Yr Athro Indrajit Ray
BStat, MStat, MA, PhD (Eco)
Athro Economeg
- RayI1@caerdydd.ac.uk
- +44 29208 74960
- Adeilad Aberconwy, Ystafell E25, Rhodfa Colum, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Ymunais â'r Adran Economeg, Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd fel Athro Economeg ym mis Medi, 2014. Fy maes ymchwil academaidd yw Damcaniaeth Gemau, Economeg Fathemategol ac Economeg Arbrofol. Mae fy CV llawn yma.
Rwyf wedi dysgu yn adrannau Economeg Prifysgol Efrog (y DU), Prifysgol Brown (UDA) a Phrifysgol Birmingham (DU). Cynhaliais swydd Cadeirydd Nodedig Sefydliad Infosys Athro Economeg ym Mhrifysgol Llywyddiaeth, Kolkata (gynt, Coleg Llywyddiaeth, Calcutta) yn India, am ddwy flynedd (Ionawr 2019 - Ionawr 2021). Rwyf hefyd yn Gymrawd Cyswllt, CRETA, Adran Economeg , Prifysgol Warwick, ers mis Medi, 2009. Rwy'n gwasanaethu fel (in) y:
Cadeirydd, Vidyapith
- Forges, F. and Ray, I. 2024. “Subjectivity and correlation in randomized strategies”: Back to the roots. Journal of Mathematical Economics 114, article number: 103044. (10.1016/j.jmateco.2024.103044)
- Gonçalves, R. and Ray, I. 2024. Revenue implications of choosing discrete bid levels in a Japanese–English auction. Review of Economic Design 28(1), pp. 125-150. (10.1007/s10058-023-00337-7)
- Bailey, R. W., Kozlovskaya, M. and Ray, I. 2024. A difficulty in characterising mixed Nash equilibria in a strategic market game. Discussion Paper. CRETA, Department of Economics, University of Warwick.
- Mitra, M., Ray, I. and Roy, S. 2024. A characterisation of trading equilibria in strategic market games. Working paper. CRETA, Department of Economics, University of Warwick.
- Dokka, T., Moulin, H., Ray, I. and SenGupta, S. 2023. Equilibrium design in an n-player quadratic game. Review of Economic Design 27, pp. 419-438. (10.1007/s10058-022-00299-2)
- Ganguly, C. and Ray, I. 2023. Simple mediation in a cheap-talk game. Games 14(3), article number: 47. (10.3390/g14030047)
- Ganguly, C. and Ray, I. 2023. Information revelation and coordination using cheap talk in a game with two-sided private information. International Journal of Game Theory (10.1007/s00182-023-00857-0)
- Georgalos, K., Ray, I. and SenGupta, S. 2020. Nash versus coarse correlation. Experimental Economics 23, pp. 1178-1204. (10.1007/s10683-020-09647-x)
- Cabrales, A., Drouvelis, M., Gurguc, Z. and Ray, I. 2018. Do we need to listen to all stakeholders?: Communicating in a coordination game with private information. Working paper. Cardiff Business School. Available at: http://carbsecon.com/wp/E2018_23.pdf
- Goncalves, R. and Ray, I. 2017. A note on the wallet game with discrete bid levels. Economics Letters 159, pp. 177-179. (10.1016/j.econlet.2017.07.032)
- Moulin, H., Ray, I. and Sen Gupta, S. 2014. Improving Nash by coarse correlation. Journal of Economic Theory 150, pp. 852-865. (10.1016/j.jet.2013.10.008)
- Ray, I. and Snyder, S. 2013. Observable implications of Nash and subgame-perfect behavior in extensive games. Journal of Mathematical Economics 49(6), pp. 471-477. (10.1016/j.jmateco.2013.08.008)
- Bone, J., Droiuvelis, M. and Ray, I. 2013. Coordination in 2 x 2 games by following recommendations from correlated equilibria. Discussion Paper. Birmingham: University of Birmingham.
- Ray, I. and Gupta, S. S. 2012. Coarse correlated equilibria in linear duopoly games. International Journal of Game Theory 42(2), pp. 541-562. (10.1007/s00182-012-0360-8)
- Kar, A., Ray, I. and Serrano, R. 2010. A difficulty in implementing correlated equilibrium distributions. Games and Economic Behavior 69(1), pp. 189-193. (10.1016/j.geb.2008.11.006)
- Ray, I. 2010. Game theory. In: Free, R. C. ed. 21st Century Economics: A Reference Handbook. Sage Publications, pp. 173-184.
- Ray, I. and Ganguly, C. 2010. Unmediated and mediated communication equilibria of Battle of the Sexes with incomplete information. In: Basu, B. et al. eds. Econophysics & Economics of Games, Social Choices and Quantitative Techniques. New Economic Windows Springer, pp. 347-361.
