Rwyf wedi fy lleoli yn rhannol yn yr Ysgol Peirianneg ac yn rhannol yn CEDAR (Canolfan Gwerthuso Gofal Iechyd, Asesu Dyfeisiau ac Ymchwil), yn Ysbyty Athrofaol Cymru.
Mae gen i ddiddordeb yn bennaf mewn gwerthuso a mabwysiadu technolegau meddygol (anfferyllol) priodol. Drwy hyn, rwy'n golygu technolegau y gellir dangos bod ganddynt werth mesuradwy mewn gofal iechyd yn y byd go iawn ac nid yn yr amgylcheddau labordy neu dreial yn unig. Mae hyn yn cwmpasu asesu technoleg iechyd (HTA), economeg iechyd, a materion pragmatig o weithredu'r technolegau hyn. Mae hyn yn berthnasol p'un a yw'r dechnoleg wedi'i bwriadu ar gyfer GIG y DU neu amgylcheddau adnoddau isel.
Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil yn cynnwys:
- Dyfeisiau meddygol a thechnolegau diagnostig
- Treialon clinigol a gwerthusiadau gwasanaeth
- Dadansoddiad a modelu economaidd iechyd
- Adolygiadau tystiolaeth ac ymchwil ansoddol
- Mabwysiadu technoleg mewn gofal iechyd
- Mesuriadau a dadansoddiad ffisiolegol
- Monitro / teleiechyd o bell
- Technolegau iechyd byd-eang
- Twose, P., Peirce, S., Maisey, J., Jones, L. and Nunn, J. 2024. Ventilator-tube holder for mobilising patients with a tracheostomy: A pilot usability study (TrachVest). Australian Critical Care (10.1016/j.aucc.2024.05.014)
- Ryczek, E., Peirce, S. C., Knight, L., Cleves, A., Champion, A., Doull, I. and Lewis, S. 2022. A case study on reviewing specialist services commissioning in Wales: TAVI for Severe Aortic Stenosis. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy 20(4), pp. 487-499. (10.1007/s40258-021-00692-y)
- Knight, L., Peirce, S. and Morris, R. 2021. The PLASMA system for transurethral resection of the prostate: a NICE medical technologies guidance update. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy 19, pp. 665-672. (10.1007/s40258-021-00651-7)
- Peirce, S. C. and Carolan-Rees, G. 2019. ReCell® spray-on skin system for treating skin loss, scarring and depigmentation after burn injury: a NICE medical technology guidance. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy 17(2), pp. 131-141. (10.1007/s40258-018-00457-0)
- Peirce, S. C., Faulkner, A., Ulucanlar, S. and Elwyn, G. 2015. Technology identities explain under- and non-adoption of community-based point-of-care tests in the UK NHS. Health Policy and Technology 4(1), pp. 68-77. (10.1016/j.hlpt.2014.10.014)
- Dale, M., Cleves, A., Peirce, S. C. and Carolan-Rees, G. 2014. The PressureWire fractional flow reserve measurement system for coronary artery disease [Briefing]. UK: National Institute of Health and Care Excellence. Available at:
- Dale, M., Morgan, H. E., Peirce, S., Cleves, A. and Carolan-Rees, G. 2014. NICE Medical Technologies Guidance [MTG24]: Sherlock 3CG Tip Confirmation System for placement of peripherally inserted central catheters, External Assessment Centre report. Project Report. [Online]. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Available at:
- Ulucanlar, S., Faulkner, A., Peirce, S. C. and Elwyn, G. 2013. Technology identity: The role of sociotechnical representations in the adoption of medical devices. Social Science & Medicine 98, pp. 95-105. (10.1016/j.socscimed.2013.09.008)
- Peirce, S. C., Ray, A. and Carolan-Rees, G. 2013. Diagnostic reliability of sterile speculum exam for rupture of membranes [Letter]. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 92(9), pp. 1116-1117. (10.1111/aogs.12177)
- Elwyn, G. et al. 2012. Detecting deterioration in patients with chronic disease using telemonitoring: navigating the 'trough of disillusionment'. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18(4), pp. 896-903. (10.1111/j.1365-2753.2011.01701.x)
- Tomlin, Z., Peirce, S., Elwyn, G. and Faulkner, A. 2012. The adoption space of early-emerging technologies: evaluation, innovation, gatekeeping (PATH). Final report. NIHR Service Delivery and Organisation programme. Project Report. Southampton: National Institute of Health Research.
