Yr Athro Caroline Rae
Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres; MA, DPhil (Oxon), Dipl.Mus (Hanover), ARCM
Athro Cerddoriaeth
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rwy'n Athro Cerddoriaeth, pianydd, awdur a darlledwr, a chefais ragoriaeth Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres gan Lywodraeth Ffrainc yn 2018 am fy ngwasanaethau i gerddoriaeth a diwylliant Ffrainc. Er bod fy ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar gerddoriaeth yr ugeinfed ganrif yn Ffrainc o Debussy ymlaen, gan gofleidio ymarfer perfformio yn ogystal ag astudio archifol, Rwyf hefyd yn awdurdod ar ysgrifau cerddorol Alejo Carpentier a rhyngweithiadau ehangach rhwng Ffrainc ac America Ladin. Mae fy ymchwil wedi cael ei ariannu gan yr Academi Brydeinig a'r AHRC ac rwy'n Gyd-gyfarwyddwr CFMR (Ymchwil Cerddoriaeth Ffrangeg Caerdydd). Yn ogystal â fy nghyhoeddiadau helaeth sy'n cynnwys pum llyfr, nifer o benodau ac erthyglau, rwy'n rhoi datganiadau a datganiadau darlithoedd sy'n ymwneud â diddordebau fy ymchwil ac yn cyflwyno'n rheolaidd mewn cynadleddau rhyngwladol. Mae sgyrsiau cyhoeddus diweddar yn cynnwys Proms y BBC, y Royal Festival Hall, Canolfan Barbican, Coleg Cerdd Brenhinol, Tymor Cyngerdd Rhyngwladol Caerdydd yn ogystal â darllediadau ar BBC Radio 3 a Radio 4.
Rwyf hefyd yn mwynhau gweithio gyda cherddorfeydd ac roedd yn Ymgynghorydd Cyfres i ŵyl ryngwladol cerddoriaeth Ffrengig Cerddorfa Philharmonia City of Light: Paris 1900-1950, a enwebwyd ar gyfer gwobr RPS yn 2016. Fel ymgynghorydd rhaglennu i Gerddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y BBC, trefnais eu Gŵyl Darganfod Dutilleux, a gynhaliwyd ym mhresenoldeb y cyfansoddwr, Dutilleux 100, Tymor Safbwyntiau Sacher yn cynnwys gweithiau a gomisiynwyd gan Paul Sacher, a Jolivet Composer Portrait.
Fel pianydd, roeddwn yn ddisgybl i'r Fonesig Fanny Waterman o blentyndod, yn ddiweddarach yn astudio yn Ffrainc gyda Yvonne Loriod-Messiaen, ac yn yr Almaen gyda Karl-Heinz Kämmerling a David Wilde yn yr Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hannover. Rwy'n raddedig o Goleg Somerville, Rhydychen, lle cwblheais fy DPhil dan gyfarwyddyd Robert Sherlaw Johnson y bûm yn cynnal deuawd piano gydag ef am flynyddoedd lawer.
Cyhoeddiadau sydd i ddod:
Claude Debussy d'hier à aujourd'hui (Société Française de Musicologie, 2024)
Stravinsky a Ffrainc: Derbyniad, Rhyngweithio ac Etifeddiaeth (Gwasg Prifysgol Rochester, 2025)
'Boulez and his "Useless" Contemporaries, yn Edward Campbell ed., Pierre Boulez in Context (Gwasg Prifysgol Caergrawnt, 2025)
'Dylanwad Debussy Ers 1945: Disgynyddion Cyfansoddiadol Ffrengig' (gydag Edward Campbell) yn Barbara L. Kelly a David Code eds, Debussy Studies II (Gwasg Prifysgol Caergrawnt, 2025)
'Beirniadaeth Cerddoriaeth Gynnar Carpentier' a 'Chydweithio Cerddorol Cynnar Carpentier', yn Anke Birkenmeier ed., Alejo Carpentier in Context (Gwasg Prifysgol Caergrawnt, 2025)
- Rae, C. 2025. Boulez and his “useless” contemporaries: From polemics to reconciliations. In: Campbell, E. ed. Pierre Boulez in Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Rae, C. 2024. Fanny Waterman. In: Cannadine, D. ed. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press
- Branger, J. et al. eds. 2024. Claude Debussy, d’hier à aujourd’hui. Paris: Société française de musicologie.
- Rae, C. 2024. Marius-François Gaillard and his pianistic contemporaries: Interpretation and style in the 78-rpm recordings of Debussy’s piano works. In: Branger, J. et al. eds. Claude Debussy, d'hier à aujourd'hui. Paris: Société française de musicologie
- de Médicis, F., Rae, C. and Trottier, D. eds. 2024. Stravinsky and France: Reception, interactions and legacy. University of Rochester Press.
- Campbell, E. and Rae, C. 2024. Debussy’s influence since 1945: French compositional descendancies. In: Code, D. and Kelly, B. L. eds. Debussy Studies 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Rae, C. 2024. Echoes of the rite: Jolivet, Ohana and the style incantatoire. In: de Médicis, F., Rae, C. and Trottier, D. eds. Stravinsky and France: Reception, interactions and legacy. Rochester NY: University of Rochester Press
- Rae, C. 2023. Pianism and virtuosity in Messiaen’s Vingt regards sur l’enfant-Jésus. In: Sholl, R. ed. Messiaen in Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 207-220.
- Rae, C. 2023. Revitalising the spiritual: Messiaen and La Jeune France. In: Sholl, R. ed. Messiaen in Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 103-118.
- Rae, C. 2020. Jolivet reassessed. Presented at: Université de Montréal Research Seminar, Université de Montréal [via Zoom], 14 October 2020.
- Rae, C. 2020. Forging identities: Latin Americans in Paris and the musical interactions of Miguel Angel Asturias and Alejo Carpentier. In: Huebner, S. and Lazzaro, F. eds. Artistic Migration and Identity: Paris 1870-1940. Bern, New York, Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 153-166., (10.3726/b14353)
- Branger, J. et al. eds. 2020. Claude Debussy d’hier à aujourd’hui. Paris: Société française de musicologie.
