Dr Hannah Pitt
Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Daearyddiaeth Amgylcheddol
Ysgol Daearyddiaeth a Chynllunio
- PittH2@caerdydd.ac.uk
- +44 29208 79632
- Adeilad Morgannwg, Ystafell 2.69, Rhodfa’r Brenin Edward VII, Caerdydd, CF10 3WA
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rwy'n Uwch-ddarlithydd mewn Daearyddiaeth Amgylcheddol. Fy ymchwil i sgiliau a gwaith mewn garddwriaeth fasnachol yw ffocws llyfr sydd ar y gweill Revaluing Horticultural Skills
Mae ymchwil arall yn archwilio rhyngweithio rhwng cymuned, lleoedd a chynaliadwyedd. Rwy'n canolbwyntio ar y rhain yng nghyd-destunau systemau bwyd, ac ymgysylltu â mannau awyr agored. Rwy'n arbenigo mewn cydweithio â sefydliadau a chymunedau'r trydydd sector, ac mae gennyf ddiddordeb arbennig mewn deall cysylltiadau rhwng pobl a phlanhigion.
Rwy'n gyd-gynullydd Grŵp Ymchwil yr Amgylchedd yn yr Ysgol Daearyddiaeth a Chynllunio.
Prosiectau diweddar:
- Knowing to Grow: Cymrodoriaeth Ymchwil Sêr Cymru II sy'n ceisio gwella gwydnwch gwybodaeth a dimensiynau sgiliau systemau bwyd-amaeth. Mae'n canolbwyntio ar gynhyrchu garddwriaethol – tyfu ffrwythau a llysiau ar raddfa fawr - gydag astudiaethau achos yng Nghymru, y DU a'r UE. Bydd mapio rhwydwaith gwybodaeth yn nodi lle mae systemau'n agored i niwed, a sut mae dynameg pŵer yn effeithio ar wytnwch yn y dyfodol.
- Dod o hyd i lwybrau tuag at drawsnewid ffermio traddodiadol mewn ardaloedd ymylol: Ymchwil a ariennir gan yr Academi Brydeinig i archwilio pryderon a barn ffermwyr am arallgyfeirio eu cynhyrchiad, a'r pwysau o fodloni'r galw am fwy o fwyd sy'n seiliedig ar blanhigion a dyfir yn y DU.
- Good Work for Good Food: Cydweithrediad rhyngwladol i ddatblygu a hyrwyddo gweledigaeth a rennir ar gyfer gwaith da ar draws y system fwyd.
- Mannau Gwyrdd Gwydn: Partneriaeth sy'n gweithio i dreialu systemau bwyd eraill sydd wedi'u hail-leoleiddio gan ddefnyddio cymunedau a'u mannau gwyrdd fel y sbardun dros newid ledled Cymru.
- The Careoperative: Cydweithfa arweinyddiaeth ryngwladol sy'n canolbwyntio ar Drawsnewid Systemau (bwyd).
Prosiectau blaenorol
- Gwerthusiad o Bŵer Bwyd yn archwilio rôl a photensial rhwydweithiau lleol sy'n gweithio i leihau achosion ansicrwydd bwyd.
- OMG! Partner ymchwil data yn datblygu offeryn rheoli gwybodaeth ar gyfer gardners marchnad organig
- Ymchwilio i'r potensial ar gyfer mannau glas i wella lles unigolion a chymunedol gydag Ymddiriedolaeth Camlesi ac Afon
- Deall y rhesymau dros danddefnyddio dyfrffyrdd trefol ymhlith cymunedau ymylol.
- Gwerthuso rhaglenni cymdeithas sifil gyda'r nod o hyrwyddo cynaliadwyedd bwyd ac addysg sy'n gysylltiedig â bwyd.
- PhD - ethnograffeg o gerddi cymunedol fel creu lleoedd.
- Hafod
- Cynghrair Gweithwyr Tir
- Ffermydd a Gerddi Cymdeithasol
- Tyfu Cymru / Lantra Cymru
- Cynhaliaeth: y gynghrair dros well bwyd a ffermio
- Ymddiriedolaeth Camlesi ac Afon
- SOCOPA - Cymdeithas Gymunedol a Rhieni Somali Caerlŷr.
- Gardd Organig
- Cymdeithas y Pridd
- Alliance Homes
- Craft, R. and Pitt, H. 2024. More than meat? Livestock farmers' views on opportunities to produce for plant-based diets. Agriculture and Human Values 41, pp. 975-988. (10.1007/s10460-023-10533-4)
- Smith, T. A. and Pitt, H. 2024. Noticing nature on the waterways. Children's Geographies 22(3), pp. 331-349. (10.1080/14733285.2023.2279994)
- Pitt, H. 2024. Training in agro-ecological horticulture: Case studies and delivery models. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff University School of Geography and Planning. Available at: https://ourfood1200.wales/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Training-in-Agro-ecological-Horticulture-Case-studies-delivery-models-FINAL.pdf
- Klassen, S., Medland, L., Nicol, P. and Pitt, H. 2023. Pathways for advancing good work in food systems: reflecting on the good work for good food international forum. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 12(2), pp. 1-17. (10.5304/jafscd.2023.122.004)
- Zaidi, N. and Pitt, H. 2022. Invisible boundaries to access and participation in public spaces : Navigating community diversity in Leicester, UK.. Local Environment 27(9), pp. 1059-1074. (10.1080/13549839.2022.2090533)
- Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. 2022. Unfamiliar landscapes: an introduction. In: Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. eds. Unfamiliar Landscapes: Young People and Diverse Outdoor Experiences. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-32., (10.1007/978-3-030-94460-5_1)
- Smith, T. A. and Pitt, H. 2022. ‘But, would we be the odd family?’: Encountering and producing unfamiliar bodies and landscapes. In: Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. eds. Unfamiliar Landscapes: Young People and Diverse Outdoor Experiences. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 283-308., (10.1007/978-3-030-94460-5_12)
- Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. 2022. Whose unfamiliar landscape? Reflecting on the diversity of young people’s encounters with nature and the outdoors. In: Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. eds. Unfamiliar Landscapes: Young People and Diverse Outdoor Experiences,. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 551-570., (10.1007/978-3-030-94460-5_23)
- Pitt, H. and Smith, T. A. 2022. Conversations with practitioners 2: Phoebe Smith and Dwayne Fields. In: Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. eds. Unfamiliar Landscapes: Young People and Diverse Outdoor Experiences. Cham: Palgrave, Macmillan, pp. 337-362., (10.1007/978-3-030-94460-5_14)
- Dunkley, R. A. and Smith, T. A. 2022. Conversations with practitioners 3: Toby Clark. In: Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. eds. Unfamiliar Landscapes: Young People and Diverse Outdoor Experiences. Cham: Palgrave, Macmillan, pp. 515-535.
- Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. eds. 2022. Unfamiliar landscapes: young people and diverse outdoor experiences. London: Palgrave Macmillan Cham. (10.1007/978-3-030-94460-5)
- Pitt, H. 2022. Horticulture in the UK - Characterising knowledge ecosystems. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/2633208/Results-Report-Skills-Ecosystems-FINAL.pdf
- Pitt, H. 2022. Horticulture in the UK - Resilience to and beyond pandemic. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/2633199/KtoG-Report-Covid-and-Resilience-FINAL.pdf
- Craft, R. and Pitt, H. 2022. Exploring opportunities for farmers in Wales to produce foods for future markets.
