Dr Shailen Nandy
Athro Polisi Cymdeithasol Rhyngwladol
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Ymunais â Phrifysgol Caerdydd ym mis Medi 2016 ac addysgu ar y rhaglenni Polisi Cymdeithasol israddedig ac ôl-raddedig.
Mae fy ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar wahanol elfennau o ddatblygiad rhyngwladol, ac yn arbennig ar strategaethau dadansoddi tlodi a strategaethau gwrthdlodi. Mae gen i ddiddordeb yn rôl a photensial polisi cymdeithasol mewn strategaethau datblygu cenedlaethol yn enwedig o ran cynnydd tuag at Nodau Datblygu Cynaliadwy 2030.
Mae prosiectau a gwblhawyd yn ddiweddar yn cynnwys gwaith gyda chydweithwyr yn UNICAMP (Brasil), UNICEF Tanzania, a BITS Pilani (Hyderabad, India). Mae gwaith arall yn cynnwys prosiect ymchwil ESRC-GRCF-SDAI yn edrych ar broblem diffyg maeth lluosog mewn plant ifanc yng Ngorllewin a Chanolbarth Affrica, dadansoddiad sefyllfa genedlaethol o dlodi ac amddifadedd plant yn Uganda gydag UNICEF Uganda, archwiliad o dlodi plant ymhlith cymunedau cynnal ffoaduriaid yn Uganda gyda'r Ganolfan Ymchwil Polisi Economaidd (Uganda) a grant Cronfa Newton y Cyngor Prydeinig gyda chydweithwyr yng nghanolfan ymchwil CRONICAS yn Lima ar dynameg maeth a baich dwbl diffyg maeth ym Mheriw.
- Najera, H., Nandy, S. and Pomati, M. 2025. Towards a better measurement of child poverty: Relative deprivation of socially perceived needs and the consensual approach. In: Minujin, A. ed. Handbook on Child Poverty and Inequality. Elgar Handbooks on Inequality Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
- Pomati, M., Nandy, S., Jose, S. and Reddy, B. 2024. Multidimensional adult and child poverty in India-Establishing consensus about socially perceived necessities for a new measure of poverty. Indian Journal of Human Development 18(2), pp. 159-176. (10.1177/09737030241274084)
- Weon, S., Pomati, M. and Nandy, S. 2024. Multidimensional child poverty in South Korea: Developing measures to assess progress towards the sustainable development goals. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 32(2), pp. 277-311. (10.1332/17598273Y2023D000000009)
- Pomati, M., Nandy, S. and Zhang, M. 2024. The state of mainland Tanzania's children. Evidence from the Mainland Household Budget Surveys. Project Report. [Online]. UNICEF. Available at: https://www.unicef.org/tanzania/reports/state-mainland-tanzanias-children#:~:text=Still%2C%20in%202018%20almost%20half,water%20%26%20sanitation%20(83%25).
- Pomati, M., Nandy, S. and Zhang, M. 2024. The state of mainland Tanzania's children: Evidence from the Mainland Household Budget Surveys (2007-2018). Project Report. [Online]. UNICEF Tanzania. Available at: https://www.unicef.org/tanzania/reports/state-mainland-tanzanias-children#:~:text=Still%2C%20in%202018%20almost%20half,water%20%26%20sanitation%20(83%25).