- Rae, C. 2019. Catalysing Latin American identities: Alejo Carpentier’s music criticism as a Cuban case study. In: Dingle, C. ed. The Cambridge History of Music Criticism. The Cambridge History of Music Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 484-501.
- Rae, C. 2019. Mussorgsky and his French compositional descendants. London: Signum Classics, SIGCD-566.
- Rae, C. 2019. Jolivet and the visual arts: Interactions and influences. In: Rae, C. ed. André Jolivet: Music, Art and Literature. Music and Literature Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 107-131.
- Rae, C., Anderson, J. and Potter, C. 2019. The incantatory and the divine: new perspectives on the music of André Jolivet. Presented at: Guildhall School of Music and Drama Research Seminar (ResearchWorks series), Guildhall School of Music and Drama, 18 November 2019.
- Rae, C. 2019. Poulenc at the BBC: composer of the month. BBC Music Magazine Novemb, pp. 66-70.
- Rae, C. 2019. Expressing the incantatory: performing Jolivet's Cinq églogues (1967) for solo viola. Presented at: Public Research Seminar, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, 29 October 2019.
- Rae, C. 2019. Proportioning the divine: Jolivet and the golden section. Presented at: Public Research Seminar, University of Aberdeen, 24 October 2019.
- Rae, C. 2019. Sourcing Jolivet’s compositional aesthetic: Literary influences and his library. In: Rae, C. ed. André Jolivet: Music, Art and Literature. Music and Literature Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 194-213.
- Rae, C. 2019. Introduction: Jolivet in context. In: Rae, C. ed. André Jolivet: Music, Art and Literature. Music and Literature Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1-12.
- Rae, C. 2019. Chronology of Jolivet’s life and works. In: Rae, C. ed. André Jolivet: Music, Art and Literature. Music and Literature Abingdon: Routledge, pp. xxii-xxxix.
- Rae, C. 2018. Marius-François Gaillard’s Debussy: Controversies and pianistic legacy. In: de Médicis, F. and Huebner, S. eds. Debussy's Resonance. Eastman Studies in Music Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, pp. 562-580.
- Rae, C. ed. 2018. André Jolivet: music, art and literature. Music and Literature. London: Routledge. (10.4324/9780429429255)
- Rae, C. 2018. Marius-François Gaillard et ses enregistrements de Debussy: exécution, style et esthétique pianistique. Presented at: Colloque international Claude Debussy, Université de Lorraine, Cité Musicale, Metz, 25-26 September 2018.
- Rae, C. 2018. From a foreign correspondent: the Parisian chronicles of Alejo Carpentier. In: Kelly, B. L. and Moore, C. eds. Music Criticism in France, 1918-1939: Authority, Advocacy, Legacy. Woodbridge: Boydell Press, pp. 193-218., (10.1017/9781787442573.009)
- Rae, C. 2018. Debussy's Violin Sonata. [BBC Radio Podcast]. 1 June 2018.
- Rae, C. 2018. André Jolivet, Antonin Artaud and Alejo Carpentier: Redefining the surreal. Presented at: Surrealism and Music in France 1924-1952: Interdisciplinary and International Contexts, Senate House, London, UK, 8 June 2018.
- Rae, C. 2018. Exploring Debussy’s legacy: Maurice Ohana’s 'Tombeau de Claude Debussy'. Presented at: Claude Debussy in 2018: a Centenary Celebration, Manchester and Glasgow, UK, 19-23 March 2018.
- Rae, C. 2018. Exploring Marius-François Gaillard’s Debussy recordings. Presented at: Debussy Day: Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Debussy's Death, University of Bangor, Wales, UK, 12 March 2018.
- Rae, C. 2018. Marius-François Gaillard and his Debussy recordings [CD Booklet article]. UK: Appian Publications and Recordings, APR 6025.
- Rae, C. 2017. Aspects of colour and timbre in Julian Anderson’s Incantesimi: Exploring French connections. Presented at: Julian Anderson Symposium – Julian Anderson Total Immersion Weekend, Barbican Centre and Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London, 20-21 October 2017.
- Rae, C. 2016. Musical revolutions: The promotion of new music in Machado’s Cuba. Presented at: Music and Nation 1918-1945 – Europe-Americas (II), Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester, UK, 23-24 November 2016.
- Rae, C. 2016. Henri Dutilleux and the power of enchantment. In: BBC Proms 2016: The Official Guide. BBC Proms Guides London: BBC, pp. 54-57.
- Rae, C. 2016. Celebrating the Dutilleux centenary. Presented at: International Dutilleux Symposium, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 28 January 2016.
- Rae, C. 2016. Innovation and invention in Ohana’s Si le jour paraît for 10-string guitar. Presented at: International Guitar Research Conference (IGRC), University of Surrey, 18-23 March 2016.
- Rae, C. 2014. Dr. Caroline Rae discusses the War of the Romantics. [Website (BBC Radio 3)]. BBC iWonder Guide-Brahms: BBC. Available at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0282nxf
- Rae, C. and Potter, C. eds. 2014. City of light: Paris 1900-1950. London: Philharmonia Orchestra, Philharmonia Limited.
- Rae, C. 2014. BBC Symphony Orchestra rehearsal performance of Ravel's Bolero, conducted by Lionel Bringuier, with commentary by Dr Caroline Rae.. [Film video]. London: BBC Radio 3. Available at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01t693d
- Rae, C. and Potter, C. 2014. City of light: the French musical milieu. In: Rae, C. and Potter, C. eds. City of Light: Paris 1900-1950 Festival Programme Book. London: Philharmonia Orchestra, pp. 12-19.
- Rae, C. 2014. The magic of timbre: French orchestral sound. In: Rae, C. and Potter, C. eds. City of Light: Paris 1900-1950 Festival Programme Book. London: Philharmonia Orchestra, pp. 23-26.