- Pitt, H. 2021. Living lexicon for the environmental humanities: roots. Environmental Humanities 13(2), pp. 470-474. (10.1215/22011919-9320255)
- Pitt, H. 2021. What knowledge is required to grow food? A framework for understanding horticulture’s skills ‘crisis’. Journal of Rural Studies 85, pp. 59-67. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2021.05.001)
- Sanderson-Bellamy, A., Furness, E., Nicol, P., Pitt, H. and Taherzadeh, A. 2021. Shaping more resilient and just food systems: lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic. AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 50, pp. 782-793. (10.1007/s13280-021-01532-y)
- Care, O. et al. 2021. Creating leadership collectives for sustainability transformations. Sustainability Science 16, pp. 703-708. (10.1007/s11625-021-00909-y)
- Bayfield, H., Colebrooke, L., Pitt, H., Pugh, R. and Stutter, N. 2020. Awesome women and bad feminists: the role of online social networks and peer support for feminist practice in academia. Cultural Geographies 27(3), pp. 415-435. (10.1177/1474474019890321)
- Pitt, H. 2019. Limits to growth? Why gardening has limited success growing inclusive communities. In: Certoma, C., Noori, S. and Sondermann, M. eds. Urban gardening and the struggle for social and spatial justice. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 108-123., (10.7228/manchester/9781526126092.003.0007)
- Pitt, H. 2019. What prevents people accessing urban bluespaces? A qualitative study. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 39, pp. 89-97. (10.1016/j.ufug.2019.02.013)
- Pitt, H. 2019. No ducking, no diving, no running, no pushing: Hydrophobia and urban blue spaces across the life-course. In: Foley, R. et al. eds. Blue Space, Health and Wellbeing: Hydrophilia Unbounded. London: Routledge, (10.4324/9780815359159)
- Backman, M., Pitt, H., Marsden, T., Mehmood, A. and Mathijs, E. 2019. Experiential approaches to sustainability education: towards learning landscapes. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 20(1), pp. 139-156. (10.1108/IJSHE-06-2018-0109)
- Pitt, H. and Smith, T. 2019. Leicester Young Ecology Adventurers: Evaluation Report 2: Final ,. Cardiff: Cardiff University School and Geography and Planning and Sustainable Places Research Institute.
- Pitt, H. 2019. Working Paper 1: The state of horticulture in the UK. Working paper. Cardiff University. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0017/1470203/Working-Paper-1-FINAL-TEXT.pdf
- Pitt, H. 2019. Working Paper 2: The state of skills for UK horticulture. Working paper. Cardiff University. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/1527847/Working-Paper-2-FINAL.pdf
- Pitt, H. 2019. Working Paper 3: What is the problem with horticultural skills in the UK?. Working paper. Cardiff University. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/1527848/Working-Paper-3-Problem-FINAL.pdf
- Pitt, H. 2019. Working Paper 4: What will solve the problem with horticultural skills in the UK?. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/1527849/Working-Paper-4-Solutions-FINAL.pdf
- Pitt, H. 2018. An apprenticeship in plant thinking. In: Bastian, M. et al. eds. Participatory Research in More-than-Human Worlds. London: Routledge
- Maughan, C., Laycock Pedersen, R. and Pitt, H. 2018. The problems, promise and pragmatism of community food growing. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 33(SI6), pp. 497-502. (10.1017/S1742170518000200)
- Pitt, H., Jones, M. and Weitkamp, E. 2018. Every city a food growing city? What food growing schools London reveals about city strategies for food system sustainability. Sustainability 10(8), article number: 2924. (10.3390/su10082924)