- Bolton, C. E., Waters, C. S., Peirce, S. C. and Elwyn, G. 2011. Insufficient evidence of benefit: a systematic review of home telemonitoring for COPD. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17(6), pp. 1216-1222. (10.1111/j.1365-2753.2010.01536.x)
- Peirce, S. C., Hardisty, A., Preece, A. D. and Elwyn, G. 2011. Designing and implementing telemonitoring for early detection of deterioration in chronic disease: defining the requirements. Health informatics journal 17(3), pp. 173-190. (10.1177/1460458211409717)
- Hardisty, A. et al. 2011. Bridging two translation gaps: a new informatics research agenda for telemonitoring of chronic disease. International Journal of Medical Informatics 80(10), pp. 734-744. (10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2011.07.002)
- Crawford, D. C., Peirce, S. C. and Champken-Woods, N. 2005. Establishing an infant warming and phototherapy procurement framework. Journal of Neonatal Nursing 11(3), pp. 96-101. (10.1016/j.jnn.2005.06.002)
- Peirce, S. C., Panerai, R. B. and Potter, J. F. 2001. An investigation into the variability of stroke volume using non-invasive measurements. Computers in Cardiology 28, pp. 213-216. (10.1109/CIC.2001.977629)
- Wright, A. L., Hart, G. C. and Peirce, S. C. 1998. Clothing protection factor of a replica England football shirt. The Lancet 351(9117), pp. 1706. (10.1016/S0140-6736(05)77745-X)
- Twose, P., Peirce, S., Maisey, J., Jones, L. and Nunn, J. 2024. Ventilator-tube holder for mobilising patients with a tracheostomy: A pilot usability study (TrachVest). Australian Critical Care (10.1016/j.aucc.2024.05.014)
- Ryczek, E., Peirce, S. C., Knight, L., Cleves, A., Champion, A., Doull, I. and Lewis, S. 2022. A case study on reviewing specialist services commissioning in Wales: TAVI for Severe Aortic Stenosis. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy 20(4), pp. 487-499. (10.1007/s40258-021-00692-y)
- Knight, L., Peirce, S. and Morris, R. 2021. The PLASMA system for transurethral resection of the prostate: a NICE medical technologies guidance update. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy 19, pp. 665-672. (10.1007/s40258-021-00651-7)
- Peirce, S. C. and Carolan-Rees, G. 2019. ReCell® spray-on skin system for treating skin loss, scarring and depigmentation after burn injury: a NICE medical technology guidance. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy 17(2), pp. 131-141. (10.1007/s40258-018-00457-0)
- Peirce, S. C., Faulkner, A., Ulucanlar, S. and Elwyn, G. 2015. Technology identities explain under- and non-adoption of community-based point-of-care tests in the UK NHS. Health Policy and Technology 4(1), pp. 68-77. (10.1016/j.hlpt.2014.10.014)
- Ulucanlar, S., Faulkner, A., Peirce, S. C. and Elwyn, G. 2013. Technology identity: The role of sociotechnical representations in the adoption of medical devices. Social Science & Medicine 98, pp. 95-105. (10.1016/j.socscimed.2013.09.008)
- Peirce, S. C., Ray, A. and Carolan-Rees, G. 2013. Diagnostic reliability of sterile speculum exam for rupture of membranes [Letter]. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 92(9), pp. 1116-1117. (10.1111/aogs.12177)
- Elwyn, G. et al. 2012. Detecting deterioration in patients with chronic disease using telemonitoring: navigating the 'trough of disillusionment'. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18(4), pp. 896-903. (10.1111/j.1365-2753.2011.01701.x)
- Bolton, C. E., Waters, C. S., Peirce, S. C. and Elwyn, G. 2011. Insufficient evidence of benefit: a systematic review of home telemonitoring for COPD. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17(6), pp. 1216-1222. (10.1111/j.1365-2753.2010.01536.x)
- Peirce, S. C., Hardisty, A., Preece, A. D. and Elwyn, G. 2011. Designing and implementing telemonitoring for early detection of deterioration in chronic disease: defining the requirements. Health informatics journal 17(3), pp. 173-190. (10.1177/1460458211409717)
