Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
David Petrik

Dr David Petrik

Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig

Timau a rolau for David Petrik

  • Uwch Ddarlithydd

    Ysgol y Biowyddorau


My research focuses on adult neural stem cells and adult neurogenesis. Neural stem cells in the adult mammalian brain have the capacity to generate new neurons, which are important for brain functions such as learning and memory, mood control, and body metabolism. I am interested in studying factors that regulate the stem cells and brain functions that are regulated by the stem cells and their cell progeny. I am particularly interested in determining how aberrant diet can influence the stem cells and how stem cells can regulate the food intake behaviour and development of obesity.

Interested in joining my research group?

I enjoy supervising students. Research in my group is suitable for undergraduate, Master's and PhD students. I am open to discussion about fellowship applications with postdoctoral candidates. If you are interested in joining the lab, please contact me by email.

















Rydym yn defnyddio ystod eang o dechnegau i astudio ffactorau genetig, epigenetig, fferyllolegol ac amgylcheddol sy'n rheoleiddio bôn-gelloedd niwral mewn ymennydd mamaliaid oedolion. Gan ddefnyddio imiwnocemeg, diwylliannau celloedd a delweddu treigl amser, rydym yn pennu potensial amlochrog a gwahaniaethu bôn-gelloedd a llinachau clonau celloedd unigol. Rydym yn astudio agweddau mecanistig ar reoleiddio bôn-gelloedd trwy ddelweddu calsiwm a chan yr electroffisioleg patch-clamp ar y cyd â'r dilyniannu RNA un gell. Ein nod yw chwilio am ffactorau newydd sy'n rheoleiddio bioleg bôn-gelloedd ac i ddeall sut mae bôn-gelloedd a'u hepil celloedd yn dylanwadu ar swyddogaethau'r ymennydd a'r corff.  

Rheoleiddio bôn-gelloedd trwy ddeiet

Mae niwronau newydd yn cael eu cynhyrchu mewn ymennydd oedolion o fôn-gelloedd niwral mewn rhanbarthau arwahanol o'r enw cilfachau niwrogenig oedolion trwy broses o niwrogenesis oedolion. Mae dau gilfach niwrogenig sefydledig ac un heb ei hastudio'n ddigonol yn yr ymennydd mamalaidd. Mae cilfach niwrogenig yr hippocampws yn arwain at niwronau newydd sy'n hanfodol ar gyfer y cof datganol a rheoli hwyliau. Yn waliau'r ventricle ochrol, mae cilfach niwrogenig sy'n cynhyrchu niwronau anaeddfed, sy'n mudo i'r bwlb olfactory i gymryd rhan mewn swyddogaeth olfactory. Mae'r gilfach a archwiliwyd yn llai yn yr hypothalamws, yn waliau'r trydydd fentrigl ymennydd. Yma, mae celloedd arbenigol o'r enw tanycytes yn gwasanaethu mewn rôl ddeuol fel bôn-gelloedd putative yn ogystal â'r rheoleiddwyr metabolaidd i reoli'r ymddygiad bwydo, pwysau corff a heneiddio. Ein nod yw deall sut mae deiet yn dylanwadu ar allu tanycytes fel bôn-gelloedd niwral a nodi ffactorau genetig newydd sy'n ymateb i ddeiet mewn tanycytes. Y nod strategol yw darganfod genynnau penodol y gellir eu trin mewn tanycytes a'u hepil celloedd i frwydro yn erbyn datblygiad gordewdra a achosir gan ddeiet.

Cyfansoddion gwrth-ordewdra

Mae gennym ddiddordeb mewn pennu mechanims cellog a moleciwlaidd o weithredu cyfansoddion gwrth-ordewdra. Rydym yn ymchwilio i botensial niwrogenig cyfansoddion gwrth-ordewdra newydd a sefydlwyd yn flaenorol. Ein nod yw defnyddio niwrogenesis oedolion a niwronau newydd-anedig fel targed ffarmacolegol o therapïau gwrth-ordewdra cyn-glinigol.




