Rwy'n Gydymaith Ymchwil yn y Ganolfan Datblygu, Gwerthuso, Cymhlethdod a Gweithredu mewn Gwella Iechyd y Cyhoedd (DECIPHer), Canolfan Rhagoriaeth Iechyd Cyhoeddus UKCRC, sydd wedi'i lleoli ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd.
Mae gen i ddiddordeb arbennig mewn ymchwilio i iechyd a lles y boblogaeth drwy ddefnyddio methodolegau meintiol, gan gynnwys modelu ystadegol a GIS. Mae fy ngwaith cyhoeddedig diweddaraf yn cynnwys archwilio newid dros amser mewn ysmygu ieuenctid a defnyddio canabis, ymchwilio i effeithiau tymor byr cyflwyno rheoleiddio e-sigaréts ar anwedd ieuenctid, ac archwilio ffynonellau tuedd bosibl wrth gyfuno cysylltiad data arferol ac arolwg cenedlaethol o blant ysgolion uwchradd.
- Cosma, A. et al. 2025. Cross-national trends in adolescents psychological and somatic complaints before and after the onset of COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Adolescent Health 76(2), pp. 254-264. (10.1016/j.jadohealth.2024.09.028)
- Sischka, P. E., Martin, G., Residori, C., Hammami, N., Page, N., Schnohr, C. and Cosma, A. 2025. Cross-national validation of the WHO-5 Well-Being Index within adolescent populations: Findings from 43 countries. Assessment (10.1177/10731911241309452)
- Armitage, J. et al. 2025. Change over time in perceived schoolwork pressure and associations with emotional problems among 11-16-year-olds: a repeat cross-sectional study in Wales, UK. JCPP Advances
- Page, N. et al. 2024. Data Resource Profile: The School Health Research Network (SHRN) Student Health and Well-being (SHW) survey of 11-16-year-olds (2017-2023). International Journal of Epidemiology 53(6), article number: dyae161. (10.1093/ije/dyae161)
- Donaldson, C., Morgan, K., Page, N., Angel, L. and Moore, G. 2024. Mental health, bullying and school connectedness: a comparative analysis of school transition at age 11 from within the Welsh education system. British Educational Research Journal 50(3), pp. 1533-1555. (10.1002/berj.3985)
- Copeland, L. et al. 2024. School and community-based counselling services for children and young people aged 7-18 in the UK: a rapid review of effectiveness, implementation and acceptability. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research 24(2), pp. 419-458. (10.1002/capr.12688)
- Matthews, K., Heravi, S., Morgan, P., Page, N., Shepherd, J. and Sivarajasingam, V. 2024. Alcohol prices, the April effect, and the environment, in violence-related injury in England and Wales. European Journal of Health Economics 25(2), pp. 237-255. (10.1007/s10198-023-01583-w)
- Sivarajasingam, V., Shi, J., Guan, B., Page, N., Moore, S., Farnell, D. and Shepherd, J. 2024. Serious violence in England and Wales in 2023: An Accident & Emergency perspective. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Anthony, R. et al. 2023. Trends in adolescent emotional problems in Wales between 2013 and 2019: the contribution of peer relationships. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (10.1111/jcpp.13924)
- Moore, G. et al. 2023. Impacts of EU Tobacco Products Directive Regulations on young people’s use of e-cigarettes in Great Britain: a natural experimental evaluation. Public Health Research 11(5) (10.3310/WTMH3198)
- Page, N., Angel, L., Ogada, E., Young, H. and Murphy, S. 2023. Student Health and Wellbeing in Wales: Report of the 2021/22 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Survey and School Health Research Network Student Health and Wellbeing Survey. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:
- John, A. et al. 2023. Self-harm, in-person bullying and cyberbullying in secondary school-aged children: a data linkage study in Wales. Journal of Adolescence 95(1), pp. 97-114. (10.1002/jad.12102)
- Sivarajasingam, V., Guan, B., Page, N., Moore, S. and Shepherd, J. 2023. Serious violence in England and Wales in 2022: An Accident and Emergency perspective. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:
- Moodie, C., Page, N. and Moore, G. 2022. Prevalence of menthol and menthol capsule cigarette use among 11-16 year olds in Wales prior to a ban on characterising flavours in cigarettes: Findings from the 2019 Student Health and Wellbeing survey. Nicotine and Tobacco Research 24(8), pp. 1257-1263. (10.1093/ntr/ntac040)
- Sivarajasingam, V., Guan, B., Page, N., Moore, S. and Shepherd, J. 2022. Violence in England and Wales in 2021: an accident and emergency perspective. Project Report. Cardiff University.
- Hewitt, G. et al. 2022. Review of statutory school and community-based counselling services: Optimisation of services for children and young people aged 11 to 18 years and extension to younger primary school aged children. Project Report. [Online]. Welsh Government. Available at:
- Anthony, R., Moore, G., Page, N., Hewitt, G., Murphy, S. and Melendez-Torres, G. 2022. Measurement invariance of the short Warwick-Edinburgh mental wellbeing scale and latent mean differences (SWEMWBS) in young people by current care status. Quality of Life Research 31, pp. 205-213. (10.1007/s11136-021-02896-0)
- Page, N., Hallingberg, B., Brown, R., Lowthian, E., Hewitt, G., Murphy, S. and Moore, G. 2021. Change over time in adolescent smoking, cannabis use and their association: findings from the School Health Research Network in Wales. Journal of Public Health 43(4), pp. e620-e628. (10.1093/pubmed/fdaa174)
- Lowthian, E., Page, N., Melendez-Torres, G., Murphy, S., Hewitt, G. and Moore, G. 2021. Using latent class analysis to explore complex associations between socioeconomic status and adolescent health and wellbeing. Journal of Adolescent Health 69(5), pp. 774-781. (10.1016/j.jadohealth.2021.06.013)
- Sivarajasingam, V., Guan, B., Page, N., Moore, S. and Shepherd, J. 2021. Violence in England and Wales in 2020: an accident and emergency perspective. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Crime & Security Research Institute. Available at:
- Brown, R. et al. 2021. Implementation of e-cigarette regulation through the EU Tobacco Products Directive (2016) in Wales, Scotland and England from the perspectives of stakeholders involved in policy introduction and enforcement. Tobacco Prevention & Cessation 7, article number: 36. (10.18332/tpc/134370)
- Page, N., Hewitt, G., Young, H., Moore, G. and Murphy, S. 2021. Student health and wellbeing in Wales: Report of the 2019/20 School Health Research Network Student Health and Wellbeing Survey. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:
- Couturiaux, D., Young, H., Anthony, R., Page, N., Lowthian, E., Melendez, G. and Moore, G. 2021. Risk behaviours associated with dating and relationship violence among 11–16 year olds in Wales: results from the 2019 student health and wellbeing survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(3), article number: 1192. (10.3390/ijerph18031192)
- Higgs, G., Page, N. and Langford, M. 2021. Exploring the relationship between local volunteering opportunities and the propensity to volunteer using a nationally representative survey of adults in Wales. Journal of Civil Society 17(2), pp. 101-118. (10.1080/17448689.2021.1923903)
- Moore, G. et al. 2020. Young people’s use of e-cigarettes in Wales, England and Scotland before and after introduction of EU Tobacco Products Directive regulations: a mixed-method natural experimental evaluation. International Journal of Drug Policy 85, article number: 102795. (10.1016/j.drugpo.2020.102795)
- Morgan, K. et al. 2020. Sources of potential bias when combining routine data linkage and a national survey of secondary school-aged children: a record linkage study. BMC Medical Research Methodology 20, article number: 178. (10.1186/s12874-020-01064-1)
- Page, N., Langford, M. and Higgs, G. 2020. Exploring spatiotemporal variations in public library provision following a prolonged period of economic austerity: A GIS approach. Area 52(2), pp. 342-353. (10.1111/area.12575)
- Sivarajasingam, V., Guan, B., Page, N., Peel, E., Moore, S. and Shepherd, J. 2020. Violence in England and Wales in 2019. An accident and emergency perspective. Project Report. Cardiff: Crime & Security Research Institute.
- Higgs, G., Langford, M., Jarvis, P., Page, N., Richards, J. and Fry, R. 2019. Using Geographic Information Systems to investigate variations in accessibility to ‘extended hours’ primary healthcare provision. Health and Social Care in the Community 27(4), pp. 1074-1084. (10.1111/hsc.12724)
- Page, N., Langford, M. and Higgs, G. 2019. Measuring spatial accessibility to services within indices of multiple deprivation: Implications of applying an enhanced two-step floating catchment area (E2SFCA) approach. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy 12(2), pp. 321–348. (10.1007/s12061-017-9246-2)
- Sivarajasingam, V., Page, N., Green, G., Moore, S. and Shepherd, J. 2019. Violence in England and Wales in 2018. An accident and emergency perspective.. Cardiff: Crime and Security Research Institute, Cardiff University.
- Page, N., Higgs, G. and Langford, M. 2018. An exploratory analysis of spatial variations in organ donation registration rates in Wales prior to the implementation of the Human Transplantation (Wales) Act 2013. Health and Place 52, pp. 18--24. (10.1016/j.healthplace.2018.05.002)
- Page, N., Langford, M. and Higgs, G. 2018. An evaluation of alternative measures of accessibility for investigating potential ‘deprivation amplification’ in service provision. Applied Geography 95, pp. 19--33. (10.1016/j.apgeog.2018.04.003)
- Page, N., Sivarajasingam, V., Jones, S. and Shepherd, J. 2018. Links between deprivation and risk of violence-related injury: a qualitative study to identify potential causal mechanisms. Journal of Public Health 40(2), pp. e59-e65. (10.1093/pubmed/fdx073)
- Sivarajasingam, V., Farnell, D., Page, N., Moore, S. and Shepherd, J. 2018. Violence in England and Wales in 2017: An Accident and Emergency perspective. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:
- Page, N., Sivarajasingam, V., Matthews, K., Heravi, S., Morgan, P. and Shepherd, J. 2017. Preventing violence-related injuries in England and Wales: A panel study examining the impact of on-trade and off-trade alcohol prices. Injury Prevention 23(1), pp. 33-39. (10.1136/injuryprev-2015-041884)
- Sivarajasingam, V., Page, N., Wells, J., Morgan, P., Matthews, K., Moore, S. and Shepherd, J. 2015. Trends in violence in England and Wales 2010-2014. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 70(6), pp. 616-621. (10.1136/jech-2015-206598)
- Shepherd, J. P. and Page, N. 2015. The economic downturn probably reduced violence far more than licensing restrictions. Addiction 110(10), pp. 1583-1584. (10.1111/add.13023)
- Page, N. 2015. Investigating trends and determinants of violence-related injury in England and Wales. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Sivarajasingam, V., Page, N., Morgan, P. H., Matthews, K. G. P., Moore, S. C. and Shepherd, J. P. 2014. Trends in community violence in England and Wales 2005-2009. Injury 45(3), pp. 592-598. (10.1016/j.injury.2013.06.020)
- Sivarajasingam, V., Page, N., Morgan, P. H., Matthews, K., Moore, S. C. and Shepherd, J. P. 2013. OP44 trends in community violence in England and Wales 2005-2009. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 67(Suppl), pp. A22-A23. (10.1136/jech-2013-203126.44)
- Cosma, A. et al. 2025. Cross-national trends in adolescents psychological and somatic complaints before and after the onset of COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Adolescent Health 76(2), pp. 254-264. (10.1016/j.jadohealth.2024.09.028)
- Sischka, P. E., Martin, G., Residori, C., Hammami, N., Page, N., Schnohr, C. and Cosma, A. 2025. Cross-national validation of the WHO-5 Well-Being Index within adolescent populations: Findings from 43 countries. Assessment (10.1177/10731911241309452)
- Armitage, J. et al. 2025. Change over time in perceived schoolwork pressure and associations with emotional problems among 11-16-year-olds: a repeat cross-sectional study in Wales, UK. JCPP Advances
- Page, N. et al. 2024. Data Resource Profile: The School Health Research Network (SHRN) Student Health and Well-being (SHW) survey of 11-16-year-olds (2017-2023). International Journal of Epidemiology 53(6), article number: dyae161. (10.1093/ije/dyae161)
- Donaldson, C., Morgan, K., Page, N., Angel, L. and Moore, G. 2024. Mental health, bullying and school connectedness: a comparative analysis of school transition at age 11 from within the Welsh education system. British Educational Research Journal 50(3), pp. 1533-1555. (10.1002/berj.3985)
- Copeland, L. et al. 2024. School and community-based counselling services for children and young people aged 7-18 in the UK: a rapid review of effectiveness, implementation and acceptability. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research 24(2), pp. 419-458. (10.1002/capr.12688)
- Matthews, K., Heravi, S., Morgan, P., Page, N., Shepherd, J. and Sivarajasingam, V. 2024. Alcohol prices, the April effect, and the environment, in violence-related injury in England and Wales. European Journal of Health Economics 25(2), pp. 237-255. (10.1007/s10198-023-01583-w)
- Anthony, R. et al. 2023. Trends in adolescent emotional problems in Wales between 2013 and 2019: the contribution of peer relationships. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (10.1111/jcpp.13924)
- Moore, G. et al. 2023. Impacts of EU Tobacco Products Directive Regulations on young people’s use of e-cigarettes in Great Britain: a natural experimental evaluation. Public Health Research 11(5) (10.3310/WTMH3198)
- John, A. et al. 2023. Self-harm, in-person bullying and cyberbullying in secondary school-aged children: a data linkage study in Wales. Journal of Adolescence 95(1), pp. 97-114. (10.1002/jad.12102)
- Moodie, C., Page, N. and Moore, G. 2022. Prevalence of menthol and menthol capsule cigarette use among 11-16 year olds in Wales prior to a ban on characterising flavours in cigarettes: Findings from the 2019 Student Health and Wellbeing survey. Nicotine and Tobacco Research 24(8), pp. 1257-1263. (10.1093/ntr/ntac040)
- Anthony, R., Moore, G., Page, N., Hewitt, G., Murphy, S. and Melendez-Torres, G. 2022. Measurement invariance of the short Warwick-Edinburgh mental wellbeing scale and latent mean differences (SWEMWBS) in young people by current care status. Quality of Life Research 31, pp. 205-213. (10.1007/s11136-021-02896-0)
- Page, N., Hallingberg, B., Brown, R., Lowthian, E., Hewitt, G., Murphy, S. and Moore, G. 2021. Change over time in adolescent smoking, cannabis use and their association: findings from the School Health Research Network in Wales. Journal of Public Health 43(4), pp. e620-e628. (10.1093/pubmed/fdaa174)
- Lowthian, E., Page, N., Melendez-Torres, G., Murphy, S., Hewitt, G. and Moore, G. 2021. Using latent class analysis to explore complex associations between socioeconomic status and adolescent health and wellbeing. Journal of Adolescent Health 69(5), pp. 774-781. (10.1016/j.jadohealth.2021.06.013)
- Brown, R. et al. 2021. Implementation of e-cigarette regulation through the EU Tobacco Products Directive (2016) in Wales, Scotland and England from the perspectives of stakeholders involved in policy introduction and enforcement. Tobacco Prevention & Cessation 7, article number: 36. (10.18332/tpc/134370)
- Couturiaux, D., Young, H., Anthony, R., Page, N., Lowthian, E., Melendez, G. and Moore, G. 2021. Risk behaviours associated with dating and relationship violence among 11–16 year olds in Wales: results from the 2019 student health and wellbeing survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(3), article number: 1192. (10.3390/ijerph18031192)
- Higgs, G., Page, N. and Langford, M. 2021. Exploring the relationship between local volunteering opportunities and the propensity to volunteer using a nationally representative survey of adults in Wales. Journal of Civil Society 17(2), pp. 101-118. (10.1080/17448689.2021.1923903)
- Moore, G. et al. 2020. Young people’s use of e-cigarettes in Wales, England and Scotland before and after introduction of EU Tobacco Products Directive regulations: a mixed-method natural experimental evaluation. International Journal of Drug Policy 85, article number: 102795. (10.1016/j.drugpo.2020.102795)
