Yr Athro Ludivine Petetin
Athro yn y Gyfraith
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Mae arbenigedd Ludivine ym meysydd materion amaeth-bwyd-amgylcheddol, datganoli a masnach ryngwladol o safbwyntiau amlddisgyblaethol ac amlddisgyblaethol. Mae ei hymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar effaith Brexit a COVID-19. Yn benodol, mae ganddi ddiddordeb mewn democratiaeth bwyd-amaeth, diogelwch bwyd, technoleg amaethyddol, amaethyddiaeth gynaliadwy, technolegau bwyd newydd a datblygu gwledig. Mae ei hymchwil yn ymchwilio i faterion cyfranogiad y cyhoedd, lles anifeiliaid, datganoli a llywodraethu ledled y DU (yn enwedig Cymru), yr UE, yr Unol Daleithiau a lefelau WTO. Mae hi'n ymgysylltu'n rheolaidd â llywodraethau, deddfwrfeydd a rhanddeiliaid (gan gynnwys sefydliadau cymdeithas sifil) yn enwedig ar draws y DU a Ffrainc ar y materion hyn.
Mae gan Ludivine raddau ôl-raddedig a addysgir o Paris II Panthéon-Assas a Phrifysgol Glasgow, a PhD o Brifysgol Leeds. Mae hi wedi bod yn Ysgolhaig Gwadd ym Mhrifysgol Illinois yn Urbana-Champaign (UDA) ac yn Ddarlithydd Gwadd ym Mhrifysgol Georgia (UDA) ac Ysgol Astudiaethau Uwch Sant'Anna (yr Eidal).
Mae Ludivine yn Aelod o Ganolfan Govervance Cymru ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd (WGC), yn Gydymaith Rhwydwaith Brexit a'r Amgylchedd ac yn aelod o'r Grŵp Rhanddeiliaid Llywodraethu Amgylcheddol o fewn Llywodraeth Cymru. Ymhellach, mae hi'n gwasanaethu ar fwrdd rheoli'r Cyngor Ewropeaidd ar gyfer Cyfraith Amaethyddol (CEDR).
Mae hi hefyd yn Olygydd Adolygu Llyfrau y European Journal of Risk Regulation (EJRR®) ac yn rhan o fwrdd golygyddol Le Déméter (yn Ffrangeg).
Mae hi'n rhan o grŵp rheoli'r newydd ei sefydlu Canolfan Polisi Masnach Cynhwysol @centre4ITPAriannwyd gan ESRC . Mwy i ddilyn wrth i'r prosiect ddatblygu tan 2027.
Yn 2022, cyhoeddodd ddau lyfr mawr: monograff o'r enw 'Brexit and Agriculture' (gyda Mary Dobbs) ar gyfer Routledge. Mae hi hefyd yn un o gyd-olygyddion y casgliad golygedig o'r enw 'The Governance of Agriculture in Post-Brexit UK' (Routledge).
- Chen, Y. and Petetin, L. 2025. Taking a rights-based approach to meat subsidies to address the dual challenges of food insecurity and climate change: a comparative analysis of the U.S., E.U., and U.K. agri-food policies. Wisconsin International Law Journal
- Petetin, L. and Gravey, V. 2024. Consultation response on "Securing a sustainable future: Environmental principles, governance and biodiversity targets for a greener Wales". Discussion Paper. Cardiff: Welsh Government.
- Petetin, L. 2024. The proposal for a Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS) inquiry. Discussion Paper. Cardiff: Climate Change, Environment, and Infrastructure Committee of the Senedd. Available at: https://business.senedd.wales/documents/s146302/Paper%20-%20Dr%20Ludivine%20Petetin.pdf
- Burmeister, A., Petetin, L. and Whitmore, C. 2023. Trade Justice Wales evidence submission to the UK Trade and Business Commission. N/A.
- Dobbs, M. and Petetin, L. 2022. Dylunio polisïau amaethyddol: ystyriaethau cyd-destunol. Documentation. Cardiff, Wales: Senedd Cymru, Ymchwil y Senedd. Available at: https://senedd.cymru/media/blhhsj4s/22-58-dylunio-polisiau-amaethyddol-ystyriaethau-cyd-destunol.pdf
- Dobbs, M. and Petetin, L. 2022. Designing agricultural policies: contextual considerations. Documentation. Welsh Parliament - Senedd Research. Available at: https://research.senedd.wales/media/wopmxzu0/22-58-designing-agricultural-policies-contextual-considerations.pdf
- Čavoški, A., Bell, M., Petetin, L. and Antonopoulos, I. 2022. Conclusion. In: Antonopoulos, I. et al. eds. The Governance of Agriculture in Post-Brexit UK. Earthscan Food and Agriculture Routledge, pp. 201-204.
