Crynodeb ymchwil
Mae fy ymchwil yn mynd i'r afael â sut mae rhwydweithiau o niwronau yn amgodio cof yn yr ymennydd. Diddordeb arbennig yw nodi sut mae ardaloedd hippocampus a pharahippocampal yr ymennydd yn cefnogi ffurfio a chydgrynhoi'r cof ar gyfer lleoedd a digwyddiadau. Nod ychwanegol yw deall sut mae atgofion ar gyfer gweadau yn cael eu storio a'u prosesu, pan fydd gofyn iddynt ddatrys tasg. Yn gyffredinol, ein dull gweithredu yw dangos beth, ble a phryd o'r cof; Hynny yw, yr hyn y mae niwronau yn ei 'ddweud', lle maent yn anfon y wybodaeth hon a phryd y mae'r cod hwn yn cael ei drosglwyddo wrth brosesu cof.
- Zheng, Y., Kang, S., O'Neill, J. and Bojak, I. 2024. Spontaneous slow wave oscillations in extracellular field potential recordings reflect the alternating dominance of excitation and inhibition. The Journal of Physiology 602(4), pp. 713-736. (10.1113/jp284587)
- Pandey, A. et al. 2023. Interdependence of primary and secondary somatosensory cortices for plasticity and texture discrimination learning. [Online]. BioXiv. (10.1101/2023.04.25.538217v1) Available at:
- Gridchyn, I., Schoenenberger, P., O'Neill, J. and Csicsvari, J. 2020. Optogenetic inhibition-mediated activity-dependent modification of CA1 pyramidal-interneuron connections during behavior. eLife 2020(9), article number: e61106. (10.7554/eLife.61106)
- Kaefer, K., Malagon-Vina, H., Dickerson, D. D., O'Neill, J., Trossbach, S. V., Korth, C. and Csicsvari, J. 2019. Disrupted-in-schizophrenia 1 overexpression disrupts hippocampal coding and oscillatory synchronization. Hippocampus 29(9), pp. 802-816. (10.1002/hipo.23076)
- Stella, F., Baracskay, P., O'Neill, J. and Csicsvari, J. 2019. Hippocampal reactivation of random trajectories resembling Brownian Diffusion. Neuron 102(2), pp. 450-461.e7. (10.1016/j.neuron.2019.01.052)
- Boccara, C. N., Nardin, M., Stella, F., O'Neill, J. and Csicsvari, J. 2019. The entorhinal cognitive map is attracted to goals. Science 363(6434), pp. 1443-1447. (10.1126/science.aav4837)
- Xu, H., Baracskay, P., O'Neill, J. and Csicsvari, J. 2019. Assembly responses of hippocampal CA1 place cells predict learned behavior in goal-directed spatial tasks on the radial eight-arm maze. Neuron 101(1), pp. 119-132. (10.1016/j.neuron.2018.11.015)
- O'Neill, J., Boccara, C. N., Stella, F., Schoenenberger, P. and Csicsvari, J. 2017. Superficial layers of the medial entorhinal cortex replay independently of the hippocampus. Science 355(6321), pp. 184-188. (10.1126/science.aag2787)
- Kovács, K. A., O'Neill, J., Schoenenberger, P., Penttonen, M., Ranguel Guerrero, D. K. and Csicsvari, J. 2016. Optogenetically blocking sharp wave ripple events in sleep does not interfere with the formation of stable spatial representation in the CA1 area of the hippocampus. PLoS ONE 11(10), article number: e0164675. (10.1371/journal.pone.0164675)
- Schoenenberger, P., O'Neill, J. and Csicsvari, J. 2016. Activity-dependent plasticity of hippocampal place maps. Nature Communications 7, article number: 11824. (10.1038/ncomms11824)
- Dupret, D., O'Neill, J. and Csicsvari, J. 2013. Dynamic reconfiguration of hippocampal interneuron circuits during spatial learning. Neuron -Cambridge Ma- 78(1), pp. 166-180. (10.1016/j.neuron.2013.01.033)
- Molter, C., O'Neill, J., Yamaguchi, Y., Hirase, H. and Leinekugel, X. 2012. Rhythmic modulation of theta oscillations supports encoding of spatial and behavioral information in the rat hippocampus. Neuron 75(5), pp. 889-903. (10.1016/j.neuron.2012.06.036)
- Dupret, D., O'Neill, J., Pleydell-Bouverie, B. and Csicsvari, J. 2010. The reorganization and reactivation of hippocampal maps predict spatial memory performance. Nature Neuroscience 13(8), pp. 995-1002. (10.1038/nn.2599)
