Dr Lisa El Refaie
Ysgol Saesneg, Cyfathrebu ac Athroniaeth
- Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
I am originally from Vienna, where I studied Communication and Journalism and worked for several newspapers and news agencies.
I wrote my PhD thesis at Bradford University on metaphors in newspaper articles about asylum seekers, and then taught at Plymouth University for four years.
I am part of the Centre for Language and Communication Research.
Additional publications
Research monograph
El Refaie, E. (2012) Autobiographical Comics: Life Writing in Pictures. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.
Nominated for the Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards 2013 (Best Scholarly/Academic Work category).
Review by Jan Baetens (2013) in European Comic Art 6(2): 126–152.
Review by Mostafa Abedinifard (2014) in Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 5(4): 477-479.
Refereed journal articles
El Refaie, E. (2015) Scoring a goal or an own-goal against disease? A multilevel framework for describing metaphor coherence in health campaigns. Metaphor and the Social World 5(1): 102-123.
El Refaie, E. (2015) Reconsidering “image metaphor” in the light of Perceptual Simulation Theory.Metaphor and Symbol 30(1): 63-76.
El Refaie, E. (2014) Looking on the dark and bright side: Creative metaphors of depression in two graphic memoirs. Auto/Biography Studies 29(1): 149-174.
El Refaie, E. (2014) Appearances and dis/dys-appearances: A dynamic view of embodiment in Conceptual Metaphor Theory. Metaphor and the Social World 4(1): 109-125.
El Refaie, E. (2014) Heterosemiosis: Mixing sign systems in graphic narrative texts. Semiotica. 202: 21-39.
Hörschelmann, K. and El Refaie, E. (2014) Transnational citizenship, dissent and the political geographies of youth. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 39(3): 444–456.
El Refaie, E. (2013) Cross-modal resonances in creative multimodal metaphors: Breaking out of conceptual prisons. Review of Cognitive Linguistics (special issue Multimodality and Cognitive Linguistics) 11(2): 236–249.
El Refaie, E. (2012) Of men, mice, and monsters: Body images in David Small’s Stitches: A Memoir. The Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 3(1): 55-67.
El Refaie, E. (2011) The pragmatics of humor reception: Young people’s responses to a newspaper cartoon. HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research 24(1): 87-108.
El Refaie, E. (2010) Subjective time in David B’s graphic memoir Epileptic. Studies in Comics 1(2): 281-299.
El Refaie, E. (2010) Visual modality versus authenticity: The example of autobiographical comics. Visual Studies 25(2): 162-174.
El Refaie, E. and Hörschelmann, K. (2010) Young people’s readings of a political cartoon and the concept of multimodal literacy. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 31(2): 195-207.
El Refaie, E. (2009) Multiliteracies: How readers interpret political cartoons. Visual Communication 8(2): 181-205.
El Refaie, E. (2005) ‘Our purebred ethnic compatriots’: Subversive irony in newspaper journalism.Journal of Pragmatics 37(6): 781-797.
El Refaie, E. (2004) Dramatist with a talent for dramatisation: Elfriede Jelinek’s manipulation of the media. German Life and Letters 57(3): 327-341.
El Refaie, E. (2004) Competing discourses about Austria’s Nazi past and racist bomb attacks in the 1990s. Journal of Contemporary European Studies 12(2): 215-230.
El Refaie, E. (2003) Understanding visual metaphor: The example of newspaper cartoons. Visual Communication 2(1): 75-96.
El Refaie, E. (2002) Keeping the truce? Austrian press politics between the July Agreement (1936) and the Anschluss (1938). German History 20(1): 44-66.
El Refaie, E. (2001) Metaphors we discriminate by: Naturalised themes in Austrian newspaper articles about asylum seekers. Journal of Sociolinguistics 5(3): 352-371.
Chapters in books
El Refaie, E. (forthcoming 2016) Analysing metaphors in multimodal texts. In: Semino, E., Koller, V. and Demjén, Z. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Metaphor and Language.
Forceville, C., El Refaie, E. and Meesters, G. (2014) Stylistics and comics. In M. Burke (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Stylistics. London: Routledge: 485-499.
