhDs. Annum Rafique: Sustainable Intensification in Dairy Farms. Long Zhou: Stamp Duty Land Tax in Wales.
- Personal tutor to both undergraduate and postgraduate students.
- Examination liaison group for Business Economics schemes and associated quality assurance
- External examiner Aston Postgraduate programmes on International Business until 2015
· Professor, Cardiff Business School, Economics Section ·
Director: Welsh Economy Research Unit 2000-15.
- Deputy Director: Water Research Institute Cardiff University
- Hon Professor: Aberystwyth University -2019
- Chair: Regional Studies Association: Wales Section
- Member Energy Systems Research Institute, Cardiff University
- Regional Science Association International
- Higher Education Academy
- Western Regional Science Association (United States)
Contact Details
+44 29208 75089
Adeilad Aberconwy, Ystafell T01, Rhodfa Colum, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU