Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Alex Nute

Mr Alex Nute

Darlithydd: Iechyd Meddwl , Anableddau Dysgu a Gofal Seicogymdeithasol

Ysgol y Gwyddorau Gofal Iechyd


Main Roles and Responsibilities

Academic Interests

My interests span the developmental process for health care workers with a specific focus on role transition from student nurse to registered professional.   Allied to this is an ongoing exploration of the philosophical construction of mental health nursing and its relation to practice.   I also hope to develop my knowledge in the area of coaching both for service improvement and for the role of the nurse facilitating management of enduring health problems.





  • Nute, A. 2016. Working with groups. In: evans, n. and hannigan, b. eds. Therapeutic Skills for Mental Health Nurses. Open University Press, pp. 192-203.



Book sections

  • Nute, M. 2023. Mental health. In: Holland, A. et al. eds. Fundamentals for Public Health Practice. SAGE Publications, pp. 185-202.
  • Nute, A. 2016. Working with groups. In: evans, n. and hannigan, b. eds. Therapeutic Skills for Mental Health Nurses. Open University Press, pp. 192-203.




I am currently drafting a proposal which will explore the lived experience of graduate mental health nurses undergoing a foundation and preceptorship programme with Cardiff and Vale UHB.