Hörschelmann, K. and Refaie, E. (2014) Youth citizenship beyond consensus: Examining the role of satire and humour for critical engagements in citizenship education. In D. Buckingham, S. Bragg and M.J. Kehily (eds.) Youth Cultures in the Age of Global Media. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan: 225-241.
El Refaie, E. (2013) Transnational Identity as Shape-Shifting: Metaphor and Cultural Resonance in Gene Luen Yang’s American Born Chinese. In S. Denson, C. Meyer, and D. Stein (eds.) Comics at the Crossroads: Transnational Perspectives on Graphic Narratives. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic: 33-47.
El Refaie, E. (2009) Metaphor in political cartoons: Exploring audience responses. In C. Forceville & E. Urios-Aparisi (eds.) Multimodal Metaphor. Berlin and New York: Mouton-de Gruyter: 173-196.
El Refaie, E. (2009) What makes us laugh? Verbo-visual humour in newspaper cartoons. In E. Ventola and J.A. Moya Guijarro (eds.) The World Told and the World Shown: Multisemiotic Issues. London and New York: Palgrave: 75-89.
El Refaie, L. (2006) The Austrian tabloid newspaper Neue Kronen Zeitung and its campaigns against people who ‘foul their own nest’. In J. H. Brinks, S. Rock, E. Timms (eds.) Nationalist Myths and Modern Media: Contested Identities in the Age of Globalization. London: Tauris: 173-186.
El Refaie, E. (2005) Strangers in Schengen Europe: Discursive constructions of refugees in Austrian newspaper texts and images. In J.G Partridge (ed.) Getting into German: Multidisciplinary Linguistic Approaches. Bern: Peter Lang Verlag: 219-243.
Online article
El Refaie, E. (2012) Visual authentication strategies in autobiographical comics. Comics Forum30.11.2012.
- Bliesemann de Guevara, B., El Refaie, E., Furnari, E., Gameiro, S., Julian, R. and Payson, A. 2022. Drawing out experiential conflict knowledge in Myanmar: arts-based methods in qualitative research with conflict-affected communities. Journal of Peacebuilding and Development 17(1), pp. 22-41. (10.1177/15423166211015971)
- El Refaie, E. 2022. Chapter 5. Creative visual metaphors of protracted and frozen time in autobiographical comics about depression. In: Piatta, A., Gordejuela, A. and Alcaraz Carrion, D. eds. Time Representations in the Perspective of Human Creativity., Vol. 75., pp. 101-124., (10.1075/hcp.75.05elr)
- El Refaie, E., Payson, A., Bliesemann de Guevara, B. and Gameiro, S. 2020. Pictorial and spatial metaphor in the drawings of a culturally diverse group of women with fertility problems. Visual Communication 19(2), pp. 257-280. (10.1177/1470357218784622)
- Gameiro, S., El Refaie, E., Bliesemann de Guevara, B. and Payson, A. 2019. Women from diverse minority ethnic or religious backgrounds desire more infertility education and more culturally and personally sensitive fertility care. Human Reproduction 34(9), pp. 1735-1745. (10.1093/humrep/dez156)
- El Refaie, E. 2019. Visual metaphor and embodiment in graphic illness narratives. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Gameiro, S., Bliesemann de Guevara, B., El Refaie, E. and Payson, A. 2018. DrawingOut - an innovative drawing workshop method to support the generation and dissemination of research findings. PLoS ONE 13(9), article number: e0203197. (10.1371/journal.pone.0203197)
- El Refaie, E. 2016. Analysing metaphors in multimodal texts. In: Semino, E. and Demjén, Z. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Metaphor and Language. Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics London: Routledge, pp. 148-162.