- O'Neill, J., Pleydell-Bouverie, B., Dupret, D. and Csicsvari, J. 2010. Play it again: reactivation of waking experience and memory. Trends in Neurosciences 33(5), pp. 220-229. (10.1016/j.tins.2010.01.006)
- Senior, T. J., Huxter, J. R., Allen, K., O'Neill, J. and Csicsvari, J. 2008. Gamma oscillatory firing reveals distinct populations of pyramidal cells in the CA1 region of the hippocampus. Journal of Neuroscience 28(9), pp. 2274-2286. (10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4669-07.2008)
- O'Neill, J., Senior, T. J., Allen, K., Huxter, J. R. and Csicsvari, J. 2008. Reactivation of experience-dependent cell assembly patterns in the hippocampus. Nature Neuroscience 11(2), pp. 209-215. (10.1038/nn2037)
- Csicsvari, J., O'Neill, J., Allen, K. and Senior, T. 2007. Place-selective firing contributes to the reverse-order reactivation of CA1 pyramidal cells during sharp waves in open-field exploration. European Journal of Neuroscience 26(3), pp. 704-716. (10.1111/j.1460-9568.2007.05684.x)
- O'Neill, J., Senior, T. and Csicsvari, J. 2006. Place-selective firing of CA1 pyramidal cells during sharp wave/ripple network patterns in exploratory behavior. Neuron 49(1), pp. 143-155. (10.1016/j.neuron.2005.10.037)
- Klausberger, T. et al. 2005. Complementary roles of Cholecystokinin- and Parvalbumin-expressing GABAergic neurons in hippocampal network oscillations. Journal of Neuroscience 25(42), pp. 9782-9793. (10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3269-05.2005)
- Zheng, Y., Kang, S., O'Neill, J. and Bojak, I. 2024. Spontaneous slow wave oscillations in extracellular field potential recordings reflect the alternating dominance of excitation and inhibition. The Journal of Physiology 602(4), pp. 713-736. (10.1113/jp284587)
- Gridchyn, I., Schoenenberger, P., O'Neill, J. and Csicsvari, J. 2020. Optogenetic inhibition-mediated activity-dependent modification of CA1 pyramidal-interneuron connections during behavior. eLife 2020(9), article number: e61106. (10.7554/eLife.61106)
- Kaefer, K., Malagon-Vina, H., Dickerson, D. D., O'Neill, J., Trossbach, S. V., Korth, C. and Csicsvari, J. 2019. Disrupted-in-schizophrenia 1 overexpression disrupts hippocampal coding and oscillatory synchronization. Hippocampus 29(9), pp. 802-816. (10.1002/hipo.23076)
- Stella, F., Baracskay, P., O'Neill, J. and Csicsvari, J. 2019. Hippocampal reactivation of random trajectories resembling Brownian Diffusion. Neuron 102(2), pp. 450-461.e7. (10.1016/j.neuron.2019.01.052)
- Boccara, C. N., Nardin, M., Stella, F., O'Neill, J. and Csicsvari, J. 2019. The entorhinal cognitive map is attracted to goals. Science 363(6434), pp. 1443-1447. (10.1126/science.aav4837)
- Xu, H., Baracskay, P., O'Neill, J. and Csicsvari, J. 2019. Assembly responses of hippocampal CA1 place cells predict learned behavior in goal-directed spatial tasks on the radial eight-arm maze. Neuron 101(1), pp. 119-132. (10.1016/j.neuron.2018.11.015)
- O'Neill, J., Boccara, C. N., Stella, F., Schoenenberger, P. and Csicsvari, J. 2017. Superficial layers of the medial entorhinal cortex replay independently of the hippocampus. Science 355(6321), pp. 184-188. (10.1126/science.aag2787)
- Kovács, K. A., O'Neill, J., Schoenenberger, P., Penttonen, M., Ranguel Guerrero, D. K. and Csicsvari, J. 2016. Optogenetically blocking sharp wave ripple events in sleep does not interfere with the formation of stable spatial representation in the CA1 area of the hippocampus. PLoS ONE 11(10), article number: e0164675. (10.1371/journal.pone.0164675)