- Gordon, D. et al. 2024. Multidimensional child poverty and deprivation in Uganda Report : Volume 1. The extent and nature of multidimensional child poverty and deprivation. Project Report. [Online]. Kampala: Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS). Available at: https://www.ubos.org/wp-content/uploads/publications/Child-Poverty-in-Uganda.pdf
- Gordon, D., Grieve, T., Najera, H., Nandy, S., Pomati, M., Oloya, A. and Zhang, M. 2024. Multidimensional child poverty in Uganda. Volume 1: The extent and nature of multidimensional child poverty and deprivation - 2024. Project Report. [Online]. Kampala: UNICEF. Available at: https://www.ubos.org/wp-content/uploads/publications/Child-Poverty-in-Uganda.pdf#page=89
- Pomati, M., Nandy, S. and Mary, Z. 2024. The state of Zanzibar's children. Evidence from the Mainland Household Budget Surveys (2010-2020). Project Report. [Online]. UNICEF. Available at: https://www.unicef.org/tanzania/reports/state-zanzibars-children
- Uchoa de Oliveira, F., Nandy, S., Vedovato, L. R. and Assis, A. E. 2023. Trabalho e viração em empresas-aplicativo: um panorama da uberização na cidade de São Paulo durante a pandemia. Revista Jurídica Trabalho E Desenvolvimento Humano 6, article number: 153. (10.33239/rjtdh.v6.153)
- Uchoa de Oliveira, F., Nandy, S. and Vedovato, L. R. 2023. Preferências adaptativas, pobreza multidimensional e políticas públicas: os contornos da dignidade humana. Revista Direito Público 19(104), pp. 16-46. (10.11117/rdp.v19i104.6954)
- Uchôa de Oliveira, F., Nandy, S., Fernandez, G. F., Assis, A. E. S. Q. and Vedovato, L. R. 2022. Trabalho decente para uma vida digna um estudo piloto a partir da abordagem consensual na cidade de Campinas. Revista Jurídica Trabalho E Desenvolvimento Humano 5, pp. 1-38. (10.33239/rjtdh.v5.120)
- Mendoza-Quispe, D. et al. 2021. Urbanization in Peru is inversely associated with double burden of malnutrition: Pooled analysis of 92,841 mother-child pairs. Obesity 29(8), pp. 1363-1374. (10.1002/oby.23188)
- Pomati, M. and Nandy, S. 2021. Measuring multidimensional poverty according to national definitions - operationalising target 1.2.2 of the sustainable development goals in Benin, Gabon, Guinea, Liberia and Mali. In: Nébié, G. et al. eds. Child Poverty and Social Protection in Central and Western Africa. ibidem, pp. 99-120.
- Brewer, T. F. et al. 2021. Housing, sanitation and living conditions affecting SARS-CoV-2 prevention interventions in 54 African countries. Epidemiology and Infection 149, article number: e183. (10.1017/S0950268821001734)
- Oliveira, F. U. d., Nandy, S., Fernandez, G. F., Vecchio, V. D., Assis, A. E. S. Q. and Vedovato, L. R. 2021. O que os brasileiros pensam ser necessário para que se tenha um padrão de vida digno em seu país?. Revista Jurídica Trabalho E Desenvolvimento Humano 4, pp. 1-27. (10.33239/rjtdh.v4.87)
- Pomati, M. et al. 2021. Trends and patterns of the double burden of malnutrition (DBM) in Peru: A pooled analysis of 129,159 mother-child dyads. International Journal of Obesity 45, pp. 609-618. (10.1038/s41366-020-00725-x)
- Nandy, S. and Pomati, M. 2020. Progrès vers la réalisation de l'ODD 2: évaluation de la malnutrition multiple chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans en Afrique occidentale et centrale. Statéco 114
- Pomati, M. and Nandy, S. 2020. Assessing progress towards SDG2: Trends and patterns of multiple malnutrition in young children under 5 in West and Central Africa. Child Indicators Research 13, pp. 1847-1873. (10.1007/s12187-019-09671-1)
- Lanau, A., Mack, J. and Nandy, S. 2020. Including services in multidimensional poverty measurement for SDGs: modifications to the consensual approach. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 28, pp. 149-168. (10.1332/175982720X15850580703755)
- Pomati, M. and Nandy, S. 2020. Measuring multidimensional poverty according to national definitions - operationalising target 1.2 of the sustainable development goals. Social Indicators Research 148, pp. 105-126. (10.1007/s11205-019-02198-6)
- Pomati, M. et al. 2020. Multidimensional child poverty and the SDGs: from measurement to action. In: Lawson, D., Angemi, D. and Kasirye, I. eds. What Works for Africa's Poorest Children. From Measurement to Action. Practical Action Publishing, pp. 19-42.