- Ganguly, C. and Ray, I. 2010. Cheap talk: basic models and new developments. In: Dhar, A. ed. Some Contemporary Issues on Development and Growth Economics. Allied Publishers Private Limited, pp. 383-416.
- Ray, I. 2008. Subgame perfection. In: Darity, W. A. J. ed. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2nd Edition. Detroit, MI: Macmillan Reference USA, pp. 193-194.
- Ray, I. 2008. Multiplicity of equilibrium in canonical and non-canonical correlation devices: an example. Arthaniti 7(1-2), pp. 74-84.
- Polemarchakis, H. M. and Ray, I. 2006. Sunspots, correlation and competition. Games and Economic Behavior 56(1), pp. 174-184. (10.1016/j.geb.2005.05.003)
- Ray, I. and Ganguly, C. 2005. Scarcity, conflicts, and cooperation: essays in the political and institutional economics of development. Economic Journal 115(507), pp. F415-F418. (10.1111/j.1468-0297.2005.01043_3.x)
- Ray, I. 2005. Game theory and the environment: old models and new solution concepts. In: Sahu, N. C. and Choudhury, A. K. eds. Dimensions of Environmental and Ecological Economics. Orient Blackswan, pp. 156-167.
- Carvajal, A., Ray, I. and Snyder, S. 2004. Equilibrium behavior in markets and games: testable restrictions and identification. Journal of Mathematical Economics 40(1-2), pp. 1-40. (10.1016/j.jmateco.2003.06.001)
- Ray, I. 2004. Strategic multilateral exchange: general equilibrium with imperfect competition. Economic Journal 114(496), pp. F336-F338. (10.1111/j.1468-0297.2004.00226_3.x)
- Ray, I. and Snyder, S. 2003. On rationalization of Nash and subgame-perfect behavior from observed outcomes. Arthaniti (New Series) 2(1-2), pp. 62-78.
- Ray, I. 2002. Social and economic networks in cooperative game theory. By Slikker (Macro) and van den Nouweland (Anne) [Book Review]. The Economic Journal 112(480), pp. F388-F390. (10.1111/1468-0297.t01-18-00050)
- Ray, I. and Zhou, L. 2001. Game theory via revealed preferences. Games and Economic Behavior 37(2), pp. 415-424. (10.1006/game.2001.0845)
- Ray, I. 2001. On games with identical equilibrium payoffs. Economic Theory 17(1), pp. 223-231. (10.1007/PL00004099)
- Ray, I. 2001. Buying and selling in strategic market games. Economics Letters 71(1), pp. 49-53. (10.1016/S0165-1765(00)00393-1)
- Ray, I. 2000. Consistency, dummy and independence of irrelevant strategies for strategic games. Social Choice and Welfare 17(2), pp. 217-222. (10.1007/s003550050016)
- Ray, I. and De Fraja, G. 1999. Slot allocation: a model of competition between firms when consumers are procedurally rational. Mathematical Social Sciences 38(1), pp. 71-81. (10.1016/S0165-4896(98)00032-8)
- Ray, I. 1998. Correlated equilibrium as a stable standard of behavior. Review of Economic Design 3(3), pp. 257-269. (10.1007/s100580050016)
- Ray, I. 1996. Coalition-proof correlated equilibrium: a definition. Games and Economic Behavior 17(1), pp. 56-79. (10.1006/game.1996.0094)
- Ray, I. 1996. Efficiency in correlated equilibrium. Mathematical Social Sciences 32(3), pp. 157-178. (10.1016/S0165-4896(96)00819-0)
Adrannau llyfrau
- Ray, I. 2010. Game theory. In: Free, R. C. ed. 21st Century Economics: A Reference Handbook. Sage Publications, pp. 173-184.
- Ray, I. and Ganguly, C. 2010. Unmediated and mediated communication equilibria of Battle of the Sexes with incomplete information. In: Basu, B. et al. eds. Econophysics & Economics of Games, Social Choices and Quantitative Techniques. New Economic Windows Springer, pp. 347-361.
- Ganguly, C. and Ray, I. 2010. Cheap talk: basic models and new developments. In: Dhar, A. ed. Some Contemporary Issues on Development and Growth Economics. Allied Publishers Private Limited, pp. 383-416.
- Ray, I. 2008. Subgame perfection. In: Darity, W. A. J. ed. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2nd Edition. Detroit, MI: Macmillan Reference USA, pp. 193-194.
- Ray, I. 2005. Game theory and the environment: old models and new solution concepts. In: Sahu, N. C. and Choudhury, A. K. eds. Dimensions of Environmental and Ecological Economics. Orient Blackswan, pp. 156-167.