- Schoenenberger, P., O'Neill, J. and Csicsvari, J. 2016. Activity-dependent plasticity of hippocampal place maps. Nature Communications 7, article number: 11824. (10.1038/ncomms11824)
- Dupret, D., O'Neill, J. and Csicsvari, J. 2013. Dynamic reconfiguration of hippocampal interneuron circuits during spatial learning. Neuron -Cambridge Ma- 78(1), pp. 166-180. (10.1016/j.neuron.2013.01.033)
- Molter, C., O'Neill, J., Yamaguchi, Y., Hirase, H. and Leinekugel, X. 2012. Rhythmic modulation of theta oscillations supports encoding of spatial and behavioral information in the rat hippocampus. Neuron 75(5), pp. 889-903. (10.1016/j.neuron.2012.06.036)
- Dupret, D., O'Neill, J., Pleydell-Bouverie, B. and Csicsvari, J. 2010. The reorganization and reactivation of hippocampal maps predict spatial memory performance. Nature Neuroscience 13(8), pp. 995-1002. (10.1038/nn.2599)
- O'Neill, J., Pleydell-Bouverie, B., Dupret, D. and Csicsvari, J. 2010. Play it again: reactivation of waking experience and memory. Trends in Neurosciences 33(5), pp. 220-229. (10.1016/j.tins.2010.01.006)
- Senior, T. J., Huxter, J. R., Allen, K., O'Neill, J. and Csicsvari, J. 2008. Gamma oscillatory firing reveals distinct populations of pyramidal cells in the CA1 region of the hippocampus. Journal of Neuroscience 28(9), pp. 2274-2286. (10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4669-07.2008)
- O'Neill, J., Senior, T. J., Allen, K., Huxter, J. R. and Csicsvari, J. 2008. Reactivation of experience-dependent cell assembly patterns in the hippocampus. Nature Neuroscience 11(2), pp. 209-215. (10.1038/nn2037)
- Csicsvari, J., O'Neill, J., Allen, K. and Senior, T. 2007. Place-selective firing contributes to the reverse-order reactivation of CA1 pyramidal cells during sharp waves in open-field exploration. European Journal of Neuroscience 26(3), pp. 704-716. (10.1111/j.1460-9568.2007.05684.x)
- O'Neill, J., Senior, T. and Csicsvari, J. 2006. Place-selective firing of CA1 pyramidal cells during sharp wave/ripple network patterns in exploratory behavior. Neuron 49(1), pp. 143-155. (10.1016/j.neuron.2005.10.037)
- Klausberger, T. et al. 2005. Complementary roles of Cholecystokinin- and Parvalbumin-expressing GABAergic neurons in hippocampal network oscillations. Journal of Neuroscience 25(42), pp. 9782-9793. (10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3269-05.2005)
- Pandey, A. et al. 2023. Interdependence of primary and secondary somatosensory cortices for plasticity and texture discrimination learning. [Online]. BioXiv. (10.1101/2023.04.25.538217v1) Available at:
Pynciau ymchwil a phapurau cysylltiedig
Gan weithio yn y Labordy Niwrowyddoniaeth Ymddygiadol, mae ein hymchwil yn rhan o un o'i themâu craidd, sef deall sail niwral dysgu a chof. Ar hyn o bryd, mae ein gwaith yn canolbwyntio ar rôl y subiculum yn y cof gofodol, yn ogystal â sut mae gwybodaeth gyffyrddol yn cael ei hamgodio, ei storio a'i defnyddio mewn tasg.
Mapio cylchedau mnemonig subicular
Mae ffurfio cof am leoedd a digwyddiadau yn cynrychioli proses lefel systemau sy'n ymgysylltu â rhanbarthau ymennydd parahippocampal ac all-hippocampal lluosog, a gydlynir gan yr allbwn o ranbarth CA1 yr hippocampus a'r isicwlwm. Mewn cyferbyniad â chodio lleoedd ardal CA3 a CA1, mae'r cod subiculum yn dangos priodweddau gofodol amrywiol, gan ddarparu targedau i lawr yr afon gyda chymysgedd cymhleth o wybodaeth. Sut mae'r cod isgwlaidd hwn yn cynrychioli gwybodaeth mnemonig? Sut mae'n rhyngweithio â'r maes CA1 wrth ddysgu? Sut mae'r wybodaeth hon yn cael ei gyfeirio at weddill yr ymennydd yn ystod gwahanol gamau ffurfio'r cof? I ateb y cwestiynau hyn, rydym yn defnyddio recordiadau amlsianel mewn llygod mawr sy'n symud yn rhydd ynghyd ag optogeneteg a chemogeneteg.