- Morgan, K. et al. 2020. Sources of potential bias when combining routine data linkage and a national survey of secondary school-aged children: a record linkage study. BMC Medical Research Methodology 20, article number: 178. (10.1186/s12874-020-01064-1)
- Page, N., Langford, M. and Higgs, G. 2020. Exploring spatiotemporal variations in public library provision following a prolonged period of economic austerity: A GIS approach. Area 52(2), pp. 342-353. (10.1111/area.12575)
- Higgs, G., Langford, M., Jarvis, P., Page, N., Richards, J. and Fry, R. 2019. Using Geographic Information Systems to investigate variations in accessibility to ‘extended hours’ primary healthcare provision. Health and Social Care in the Community 27(4), pp. 1074-1084. (10.1111/hsc.12724)
- Page, N., Langford, M. and Higgs, G. 2019. Measuring spatial accessibility to services within indices of multiple deprivation: Implications of applying an enhanced two-step floating catchment area (E2SFCA) approach. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy 12(2), pp. 321–348. (10.1007/s12061-017-9246-2)
- Page, N., Higgs, G. and Langford, M. 2018. An exploratory analysis of spatial variations in organ donation registration rates in Wales prior to the implementation of the Human Transplantation (Wales) Act 2013. Health and Place 52, pp. 18--24. (10.1016/j.healthplace.2018.05.002)
- Page, N., Langford, M. and Higgs, G. 2018. An evaluation of alternative measures of accessibility for investigating potential ‘deprivation amplification’ in service provision. Applied Geography 95, pp. 19--33. (10.1016/j.apgeog.2018.04.003)
- Page, N., Sivarajasingam, V., Jones, S. and Shepherd, J. 2018. Links between deprivation and risk of violence-related injury: a qualitative study to identify potential causal mechanisms. Journal of Public Health 40(2), pp. e59-e65. (10.1093/pubmed/fdx073)
- Page, N., Sivarajasingam, V., Matthews, K., Heravi, S., Morgan, P. and Shepherd, J. 2017. Preventing violence-related injuries in England and Wales: A panel study examining the impact of on-trade and off-trade alcohol prices. Injury Prevention 23(1), pp. 33-39. (10.1136/injuryprev-2015-041884)
- Sivarajasingam, V., Page, N., Wells, J., Morgan, P., Matthews, K., Moore, S. and Shepherd, J. 2015. Trends in violence in England and Wales 2010-2014. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 70(6), pp. 616-621. (10.1136/jech-2015-206598)
- Shepherd, J. P. and Page, N. 2015. The economic downturn probably reduced violence far more than licensing restrictions. Addiction 110(10), pp. 1583-1584. (10.1111/add.13023)
- Sivarajasingam, V., Page, N., Morgan, P. H., Matthews, K. G. P., Moore, S. C. and Shepherd, J. P. 2014. Trends in community violence in England and Wales 2005-2009. Injury 45(3), pp. 592-598. (10.1016/j.injury.2013.06.020)
- Sivarajasingam, V., Page, N., Morgan, P. H., Matthews, K., Moore, S. C. and Shepherd, J. P. 2013. OP44 trends in community violence in England and Wales 2005-2009. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 67(Suppl), pp. A22-A23. (10.1136/jech-2013-203126.44)
- Page, N. 2015. Investigating trends and determinants of violence-related injury in England and Wales. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Sivarajasingam, V., Shi, J., Guan, B., Page, N., Moore, S., Farnell, D. and Shepherd, J. 2024. Serious violence in England and Wales in 2023: An Accident & Emergency perspective. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Page, N., Angel, L., Ogada, E., Young, H. and Murphy, S. 2023. Student Health and Wellbeing in Wales: Report of the 2021/22 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Survey and School Health Research Network Student Health and Wellbeing Survey. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:
- Sivarajasingam, V., Guan, B., Page, N., Moore, S. and Shepherd, J. 2023. Serious violence in England and Wales in 2022: An Accident and Emergency perspective. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:
- Sivarajasingam, V., Guan, B., Page, N., Moore, S. and Shepherd, J. 2022. Violence in England and Wales in 2021: an accident and emergency perspective. Project Report. Cardiff University.