- Rae, C. 2013. Messiaen and Ohana: parallel preoccupations or anxiety of influence?. In: Dingle, C. and Fallon, R. eds. Messiaen perspectives 2: Techniques, influence and reception. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 153-174.
- Rae, C. 2013. Messiaen and the romantic gesture: Contemplations on his piano music and pianism. In: Dingle, C. and Fallon, R. eds. Messiaen perspectives 1: Sources and influences. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 235-256.
- Rae, C. 2013. Dutilleux and Lutosławski: Franco-Polish connections. In: Mantzourani, E. ed. Polish Music since 1945. Krakow: Musica Iagellonica, pp. 147-162.
- Rae, C. 2012. Marius-François Gaillard’s Debussy: performances and recordings – controversy and legacy. Presented at: L'héritage de Claude Debussy: du rêve pour les générations futures, Université de Montréal, Canada, 29 February - 3 March 2012.
- Rae, C. 2011. From a foreign correspondent: Alejo Carpentier’s Parisian Chronicles. Presented at: Music Criticism in France in the Interwar Period (1918-1939), University of Ottawa, Canada, 4-6 November 2011.
- Rae, C. 2011. Debussyist, Modernist, Exoticist: Marius-François Gaillard rediscovered. The Musical Times 152(1916), pp. 59-80.
- Rae, C. 2010. Beyond boundaries: Dutilleux's foreign leavening. Contemporary Music Review 29(5), pp. 431-446. (10.1080/07494467.2010.589123)
- Potter, C. and Rae, C. 2010. Dutilleux at 95: Preface. Contemporary Music Review 29(5), pp. 429-430. (10.1080/07494467.2010.589122)
- Rae, C. 2009. Piano music of Africa and the African Diaspora. Ethnomusicology 53(1), pp. 146-151.
- Rae, C. 2008. In Havana and Paris: The musical activities of Alejo Carpentier. Music and Letters 89(3), pp. 373-395. (10.1093/ml/gcn033)
- Rae, C. 2008. The Works of Messiaen's Final Years. In: Sherlaw Johnson, R. and Rae, C. eds. Messiaen. London: Omnibus Press, pp. 196-208.
- Rae, C. 2007. The musical collaborations of Alejo Carpentier: Afrocubanism and the quest for spiritual renewal. Bulletin of Spanish Studies: Hispanic Studies and Researches on Spain, Portugal and Latin America 84(7), pp. 905-929. (10.1080/14753820701560519)
- Rae, C. 2007. Erinnerungen, Träume, Gedanken: Lieder des Zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Programmbuch zum Europäischen Musikfest Stuttgart, pp. 232-239.
- Rae, C. 2007. Alejo Carpentier: music and magic realism. Presented at: Centre for Interdisciplinary Music Research (CIMR), Roehampton University, London, 13 October 2007.
- Rae, C. 2006. Alejo Carpentier and the promotion of new music in Machado's Cuba. Presented at: Royal Musical Association Conference, Nottingham University, July 2006.
- Rae, C. 2006. Jolivet on Jolivet: an interview with the composer’s daughter. Musical Times 147(1894), pp. 5-22.
- Rae, C. 2005. Maurice Ohana: From the Garden of the Hesperides [CD booklet article]. Warner Classics.
- Rae, C. 2005. Alexandre Tansman and his Symphonies [CD booklet article]. Chandos.
- Rae, C. 2004. Myth and mysticism in Jolivet: musical magic realism?. Cahiers rémois de musicologie 2, pp. 139-171.
- Rae, C. 2004. Alejo Carpentier and the magic of music: a Centenary retrospective. Presented at: Alejo Carpentier Centenary Lecture, Taylor Institution, Oxford University, 23 November 2004.
- Rae, C. 2004. Maurice Ohana and the Debussyian descendency: an exploration of the music for piano. [Performed at Lecture-Recital, Elder Conservatorium University of Adelaide, 28 July 2004].
- Rae, C. 2004. André Jolivet: The Erato recordings [CD booklet article]. Warner Classics.
- Rae, C. 2004. Lutoslawski Studies [Book Review]. Music and Letters 85(1), pp. 127-132. (10.1093/ml/85.1.127)
- Rae, C. 2004. Irish Music in the Twentieth Century [Book Review]. Music and Letters 85(4), pp. 666-669. (10.1093/ml/85.4.666)
- Rae, C. 2001. Maurice Ohana's 'Livre des Prodiges', 'Anneau du Tamarit' and 'Synaxis'. Tempo(216), pp. 55-58.
- Rae, C. 2001. Tansman, Alexandre. In: The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 2nd Edition. Grove Music Online Oxford University Press, (10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.article.27479)
- Rae, C. 2001. Ohana, Maurice. In: The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 2nd Edition. Grove Music Online Oxford University Press, (10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.article.20292)
- Rae, C. 2001. Delaistier, Maurice. In: Grove Music Online. Oxford University Press, (10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.article.44410)
- Rae, C. 2001. Constant, Marius. In: The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 2nd Edition. Grove Music Online Oxford University Press, (10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.article.06329)
- Rae, C. 2001. Boutry, Roger. In: The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musician 2nd Edition. Grove Music Online Oxford University Press, (10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.article.03741)
- Rae, C. 2000. Ohana’s 'In Dark and Blue', 'Sorgin-Ngo' and other music for strings. Notes 57(2), pp. 464-468.
- Rae, C. 2000. Henri Dutilleux and Maurice Ohana: victims of an exclusion zone?. Tempo 212(212), pp. 22-30. (10.1017/s0040298200007580)
- Rae, C. 2000. Maurice Ohana’s 'Office des Oracles' and 'Messe' [Music Review]. Tempo(212), pp. 55-57. (10.1017/S0040298200007683)
- Rae, C. 2000. The music of Maurice Ohana. Aldershot: Ashgate.
- Rae, C. 1999. Magic and music - Alejo Carpentier and Maurice Ohana: cross-connections in Twentieth Century French music and the South Americas. In: Barbiche, J. ed. Des Amériques: impressions et expressions. Paris: L'Harmattan
- Rae, C. 1995. The piano music of Maurice Ohana. Revista Musica 6(12), pp. 44-74.