- Weon, S., Nandi, A., Rothwell, D. W. and Nandy, S. 2019. Savings ownership and the use of maternal health services in Indonesia. Health Policy and Planning 34(10), pp. 752-761. (10.1093/heapol/czz094)
- Daoud, A. and Nandy, S. 2019. The effect of the politics of caste and class for child poverty in India. Sociology of Development 5(4), pp. 428-451. (10.1525/sod.2019.5.4.428)
- Pomati, M. and Nandy, S. 2019. Millions of malnourished children in West and Central Africa have been overlooked by UN estimates - new data. The Conversation 2019(8 Nov)
- Najera, H., Nandy, S., Carriillo-Larco, R. M. and Miranda, J. 2019. Within-country migration and obesity dynamics: Analysis of 94,783 women from the Peruvian Demographic and Health Surveys. BMC Public Health 19, article number: 263.
- KIm, E. and Nandy, S. 2018. Multidimensional child poverty in Korea: developing child-specific indicators for the sustainable development goals. Child Indicators Research 11, pp. 1029-1050. (10.1007/s12187-017-9517-0)
- Depio, S., Ahaibwe, G., Kasirye, I., Nandy, S. and Pomati, M. 2018. Child poverty and deprivation in refugee-hosting areas. Evidence from Uganda. UNICEF.
- Ekbrand, H. and Nandy, S. 2017. Inter-state differences in caste-specific risks for child deprivation in India. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 25(1), pp. 3-20. (10.1332/175982716X14822521840953)
- Nandy, S., Pomati, M. and Lenoël, A. 2016. L'approche consensuelle de mesure de la pauvreté : une application au cas du Bénin. Stateco 110, pp. 71-89.
- Guio, A., Marlier, E., Gordon, D., Fahmy, E., Nandy, S. and Pomati, M. 2016. Improving the measurement of material deprivation at the European Union level. Journal of European Social Policy 26(3), pp. 219-233. (10.1177/0958928716642947)
- Gordon, D. and Nandy, S. 2016. Policy-relevant measurement of poverty in low, middle and high income countries. In: Braathen, E., May, J. and Wright, G. eds. Poverty and Inequality in Middle Income Countries: Policy Achievements, Political Obstacles. International Studies in Poverty Research London: Zed Books
- Gordon, D. and Nandy, S. 2016. The extent, nature and distribution of child poverty in India. Indian Journal of Human Development 10(1), pp. 64-84. (10.1177/0973703016654561)
- Nandy, S., Daoud, A. and Gordon, D. 2016. Examining the changing profile of undernutrition in the context of food price rises and greater inequality. Social Science and Medicine 149, pp. 153-163. (10.1016/j.socscimed.2015.11.036)
- Nandy, S. and Pomati, M. 2015. Applying the consensual method of estimating poverty in a low income African setting. Social Indicators Research 124(3), pp. 693-726. (10.1007/s11205-014-0819-z)
- Nandy, S. and Main, G. 2015. The consensual approach to child poverty measurement. CROP Briefs(29)
- Selwyn, J. and Nandy, S. 2014. Kinship care in the UK: using census data to estimate the extent of formal and informal care by relatives. Child and Family Social Work 19(1), pp. 44-54. (10.1111/j.1365-2206.2012.00879.x)
- Gordon, D., Mack, J., Lansley, S., Main, G., Nandy, S., Patsios, D. and Pomati, M. 2013. The impoverishment of the UK. PSE UK first results. Living standards. Project Report. Milton Keynes: Open University.