Ailysgogiad / ailchwarae cydosod celloedd yn yr ardaloedd hippocampus a pharahippocampal
Mae corff cynyddol o dystiolaeth yn awgrymu bod cwsg yn chwarae rhan hanfodol wrth atgyfnerthu'r cof. Mae'r hippocampus yn cydlynu'r broses hon yn rhannol trwy ail-ysgogi neu ailchwarae olion cof, fel rhan o fecanwaith 'ymarfer' all-lein. Mae'r isicwlwm yn prosiectau i'r mwyafrif llethol o strwythurau targed hippocampal ac felly'n debygol o gyfleu olion cof wedi'u hailchwarae i ranbarthau parahippocamal a thu hwnt. Nod pwysig i'r grŵp yw nodi sut mae'r subiculum yn cefnogi cydgrynhoi a sut mae hyn yn cael ei gydlynu â'r CA1.
Llwybrau cortigol a mecanweithiau synaptig ar gyfer dysgu gwahaniaethu ar sail gwead mewn cnofilod
Mewn cydweithrediad â Kevin Fox a Rob Honey, ein nod yw cymhwyso technegau a all ddatrys gwybodaeth o lefel y synapse hyd at yr ymennydd cyfan i ddeall sail gorfforol dysgu a chof. Ein rhan o'r prosiect hwn yw darganfod sut mae dynameg rhwydwaith yn yr ymennydd yn is-warchod dysgu, cydgrynhoi a dwyn i gof mewn tasgau sy'n gofyn am gof am weadau i'w datrys. I wneud hyn, rydym yn defnyddio recordiadau aml-sianel (350 o chwiliedydd niwropixel sianel) i gofnodi gweithgarwch potensial uned sengl a maes lleol ar draws strwythurau ymennydd lluosog ar yr un pryd.
Ser Cymru II, Cymrodoriaeth sêr Rising (2018-2022) Mapio cylchedwaith mnemonig subicular
Grant ymchwil BBSRC, cyd-ymgeisydd (2020-2023) Llwybrau cortical a mecanweithiau synaptig ar gyfer dysgu gwahaniaethu ar sail gwead mewn cnofilod
Grŵp ymchwil
Aelodau'r Tîm:
Dr Jon Wilson (post-doc)
Dr Sungmin Kang (post-doc)
Harriet Hallum (Uwch Dechnegydd)
Cydweithredwyr ymchwil
Dr Andrew Nelson
Yr Athro John Aggleton
Yr Athro Seralynne Vann
Yr Athro Rob Honey
Yr Athro Kevin Fox
Addysg israddedig
Aberdeen, 1994-1998 BSc (Anrh) Niwrowyddoniaeth
Addysg ôl-raddedig
2002: MSc Niwrowyddoniaeth, Coleg Prifysgol Llundain, goruchwyliwr traethawd ymchwil Dr Francis Edwards
2003-2007: D.Phil., Coleg Wolfson, Prifysgol Rhydychen, Thesis: Ail-ysgogi patrymau tanio deffro yn ystod cwsg. Goruchwyliwr: Dr. Jozsef Csicsvari
2018, Cymrawd Ser Cymru II, Ysgol Seicoleg, Prifysgol Caerdydd
2011-2017 Ymchwil Ôl-ddoethurol, Sefydliad Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg (IST) Awstria
2009 - 2011 Gwyddonydd Ymchwilydd, Uned Niwroffarmacoleg anatomegol anatomegol MRC, Prifysgol Rhydychen
2008 – 2009: CNRS ymchwilydd ôl-ddoethurol, Institut des Maladies Neurodégénératives, Université Bordeaux Segalen, Ffrainc
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Diddordebau ymchwil ôl-raddedig
Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn gwneud cais am PhD, neu am ragor o wybodaeth am fy ymchwil ôl-raddedig, cysylltwch â mi'n uniongyrchol (manylion cyswllt ar gael ar y dudalen 'Trosolwg'), neu gyflwyno cais ffurfiol.