- Pitt, H. 2018. Muddying the waters: what urban waterways reveal about bluespaces and wellbeing. Geoforum 92, pp. 161-170. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2018.04.014)
- Gray, S., Orme, J., Pitt, H. and Jones, M. 2017. Food for life: evaluation of the impact of the Hospital Food Programme in England using a case study approach. JRSM Open 8(10), pp. 1-9. (10.1177/2054270417712703)
- Pitt, H., Jones, M., Oxford, L., Bray, I., Kimberlee, R. and Orme, J. 2017. Association between Food for Life, a whole setting healthy and sustainable food programme, and primary school children's consumption of fruit and vegetables: a cross-sectional study in England. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14(6), article number: 639. (10.3390/ijerph14060639)
- Gray, S., Jones, M., Means, R., Orme, J., Pitt, H. and Salmon, D. 2017. Inter-sectoral transfer of the Food for Life settings framework in England. Health Promotion International (10.1093/heapro/dax017)
- Pitt, H. 2017. Questioning care cultivated through connecting with more-than-human communities. Social and Cultural Geography 19(2), pp. 253-274. (10.1080/14649365.2016.1275753)
- Pitt, H. and Jones, M. 2016. Scaling up and out as a pathway for food system transitions. Sustainability 8(10), article number: 1025. (10.3390/su8101025)
- Gray, S., Means, R., Orme, J., Pitt, H., Jones, M. and Salmon, D. 2015. Improving hospital food: evaluating the impact of the UK Food for Life partnership. European Journal of Public Health 25(S3), pp. -., article number: 380. (10.1093/eurpub/ckv176.018)
- Pitt, H. 2015. On showing and being shown plants - a guide to methods for more-than-human geography. Area 47(1), pp. 48-55. (10.1111/area.12145)
- Pitt, H. 2014. Book review - community gardening as social action. People, Place and Policy Online 8(2), pp. -., article number: 142. (10.3351/ppp.0008.0002.0006)
- Pitt, H. 2014. Therapeutic experiences of community gardens: putting flow in its place. Health and Place 27, pp. 84-91. (10.1016/j.healthplace.2014.02.006)
- Pitt, H. 2013. Growing together: an ethnography of community gardening as place making. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Adrannau llyfrau
- Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. 2022. Unfamiliar landscapes: an introduction. In: Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. eds. Unfamiliar Landscapes: Young People and Diverse Outdoor Experiences. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-32., (10.1007/978-3-030-94460-5_1)
- Smith, T. A. and Pitt, H. 2022. ‘But, would we be the odd family?’: Encountering and producing unfamiliar bodies and landscapes. In: Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. eds. Unfamiliar Landscapes: Young People and Diverse Outdoor Experiences. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 283-308., (10.1007/978-3-030-94460-5_12)
- Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. 2022. Whose unfamiliar landscape? Reflecting on the diversity of young people’s encounters with nature and the outdoors. In: Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. eds. Unfamiliar Landscapes: Young People and Diverse Outdoor Experiences,. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 551-570., (10.1007/978-3-030-94460-5_23)
- Pitt, H. and Smith, T. A. 2022. Conversations with practitioners 2: Phoebe Smith and Dwayne Fields. In: Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. eds. Unfamiliar Landscapes: Young People and Diverse Outdoor Experiences. Cham: Palgrave, Macmillan, pp. 337-362., (10.1007/978-3-030-94460-5_14)
- Dunkley, R. A. and Smith, T. A. 2022. Conversations with practitioners 3: Toby Clark. In: Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. eds. Unfamiliar Landscapes: Young People and Diverse Outdoor Experiences. Cham: Palgrave, Macmillan, pp. 515-535.
- Pitt, H. 2019. Limits to growth? Why gardening has limited success growing inclusive communities. In: Certoma, C., Noori, S. and Sondermann, M. eds. Urban gardening and the struggle for social and spatial justice. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 108-123., (10.7228/manchester/9781526126092.003.0007)
- Pitt, H. 2019. No ducking, no diving, no running, no pushing: Hydrophobia and urban blue spaces across the life-course. In: Foley, R. et al. eds. Blue Space, Health and Wellbeing: Hydrophilia Unbounded. London: Routledge, (10.4324/9780815359159)
- Pitt, H. 2018. An apprenticeship in plant thinking. In: Bastian, M. et al. eds. Participatory Research in More-than-Human Worlds. London: Routledge
- Craft, R. and Pitt, H. 2024. More than meat? Livestock farmers' views on opportunities to produce for plant-based diets. Agriculture and Human Values 41, pp. 975-988. (10.1007/s10460-023-10533-4)
- Smith, T. A. and Pitt, H. 2024. Noticing nature on the waterways. Children's Geographies 22(3), pp. 331-349. (10.1080/14733285.2023.2279994)
- Klassen, S., Medland, L., Nicol, P. and Pitt, H. 2023. Pathways for advancing good work in food systems: reflecting on the good work for good food international forum. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 12(2), pp. 1-17. (10.5304/jafscd.2023.122.004)
- Zaidi, N. and Pitt, H. 2022. Invisible boundaries to access and participation in public spaces : Navigating community diversity in Leicester, UK.. Local Environment 27(9), pp. 1059-1074. (10.1080/13549839.2022.2090533)
- Pitt, H. 2021. Living lexicon for the environmental humanities: roots. Environmental Humanities 13(2), pp. 470-474. (10.1215/22011919-9320255)
- Pitt, H. 2021. What knowledge is required to grow food? A framework for understanding horticulture’s skills ‘crisis’. Journal of Rural Studies 85, pp. 59-67. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2021.05.001)
- Sanderson-Bellamy, A., Furness, E., Nicol, P., Pitt, H. and Taherzadeh, A. 2021. Shaping more resilient and just food systems: lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic. AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 50, pp. 782-793. (10.1007/s13280-021-01532-y)
- Care, O. et al. 2021. Creating leadership collectives for sustainability transformations. Sustainability Science 16, pp. 703-708. (10.1007/s11625-021-00909-y)
- Bayfield, H., Colebrooke, L., Pitt, H., Pugh, R. and Stutter, N. 2020. Awesome women and bad feminists: the role of online social networks and peer support for feminist practice in academia. Cultural Geographies 27(3), pp. 415-435. (10.1177/1474474019890321)
- Pitt, H. 2019. What prevents people accessing urban bluespaces? A qualitative study. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 39, pp. 89-97. (10.1016/j.ufug.2019.02.013)
- Backman, M., Pitt, H., Marsden, T., Mehmood, A. and Mathijs, E. 2019. Experiential approaches to sustainability education: towards learning landscapes. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 20(1), pp. 139-156. (10.1108/IJSHE-06-2018-0109)
- Maughan, C., Laycock Pedersen, R. and Pitt, H. 2018. The problems, promise and pragmatism of community food growing. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 33(SI6), pp. 497-502. (10.1017/S1742170518000200)
- Pitt, H., Jones, M. and Weitkamp, E. 2018. Every city a food growing city? What food growing schools London reveals about city strategies for food system sustainability. Sustainability 10(8), article number: 2924. (10.3390/su10082924)
- Pitt, H. 2018. Muddying the waters: what urban waterways reveal about bluespaces and wellbeing. Geoforum 92, pp. 161-170. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2018.04.014)
- Gray, S., Orme, J., Pitt, H. and Jones, M. 2017. Food for life: evaluation of the impact of the Hospital Food Programme in England using a case study approach. JRSM Open 8(10), pp. 1-9. (10.1177/2054270417712703)
- Pitt, H., Jones, M., Oxford, L., Bray, I., Kimberlee, R. and Orme, J. 2017. Association between Food for Life, a whole setting healthy and sustainable food programme, and primary school children's consumption of fruit and vegetables: a cross-sectional study in England. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14(6), article number: 639. (10.3390/ijerph14060639)