  • 'Ffisioleg' BI2331 - system nerfol niwrogyhyrol ac awtonomig
  • BI3355 'Datblygiadau mewn Ffisioleg' - ffisioleg arennol
  • BI3001 Biowyddorau Prosiectau Blwyddyn Derfynol

  • BI4001 Prosiectau Meistr Integredig

  • Blwyddyn Hyfforddiant Proffesiynol BI9999


I am a senior lecturer of the Biomedicine Division within the School of Biosciences at Cardiff University. My original training lies in ion channel biophysics and physiology, however, over the last decade I have been studying the neural stem cells in the brain.

Between 2000-2003, I conducted my diploma Master’s thesis at the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic in Prague, where I investigated the electrophysiological and morphological properties of reactive astrocytes in a model of mechanical brain injury. To deepen my understanding of ion channel biophysics, I enrolled as a PhD student at The University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, USA. In the laboratory of Dr. Robert Brenner, I studied the effects of alternative splicing, reverse phosphorylation and accessory subunits on molecular kinetics of calcium activated (BK) channels and their role in action potential waveform and firing in the granule cell neurons in the hippocampus.

During my post-doctoral career, I have focused on adult neural stem cells and adult neurogenesis, the process of generating new neurons in the adult brain. In 2008, I have joined the laboratory of Professor Amelia Eisch at the University of Texas Southwestern in Dallas. I have led a research in small molecule screening to characterize one of the most used drugs to upregulate adult neurogenesis in the hippocampus called Isoxazole 9. Also, I have studied the effects of epigenetic (such as Brg1) and genetic (Mef2, Cdk5) factors on the biology of adult neural stem cells. In 2013, I relocated back to Europe as a Marie Curie Fellow of the European Research Council to the laboratory of Professor Magdalena Götz. At the Institute of Stem Cell Research of the Helmholtz Centrum Munich and at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, I completed the research arch of my career by showing that adult neural stem cells in the brain are mechano-sensitive thanks to the epithelial sodium channel. Also, I have collaborated on projects that involve so called direct cell reprogramming and new single-cell sequencing methods. In September 2019, I joined the Cardiff University as a senior lecturer. In my laboratory, I focus on the adult neural stem cells in hypothalamus and the role of metabolism and diet on their stemness and biology.


  • 2008     Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Physiology: The University of Texas HSCSA, San Antonio, USA. Title of PhD Thesis: "The role of the β4 subunit in phosphorylation of calcium-activated potassium (BK) channels.” Supervisor: Dr. Robert Brenner.

  • 2003     Bachelor and Master of Engineering (M. Eng./Ing.): Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic. Title of Master Diploma Thesis: "Electrophysiological and morphological properties of glial cells in different models of astrogliosis in brain and spinal cord tissues.” Supervisor: Prof. Eva Sykova.

Academic Career and Research Experience

  • 2019-             Senior Lecturer and Principal Investigator, School of Biosciences, Cardiff University, UK.

  • 2016-2019      Scientist, Helmholtz Zentrum Munich and Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany.

  • 2014-2016      Marie Curie Fellow, European Research Council, Helmholtz Zentrum Munich, Germany.

  • 2013-2014      Postdoctoral fellow, Lab of Prof. Magdalena Götz, Helmholtz Zentrum Munich, Germany.

  • 2008-2013      Postdoctoral fellow, Lab of Lab of Prof. Amelia Eisch, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, USA.

    Honours and Awards

    • 2014 – 2016     Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship

    • 2005, 2006       Vernon Bishop Award, UTHSCSA, Texas, USA

    • 2003                   Award of the Foundation of Vaclav Havel, the President of the Czech Republic

    • 2003                   Award for the best young scientists, Czech Physiol. Society of J.E. Purkinje

    • 2003                   Annual Award for the best Czech university students, Hlavka Foundation

    • 2003                   Travel Award, Fulbright Foundation

    Professional Membership

    • Society for Neuroscience (from 2004)

    Professional Activities

    • Journal reviewer (Cell Stem Cell, Stem Cells, Neuron etc.)
    • Grant reviewer (BBSRC, MRC, Swiss National Science Foundation etc.)

    Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau

    • 2014 – 2016     Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship

    • 2005, 2006       Vernon Bishop Award, UTHSCSA, Texas, USA

    • 2003                   Award of the Foundation of Vaclav Havel, the President of the Czech Republic

    • 2003                   Award for the best young scientists, Czech Physiol. Society of J.E. Purkinje

    • 2003                   Annual Award for the best Czech university students, Hlavka Foundation

    • 2003                   Travel Award, Fulbright Foundation

    Aelodaethau proffesiynol

    • Society for Neuroscience (from 2004)
    • British Neuroscience Association (from 2022)

    Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol

    • 2019-             Senior Lecturer and Principal Investigator, School of Biosciences, Cardiff University, UK.

    • 2016-2019      Scientist, Helmholtz Zentrum Munich and Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany.

    • 2014-2016      Marie Curie Fellow, European Research Council, Helmholtz Zentrum Munich, Germany.

    • 2013-2014      Postdoctoral fellow, Lab of Prof. Magdalena Götz, Helmholtz Zentrum Munich, Germany.

    • 2008-2013      Postdoctoral fellow, Lab of Lab of Prof. Amelia Eisch, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, USA.

    Ymrwymiadau siarad cyhoeddus

    Cynhadledd AbCam Niwrogenesis Oedolion 2023     , Dresden, Yr Almaen

    Cynhadledd Niwrogenesis Môr Du 2023     , Albena, Bwlgaria

    2022     Sefydliad Cajal ar gyfer Niwrowyddoniaeth, Madrid, Sbaen

    2021     Sefydliad Achucarro ar gyfer Niwrowyddoniaeth, Bilbao, Sbaen

    2019     Prif siaradwr yn symposiwm YSA, Prifysgol Feddygol Fienna, Awstria

    2019     Sefydliad Cemeg Organig a Biocemeg, Prague, Gweriniaeth Tsiec

    2019     Prifysgol Leipzig, Yr Almaen

    2019 Prifysgol     Caerdydd, Y Deyrnas Unedig

    2018     Sefydliad Achucarro ar gyfer Niwrowyddoniaeth, Bilbao, Sbaen

    2018     Sefydliad Biolegol, Prifysgol Masaryk, Brno, Gweriniaeth Tsiec

    2018     Prifysgol Leeds, Y Deyrnas Unedig

    2018 Symposiwm     ABCAM ar Niwrogenesis Oedolion, Dresden, Yr Almaen

    2016     Seminar WE Heraeus ar Fecaneg Niwronau, Bad Honnef, Yr Almaen

    Cyfarfod EuroGenesis 2016     ar Niwrogenesis Oedolion, Bordeaux, Ffrainc

    2015     Symposiwm ABCAM ar Niwrogenesis Oedolion, Dresden, Yr Almaen

    Cyfarfod Cymdeithas Niwrowyddoniaeth 2015     , Chicago, UDA

    Symposiwm Keystone 2014     ar Niwrogenesis Oedolion, Stockholm, Sweden

    Cyfarfod Cymdeithas Niwrowyddoniaeth 2011     , Washington, D.C., UDA, UDA

    Pwyllgorau ac adolygu

    • GW4 MRC DTP Caerdydd Arweinydd Academaidd Caerdydd


    • adolygydd cyfnodolion (bôn-gelloedd, bôn-gelloedd, niwron ac ati)
    • Grant adolygydd (BBSRC, MRC, Sefydliad Gwyddoniaeth Cenedlaethol y Swistir ac ati)
    • Golygydd Guest (Celloedd)

    Meysydd goruchwyliaeth

    • Sara Jorgensen (myfyrwraig PhD 2020-2024)
    • May Surridge-Smith (Myfyriwr Meistr Ynysig 2023-2024)


    • Sarah Robbins (myfyriwr MRes 2020-2021)
    • Alena Karnosova (Myfyriwr PhD Ymweld 2021)
    • Oliver Rowley (Myfyriwr Meistr Integredig 2021-2022)
    • Eleanor Lewis (myfyriwr MRes 2022-2023)
    • Aleksandra Hajdrych (Myfyriwr Meistr Integredig 2022-2023)

    Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol

    Sara Jorgensen

    Sara Jorgensen



    Contact Details

    Email PetrikD@caerdydd.ac.uk
    Telephone +44 29208 79391
    Campuses Adeilad Syr Martin Evans, Rhodfa'r Amgueddfa, Caerdydd, CF10 3AX

    Themâu ymchwil


    • Celloedd bonyn