- Hewitt, G. et al. 2022. Review of statutory school and community-based counselling services: Optimisation of services for children and young people aged 11 to 18 years and extension to younger primary school aged children. Project Report. [Online]. Welsh Government. Available at:
- Sivarajasingam, V., Guan, B., Page, N., Moore, S. and Shepherd, J. 2021. Violence in England and Wales in 2020: an accident and emergency perspective. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Crime & Security Research Institute. Available at:
- Page, N., Hewitt, G., Young, H., Moore, G. and Murphy, S. 2021. Student health and wellbeing in Wales: Report of the 2019/20 School Health Research Network Student Health and Wellbeing Survey. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:
- Sivarajasingam, V., Guan, B., Page, N., Peel, E., Moore, S. and Shepherd, J. 2020. Violence in England and Wales in 2019. An accident and emergency perspective. Project Report. Cardiff: Crime & Security Research Institute.
- Sivarajasingam, V., Page, N., Green, G., Moore, S. and Shepherd, J. 2019. Violence in England and Wales in 2018. An accident and emergency perspective.. Cardiff: Crime and Security Research Institute, Cardiff University.
- Sivarajasingam, V., Farnell, D., Page, N., Moore, S. and Shepherd, J. 2018. Violence in England and Wales in 2017: An Accident and Emergency perspective. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:
- Quantitative methods
- Natural experiments
- Adolescent health and wellbeing
- Violence trends
- Arbrofion o ran gwybod (Israddedig, SOCSI), darlithydd
- Gwerthuso: Datblygu a gwerthuso ymyriadau mewn systemau cymdeithasol cymhleth (Ôl-raddedig, SOCSI), darlithydd
- Gwella iechyd (Ôl-raddedig, Ysgol Meddygaeth), cynullydd modiwlau
- Datblygu a gwerthuso ymyriadau iechyd cyhoeddus cymhleth (cwrs byr DECIPHer), darlithydd
Rwyf wedi goruchwylio traethodau hir ôl-raddedig yn yr Ysgol Feddygaeth.
- 2015: PhD Iechyd y Cyhoedd, Ysgol Deintyddiaeth, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2011: MSc Troseddeg a Chyfiawnder Troseddol, Prifysgol Morgannwg (Prifysgol De Cymru bellach), Rhagoriaeth
- 2010: BSc (Anrh) Troseddeg a Chyfiawnder Troseddol, Prifysgol Morgannwg, 2:1
- 2019-presennol: Cydymaith Ymchwil, DECIPHer, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2016-2018: Uwch Gynorthwyydd Ymchwil, WISERD, Prifysgol De Cymru
- 2015: Cydymaith Ymchwil, Grŵp Ymchwil Trais Prifysgol Caerdydd
Contact Details
+44 29225 11069
sbarc|spark, Ystafell 03.14, Heol Maendy, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF24 4HQ