- Pomati, M., Nandy, S., Jose, S. and Reddy, B. 2024. Multidimensional adult and child poverty in India-Establishing consensus about socially perceived necessities for a new measure of poverty. Indian Journal of Human Development 18(2), pp. 159-176. (10.1177/09737030241274084)
- Weon, S., Pomati, M. and Nandy, S. 2024. Multidimensional child poverty in South Korea: Developing measures to assess progress towards the sustainable development goals. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 32(2), pp. 277-311. (10.1332/17598273Y2023D000000009)
- Uchoa de Oliveira, F., Nandy, S., Vedovato, L. R. and Assis, A. E. 2023. Trabalho e viração em empresas-aplicativo: um panorama da uberização na cidade de São Paulo durante a pandemia. Revista Jurídica Trabalho E Desenvolvimento Humano 6, article number: 153. (10.33239/rjtdh.v6.153)
- Uchoa de Oliveira, F., Nandy, S. and Vedovato, L. R. 2023. Preferências adaptativas, pobreza multidimensional e políticas públicas: os contornos da dignidade humana. Revista Direito Público 19(104), pp. 16-46. (10.11117/rdp.v19i104.6954)
- Uchôa de Oliveira, F., Nandy, S., Fernandez, G. F., Assis, A. E. S. Q. and Vedovato, L. R. 2022. Trabalho decente para uma vida digna um estudo piloto a partir da abordagem consensual na cidade de Campinas. Revista Jurídica Trabalho E Desenvolvimento Humano 5, pp. 1-38. (10.33239/rjtdh.v5.120)
- Mendoza-Quispe, D. et al. 2021. Urbanization in Peru is inversely associated with double burden of malnutrition: Pooled analysis of 92,841 mother-child pairs. Obesity 29(8), pp. 1363-1374. (10.1002/oby.23188)
- Brewer, T. F. et al. 2021. Housing, sanitation and living conditions affecting SARS-CoV-2 prevention interventions in 54 African countries. Epidemiology and Infection 149, article number: e183. (10.1017/S0950268821001734)
- Oliveira, F. U. d., Nandy, S., Fernandez, G. F., Vecchio, V. D., Assis, A. E. S. Q. and Vedovato, L. R. 2021. O que os brasileiros pensam ser necessário para que se tenha um padrão de vida digno em seu país?. Revista Jurídica Trabalho E Desenvolvimento Humano 4, pp. 1-27. (10.33239/rjtdh.v4.87)
- Pomati, M. et al. 2021. Trends and patterns of the double burden of malnutrition (DBM) in Peru: A pooled analysis of 129,159 mother-child dyads. International Journal of Obesity 45, pp. 609-618. (10.1038/s41366-020-00725-x)
- Nandy, S. and Pomati, M. 2020. Progrès vers la réalisation de l'ODD 2: évaluation de la malnutrition multiple chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans en Afrique occidentale et centrale. Statéco 114
- Pomati, M. and Nandy, S. 2020. Assessing progress towards SDG2: Trends and patterns of multiple malnutrition in young children under 5 in West and Central Africa. Child Indicators Research 13, pp. 1847-1873. (10.1007/s12187-019-09671-1)
- Lanau, A., Mack, J. and Nandy, S. 2020. Including services in multidimensional poverty measurement for SDGs: modifications to the consensual approach. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 28, pp. 149-168. (10.1332/175982720X15850580703755)
- Pomati, M. and Nandy, S. 2020. Measuring multidimensional poverty according to national definitions - operationalising target 1.2 of the sustainable development goals. Social Indicators Research 148, pp. 105-126. (10.1007/s11205-019-02198-6)
- Weon, S., Nandi, A., Rothwell, D. W. and Nandy, S. 2019. Savings ownership and the use of maternal health services in Indonesia. Health Policy and Planning 34(10), pp. 752-761. (10.1093/heapol/czz094)
- Daoud, A. and Nandy, S. 2019. The effect of the politics of caste and class for child poverty in India. Sociology of Development 5(4), pp. 428-451. (10.1525/sod.2019.5.4.428)
- Pomati, M. and Nandy, S. 2019. Millions of malnourished children in West and Central Africa have been overlooked by UN estimates - new data. The Conversation 2019(8 Nov)
- Najera, H., Nandy, S., Carriillo-Larco, R. M. and Miranda, J. 2019. Within-country migration and obesity dynamics: Analysis of 94,783 women from the Peruvian Demographic and Health Surveys. BMC Public Health 19, article number: 263.
