Yr Athro Carl Plasa
BA (Oxon); MA, PhD (Southampton)
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Timau a rolau for Carl Plasa
Rwy'n rhan o grwpiau ymchwil Llenyddiaeth Saesneg a Theori Feirniadol a Diwylliannol yr Ysgol.
Fy mhrosiect presennol yw monograff sy'n archwilio gwaddol llenyddol Elizabeth Siddal mewn amrywiaeth o destunau bywgraffyddol, ffuglennol, barddonol a dramatig a gyhoeddwyd ers 1932, y flwyddyn a welodd ymddangosiad The Wife of Rossetti: Her Life and Death, Violet Hunt.
Rwyf wedi ysgrifennu nifer o draethodau ac erthyglau ar Lenyddiaeth Brydeinig, Americanaidd, Caribïaidd ac Affricanaidd-Americanaidd, yn ogystal â phedwar llyfr: Llenyddiaeth, Celf a Chaethwasiaeth: Ekphrastic Visions (Gwasg Prifysgol Caeredin, 2023); Slaves to Sweetness: British and Caribbean Literatures of Sugar (Liverpool University Press, 2009); Charlotte Brontë (Palgrave, 2004); a Gwleidyddiaeth Destunol o Gaethwasiaeth i Ôl-wladychiaeth: Hil ac Adnabod (Macmillan, 2000).
- Plasa, C. 2025. Charlotte Brontë’s mythic figures: Prometheus and Medusa in ‘The Death of Napoleon,’ The Professor and Jane Eyre. In: Wynne, D. and Regis, A. eds. The Edinburgh Companion to the Brontës and the Arts. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 207-220.
- Plasa, C. 2024. Lost and found: Textual and intertextual retrieval in Dante Gabriel Rossetti's exhumation letters and the 'Willowwood' sonnets. Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate 33, pp. 190-225. (10.25623/conn033-plasa-1)
- Plasa, C. 2023. Literature, art and slavery: Ekphrastic visions. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- Plasa, C. 2021. Race and gender: Inkle, Yarico, intertextual revisions and the problem of female vengeance. In: Hudson, N. ed. A Cultural History of Race in the Reformation and Enlightenment., Vol. 4. Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 127-143.
- Plasa, C. 2019. Rewriting conjure: routes of revision in Frederick Douglass, Shirley Graham and Jewell Parker Rhodes. In: Mellis, J. ed. Voodoo, Hoodoo and Conjure in African American Literature: critical essays. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, pp. 31-50.
- Plasa, C. 2018. Towards a bigger picture: transatlantic ekphrasis in William B. Patrick's 'The Slave Ship'. The Wenshan Review of Literature and Culture 11(2), pp. 27-59. (10.30395/WSR.201806_11(2).0003)
- Plasa, C. 2017. 'In another light': new intertexts for David Dabydeen's 'Turner'. Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate 26, pp. 163-203.
- Plasa, C. 2015. Poetry in the archive: reimagining Amistad in Kevin Young's Ardency. In: Metcalf, J. and Spaulding, C. eds. African American Culture and Society after Rodney King: Provocations and Protests, Progression and 'Post-Racialism'. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 83-106., (10.4324/9781315565989-11)
- Plasa, C. 2015. Ekphrastic poetry and the Middle Passage: recent encounters in the Black Atlantic. Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate 24(2), pp. 290-324.
- Plasa, C. 2014. Tim Armstrong, The logic of slavery: debt, technology, and pain in American literature [Book Review]. Review of English Studies 65(269), pp. 377-379. (10.1093/res/hgt099)
- Plasa, C. 2014. Prefigurements and afterlives: Bertha Mason's literary histories. Bronte Studies 39(1), pp. 6-13. (10.1179/1474893213Z.00000000091)
- Plasa, C. 2013. "The object of his craving": loss and compensation in Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon. In: Emig, R. ed. Treasure in Literature and Culture. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, pp. 117-132.
- Plasa, C. 2013. "Mainly story-telling and play-acting": theatricality and the Middle Passage in Barry Unsworth's Sacred Hunger. In: Gohrisch, J. and Grünkemeier, E. eds. Postcolonial Studies Across the Disciplines. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 151-166.
