Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Sarah Perkins

Dr Sarah Perkins



Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Ysgol y Biowyddorau


My current research focusses on:

  • The role of individuals in disease persistence and invasion
  • Social networks and infectious disease dynamics
  • Interactions between macrobiota (helminths) and microbiota (bacteria)
  • Wildlife diseases
  • Citizen science

For more details of my research see Cardiff Research into Infection and Parasites in Ecological Systems (CRIPES) and Project Splatter.
























Book sections


For full details of my research and those working in the group please see www.cripescardiff.ac.uk

I use a combination of field and laboratory experiments to determine the role of variation in infectious diseases.

What is the role of individuals in disease persistence and invasion?

Individuals within a population are not equal; they differ in their exposure and susceptibility to parasites. These heterogeneities in infection status can create "super-spreaders": hosts that have a disproportionately high contribution to the number of infective stages (often, 20% of the host population can account for at least 80% of pathogen and parasite transmission). Using parasites of small mammals and lab-insect systems I determine whether the most infected are also the most connected. Using these data I investigate the effect of co-infection, contact rates and infection load on super-spreading.

How do social networks alter disease dynamics?

Contacts between individuals are not equal – social network theory offers methods for visualizing and quantifying variation in contacts. I use social network analyses to determine the role of individuals in disease transmission and assess how epizootics and disease treatment can alter the contact structure of populations.

How do parasites interact?

Parasites within an individual do not function in isolation. I use wild rodents as a model system to study interactions between the macrobiota (helminths) and microbiota (bacteria). This work is carried out in collaboration with the Fondazione Edmund Mach as part of an 'incoming research team' grant.

Citizen Science

Our group runs a citizen science project to collate wildlife kill – 'Project Splatter'.  Members of the public send us the location of UK wildlife roadkill – birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles. We use GIS (Geographic Information Systems) to map where the roadkill is across the UK examining for hotspots. Our data are open access and we report results the public on Twitter (@ProjectSplatter) and Facebook. Please see our website for more information http://projectsplatter.wordpress.com/about/


CRIPES - Every 2 weeks we run an informal discussion group called CRIPES (Cardiff Research onInfection and Parasites in Ecological Systems). If you would like to join this group, please email me –perkinss@cardiff.ac.uk.


My current research is funded by:

  • Natural Environment Research Council
  • KESS
  • Welsh Government


Rwy'n dysgu ar y modiwlau canlynol:

  • BI2131 - Amrywiaeth ac Addasu Anifeiliaid (arweinydd modiwl)
  • BI3155 - Bioleg Heintiau ac Epidemioleg
  • BI4002 - Dulliau Ymchwil Uwch
  • BI4003 - Ffiniau yn y Biowyddorau
  • BI2136 - Ecoleg a Chadwraeth (Cwrs Maes Bioleg Môr, Tobago)
  • BIT055 - Cwrs Maes MSc (Cwrs Maes Bioleg Môr, Tobago)
  • BIT056 - Cyfathrebu Gwyddoniaeth
  • BI3001 - Prosiect Blwyddyn Derfynol Biowyddorau
  • Ymarferol Wythnos (Ecoleg)


I studied Environmental Science at Plymouth University after which I worked for the UK Wildlife Trusts as a Conservation Officer. I started my research career several years later with a NERC Fellowship at Aberdeen University studying for a MSc Ecology. After this, I completed my PhD at Stirling University with Prof. Peter Hudson, studying the ecological dynamics of disease with a NERC Fellowship based at the Centro di Ecologia Alpina in the Italian Alps. My post-doc took me to the Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics (CIDD) at Penn State University. I returned to the UK in 2009 to start a Marie Curie Fellowship at Cardiff University, after completion of which I became a Lecturer at Cardiff University.