- Rae, C. 1994. La magie musicale de Maurice Ohana. Le Monde de la musique(2), pp. 16-17.
- Rae, C. 1994. Debussy et Ohana: allusions et références. Cahiers Debussy(17-18), pp. 103-120.
- Rae, C. 1994. L'improvisation dans l’oeuvre de Maurice Ohana. Presented at: l'improvisation Musicale En Question: Actes du Colloque International, Rouen, France, 16-18 March 1992 Presented at Dambricourt, J. ed.l'improvisation Musicale En Question: Actes du Colloque International Tenu à l'Université de Rouen les 16, 17 et 18 Mars 1992. Rouen: Université, Centre d'étude et de diffusion des langues artistiques pp. 73-85.
- Rae, C. 1992. Honegger: a centenary reappraisal. The Musical Times 133(1789), pp. 118-121.
- Rae, C. 1992. Ohana, Maurice. In: Morton, B. and Collins, P. eds. Contemporary Composers. St James Press, pp. 703-705.
- Rae, C. 1992. Le symbolisme et l’archétype du mythe européen dans l’oeuvre de Maurice Ohana. 'Musique et Europe' Cahiers du CIREM (Centre international de recherche aesthétique musicale)(24-5), pp. 115-130.
- Rae, C. 1992. La Célestine. In: Sadie, S. ed. The New Grove Dictionary of Opera., Vol. 1. Macmillan, pp. 795.
- Rae, C. 1992. Ohana, Maurice. In: Sadie, S. ed. The New Grove Dictionary of Opera., Vol. 3. Macmillan, pp. 659-600.
- Rae, C. 1991. Maurice Ohana: iconoclast or individualist?. The Musical Times, pp. 69-74.
- Rae, C. 1988. La Célestine: Maurice Ohana's Oper in Paris. Die neue Zeitschrift für Musik 149(10), pp. 35-36.
Adrannau llyfrau
- Rae, C. 2025. Boulez and his “useless” contemporaries: From polemics to reconciliations. In: Campbell, E. ed. Pierre Boulez in Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Rae, C. 2024. Fanny Waterman. In: Cannadine, D. ed. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press
- Rae, C. 2024. Marius-François Gaillard and his pianistic contemporaries: Interpretation and style in the 78-rpm recordings of Debussy’s piano works. In: Branger, J. et al. eds. Claude Debussy, d'hier à aujourd'hui. Paris: Société française de musicologie
- Campbell, E. and Rae, C. 2024. Debussy’s influence since 1945: French compositional descendancies. In: Code, D. and Kelly, B. L. eds. Debussy Studies 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Rae, C. 2024. Echoes of the rite: Jolivet, Ohana and the style incantatoire. In: de Médicis, F., Rae, C. and Trottier, D. eds. Stravinsky and France: Reception, interactions and legacy. Rochester NY: University of Rochester Press
- Rae, C. 2023. Pianism and virtuosity in Messiaen’s Vingt regards sur l’enfant-Jésus. In: Sholl, R. ed. Messiaen in Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 207-220.
- Rae, C. 2023. Revitalising the spiritual: Messiaen and La Jeune France. In: Sholl, R. ed. Messiaen in Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 103-118.
- Rae, C. 2020. Forging identities: Latin Americans in Paris and the musical interactions of Miguel Angel Asturias and Alejo Carpentier. In: Huebner, S. and Lazzaro, F. eds. Artistic Migration and Identity: Paris 1870-1940. Bern, New York, Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 153-166., (10.3726/b14353)
- Rae, C. 2019. Catalysing Latin American identities: Alejo Carpentier’s music criticism as a Cuban case study. In: Dingle, C. ed. The Cambridge History of Music Criticism. The Cambridge History of Music Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 484-501.
- Rae, C. 2019. Jolivet and the visual arts: Interactions and influences. In: Rae, C. ed. André Jolivet: Music, Art and Literature. Music and Literature Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 107-131.
- Rae, C. 2019. Sourcing Jolivet’s compositional aesthetic: Literary influences and his library. In: Rae, C. ed. André Jolivet: Music, Art and Literature. Music and Literature Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 194-213.
- Rae, C. 2019. Introduction: Jolivet in context. In: Rae, C. ed. André Jolivet: Music, Art and Literature. Music and Literature Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1-12.
- Rae, C. 2019. Chronology of Jolivet’s life and works. In: Rae, C. ed. André Jolivet: Music, Art and Literature. Music and Literature Abingdon: Routledge, pp. xxii-xxxix.
- Rae, C. 2018. Marius-François Gaillard’s Debussy: Controversies and pianistic legacy. In: de Médicis, F. and Huebner, S. eds. Debussy's Resonance. Eastman Studies in Music Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, pp. 562-580.
- Rae, C. 2018. From a foreign correspondent: the Parisian chronicles of Alejo Carpentier. In: Kelly, B. L. and Moore, C. eds. Music Criticism in France, 1918-1939: Authority, Advocacy, Legacy. Woodbridge: Boydell Press, pp. 193-218., (10.1017/9781787442573.009)
- Rae, C. 2016. Henri Dutilleux and the power of enchantment. In: BBC Proms 2016: The Official Guide. BBC Proms Guides London: BBC, pp. 54-57.
- Rae, C. and Potter, C. 2014. City of light: the French musical milieu. In: Rae, C. and Potter, C. eds. City of Light: Paris 1900-1950 Festival Programme Book. London: Philharmonia Orchestra, pp. 12-19.
- Rae, C. 2014. The magic of timbre: French orchestral sound. In: Rae, C. and Potter, C. eds. City of Light: Paris 1900-1950 Festival Programme Book. London: Philharmonia Orchestra, pp. 23-26.
- Rae, C. 2013. Messiaen and Ohana: parallel preoccupations or anxiety of influence?. In: Dingle, C. and Fallon, R. eds. Messiaen perspectives 2: Techniques, influence and reception. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 153-174.