- KIm, E. and Nandy, S. 2018. Multidimensional child poverty in Korea: developing child-specific indicators for the sustainable development goals. Child Indicators Research 11, pp. 1029-1050. (10.1007/s12187-017-9517-0)
- Ekbrand, H. and Nandy, S. 2017. Inter-state differences in caste-specific risks for child deprivation in India. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 25(1), pp. 3-20. (10.1332/175982716X14822521840953)
- Nandy, S., Pomati, M. and Lenoël, A. 2016. L'approche consensuelle de mesure de la pauvreté : une application au cas du Bénin. Stateco 110, pp. 71-89.
- Guio, A., Marlier, E., Gordon, D., Fahmy, E., Nandy, S. and Pomati, M. 2016. Improving the measurement of material deprivation at the European Union level. Journal of European Social Policy 26(3), pp. 219-233. (10.1177/0958928716642947)
- Gordon, D. and Nandy, S. 2016. The extent, nature and distribution of child poverty in India. Indian Journal of Human Development 10(1), pp. 64-84. (10.1177/0973703016654561)
- Nandy, S., Daoud, A. and Gordon, D. 2016. Examining the changing profile of undernutrition in the context of food price rises and greater inequality. Social Science and Medicine 149, pp. 153-163. (10.1016/j.socscimed.2015.11.036)
- Nandy, S. and Pomati, M. 2015. Applying the consensual method of estimating poverty in a low income African setting. Social Indicators Research 124(3), pp. 693-726. (10.1007/s11205-014-0819-z)
- Nandy, S. and Main, G. 2015. The consensual approach to child poverty measurement. CROP Briefs(29)
- Selwyn, J. and Nandy, S. 2014. Kinship care in the UK: using census data to estimate the extent of formal and informal care by relatives. Child and Family Social Work 19(1), pp. 44-54. (10.1111/j.1365-2206.2012.00879.x)
Book sections
- Najera, H., Nandy, S. and Pomati, M. 2025. Towards a better measurement of child poverty: Relative deprivation of socially perceived needs and the consensual approach. In: Minujin, A. ed. Handbook on Child Poverty and Inequality. Elgar Handbooks on Inequality Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
- Pomati, M. and Nandy, S. 2021. Measuring multidimensional poverty according to national definitions - operationalising target 1.2.2 of the sustainable development goals in Benin, Gabon, Guinea, Liberia and Mali. In: Nébié, G. et al. eds. Child Poverty and Social Protection in Central and Western Africa. ibidem, pp. 99-120.
- Pomati, M. et al. 2020. Multidimensional child poverty and the SDGs: from measurement to action. In: Lawson, D., Angemi, D. and Kasirye, I. eds. What Works for Africa's Poorest Children. From Measurement to Action. Practical Action Publishing, pp. 19-42.
- Gordon, D. and Nandy, S. 2016. Policy-relevant measurement of poverty in low, middle and high income countries. In: Braathen, E., May, J. and Wright, G. eds. Poverty and Inequality in Middle Income Countries: Policy Achievements, Political Obstacles. International Studies in Poverty Research London: Zed Books
- Depio, S., Ahaibwe, G., Kasirye, I., Nandy, S. and Pomati, M. 2018. Child poverty and deprivation in refugee-hosting areas. Evidence from Uganda. UNICEF.
- Pomati, M., Nandy, S. and Zhang, M. 2024. The state of mainland Tanzania's children. Evidence from the Mainland Household Budget Surveys. Project Report. [Online]. UNICEF. Available at: https://www.unicef.org/tanzania/reports/state-mainland-tanzanias-children#:~:text=Still%2C%20in%202018%20almost%20half,water%20%26%20sanitation%20(83%25).
- Pomati, M., Nandy, S. and Zhang, M. 2024. The state of mainland Tanzania's children: Evidence from the Mainland Household Budget Surveys (2007-2018). Project Report. [Online]. UNICEF Tanzania. Available at: https://www.unicef.org/tanzania/reports/state-mainland-tanzanias-children#:~:text=Still%2C%20in%202018%20almost%20half,water%20%26%20sanitation%20(83%25).