- El Refaie, E. 2015. Reconsidering 'image metaphor' in the light of perceptual simulation theory. Metaphor and Symbol 30(1), pp. 63-76. (10.1080/10926488.2014.948799)
- El Refaie, E. 2015. Scoring a goal or an own-goal against disease? A multilevel framework for describing metaphor coherence in health campaigns. Metaphor and the Social World 5(1), pp. 102 -123. (10.1075/msw.5.1.06ref)
- El Refaie, E. 2014. Heterosemiosis: mixing sign systems in graphic narrative texts. Semiotica 2014(202), pp. 21-39. (10.1515/sem-2013-0094)
- Hörschelmann, K. and El Refaie, E. 2014. Transnational citizenship, dissent and the political geographies of youth. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 39(3), pp. 444-456. (10.1111/tran.12033)
- El Refaie, E. 2014. Appearances and dis/dys-appearances: a dynamic view of embodiment in Conceptual Metaphor Theory. Metaphor and the Social World 4(1), pp. 109-125. (10.1075/msw.4.1.08ref)
- Hörschelmann, K. and El Refaie, E. 2014. Youth citizenship beyond consensus: Examining the role of satire and humour for critical engagements in citizenship education. In: Buckingham, D., Bragg, S. and Kehily, M. eds. Youth Cultures in the Age of Global Media. Studies in Childhood and Youth Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 225-241.
- El Refaie, E. 2014. Looking on the dark and bright side: Creative metaphors of depression in two graphic memoirs. a/b: Auto/Biography Studies 29(1), pp. 149-174. (10.1080/08989575.2014.921989)
- Froceville, C., El Refaie, E. and Meesters, G. 2014. Stylistics in comics. In: Burke, M. ed. The Routledge Handbook of Stylistics. Routledge Handbooks in English Language Studies London: Routledge, pp. 485-499.
- El Refaie, E. 2013. Transnational identity as shape-shifting: Metaphor and cultural resonance in Gene Luen Yang's American Born Chinese. In: Denson, S., Meyer, C. and Stein, D. eds. Transnational Perspectives on Graphic Narratives: Comics at the Crossroads. Oxford: Continuum, pp. 33-48.
- El Refaie, E. 2013. Cross-modal resonances in creative multimodal metaphors: Breaking out of conceptual prisons. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 11(2), pp. 236-249. (10.1075/rcl.11.2.02elr)
- El Refaie, E. 2012. Autobiographical comics: Life writing in pictures. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.
- El Refaie, E. 2012. Of men, mice, and monsters: Body images in David Small's 'Stitches: A Memoir'. Journal of Graphic Novels & Comics 3(1), pp. 55-67. (10.1080/21504857.2012.661751)
- El Refaie, E. 2011. The pragmatics of humor reception: Young people’s responses to a newspaper cartoon. HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research 24(1), pp. 87-108. (10.1515/HUMR.2011.005)
- El Refaie, E. and Hörschelmann, K. 2010. Young people's readings of a political cartoon and the concept of multimodal literacy. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 31(2), pp. 195-207. (10.1080/01596301003679719)
- El Refaie, E. 2010. Visual Modality Versus Authenticity: The Example of Autobiographical Comics. Visual Studies 25(2), pp. 162-174. (10.1080/1472586X.2010.502674)
- El Refaie, E. 2010. Subjective Time in David B's Graphic Memoir 'Epileptic'. Studies in Comics 1(2), pp. 281-299. (10.1386/stic.1.2.281_1)
- El Refaie, E. 2009. What makes us laugh? verbo-visual humour in newspaper cartoons. In: Ventola, E. and Guijarro, A. J. M. eds. The World Told and the World Shown: Multisemiotic Issues. London; New York: Palgrave, pp. 75-89.
- El Refaie, E. 2009. Metaphor in political cartoons: exploring audience responses. In: Forceville, C. J. and Urios-Aparisi, E. eds. Multimodal Metaphor. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 173-96.
- El Refaie, E. 2009. Multiliteracies: How readers interpret political cartoons. Visual Communication 8(2), pp. 181-205. (10.1177/1470357209102113)
- El Refaie, E. 2006. The Austrian tabloid newspaper Neue Kronen Zeitung and its campaigns against people who "foul their own nest". In: Brinks, J. H., Timms, E. and Rock, S. eds. Nationalist Myths and Modern Media: Contested Identities in the Age of Globalization: Cultural Identity in the Age of Globalisation. International Library of Political Studies London: I. B. Tauris, pp. 173-186.
- El Refaie, E. 2005. Strangers in Schengen Europe: discursive constructions of refugees in Austrian newspaper texts and images. In: Partridge, J. ed. Getting into German: Multidisciplinary Linguistic Approaches. German Linguistic and Cultural Studies Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 219-243.