- Plasa, C. 2013. Black skin, blue books: African Americans and Wales, 1845-1945 by Daniel G. Williams (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2012) [Book Review]. New Welsh Review 99, pp. 89-91.
- Plasa, C. 2012. Simon Gikandi. Slavery and the culture of taste [Book Review]. The Review of English Studies 63(261), pp. 705-706. (10.1093/res/hgs009)
- Plasa, C. 2012. "Tangled skeins": Henry Timrod's The Cotton Boll and the slave narratives. Southern Literary Journal 45(1), pp. 1-20. (10.1353/slj.2012.0025)
- Plasa, C. 2012. Doing the slave trade in different voices: poetics and politics in Robert Hayden’s first Middle Passage. African American Review 45(4), pp. 557-573.
- Plasa, C. 2010. Saccharographies. In: Emig, R. and Lindner, O. eds. Commodifying (Post)Colonialism: Othering, Reification, Commodification and the New Literatures and Cultures in English. Cross/cultures Vol. 127. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 41-61.
- Plasa, C. 2009. Slaves to sweetness: British and Caribbean literatures of sugar. Liverpool Studies in International Slavery Vol. 1. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
- Plasa, C. 2009. Imperialism, reform, and the making of Englishness in Jane Eyre [Book Review]. Women's Writing 16(2), pp. 353-355. (10.1080/09699080903016771)
- Plasa, C. 2008. "Conveying away the trash": sweetening slavery in Matthew Lewis’s Journal of a West India Proprietor, Kept During a Residence in the Island of Jamaica. Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net 50(8) (10.7202/018150ar)
- Plasa, C. 2007. "Stained with spots of human blood": sugar, abolition and cannibalism. Atlantic Studies: Literary, Historical and Cultural Perspectives 4(2), pp. 225-243. (10.1080/14788810701510860)
- Plasa, C. 2005. George Eliot's "confectionery business": sugar and slavery in Brother Jacob. LIT: Literature Interpretation Theory 16(3), pp. 285-309. (10.1080/10436920500183878)
- Plasa, C. 2004. Charlotte Brontë. Critical Issues. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Plasa, C. ed. 2001. Jean Rhys: Wide Sargasso Sea. Readers' Guides to Essential Criticism. Icon.
- Plasa, C. ed. 2000. Toni Morrison, Beloved: a reader's guide to essential criticism. Icon Reader's Guides to Essential Criticism. Icon.
- Plasa, C. 2000. Textual politics from slavery to postcolonialism: race and identification. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Plasa, C. 2000. Charlotte Brontë's foreign bodies: slavery and sexuality in The Professor. Journal of Narrative Theory 30(1), pp. 1-28.
- Plasa, C. 1998. "To whom does he address himself?": Reading Wordsworth in Browning's Pauline. In: Day, G. ed. Varieties of Victorianism: The Uses of a Past. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 161-178.
- Plasa, C. 1998. Tennyson revised: influence and doubling in Four Quartets. Symbiosis: A Journal of Anglo-American Literary Relations 2(1), pp. 56-74.
- Plasa, C. 1998. Reading "the geography of hunger" in Tsitsi Dangarembga's Nervous Conditions: from Frantz Fanon to Charlotte Brontë. Journal of Commonwealth Literature 33(1), pp. 35-45. (10.1177/002200949803300104)
- Plasa, C. 1995. Fantasias of war: language, intertextuality and gender in Dulce et Decorum Est. Krieg und Literatur / War and Literature 1, pp. 61-78.
- Plasa, C. 1995. Revision and repression in Keats's Hyperion: "pure creations of the poet's brain". Keats-Shelley Journal 44, pp. 117-146.
- Plasa, C. 1994. "Silent revolt": slavery and the politics of metaphor in Jane Eyre. In: Plasa, C. and Ring, B. J. eds. The Discourse of Slavery: Aphra Behn to Toni Morrison. Routledge, pp. 64-93.
- Plasa, C. and Ring, B. J. 1994. Introduction. In: Plasa, C. and Ring, B. J. eds. The Discourse of Slavery: Aphra Behn to Toni Morrison. Routledge, pp. xiii-xix.
- Plasa, C. and Ring, B. J. eds. 1994. The discourse of slavery: Aphra Behn to Toni Morrison. Routledge.
- Plasa, C. 1993. "Qui est là": race, identity and the politics of fantasy in Wide Sargasso Sea. Gulliver: Deutsch-Englische Jahrbücher, pp. 42-59.
- Plasa, C. 1992. "Cracked from side to side": sexual politics in The Lady of Shalott. Victorian Poetry 30(3/4), pp. 247-264.
- Plasa, C. 1991. Lost in the Post-Miltonic: reading Keats's letters. Prose Studies: History, Theory, Criticism 15(1), pp. 30-48. (10.1080/01440359208586457)
- Plasa, C. 1991. Reading Tennyson in Four Quartets: The example of East Coker. English: The Journal of the English Association 40(168), pp. 239-258. (10.1093/english/40.168.239)
- Plasa, C. 2024. Lost and found: Textual and intertextual retrieval in Dante Gabriel Rossetti's exhumation letters and the 'Willowwood' sonnets. Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate 33, pp. 190-225. (10.25623/conn033-plasa-1)
- Plasa, C. 2018. Towards a bigger picture: transatlantic ekphrasis in William B. Patrick's 'The Slave Ship'. The Wenshan Review of Literature and Culture 11(2), pp. 27-59. (10.30395/WSR.201806_11(2).0003)
- Plasa, C. 2017. 'In another light': new intertexts for David Dabydeen's 'Turner'. Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate 26, pp. 163-203.
- Plasa, C. 2015. Ekphrastic poetry and the Middle Passage: recent encounters in the Black Atlantic. Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate 24(2), pp. 290-324.
- Plasa, C. 2014. Tim Armstrong, The logic of slavery: debt, technology, and pain in American literature [Book Review]. Review of English Studies 65(269), pp. 377-379. (10.1093/res/hgt099)
- Plasa, C. 2014. Prefigurements and afterlives: Bertha Mason's literary histories. Bronte Studies 39(1), pp. 6-13. (10.1179/1474893213Z.00000000091)
- Plasa, C. 2013. Black skin, blue books: African Americans and Wales, 1845-1945 by Daniel G. Williams (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2012) [Book Review]. New Welsh Review 99, pp. 89-91.
- Plasa, C. 2012. Simon Gikandi. Slavery and the culture of taste [Book Review]. The Review of English Studies 63(261), pp. 705-706. (10.1093/res/hgs009)
- Plasa, C. 2012. "Tangled skeins": Henry Timrod's The Cotton Boll and the slave narratives. Southern Literary Journal 45(1), pp. 1-20. (10.1353/slj.2012.0025)
- Plasa, C. 2012. Doing the slave trade in different voices: poetics and politics in Robert Hayden’s first Middle Passage. African American Review 45(4), pp. 557-573.
- Plasa, C. 2009. Imperialism, reform, and the making of Englishness in Jane Eyre [Book Review]. Women's Writing 16(2), pp. 353-355. (10.1080/09699080903016771)
- Plasa, C. 2008. "Conveying away the trash": sweetening slavery in Matthew Lewis’s Journal of a West India Proprietor, Kept During a Residence in the Island of Jamaica. Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net 50(8) (10.7202/018150ar)
- Plasa, C. 2007. "Stained with spots of human blood": sugar, abolition and cannibalism. Atlantic Studies: Literary, Historical and Cultural Perspectives 4(2), pp. 225-243. (10.1080/14788810701510860)
- Plasa, C. 2005. George Eliot's "confectionery business": sugar and slavery in Brother Jacob. LIT: Literature Interpretation Theory 16(3), pp. 285-309. (10.1080/10436920500183878)
- Plasa, C. 2000. Charlotte Brontë's foreign bodies: slavery and sexuality in The Professor. Journal of Narrative Theory 30(1), pp. 1-28.
- Plasa, C. 1998. Tennyson revised: influence and doubling in Four Quartets. Symbiosis: A Journal of Anglo-American Literary Relations 2(1), pp. 56-74.