- Hardisty, A. et al. 2011. Bridging two translation gaps: a new informatics research agenda for telemonitoring of chronic disease. International Journal of Medical Informatics 80(10), pp. 734-744. (10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2011.07.002)
- Crawford, D. C., Peirce, S. C. and Champken-Woods, N. 2005. Establishing an infant warming and phototherapy procurement framework. Journal of Neonatal Nursing 11(3), pp. 96-101. (10.1016/j.jnn.2005.06.002)
- Peirce, S. C., Panerai, R. B. and Potter, J. F. 2001. An investigation into the variability of stroke volume using non-invasive measurements. Computers in Cardiology 28, pp. 213-216. (10.1109/CIC.2001.977629)
- Wright, A. L., Hart, G. C. and Peirce, S. C. 1998. Clothing protection factor of a replica England football shirt. The Lancet 351(9117), pp. 1706. (10.1016/S0140-6736(05)77745-X)
- Dale, M., Cleves, A., Peirce, S. C. and Carolan-Rees, G. 2014. The PressureWire fractional flow reserve measurement system for coronary artery disease [Briefing]. UK: National Institute of Health and Care Excellence. Available at:
- Dale, M., Morgan, H. E., Peirce, S., Cleves, A. and Carolan-Rees, G. 2014. NICE Medical Technologies Guidance [MTG24]: Sherlock 3CG Tip Confirmation System for placement of peripherally inserted central catheters, External Assessment Centre report. Project Report. [Online]. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Available at:
- Tomlin, Z., Peirce, S., Elwyn, G. and Faulkner, A. 2012. The adoption space of early-emerging technologies: evaluation, innovation, gatekeeping (PATH). Final report. NIHR Service Delivery and Organisation programme. Project Report. Southampton: National Institute of Health Research.
- Elwyn, G. et al. 2012. Detecting deterioration in patients with chronic disease using telemonitoring: navigating the 'trough of disillusionment'. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18(4), pp. 896-903. (10.1111/j.1365-2753.2011.01701.x)
Teitl | Pobl | yn Noddi | Hyd Gwerth |
Myfyrwyr dan oruchwyliaeth
Gradd | Statws | Myfyriwr | Teitl
Rwy'n cyfrannu at y rhaglen radd Peirianneg Feddygol. Rwy'n rheoli ac yn addysgu Gwerthuso Dyfeisiau Meddygol (3edd flwyddyn), a hefyd yn addysgu ar Beirianneg Glinigol 1 (3edd flwyddyn).
Graddiodd Dr Susan Peirce gyda BSc mewn Ffiseg (Keele, 1992) ac yna cwblhaodd MSc trosiad mewn Cyfrifiadura (Swydd Stafford) cyn penderfynu ar ffiseg feddygol fel llwybr gyrfa. Roedd hyfforddiant ar gyfer hyn yn cynnwys MSc mewn Peirianneg Glinigol a Ffiseg Feddygol (Sheffield) a hyfforddiant proffesiynol yn y Royal Free NHS Trust. Defnyddiodd ei PhD fesuriadau ffisiolegol anfewnwthiol er mwyn ymchwilio i rôl ymwrthedd fasgwlaidd wrth reoli pwysedd gwaed yn y tymor byr ac ymgorffori mesurau o gyfaint strôc a sensitifrwydd baroreceptor (Caerlŷr, 2006). Cyn hynny, bu'n ymchwilydd yn Ysgol Meddygaeth Prifysgol Caerdydd lle bu'n ymwneud â phrosiectau yn edrych ar ddylunio a defnyddio monitro o bell mewn cyflyrau cronig (teleiechyd, EPSRC/MRC-funded ) ac yn y prosesau gwneud penderfyniadau sy'n digwydd yn y GIG wrth ystyried mabwysiadu dyfeisiau meddygol arloesol (prosiect PATH, a ariennir gan NIHR).
Mae hi wedi bod yn rhan o CEDAR (Canolfan Gwerthuso Gofal Iechyd, Asesu Dyfeisiau ac Ymchwil) ers 2012. Mae'r uned hon yn gydweithrediad rhwng Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Caerdydd a'r Fro a'r Ysgol Peirianneg. Ariennir CEDAR yn rhannol gan y Sefydliad Cenedlaethol dros Ragoriaeth mewn Iechyd a Gofal (NICE) yn bennaf i ddarparu arbenigedd adolygu gwyddonol annibynnol i'w Rhaglen Gwerthuso Technolegau Meddygol (MTEP). Gan ennyn eraill, mae CEDAR yn gweithio gyda Llywodraeth Cymru, Technoleg Iechyd Cymru, Pwyllgor Gwasanaethau Iechyd Arbenigol Cymru, a gyda chwmnïau technoleg feddygol.