- Petetin, L. 2022. Setting the path for UK and devolved agriculture. In: Antonopoulos, I. et al. eds. The Governance of Agriculture in Post-Brexit UK. Routledge, pp. 40-62., (10.4324/9781003010852-3)
- Antonopoulos, I. et al. eds. 2022. The governance of agriculture in post-Brexit UK. Routledge.
- Petetin, L. and Dobbs, M. 2022. Brexit and agriculture. Routledge.
- Dobbs, M., Gravey, V. and Petetin, L. 2021. Driving the European Green Deal in turbulent times. Politics and Governance 9, pp. 316-326. (10.17645/pag.v9i3.4321)
- Gravey, V., Petetin, L. and Dobbs, M. 2021. Quitter la PAC, comment et pour quoi faire ? La (re)construction des politiques agricoles britanniques au cœur des turbulences du Brexit. Politique Européenne 73(3), pp. 150-178.
- Centner, T. J. and Petetin, L. 2020. Divergent approaches regulating beta agonists and cloning of animals for food: USA and European Union. Society and Animals 28(5-6), pp. 613-632. (10.1163/15685306-12341567)
- Petetin, L. 2020. The COVID-19 crisis: An opportunity to integrate food democracy into post-pandemic food systems. European Journal of Risk Regulation 11(SI 2), pp. 326-336. (10.1017/err.2020.40)
- Petetin, L. and Lafon, J. 2020. Brexit : quelles conséquences agricoles et halieutiques ?. In: Abis, S. and Brun, M. eds. Le Déméter 2020. Hors collection Iris éditions, pp. 119-137.
- Petetin, L. 2019. Managing novel food technologies and Member States' interests: shifting more powers towards the Member States?. In: VarJu, M. ed. Between Compliance and Particularism: Member State Interests and European Union Law. Springer
- Petetin, L. and Dobbs, M. 2019. Sustainable farming and our land [Consultation]. Welsh Government.
- Petetin, L. 2019. General report of commission III. In: Martinez, J. et al. eds. Agriculture and Competition. Nomos, pp. 350-361.
- Petetin, L. 2019. General Report of Commission III. In: European Council for Rural Law, . ed. Agriculture and Competition: XXIX European Congress and Colloquium of Rural Law, Lille, 20-23 September 2017 / XXIXe Congrès et Colloque Européen de Droit Rural, Lille, 20-23 septembre 2017 / XXIX. Europäischer Agrarrechtskongress, Lille, 20.-23. Septembe. Nomos, pp. 350-361.
- Cardwell, M. and Petetin, L. 2019. Food sovereignty and food security: Concepts and legal framework. Project Report. European Council for Rural Law.
- Petetin, L., Gravey, V. and Moore, B. 2019. Setting the bar for a green Brexit in food and farming. Bristol: Soil Association. Available at: https://www.soilassociation.org/green-brexit/
- Engel, A. and Petetin, L. 2018. International obligations and devolved powers - ploughing through competences and GM crops. Environmental Law Review 20(1), pp. 16-31. (10.1177/1461452918759639)
- Petetin, L., Dobbs, M. and Gravey, V. 2018. Brexit and our land consultation – Welsh Government.
- Dobbs, M., Petetin, L. and Gravey, V. 2018. Inquiry into the Agriculture Bill - EFRA Committee.
- Petetin, L. and Dobbs, M. 2018. Health and harmony consultation paper Defra. None.
- Petetin, L. 2018. Environment, food and rural affairs committee, inquiry into the work of Defra: Health and harmony. N/A.
- Petetin, L. 2018. Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee, inquiry into Brexit: trade in food. None.
- Jack, B. and Petetin, L. 2018. Environmental principles and governance after EU exit Consultation paper.
- Petetin, L. and Engel, A. 2018. Evidence - EU Withdrawal Bill.
- Petetin, L. and Engel, A. 2018. External affairs and additional legislation committee inquiry into Wales’ future relationship with the European Union Challenges and opportunities for the Welsh food and farming sectors in its relationship with the EU.
- Dobbs, M., Gravey, V. and Petetin, L. 2018. Northern Ireland future agricultural policy framework, inquiry by DAERA.
- Petetin, L. 2017. Precaution and equivalence - the critical interplay in EU biotech foods. European Law Review 42(6), pp. 831-847.
- Petetin, L. 2017. The precautionary principle and non-scientific factors in biotech foods. European Journal of Risk Regulation 8(1), pp. 106-111. (10.1017/err.2016.18)
- Petetin, L. 2016. Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs Committee: Inquiry into the Future of Agricultural and Rural Development Policies in Wales. None.