- Rae, C. 2013. Messiaen and the romantic gesture: Contemplations on his piano music and pianism. In: Dingle, C. and Fallon, R. eds. Messiaen perspectives 1: Sources and influences. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 235-256.
- Rae, C. 2013. Dutilleux and Lutosławski: Franco-Polish connections. In: Mantzourani, E. ed. Polish Music since 1945. Krakow: Musica Iagellonica, pp. 147-162.
- Rae, C. 2008. The Works of Messiaen's Final Years. In: Sherlaw Johnson, R. and Rae, C. eds. Messiaen. London: Omnibus Press, pp. 196-208.
- Rae, C. 2001. Tansman, Alexandre. In: The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 2nd Edition. Grove Music Online Oxford University Press, (10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.article.27479)
- Rae, C. 2001. Ohana, Maurice. In: The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 2nd Edition. Grove Music Online Oxford University Press, (10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.article.20292)
- Rae, C. 2001. Delaistier, Maurice. In: Grove Music Online. Oxford University Press, (10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.article.44410)
- Rae, C. 2001. Constant, Marius. In: The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 2nd Edition. Grove Music Online Oxford University Press, (10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.article.06329)
- Rae, C. 2001. Boutry, Roger. In: The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musician 2nd Edition. Grove Music Online Oxford University Press, (10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.article.03741)
- Rae, C. 1999. Magic and music - Alejo Carpentier and Maurice Ohana: cross-connections in Twentieth Century French music and the South Americas. In: Barbiche, J. ed. Des Amériques: impressions et expressions. Paris: L'Harmattan
- Rae, C. 1992. Ohana, Maurice. In: Morton, B. and Collins, P. eds. Contemporary Composers. St James Press, pp. 703-705.
- Rae, C. 1992. La Célestine. In: Sadie, S. ed. The New Grove Dictionary of Opera., Vol. 1. Macmillan, pp. 795.
- Rae, C. 1992. Ohana, Maurice. In: Sadie, S. ed. The New Grove Dictionary of Opera., Vol. 3. Macmillan, pp. 659-600.
- Rae, C. 2019. Mussorgsky and his French compositional descendants. London: Signum Classics, SIGCD-566.
- Rae, C. 2018. Marius-François Gaillard and his Debussy recordings [CD Booklet article]. UK: Appian Publications and Recordings, APR 6025.
- Rae, C. 2005. Maurice Ohana: From the Garden of the Hesperides [CD booklet article]. Warner Classics.
- Rae, C. 2005. Alexandre Tansman and his Symphonies [CD booklet article]. Chandos.
- Rae, C. 2004. André Jolivet: The Erato recordings [CD booklet article]. Warner Classics.
- Rae, C. 2020. Jolivet reassessed. Presented at: Université de Montréal Research Seminar, Université de Montréal [via Zoom], 14 October 2020.
- Rae, C., Anderson, J. and Potter, C. 2019. The incantatory and the divine: new perspectives on the music of André Jolivet. Presented at: Guildhall School of Music and Drama Research Seminar (ResearchWorks series), Guildhall School of Music and Drama, 18 November 2019.
- Rae, C. 2019. Expressing the incantatory: performing Jolivet's Cinq églogues (1967) for solo viola. Presented at: Public Research Seminar, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, 29 October 2019.
- Rae, C. 2019. Proportioning the divine: Jolivet and the golden section. Presented at: Public Research Seminar, University of Aberdeen, 24 October 2019.
- Rae, C. 2018. Marius-François Gaillard et ses enregistrements de Debussy: exécution, style et esthétique pianistique. Presented at: Colloque international Claude Debussy, Université de Lorraine, Cité Musicale, Metz, 25-26 September 2018.
- Rae, C. 2018. André Jolivet, Antonin Artaud and Alejo Carpentier: Redefining the surreal. Presented at: Surrealism and Music in France 1924-1952: Interdisciplinary and International Contexts, Senate House, London, UK, 8 June 2018.
- Rae, C. 2018. Exploring Debussy’s legacy: Maurice Ohana’s 'Tombeau de Claude Debussy'. Presented at: Claude Debussy in 2018: a Centenary Celebration, Manchester and Glasgow, UK, 19-23 March 2018.
- Rae, C. 2018. Exploring Marius-François Gaillard’s Debussy recordings. Presented at: Debussy Day: Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Debussy's Death, University of Bangor, Wales, UK, 12 March 2018.
- Rae, C. 2017. Aspects of colour and timbre in Julian Anderson’s Incantesimi: Exploring French connections. Presented at: Julian Anderson Symposium – Julian Anderson Total Immersion Weekend, Barbican Centre and Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London, 20-21 October 2017.
- Rae, C. 2016. Musical revolutions: The promotion of new music in Machado’s Cuba. Presented at: Music and Nation 1918-1945 – Europe-Americas (II), Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester, UK, 23-24 November 2016.
- Rae, C. 2016. Celebrating the Dutilleux centenary. Presented at: International Dutilleux Symposium, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 28 January 2016.
- Rae, C. 2016. Innovation and invention in Ohana’s Si le jour paraît for 10-string guitar. Presented at: International Guitar Research Conference (IGRC), University of Surrey, 18-23 March 2016.
- Rae, C. 2012. Marius-François Gaillard’s Debussy: performances and recordings – controversy and legacy. Presented at: L'héritage de Claude Debussy: du rêve pour les générations futures, Université de Montréal, Canada, 29 February - 3 March 2012.
- Rae, C. 2011. From a foreign correspondent: Alejo Carpentier’s Parisian Chronicles. Presented at: Music Criticism in France in the Interwar Period (1918-1939), University of Ottawa, Canada, 4-6 November 2011.
- Rae, C. 2007. Alejo Carpentier: music and magic realism. Presented at: Centre for Interdisciplinary Music Research (CIMR), Roehampton University, London, 13 October 2007.
- Rae, C. 2006. Alejo Carpentier and the promotion of new music in Machado's Cuba. Presented at: Royal Musical Association Conference, Nottingham University, July 2006.