- Forges, F. and Ray, I. 2024. “Subjectivity and correlation in randomized strategies”: Back to the roots. Journal of Mathematical Economics 114, article number: 103044. (10.1016/j.jmateco.2024.103044)
- Gonçalves, R. and Ray, I. 2024. Revenue implications of choosing discrete bid levels in a Japanese–English auction. Review of Economic Design 28(1), pp. 125-150. (10.1007/s10058-023-00337-7)
- Dokka, T., Moulin, H., Ray, I. and SenGupta, S. 2023. Equilibrium design in an n-player quadratic game. Review of Economic Design 27, pp. 419-438. (10.1007/s10058-022-00299-2)
- Ganguly, C. and Ray, I. 2023. Simple mediation in a cheap-talk game. Games 14(3), article number: 47. (10.3390/g14030047)
- Ganguly, C. and Ray, I. 2023. Information revelation and coordination using cheap talk in a game with two-sided private information. International Journal of Game Theory (10.1007/s00182-023-00857-0)
- Georgalos, K., Ray, I. and SenGupta, S. 2020. Nash versus coarse correlation. Experimental Economics 23, pp. 1178-1204. (10.1007/s10683-020-09647-x)
- Goncalves, R. and Ray, I. 2017. A note on the wallet game with discrete bid levels. Economics Letters 159, pp. 177-179. (10.1016/j.econlet.2017.07.032)
- Moulin, H., Ray, I. and Sen Gupta, S. 2014. Improving Nash by coarse correlation. Journal of Economic Theory 150, pp. 852-865. (10.1016/j.jet.2013.10.008)
- Ray, I. and Snyder, S. 2013. Observable implications of Nash and subgame-perfect behavior in extensive games. Journal of Mathematical Economics 49(6), pp. 471-477. (10.1016/j.jmateco.2013.08.008)
- Ray, I. and Gupta, S. S. 2012. Coarse correlated equilibria in linear duopoly games. International Journal of Game Theory 42(2), pp. 541-562. (10.1007/s00182-012-0360-8)
- Kar, A., Ray, I. and Serrano, R. 2010. A difficulty in implementing correlated equilibrium distributions. Games and Economic Behavior 69(1), pp. 189-193. (10.1016/j.geb.2008.11.006)
- Ray, I. 2008. Multiplicity of equilibrium in canonical and non-canonical correlation devices: an example. Arthaniti 7(1-2), pp. 74-84.
- Polemarchakis, H. M. and Ray, I. 2006. Sunspots, correlation and competition. Games and Economic Behavior 56(1), pp. 174-184. (10.1016/j.geb.2005.05.003)
- Ray, I. and Ganguly, C. 2005. Scarcity, conflicts, and cooperation: essays in the political and institutional economics of development. Economic Journal 115(507), pp. F415-F418. (10.1111/j.1468-0297.2005.01043_3.x)
- Carvajal, A., Ray, I. and Snyder, S. 2004. Equilibrium behavior in markets and games: testable restrictions and identification. Journal of Mathematical Economics 40(1-2), pp. 1-40. (10.1016/j.jmateco.2003.06.001)
- Ray, I. 2004. Strategic multilateral exchange: general equilibrium with imperfect competition. Economic Journal 114(496), pp. F336-F338. (10.1111/j.1468-0297.2004.00226_3.x)
- Ray, I. and Snyder, S. 2003. On rationalization of Nash and subgame-perfect behavior from observed outcomes. Arthaniti (New Series) 2(1-2), pp. 62-78.
- Ray, I. 2002. Social and economic networks in cooperative game theory. By Slikker (Macro) and van den Nouweland (Anne) [Book Review]. The Economic Journal 112(480), pp. F388-F390. (10.1111/1468-0297.t01-18-00050)
- Ray, I. and Zhou, L. 2001. Game theory via revealed preferences. Games and Economic Behavior 37(2), pp. 415-424. (10.1006/game.2001.0845)
- Ray, I. 2001. On games with identical equilibrium payoffs. Economic Theory 17(1), pp. 223-231. (10.1007/PL00004099)
- Ray, I. 2001. Buying and selling in strategic market games. Economics Letters 71(1), pp. 49-53. (10.1016/S0165-1765(00)00393-1)
- Ray, I. 2000. Consistency, dummy and independence of irrelevant strategies for strategic games. Social Choice and Welfare 17(2), pp. 217-222. (10.1007/s003550050016)
- Ray, I. and De Fraja, G. 1999. Slot allocation: a model of competition between firms when consumers are procedurally rational. Mathematical Social Sciences 38(1), pp. 71-81. (10.1016/S0165-4896(98)00032-8)
- Ray, I. 1998. Correlated equilibrium as a stable standard of behavior. Review of Economic Design 3(3), pp. 257-269. (10.1007/s100580050016)
- Ray, I. 1996. Coalition-proof correlated equilibrium: a definition. Games and Economic Behavior 17(1), pp. 56-79. (10.1006/game.1996.0094)
- Ray, I. 1996. Efficiency in correlated equilibrium. Mathematical Social Sciences 32(3), pp. 157-178. (10.1016/S0165-4896(96)00819-0)
- Bailey, R. W., Kozlovskaya, M. and Ray, I. 2024. A difficulty in characterising mixed Nash equilibria in a strategic market game. Discussion Paper. CRETA, Department of Economics, University of Warwick.