- El Refaie, E. 2005. Our purebred ethnic compatriots: Subversive irony in newspaper journalism. Journal of Pragmatics 37(6), pp. 781-797. (10.1016/j.pragma.2004.10.017)
- El Refaie, E. 2004. Competing discourses about Austria's Nazi past and racist bomb attacks in the 1990s. Journal of Contemporary European Studies 12(2), pp. 215-230. (10.1080/1460846042000250909)
- El Refaie, E. 2004. Dramatist with a talent for dramatisation: Elfriede Jelinek's manipulation of the media. German Life and Letters 57(3), pp. 327-341. (10.1111/j.0016-8777.2004.00288.x)
- El Refaie, E. 2003. Understanding visual metaphor: The example of newspaper cartoons. Visual Communication 2(1), pp. 75-95. (10.1177/1470357203002001755)
- El Refaie, E. 2002. Keeping the truce? Austrian press politics between the July Agreement (1936) and the Anschluss (1938). German History 20(1), pp. 44-66. (10.1093/0266355402gh242oa)
- El Refaie, E. 2001. Metaphors we discriminate by: Naturalised themes in Austrian newspaper artices about asylum seekers. Journal of Sociolinguistics 5(3), pp. 352-371. (10.1111/1467-9481.00154)
- Bliesemann de Guevara, B., El Refaie, E., Furnari, E., Gameiro, S., Julian, R. and Payson, A. 2022. Drawing out experiential conflict knowledge in Myanmar: arts-based methods in qualitative research with conflict-affected communities. Journal of Peacebuilding and Development 17(1), pp. 22-41. (10.1177/15423166211015971)
- El Refaie, E., Payson, A., Bliesemann de Guevara, B. and Gameiro, S. 2020. Pictorial and spatial metaphor in the drawings of a culturally diverse group of women with fertility problems. Visual Communication 19(2), pp. 257-280. (10.1177/1470357218784622)
- Gameiro, S., El Refaie, E., Bliesemann de Guevara, B. and Payson, A. 2019. Women from diverse minority ethnic or religious backgrounds desire more infertility education and more culturally and personally sensitive fertility care. Human Reproduction 34(9), pp. 1735-1745. (10.1093/humrep/dez156)
- Gameiro, S., Bliesemann de Guevara, B., El Refaie, E. and Payson, A. 2018. DrawingOut - an innovative drawing workshop method to support the generation and dissemination of research findings. PLoS ONE 13(9), article number: e0203197. (10.1371/journal.pone.0203197)
- El Refaie, E. 2015. Reconsidering 'image metaphor' in the light of perceptual simulation theory. Metaphor and Symbol 30(1), pp. 63-76. (10.1080/10926488.2014.948799)
- El Refaie, E. 2015. Scoring a goal or an own-goal against disease? A multilevel framework for describing metaphor coherence in health campaigns. Metaphor and the Social World 5(1), pp. 102 -123. (10.1075/msw.5.1.06ref)
- El Refaie, E. 2014. Heterosemiosis: mixing sign systems in graphic narrative texts. Semiotica 2014(202), pp. 21-39. (10.1515/sem-2013-0094)
- Hörschelmann, K. and El Refaie, E. 2014. Transnational citizenship, dissent and the political geographies of youth. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 39(3), pp. 444-456. (10.1111/tran.12033)
- El Refaie, E. 2014. Appearances and dis/dys-appearances: a dynamic view of embodiment in Conceptual Metaphor Theory. Metaphor and the Social World 4(1), pp. 109-125. (10.1075/msw.4.1.08ref)
- El Refaie, E. 2014. Looking on the dark and bright side: Creative metaphors of depression in two graphic memoirs. a/b: Auto/Biography Studies 29(1), pp. 149-174. (10.1080/08989575.2014.921989)
- El Refaie, E. 2013. Cross-modal resonances in creative multimodal metaphors: Breaking out of conceptual prisons. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 11(2), pp. 236-249. (10.1075/rcl.11.2.02elr)
- El Refaie, E. 2012. Of men, mice, and monsters: Body images in David Small's 'Stitches: A Memoir'. Journal of Graphic Novels & Comics 3(1), pp. 55-67. (10.1080/21504857.2012.661751)
