Rwy'n Uwch-ddarlithydd yng Nghaerdydd, ar ôl ymuno ag Ysgol y Gyfraith fel darlithydd yn 1995. Roedd hyn yn dilyn cyfnod fel Cynorthwy-ydd Ymchwil yn nhîm y Cwmni a'r Gyfraith Fasnachol yng Nghomisiwn y Gyfraith Cymru a Lloegr, lle bûm yn gweithio ar y Papur Ymgynghori ar Atebion Cyfranddalwyr. Symudais i mewn i ymchwil gyfreithiol ar ôl cymhwyso gyntaf fel cyfreithiwr yn Linklaters & Paines, Llundain.
Sefydlais fodiwl Gwahaniaethu a'r Gyfraith ar y rhaglen radd LLB, gan adlewyrchu fy niddordeb ymchwil yn rheoleiddio gwahaniaethu yn gyfreithiol yn y gweithle. Wrth gynnal fy ngwaith ar gydraddoldeb mewn cyflogaeth, rwyf wedi ymestyn fy ffocws ymchwil tuag at effaith y fframwaith cyfreithiol cydraddoldeb mewn lleoliadau addysgol. Mae fy mhrosiect presennol yn ymchwilio i brofiadau mewn ysgolion yng Nghymru mewn perthynas â Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010, Yn seiliedig ar gyfweliadau gyda phenaethiaid ac uwch aelodau eraill o dimau arwain ysgolion. Mae'r ymchwil yn tynnu ar brofiad y cyfwelwyr o faterion cydraddoldeb yn gyffredinol, cyn canolbwyntio ar eu profiad o ddrafftio Cynlluniau Cydraddoldeb Strategol ac ymateb i anghenion myfyrwyr sy'n anabl.
Rwy'n parhau i ddysgu Gwahaniaethu a'r Gyfraith, ochr yn ochr â Chyflogaeth a Chyfraith Contract, ac rwy'n goruchwylio traethodau hir ar y rhaglenni LLB a LLM.
- Cahill-O'Callaghan, R. and Roberts, P. 2023. Hearing the voice of the woman judge: Diversity, equality, and participation. Dickinson Law Review 127(3), article number: 735.
- Roberts, P. 2021. The equalisation of the state pension age in United Kingdom: indirect sex discrimination?. International Journal of Discrimination and the Law 21(2), pp. 157-167. (10.1177/13582291211011432)
- Roberts, P. and Hou, E. 2016. The best education money can buy? Disabled university students and the Equality Act. International Journal of Discrimination and the Law 16(2-3), pp. 143-160. (10.1177/1358229116655651)
- Roberts, P. I. 2013. School Exclusion in England and Wales and the Equality Act 2010: the challenge of disability-related behaviour.
- Roberts, P. I. 2012. Carers and employment opportunities: a flexible friend holding out for an equality hero. Contemporary Issues in Law 11(1), pp. 19-36.
- Roberts, P. I. 2010. Religion and discrimination: balancing interests within the anti-discrimination framework. In: Doe, C. N. and Sandberg, R. eds. Law and Religion: New Horizons. Law and Religion Studies Vol. 7. Leuven: Peeters Publishers, pp. 71-94.
- Roberts, P. I. 2009. Caring for the disabled? New boundaries in disability discrimination. Modern Law Review 72(4), pp. 635-647. (10.1111/j.1468-2230.2009.00761.x)
- Roberts, P. I. 2007. From Monitoring to Mainstreaming; Changing Workplace Culture Through the Positive Duty to Promote Race Equality. Contemporary Issues in Law 8(1), pp. 1-17.
- Roberts, P. I. 2003. Race discrimination and human rights: a positive duty to promote equality. Presented at: Current legal issues in the Czech Republic and the United Kingdom, 2002 Presented at Priban, J., Young, J. R. and Kerner, A. eds.Current Legal Issues in the Czech Republic and the United Kingdom. Prague: Univerzita Karlova pp. 62-71.
- Roberts, P. I. 2003. Macdonald v. Advocate General for Scotland, Pearce v. Governing Body of Mayfield School [2003] UKHL 34. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 25(4), pp. 383-390. (10.1080/0141803032000168382)
- Priban, J. and Roberts, P. I. 2003. The central European systems of justice in transition: introductory remarks. In: Priban, J., Roberts, P. I. and Young, J. Y. eds. Systems of Justice in Transition: Central European Experiences Since 1989. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 1-10.