- Gordon, D. et al. 2024. Multidimensional child poverty and deprivation in Uganda Report : Volume 1. The extent and nature of multidimensional child poverty and deprivation. Project Report. [Online]. Kampala: Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS). Available at: https://www.ubos.org/wp-content/uploads/publications/Child-Poverty-in-Uganda.pdf
- Gordon, D., Grieve, T., Najera, H., Nandy, S., Pomati, M., Oloya, A. and Zhang, M. 2024. Multidimensional child poverty in Uganda. Volume 1: The extent and nature of multidimensional child poverty and deprivation - 2024. Project Report. [Online]. Kampala: UNICEF. Available at: https://www.ubos.org/wp-content/uploads/publications/Child-Poverty-in-Uganda.pdf#page=89
- Pomati, M., Nandy, S. and Mary, Z. 2024. The state of Zanzibar's children. Evidence from the Mainland Household Budget Surveys (2010-2020). Project Report. [Online]. UNICEF. Available at: https://www.unicef.org/tanzania/reports/state-zanzibars-children
- Gordon, D., Mack, J., Lansley, S., Main, G., Nandy, S., Patsios, D. and Pomati, M. 2013. The impoverishment of the UK. PSE UK first results. Living standards. Project Report. Milton Keynes: Open University.
Current projects:
2017-2018 ESRC-GCRF Secondary Data Analysis Initiative, Measuring and Mapping the Prevalence and Patterning of Multiple
Malnutrition in Young Children in West and Central Africa, with Dr Marco Pomati and UNICEF Nigeria.
2017-18 UNICEF Uganda, Integration of Child Poverty Analysis in National Statistics, with Townsend Centre for International Poverty Research and University of Bristol.
2017 - UNICEF Iran, Multidimensional Poverty at General Population and Child Levels: Measurement and Methodology, with Townsend Centre for International Poverty Research and University of Bristol.
2015 - 2018 - Wallenberg Foundation, Sweden, A Global Analysis of Poverty and Living Conditions in Low and Middle-Income Countries, with Department of Sociology and Work Science, University of Gothenburg, and University of Bristol.
2015-2019 - Hilton Foundation, USA, Training Future Leaders to Accelerate Poverty Reduction and Achieve the SDGs, with Fielding School of Public Health, UCLA and University of Bristol.
Recent projects
2016-17 ESRC Impact Acceleration Project, Aiding poverty data and analysis capacity development in the Pacific.
Modiwlau israddedig:
- Cyflwyniad i Bolisi Cymdeithasol a Chyhoeddus
- Polisi Cymdeithasol Rhyngwladol a Cymharol
Modiwlau ôl-raddedig:
- Dinasyddiaeth a Pholisi Cymdeithasol
- Polisi Cymdeithasol a Chyhoeddus Rhyngwladol a Cymharol
Goruchwylio traethawd hir israddedig ac ôl-raddedig
Career overview
Prior to joining Cardiff University, I was a Research Fellow at the University of Bristol and member of the Townsend Centre for International Poverty Research, and before that Non-Clinical Research Fellow at the Institute of Neurology, in UCL and a researcher in Bangladesh for BRAC. I have been a consultant to the WHO, UNICEF, DfID, and other development NGOs in the UK and abroad.
Education and Qualifications
2010: PhD (Social Policy), University of Bristol
2005: MSc Policy Research, University of Bristol
1996: MSc (Econ), London School of Economics
1995: BA (Hons), Economics and International Relations, University of Reading
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
1999-2016 Research Fellow, School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol
1998-1999 Non-Clinical Research Fellow, Institute of Neurology, UCL, London.
1996-1997 Research Associate, BRAC, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Rwy'n croesawu ymgeiswyr sydd â diddordeb mewn ymchwil PhD ar:
- Tlodi byd-eang
- anghydraddoldebau cymdeithasol ac economaidd
Datblygiad rhyngwladol.
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol

Jake Wilkinson
Contact Details
+44 29208 79675
Adeilad Morgannwg, Ystafell 2.30, Rhodfa’r Brenin Edward VII, Caerdydd, CF10 3WA
Themâu ymchwil
- Datblygiad rhyngwladol
- Polisi cymdeithasol byd-eang
- Tlodi ac anghydraddoldeb