- Mitra, M., Ray, I. and Roy, S. 2024. A characterisation of trading equilibria in strategic market games. Working paper. CRETA, Department of Economics, University of Warwick.
- Cabrales, A., Drouvelis, M., Gurguc, Z. and Ray, I. 2018. Do we need to listen to all stakeholders?: Communicating in a coordination game with private information. Working paper. Cardiff Business School. Available at: http://carbsecon.com/wp/E2018_23.pdf
- Bone, J., Droiuvelis, M. and Ray, I. 2013. Coordination in 2 x 2 games by following recommendations from correlated equilibria. Discussion Paper. Birmingham: University of Birmingham.
Rwy'n gweithio ar wahanol bynciau sy'n ymwneud â gemau strategol; Yn benodol, mae fy ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar gysyniadau damcaniaethol megis cyfryngu, cyfathrebu, rhesymoli a phynciau cymhwysol fel oligopolies, gemau marchnad strategol, arwerthiannau a gemau amgylcheddol. Rwyf hefyd yn cynnal arbrofion i brofi syniadau megis cydberthyniad, mannau haul a siarad rhad. Rwyf wedi derbyn (yn unigol neu aelod o dîm) nifer o grantiau ymchwil gan wahanol gyrff cyllido allanol a mewnol. Mae fy CV llawn yma.
Fy maes addysgu, yn fras, yw Micro-economeg. Yn benodol, rwy'n dysgu cysyniadau a chymwysiadau Theori Gêm; Rwyf hefyd yn addysgu agweddau ar Theori Dewis Cymdeithasol a Theori Ecwilibriwm Cyffredinol. Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n addysgu (rhannau) y modiwlau canlynol yn yr Adran Economeg:
3edd flwyddyn: BS3566: Dadansoddiad Micro-economaidd (gyda Tommaso Reggiani a Ramakanta Patra); Fi yw cydlynydd modiwl y modiwl hwn.
2il flwyddyn: BS2550: Theori Micro-economaidd (gyda Tommaso Reggiani).
2il flwyddyn - MRes: BST174: Economi Wleidyddol Uwch (gyda Joshy Easaw)
Rwyf hefyd yn gydlynydd modiwl ar gyfer y modiwl Gweithdai PhD a Dulliau Ymchwil (BST181).
PhD mewn Economeg (Ailgyfeiriad oddi wrth European Doctoral Program (EDP)) Cydberthynas, Cydlyniadau a Gemau Strategol. |
1996 |
CORE, Louvain-la-Neuve, Gwlad Belg. Myfyriwr PhD Ymweld (1994): LSE (Jan - Mar) a Tel Aviv (Ebrill - Gorffennaf) |
Meistr yn y Celfyddydau mewn Economeg (Ailgyfeiriad oddi wrth Grand Distinction) |
1993 |
Universite Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Gwlad Belg. |
Meistr Ystadegau (Ailgyfeiriad oddi wrth Specialization in Economics) |
1992 |
Sefydliad Ystadegol India, Delhi Newydd, India. |
Baglor mewn Ystadegau (Ailgyfeiriad oddi wrth First Class Honours) |
1990 |
Sefydliad Ystadegol India, Calcutta, India. |
Ucca-Madhyamik (Cyfwerth â Safon Uwch) (Yn safle 17eg yng Ngorllewin Bengal, India) |
1987 |
Coleg Preswyl Ramakrishna, Narendrapur, Gorllewin Bengal, India. |
Madhyamik (sy'n cyfateb i TGAU) (Graddiodd yn 10fed yng Ngorllewin Bengal, India) |
1985 |
Cenhadaeth Ramakrishna Vidyapith, Purulia, Gorllewin Bengal, India. |
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
Prifysgol Llywyddiaeth (Athro'r Cadeirydd Nodedig Sefydliad Infosys, Ionawr 2019 - Ionawr 2021)
CRETA, Prifysgol Warwick (Cymrawd Cyswllt, ers 2009)
Prifysgol Birmingham (Uwch Ddarlithydd 2002 - 2004; Darllenydd 2004 - 2007; Athro 2007 - 2014)
Prifysgol Brown (Athro Cynorthwyol Gwadd 2002)
Prifysgol Efrog (Darlithydd 1996 - 2002)
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Game Theory
Experimental and Behavioural Economics
Themâu ymchwil
- Gêm Theori
- Economeg Arbrofol ac Ymddygiadol