- Priban, J., Roberts, P. I. and Young, J. R. eds. 2003. Systems of justice in transition: Central European experiences since 1989. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing.
- Field, S. A. and Roberts, P. I. 2002. Racism and police investigations: individual redress, public interests and collective change after the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000. Legal Studies 22(4), pp. 493-526. (10.1111/j.1748-121X.2002.tb00666.x)
- Roberts, P. I. 2001. Employers' liability for sexual and racial harassment: developing the reasonably practicable steps defence. Industrial Law Journal 30(4), pp. 388-395. (10.1093/ilj/30.4.388)
- Poole, J. and Roberts, P. i. 1999. Shareholder remedies - corporate wrongs and the derivative action. Journal of Business Law(March), pp. 99-125.
- Roberts, P. I. and Poole, J. 1999. Shareholder remedies - efficient litigation and the unfair prejudice remedy. Journal of Business Law(Jan), pp. 38-58.
- Roberts, P. I. and Vickers, L. 1998. Harassment at work as discrimination: the current debate in England and Wales. International Journal of Discrimination and the Law 3(2), pp. 91-114. (10.1177/135822919800300202)
- Roberts, P. I. 1997. Reconciling work and home life - parental leave. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 19(1), pp. 87-93. (10.1080/09649069708410202)
Adrannau llyfrau
- Roberts, P. I. 2010. Religion and discrimination: balancing interests within the anti-discrimination framework. In: Doe, C. N. and Sandberg, R. eds. Law and Religion: New Horizons. Law and Religion Studies Vol. 7. Leuven: Peeters Publishers, pp. 71-94.
- Priban, J. and Roberts, P. I. 2003. The central European systems of justice in transition: introductory remarks. In: Priban, J., Roberts, P. I. and Young, J. Y. eds. Systems of Justice in Transition: Central European Experiences Since 1989. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 1-10.
- Roberts, P. I. 2003. Race discrimination and human rights: a positive duty to promote equality. Presented at: Current legal issues in the Czech Republic and the United Kingdom, 2002 Presented at Priban, J., Young, J. R. and Kerner, A. eds.Current Legal Issues in the Czech Republic and the United Kingdom. Prague: Univerzita Karlova pp. 62-71.
- Cahill-O'Callaghan, R. and Roberts, P. 2023. Hearing the voice of the woman judge: Diversity, equality, and participation. Dickinson Law Review 127(3), article number: 735.
- Roberts, P. 2021. The equalisation of the state pension age in United Kingdom: indirect sex discrimination?. International Journal of Discrimination and the Law 21(2), pp. 157-167. (10.1177/13582291211011432)
- Roberts, P. and Hou, E. 2016. The best education money can buy? Disabled university students and the Equality Act. International Journal of Discrimination and the Law 16(2-3), pp. 143-160. (10.1177/1358229116655651)
- Roberts, P. I. 2013. School Exclusion in England and Wales and the Equality Act 2010: the challenge of disability-related behaviour.
- Roberts, P. I. 2012. Carers and employment opportunities: a flexible friend holding out for an equality hero. Contemporary Issues in Law 11(1), pp. 19-36.
- Roberts, P. I. 2009. Caring for the disabled? New boundaries in disability discrimination. Modern Law Review 72(4), pp. 635-647. (10.1111/j.1468-2230.2009.00761.x)
- Roberts, P. I. 2007. From Monitoring to Mainstreaming; Changing Workplace Culture Through the Positive Duty to Promote Race Equality. Contemporary Issues in Law 8(1), pp. 1-17.
- Roberts, P. I. 2003. Macdonald v. Advocate General for Scotland, Pearce v. Governing Body of Mayfield School [2003] UKHL 34. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 25(4), pp. 383-390. (10.1080/0141803032000168382)
- Field, S. A. and Roberts, P. I. 2002. Racism and police investigations: individual redress, public interests and collective change after the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000. Legal Studies 22(4), pp. 493-526. (10.1111/j.1748-121X.2002.tb00666.x)
- Roberts, P. I. 2001. Employers' liability for sexual and racial harassment: developing the reasonably practicable steps defence. Industrial Law Journal 30(4), pp. 388-395. (10.1093/ilj/30.4.388)
- Poole, J. and Roberts, P. i. 1999. Shareholder remedies - corporate wrongs and the derivative action. Journal of Business Law(March), pp. 99-125.