- El Refaie, E. 2011. The pragmatics of humor reception: Young people’s responses to a newspaper cartoon. HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research 24(1), pp. 87-108. (10.1515/HUMR.2011.005)
- El Refaie, E. and Hörschelmann, K. 2010. Young people's readings of a political cartoon and the concept of multimodal literacy. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 31(2), pp. 195-207. (10.1080/01596301003679719)
- El Refaie, E. 2010. Visual Modality Versus Authenticity: The Example of Autobiographical Comics. Visual Studies 25(2), pp. 162-174. (10.1080/1472586X.2010.502674)
- El Refaie, E. 2010. Subjective Time in David B's Graphic Memoir 'Epileptic'. Studies in Comics 1(2), pp. 281-299. (10.1386/stic.1.2.281_1)
- El Refaie, E. 2009. Multiliteracies: How readers interpret political cartoons. Visual Communication 8(2), pp. 181-205. (10.1177/1470357209102113)
- El Refaie, E. 2005. Our purebred ethnic compatriots: Subversive irony in newspaper journalism. Journal of Pragmatics 37(6), pp. 781-797. (10.1016/j.pragma.2004.10.017)
- El Refaie, E. 2004. Competing discourses about Austria's Nazi past and racist bomb attacks in the 1990s. Journal of Contemporary European Studies 12(2), pp. 215-230. (10.1080/1460846042000250909)
- El Refaie, E. 2004. Dramatist with a talent for dramatisation: Elfriede Jelinek's manipulation of the media. German Life and Letters 57(3), pp. 327-341. (10.1111/j.0016-8777.2004.00288.x)
- El Refaie, E. 2003. Understanding visual metaphor: The example of newspaper cartoons. Visual Communication 2(1), pp. 75-95. (10.1177/1470357203002001755)
- El Refaie, E. 2002. Keeping the truce? Austrian press politics between the July Agreement (1936) and the Anschluss (1938). German History 20(1), pp. 44-66. (10.1093/0266355402gh242oa)
- El Refaie, E. 2001. Metaphors we discriminate by: Naturalised themes in Austrian newspaper artices about asylum seekers. Journal of Sociolinguistics 5(3), pp. 352-371. (10.1111/1467-9481.00154)
Book sections
- El Refaie, E. 2022. Chapter 5. Creative visual metaphors of protracted and frozen time in autobiographical comics about depression. In: Piatta, A., Gordejuela, A. and Alcaraz Carrion, D. eds. Time Representations in the Perspective of Human Creativity., Vol. 75., pp. 101-124., (10.1075/hcp.75.05elr)
- El Refaie, E. 2016. Analysing metaphors in multimodal texts. In: Semino, E. and Demjén, Z. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Metaphor and Language. Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics London: Routledge, pp. 148-162.
- Hörschelmann, K. and El Refaie, E. 2014. Youth citizenship beyond consensus: Examining the role of satire and humour for critical engagements in citizenship education. In: Buckingham, D., Bragg, S. and Kehily, M. eds. Youth Cultures in the Age of Global Media. Studies in Childhood and Youth Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 225-241.
- Froceville, C., El Refaie, E. and Meesters, G. 2014. Stylistics in comics. In: Burke, M. ed. The Routledge Handbook of Stylistics. Routledge Handbooks in English Language Studies London: Routledge, pp. 485-499.
- El Refaie, E. 2013. Transnational identity as shape-shifting: Metaphor and cultural resonance in Gene Luen Yang's American Born Chinese. In: Denson, S., Meyer, C. and Stein, D. eds. Transnational Perspectives on Graphic Narratives: Comics at the Crossroads. Oxford: Continuum, pp. 33-48.
- El Refaie, E. 2009. What makes us laugh? verbo-visual humour in newspaper cartoons. In: Ventola, E. and Guijarro, A. J. M. eds. The World Told and the World Shown: Multisemiotic Issues. London; New York: Palgrave, pp. 75-89.
- El Refaie, E. 2009. Metaphor in political cartoons: exploring audience responses. In: Forceville, C. J. and Urios-Aparisi, E. eds. Multimodal Metaphor. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 173-96.