- Petetin, L. 2016. Food democracy in food systems. In: Thompson, P. B. and Kaplan, D. eds. Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics. Springer, pp. 1-7.
- Centner, T. J. and Petetin, L. 2015. Permitting program with best management practices for shale gas wells to safeguard public health. Journal of Environmental Management 163, pp. 174-183. (10.1016/j.jenvman.2015.08.019)
- Petetin, L. 2015. The EU Common Agricultural Policy: towards a more sustainable agriculture?. In: Olawuyi, D. and Ako, R. eds. Food and Agricultural Law: Readings on Sustainable Agriculture and the Law in Nigeria. Nigeria: Afe Babalola University Press
- Petetin, L. 2014. Frankenburgers, risks and approval. European Journal of Risk Regulation 5(2), pp. 168-186. (10.1017/S1867299X00003585)
- Petetin, L. 2012. The revival of modern agricultural biotechnology by the UK Government: what role for animal cloning?. European Food and Feed Law Review 7(6), pp. 296-311.
- Petetin, L. 2009. Clone wars? The challenges of cloned food in EU, US and WTO law. Environmental Law Review 11(4), pp. 246-263. (10.1350/enlr.2009.11.4.064)
- Chen, Y. and Petetin, L. 2025. Taking a rights-based approach to meat subsidies to address the dual challenges of food insecurity and climate change: a comparative analysis of the U.S., E.U., and U.K. agri-food policies. Wisconsin International Law Journal
- Dobbs, M., Gravey, V. and Petetin, L. 2021. Driving the European Green Deal in turbulent times. Politics and Governance 9, pp. 316-326. (10.17645/pag.v9i3.4321)
- Gravey, V., Petetin, L. and Dobbs, M. 2021. Quitter la PAC, comment et pour quoi faire ? La (re)construction des politiques agricoles britanniques au cœur des turbulences du Brexit. Politique Européenne 73(3), pp. 150-178.
- Centner, T. J. and Petetin, L. 2020. Divergent approaches regulating beta agonists and cloning of animals for food: USA and European Union. Society and Animals 28(5-6), pp. 613-632. (10.1163/15685306-12341567)
- Petetin, L. 2020. The COVID-19 crisis: An opportunity to integrate food democracy into post-pandemic food systems. European Journal of Risk Regulation 11(SI 2), pp. 326-336. (10.1017/err.2020.40)
- Engel, A. and Petetin, L. 2018. International obligations and devolved powers - ploughing through competences and GM crops. Environmental Law Review 20(1), pp. 16-31. (10.1177/1461452918759639)
- Petetin, L. 2017. Precaution and equivalence - the critical interplay in EU biotech foods. European Law Review 42(6), pp. 831-847.
- Petetin, L. 2017. The precautionary principle and non-scientific factors in biotech foods. European Journal of Risk Regulation 8(1), pp. 106-111. (10.1017/err.2016.18)
- Centner, T. J. and Petetin, L. 2015. Permitting program with best management practices for shale gas wells to safeguard public health. Journal of Environmental Management 163, pp. 174-183. (10.1016/j.jenvman.2015.08.019)
- Petetin, L. 2014. Frankenburgers, risks and approval. European Journal of Risk Regulation 5(2), pp. 168-186. (10.1017/S1867299X00003585)
- Petetin, L. 2012. The revival of modern agricultural biotechnology by the UK Government: what role for animal cloning?. European Food and Feed Law Review 7(6), pp. 296-311.
- Petetin, L. 2009. Clone wars? The challenges of cloned food in EU, US and WTO law. Environmental Law Review 11(4), pp. 246-263. (10.1350/enlr.2009.11.4.064)
Book sections
- Čavoški, A., Bell, M., Petetin, L. and Antonopoulos, I. 2022. Conclusion. In: Antonopoulos, I. et al. eds. The Governance of Agriculture in Post-Brexit UK. Earthscan Food and Agriculture Routledge, pp. 201-204.
- Petetin, L. 2022. Setting the path for UK and devolved agriculture. In: Antonopoulos, I. et al. eds. The Governance of Agriculture in Post-Brexit UK. Routledge, pp. 40-62., (10.4324/9781003010852-3)
- Petetin, L. and Lafon, J. 2020. Brexit : quelles conséquences agricoles et halieutiques ?. In: Abis, S. and Brun, M. eds. Le Déméter 2020. Hors collection Iris éditions, pp. 119-137.
- Petetin, L. 2019. Managing novel food technologies and Member States' interests: shifting more powers towards the Member States?. In: VarJu, M. ed. Between Compliance and Particularism: Member State Interests and European Union Law. Springer
- Petetin, L. 2019. General report of commission III. In: Martinez, J. et al. eds. Agriculture and Competition. Nomos, pp. 350-361.