- Rae, C. 2004. Alejo Carpentier and the magic of music: a Centenary retrospective. Presented at: Alejo Carpentier Centenary Lecture, Taylor Institution, Oxford University, 23 November 2004.
- Rae, C. 1994. L'improvisation dans l’oeuvre de Maurice Ohana. Presented at: l'improvisation Musicale En Question: Actes du Colloque International, Rouen, France, 16-18 March 1992 Presented at Dambricourt, J. ed.l'improvisation Musicale En Question: Actes du Colloque International Tenu à l'Université de Rouen les 16, 17 et 18 Mars 1992. Rouen: Université, Centre d'étude et de diffusion des langues artistiques pp. 73-85.
- Rae, C. 2019. Poulenc at the BBC: composer of the month. BBC Music Magazine Novemb, pp. 66-70.
- Rae, C. 2011. Debussyist, Modernist, Exoticist: Marius-François Gaillard rediscovered. The Musical Times 152(1916), pp. 59-80.
- Rae, C. 2010. Beyond boundaries: Dutilleux's foreign leavening. Contemporary Music Review 29(5), pp. 431-446. (10.1080/07494467.2010.589123)
- Potter, C. and Rae, C. 2010. Dutilleux at 95: Preface. Contemporary Music Review 29(5), pp. 429-430. (10.1080/07494467.2010.589122)
- Rae, C. 2009. Piano music of Africa and the African Diaspora. Ethnomusicology 53(1), pp. 146-151.
- Rae, C. 2008. In Havana and Paris: The musical activities of Alejo Carpentier. Music and Letters 89(3), pp. 373-395. (10.1093/ml/gcn033)
- Rae, C. 2007. The musical collaborations of Alejo Carpentier: Afrocubanism and the quest for spiritual renewal. Bulletin of Spanish Studies: Hispanic Studies and Researches on Spain, Portugal and Latin America 84(7), pp. 905-929. (10.1080/14753820701560519)
- Rae, C. 2007. Erinnerungen, Träume, Gedanken: Lieder des Zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Programmbuch zum Europäischen Musikfest Stuttgart, pp. 232-239.
- Rae, C. 2006. Jolivet on Jolivet: an interview with the composer’s daughter. Musical Times 147(1894), pp. 5-22.
- Rae, C. 2004. Myth and mysticism in Jolivet: musical magic realism?. Cahiers rémois de musicologie 2, pp. 139-171.
- Rae, C. 2004. Lutoslawski Studies [Book Review]. Music and Letters 85(1), pp. 127-132. (10.1093/ml/85.1.127)
- Rae, C. 2004. Irish Music in the Twentieth Century [Book Review]. Music and Letters 85(4), pp. 666-669. (10.1093/ml/85.4.666)
- Rae, C. 2001. Maurice Ohana's 'Livre des Prodiges', 'Anneau du Tamarit' and 'Synaxis'. Tempo(216), pp. 55-58.
- Rae, C. 2000. Ohana’s 'In Dark and Blue', 'Sorgin-Ngo' and other music for strings. Notes 57(2), pp. 464-468.
- Rae, C. 2000. Henri Dutilleux and Maurice Ohana: victims of an exclusion zone?. Tempo 212(212), pp. 22-30. (10.1017/s0040298200007580)
- Rae, C. 2000. Maurice Ohana’s 'Office des Oracles' and 'Messe' [Music Review]. Tempo(212), pp. 55-57. (10.1017/S0040298200007683)
- Rae, C. 1995. The piano music of Maurice Ohana. Revista Musica 6(12), pp. 44-74.
- Rae, C. 1994. La magie musicale de Maurice Ohana. Le Monde de la musique(2), pp. 16-17.
- Rae, C. 1994. Debussy et Ohana: allusions et références. Cahiers Debussy(17-18), pp. 103-120.
- Rae, C. 1992. Honegger: a centenary reappraisal. The Musical Times 133(1789), pp. 118-121.
- Rae, C. 1992. Le symbolisme et l’archétype du mythe européen dans l’oeuvre de Maurice Ohana. 'Musique et Europe' Cahiers du CIREM (Centre international de recherche aesthétique musicale)(24-5), pp. 115-130.
- Rae, C. 1991. Maurice Ohana: iconoclast or individualist?. The Musical Times, pp. 69-74.
- Rae, C. 1988. La Célestine: Maurice Ohana's Oper in Paris. Die neue Zeitschrift für Musik 149(10), pp. 35-36.
- Rae, C. 2014. Dr. Caroline Rae discusses the War of the Romantics. [Website (BBC Radio 3)]. BBC iWonder Guide-Brahms: BBC. Available at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0282nxf
- Rae, C. 2014. BBC Symphony Orchestra rehearsal performance of Ravel's Bolero, conducted by Lionel Bringuier, with commentary by Dr Caroline Rae.. [Film video]. London: BBC Radio 3. Available at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01t693d
- Branger, J. et al. eds. 2024. Claude Debussy, d’hier à aujourd’hui. Paris: Société française de musicologie.
- de Médicis, F., Rae, C. and Trottier, D. eds. 2024. Stravinsky and France: Reception, interactions and legacy. University of Rochester Press.
- Branger, J. et al. eds. 2020. Claude Debussy d’hier à aujourd’hui. Paris: Société française de musicologie.
- Rae, C. ed. 2018. André Jolivet: music, art and literature. Music and Literature. London: Routledge. (10.4324/9780429429255)
- Rae, C. and Potter, C. eds. 2014. City of light: Paris 1900-1950. London: Philharmonia Orchestra, Philharmonia Limited.
- Rae, C. 2000. The music of Maurice Ohana. Aldershot: Ashgate.
- Rae, C. 2004. Maurice Ohana and the Debussyian descendency: an exploration of the music for piano. [Performed at Lecture-Recital, Elder Conservatorium University of Adelaide, 28 July 2004].
- Rae, C. 2018. Debussy's Violin Sonata. [BBC Radio Podcast]. 1 June 2018.
Mae fy ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar gerddoriaeth yr ugeinfed ganrif yn Ffrainc o Debussy ymlaen ac mae'n croesawu astudio yn y dderbynfa a'r archifau yn ogystal ag ymchwil ar sail ymarfer ar faterion pianyddiaeth yn ogystal ag ymarfer perfformiad. Rwyf hefyd yn awdurdod ar ysgrifau cerddorol Alejo Carpentier. Mae prosiectau ymchwil cyfredol yn cynnwys monograffau ar gerddoriaeth André Jolivet a'r Debussy Préludes ar gyfer piano.
Yn 2018, cefais y fraint o Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Letters gan Lywodraeth Ffrainc am fy ngwasanaethau i gerddoriaeth a diwylliant Ffrainc, ac mae fy ymchwil wedi'i ariannu gan yr Academi Brydeinig a'r AHRC.
Mae ei chyhoeddiadau diweddar yn cynnwys André Jolivet: Music, Art and Literature (Routledge, 2019), y llyfr cyntaf ar y cyfansoddwr yn Saesneg yr wyf yn cyfrannu golygydd ar ei gyfer, a'r cyfrolau golygedig Claude Debussy, d'hier à aujourd'hui (SFM, 2024) a Stravinsky and France: Reception, Interactions and Legacy (URP, sydd i ddod yn 2025) ac rwy'n cyfrannu cyd-olygydd ar gyfer y ddau. Yn ogystal, rwyf wedi cyhoeddi penodau diweddar o lyfrau ar Messiaen, Jolivet, Boulez, Dutilleux, ymarfer perfformio yng ngwaith piano Debussy, rhyngweithio Franco-America Ladin, ac Alejo Carpentier.
Rwy'n Gyd-gyfarwyddwr CFMR (Cardiff French Music Research), sy'n cael ei ddarlledu'n rheolaidd ar gyfer y BBC ac yn aml yn bresennol mewn cynadleddau rhyngwladol yn y DU a thramor. Fel pianydd, rwy'n cynnal fy ngweithgareddau fel perfformiwr. Rwyf wedi bod yn ymgynghorydd rhaglennu ar gyfer Cerddorfa Philharmonia a Cherddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y BBC, ac wedi trefnu cynadleddau a symposia rhyngwladol gan gynnwys:
• André Jolivet 2024: Diwrnod Astudiaeth Gyhoeddus yn ôl 50mlynedd (Caerdydd, Tachwedd 2024)
• Dathlu Diwrnod Canmlwyddiant Dutilleux, Astudio Cyhoeddus mewn cydweithrediad â Cherddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y BBC (Caerdydd, Ionawr 2016)
Cynhadledd Ryngwladol Paris 1900-1950 mewn cydweithrediad â'r Institut Français ac RMA (Llundain, Mai 2015)
• Cerddoriaeth a Rhyfel: Diwrnod Archwilio Dinas Golau, mewn cydweithrediad â Cherddorfa'r Philharmonia (Somerset House Llundain, Chwefror 2015)
• Archwilio Pelléas et Mélisande Debussy, Diwrnod Astudio Cyhoeddus mewn cydweithrediad â Cherddorfa Philharmonia, Canolfan Southbank Llundain, Tachwedd 2014)
• Safbwyntiau Sacher: Dulliau Newydd mewn Astudiaeth Ffynhonnell, Cynhadledd Ryngwladol mewn cydweithrediad â Sefydliad Paul Sacher, Cerddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y BBC, Llysgenhadaeth y Swistir ac RMA (Caerdydd, Mawrth 2012)
• Darganfod Cerddoriaeth André Jolivet, Diwrnod Astudio Cyhoeddus mewn cydweithrediad â Cherddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y BBC (Caerdydd, Rhagfyr 2011)
• Darganfod Symposiwm Dutilleux, mewn cydweithrediad â Cherddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y BBC (Caerdydd, Chwefror 2008) – ym mhresenoldeb y cyfansoddwr.
Rwyf wedi bod yn Gyfarwyddwr Astudiaethau UG ac yn Gadeirydd y Bwrdd Arholi UG yn ogystal â Chyfarwyddwr Astudiaethau TAR a Chadeirydd y Bwrdd Arholi MA, a Chyfarwyddwr Addysgu a Dysgu.
Ar lefel israddedig, mae fy addysgu wedi cynnwys modiwlau ar Gerddoriaeth yn Ffrainc ers 1900, Cerddoriaeth a Pianyddiaeth Piano o Liszt i Ligeti, Dadansoddiad Schenkerian, Dadansoddiad Tonal ac Ôl-Tonal, Debussy a Bartók (modiwlau arbenigol), Elfennau Cerddoriaeth Tonal, Harmoni a Gwrthbwynt (gan gynnwys ffiwg), Seminarau Perfformiad ar gyfer datganiadau cyhoeddus yn ogystal ag Astudiaethau Repertoire a hanes cerddoriaeth yr ugeinfed ganrif. Yn ogystal, Rwy'n goruchwylio traethodau hir a phrosiectau dadansoddi ar ystod eang o bynciau.
Ar lefel Meistr, ar hyn o bryd rwy'n arweinydd modiwl ar gyfer y Datganiadau Caeedig a Chyhoeddus ar y llwybr MA Perfformiad yr wyf yn rhoi dosbarthiadau Meistr Perfformiad rheolaidd ar ei gyfer, a hefyd yn groes i'r MA Astudiaethau Cerddoriaeth a llwybrau Cyfansoddi. Rwyf wedi dysgu modiwlau arbenigol ar gerddoriaeth Ffrangeg yr ugeinfed ganrif gan gyfeirio'n benodol at gerddoriaeth piano Debussy a Messiaen, yn ogystal â Dutilleux, Ohana, Boulez a Poulenc, a hefyd wedi dysgu Ymarfer Perfformio, Diwylliannau Perfformio, Organoleg a Thechneg, ac Astudiaethau Repertoire. Rwyf wedi goruchwylio traethodau hir ar ystod eang o bynciau gan gynnwys Clara Schumann, Ail Sonata Piano Boulez, Poulenc, ac agweddau ar gerddoriaeth yng Nghiwba.