- Gray, S., Jones, M., Means, R., Orme, J., Pitt, H. and Salmon, D. 2017. Inter-sectoral transfer of the Food for Life settings framework in England. Health Promotion International (10.1093/heapro/dax017)
- Pitt, H. 2017. Questioning care cultivated through connecting with more-than-human communities. Social and Cultural Geography 19(2), pp. 253-274. (10.1080/14649365.2016.1275753)
- Pitt, H. and Jones, M. 2016. Scaling up and out as a pathway for food system transitions. Sustainability 8(10), article number: 1025. (10.3390/su8101025)
- Gray, S., Means, R., Orme, J., Pitt, H., Jones, M. and Salmon, D. 2015. Improving hospital food: evaluating the impact of the UK Food for Life partnership. European Journal of Public Health 25(S3), pp. -., article number: 380. (10.1093/eurpub/ckv176.018)
- Pitt, H. 2015. On showing and being shown plants - a guide to methods for more-than-human geography. Area 47(1), pp. 48-55. (10.1111/area.12145)
- Pitt, H. 2014. Book review - community gardening as social action. People, Place and Policy Online 8(2), pp. -., article number: 142. (10.3351/ppp.0008.0002.0006)
- Pitt, H. 2014. Therapeutic experiences of community gardens: putting flow in its place. Health and Place 27, pp. 84-91. (10.1016/j.healthplace.2014.02.006)
- Pitt, H. 2013. Growing together: an ethnography of community gardening as place making. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. eds. 2022. Unfamiliar landscapes: young people and diverse outdoor experiences. London: Palgrave Macmillan Cham. (10.1007/978-3-030-94460-5)
- Pitt, H. 2024. Training in agro-ecological horticulture: Case studies and delivery models. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff University School of Geography and Planning. Available at: https://ourfood1200.wales/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Training-in-Agro-ecological-Horticulture-Case-studies-delivery-models-FINAL.pdf
- Pitt, H. 2022. Horticulture in the UK - Characterising knowledge ecosystems. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/2633208/Results-Report-Skills-Ecosystems-FINAL.pdf
- Pitt, H. 2022. Horticulture in the UK - Resilience to and beyond pandemic. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/2633199/KtoG-Report-Covid-and-Resilience-FINAL.pdf
- Craft, R. and Pitt, H. 2022. Exploring opportunities for farmers in Wales to produce foods for future markets.
- Pitt, H. and Smith, T. 2019. Leicester Young Ecology Adventurers: Evaluation Report 2: Final ,. Cardiff: Cardiff University School and Geography and Planning and Sustainable Places Research Institute.
- Pitt, H. 2019. Working Paper 1: The state of horticulture in the UK. Working paper. Cardiff University. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0017/1470203/Working-Paper-1-FINAL-TEXT.pdf
- Pitt, H. 2019. Working Paper 2: The state of skills for UK horticulture. Working paper. Cardiff University. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/1527847/Working-Paper-2-FINAL.pdf
- Pitt, H. 2019. Working Paper 3: What is the problem with horticultural skills in the UK?. Working paper. Cardiff University. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/1527848/Working-Paper-3-Problem-FINAL.pdf
- Pitt, H. 2019. Working Paper 4: What will solve the problem with horticultural skills in the UK?. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/1527849/Working-Paper-4-Solutions-FINAL.pdf
Blaenoriaethau cyfredol
Arweiniais y prosiect "Knowing to grow: Increasing the reslience of plants centred food production skills". Cefnogwyd yr ymchwil hon gan raglen Sêr Cymru II a ariennir yn rhannol gan Univeristy Caerdydd a Chronfa Datblygu Rhanbarthol Ewrop drwy Lywodraeth Cymru.
Mae gwybodaeth a sgiliau yn hanfodol ar gyfer tyfu a chynhyrchu bwyd; Felly, mae sicrhau eu bod ar gael yn y dyfodol yn hanfodol ar gyfer systemau bwyd-amaeth gwydn. Mae'r prosiect hwn yn ystyried sut i fodloni gofynion gwybodaeth ar gyfer cadwyni cyflenwi bwyd yn y dyfodol, gan ganolbwyntio ar achos cynhyrchu garddwriaethol. Bydd yn defnyddio profiadau rhyngwladol ac arbenigedd rhanddeiliaid i lywio strategaethau i wella diogelwch bwyd yng Nghymru a thu hwnt.