- Plasa, C. 1998. Reading "the geography of hunger" in Tsitsi Dangarembga's Nervous Conditions: from Frantz Fanon to Charlotte Brontë. Journal of Commonwealth Literature 33(1), pp. 35-45. (10.1177/002200949803300104)
- Plasa, C. 1995. Fantasias of war: language, intertextuality and gender in Dulce et Decorum Est. Krieg und Literatur / War and Literature 1, pp. 61-78.
- Plasa, C. 1995. Revision and repression in Keats's Hyperion: "pure creations of the poet's brain". Keats-Shelley Journal 44, pp. 117-146.
- Plasa, C. 1993. "Qui est là": race, identity and the politics of fantasy in Wide Sargasso Sea. Gulliver: Deutsch-Englische Jahrbücher, pp. 42-59.
- Plasa, C. 1992. "Cracked from side to side": sexual politics in The Lady of Shalott. Victorian Poetry 30(3/4), pp. 247-264.
- Plasa, C. 1991. Lost in the Post-Miltonic: reading Keats's letters. Prose Studies: History, Theory, Criticism 15(1), pp. 30-48. (10.1080/01440359208586457)
- Plasa, C. 1991. Reading Tennyson in Four Quartets: The example of East Coker. English: The Journal of the English Association 40(168), pp. 239-258. (10.1093/english/40.168.239)
Book sections
- Plasa, C. 2025. Charlotte Brontë’s mythic figures: Prometheus and Medusa in ‘The Death of Napoleon,’ The Professor and Jane Eyre. In: Wynne, D. and Regis, A. eds. The Edinburgh Companion to the Brontës and the Arts. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 207-220.
- Plasa, C. 2021. Race and gender: Inkle, Yarico, intertextual revisions and the problem of female vengeance. In: Hudson, N. ed. A Cultural History of Race in the Reformation and Enlightenment., Vol. 4. Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 127-143.
- Plasa, C. 2019. Rewriting conjure: routes of revision in Frederick Douglass, Shirley Graham and Jewell Parker Rhodes. In: Mellis, J. ed. Voodoo, Hoodoo and Conjure in African American Literature: critical essays. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, pp. 31-50.
- Plasa, C. 2015. Poetry in the archive: reimagining Amistad in Kevin Young's Ardency. In: Metcalf, J. and Spaulding, C. eds. African American Culture and Society after Rodney King: Provocations and Protests, Progression and 'Post-Racialism'. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 83-106., (10.4324/9781315565989-11)
- Plasa, C. 2013. "The object of his craving": loss and compensation in Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon. In: Emig, R. ed. Treasure in Literature and Culture. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, pp. 117-132.
- Plasa, C. 2013. "Mainly story-telling and play-acting": theatricality and the Middle Passage in Barry Unsworth's Sacred Hunger. In: Gohrisch, J. and Grünkemeier, E. eds. Postcolonial Studies Across the Disciplines. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 151-166.
- Plasa, C. 2010. Saccharographies. In: Emig, R. and Lindner, O. eds. Commodifying (Post)Colonialism: Othering, Reification, Commodification and the New Literatures and Cultures in English. Cross/cultures Vol. 127. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 41-61.
- Plasa, C. 1998. "To whom does he address himself?": Reading Wordsworth in Browning's Pauline. In: Day, G. ed. Varieties of Victorianism: The Uses of a Past. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 161-178.
- Plasa, C. 1994. "Silent revolt": slavery and the politics of metaphor in Jane Eyre. In: Plasa, C. and Ring, B. J. eds. The Discourse of Slavery: Aphra Behn to Toni Morrison. Routledge, pp. 64-93.
- Plasa, C. and Ring, B. J. 1994. Introduction. In: Plasa, C. and Ring, B. J. eds. The Discourse of Slavery: Aphra Behn to Toni Morrison. Routledge, pp. xiii-xix.
- Plasa, C. 2023. Literature, art and slavery: Ekphrastic visions. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- Plasa, C. 2009. Slaves to sweetness: British and Caribbean literatures of sugar. Liverpool Studies in International Slavery Vol. 1. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
- Plasa, C. 2004. Charlotte Brontë. Critical Issues. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Plasa, C. ed. 2001. Jean Rhys: Wide Sargasso Sea. Readers' Guides to Essential Criticism. Icon.
- Plasa, C. ed. 2000. Toni Morrison, Beloved: a reader's guide to essential criticism. Icon Reader's Guides to Essential Criticism. Icon.
- Plasa, C. 2000. Textual politics from slavery to postcolonialism: race and identification. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Plasa, C. and Ring, B. J. eds. 1994. The discourse of slavery: Aphra Behn to Toni Morrison. Routledge.
- Plasa, C. 2012. "Tangled skeins": Henry Timrod's The Cotton Boll and the slave narratives. Southern Literary Journal 45(1), pp. 1-20. (10.1353/slj.2012.0025)
Fel y nodwyd ar y dudalen 'Trosolwg', rwyf ar hyn o bryd yn ymchwilio i lyfr ar etifeddiaeth lenyddol Elizabeth Siddal (1829-62) ar draws ystod o destunau a ysgrifennwyd ers 1932. Yn ogystal â bod yn arlunydd ac yn fardd yn ei rhinwedd ei hun, roedd Siddal (am gyfnod byr) yn wraig i Dante Gabriel Rossetti ac mae'n adnabyddus fel y model ar gyfer dau o baentiadau enwocaf a pharhaus y Cyn-Raffaelites, Ophelia John Everett Millis (1851-2) a Beata Beatrix Rossetti (1864-70). Roedd ganddi hefyd y gwahaniaeth diymhongar o gael ei datgladdu gan ei gŵr gweddw tua saith mlynedd ar ôl ei marwolaeth o orddos laudanum er mwyn iddo adfer llawysgrif ei gerddi yr oedd wedi eu claddu gyda hi yn Bedd Rhif 5779 Highgate Cemetery. Sut mae bywyd rhyfeddol Sidal a'r ôl-effeithiau hyd yn oed yn fwy rhyfeddol i'w thranc wedi cael eu cofio a'u hailddychmygu yn y testunau bywgraffyddol, ffuglennol a barddonol a gynhyrchwyd dros y cyfnod y mae'r llyfr hwn yn ei gymharu?
Gyda deucanmlwyddiant geni Sidal yn agosáu yn 2029, mae'n debygol y bydd sylw beirniadol, creadigol a chyhoeddus cynyddol yn cael ei gyfeirio tuag at y dialydd cyn-Raffaelite amlochrog hwn a bwriedir i'r monograff hwn fod yn gyfraniad mawr i'r datblygiadau diwylliannol eang hyn.
Diddordebau ymchwil:
- Elizabeth Sidal a'i hôl-fywyd llenyddol
- Cynrychioliadau llenyddol a gweledol o gaethwasiaeth
- Llenyddiaeth Americanaidd Affricanaidd
- Llenyddiaeth Caribïaidd
- Llenyddiaeth Fictoraidd
Mae fy mhortffolio addysgu presennol yn cynnwys darlithoedd blwyddyn gyntaf ar Drawsnewid Gweledigaethau: Testun a Llun, ynghyd â modiwl ail flwyddyn ar lenyddiaeth Affricanaidd-Americanaidd o Frederick Douglass i Toni Morrison a modiwl trydedd flwyddyn ar gynrychioliadau llenyddol o gaethwasiaeth Caribïaidd o'r ddeunawfed i'r unfed ganrif ar hugain. Rwyf hefyd yn dysgu opsiwn MA o'r enw Postcolonial Brontë.
I am currently a Professor of English Literature at Cardiff, having worked previously at the Universities of Manchester and Cork.
My teaching portfolio includes first-year lectures on Literature, Culture, Place and Introduction to the Novel, together with second- and third-year modules on African American Literature and on the literary and visual representation of British Caribbean slavery, respectively.
I also teach an MA option entitled Slavery and Nineteenth-Century Literature. I have supervised the successful completion of some thirteen PhDs to date, across a wide array of topics ranging from the Harlem Renaissance to Richard Wright and from Dickens and empire to Wordsworthian legacies in Victorian poetry.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Byddwn yn croesawu ceisiadau gan fyfyrwyr sy'n gweithio yn unrhyw un o'm prif feysydd ymchwil:
- Cyn-Raphaelitiaeth a'i chymynroddion llenyddol
- Cynrychioliadau llenyddol a gweledol o gaethwasiaeth
- Llenyddiaeth Ekphrastic
- Llenyddiaeth Americanaidd Affricanaidd
- Llenyddiaeth Fictoraidd (yn enwedig Charlotte Brontë ac Alfred, Arglwydd Tennyson)
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n goruchwylio'r myfyrwyr canlynol:
Morgan Lee, sy'n ymchwilio i ysblander yng ngherddi Tennyson, gan gyfeirio'n benodol at fathau o gof llenyddol a diwylliannol:
Joanne Rush (cyd-oruchwyliwr gyda'r Athro Gerard Woodward ym Mhrifysgol Bath Spa): "(Re)adeiladu Paentiadau Hanesyddol: archwiliad o bosibiliadau affeithiol a goblygiadau geiriol portreadau tybiannol mewn ffuglen neo-hanesyddol" (traethawd ymchwil Ysgrifennu Creadigol a ariennir gan AHRC).
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Prosiectau'r gorffennol
Ers 1996, rwyf wedi goruchwylio cwblhau 15 PhD yn llwyddiannus, fel y manylir isod:
2023: Gareth Smith, "Wilde, Wildeblood and the Welfare State: Archwilio Cyfunrywioldeb, Dosbarth a Diwylliant ar Dudalen, Llwyfan a Sgrin ym Mhrydain, 1945-67" (cyd-oruchwylio gyda'r Athro Irene Morra, Prifysgol Toronto)
2016: Caleb Sivyer, "Gwleidyddiaeth Rhyw a'r Gweledol yn Virginia Woolf ac Angela Carter."
2014: Jayne Thomas, "O Allusion to Intertext: Reading Wordsworth in Tennyson, Browning and Hopkins."
Yn 2014, Mohamed Maaloum, "The Loss of the Referent: Identity and Fragmentation in Richard Wright's Fiction."
2013: Phillip Roberts, "Sinema a Rheolaeth."
2013 - Theresa Wray, "A Reappraisal of the Short Stories of Mary Lavin."
2011 - Anthony Austin, "'Y Dychryn Mawr o'n Oes': Darllen Alzheimer's a'r Gothig."
Yn 2009, Renée Chow, "Postcolonial Hauntologies: Creole Identity in Jean Rhys, Patrick Chamoiseau a David Dabydeen."
2008: Jodie Matthews (Cymrawd Ymchwil, Academi Astudiaethau Prydeinig ac Iwerddon ar hyn o bryd, Prifysgol Huddersfield), "Darllen y Sipsiwn Fictoraidd."
2004: Dale Duddridge, "Ein Anderer Schauplatz: Gweledigaethau Theatrig yn Psychoanalysis."
2002 - Sean Buy, "Dickens's Silent Empire."
2001: Adam Woodruff, "Walter Benjamin a Moderniaeth: Tuag at Fardd o Gynrychiolaeth Drefol."
1999: Tiffany Atkinson (Athro Ysgrifennu Creadigol ym Mhrifysgol East Anglia ar hyn o bryd), "The Dissenting Flesh: Corporeality, Representation and Theory."
1998 - Simon Lee-Price, "Hybridedd Hiliol a'r Dadeni Harlem: Hanes, Llenyddiaeth, Theori."
1996: Alan Grossman (Cyfarwyddwr y Ganolfan Ymchwil Trawsddiwylliannol ac Ymarfer y Cyfryngau ar hyn o bryd, Sefydliad Technoleg Dulyn), "'Things Welsh': Identities on the March(es)."
Contact Details
+44 29208 75013
Adeilad John Percival , Ystafell 2.13, Rhodfa Colum, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU
Themâu ymchwil
- Bywyd llenyddol Elizabeth Siddal
- Llenyddiaeth a chaethwasiaeth
- ekphrasis
- Llenyddiaeth Fictoraidd