- Petetin, L. 2019. General Report of Commission III. In: European Council for Rural Law, . ed. Agriculture and Competition: XXIX European Congress and Colloquium of Rural Law, Lille, 20-23 September 2017 / XXIXe Congrès et Colloque Européen de Droit Rural, Lille, 20-23 septembre 2017 / XXIX. Europäischer Agrarrechtskongress, Lille, 20.-23. Septembe. Nomos, pp. 350-361.
- Petetin, L. 2016. Food democracy in food systems. In: Thompson, P. B. and Kaplan, D. eds. Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics. Springer, pp. 1-7.
- Petetin, L. 2015. The EU Common Agricultural Policy: towards a more sustainable agriculture?. In: Olawuyi, D. and Ako, R. eds. Food and Agricultural Law: Readings on Sustainable Agriculture and the Law in Nigeria. Nigeria: Afe Babalola University Press
- Antonopoulos, I. et al. eds. 2022. The governance of agriculture in post-Brexit UK. Routledge.
- Petetin, L. and Dobbs, M. 2022. Brexit and agriculture. Routledge.
- Petetin, L. and Gravey, V. 2024. Consultation response on "Securing a sustainable future: Environmental principles, governance and biodiversity targets for a greener Wales". Discussion Paper. Cardiff: Welsh Government.
- Petetin, L. 2024. The proposal for a Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS) inquiry. Discussion Paper. Cardiff: Climate Change, Environment, and Infrastructure Committee of the Senedd. Available at: https://business.senedd.wales/documents/s146302/Paper%20-%20Dr%20Ludivine%20Petetin.pdf
- Burmeister, A., Petetin, L. and Whitmore, C. 2023. Trade Justice Wales evidence submission to the UK Trade and Business Commission. N/A.
- Dobbs, M. and Petetin, L. 2022. Dylunio polisïau amaethyddol: ystyriaethau cyd-destunol. Documentation. Cardiff, Wales: Senedd Cymru, Ymchwil y Senedd. Available at: https://senedd.cymru/media/blhhsj4s/22-58-dylunio-polisiau-amaethyddol-ystyriaethau-cyd-destunol.pdf
- Dobbs, M. and Petetin, L. 2022. Designing agricultural policies: contextual considerations. Documentation. Welsh Parliament - Senedd Research. Available at: https://research.senedd.wales/media/wopmxzu0/22-58-designing-agricultural-policies-contextual-considerations.pdf
- Petetin, L. and Dobbs, M. 2019. Sustainable farming and our land [Consultation]. Welsh Government.
- Cardwell, M. and Petetin, L. 2019. Food sovereignty and food security: Concepts and legal framework. Project Report. European Council for Rural Law.
- Petetin, L., Gravey, V. and Moore, B. 2019. Setting the bar for a green Brexit in food and farming. Bristol: Soil Association. Available at: https://www.soilassociation.org/green-brexit/
- Petetin, L., Dobbs, M. and Gravey, V. 2018. Brexit and our land consultation – Welsh Government.
- Dobbs, M., Petetin, L. and Gravey, V. 2018. Inquiry into the Agriculture Bill - EFRA Committee.
- Petetin, L. and Dobbs, M. 2018. Health and harmony consultation paper Defra. None.
- Petetin, L. 2018. Environment, food and rural affairs committee, inquiry into the work of Defra: Health and harmony. N/A.
- Petetin, L. 2018. Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee, inquiry into Brexit: trade in food. None.
- Jack, B. and Petetin, L. 2018. Environmental principles and governance after EU exit Consultation paper.
- Petetin, L. and Engel, A. 2018. Evidence - EU Withdrawal Bill.
- Petetin, L. and Engel, A. 2018. External affairs and additional legislation committee inquiry into Wales’ future relationship with the European Union Challenges and opportunities for the Welsh food and farming sectors in its relationship with the EU.
- Dobbs, M., Gravey, V. and Petetin, L. 2018. Northern Ireland future agricultural policy framework, inquiry by DAERA.
- Petetin, L. 2016. Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs Committee: Inquiry into the Future of Agricultural and Rural Development Policies in Wales. None.
- Cyfraith a Pholisi Amgylcheddol (arweinydd modiwl)
- Cyfraith yr Undeb Ewropeaidd
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:
- UK and devolved agricultural law and policy
- The Common Agricultural Policy
- Agri-food-environmental governance
- Agri-food trade
- Novel food technologies
Contact Details
+44 29208 74982
Adeilad y Gyfraith, Ystafell 2.34, Rhodfa'r Amgueddfa, Caerdydd, CF10 3AX