Profiad ymchwil
Arweiniais ymchwil gydweithredol rhwng Ymddiriedolaeth Camlesi ac Afonydd a'r Sefydliad Ymchwil Mannau Cynaliadwy i ddeall y rhesymau pam nad yw pobl yn cael mynediad i'w dyfrffordd leol, a sut y gellid eu hannog i wneud hynny (manylion yma.) Defnyddiodd hyn ddetholiad o astudiaethau achos sy'n canolbwyntio ar wahanol ddyfrffyrdd, gan ddefnyddio technegau cyfranogol i ymgysylltu â chymunedau amrywiol. Mae'r ymchwil yn adeiladu ar waith blaenorol i'r Ymddiriedolaeth archwilio effeithiau cymdeithasol-amgylcheddol dyfrffyrdd mewndirol yng Nghymru a Lloegr, a datblygu fframwaith i fesur y canlyniadau.
Mae fy nghefndir mewn daearyddiaeth ddynol ac anthropoleg gymdeithasol gyda phwyslais ar yr amgylchedd a chynaliadwyedd. Mae gen i ddiddordeb arbennig mewn perthynas rhwng cymuned, lle a chynaliadwyedd. Rwy'n archwilio methodolegau arloesol sy'n galluogi pobl a phobl nad ydynt yn fodau dynol i gymryd rhan lawn mewn ymchwil gymdeithasol, gan ganolbwyntio ar blanhigion.
Prosiectau ymchwil
- Dod o hyd i lwybrau tuag at drawsnewid ffermio traddodiadol mewn ardaloedd ymylol, 2021-22
- Mannau Gwyrdd gwydn, dan arweiniad Ffermydd a Gerddi Cymdeithasol, gyda Dr Angelina Sanderson Bellamy (UWE Bristol), 2021-2021.
- Gwerthusiad o Bŵer Bwyd, gyda Dr Ana Moragues-Faus a Dr Andrew Williams (Prifysgol Caerdydd), 2017-2021.
- Ailfeddwl Mannau Iach, gyda Dr Des Fitzgerald (Prifysgol Caerdydd), Dr Victoria Bates a Dr Lucy Selman (Prifysgol Bryste) a Dr Oli Williams (Prifysgol Caerlŷr), 2017-
- Ymddiriedolaeth Camlesi ac Afon Deall cyfraniad dyfrffyrdd at les cymunedol, 2018-2019.
- Ymddiriedolaeth Camlesi ac Afon Deall rhwystrau a chymhellion i gael mynediad i ddyfrffyrdd, gyda'r Athro Terry Marsden (Prifysgol Caerdydd), 2015-2017
- Anturiaethwyr Ecoleg Ifanc Caerlŷr, partner ymchwil, gyda Dr Thomas Smith (Prifysgol Caerdydd), 2017-2019
- Alliance Homes, Gwerthusiad o Brosiect Tyfu Gyda'n Gilydd, gyda Mat Jones (UWE Bryste), 2015-2017
- Garden Organic – Gwerthusiad o Ysgolion sy'n Tyfu Bwyd Llundain, gyda Mat Jones a Dr Emma Weitkamp (UWE Bryste), 2014-2017
- Gwerthusiad Cam 2 Partneriaeth Bwyd am Oes, gyda'r Athro Judy Orme a Mat Jones (UWE Bryste), 2014-2015
- Adroddiad cwmpasu 21C Penfro ar gyfer Cefnogi Byw Cynaliadwy, 2011-2012
- Canlyniadau'r Gwerthusiad Pŵer Bwyd https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/news/view/2571109-evaluation-report-on-food-power-programme-released
- Dychmygu dyfodol systemau bwyd o fewn Dinas-ranbarth Caerdydd https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/news/view/2472599-online-event-to-discuss-the-future-of-food-systems-within-the-cardiff-city-region
- Tyfwyr cynnyrch ffres yng Nghymru yn teimlo pwysau https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/news/view/2369940-growers-of-fresh-produce-in-wales-feeling-the-pressure-of-covid-19 Covid-19
- Gall offeryn casglu data helpu garddwyr marchnad organig i wneud y mwyaf o broffidioldeb https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/news/view/1718735-data-collection-tool-can-help-organic-market-gardeners-maximise-profitability
- Mae ymchwilwyr GW4 yn teithio o amgylch De-orllewin a Chymru i ofyn: beth yw gofod iach? http://gw4.ac.uk/news/gw4-researchers-tour-south-west-wales-ask-healthy-space/
- Mae teuluoedd Somali yng Nghaerlŷr yn ymgysylltu â dyfrffyrdd, gan gynnwys sylw ar BBC East Midlands http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/news/view/493149-dirty-drowning-dodgy-people
- Erthygl ar ymgysylltiad plant â natur, Y Sgwrs http://theconversation.com/why-getting-children-to-engage-with-nature-isn't-all-its-cracked-up-to-be-55181
- Tiwtor i fyfyrwyr Daearyddiaeth Ddynol ar eu blwyddyn leoliad.
- Arwain ar gyfer ymweliad astudiaeth maes israddedig blwyddyn olaf i Amsterdam.
- Arweinydd modiwl ar gyfer CPT902 Systemau Bwyd Cynaliadwy.
Alongside research in Cardiff University's school of Geography and Planning Hannah taught undergraduate human geography and postgraduate students specialising in sustainability. Prior to taking up post at the Sustainable Places Research Institute Hannah was Research Associate at the Institute of Sustainability, Health and Environment at University of the West of England, Bristol. In between periods of post-graduate study Hannah worked for third sector environmental organisations on volunteer engagement and external affairs. She was the National Trust's Welsh specialist on environment and land use policy for almost five years during which time she liaised with Welsh Government, public and private bodies on issues ranging from farm systems to climate change mitigation.
Education & Qualifications
- PhD Cardiff University School of Geography and Planning, 2014, title "Growing Together: An ethnography of community gardening as place making".
- MSc Sustainability, Planning and Environmental Policy (Distinction), Cardiff University School of Geography and Planning, 2004.
- BSocSc in Social Anthropology (First), Manchester University in 1997.
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
- Selected for GW4 Alliance Crucible programme, 2017 http://gw4.ac.uk/gw4-crucible-healthy-living/
Grants Awarded
- Leicester Young Ecology Adventurers, research partner, Heritage Lottery Fund, 2017-2018.
- Alliance Homes, co-investigator for independent evaluation, Big Lottery Fund, 2015-2017.
- Garden Organic, co-investigator for independent evaluation, Big Lottery Fund, 2014-2016.
- Pembroke 21C, awarded tender for research, Welsh Government Supporting Sustainable Living fund, 2012.
- Graduate College Cardiff University Interdisciplinary Research Initiatives - co-applicant for grants awarded for conference and seminar, 2011 & 2013.
- Cardiff University President’s Research Scholarship - full PhD funding, 2010.
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society with the Institute of British Geographers.
- Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- 2015- present Research Associate, Sustainable Places Research Institute, Cardiff University.
- 2014-2015 Research Associate, Institute for Sustainability, Health and Environment, University of the West of England Bristol.
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
- 2015- present School representative to Cardiff University Research Staff Association (CURSA).
- 2016- present ATHENA Swan Self Assessment team, School of Geography & Planning
External Committees
- 2016- present Trustee, UNA Exchange
- 2010-2013 Wales Advisory Group, Coed Cadw - The Woodland Trust
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn goruchwylio myfyrwyr PhD ar bynciau gan gynnwys:
- gwybodaeth a sgiliau mewn systemau bwyd a chynhyrchu
- Cysylltiadau rhwng pobl a phlanhigion
- Rhyngweithio cymunedol â mannau gwyrdd a glas
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Alice Taherzadeh
Tiwtor Graddedig
Sharon Ball
Myfyriwr ymchwil