Meysydd goruchwyliaeth

Myfyrwyr ôl-raddedig

Grŵp labordy cyfredol

  • Carla Cosgrove - Delweddau lloeren fel system rhybudd cynnar ar gyfer gorlifo milheintiol. Efrydiaeth a ariennir gan OneZoo UKRI DTP 2024-2027. PhD ar y cyd gyda Dr. Oktay Karakus, Gwyddorau Cyfrifiadurol, Prifysgol Caerdydd.
  • Nia-Joelle Weinzweig - Newidiadau macro-microbiota mewn rhywogaethau sydd wedi'u hailgyflwyno. Efrydiaeth a ariennir gan OneZoo UKRI DTP 2023-2026. PhD a ariennir gan CASE, gyda chefnogaeth y Fondazione Edmund Mach, yr Eidal.
  • Chessie Mason - Siarcod Sentinel: halogi anthropogenig mewn siarcod a'u cymuned parasitig. Efrydiaeth CDT ECORISC NERC gyda Cefas 2023 - 2027.
  • Agnethe Olsen  - Pontio ecoleg a thechnoleg: Defnyddio AI i olrhain iechyd pysgod. NERC GW4 + efrydiaeth 2020-2024
  • Ayman Asiri - 'arogl heintiau' - canfod clefydau heintus a phennu mecanweithiau sy'n sail i ledaeniad clefydau, 2021-2025
  • Sarah Morgan - Ecoleg Clefydau a Chyfathrebu Gwyddoniaeth rhan-amser, 2019-2025

Darpar fyfyrwyr

Cysylltwch â mi os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn cyfleoedd i raddedigion neu brofiad ymchwil a maes. O bryd i'w gilydd mae gen i arian ar gyfer myfyrwyr haf a phrosiectau ymchwil tymor byr.

Myfyrwyr graddedig

  • Sarah Raymond (PhD) - Cadw cynefinoedd yn gysylltiedig: A yw lliniaru bywyd gwyllt yn gweithio? Ysgoloriaeth NERC GW4+, 2020-2024 (sydd bellach yn ôl-ddoethurol ym Mhrifysgol Rhydychen).
  • Neil Cook (PhD) - Technolegau newydd ar gyfer asesiadau bioamrywiaeth cyflym o unigolion, poblogaethau ac ecosytemau. Ysgoloriaeth a ariennir gan KESS 2019-2024 (bellach yn gweithio gydag Ymddiriedolaeth Widlife).
  • Rhodri Phillips (MPhil) - Cysylltedd cynefin. MPhil a ariennir gan KESS (bellach yn gweithio gyda'r BTO).
  • Kath Whittey (PhD) - Ecoleg Estynedig Goby y Trwyn Siarc, 2018-2022 (sydd bellach yn ôl-ddoethuriaeth ym Mhrifysgol Bangor)
  • Sophie-Lee Lane (PhD) – Ailgyflwyno Eryr i Gymru. Ariannwyd KESS, 2017-2020 (sydd bellach yn arwain Eagle Reintroduction Wales, a ariennir gan Durrel Conservation).
  • Sophie Watson (PhD) - Rhyngweithiadau microbiota-macrobiota ym mywyd gwyllt yr Arctig. Ariannwyd NERC, 2016-2020 (darlithydd ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd erbyn hyn).
  • Katie Dunkley (PhD) - Rhyngweithio glanach â chleientiaid yn y Caribî. NERC yn cael ei ariannu. 2016-2019 (sydd bellach yn Gymrawd ym Mhrifysgol Caergrawnt).
  • Amy Schwartz (PhD) - Effaith ffyrdd ar widlife y DU. Ariannwyd KESS, 2016-2019 (bellach Uwch Ecolegydd yn Ecoleg Coed Gwyllt).
  • Emma Gillingham (PhD) – Newid yn yr hinsawdd a pharasitiaeth (yn UKHSA, bellach).
  • Emily Pascoe (PhD) – Rhyngweithiadau macro-microbiome (sydd bellach yn ôl-ddoethurol yn UC Davis, UDA).


Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol

Sarah Raymond

Sarah Raymond

Ymchwilydd PhD

Contact Details

Email PerkinsS@caerdydd.ac.uk
Telephone +44 29208 70490
Campuses Adeilad Syr Martin Evans, Rhodfa'r Amgueddfa, Caerdydd, CF10 3AX

Themâu ymchwil