Mae Caroline Rae yn Athro Cerddoriaeth ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd ac mae wedi bod yn Ddarlithydd Gwadd ym mhrifysgolion Paris-Sorbonne, Paris 8, Rouen a Köln, ac yn Ysgolhaig Ymweld yng Ngholeg Sant Ioan Rhydychen. Yn arbenigwr mewn cerddoriaeth Ffrengig yr ugeinfed ganrif, fe'i gwnaed yn Chevalier de l'ordre des arts et des lettres gan Lywodraeth Ffrainc am ei gwasanaethau i gerddoriaeth Ffrengig yn 2018. Yn gyd-gyfarwyddwr canolfan Ymchwil Cerddoriaeth Ffrangeg Caerdydd (CFRM), mae wedi cyhoeddi'n helaeth ar gerddoriaeth Ffrangeg o Debussy ymlaen yn ogystal ag ar feirniadaeth gerddorol yr awdur o Giwba, Alejo Carpentier. Yn ogystal â nifer o erthyglau a phenodau llyfrau, mae hi'n awdur The Music of Maurice Ohana (Ashgate, 2000 a 2019), gan gyfrannu golygydd Dutilleux at 95 (Contemporary Music Review, 2010), golygydd cyfrannol y llyfr cyntaf ar Jolivet yn Saesneg, André Jolivet: Music, Art and Literature (Routledge, 2019), gan gyfrannu cyd-olygydd Claude Debussy d'hier à aujourd'hui (SFR in press) a Stravinsky and France: Reception, Interactions and Legacy (URP yn y wasg), ac ar hyn o bryd rwy'n cwblhau monograff ar Jolivet ar gyfer Boydell. Cefnogwyd fy ymchwil gan yr AHRC, yr Academi Brydeinig a Chymrodoriaeth Ymchwil Prifysgol Caerdydd (2018-2019). Rwyf wedi cynnull pedair cynhadledd ryngwladol fawr a gefnogir gan y Gymdeithas Gerddorol Frenhinol mewn cydweithrediad â sefydliadau gan gynnwys Sefydliad Paul Sacher, Institut français, Llysgenhadaeth y Swistir a Cherddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y BBC, a hefyd wedi cyflwyno a gwasanaethu ar bwyllgorau llawer o rai eraill yn y DU a thramor. Yn adolygydd rheolaidd i gyhoeddwyr amrywiol ac awdurdodau dyfarnu grantiau, rwyf wedi bod yn arholwr allanol mewn conservatoire yn ogystal â sectorau prifysgol.
Ymgynghorydd Cyfres i dymor clodwiw City of Light: Paris 1900-1950 Cerddorfa Philharmonia, a enwebwyd ar gyfer gwobr RPS yn 2016, roedd hi'n ymgynghorydd rhaglennu i Gerddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y BBC ar gyfer Gŵyl Darganfod Dutilleux y BBC (2008), Jolivet Composer Portrait (2011), Paul Sacher Perspectives Season (2011-12) a Dutilleux 100 (2016). Mae fy narllediad BBC Radio 3 yn cynnwys Cyfansoddwr yr Wythnos, Adolygu Recordiau ac Adeiladu Llyfrgell yn ogystal â sylwebaethau cyngerdd byw a nodweddion egwyl, gan gynnwys ar gyfer Diwrnod Rhyngwladol y Menywod a Proms y BBC.
Mae Caroline hefyd yn bianydd, ac mae'n parhau i fod yn weithgar fel perfformiwr sy'n rhoi datganiadau a datganiadau darlith yn ymwneud â'i diddordebau ymchwil. Roedd hi'n ddisgybl i'r Fonesig Fanny Waterman o blentyndod, ac yn ddiweddarach bu'n astudio ym Mharis gydag Yvonne Loriod-Messiaen a gyda Karlheinz Kämmerling a David Wilde yn yr Hochschule für Musik und Theater yn Hanover. Cwblhaodd ei DPhil yng Ngholeg Somerville, Rhydychen gyda Robert Sherlaw Johnson, lle bu'n cynnal deuawd piano gyda hi am flynyddoedd lawer yn cynnwys Visions de l'Amen gan Messiaen. Mae hi wedi gwasanaethu ar reithgorau Cystadleuaeth Cerddor Ifanc y BBC yn ogystal â Chystadleuaeth Piano Rhyngwladol Cymru.
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres am wasanaethau i gerddoriaeth a diwylliant Ffrainc (2018).
Ysgolhaig Gwadd Coleg Sant Ioan Rhydychen (2002)
Ysgoloriaeth Llywodraeth Ffrainc (1982-3)
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
Is-lywydd, Royal Musical Association
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
Aelod o'r rheithgor Cystadleuaeth Cerddor Ifanc y BBC
Aelod o reithgor Cystadleuaeth Piano Rhyngwladol Cymru
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Rwy'n croesawu ymholiadau gan ddarpar ymgeiswyr PhD ar bob agwedd ar gerddoriaeth yn Ffrainc o'r ugeinfed ganrif a'r unfed ganrif ar hugain, pianyddiaeth ac ymarfer perfformio, a cherddoriaeth gyngerdd yr ugeinfed ganrif yn America Ladin.
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Prosiectau'r gorffennol
Rwyf wedi goruchwylio llawer o PhDs yn llwyddiannus i'w cwblhau, gan gynnwys:
Ymarferion Perfformiad yng Ngwaith Piano Ravel
Cyfansoddwyr benywaidd Ffrainc y Blynyddoedd Rhyng-Rhyfel
Cerddoriaeth Maurice Duruflé
Joly Braga Santos a'r piano
Cerddoriaeth newydd yng Ngorllewin yr Almaen o'r 1940au
Dulliau Newydd o Gyfansoddi Systematig
Hunaniaeth a gofod barddonol mewn cyfansoddiad gwreiddiol
Cerddoriaeth Maurice Ohana
Harpsicord yr 20fed ganrif