- Roberts, P. I. and Poole, J. 1999. Shareholder remedies - efficient litigation and the unfair prejudice remedy. Journal of Business Law(Jan), pp. 38-58.
- Roberts, P. I. and Vickers, L. 1998. Harassment at work as discrimination: the current debate in England and Wales. International Journal of Discrimination and the Law 3(2), pp. 91-114. (10.1177/135822919800300202)
- Roberts, P. I. 1997. Reconciling work and home life - parental leave. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 19(1), pp. 87-93. (10.1080/09649069708410202)
- Priban, J., Roberts, P. I. and Young, J. R. eds. 2003. Systems of justice in transition: Central European experiences since 1989. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing.
- Roberts, P. I. 2012. Carers and employment opportunities: a flexible friend holding out for an equality hero. Contemporary Issues in Law 11(1), pp. 19-36.
The underlying theme of my recent research is disability discrimination, both in the workplace and in education. I am currently completing an analysis of employment tribunal decisions in which the tribunal was required to adjudicate in claims of both unfair dismissal and disability discrimination. This work assesses how adjudicators apply the various standards of review in these types of cases, and whether there is evidence of confusion and/or inconsistency in the adjudication of these claims.
During a recent period of university study leave I commenced a project to identify some of the current equality challenges faced by schools in Wales. This involved interviewing senior leaders in a range of schools. The interviews were designed with a two-fold purpose: first, to identify potential general equality issues arising in schools today; secondly, to assess the challenges in relation to two specific aspects of the Equality Act 2010, namely disability and the public sector equality duty.
Ar lefel israddedig, rwy'n arweinydd cyd-fodiwl, yn ddarlithydd ac yn diwtor ar Wahaniaethu a'r Gyfraith.
Rwyf hefyd yn addysgu ar Gyfraith Contract, modiwl israddedig blwyddyn gyntaf.
Rwy'n aml yn goruchwylio traethodau hir israddedig yn y flwyddyn olaf, yn ogystal â thraethodau hir ar y rhaglen radd LLM.
Rwyf hefyd wedi dysgu Cyfraith Cyflogaeth a Chyfraith Cwmnïau.
Visiting lecturerships:
University of Innsbruck, 2009.
Charles University, Prague, 2003.
Université de Picardie, Jules Verne, Amiens, 2003.
Konstanz University, 2003.
Industrial Law Society, Employment Lawyers Association, SLS
Research Assistant - Company and Commercial Team, Law Commission, London, 1995.
Trainee Solicitor and Assistant Solicitor, Linklaters & Paines, London, 1990-1993.
Assistant editor of Legal Studies, the Journal of the Society of Legal Scholars (editors Celia Wells and Derek Morgan), 1999-2001.
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Cymdeithas yr Ysgolheigion Cyfreithiol
- Cymdeithas Cyfreithwyr Cyflogaeth
- Rhwydwaith Ysgolheigion y Gyfraith a Chrefydd
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
2015 - present: Senior Lecturer, Cardiff University
1995-2015: Lecturer, Cardiff University
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
- Trustee, ategi (2015-2022)
- Aelod o Weithgor Cymdeithas Cyfreithwyr Cyflogaeth ar ymgynghoriad y Llywodraeth: 'Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010: ymgynghoriad ar atebolrwydd cyflogwyr am aflonyddu ar weithwyr gan drydydd partïon' (2012)
- Golygydd Cynorthwyol, Astudiaethau Cyfreithiol (1999-2001; golygyddion Celia Wells a Derek Morgan)
- Adolygydd cyfnodolion, Astudiaethau Cyfreithiol a Journal of Law and Society.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:
- Equality law and education
- The legal response to disability discrimination in the workplace
Contact Details
+44 29208 75108
Adeilad y Gyfraith, Ystafell 1.08, Rhodfa'r Amgueddfa, Caerdydd, CF10 3AX