- El Refaie, E. 2006. The Austrian tabloid newspaper Neue Kronen Zeitung and its campaigns against people who "foul their own nest". In: Brinks, J. H., Timms, E. and Rock, S. eds. Nationalist Myths and Modern Media: Contested Identities in the Age of Globalization: Cultural Identity in the Age of Globalisation. International Library of Political Studies London: I. B. Tauris, pp. 173-186.
- El Refaie, E. 2005. Strangers in Schengen Europe: discursive constructions of refugees in Austrian newspaper texts and images. In: Partridge, J. ed. Getting into German: Multidisciplinary Linguistic Approaches. German Linguistic and Cultural Studies Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 219-243.
- El Refaie, E. 2019. Visual metaphor and embodiment in graphic illness narratives. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- El Refaie, E. 2012. Autobiographical comics: Life writing in pictures. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.
From 2005-2007, I was working on a British Academy funded research project that explored young British people's interpretations of newspaper cartoons, Editorial Cartoons and Geopolitical Perceptions. It was conducted in collaboration with the Human Geographer Kathrin Hörschelmann from Durham University.
More recently, I have been researching the multimodal narrative forms and functions of so-called '˜graphic narratives'™ (serious book-length comics for adults). This work culminated in the publication of a research monograph, Autobiographical Comics: Life Writing in Pictures, University Press of Mississippi.
My current research focuses on the use of comics for educational purposes (including health care), and, more broadly, on visual/multimodal forms of strategic communication.
Postgraduate students
I am interested in supervising doctoral research in the field of visual and multimodal analysis and, more broadly, media discourse analysis. I am currently supervising a PhD student who is analysing the media orchestration of charitable giving, and have previously (co-)supervised work on the semiotics of sound in film, private and public commemorations of war, and the framing of risk in relation to climate change in British television news.
Research interests
My main research interests are in visual and multimodal communication, with a particular focus on autobiographical comics (or 'graphic memoirs'), newspaper cartoons, and the use of visual storytelling in health campaigns. Much of my work has explored the differences between verbal and visual/multimodal forms of metaphor.
For the past three years I have been working on a project with Whizzkids United, an international NGO based in South Africa, using comics drawing workshops to encourage teenagers to express their thoughts and feelings about HIV and Ebola, and to share important health messages with their peers. The resulting booklets can be viewed in our Whizzkids archive.
I am currently teaching Introduction to Human Communication (SE1107), Visual Communication (SE1373), and an MA module in Multimodality (SET010).
Ymunais â Phrifysgol Caerdydd yn 2005. Cyn hynny, gweithiais fel Darlithydd Almaeneg ym Mhrifysgol Plymouth.
Fe wnes i fy PhD ('Flooding Fortress Europe': Metaphor and Visual Rhetoric in Austrian Newspaper Distalks about Asylum Seekers) ym Mhrifysgol Bradford, a chyn hynny cwblheais TAR mewn addysg uwchradd ac MEd mewn Addysg a'r Cyfryngau.
Rwy'n wreiddiol o Fienna, lle astudiais y Cyfryngau a Newyddiaduraeth, a gweithio i sawl papur newydd ac asiantaeth newyddion. Ysbrydolodd hyn rai o fy mhrosiectau ymchwil cynharaf, gan gynnwys ar wleidyddiaeth gwasg Awstria yn y cyfnod rhwng y rhyfel (1936-1938), cynrychioliadau cyfryngau o'r dramodydd cyfoes dadleuol o Awstria, Elfriede Jelinek, a throsiadau llafar a gweledol (ar gyfer fy PhD) mewn adroddiadau wasg Awstriaidd am geiswyr lloches.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:
- Alternative comics and graphic novels (including part-creative projects)
- Visual and multimodal metaphor
- Political cartoons
- Visual and multimodal communication in any context/medium/genre
I am currently supervising three PhD students:
- Supervisor (100%) for Sabrina Toumi - Political Cartoons of Mass Protest in North Africa
- Co-Supervisor (50%) for Lauren O'Hagan - Class, Culture and Conflict in the Edwardian Book Inscription: A Multimodal Ethnohistoric Approach
Contact Details
+44 29208 76338
Adeilad John Percival , Ystafell 3.61, Rhodfa Colum, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU